The Clinton News-Record, 1908-12-31, Page 8McTaggart Bros. —BAN k ERS— .-, A GENERAL :BANKING BUS! - NESS TRANSACTED. NOTES latISCOUNTED. DRAFTS ISSUED INTEREST ALLOWED ON DE- POSITS. SALE NOTES PURCH- ASED. - - H. T. RANCE. - - - NOTARY PUBLIC, CONVEY- ANCER, FINANCIAL, REAL ESTATE AND FIRE INSUR- ANCE AGENT. REPRESEN- TING 14 FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES. • DIVISION COURT OFFICE, CLINTON. W. BRYDOVE, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR NOTARY, PUBLIC. ETC. OFFICE -Sloane Block -CI INTON. RIDOUT & HALE Conveyancers, s'unimissioners, Real Estate and Insurance Agency-- Money to loan. ....... • C. B. HALE JOHN RIDOlet .-- DR. NINIAN W. WOODS — (M. R. a. S., England, 1.. R. , C. P.. Ireland, C. P. I., L. M., Rotunda, Dublin.) PHYSICIAN AND SUrtill.ON, HAYFIELD. Make elk opposite AlbN'in Hotel (Mho., hours 8 to le a. in. ad 7 to 9 ,p„ m. Night calls re of- „ DRS. GUNN & MeRAE.- Dr. W. Gunn, ta.R.C.S4 Edin. ' Oftlee-Ontaalo street, Clinton. Night calls at front door ot office or resi- dence, Rattenbury street. - Di. T. T. McRae, • University or ,Toronto. Office hour g at hospital :- e to 3 p. m. ; 7 to 9 p. m. DR. J. W. SHAW-- -OFFICE- RATTENBURY ST. EAST, -CLINTON,. DR.C. W. THOMPSON PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON ,3pecial attention given to diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Threat_ -Office and Resicteners- HURON ST. SCUT PLINTON • .8 doors west of the al hotel. -DR. F. A. AX (Successor to Dr. Ho mes.) Specialist hi Crown and Bridge work. Graduate of the Royal College ' of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Honer graduate of University of Toronto Denial Department. Graduate of the Chicago College of Dental Surgery Chicago. • , Will be at the Commercial hotel Hayfield, Overy Monday from 10 a. m. be 5 p. en. • AUCTIONEER -JAMES; SMITH LI- censed Auctioneer for the County , of Huron.__Alleorciers entrusted to s me prompt ettention. Will sell either by percentage or per sale. Residence on the Bayfielit Road, one mile south cf Clinton. ,60 YEARS' • PEXPERIENCE ATENT4.. TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyone sending a sketeli and description may Ilnickly aseertain our opinion freo whether an Invention Is probably patontablo, ommunies.- tions strictly conedential. tuntasoott on Pateote sent free. Oldeot agency for securing patents. Patents takes through Munn & Co. receive Waal notes., srithont charge, Lathe ' SCielitifie JilllefiCalt. ' rA handsomely illustrated weekly.1 Largest cu.- ociapion of pay leitintlild Varnal. Terms for pillage, $.1.15 a year. postage prepaid. Bold by all newsdbalars. mutirt f CoL.1181BrudwaY' New York Brawl Mos,. V St.. Washington. D. O. UPPIiitOTT'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE. A FAMILY LIBRARY The kit in Current literature 12 COMPIXTR NOVEL* WANLY' MANY SHORT 111'0111E8 AND PAPERS ON TIMELY TOPICS $2.50 pen WAN: 21% ors: si corny *NO CONTINUED STORIES. (VIM NUMMI COMPLETIOIN rriJ 1 1 I 111 :aFreaFS: The News-Recprd hall not a regular collector and consequently there lia,s• been a tendency on this part of many of our readers to allow 'their: stibeerip.- tion to fall into Arrears. The label on yaur paper shows' the date to which' your paper is paid. We would ask 'you to read it carefully and should you be one ef those in arrears, kindly let us have your re- mittance,. The single dollar may not seem of much importance to you, but to the office where several hundred of dollars are so locked up, it is a matter of considerable moment. To those in arrears we make this special !call, and trust to be favored with your subscriptioe before the end of October. Address all communicatione to W. J. Mitchell, News -Record Office, Clin- ton, Ont.. A Woman's Sympathy. Are you discouraged? Is your doctor's bill a hcaI7 financial load? Is your pain, a heavy pnysical burden? I know ,what these mean to delicate women—I have been discouraged, tow but learned how to cure myself. /wan to relieve your bur- dens. Why not ehd, he•pain and stop the dn,. tor's bill? I ca !this for YOu and wfli if you will a up. • All }rot' need dq to write for a free box of the reined, • whiCh has been placed in my 11.1.tris In be :given away. • Perhaps this (yin Lox ,wei eure you—it has done so fey ot' ' If so, I shall be happy and yo,a wc.tred for 2' (the cost of a no•-no!'4 st T-..tr letters held conii- h••11 •v rn'Y f-ne tt- ,. F. CILL:RAH, YKIndsor, Ont. GRAND TRUNK RAiLWAY SYSTFM TO MANITOBA, SASKATCHEWAN AND, ALBERTA. The attractive route is -via Chicago and St. Paul, Minnea- polis or Duluth. CALIFORNIA, MEXICO AND FLOR- IDA. Special Round Trip Tourist Rates in effect to principal Winter resorts ; for jell infor- mation as to rates, route etc., apply to F. R. Hodgens, Town Agent. A. 0. Pattison;Depot Agent. or address J. D. McDonald, D. P. A., Toronto. The Biding Mutual Fire insulance Companu -Farm and Isolated Town Property- Insured- - • -OFFICERS- J. B. McLean, President, Seaferth 9 0.; Thos. Fraser, Vice -President Brucefield P. 0. ; T. E. Hays, See. Treasurer, Seaforth P --O: - -Directors- William, Shesney, Seaforthe; Joh Grieve, Winthrop ; George ,Dale; Ses forth ; .John Watt, Harlock ; sTohn Bennewies, Brodhagan ; James Evan Beechwood; James Connelly, . Holmesville. -AGENTS- Robert Smith, Hatiock • E. Hin- chley, Seaferth ; James 'Cummings Eemondeillee J. eV, Yece Parties desirous to effect insurance or transact other business *ill be ,promptly attended to op applicatio to any of the above officers addressed to their respective postorfices. Leese inspected by the director. who live' riearest the scene. . Clinton Nei/vs-Record • -CLINTON ONT Terms of subsCription-41 per year in advance -$1.50 may be charged If not so paid. No paper discontinued until all arrears are paid, unless the gpinion , of the publisher. The date to 'which every subscription is paid is denoted en the label. Advertising rates -Transient aelver- tisements, 10 cents ger eonpariel line for first insertion and 3 cents per line for each subeequeet iesert- ion. Small advertisements not to exceed one inch, such as "Lost," "Strayed," or "Stolen," etc., in- , serted once for 35. cents and each subsequent insertion 10 cents. ' Communications intended for publiea- lion must, as a guarantee of . good faith, be accomieen. ied by tbe •narne of the writer. — 9 1 1-04111RAIN CASTLE By Aims, .0 N. WILLIA1YA Author of "The Princess jr °The la tning COO:hector; Etc., Etc,- - Cepyright 1".901/, IT Mre. O. N. Willia,mson he slipped on the stairs which led PARLIARZNI, 03T. from the secret way to. an under. ground passage, and; falling to the Only 'Real Highlander In Conertons bottom, beeke his neck. But a short confessionligneci just betore death. by Trowbridge and Kendal's recognition of the face in the tower would have been enough to doom him, had he • WAS Dr. Angus McLennan. • ' Canadian public life lost a pie- turesque -figure when Paralysis struck down Dr. Angus McLennan of le- veret:3s recently. The Liberals of 010118 followed by the mysterious Inverness mourn the loss of their ,Underground Syndicate in search of local leader, but. a higher tribute to prey were traced again by men em- the memory and werth of a the dead ployed by Oxford, and his ease was -le the, sleep feeling of bereavement Proved, one valuable bit ofevidence telt by all the people of the country. 'being the sketch of -his father - a Many of the people there, perhaps apeaeing likeness of himselfrepreaerv- Most of them, are of Highland ex - ed by Elspeth Dean. • traction. Dr. McLennan was a typi- Not far from the dead body of An, cal Highlander, and blood is thicket nette Dritz, in the secret room, were than water, and where the public found all the stolen jewels, .those of heart is sound, .niueh 'thicket” than Lady Ardoliffe, as well .ate Kenrith's ;•the narrow feelings of thepolitical famous diamond and pearl. But there , partizan. • . • were no papers compromising the Un- I Dr. McLennan was, perhaps, the dergroUnd Syndicate, and that ergane, , only • real Highlander in the last - mitten still works with all its old ses i House of Commons, ' He hadthe fire crecy and astounding success, ! of the race, their courtly but some - Lady Hilary has now no need to what condescending manner, their prove her innocence to any one. and lofty pride, their fearlessness and Lady Agdeliffe was forced to apologize', almost contempt fortopposition. To for all she said. As. for Elspeth, she • see him stride through the crowded had never faltered in her. loyal belief corridors of the Mouse, tall beyond in her bgereVed friend, and it was net most men and straight as a grenadier, through any curious questioning, but ewith head thrown beak, looking purely by accident, that she learned., 'neither to the right nor the -leftegine from Hilary's own lips the exphina-- -couldeasilyimagine that had the tion of certain, small mysteries which Doctor lived: in the days of Prince had puzzled her. • • ' Charlie he too, like tee -many -of his Hilary had not wanted. her mother cOuntremen, .might have staked life •teeknow where Kenrith kept his Jame. and fortune on the issue of that:fatal els, lest, in her 'foolish-prideof seem- day on Cffileden Moor. - ing to know all his affairs', she might He often spoke in the House -that be tempted to speak of •that which is as of as a Well-intentioned pri- had better be kept ,secret, - e *ate member should ---and he always When the girlhad bent over Ken- 'acquitted himself well. His style rithas he lay unconscious after the Was peceliar and it waswholly his motor accident she had thought noth-e tiivn, for he was a man of too much ing of the jewels, nothing of all her eharadter to copy. onother.. There was wild talk to Elspeth, but only of the seeriething about it to remind one that man himself. She had laid her hand upon his heart to see if it were still the sneaker- had a merliCal edueation, and yet there was *at times a peceliiir beating, an.d it wasthen that Wove,use• of words and of bridge and :the, "Countess' had ftp- ,, d - sentencesthat suggested that English peered. * Was notPhis mother tongue. • And then As for the shining jewel •that • had the voice had a wonderful range from been tied up in Hilarige handkerchief,: deepest: bass to shrill, pining notes it was a Him given her by Captain :. soniewhat like the • music in which Oxford. She had not dared to wear the men of the hills and heather take it openly- beetiuse of her neither, and so *much delight. He was popular in had kept it hidden' inside her dress.. Inverness. SC MUCh so that in 1896 meaning to give it beck if she should he was able to take the seat. from a be compelled to engage herself. to Highlander tter&estioctor like hie:melt another man. • and,pnt it in .the Government ranks: Captain Oxford did net wish to hur- •, - At •one -election Dr. MeLerinan's ren - re on his marriage now. Because he jerity exceeded' a thousand. loved Hite:1-y so' much, and because . • • he had suffered so meeh nein ad , humiliation at the hande of the. girin's 'ACTING UNDER DIFFICULTIES: mother, he wished to be in the poe• • • . sessimi of his title and estates before • 'Hemiet's Accident and Line Proved to she came to him. as his wife. ". .1 •• • te w'e pproprate. i . • • • • • , • BA• , , • It Was differenhoevet,e• with . • . . - • Kenrith. The. sooner Elspeth Dean' . Some. years ago a very amusing ine could belong to hint the better, he eident eccusred in a. traveling Shakes:. would be pleased; .and there was no „perish Company; in Alberta: The hero reason for wait g. , • .. ... : „of the incident was a Sheltesperian. ,in Atter that strange and terrible. night •• :tete!' of considerable distinction: Ar- -the little steriographer'•-mTtlies-heic-.."'-triving at Calgely, preparaticms oinee-of Lochrain Castle Hydro. • But . were made for as elaborate .a• prcidees she was no longer a• Stenographer: :1 tion as the faCilitia" allowed.. The• The girl considered herself • still first .scene *passed 'Off with 'sueceses bound to work for Mr. McGowan until . and up went .the•I'elrop" in the &tics her fortnight was up; but • Kenrith nese to reveal in ,a moment. "another *would not hear of this arrangement, part of the castle" whereon Hamlet 'firm that she was engaged to him., • was to: meet the ghost; of. his father He insisted that Mr. McGowan:should eancl receive from him the dread story at once telegraph to London for some of his uncle's crime. The star's pose one to fill Elspeth's place eeind that tion • when the lights catrie 'dimly on, lie should state to the manager of. the.. was sUpposea to be .on • top.df a plat - agency at the • same time his reaper' •i.form.znadivot feureiarallels Surmount - for superseding her. Therefore, in-' •ed by aelooee ficioreig of botirdse.but• ,I.ead- Of leaa nitre -that lierepediesgee-J-gthe• stage' earpent-er-hr-his. lrarry-rirtol had been unsatisfactory, Elspetige ,old i failed to 'festee that top,seetion down friend, Miss Smith,. was,•itiformed that , ,flreely. • To the, unspeakable horror Miss. Dean was to 'Marry, John Kertel of, all behind the .seeties it .was •noe rith, the millionaire from .the Noxth, tided that, *the. ettige :leg' had 'slink whose book on social•••eitiestiene She' into ' an • unprotected' corner ; of 'the I had been typing when tbe: first Madre' wobble affair and was there securely acquaintance. , . , ••• •" '* . pinioned: . But the Herd of Avon Sure - The girl had been liked by all the ' le-st&id at. his elbow that night, for guests at the hotel Who had come ii,g in his mental perplexity and the Pain contact with her, and the news, of her of. his • position he delivered ,bte'vely engagement pleased everybody -every- the first Bee of his part: . •• • , ' body, with •one exception. . : • "Sneek,":ligeried to the ighost, Us - That exception .wee Lady' Lambert, . ieg. the actual lines of his part, to whom Elspeth Deanne. happiness - "speak, for 1 crin go leo. further!' .-. meant the most 'complete. humiliation . in her forty years of life. She had . Cattle • Had ' Rabies. .• ' lied many hard blows, .but the loss of John 'Kenrith, and his lave for the A colt and a steer helm -wing to Gor- girl she had hated and triedtorain don Hoover. township of Rainhane, altItviwelie hardest of all. Many days. died- recently from a sickness in sed before she was able to console which they foitrasd at the mouth and showed signs of having an infectious disease. Since then two steers liave had to be .-,shot. • • W. J. MITCHELL, Editor and Proprietor. •••••••• GRAND TRUNK RAILWAv SYSTEM -TIME TABLE - Trains will arrive at and depart frann Clinton Station as follows: BUFFALO AND GODERICFI DIV. 7.35 a. 3.07. p.m. , 5.44 •.11.07 a. in.: 1.25 p. m.' 6.40 1 P.In• 11.28 p. m. BRUCE DIV. 7,50 a. M. 4.23 p. m. 11.00 a. tn. 6.35 P. fire Going East di e. Going West it • '4 44 le .. LONDON, HURON .ge Ooing South I I Going North United States Subseribert please note that We have to pay one cent postage on each pap- er going to the . United Staten, This means that your% atibscrips Con meet be paid hi adVantle. When yeti aee your eilbserigt1011 expiring pleateo rentit 81.56 for in . other year so that The Will not miss 'any conk* of The Nalfg4hibs ord. , herself in the mealiest :degree by the reflection that at least her daughter would be marrying a rich man when she married the new Lord Lochraire Having feared that hcmight have and that probably the mother of Lady become inoculated with the disease Lochrain would have. her debts paid th ough abrasions ' 'received while and be decently provided for. . • hatudling the animals, Mr, Hoover Shehad done all she °mild to sen- has gone to the Pasteur Institute at arate the •lovers, but they, had cor,e New .York and Henry Henry Uriny, who res together in spite Of her, and she kris w ceived foam on his ;face while assist - Hilary well enough to be sure that leg • at shooting nhe of the animals, she would want for nothing. also has gone to the institute. . She even tried tonitone for the p- -t The -animals are believed to have by being gracious -to her future son- had rabies. It is not known how they in-law; but, though scrupulously case contracted the disease, but it was re- teous, he was idly cebt, and La4v ported some weeks ago that animals Lambert guessed that her life would, not far from Cayuga had been. bitten in future: better be lived abroad, , a mad dog, • . Of all places on. earth, Lochrain , Castle Hydro Wes the last one where • Our Canadian Peet% she wighed to remain, since it also • ° • 'sheltered Elspeth Dean; but te der- . Not °Tie of Our three Canadian per- tain stubborn pride -compelled her to ages has an heir male to continue it. consent to Hilary wish -that they Lord Straitierangs title, presumably, should rertiain. Outwardly, she was will one day descend to his daughter, on friendly terms with Kenrith, guess- Mrs. Howard, who in that moo will ing that Elspeth had not told hith of her cruelty, and; as itlary was asked, to be bridesmaid, she actually lound. herself compelled. unless she would betray her feelings. to be present at the wedding, • '' • The happiest clay. Of Elspeth's life was the most miserable one in Ida. Lambert's; but she wore a bravo en- ough smile ,on her handsome face as she bore her punishmthit. Siie•weeksJeiter came Hilary's mar- riage to the new Lord Lochrain, about whose great rornariee every one was ,talking. This might litoie 'been, triumph for the brides mother had she been as other mothers, but she realized .when it Wee too late that she had played her cards. badly .for her own hand, after all. • She was not .ditiatoointed in the Aliment.° she hoped to receive,but tiVeri gentle -hearted 'Hilary did not speak of, any future life together. And now, in the summer, Lady Lambert, painted and still pretty, is seen at Aix -les -tains or. Homburg. In the winter she is at Cairo or Monte Carle, and, thenghthe bless in several so- ciety papers, she invariably crumples them up, or throve them aside an- grily, if she 0012144 UPOR a paragraph concerning the social *incense Of Young Mrs.,lohn ICenrith, .wife of the mils VIM BM), •••••;e*g , add another to the small and select compiles' of British peeresses in their own right. Lord Mount Stephen, though he has been twice married, has no children; and the other' Cana- dian peerage, that of Macdonald of Earnscliffe, is now held by the widow of the first Lord MaCdonald, and as yet no provision has. been made for its inheritance by her only daughter. Oranges In Lindsay. There are .nof many people who would believe that oranges would grow in Lindsay. Ont., and if you were to tell them that you had an orange tied that was bearing real ° oranges they would be incliried to think that you were oking pr. qualifying for the. clippy house. . Mr, B. E. Sperling. who resides it the eortier of Colberne and St. Paul streets, has, hewever, a fine orange tree which has, all told, about ton oranges on it. He has it growing right in the centre of the garden, and it is growing just as Wit am any ef the other trees.' LeaVas "NO at Ninety. One of the Oldest convicts in the penitentiary ha* been &Whetted, af- ter .completing a four-year terra. He wM Charles Storms, *fed vie*, ed Of horse -tending at BeILevill& He is quite vigorous. 7° «A- I COPYRIGHT 1907 A.1,1A• • "'Ilia- eyes ht.tre seen'. lbe •stole or •he mining of the Lord,' " muttered tin: surgeon In bis deep bass, n tie i0Otieti upon We streaming ra ,rlechitniey.. heavens. ../es nee ;milting the wheel. The ship responded per. ror shot to the zenitigl Rtirnett whirled In the west the splendor and tbe ter - "1 thought ehe might be bewitched, too," he murmured. "You may head her for ,the Mr. 13arnett," said Captain Parkinsou calmly. He had.conie from his cabin. all his nervous depression gope the race of an iniminent and visible dan- ger. Slowly the great MASS of steel swung to the unknown. For an hour the un- known "guided ber. Then fell black - nese, sudden complete. After that ra- diance the Itlitzzte(1 eye could, make out no stars. but the looliout's keen vision discerned something else, "Ship afire!" he shouted hoarsely. ".• „ 0 -Where away?" . "Two points to leeward, near where the light WAS: sir." • They turnied terdr eyes In tile direc- tion indicated and beheld a majestic rolling volume of purpw light. Sud- denly a fiercer red shot It through. 7"Thet'S nO ship afire:" sald Trendon. "Volcano in eruption." • . "And the other," asked the captain. "No .volcano, sir." • , "Poor Billy gdwards wins his bet," said Forsythe in a low voiee, "God grant he's on earth to collect It," 'replied Barneit'selemnly.• • No gine turned in filet Legit Wheu the sub of June 8 rose it shineed an: ocean bare of iirospect except that on. the far horizon• where the Chart Show. ed no land there rpse n szuudge of dirty rolling smoke. Of Abe schooner Were was neither slim nor trace. ' ' ' CHAPTER. VI.. • HIS ship." greneed Carter, the e second officer, to Dr. Trete :don, as they stood watching. the ,growinge smoke, cOlumn; "Is a worse hotbed of rumors thee a down east village. 'Thatei the third sea gull we'te liad officially., reported - since breakraet," * • As he eiald...three distigeleitnes the golverine bed thrilled to an .imiaileent weleh uriou nearer ineeste gegen, bed dwindled ecs Mtn, te. floating . fowl. teen the beelk, ei.lsal;,c: atter!. elcomplaint Clime another "Beat, phoei: Three. points .011 ti 'starboard hew."' ' , • • • '' "If that's another gen," tnuttered car-. etegl letnevcsomething sayecoeyofee my restive •loolcout,"„. , The news, nen electrically: through the cruiser.••aed ell eyda .were strained. for a gliintise, of the boat; -the:ship swutig gWay. to starboard. "I.pt the. knew as soon .as you can tuaitc. her out." oradered Cartee •• "A VI: 113 re, sit'.!' 'There's certelitly something there," said Forsytbeeiresently,. "1can make , out a speck risieg ofiethe . "Hit e 'wreegege frenrgBnrnetes-dee &ice" enitteredeTreedon,,:. scowling through bis glasses:* • • •,. ! • -.• • "Rides toe high. ter , or any • thibg of that sort," said the junior lieutenant: ••••• , • • • ••. • • "She's. a Smell boat," came in the. ' clear,. tones • of•the lookeut "driftlie • .":!eAwnn; one .fretter?" an.ked•cartge. • "Can'M 't ake out yet, sir. .No one's in charge though, sir." . • Captain' ,Perkineoii appeared, • and Curter.. poleted- out the sileckito him.' eYes. Give her foil speed," said the Teaptaingeteplyingeto,se :etre-Skin trete, • Ihe,.officer of the deck., . • • Forward leaped the swift Outset Sall too slow for. the -anxious hearts of 'these aboard. For ehere was not ode ef the Wolverines who did not expect 'Cream this elmlese 'traveler of desert. •peas- et the least a leading clew to the -riddle 'that •oppressed them. g • ,"Aloft there!' . s ':.!‘iftairldne'esYa9hyulegMbsi.ikirliie'"*.a't:dhd*ery!*, slirsd'...r • • • "%inlet there a' dory. on PLittigk.. Ing Lege?" 'cried Forsythe, •• • •"01i iher .stern '.davits," anSwered Trendon. .2 • . . "It is,. hardly . probable theit entite Melted •teriall leen sheultiebe ,diefting about these seas,"•said Captain Parkle- nen thoughtfully, "If• she's a doe'y'. she's the -Laughing Leis' boat."• "That's 'whet she is," 'saki :Bainett. "Yen. ean • see her build plain •enotige how." g • . . • • • 'We Barnett, Will:gee go eloti.•and. keep me posted?" said the capteili. The executive officer effinbed to join the lookout As he ascended those be- low SaW. 6.6 ilttbe creft*rine 'high and slow ,on'e) broitde,Weir; • . aSnme. deiY," Said' Tifeadon. "I'd swear to her in Constantinople." "What else could she be?" Muttered Forgethe. . "Soniethin' that !kis nein man In the bottoin Of her,'".sing Out the crow's, tiest„ "Two of• 'etn, I think!" Or flee ininutea there whs stillnese aboard. broken Mile by .an Occasional* lolv voiced conjecture. Then from aloft: ,• s i'TVVO men NNW in the bOttOtil." "Are they alive?" "No. sir. Not that. 1 can See • The wind, Which had been ektrehiely variable since (lawn, now whipped around a couple of points, 'Swinging the boat's stern to them. Barnett, pile .etlngdov ttln eid his.glitse for et moment, call ds .' OtPellf.SFaelaegglaplipait, • 4. nythe. . . "Dory who aboard. When. we found tier- the finopd time,. after Edwards had left." , "Can you make out whicb of the men are in berg, hailed the captain. - "Don't think ire any of our people," came the astonishing reply from Bar, nett "ire.' yint surer . • "I en! see only one made face, sir. It Isn't Ives or McGuire. RD'S n stranger to me," Alt 'must be one,of tbe ereev. then." "No, sir, beg your parding." called the lookout. Nothin' like teat in out erews sire' ' • • . ; .. 'rlie beat came down upon them swift ly. Soon the. quarter deck 'us looking into her. she was of a type eommoil enough on the high seas, ex- cept thitt.11 itep tor a meet showed that she had presthuably. beep used for sitlitithing about open shores. Of lee' passengers one ley remind, lireee ;led quiet. A length of sniPelolh 'spread oxer hire Wade it imposkible to see his garb. At 'his breast an ugly protuber- n4i.eweityontlitred, vageely„,:hlti.ted a, de - The other sprawled aft. .and at s. nearer sight...or him some of the Meta. broke out Into nervous titters,: • There was some excuse, (*Or surely• suela u searecrow had never hetore been the. *sport of wind and wave. A thin of . shreds he was. elaberetely..ragged. A race overrun with a scrub or. beard and. preternaturally drawn. surmount- , ed with a stiff dried. dirty cloth semi- turluni, with a wide, forbidding...stain . along the side, worked out the •lieeness to a makeup, • e'lly God!" etickled eorsytbe with a eysterical explo,sion. end. figAID '''My. , Cecil" . , ,. .. A long drawn; irrepressible. aspira- tion of e4eettiney• roseette y •thie'vs'or, ship's•decke as the straci r'lealt,•ted his ha •rd face, tinned* , s miseeingly. upon etii and fell beak., '•The•forwurd Groeti;leidrit.l.ii i • etirred not. ;are, as•- the , heat From between .decice some oue called out. shurply an order. In the -grim Si- lence it seemed strengely Incongreena . . that the measured buslifeaS of a ship's • .•11re 'sheltie .be• going• foriverd•as esual. Sometheig withfe tla neweemer's cone theaty: SlechaniCa le, like soute' eiigg. ( scioesness stirred t • thee toic;e of ale' bideetis goy. he 'raised' first 'elle arm. then the other sine hitched Iiitnself leinevey *bp on the stero. seat. Elis . Mouth opeued, 'Ins face Wrinkled. He •seemed.;gropirig foe the. tuca eine -of .a joke at which be knew be .ouglif eto, ,Itteginseguddenly from; his. lipi'ln Stu:- • 'Prising vole*, rageoes,eitipine Yet - With it certain' rollicking' deviltry .iltetoe .iet the heed •tetliteberst a 'chanty; e, . "Oh; their -coffin Was their shii2and. their • , grave it was the Sea--' - • • 1316w 'high, blow low, What Care Wel . Ati4 the quarter that we gave theny.was . to sink theta in the sea-:- •, ' - '. ,_. . Down On the Coast of the high. Ran% - baree-ee." . • • . . ''‘ _ • . . • .tonr/yawn Atlie the ire:et-see nt wail, thee' -minor cadence wavered through the stillness and died away. "Tee --Trin-v-Bitrintres-i"--cried-Tren: 4,That.fi tbe one, sir. I can make out the neirie." "Good," said the reptant quietly, "We thould have neen at least." "Ives or McGeite," etiggeeted For iirYthei in low toffee • "Or Billy Edwarde," emended Cars "Not Edwards," 5814Trendon, "Sew do vankriettr dereetided Vole . . ‘erou,*now.:It-r• asked . the •captiiiie. 'expectant Of a cieW.: • ". . . "One of. those.'eursed tunes you can't. .; 'forget," 'sai1. tbe • surgeon e; "Heard a scoundrel of a •beaclieomber :sine it years ago. Down .in New. Zealand, that was. When the feverrose on hitn he'd pipenp., leded to beet thee With a steel hook he wore en piece gt'aehead.• • The thitig•hauisted red till ll•was sorry •I hadn't let the,: reseal 'die. . Thin crea- turemight have •learned it from him. Howls it outexactly 'alike." • • "I don't see that that helps us, any;!' said . Forsythe, -looking- down on the. preparations that were melting. to. ye; mem the neextiected guests: With a -.deftness. Which had made thee Wolverine famous in the navy.for the 'niceties or seamanshipethe.great cruls er 'let down her :tackle as She drew skillfully alongside and indite fast pre- paratory to Arting. the dory. gentle to iher'broad deck. 'Bet:before the order *came to hoist !may one Of the Nickles .who had griee„cloWn .drew the covering hileir from the still :figeee•fOrward•and turned it beer. With a half stilled cry he shrank back.. .And at that the ten - Mon of soul and mind °tithe Wolverine snapped, breaking •into eutcties and sudden, glum). imprecatians. The face. .revealed was that of Timmins, the . bo's'n's mate, who had sailed with the first .vanished crew.. Ailfe preseryer Was fastened under life. grins. Be wan dead; • ' ent,": said the sergeon briefly and • steed With Month: agape.'. • Never had tlie disciplined- Wolverines per- formed -a spa dutr'with • so *ragged routine as the getting in of the pat cohtaining the flee :teen. and the d body. -.Tile dead seaman was revere ly (Deposed and eovered.- Is to the survivor. there wits some hesitancy OD the part. of. the•captain'; who was inclined' to 'send him forward Until De Trendon, after ti swift senate's seg. .gested that for the present at leaSt be 'be berthed aft, .They took the strut - ger t� Edwards' vecant twirl, where .Trendon was. closeted with him for. hatf ;•nti hour, Meet he .emerged he wag beset with Otiestiona. • . "Can't give any actount of himself yet," eitlid the surgeon, "Weak and not.. rightly conscious." • • "What ails him?" • "Enough. Gash in his twain. Fever. Thirst and exhaustion. liervous Shock, too, 1 think.' • "HOW came he aboard the Laughing Lees? Dote he knee, anything Of Bille? Wag he ea iltowaw,ayi Did you askpip abontAyeeend McGuire? it.11:.0eram,j0Aeletliti. email beat? reistr', "Now, now," slit& the Vetettin chid. !ugly. "Sow tall 1 tell? Weald yott have me kill the matt With queitioner HO left thente look At tbe • body' Of the WWI Mete, Not a word had be to wir when atiosatet sa.. oat., tits , 'captain got upytnrCiut 4f llifeblie growling end unintelligible *spree - sloes. Seerned 'te OhinrillatorY and to expreee bewildered Cogitation, "flow long bad poor' Tinunins been drowned?" the -captain had. milted Itint, and Treudon replied: , "Captain Parkinson, tbe. n3ari wasn't drowned. No water in bie lungs." "Not drowned; Then how Ca030 be by his death?" "If I were to Magnet* it under any other Conditions I -should Say thet be Lind inbaled dames." Then the two men etered at each other In blank inaporendy, 51eantline the eicai-ecrow was showing signs of re* "Tike it yourself, ef .yee 124.4 said - Trendon. - • tur:ting consciousness and a message• ^ waa_dispatcheil for the physician, On bus wee be • met Berirett, • Whiseeteired-,e-- and receil•ed Permission to accompany" bine The stranger was tossing reste lessly in his butile, opening and shut- ting his welled Mouth in silent, pite-- • ous appeal for ti e water that must still be doted M. ben parsimoniously. "I thine 111, tre. him with 'a little ,. brendy." said ,rrr arf% and' gent for • the liquois ••:" • . • Bartiett• raised i *,t While the. gergeon beld the glasse es 0 11 a. he • Man's heed rose. waterer. ' the' glass. • • "Alt right, my ?rind. Tab. it self. it' yeti like," said Trendon. The fingers Closed. Tremulously bele, the little glass tilted and rattled •••• against the teeth. There was one deep, ; e'ager spasni of swallowieg. Then tbe• • •• revered eyes Opened mien, the face : • the Woirerine's first officer. 7•"Prosit, Barnett": Said the man Heel a voice like the.rasp °trusty metal: •*. The. navy • mane straightened up gal ' from mil** ander the .14w (TO rBE CONTINTJED.) WAS GIVEN CANADA. 'Lord Oandys Sys Viscourit Canada e) Still' Egtste Eritain. • rod Sandys writes from Ombersley Court, Droitwich, Wore,eetershire, to one of the English papers, as follows "I have before ine:- an article headed . 'Canada and the Peerage,' which ap- • . peered in The Daily Telegraph a. 'few weeks back." The writer points to a,. rumor -fat Sir Wilfrid Lgurieris about to receive a peerage, and goes- ' on to say there was once ale Earl of Stirline and Viscount Canada, but that the the titles' existed fey so short teeperiodsethate-alineet all-mernery of them has disappeared. My object in, writing to you is to point out that thetitles exist now, and always have existed since- their ereation in 1621, and, belong to my family; as the sold . direct representatives of Henry „Alex- ander, fiftb, Earl of Stirline. In the, early part of the last century the title, but not the.property, was claim - cd by a member of another branch . Of the family,,but on his clainiing the 'privileges -of a peer in some law pro- ceedings the case was tried in Scot- land, the judge -deciding that Lady tbeerightfaLlegidegeg t tlesewhieh _ Dovenshire• as Baroness e y as she assumed, and they 'became -lost for the time by her using the super- ior title of Marchioness of Downallire. , Among some of the rewards my an- cestor •received by his niany services . to the state in general and to Canada in particular were the grants of Nova Scotia, the Dominion of Cartada, and Stirline Island, or, as it wah filter- • wards called, Long Inland, on 'which -7 a large pert of New York is built. He also .had the right of ereeting Nova • Scotia baronets, making himself the filet in. 1625. The ceiestien of the right' or *sem' of alienating the eolg onial properties of the Stirline tamely without cenipensation has never been SiteWn; regarding- the titles there is no question," • A WESTERN -.EDITORIAL. "Editor Recounts Diverting tele and Slies .irt a Few Opinions. Here is a typical Western editorial •artiele, taken item the Calgary Daily Herald: Wonderful are the ways and 'Mani., fold are the dutiesof the Mounted Police. The latest Story wines from. Dawson. That is the place where the " Klondyke Lyre used to besprinted-,- and it never got over it. SO= truthful James 'end a .out it, stirring account' of how re police offl- cer and twenty men kept two of the northern tribes froth fighting to a.• cleaner finish, than the Kilkenny eats. To make the "human interest" end of emitwalolrain,right gtheeeerrwf eipeonoclfaent thyotii buck, • She, frivolous thing, showed' her. AbX and partiality by give* •a pair of 1110eCaSinfl to. another. Hubby found it out and wanted to pet the boots toldra, too. Not being civilized., 'they went at it with weapons. Of 'course, when the untutored savage . Rata -educated and such a circum- stance hfiSee., he Walk& up and shoots' the other fellow while he is chitking • punk lemonade in: a roof garden, or • else takes sneaks up behind. a sall and &eat an option on all the Iced a • • 44 pistol will assay. But of Ours° these Were only plain buck Indians tat didn't know any better, so they kept on fighting until preatuns abl the best man won. Then the Oetreependent tete of the el, for ven. pante front his fellow -tribesmen, and the timely intervention of the police. It makes it real nice gory. The equaatef Oh I she married thdi buek who wasn't shot. t.e? .,