The Clinton News-Record, 1908-10-01, Page 1,
28th Year
Whole Number 1544
.The News -Record will be seat to any address in Canada to end of 1908 for IQ Cents.
That's the question that i� asked over and over again.
where there te a present to be chosen for ie bride,
Most people agree that it should opine from at jewellery •
etoret because eomehow jewellery . and presents are always
assomated. •
If those Interested Only knew it, We COnld relieve them
of their uncertainty in a few'neinutes, ,
Our stock furnishes the hints. It reves,10 In. a minute
more appropriate presents than anyone could sit at home
and recall in a'
So we invite .buyers. and we 'preemie° to make their-
-.chewing easy and their cOoldesatisTactory.
Owing to illness .Ree. Mr. Charles,
worth was unable to occupy his Rut -
Pit last Sunday., but in his ?beetle°
Mr, Hawke preaened two excellent
sermons. E. ,Charlesworth has since
lintels improved feed hoperi to be in
charge next Sunday when he Will
preach from, the texts which were an-
nouneed last week,
iticoRINATED 1569
Peidellp Capital $8,900,00G. . Reserve $4.890.000
Total Assets. - - • 546,500,000 .
COUNTRY BUSINESS Every facility afforded to farmers
and others for the transaction of
their hanking business. Sales notes will be cashed or eaken for
Special Attention Paid to Savings Bank Accounts
The Farmers': Bank. Of Canada
Capital $1,600,000 - 'Total Assets 51,500,006
40 Branches 'Throughout Canada'.
, Special attention given to farmers' business.
Sale Notes discounted or Collected at lowest current rates.
• Savings , Department. • . .
Deposits of Ill and upwards received. Interest paid or added to principal 4 times a pear
Your money is too valuable to leave in the house where burglars, thieve° or fire
may take it from you or to invest it in risky speculations or with doubtful institutions -
that op often in the past have robbed men of their hard earned wealth. ,
.'"''''''•-77‘44-`\ Drafts and Money Orders isoned : ,.. ! •
When sending money to any part of Canada or the world; remetnber our drafts
and tooney otders'are °mailable here and sold at the lowest possible rates. Our money
orders are payable at par at any point 'io,Canade, and principal ,peipts,in the nitCa
States and eat GrBiltain, • - . , •
---, . _ . ,
Oen MoTile ..s.Tapcs.
r - _r! iv!,; -,7„..t.,:,..;?;
Brute Witan Wirithes ..
R. T. 1),IJNi.OP, Manager
We havejust placed in stook one of the largest,
as well as the best assorted stock of Overcoats ever
shown bv us. We have thstse in a complete range of
sizes, prices and colors to •choose frotn.
,Men's heavy Winter Ov-
ercoats in grays or blacks.
go-dd lenqh-ana good lin-
ings, special at.... 8.50
Men's W inter -weight 07-
ercoats in grays or blacks,
an extra nice coat wbich
we sell at -10.00
. •
The Highland Pipers,' Iband from
Lucknow wee.: in town for some hours
last Fxiday 'and play..trifany Se'Sec-
tons. The' streets were lined with
citizens at the Kitties paraded and
they showed their appreeiation - by
vigor oue applauding. A. warm wel-
eome awaits the Lueknoev Kitties
whenever-stheyecoine-toselittton, nye
-the way, they vitsited Artist Roberts'
studio and were so favorably impress-
ed by specimens of his work that :they
gave :him a sitting .themselyes, •
Wheat 850 to 880,
Oats 35e to 380.
Peas 85e to 86e,
550 to 600.
Eggs 17c to 180, .
Live Hoge $0.75. -
,Dne of the features in the entertain -
silent to be given in the town hall on
Friday evening will -be the descrip-
tive songs by Miss* Drake of Detroit,
Mich. Forty persons will take part
in the play, which is entitled "Scenes
at the -ftIlion Depot.", It es decidedly
humorous and will afford, everybody
Who attends a good 'hearty Iaugh It
it hurts you to laugh, don't go,
There will belellowship meeting -next
Sunday at FO a, in. The pastor. will
preach morning and evenieg. the
morning .service a brief address in
'addition to the sermon i11 be ghee:
to the boys and girls.' Evening sub-
ject ; ".aideen's three , hundred, bravo
pen who lama& Water as . a, 4og," a
coetinuation a last Sunday evening's
subject. Alls are weleorne, • .
.The....Ladies' Aid will giVe benquet
in the town hall, On the eve, Of the
15th inst. When in addition -to an ex-
cellent Menu a good program will be
Rev. Dr. Chowen,' secretary 4 of Tem-,perence and Moral Reform, is booke
to speak in bOth the Metho list church-,
es on Nov. 8tb. •
Me. John .Hunter has been, acting at
night-watchman for the • past week.
He Will perform. the duties peetehang
'to the position in a thorough and
satisfactory manner,.. ,
• Mr. Arthur McCreary has boUght,-
hollsle on King :street south from Ur.
Fred. .Cook, It is adiacent to the
Farren fruit tune 'over which he, will
have. an • oversight. Mr. MeOreary'e.
name has not 'a Coeleney round. but
he is a, native. of 014 London e 'never-
thelest, only "coining to this Country
a couple •ot so. years...ago,. 'He is' gen-
. The regular Meeting orthe Vt'omen s
Institute wits ladld at the home *of
Miss 'Mutt, on Thursday 'afternoon
last. Thcfc was a fair attendance and
very enjoyable meeting. The :subjeet,,
'The 'Value of Cheerfulness" Was Wen
handled by Mrs. Watts who also gave
some good recipes for different kinds
of pickles and sauces. The elext meet-
ing will be held at' the home clf Mrs.
D. Stevenson on Oat 32rill.
DEar, W.!ME.o,
Titere ie no erns; for dealing away
from...home. Money. eheuld Le. if era
'in -the locality .in. which it iS :Made;
.otheewise . the' geoveth and 4.7: C§ S of
districts: is iMpaired. The donduct, of
those people who buy on oreelit ; in
toWn,..and 'outside for: cashe-CA4110t he
too. strongly cendenmed. The mer-
chants ; know :what . they lave .i.p. con-
tend ,lwitb. ein outside rempetitien and
consequeritTy•mark things deviii. to the
low.e‘et possible -Klee FO tbate if. they
cannot obtain cash or it e equivalent
in value,' they suffer loss:. Assist' the
Merolfa,nts So'. far as lies'in yotr p3weg.
to take advantage of ,every tra.d dis-..
count bY -giving' the cish' • with
Which to do 'so and you :will And that
every effort forth,in.ebie way will
redound to youe.:•inteiestse-bioneeary.
..: • :
ST,e$0.1.112S, 011•LTRCII.
•The preacher: in St; Paul's
last ,Sunday was Mr, Hervey, : Col-
clotighe the service being taken -by-
Mr... Clarence Johnson, The • !young
Plq4 acquitted „themselves and the
whole savice Was much enjoyed Ly the
congregetion, IlVlossrs. : Johnson and
,C.olciOngh leave . 'week. to resume
their 'gtudies in': Toronto, he le:inter
in Trinity College and the ?atter:itt
Wycliffe. . • •.
- . • .
Rev.'V:'11,i• Dunbar will have charge
oi the services ' in. .St. Paul's licit
Sunday.' The morning .serinoit will be
in eommemoration, of the late Bishop
Oarmicha,e1, • -.former tecteer. of St
On Thursday evening list the mem-
bers..of :the elicit Met at the home ot
Mr. and Mrs. T.. Beacom ler the put -
pose ;of doing honor .to Miss Mabel'
'Shepherd: who bads long ,been a mem-
ber of the ;choir and who was soon
'Us be. married, Mr.. A. J. Holloway
read the address given below after
which Me, Ra,nep 'made the
presentation whieh consisted : of a
beautiful misaion cleek. Mr. John
Hartley on behalf of Miss Shenherd
returned thanks to the Choir foe their
.kisidneti:„...1‘Ires Shepherd's- (to . whom
the: whole affairs. came as a Surprise's'
also gratehilly. thanked her friends for
their gift which was inoet. acceptable.
Rev. W; Dunbar', in the ,absenee of
•the Rural Dean, "sincerely than ed
Miss Shepherd for her noble and t
sacrificing efforts in. the peat :on be-
halfeet the choir and sincerely trUSted
that' every hleesieg. Might met ,on the
'holm of which she Was toon .to be
mistress. The- company then indulged.
in Various games attee whieh excellent
coffee, sandwich and cake Were served:
The company separated at a late hour
after- Singing Auld Lang Syne.
To Miss Mabel- Sheppard
We, Who have been aseociated with
you in the choir of St. Paul's church,
take this opportunity of Presenting
you with a slight token 'of out es-
teem. Do not, we beg of you; meas-
ure the one by the other, fot nothing
tha,t could give would in our desee
be a fitting ecptivatent to express out
regard for yeti. We find that . even
words fail us to. ftilly express our
'minds in this regard. Your unfailing
kindness, your 'willingness at all time
es to do whatever lay in your • power,
will ever linger as sWeet MeinerieS
't0 be cherished by Wo need not
say we regret that you *ill shortly
be remelted front us, bet recognizing.
in this 'your greater good; we wish
you Godspeed and trust the
future all ley and happiness iney be
youth, hoping that in years to come
our memory may not fade, but that
you will ever recall with pleasure :the
many happy, occasions when in' com-
pany we assisted the musket: ser-
vices of St. Paulsqlhurcli,
Signed on Wink of . the eboir of St.
M. Dudley, Organist.
A HolloWay, 'Choir Mastet4.
Better lines in -dark
shades of gray or, black; a
Trade Winner.... 12.00 ' •
•We.h eve still better tines
at $14.00, $15.00, , $16 60,
$18 00 and. $20.00, 'which
are all made in good qual-
ity cloth, with first-class
trimmings. •
When requiring good
O value in Winter Overcoats
„ call and eee our stock, as
we will be pleased to show
you anything in this line
you inay require.
The Iadiet of Willis church, will hold:
a bazaar in the town hall on Nhure-
day of next week. With their usual
energy they are melting such prepare -
tions as will ensure it being a Veal,
succeees. Persens donatiag lam work
New "Advertisements
overcoats -m. & Q.-.i
Good Shoes --0. Here -4
Heavy Drees •Goods -V. i},.-4Royal Household floer-Ogilvies--2
Fall,FashienS in Ceitt0-4-I migene--ft:
Millineky and Garrneets-eNewcenebte:se8
or sewing ,for the bazaar are request-
ed to leave the same at the home of
Mrs. R, Agnew ou Tuesday. Those
donating Produce' at the town hall
Wednesday afternebn and provisions,
ThiersdaY at the hall, the day of the
Don't Miss "Seeees it a 'Onion De-
ial, energetibe "xnaking good" and so Pot"' in ' til toWil Ilan te-MeorreW
well pleiteeil with the town that he night. - •
bas decided to make' it his permanent The tax ,collector is sending ',, out
homes • : • his annUai reminders that pay day is
approaehings_.- .„
'ANDAEWS-SHEPPAliD NUPTIALSThere has been a latieiale--Orlibstes
A very ',quiet :wedding took place al views ' of the Political denion.xtra-
• r
at the horne of Mrs, R. Miller, ton held in Clintonlastweek, „
presence of PelY, the mo5t intimate
owing to the cold and wet, weath..;
The Blyth Fair was held ye4terday.
Queen Si, on Wednesday when in the
friends of the contracting parties,. her er there was not as fano an IlAten-
danee as uatial. The, Clinton Ofeixens'
nekee; 'Mise Mabel Sheppard; was !,, tur-
An_ band furnished the musia, •,
diteredwsinof Weetrialselreikwitn°,• C. we vo
, n .attired•
been in town the pa' -t- week, sang a
o'clock tthe bride - 'Char Jingly'' .
solo .in. Willis church It st Sunday a.
in cream creperele-ehene, entered the
B'eacom, ,who gave her away, Rev. W. en..a.ild at the evening; servicz delight-.
ed tne congeegation of! the Ont. 'St:
Parlor attended by he uncle, Mk. T.
church in a Simi -tar manner:- . • .
1-1;Denbar pertotming the ceremony in
tho absence of Rev. C. R. Gonne: '' At Wilfrid, Laurier -Dickenson, son 'ot
Me.. D. Dickenson, *rote the Premier
the conclusion the company, sit down '
on the occaeion of his visit to Cline
to .a..xaost .reCherche luncheon,. consisti,st-week.telling him tha,t.he..wais.
ing of all the.fiairity dishes of - the
season; and the happy , gathering . did his na:rnesake" to which Sir Wilfrid
ample jus4c,a to. the geed things pro,. made a 'very cOurteous reply•which the
vided, The brides going away gown !ad, no doubt, priees very highly.
was of navy blue MAWS", cloth with THE UNION DEBATE .
hat to Match. The presents, were • - ' • . '
-b-Oth costly and. useful and : showed the A union meeting of the Yeung Peo-
esteean in which the fait' young bride Ple's Societies, of ..Wesley, Willis, One
ie held. The ' groom's. gift was a ht:rloio inandoSet.leapianurepa, .erliouornicheosi
their future. home in the far West, Week., Rev. Dr. Stewart
• • • after devetional exercises the ro rant
crescent of Pertele. Mr. and Mrt.'esne
church on Tuesday evening of last
drews will leave la a fevir 'days for
THE; CAT,TLE EMBARGO. ' ' consisted of a. debate' On, ''.`RPeseglvecl.
' that „ should he an Imperial Pau -
The American Governinent recently liament in the British Empire." The,
placed an embargo : on Canadian sheep debaters for. the affirmative were Mr.
which ' has practically 'lint - a stop' to .
McQueen of Willis church and Mr. E.
any profitable export business for small
E. Ball 91 Wesley chnrch, or the fig -
breeders. on this side of the 5 ondaty.," ..-
gative Mr; Hartley Of . Ste 'Paul's and
. ,The cause .of the embargo wan 'the,' W.. S. 'R; Holmes et Ontario .: St,
discovery at : Buffalo 'of scab' on li.ii•.op Mr'
- .. • churc'h: The debaters handled.the Snb-
Last Sunday was Rally Day in the
Ont. St. '$; S.' and thero was a lasge
attendance and an interesting pro-
gram. Supeeintendent Hooper con-
ducted 7 -the edretecii: J'Addresees • were,
given by Messrs. 0. Holland and
Hawke and appropriate vocal Music
by the schwa: • ' •
At Monday - evening's meeting pf the
League" Rey. W. V. Jollifie.' gave, a
brief • account 'of his recent iiip
through England and Wales The revs,
erend gentlemares talk was interest-
ing and instructive .and much apprec-
iated by the.' I,eague. Mr. Perry
Pluinsteel was, chairman:,
. Dr. .EVaiis brought another cow. yes7
terdaY afternoon and ;when he , • ' Went
to stable it at duak the bovirie 'became
excited,: jumped e around -at a great
tate and. would' have left for other
pada but for the stout manner . in:
which • the Dr. hung. "On to: -therope,
And he would hate stabled the cow,
toe, 'had !not .a free :interiened. .... and, sent' from the vicinity of St... Mary's,
:kriodked 'him out He got a bad shals- this provence. ' At Points -such as But- jeet well . and:deliver:a, . then: ko'g,•u-
' ti.ras molts. in a cenvineing Manner, They
ing up, and had his forehead- so etit falo the •Ametca;n GoVernment i were' soevenly matched that it took
that the surgeon had to be called in., provided: every facility for the- .ilis-..
ee,, .elie judges,: Messrs.. :Fleming, . IlOover
After sewing • up the' wounds, ... Dr.' coveter i of disease amongi .me _rpo — incl. Trelcaven,.: considerable • ti it
Thompson . went out himself and had steak.: In..thes case .ef sheep, they are :
areive at a decision; •Which :movedto
a .warin-thesle with thCcow,, but nesse placed in a steam -heated: Pen,. tbeheat
, be in favor:of the negative. Whil,i,Ithe
fag spent his early years . on the farm.
he knew a hitch. or st•WO that brought
the ;unruly -critter . to her sei ' es a
int& the ...stable -she. went. ... •-•
We have Boys' Over.
coats in all
! sizes and all
t!kgtTttln/eefer and
"A -Or ,Eyery
Successors to I -tokens Bros; Clothing Store
miminimmiliosinewasiain Torr Ranee, Rector's Warden.
. Miss Drake of Detroit, • who has
soon caesing the disease to -show
judges were at Work Msg.-Wilson gave
morous Scotch reading ". in her
as imposed the a
• ' • .
usual • plsasing wa, . It 'is intended to
e 'elle
Inspector, . to, the • St. Mary's district
ham u bs of Caledon Live Stock out etheleinter, holding ene very, .continue.tlftWe - ''oFes tlirOugh-
weeks or so. This fureishes
Able, Patriotic.,
14,411. R. L. Borden, Conserv"—
'I Will: Rattenburye eldeet: son. of Mt; toinvestigate He easily located e
id Opportunity to the yoeng men
and Mrs. J.- - Rettenbeiry, 'pasted away sine farm front .erlieriee the sheep taci..."1
He had not been in good health , for eri the
soine, months f ,. Mit on MondaY' aelloar- been shipped to Butfato and i ben 'frac:,
found that it originated , in , a carload
disease back oVee a year sand and even the yowls. 'women sit .. the
town for there must be eensieereble
talent. ,f for ,public speaking j ii. -Cl'.itton
and this is e. gOod ineane of doelcp-
YerY:suddpnly 4, on Tuesday ferenoon.
ed te he better theirfitual. Oii.Tuee- bought 'en the TorOntp market, awl
five 'Leader.
The Bayfield Fair ekes: place
day and toemorroW. On Friday eve:see-
ing a concert will be given in' lbsr
town hall for which . the Toni' Vita.
orchestra, London, and Fred.- J.: comic vocalist, vocalist, Toronto„ hive&
been engaged. These, With Miss Ads-.
ROuatt ofour own village, as accom-
panist will give the program So Abate
a first-class one is. aesured. .
• Dr. Elliott of Luclinow Was) he thr
village'on Friday last. . •
Thr. Smith and Messrs; A: Erwin,'
and E. WeSton took in the soclal
Cole's on Monday night. ' .•
• Mts. Logan of Mich. was the gues-V:
of Tt1 George Eewin on Sundays. '
• Miss Elliott of Porter's Hill is Om'
guest of her cousin, Mrs.. George Lind -
day.. morning he was bright and cheer_ which; et is' ,supposed; .had been
WorSe' but the ' doctors - who were
.::grew brought from . Manitonlier. Island. title,
farms • on which the scab exists have
fel,' but about: ohm ecclools 'he
seaninfoniuso,riedshstdriniyetoatenrtwieaipredt: ilaelipyatisis.1611dg .'libe:eein4icimtiaardaenttionesdtamo Out the diseaSe ' ' • ' '' ' '
and every effort is ., .
Personals . ,
away... .itheumatisin 'which affected the which is done by dipPieg the infected-. lgr,s: H: Pennaleakee spentPart of last:
'Week , in Gederiche . . . .
lie -art wes- ,.. the iminediate cause of sh°eP in a 'mixture of litile, sulphur •
death.: • • . ; . and water. .e.. _.. : . 'Mrs.. A. Stevenson of -St. ethernet le
Will, was born hi Clinton '..:. twenty- It will, however, he- several iniiettee . the guest o[ Mrs. W. ..I. Stevenson. :
three Years ago and on completing his Inspector Stubbs .fears, before s the Miss Sophia Williamson . of Detroit is
educa,tion. ,entered the service of the American authorities will reinove the the. guest .ot her sister, Mrs. James
Molsons Bank. He. was ' first
athign•ed7 ornhargo and • in the nieantimc. our •Tuelaer. . , - •
to the Woodstock 'branch, thee to Am- sheep breeders,'who ;11aVe lice!' . db.- is e iff
Mr. end eels. Frank Arscott or L,on-
heretburg, London, 'Deuniho awl clin.. posing •of the pullf of their stikplue den were visiting friends in to.wn
ton in succession.
. Here :he . was stock to heeler's fromacrossetlie lines, . this week. . : •
rapidly prone:it-ed. and -some thee ere_ will labor ,under a handicap. .,. . Mrs. :IL 'Kerr and daughter,' Mite Lee.,
vious to his retirement f tom the Bank ' Inspector 'Stubbs. ;was iit Clinton' were 'guests of Mrs. T. Beacom 'for
in JUne last lie was made' teller. He Tuesday and 'Yesterday an a, visit to , a couple of 'days this. week. •
was popular. mith the. patronS of Mol- his sister,•Mrs., 'S. G. Plimanner. ' W. J. and Mrs. Biggins of . "Elmhurst
Children's Day services Was"Ireltl: In .•
St Andrew's church :on Sunday.' Mt. • ,
jbhn Whiddon, the h.ipecilee a d'on..,.1a4t4D
ReV MeNeil . gave addrAsses.
Mr, Drehmarin was in IrollYroikt
last week on ,business. •
Preparations are being made for
Pall Show on FridaY..; A: large GO
is cx.peeted as every oneloolie fOrwaTeei
to the "World's Fair" Rayfielde
Mrs. Trebilcciclii'swhe has been •
guest •of : Mrs. - Georgeratuttied.
'to her home at•leenden last week_
Mr: WareileY occupied the pulpit of
the,M the abeenec 01
ReV. Hiles who ,Was Londesboto.
. • •
circuit; . • • "
• F. J. Wickivitt of Eket.o. was' fint
the village.on businese e•ereese.ey .
" Harvest home serViCeS evere.heid.
Trieity church on..Sinulair inorninte
Rev, W '
, A. buithar ci Clinton tv-ttfluo-,.
tea the serviees, • . " • .; •
. The Women's Institute will !iota
their Octolaer meeting the Lome' of
Mrs. (Capt) ,'Fergusein l'heredey
afternoon noit.l'IL eipected.' tbat .
the' -bulbs will be: reaey for ;distrites- •
tion by that date and,'•each .rnerebe:r ' •
should -try ;to be present at' the meet-
ing to -receive her shere.
'sons who were sorry to see him leave DEATH OF MRS..PLUMMER. Farm," Huron Road, got home yes-
Another respected citimn passed in- cardine. -
count of ill health.
and doubly so 'VeCause it was on are _ -----e • • • terdaY froth, ;a week's- visit to Kin -
his aesociates were fond of Him. In 'who has beta
--Will's disposition was kindly and
the home circle he was greatly be-
loved and his .passing has ceased deep
grief to the father, mother, brother.
and little sister. • .
Many.. sympathising friends have
sent floral tributes, among them be-
ing : Sprays, from Mr.. G. T. Risco*
and family, Mrs. Reid, Mrs. Cooper
and ,Miss Callender Of London ; Mr.
and Mrs. Stan. Hayes of Seafortli; Mrs,
T. It ,Itance, Mr. and Mrs.- II, T.
Rance, . r and Mrs. C. 0, Rance,
ToM Rance, Mr. and Mrs. Dowding,
M. and Mrs, Will. Harlarid,
Mr. Alfred A: Alexander, Mr. !and
Mrs. H. Bartliff, Misses Bartliff and
Lappine, Misses Morgan, Janes and
Thorndyke, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Mc-
Lean, MiSSIoS Doan, and Miss G. Grif-
fith, London. From the employes of
the R,attenbury House :there Wes a
large and beautiful spray and the staef
of Molsons Bank sent a lovely pillow
of 'roses and HMO of the valley.
The pallbearers willbethe following
who little thought but a short time
ago that they Would have this melan-
choly duty to perforin : Will. 'Johns*
Chaeles Twitthell, Harry Huston,
Clarinet:0 Sheppard, .11arrel Armstrong
and John Mackenzie.
The funeral; which will take plate
this afternoon will be private, but a
very ilarge litintber of °MUMS have
expressed their sincere sympathy for
the bereaved
The services will be conducted by
Rev'. W. Dunbar in the absenee of
Re. C. R. Gunne who has been the
West for a few weeks,
,Among the relatives from distance
who have arrived 10 attend the funer-
al are MM. John Ca:Raeder and Mr.
Fred. Hiscock, London ; Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Toronte ; Mrs. R.
GlIoitanett,i01/he.itSall and MISS 0Ia,ra Dark,
-Stanley, Township
• Mrs. Will, Simpson of Clinton wave
visiting with her brother;,letr. Andrew
Reid of the pate Line.t
Miss Matilda Morrisieti of :,'starnaie
to the better land yestorday after- Mr. RobertStevens,pent Sunday 'With Mil3S., Annie Semite-
noOn the Perion of eiges. se o...ieriploYed in TillsOnburg lei several .ellefes°ene. And -re -W, Rid accompaitred 14. 7
'Plummee. She had been in poor health weeks, came home SatUrday .p_has_heeneeiseeenc _ _
for many years, but her serious con' . has• returned epee', • Mends. in Rate iity Mich, returemle
dition during the Past feevedaYS 'Was Dr. and lifts. Peter Coot, after a'few,0 on SaturdaY last after. eniolingf
not kreovei t� Many of her friends. i weeks visi • eve
tn She was :the A'A,tighter, Of the late . and the . toweship, lett this,
William Stiibbs and 'born in 1835 „ itt mornieg for thelr hoine at ttassei.
the village of Caledon so that when . on, Ohio,
death called hee to her long home she
was seventy-three years of age.' She
ae twice married her first • husband
inton a pleasant trip.' ,
Quito a number `„ from around hear
tookin the Zurich Show last Theism- :r
MT: Chester Dunkin 'attended, God:-
eeleh Show on ;Wednesday last. •
On Thersday of last . week eweliter,
• tlineshirig at the 'horrid of' Mr. as/left'
.Poderieh Township.
departing this. life in 187.. tll'a
M J hn Weido of Zurich Stephenson ot Parr Line, Mr.
marriage her !surviving phildren. are r. ,
Mrs; J. E. Booth, jOrangeiillee Aire. visited at Me.. James Mose's on Sun -
(Dr) DaVis, St. Pell, Minn. ; and Me. day.
William Wallace of Deer River,. Minn.., 1 The einniyeisery services in 'connee-
In 1870 the subieet Of this ; tioe with, Cole's church on Sunday all
. ,
brief obituary and Mr. $. G. manner tele -loon and eVenifig were well attend
were united • in wedlock. Fore some ;cd. Rev, Mr. Currie of Londesboro
years they tired . on the 16th can, i vials the psteacher and gave two excel-
Goderich township, but in lefarch 1886 i tent sermons. The choir of the church.
took up tbeie abode in Clintone They I with Miss Flosetie Perdue as organ -
have but one son, Mr. S. Ce. Plumnier list, sang well at both services. The
Jr., Niko is in business in Colraine, Very sedden 'change in the weather
Minn, - • to cold and 'windy kssened the Atoll -
For etveral years Mrs. Plummer was dance at the tea -meeting :on Monday
in poor ihealth but' she bore her sue. evening hut the church was comfort -
f fin e With patient fortitude and . the ablY filled. Pastor Hiles 'acted as
end she viewed as one having re Well'
groUnded faith in a glorious resurrec-
Mts. Plummer's brother, Inspector
Stubbs af Orangeville, visited her
this week arid not knowing that the
end was so near lie left Yesterday
forenoon to take up his official duties4
Mrs. tiooth was with her mother
wnen the final parting came.
chairman. The program, which was
much appreciated, was as folloWs
Addrese, Rev, W. E. Item Clinton
Recitations (2), Miss Shipley., Clin-
Solos 0),. Mr, Geo. Pearson; .Stan-
Readings '(2), Dr. Simi% Beyeald 00
Quartette, Misses Flossie Perdue
and liansuld and 1Vieeste. A. Welsh
and N. Yeo.
Reading, Mr. R. Dunbar, Clinton
Recitations (0) Miss Shannon, :Clin-
Addeoes, RV. Mr. Dunbar, Clinton
Dr, Sinith eta as. acCompanist for,
Mr. Pearson and Mis,e Lulu Green for
the quartette.
Additional' !Godnieli teevitsll1P news
The funeral will take place On F`Ti.,
day to Orangeville where several enenie
berg of the deceased's family ate in-
M;s. Plummer was much respected
by, all who knew her and to her lieere
&ivied husband there is extended the
i etre sympathy of the entire com-
IvIeGregot met with - a very •paueket
accident. While putting the belt on.
the maelliec .the wheel gave a quick,
turn and' Mr,' McGregor slipped" an&
fell on a bolt which out hie neck yeti
seVerelYi He lied. to have the ; doctor*
put a, fets stitches in it, buthe is
improving nicely.
Mr. and Mrri. Ralph Stephenson of
Parr Lint were in Seaforth on Vies -
• Mr. James Howard and qrs. 'James
lelcDool of Bayfield were in Zurich me
'Show Day,
triunity. 1 , on page four. ,
West Titchersnlitfil.
Miss Byron RoWeitife of ()see:trig-
township spent a few days last week
the guest of Mrs. 'J, G. Crielle
Mr, Joseph Holmet spent a coup*
of days last week at Grodetieli.Faiir.,
Mr, Joseph Crich spent Titeeday bat
in aoderich,
Mi. Ifirnest Roweliffe Witichebiew
omit a few days last . -week with,
friends hetes.
The rain on Monday was a Vacant,.
Mr. Fairbern tinge:Ill visitedi
friends here last week.
The Collegiate roiew Day Spot*.
will take place on Oct. I6,th.