The Clinton News-Record, 1908-10-22, Page 8o � b
Thursday, Oct; 22nd, 1908,
Mr. R. L. Borden's Address to
the People,
The Following Manifesto has boon
issued by Mr. R. L. Borden to the
people of Canada :
What is the Aim of the Liberal Con-
servative Policy :
To give to the farmers and produ-
cers better facilities and more favor=
able rates for transportation.
To keep our young men on the farm
and to bring within their reach the
comforts and conveniences of modern
civilization ; better postal facilities ;.
free rural mail delivery ; cheaper and
wider use of the telegraph and tele-
phone. '
For the laboring man such applica-
tion of the principle of protection as
will justify and insure the payment
of a fair living wage and will safe-
guard his interests against unfair and
unjust competition, whether by means
of undesirable immigration or pauper-
ized labor in other countries.
and of the public : revenues has been
chargedand specific instances given,
Sir Wilfrid Laurier has replied in
these words "I disdain to discus;
these issues ; my soul is • turned to-
ward greater events and questi brie."
Is not honest administration the
greatest issue .of all•!?
What are the greater events ' and
questions toward which the prime
minister's soul is turned
Was Alexander .1Vlackenzie's soul less.
lofty because he esteemed it his first
duty to protect Canada's treasury;
against plundering by camp, followers ?
Surely the prime minister V Cana—
da could not occupy himselfwith con-,
siderations of more transcendent im
portance than those which arc con-
cerned with the . moral foundations
upon which alone the permanency ot
democratic institutions can securely
rest. In all recorded. history "no na-
tion's greatnesshas ever .proved- en-
' during unless founded on high.public
For the fishermen better considcra- as well as private standard'and ideals.)
tion of their interests and more favor-
able access to our own home markets.
For •, the people honest adminis- hands of the young men. It will be
The destiny of our country is in the
tration of our public revenues and
more so in the years " `to .i one DO
honest expenditure of public moneys
for public purposes alone ; a thoro
reform of our civil Service ; decent
appointments to public offie s ; reform-
ation of the election laws and there
enforcement thereof ; restitution to
Wane.. affatrsf .:Has • prospethty„come
the people by, i ate :;;alas'r
� i+ from the peouvents DRi;• the . ettcasury'
of their pillaged public domain•; there .
control of our public utilities ;' l more blenches or from the indusrtry; Capacity;
careful selection of immigrants and ex- and enterprise of our people' employed
elusion of undesirables. in the development of: our national
eesouxces ?
they believe that the reo,nit progress
of Canada is due . to the present gov-
ernment, or that the men who com-
pose the present cabinet can alone be
safely entrusted with the control of
Non-partiizan management of our The defeat of the • present govern -
state -owned railway ; a fiscal policy meet will mean victory 'not for the
which will develop ;all our great rose Liberal -Conservative party alone; but
ourecs, including those of the sorest, for the honest rank ;and file of the
the mine and ,the fisheries ; -the devel- Liberal party as well:; in short; for
opment and improvement of •sur ea- the people of Canada.'
tional waterways ; the equipment of .
our national ports ; the promothn of To them I promise if returned to
preferential trade within the empire; power a cabinet worthy of (their
the unimpaired maintenance of Prov-' ideals and truly representative of .the
inial rights and liberties. ; great country, which 'I .serve. -
When plunder, of the public ! domain R. L. Borden.
Live Stock Market.
Toronto, Oct. 19th.—Trade was 0ow1
and dull. Prices easier exoept'for any-
thing extra choice. I0f the latter class
not more than a load or two in the
market. The hog market is lower.
The total run was 62 loads, with 1,-
;298 head of cattle, 673 sheep and
lambs, 'and 58 calves.
Butcher cattle—Market easier and
15e to 25c lower. I
Export—Market easier and 150 to 25
cents lower.
There is a steady demand
feeders and stookers.
Distillery cattle wanted.
Sheep—Ewes easier and prospects
for good
Lambs --Market easier and 25c lower.
Hogs—Market weak and lower.
Gunn'h Ltd., quote select hogs at
$5.90 f.o.b., at country points.
Mr. Andrew, Sloan and 11rs. Combs
of Blyth spent Friday '`lash ihe guest
of{''Mrs. Snell. "
Miss Dever of Seaforth "spent a ••few
days in our ;village.
Mr. and Mrs: James Taylor of Liar-
riston called here on Saturday' owing
to the serious illness of Mrs. A. t B:
Snell, the latter's mother.
.Miss -Dickson,. nurse, .Sal Orth, is at`
present nursing Mm. Wm. Snell.
Mx. E. N. Lewis of Goderi..;h was a
caller in our village on Thursday.
Mrs. Graham of Toronto,. Mrs. Cole
and daughter and Mrs. Pollard
were the guests on Sunday.. last of the
lattices sister; Mrs. Glazier of Staple-
Miss Ruth Milson left on Monday fox
Cleveland, Ohio, where she, will : at-
tend school.
Miss Jennie Love returned. to R.
CIark's after spending ',a couple of
weeks' the guest of friends at Walton.
'Mr. and Mrs. Harry Videae in-°
tent removing from Elgin avenue to
the house on Lighthouse street oppo•
site the market.
•• On Tuesday 13th October Mr:;; Dote
'held her poet -nuptial reception at her. •
prdtty new residence on Elgin Avenue.
Mrs. Willie Diedrich did the honor et
admitting the guests and wore a very
pretty reception dress of old rose tat
feta.. Mrs. Dore'sreception dregs wee,
Made a is Princess,of champagne ta.t-
feta. each scam corded with crimson.
Mrs. Diedrich •wore a dress of 'blac's.
Henrietta goods, ,trimmed wit;►.b1ac r
lace. The table in the tea room wee,,
.a very handsomely farmed one, With
largecentro piece of honiton. lace, on
Which a vase rested filled' with whit
carnations and fern with •myrtle 'scat-
tered "around'it. • Mrs. Harry Edward,
looked :Iovcly,. in a costume of pearl
grey, silk, ; . the corsage,: and sleeves
trimmed " with filet net. The two
young ladieo, who served tea and cake.)
were the.Misses Franc Diedrich and
Alice Fraser, Miss Diedrich wearing a
pale blue .cashmere •costume, trimmed
with pale blue satin, • and point d'es-
prit: Miss .Fraser wore a lovely cos-
ttime of old rose-• taffeta, wioh Straps
and buttons of point lace.
Mr. and ' Mrs. James Vivian and
little son,. Cecil, James, left on Mon
day for ,their home at La • Porte,`In-
diana, where .Mr. Vivian is engaged:
in a large establishment
Mr. David Brown .:and "eldest son
Rudolph, attended the New Year's
festivities in the; Synagogue at Toron-
to, which lasted.44 days,, commencing
p w27,th kSA?i1 ;sr.Hiug ,yvhrch:
time •11,114.-' Brown tootk'> the. fi 'st Agree,;
necessary to make 'him':a Rabbi, and
instead of sending his .poultry, or any
animal to Toronto to beslaughtered
by the Rabbi, :he .has•. .the power to.
kill neem in Goderich: • •
On• Monday .12th October at the
residence of Rabbi ` Brown, the .infant
son of Mr. and, Mrs. 'Max -Panzer was
circumsi4ed 'by Rablei. Philips of Lon-
ondon, and the name given him was
Abraham Manuel: Quito. a number of
guests, were invited to attend the rite,
at the conclusion ofwhich allisat
down to the • banquet which always
follows the auspicious event.
Miss Tessie McIntosh,• after'spend-,
ing her vacation with her parents,,
Mr.• and Mrs. ''John C. Mclntosh, re-;
turnedon the first week` of Oct '(ser to
her duties las trainednurse. at •Scrap -
Mr. Videau and family are about to
remove to the house which they oc-
cupied some years ago, opposite the ,
market, ' • ,
Miss Gladys Dinsmore, daughter of
Air. Dinsmore of town, writes ;to say,
that. His Lordship, Bishop Williams oft
London, administered' the rite of Con-`
firmation at the Kenyenah Mission,
en the Grand River, onYS.unday lith
October, to a great number of persons
in the Mission. Miss Dinsmore is a. •
• t' a her in the Mission' School and or-
of" the Kenyenah church.. The
Mission on the Grand River comprisetsl,
5,000 Mowhawk Indians. .
• Them was a fire on South street
on Saturday but it was soon extin-.
gufshcd.• •
Miss. Lizzie Barry, .returned to her
home last week from the hospital.
Mrs. Daniel .Ferguson has reinoved
to her own residence on Keays' street.
The Sentinel of Pilot Mound, Man.,
contains the following report of . the
Wedding of Miss Vida M. Belle : . 4"A.
quiet and : pretty event wase solemnized'
at the residence of Rev. H :and Mrs.
Hull, Winnipeg, on Wednesday evening
of; last week at .7.30•,• when Miss Vida.
Bi 11,, daughter of .Mr. and Mrs. P. E..
Bell of Goderich; Ontario and Mr. W:
E! •Davison of Pilot Motind 'were" un-
tied in marriage ' the thv." 11. Hull
of . McDougall 2 church,' Winnipeg per -
1 forming' the ceremony. There. a were.
• only a few intimate friends present.•.
Atter spending a- short • time ' in the
city, with friends, Mr. • and Mrs. Dav-„
I ison returned to Pilot" Mound on Fri
day, 2nd October, when on the same
evenink they, were, !tendered a"'happy.
and; Hearty.:.reception, _at•thdi' r sidence•
of :1VIPr and Mrs....D: `B. Davisott,`.- the•,.,,;
latter bring an aunt of the groom, by
their older friends, i and on Saturday :
evening, the Methodiut'parsonage, wee
the scene of a similar event, in "'which
the young peoplO'of•the;League,, 'and .
Methodist . church; 'participated. The
happy young . couple were the : ecipi- .-
ents of numerous " and pretty gifts;:
which; testify ,to the esteem in which;
theyare held - by their many; frieads'
both here and "inthe cast. Mr. ' and
Mrs. Davison. have taken up their riesi-e
deuce on 'Aberdeen 'street: The Sentin
el joins the groom's many friends' in
welcoming Mrs. Davison to our midst
and in wishing them (both;' many happy.
and prosperous years of wedded life." '
,On Sunday evening at Knox church
the acetylene gas illumined ;the .church
very ,satisfactorily. Rev.. James An- ,
derson`el oge. for the Text !Pt:hie even-
ing, sermon and Chronicles " 82=8,:' A
the Offertory the 'choir sang :thee hymn
"A few more years will "roll 'r
ton. .
At •St.. George's,,.: • church the aerviel
on Sunday,: last were held at 4 p. "m,•
instead of 7.'
Mr. Boyd of•.Merricksville .is 'visiting,
his sister, Mrs: Driscoll.
Mr. and the Misses McElroy of Sea -
forth visited at the home of IV[rr. and
Mrs. Wm. MCGavin on'Sunday.
Thebox social held at Bethel church
on Friday night was' largely attended.
Mr. and Miss Watson visited at the
home of Mr. Scarlett's la'seb week.
A number from around here attended
the nominations in Hensall and Brus-
sels onoMonday. ,
Me. and Mrs. M. Sterling and child-
ren of God.crieh township visited •'at
the, home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hudie.
West Huron
E. N. 'Lewis,. Goderich.
South Huron
John Sherritt, Stephen'..
North Huron
Dr. Chisholm, Winghsm.
If you want as honest a Coverniment at Ottawa as we hare. at Toronto
Vote for the Borden Candidates.