The New Era, 1882-03-23, Page 3Main r m4king,the',ohange from, correctness, of his if the Grand TrU4, 4irlric*4 coa 1' at. Toronto d. other SwimT the fbgmoof he op oppit 9; against those of abrador an �Wegt. had poi� bo, f b -d' Ad' BiI(w the views NO01. ft, An vantage, of 01.5 par ten over o 'tbi 'Nov's Scotia . I., If"'Aa the Minister of u said the adbjecit would be JL X f, Senators., and Beui6 this passage of tiouthpap paqpI6_,4oUId , have, 1,04e t6 tb(i Coa fin a ffeth�od, 01MLuk1ug'A*uy *11
in that Chamber, He, had Also, States;, Mid Mr. Mouages uy , Ar brou'ght',to the ntion of th eI would in CA to the Railways iiid, the United States coal e, Minister of tin Obnoxious ludividulti 'there o,'Wuers Trd the -duty, and heeople - o If gland Ravenue. Atobeson'flKabsas)' dehpat�qb says JA To Enade': the of, Striking out the: An- er, t' 'Oritirld "g6i.their c6al cheaper Bla 1bil that a series for a women, to 'MaITY h' Ben grei4�iI.immtgra ion In, il
I 31r ke said he obseiV RecentlyWalter Sagnolers, a popular y9
deceased, husband 8 other, vhich.cPaiig6 the Northwest had' the hone leader of the ac the'duty could be of, no advantage f reaolutioroa-pit the _iiabjeoi of 'Provincial man nthis city, Went -,to Kansas Ung 0TTA'wA Maich �k--Thi& h can . passed . byth, Last Mond city to I1 71 �, Sp9aker t6oli ad been'adk6d for bv'*6 .boh.mennbok' Opposition * takbu 6' diftor&i course and to X Scotia. Why not. make it 15b, a railways had 6 -the-chair at 3.15. 6 ' rar from beliftlind his own Country. ten, and,1%4e � as M4 a Ontarid work. himself ( I,. Blake).�, hlso� wit a'vie* to al ph 4s, sy Saunders, asirt I I I 1. I possible Out Of 1,�gislatare for "transmission to the salbon dkitiking with his friends, Whbn four'- quite Uticle' Sain,while at the same time " ' 6 geouring a majority,in the Senate.' in DOMWon � Parliament. He � therefore men rushed in And grabbed.'SaAmoldra, and a o wnerm. RETU)INS, th' wishes of, the coal Mr..,Blake�Hear, hear I am pre Sir Charles Tupper laid on the table a I Sir John, Alapilonald Said he had 'not pared to repeat what I said. (C moved for return of the copy of &A� reio'� dragged him- out. He w -as hurried �up, an al and Prince a It"iransinittpil to His Excellency on the -sub. Sau di is' friends pursued,' and when tit.;:.. return of taxiff B and rites for pass Charge of the,Bill, but his hon. ' friend: Mr. Metelan proceeded�That the vigor. He read from the 8`60iteMbritsma0i by Mr., lution of any ProVincial egislaiture dul ve angers ho
Biown, of the o4d',Sydney miIIOB ly andh a party inoiieasbd to t*61
lid was desirous of carrying t through� " ous policy developed , by the Pacific Rail- , and Me. �sind freight on the Interoploni . . agen the Glace Bay i:nIneg" to this shape rather than' in'that proposed in way bargain.had, iuduped-pliolt rapid settle- that t Ot Of th exercise by, the Parliament of a -aught upthe mob had taken' Siunders to I 'Ljeth 1. I . .F,dward Island Railways; also Copies of i886. Theresa t that, computing, th th egffoe;% tolifey had,no advintage from d a of, tenders for construction of the Walland our he gave that it WAS, more men a va us f the the power to de6liie Provincial a, house, and in the pkesence of 13 year- in' the the duty, but.. they had been obtip6l1gol 'to kailwaye to b for the genpr I 1. dv tag of papors in reference to relieving Certain in this shags to pass, the Senate Settlers at the price put'on them -the material unit t . a 4 oi an 9 0 old girl named Flanagan, accused him Hunter, Murray & Co. of theircontract. and become law was, sUfficienf to secure United States, the. ;whole 'cost Of, the Pay more' f Or 0016 Canada. The motion Carried. person, which 8 they re - qgirounder the new than jander the Ur assaulting her. sunders did,
his - (Sir obit'B) support. He diVnot Pacific Railway had"ilreidy been Paid for. 4 - Blake moved for a statement of the not deny. Ho WAS- then hurried. to H46
Mr. UcLelan laid on the f6a.b.le'a'retur, Great Britain was a Small country, little -they were Worse oft now agreed to be sold, by bridge, and,has:neverb e - giv believe With the leader � of the' Opposition 31d tariff,'so that total quantity of lan& een heard froin sifv
-thd'lbv�niid%:Pacif�o'�Rail-way Company and It is Stated he was t4 ut :is ing tbe,number of vessels 'plying in than before. ',Us read from *aael the numbei of that the . distribution of the, jurisdiction larger than the. Province I of. N61k Scotia. ,Canadian inland waters, or publipliedin the interest'61 miners, rown 0 tj
between the Federal and Local Parliaments (Oh, oh 1) The bon. gentleman (Mr. Mae- a pap �he t0talpricoagreedto-be paid therfor,ftr. - 11 I .
.casualties and the supposed loss of life. in Which the Conduct of a number of This is Substantiated by the fact that'A. N formitv in, the marriage, - ken�i smiled. mInOrS ing,eaoh month tip to th6,1st,M6rch', ml�tj:was strung tip to force him I to Si? John Macdoald presented the report 13 to secure uni e� *he had left for'tbe United St tell AMatter of convenience., H id he
Mr. Ma&enzia`-'I-, stnt a at that slate� &tag was 1882, distinguishing between th6' Ba of the Department of the liateri6r and other laws So much ag lei What becamoi of Saunders. a Sal spoken ofas patiiptio, babase it would What. constituted. man,�and .:wife -was ment. of farming lauds and those of town, turned back when bay:!nade -away with, ,papers. afford better opportunities �for those who village or staiion.,* lots; woodland, The following Bill was introditodd aud decided by the Federal' Parliament the Mk. kcLelan said he,believed that Eng- him. 'land was only -21;000 square milesi - 'remained' to obtain - steady,. work., The Mineral, quarry read the first time: mode of making them man and wlie 'be. ' lands - and other � spa ial Act to ino6rpora anufac. tong�dto the Local Legishitgrba.� Mr. Mackenzie -I may tell, the hou. Same journal, speaking of the, labor ques., gales,_ and including -the quantities 'and tetheMeLsryM: ti id', th olli6ka, wages were -no prices realized for land' W tturing Company. -Mr. Carlin' I'Mr. Blah6 pointed 1but that there Was a gentleman that. England alone is 67,000 'On, Bal at - c P: i in w ichAhe �V it 9. higher than -they -were a -quarter of. ory.o an Sprits' horses are- �peirditted . The following B1.1a w a read &'third differ6rice of Opinion betwe6n the'leader of square miles; Scotland 32,000-audreland a Company became interosted,by agreements or- eniaourageff.t& o' COE ve severe . mjuri a, whi I c er Aury ago, When the purchasing power of in'oontfe' Uon With, the location Of stf�tiOns- 'until they-'recei ' ver4exert themselves -z time and passed: the Government and the,mover 6f.the till 32,090� C I
An . Act' to 'incorporate, the. Manitoba ABU the affect of it. Mr. MiaLet�u said fie would'put-it at a1dollar was doublewhat Rig now. e fie said he understood thatin the sales of oftert,ierniins 6 bl' * It ..a It horted 'the Government' to imitate the land, which were am's to the last, and: Mr. Mocu aig moved I that a clause be 67,0.00, or, ev( anad% consequently'th6 horiolsv�IU6 1 �Bauk.�Mr_. Sootti )g double thaiti'if 4� would �ex ar country, at least in this res being made by the�C old d to, the Bill as follows: That please the bon. gentleman., .moth, Pact, to Pacific Railway Company la very, conEllid. a ' A�n!Act, to further amend its Act incor. a a in our point of vie* thisr fi� hardly to be porating the Mutual -Life Bsociatibn Of Any clergyman or, ininister oi;Ahe Gospel' Mr. Mackenzie -Be c ot, and it will do:away with the Corn laws, 1 and readjust arable aihount of station lbts� had � beenaold Qrr.e regretted,,as horhes Are often betta�itreated the tariff so as to beat lightly upon ease me. O Itural Ueda. It was'iin. by their'owneiB: than these thereof authorized to perform the coremony of Ph f O.t.rthe as wall ao,'agri u ganada, an ' d to ' change.the name i same peop a M', poor man while sufficienblk 119' portapt that the House,should know. froq� tt(� the- Life Association of" Canada.",- r. marriage, be - not. obliged to peiforn:i the Mr. MoLelau proceeded to -say that every to time treat their follows, beca-use � of "the direct art. ceremony if, the 'woman is a sister of the, Article abntbeyond the. harrow boundo 6f all the industries in need o , f . any degrbe of ibb �Piogr6ss of .th6seeal In loss through any -such mishap. I"'v tain:,� ovQn, was anced a to the'Channel islands protection; as any g Bills were dv man7a deceased wife.'? Bri view O! the regulations Bud arrang6ments Case, however, a remedy .Mr. Kiduz believed, that the protective as to tolls aa.Well for.such diseases stage r -Sir John MoLeflo'n0d Said he did not 'couhtdd as an export. as to other queations as -wind
94111s,.6hopped fiaeli� galled shoul- 5 'I - law Anglin-. And Why �not 4ors and a an 8 orate the SaskatdheWah' kfiow'ihat there, *wd' a Compelling �' Mr. 6licy'of the Government hail,afforded'the, &rising upon'this contract. � It WAS impor An Act- to incorp, can be cured 6 eace River. Railway Company, ae, clergymen to mrry� parties boariiLg the Mr. MoLelaneaid irikey"'w6uld take Oe mathine'r�bywhi6b the country had been ant. also -to" learn �ri: , , Sally able:Ao mtilize . at ext - ent'the lan I the os realized for by the. use of Dr. Dow's u 'ttes on relation referred to in, the, Bill, soithat1he Same nuniber of square miles of the mauu-, to the fulle do; in -which the 'company 'became in- Liniment.. t Fgeon Oil amended by the Standiu� COUAP21 largely'iner6ased . products of the,f by Railways, Canals and Telegraph Lines.- Clause Proposed was notnecessary. fa;6turing,diB.trie'ts,,of-tlie,U'iaiteiI stat�es; Crest and t6iested the agreement relating� to the Bllfield. with -which it had bebn blessed durij a loc and count all outside that as export, they 12 ation of stations. Ha� A Dog Commit" su clile The th i rol rea as Ord ... d Mr hilvert. f ding of t w I I
An� Act respecting the Niagara G=1 for to -morrow, the Bill in:the meantime to would find that th,,eiprts � of the manti- the past three :Fears.. He �read from state. that 9, sum Ubt f from 1,000,000. had. any. -Mr. Arkell; -fabturei.of the Cfuit�ol, States 4ere-'Ju'r'ger. ments showing the incre"b�df f actories in been inade, eith receipts or "SiX mouths, ago Mr. 'John '-Bgnger A; Island Bridge Comp bi'repriatedghowiiig the aimendm6uts��, t in An Act -to.-ameixd .01 than 'th6gedf Englandi (Hear,' ear,'"ind thd'C6uuty Of W.aterloo.-'f6r Which. be ( switchman on the,Centrad Railroad,did. mo fiebond-_ )r sale, In coune'6tibn with at _d A -fin -fhe.-A -t-inoor.porse., ___Mr._:_Charlton,_in , ving- he- a English, better which--b6IoEgod--to the St� Lawrence & Pacific Railwa Ferry,, reading of thb Bill .'.relAtin� to offence I -&u-g hi far-. I I -a - td' a poor Man In B --by 'the C. amd_it y Canada W I ks I %a, in Eng- $21,000 had been or6st6d. He denied that wad patted .'that under the . practical him was: presented t6, a this against, ihO'persoh, said be had. long felt his widow' in -consideration, of hi I d. There 6nlybig pro,tectionju Girniany'had created qmigrao operation of 4he contract and of the dmin-: y 'An Act to, ine6r a Sisters of!:' that the criminal 'statutes were A6fective an I a - Y 606 porate th; 9.dbn and attention: to the family� tobacco4- tea, spirits� and',rum tic'n front 1hat Country.- istra1ion of: the'45 ,ominion lands very large A ehority�of the Northwest Terriit6ridB.-'m- in'regard to cortain evils m6rt'tion6d in the t eman a I . I i , I Which he'xisec ipped the, M�a,l pon,ited, 6 u6th,%i. idth6Sout 'addis would: be made- through ' the ��prsipie 'few,daya Since the, gen I hi preamble of thlb Bill. Tfi� piincipleWof P It dog to"No. 81 Central Railroa:d,16 the 6are bythi' "'Ii country generally, not more y -in ral , to (Hamilton) .,inquired the -Bill were, t already'einbodi6ol in the the 'men Uidib of. Waterloo, in which. the la I speci were either. admitte p at ' I by,the which'pbuishaeolue I -in6reas lands Which W of .. a friend there., The � day, � after - his, arrival the d6g managed to -get loose fronk whether it is'theintention of -tha� Govern-:' :6riminal.statn' free or were very f eaker had Said there had been an a are own6c Company- He referred SkLtly taxed. - It was said: that the farmer. .6 SIX- himidi,4'factory. hands'lu -three its6lf, but &Igo in respe&:'to-thd Altenate w... not',opnefitted:1 to , th, ment to introduce during thiw session a Under certain Circumstances. )y*the'Nationij Policy, years-, there ap), t' belonging' i6 the do his k6nnal, walked delib4ateiy' a raib. Bill to amend the law of evidence in.crimi- to the law ieferring,to, sedudti6n On board .?earedby thecensus returns see ions vernment, y9ad, and 9tr6tcheahimself acrosa the track aditureof to have beieti-A.16tal ftiereMe Of &pglat� adjoining thd�station, gr4i a nal cases, similar to the Imperial Act, of a vessel. He read, a summary 4, the but h6w,coud all the extra expel I n unds. Th , aub insignificant ' impor-, 32nd and 33rd Victoria, chapter 68. claus'es, of the �ill, Bhowing'tliAtft pro" good times the 'ino'reasbd number of, d U A ni g'I 0 itifroni�of an OuginO, And W� over.aid, ifibrisgt!t6n vyeAis� of only 800. �,, in ject. was Ogg of no killdd, thus cOmitting.sfiicide from g ing-l'of Wateri. ooi wherelthe Sir John Macdonald Said that the matter ',vided for"the punishment.of geducors,,and opbrativeii: in, the'shops have any oth4r`1thi3�Nokfh`R'id tance.� ]As believed that uhl6as the existing rief.: 0 of nnakWel s was now before the Xhigtdr of ustice, 'for women bringing an action against ber effect than to impiove the - condition of the tbf,.&dtory1' employees was stated' 9�stem.were'bhanged almost' the whol f armer ? twa's s�id_thattlte- price of grain '-to bo, 400,. ibeie gp&are& to 'be a total in. theadyantagedtieto,th nbanced-valub�of and would receive the consideration of the allegedseducer. He found a' similar Act -fixed in Eriglind. How.was-that? It -c riatige .of bill� 1�600duiirig the iast tei to be fixed by orm Government i6 force in all thC,Nokth6rh',States, as *611 was a yes;r. ominion lands' on stations' tMr. McDougall inquired whether th h)rs. The'Britia Buff 8 as many t C It ComEdis- WAS :_At 'Mid'hight' moved the Ahe Canada' Pacific Raifwa�y'wbuld go to th� ry, one ermg fkbra- ful Corns. Tain dis;1'Itm=in 'h interests iad of to1hepaibl, . t Wlu,�b4gl�d-taf�16iin'ih�,t,lthere is Government has recognized the. iight., of koners'to inquire into the inveigling of 9,�' or mining,,i ourniniefit'd'i cOm an ilate to, reasury,. the Hudso, B )mpany un&r' its char-, ish girls to.. -t�e-coutiheutlorAhe pur-. Or graiii' andp Y, 'Idjscb�red by which the n %Y C, Engl Unti , debate that . Cry large sum would be real paittleib �'remedy ter, as modified byAhe ninth article of: the� pose of prostfffi-tion also recommended th wa5 . higher per that .: �6f. ized from , station lands them6elves-��a Suin. voky.- *brBt, Class of corns may be removed' at Taol'belen in progres's", ........ ''d it or 8omer e,,au , I g I oing very . iar 6�oonstruct the railway t adultery, L'T_'t6 send was b6girming t rt line an withou pain. agreement for the, transfer of Mareb.22nd,, Seduction, And. -should be made any: , other c6untryi slic, a o log the pidd'e"e'ditio's.; It eMrely; in 6, she A through- the prairie,country.� i� EXTI�XCTOR as If come - -�iH' E6S , 0OA I1869, to trade in the public lands of Mani-, 'Punishable. 116, believed it wa% tothe best abroad �, for RooasairV.'.ihlt'they�i'shouldi I I k6t, S;. FAM�i ts. of the people that �,uch � a law the pri"'o Sir Charles Tupper, in the'absoneb of the 6diisidy been'fised by thousands and each toba and the Northwest Territor Wha as, fixed in' in there. .ap,i y ; also,. intakes , . I I I., P" " 1 I a y6t9',p9on,,� to I E as6 was that Of Aiiieii"ni wfieet ; ! , , later of. the inteiiof.�(Sii, John: Macdod-'� who , his given it a, trl;iibeconias respecting the right of � the company,.6 Should be passed, ina moved the peo6nd, I Og hinder their Sitting or a aw ours, opga., thdf-Wr' the Countries woke exactly. ou'a thoirew tibit to the - o recommend it to ot era. claim under the 17th, 18th -and 1kh.seepions reading of the Bill. o Id banoobjec isnXIOUS t:, It It is or- a , ny 1, Cries of !I lost," rrn, and.41 Ia reason why,b- were to the:only.6ure, pr6mpi'and iiiiiiesS eure.for Of the ublic Lands Act6f 1872' call i the� level. But th Mr. Qillmr, withdrew bi lie cbdld'�no idOiAsad, �k r1he reading of thb, ra other, and what authority, lands of great -members." anxious to Secure 1 that P IInit ovea 60, '�c�orns�l nown. Putnam's, Painleas -.'Cd -igh t - iloiagaide roanufaci6rin t", b6w,the homia �marke bus6,6f Monday or is d ver 'b value in the Red: River settlement beli inL I The Speaker called in the, meinbers;., �werei .,;,,.pgr ions Mgrcki ztxtra6t 01 a .. ��.Yw ere.., "not" iiierea�sea"liithelace;oftji,�-,f"t��ibat�,-tb�re �t : L., " . ..., lieu of lots assigned to the Company in the 1- Sir John Macdonald said he concurred of the As' we'' Ad 'O i "a ar as they. relate to tbe,pett li�dbeen no,v6ryma �r�, Ion, St --s,tr, uck and bona �Ide settled on. 'very heartily in a, porf6ibii of'the� Bi i6 I 'Clark, Q'.C.', and others age re dre6df ally ex- Iadjacent township, r: our, pro uce, we, I�o 'Watiob,� And i ttiu4 'fort derfain'. 61 a. W C 66" ut h �P -,Burk�W. ;Anderson drawn from the depot 112,a landau a d xt best, thing 'atia:build P iargiDs" against: thbl ��qitedoygr'the newspaper. Ploture. 'of Mary iej n o,ul mu t h I' under the authority of any Order-inaCou �,Cries of Order th"at relating :to the, oil or of the said Act. sa,credn6sabf the marriage t* d, a indtistif?eitl�hera.:;Whidi Would giv, i a, - h d o olnItin.d 6od, Chief Justice market- The' internal 'trade between th' asserted by tbd GcivergWbnt A thelcourt-of Queon'S Benoh, M"itoba.. lby� a bevy ofn ice haii-l*rted-iu-tbeimiddIa:. Sir John Macdonald said.thatin refer-. a I a he, mQasure_ieferred' to a 19ung: 111011!� increase . u last porters, In the Province,,bf., Mr'.','Wa6g4bhhittbd't6t e'Spea;kerihat' h is; sai question the Government i I �'d�('V- t I id that one prot y Provinces, ba tt _there_,'hELduoi �irl4goes out 'to the,o' r ig _Li`__'1f+` _9� L psread" _,J6urAi16_',:oodId, not',be fol. Atlanta (S,. had never 11 --e-Cid --- �i a I was put. an suniff0f, the Mg79L I -9 a ri t6eu -fffi: 'd( -an a Mo I or ea such genera ' depression ps- 'not" so. sionarieah ded'Lb�i��ie�'d�r�i)'f"t'h"e.O�po- 4 Jbwbd by's tio j ;�c aving rights,:and theref3re had done In I I I o ra" b in thcogpe,'� culd 1 1 ision. .. Yeas 107i'nay year. If an in us ry ing ques ion, 1, . u',,,sitiou c6mmiseratingmith the peo�ple, of. the Iera out. reply to the second j, , he Said. th.erb: Ossrs. Amyoi, Anglin, A I B i it � would live Whotaegistane P i. . , -, , , a ook .and �smie for the n 'Order n, itime init is f.6lish'to burden, the' Sweet � I was a -ffi-CoUricil on this subjecti a or, ea c esne, Benoit, Bergeron, Blake, ing tb'' aa brought down . ih6in that it, wa�- ibeir u ace, Borden; oultbee, Bourasea; 'Bo ell; " r e d 1i o a rad- d. atL engtb"' td "Mr 'McC91din - moved iorl the i, iiiar o ul An&i gac6fdllfiowtfu,i�i:. oil motion... .. , . I., I ' ' which would b eieig.) H -a refleri6 I J the Ia, D Udk OU or maole,byJaEabs,C wan, ominion:-Arbitrig,''t 16, etai h' little - brother . is Cockburn,-. PC itibit g 't 'th t 'it' 6 ro, on a I acAincon (Huron), ing,with Canadi di Euglan&� �Qinii to Sir Hector Langevin, in reply10 . Mr. Brown, Burpee (Sunbury), are, and to tra a h
�,'Carling, Casey; Casgrain, Charlton, t Fiset, said that the atilogiolized,li peopi 'of the U it6d 8isteis, And At Mee iDg ter' on the' Clam'of 'the � inhAbitant6;,,;, k� rl ei,.' Wben She gets' th4 , I,- � 1. L.' I'— tii] Apwn1ge�she int nds. to take Some leigiins - ne between Colby, Cougli,lin, Coupal; �"Cduisol, Crthbert,, 0 n was. not until she hid Adopted 3
Canada and Brazil is to be a monthly Daly,, Doull,,,;�Fkrrow, Fiset, , Fitzsimmons, after -meeting they stkovt�to.perauade them :ke'd sAorigilie e sek� 'Flynn; Fulton, Geoffrio I wdvance&to-hor present i amages On' Tiir vice. Fleming, n, Gigau t, to that fath. tbilsl , 6116�rs.� policyAhat she bad on- themupper level of Wllanabv�tlie.5islqg. , in 6 otution. Field dAd (Minis Gilliesi, Gilmore, Girouard (Jacques. Carti.ei), ..w.onderful position. .'The Upit�d, States" X -Farm." Mr. McCuaig, in moving for a return'of Girouard �,(Xentl,- � Guillist, , Gun Guthrie, Mr.'Blake—lt is not true.- of waier'for canal puiposesi� ..Jf6 said tha In, I had prospered, not on account of protecIt L" r., � , ., � - Ha6k6tt,�� Haddow, Hay, He6son; Hooper Mr. Anglint—It is not so. in� 1871tha lands along wem.'sub-, the number of. perao04 convibted-4-itbiti tioni but !it spite. of it. Uentlemeb oppo. �1. (11 � � IT?—If 'BO, YOU. Call Edude; �Huntington, , Haulbach, Hilvert: Mr MoLelan, said such stateinentg had. merkedhrough the raieiii� of g'� ami and the past ten years of.fraudul6nily�disposing, . - 'I., to itaiiiarvellous p6wers" of 2 heali Lane,- �Mi&lonald Maedonald'�(sir Si k " tectio : V s ny of property held by them :as Skid John)� McDonald, 'Fdap) Breton),'. McDonald bedn'so often ascribed to- the holi.,gentle- ite-spo e.asifpro II z.athe sole fixed, great injury was -done. "if' idea of the people of. the United I 'Is. 'We ty (Vic oriE 86tes on �afid� recommend it ��`frionc no many families had. bee'� Ibf6 in i'ovibIr'' t I, MaiMohndll (Linwrk), Mackenziej .Mau in',the newspapers of his own party been effected- in. to yotr I I MccalP . q ;to�Briggs'j Magic -'Relief, the grand by the neglect or fraud of trustees that he : orth: while to, bel' i6d in an unaut orizeC .way. b3,,MeDoiigald,M6Doijgal,MrQuade,Roryi 1bat he had,not thought'if w trade queiations. On the contrary, of� the- best mind4 favbied �Aoing Away with to. f nlok'66mpiainta , 18r-, Malouin, Manson, Morner, Methdt, Mills, Monivi h t d' d hL Od 'fid 0 a"' - 6 'Patter C)m6: prepared wit copies, of the repQr a. were Bti �, ma a, an it wag Aime't OX, ,h,,, wished to strongly advocate a law t6 Com- plaisir, Ogden, Paterson' (Brant),. So 'the dut�ag,one efreet of' which bad been to, II morbtis;, dysenter �mpoo` A6 hid on Y,, Ora pol trustees to file with the Clark 6f,the Essex), Pickard, Platt, Poupore, RicheK., RinifFe,, with hini, however, from should be getilid -high go, , 1, ��Rqljo,�,giokness f the ; to It And' bowel - �sh �� � I I .11 Y di�e �from, the; as Am6ricau, built I Me. Kaulba;ch moved foi a! return ot a in" ing t a sum, o a pat the 'C each �year_,,by,,,� 69 Rochoster,'Rogero, Ross (Durrolm)_ Rose (Middle-: -The Struggle -wa's now going ..on County Court or, some othe� autborit 'a Robertson (Hamilton); Robertson (S elburne), �wbich he quoted. morig� Other Passages ships. statement, on bath -of the position of olu6ted'wa�'the, following, said, to:hav6�been It t t I" mp allits. sex), Routbiei, Ryan (Marquette), Rymal, Schultz and a of the , -people tma3onty his charge.—Carriedi Scriver,Shaw, Sitb, Snowball, Strange,"Tellier: aIioitio'E�of thq leader of, the -Oppositidn's Government. for' all allawauc6s�:'o'r,comr. UT 611 booiis.—Tlie el'ose confin'o-' estate in would, vote' as tbby had LvotOd ' t'l * L ry wbr gives I the Thompson, Trow, Tupper, Tyrwhitt,' Vanasse, spebch� at New Glasgow . "I Your natural penspticing:granted as. re iring ailowan& facto It Operatives t T The following returns we re Also called b6forei- fok. greater freedo a)k apf)6tite" languid misor- for: Wade, Wallace (Norfolk),Wall'ace (York),Weldon, 'channel of trade to with �'thd.neighboring of' -trade.- or - superanniiations iii ll services frdiV I Rossi PO( Whitc(Cardwell), Williims,-WrightI07.L,,�' . I ' I dtive .:liver, Lei our exports - 'find the' beat:. Jun 30th' e,1873,, 116 had no :doubt that � tQ a 6o*ornment June; Return of last Census of '1881' Bihow.iug� ! Nitys�-Messrs. Bergin, �Buuster,' : ; �rgpnbli !1881. - blood, ina
Burnhair a 'were , good Citizens and -good kidney -and' urinary �ioubles,�'aiid,all the i ):, Enarkets-therb, And -yo6rimports Should ut 0 pose the contivance of -the ,present; the number (,,of manufacturers in the Cameron (Victoria), Cqon,`� Cimofi (Chicot 11mi Pnorer nd in every respect personally, . I I i � , , ,, ., . , U. come from here." (Ministerialcheers.) , 6t, except so far: as. those- a rea y on, YSICIans an 11 county of Be�nharnols.—Mr. Brgai Drow, Granbois, Landrey, Langovin; MacMillan,- ijhbur. d . I ph'i ' ' d. �ediciue�in.thewqild, 6191, �on., i Masstie,..Muttart, Royal, Rykekt, Vallee -'16. good men �but, When ihe�: 6ame'to talk n6t'help' thein Unless t' of doors Detailed statement of flour,.wbeat, Mr. Anglin—,Gb on I go on I the list.., rider the system a superan-�, hey get out B,C,the Mr. Charlton- moved tbalttII6 Nil be ro., about tbW:iatibnal' Policy- ibey;seem6d, to busted oilicial. was - benefited, but � should Cruse BriggW Botanic kfttera.t:4,-� andcorn entered for consumption: Mr. McLelan said this *as atisttenlpt�tO'j him not to talk like � sage `an. In New forked to a special cornihittee composed., of -in T! port of iMontreal from 15th March, 1879," MesBr "do the: lieopie of' the , 7 he die,'even after 166g, service,, Maritime Pro-, -Brunswick and. ',this neighboiing..'8tates- meAfter thb Roneyntoon-7 a. Guthrie, Shaw,, Patters6n.(Enex),,. mud fatherless ! children received no., The Lusband iiilkg,sthe -wife �is, annoyed at with the' date, amount, and name Villeba from trAding with 'the pper P' btle had'b6bit.for-the agsistauce,.and we're Allowed to it.' "Why, my- ear, a a, said, YOU . Camerug' (Huron); �Ross, rO" through all ages the bai 44 respect of each entry-�Mri,Blake. avinces. (Ciies'ofll No no "I three principles of fr6eAo�6f sj��ech, frog. W . ay through the world alone.; HS,tholight 1wth m I 0 8driver, McDougall, Girou�id colues. &Iwsiya4o6k WeAiy i�haay6u . are Cartier , W 6 'And liberty to trade A�WiII6. Charges made Against Lieut..'NI ),;and Malouib., Carii6d. Mr. MoDori0ollnveruesO� h buy8ur d6in of peisoh. us� -The Ho' it would be much-b6tter t take eii What'do' you expecti : deai ? The h Rom� of the 16th Battalion Volunteer p. m., Th fi "'pled lisId,beensecured inducement, of "SuperainnuNilon and to biand Bud wife, �iie 'only one, 1 -am. 'of ilisbamp. at use adjourn ' a I d at 10 Mi'.UoLeIa'pkoceOded 4be �sffgct. 0 f 0 rat two-princi] Or many a hard Struggle, i�nd thethird, n t a O idy proclaimed by, the-. lea;der of �-the 'I I am alone. civil 6ery i7r, 4 ways weary,when Picton, etc.—Mr.. Mackenz' ch 1� —The Speaker'. took: Bit a salary 8� Militia, while in command Mar antsIbe offered principle, ihe,great principle.6f freedom of cost of t 3,pi M, t. Ot a pposiiou,i I The motibn carried'. At a meeting of. the Toronto Pies'bytery Statement showing in dotail,the t0e i Were hdopted, Woul& -exchange, would �Itimateli triuniphintt I 0 of iik6� qualit: the int6rnal'ir�ae of the Senate, ASIP'assed woreipres Yesterday, M. Cainer6nq of Toronto specified , bran ida- of Among otiberB, petitions were presented �di iiiiali The following., Bills, reported from th as f6hi .. - . I Country spite of a I cop , sition. b SrC razRobarts-ou egt4 by that tag Yea. an white , Y I 4o4gley followe Rupporting the haJrhe*Tdp0er,: Mass- -r-e-FI-a-c—o - iti--frade with the:nited was eiect6aMOderator for-tha"enou Canadian and.foreign brown d if 1. . r d d and other 1�aifticulars '(Shelburnq) and Macdonald (Iuverubss)', Speaker, �bd- read a first time: Mr. Blake. .9 -Mr. Flynn said that the:Hon. Prosi out as, in Oth * ates from the fisherineg, of Nova ISCotia, pis,yin States. scftl� policy of the. Government. pe�iin g fugitives from''Cana er I Res] Return showing the quantity, value, And lot protebtioii4o the fishing industry. of the Council *a�s the last man whom, he OT'TA.IvA� March.' 15.�The Speaker took parts of Her M�&,j'eSt�,'B"DO.M"IUI'013§..' aye r e,Xpeote to See become dntinue in existeni . . ibb chaii at 3 In To r =;U duty paid on imports entered for dbnsutiap- I Aniimberbfpotiti6i�a�werealsdpre�e�ted, wO,I ce Acts relating to from ol ever d the proprietors of newspaperBi aski I f S. �Oliay,rof protection'.' " In the administration 'of' in: the teiri4 tion,, of grainr and products, 'of grain, Ekg� th6,championo 0 PRIVATE BILLS.� provisions, etc., for I the that thbir papers, may be , Aildwed tO, p11PB the - coudluditi :toiy in'disputo between animals, fruits and a g'portiou'6i the hon.,gentIc' The, following Private Bills were nt I ro-: Dominion GovernndentIi . We offer for sale at ar Iree'through' the, mail`in� the couitle III Bpeoch he hado years 1877, 18,78, 1879,'1880 and 1881.—Mr. rtrayedin eloquent. duced and read a first bme. specthe Harbor Poli a o McCarthy c f Canada. which, they are published tertia9thLe.futureof-thifiDominio ' butthe- . I the Qu'Appe Sir, John Macdofiildt oved tointroduco T6incorpor&te Ile Land To further amend, the,� Seumen's Act of OREATI. BA 0AN Itbeing6 o'clock the Speaer lefi'the" use Should remembefthat'fifteen y1bars, 0 a as, amended. lk6 the bon. gebtleman used some eloquence 1874. chair. 'a Bill t' Arrund and Co 11"solidite dQmpany-��Mr. �Boultbeb.' recess, Orde an hg.t6D1omin,ion_1' ominion, an it 'said there were now tbreeAdta re tMg to to convince the. -people, of N6va Sc6t .ar that, Jug -Private Bills be extended IA " petitions for improper use of.firegrms. On the order for consideration in dom C Court Judges. I'the Acts relati lsnds.'� He in 'belifttling .� the D ontinue in f' WH R;�
After Mr. Drew moved that the time for, ieceiv. To c' Act to �reye n . t �the
mittee of Mr. Gircuara's, Bill cone , ern , ing nd- -to 'enter Confddbrati - on would be: prej a- eapdoting Quuty the1ands, the Act of 1870 'and two &me marriage with a, deceased wife's sister, mimtS, andijr was a great �in6onvenibgda'to tei'eta. In 1867,7 when Uri White* (Card"7611) per. The House adjourg6d at 6 O'clock.' -FEW YEAR diCial r to their a a ,CNLY. IN USE�A Mr. Blake pointed out that. the pe�ent Persona.desirous of: going to the Northw the Dominion-FELrliament assembled after soumifeiplanii,tion. Re'r6ad*extra6twfrOm t 'ikfid *611 adap ed;for printing'notv pap the a, � speop y to ji� , ffbiii th "to look three ae�arate Bi paper,gi�es,the 1 Bill was so altered to have offidial roprt',�o_f It b "Mr. nan or abintroduced by� I10 'C nfe'dekailo'n', '.'the horii gentleman in. a 0 the member for Jacques Cartier last. yeii . 0 aBcortain,'A�Cihe 1.*,: , . "' Cameron (Vic 6ria) b t 4�06r&they coi uan�ial Affairs' d f6IIb,yF-�ng,`bntbiiBi�8t1C 6geription of Gen; Poo cis A'A'countty bh' Speech on the ;h 6ppose 11 Thebod of Press is, 33 x 46 ineboa. There are Of � the was.' -The Bill now proposed madelvbry� 15'pe-r, ceol"Nariff b6cause it imposed hard' r Gaze charg'ing,'him' (Mr. with� that it was almost E6. transcript. !few changes.' It w a r. S6beleff the .:Russian General, wh,os4,: three, rollers ever form and four ,distributing n amendment introduced by the bon. member I Nova Scotia: to'' the 'i extent of trying to evade the oluestion� 'and Mislead, Ora wifth Press;, The Press cost si;2W when Ekp pr 1p� ve, startlear, 0 'taxes -WA 50 0 the House Ohrtbe Bill ielatin U., Maskinonge (M two yor Bra ag . PL, r 'to the Mo -ad incip Ify fo sh on recent 'warlike' utterances. Ifift f r x. Houdb) solidation. �3 �00' increased per annum. g The Billwas I Etirope:,` .an I met him in Sb'. Pbters� reaam.fliat tibae. patticulars providing for the removal Of All probibi-,, Referring to the stitemonfth�tr the present- treml'Tel6geaph Company,and his references burg � he � Was � -young - and h'andsiome—as tdonS, Sir John Macdonald moved to introduce to proteciiori,� I he, tOI eiitleinau ' who. 'was IPRIN'T]ING fO.� which was defeated by &r 6 oan * �honoiatib voi f 9 indeed, be' is -Still. IEI�' had' a', Mason ine, He (Mr. Blake) had ery great asam6nded Pointe :general * supposed ` to have . ,somisi� 6h'neither tinie,. to 10. i Bill to Amend- and Consolidate d to a period of great depr6ssl n y �Auty, wb HAMILTON, NT. ng OiDg -in the, old Pr6vinces, of Canada 'control over the � .-G no,,, Mounted azette's utter,' ati exI .and Yet feline,�b bi objections to the clause as now proposedL.: the Adts'rel t6 the Northwest nor flarce struggles, nor worki nor am itioii IIThe Bill at first rendeed legal a mariia;ge Police. ',This Act would. provide fot. the prior'� t9 Confederation -under it high: He (Mr. White) denied that, h had ti� any They-bave,l indeed; roflued pro� rX .1-1 IG had impaired. inbreas$ of the forcoln accordance with the Wa control over the correspondence from -his between a man and his deceased ife'S a tariff. All his epe ienceWentrto : I . tectiv I r � y it., Though bd,WAs Only an officer,� with resolution of which he had given notice� Ottawa of-th6 Gazette.' He did not -dictate Sister, but it conditioned that legality,ith p,,�,pyge tbatr not only did protection fail 'to 'MUTUAL MA h On he Attracted the reopect RhIAGE- AID ASSOCIATION 1 'Mr. Th6mpsoh (Haldim:and) �asked if an or evan-suggeSt it, nor did 'he now ;any- 60urs Still now . , _ i OJP tke exception of dispensations add rulea,of Y goq&Aimes, but that when periods of oi man AEA,the,love of Woman. There WaSr naw the various churches, Somewhat' in the, op6ofitl provision was mide-f6r a u --came under high proteetw' thing about it until h print.� -Re thing luminous an& dramatic on his depreBsio. some I volunteers to the' foiCe. nteers re eapecially--SeveM, '� He htd.-rio 'doubt tb newspaper , and its MA-UlEtIED, PEIRSONS,T language of the 1 -27th article of the coda, duties they we, , mark him as *one 'FOR UN of th6m. lneikAfl iinrir�i ntl Care wai to'do great deeds.'' Be [I those a r correspondent could brow- which Seemed tc
During the progress ofthe rBill a' t read comparative Statements of ther prices neath 'the iNCORPORAT�ED NO'VEMBER'1881i
exceptions were eliminated, I and, the'Rill iofpromoiion,� Of the more common inedegoaries of life to a, �Iv , as, but in view of,thb fidtiliat the Bill v�ho� d.see the hero.'! P�s4toit�m bors was left simply a Bill, to- render legal the Sir John Ma6d show that protection operated especially would not have a' )aredin the. i1buse biti, dandy ou cou t of marriage, from,$250 to $6, 0. PP( on even LonD COTTOIjj an English' 'Judge marriage of a man with his deceased wife's yided that no me a severe the poor. man. Referring forthe decision oUthe Court against the' I Reliable a''wenied in unropkesented r' 18 or r over eywere,peace, - he claimed that proposed arragem6nt - Great' hold in high ko6peet, h'as,lately,pointeof-9jif Zeu sister. By the Bill as it passed the HoWe force und6 to the' coal questioni with' the districts. S.. ft�ciiculan andlinformationto the marriage of a Ma;Qrr with, hi's deceased offiOers, and muSt be ablate read and write, 3rience, as well as the admissions of,,ite 'Northwestern - Telegrapb,' Company, he tWth6 commifting of Marc boys 'foi trial anol,rinligt'be iritellig6rit' enough to nder- exp( *Aid riot justify at the assizes with all the'pataphibrnr4lia,of Secretary, wife's sister was� civilly leg&lr wherever it their duties as peace obicirs. Th Advocates, had shown the - diit�r't6 *be a thought the correspondent 'grand jury, judge, jury, bfc�, i's an,abstirdity, took place within the Dominion. As did- not give the strong.lariguage applied to it �b�_the IAe By delusion, and' proveli'that it iii�hi to receive instead a' must Also have the'qualiAcation dfthb� go'- and that they Bill' now stood, it was proposed to Apply the market of Ontario to'the, 'coral owners bon gentleman. apply in Quebec, and theconseq I uencewoulo firgt-to,comew e to,fur thei amend the Patent -Act- of f872� i� marriage with a aeoeag6a Mr. McLeNu on' rising �to Speak on the in Ontario; for in the officiaYi6pbr , t, though 4 schoolgy.,. and tben be disch6rged. The all
the 127th clause of the code, Which will dier. Kxcel?tfOr of Nova. 0 The increase in the butPut Mr. Cimerofi (Vietbria),introduced 4 Bi Bound birchiog by'naagistraieB, order'(as as the first served. of coal was not in any way due -to the: oal a boys of the hi6erf class 0 at public be that instead of -of'Ways and�Me He said it. was, intended Simply -to attend I O" �,.in Motion for Cow mitte6 �Home Secretary is fointroduce a Bill t, wife's sister being a legsLptuirriag% they. found specified amounts. sent to Prince 'the time for importing patdrited "mode, of plinishili6lit. It is last point of view in whicli. the law Makes a was received With, ebe6re, He Said the Edward. Island, Newfoundland; etc.,- no which had booix given ar n the,Act facilitate this budget 8pee6h so completely and-triuluph. contended that a boy who has once be4m in mention Was"made -of what was sold in amending the patent, Act,: The, Bill Was marriage legal or illegal all over the : Domi ion, it would be s@bject to'this 127th 1 atifly viiidipatdol the position And ., p'olley'of Jail carries the stigma through life and- too n �t it hOntario. Ho,tead*figuidfj.i3howingtfi�t�the read afirstfimb.. ;. - ' often b6c6mos'A hardened miscreant, while Itwould therefore be A void Mar- ncr6aged salea in the'United St%tes,Nova Uri Gillies asked, the ]inten'tions of the ,�clauae. thebo�ernment th re6s6i ' iab ' ly a persons of the have boon'expectod their, oppon6nts wold S66tfa, and'6ther placds were'in all 231,163, Government with,," reference ' 'to Aetting a. fing is,useless, as h1e.ciannot pp,Y, Oneo riige in Quebec I as betweei have remairied, silent, And ihat-t,P-Y�'Ould d (M I an Roman Catholic faitb, not inere -and not a ton,of-which 'Could -the 'like fishermati artioipateln the -proposed r TO vodtons,, p A�Blairfiel corresp6ndentwrites: cy. bounty. 'have abandoned opposition to thatipolicy ; � � r I arms -are greatl�.. in, demand., � Mr. John ace6rdingto the doctrines ofthab.Church, Finance Minister ,clai in� as due 6 his and.have upheld 'the - Gbv6rhment in pro-, Hogg sold 'hik three.quote't see' but civilly void, unless a Papal dispensation He ackh�wleolked that they' might- have Sir teoliaid Tilley keplied'thol,ful in- tion for _E was obtained, and he was not at all Certan tecting the intereSto!'of the country. 'But 'dis�laced -a'-feW", tOEBL'of-j0�13gliSh Coal- -in., Iokm�tlou would be'. given when tho:vote'W�g� '$5,000, and16,500 has, *6 - believe, since LECT, R-1 dvrd their opposition to,th6 Be U it. Mr.. �Acob they" mainfaine li ha the: �14skadJ6_Elnl' b n ref � sed'.or I whether it would not affect the members of Quebec, but, on t a other hand, it a policy no Strongly' �s buring the -Mr.' F6itin,iu moving for urns res- biBhomestead. and pk6-epipiion for 5000, the Anglican Churches. He thought they effebt ot raising the freight on, grain' And people ar 25,000 had gon6.,,iufo D' Harrison being the Woky �,iikohasbr.� should not enact legislation which would Past lumber across" the Atlantic, Theimp6r.ts pecting the im&rt�tion into Canada of x. h 'at the value of $1;000 of Coal in'to Ontario,. in i881 � were 300,600 pickled berringg,saxa,�hatih the Act which )dMi.Wm. perp6tuate a diversity. Manitoba; whid Mr. Bruca Sinclair has,pukohaso, Wt , p6tj4m, Lima Mr. Girouard said -the -last :Speaker placed upon each immigrant by the Unitad tons 'more than in 1879,,� proving that - the as passed kelatitig'to lnspScUon there was Brice's-darm for 43,000. jygapdChoat acknowledged that Provindes except, we herring taken on the -I' People.tiho thoughtlei nis Cop , . , - 1 : I I I. 111� likea . to The DpIni t ear L t 025 nio#-during the PAS Y Of to. secure that inirket'for"P'ova Scotia Newfoundland, Coast br,eladwhere by 'Ne often put their-propertyii peril, and MR y A TA Quebec were in the same, position. , Rfe w ND 0168; I '_C*06�1�= It% (Mr. Girouard) clitimed that section N of �000,000 miuers. Bpected for men have been fttined by indorabid for & ma-
, D a S - tateg reports,' gave an increased wealth sit ti; effect of the increased tariff7had not been a 'lause which aflo' 3slysigirdbouni
�Iy' But fh�r6 had been &'.larger Cut-' foundland. 9sherthdri to be in , It! the British North Ameri ' Act,. glv�ibg,ihe I ror6 the Ca Mills"By the simpe proces's oput even bdJ National olicy, for in entry in the Canadian market oii payment 'friend. How often have g4od-ustur d es lky LocatLegislatilres autbority over the cold-, 'transferring people froth end Province Y Obliga. Ito 1873,wltenthe foreign demand for coal was of two.ceu6,por barrel. There, was An un� nien's. fortunes been, diminished, b 6i -4 " � i
I 41a; few mb It % a car a' 9,yo reterit ano, brisk, the output was?16,000 to O fisbormon-O W r ano bration of marriage, must Alvi p ther. mo more than Aue-lidvantage gi�en f 'that io�oinourredearblesslYbr' ith6utthoiIght 64s �"A outi uniformity of7the Marriage 11*6. His !,LMr, MeLelan Said that,',did not Affect the I'last year. Under t , lie tanders given , by6e, !Bland, which operated with 'aever� of cons6quences. titi. h ir s�p-
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