The Clinton News-Record, 1908-04-30, Page 4n 1 ClintOtt rieWisoRecorii April :oOth, 1908 The all Piper Susan has opened. • Our springpurCbaeei amounted to over 10,000' rolls bought from the best manufacturers in Cana- da. Whether it is the - cheap grades or the bet- ter grades we can supply your wants. No fancy prices for BORDER here as all our borders are now sold by the roll and the aline price as the side wall. • All paper trimmed FREE which saves you much time. W. COOPER & CO. CLINTON Porter's, or. A. F. Johns, Auburn, paid a ,flying; visit to this district last week. - Miss Grace Dyke, Gaderieli, is visit- ing at Mr. John Torrance's. Turnbull 4 ]; S5 f lel i w - 7'ri 11 a God�cr a r. l bu y M .�. "Ing at Mr. T. A. i%laedonald's at pre- sent, helping with the seeding owing to rigr. Macdonald being laid up with a broken linnb.., Mins Lena Jordan lias engaged with. Mrs... John Ireland of Clinton for a SheClinton Shwent o • so. to 'month, i, on Monday.. Mr. , Arch.. Macdougall is 'laid up with a bad cold.' , IVlr.. Walter .'Weston is, we are glad to .say, improving, 'as also: is Mr. T. A. Macdonald.. Mr, John Strling•left last rida y • to go sailing with the "'Parrott Cape" which left Goderich that night. kIis many friends wish him a prosperous season.. - We are sorry to hear that Mr. T. J. s I011iott is, not improving as. rapidly a his many friends would wish.. We rtigret :to say .that Mrs. Robert Beacom is not making that progress 'towards recovering her health that. her many' friends have beenwishing for very earnestly, Miss D. Tichburne spent .the hot. days with her mother. Miss Jamieson returned to her dut- ies r spend- ing end- les as :teacher on Monday at p ing the Easter... holidays at her. home near Londesboro., • . Goderich► Remember the ,annual meeting of the Woman's Institute will meet on 7th May, at the residence of Mrs. James Thomas. The election of oflloers •will also take Mace during g tho meeting. All the members are requested to come Mr, and Mrs. Hoyer. of Toronto, nowt occupy ,the residence formerly owned and occupied by Mrs. Gucat. Eliza Bright, trelict of the late Jos- eph Spreadbury, died .on Friday last at the residence of .her son in-law, a Mr. George ,5t tic on1 be The S. S, entertainment held on Friday evening in North St. . church was as instructive as it was delight- ful. The teachers had a large drape,, with evergreens interlaced or arranged. like one, and so long that, it passed over the two large hot air ?pipes es a nd fell to the floor, a perfect robe of evergreen. The first number was a chorus 'given by the children, .atter which Master Gerald Newton, recited "Not fit to be kissed" after which Miss Edith Marney rendered . very pleasingly, therecitation, "A slight Po disap intnnet. The Minister'S r Sermon" and "The Misshona y Doll" 'Were• both delightfully rendered by Miss Vera Burrows, and the chairman com- plimented her highly upon her true Missionary spirit, Organist Adams kindly gave a beautiful piano solo,. A Humorous quartette "Grandma",' a motion song, was well rendered by the Misses Laura Plaice and Edna Pridham and; Masters Gerald.Newton, and ,Maitland Pridham, (Little) Mar- ian •Filsinger, .acted the "Grandma" role•, to perfection, ; sitting on the platform, knitting , away, with her spectacles on, while the Auartette sang praises. Seven boys followed ' with schoolbags, over their right shoulder, and cap in each hand—singing "When Tommie gocsto school" and in lively style .they rendered. the .ohorus, each c w , his face t' onhis a rt boy patting h P t i P, g ' turned toward the Centralschool. ctool. Misses Edna Pridham and Lulu Bates sang .nicely together the duo "Songs: of Life.' • "Little-- Orphan . Annie" written by the celebrated Eugene Field were very cleverly rendered by MissLaura Price, reciting "Goblins Will ketch you, if •vOu don't leak out-" Eleven girls dressed•. in white sang "Rock 'a bye baby'] each with her doll, in her arm swinging. it while all sang. in chorus: ?'Little Lights" was 'recited very nicely hiy each of , the nine while thole tapers were being lighted, each bearer re Wingham A meeting of the public school board was held on Saturday evening. .Princi- pal Musgrove 'waspresent, and applied for a few weeks' leave• of absence. His. request was unanimously granted. Mr. Geo. Thompson, of Stratford, will supply Mr. Musgt'ove's work • during his absence. Mr. Musgrove has Serv- ed the board faithfully for the past seventeen years. If elected to the Legislature by the electors of 'North Huron he will retain the position -.as principal of ` the sohogl. until Christ- --- rims and then tender his resignation W ngham, April 24.—Considpering.the Goderich . very . busy, season with' the farmers, there was a good' attendance of Lib- erals at the first convention for the new North riding of Huron held here to -day. ' A new: association .was farm- ed, a constitetion adopted,, and of- ficers eled. tedl, as follows Ptesideri4•, James Young, 'Auburn; Vine -Pres••, Presenting one of the nine christian, Alex. McLauchlin, Gerrie ; Richard .virtu:es : Love, Hope, Joy, Peace, Clegg,. W.ingham ; John Stiles., Kin- tail antail ; Secretary, H. B. Elliott; Wing-' ham • Treasurer, J. A. Morton,' Wing- ham.-' On the . first ballot Mr... 'John. T. Currie oat. Wawanosh, ex -Warden t of .ilhe;county,'.reoeived the nomination Me1.•'ieo.. This •pretty drill,; was; super- : as• Candidate for the L i laturc; wlicb intended • by Miss' Robertson. ,The made unandmous�on motion • of "Flag''' song was well rendered by 7was Mr,• Wm.Bailie,. Reeve of West Wa about thirty children,' each waving a 'wanosh•, • and Mr. .John N. 'McKenzie, little "Union Jack, - arintervals, ex -reeve: of Ashfiold,, • while singing, 'finishing up with • 'The National Anthom" all present' On Sunday last the "Oildfellows" marched to the numhier of ninety-three to Victoria street church, where a very impressive sermon was delivered to them by the pastor Rev.- Mr. Millyard, who chose for -his text Saint Luke 10-37. The anthem was beautifully endered by the choir of young men Sow beautiful to walk in the steps of t Saviour." At the offertory Mr. Bele t sang in splendid voice •"Christ is all." The church was pretty well crowded.. • The vett- ing hymn was "The Doxology," after. which was sung "Go labor, ,speed and bespent." .,. ,..• . Bivth. The Oddfcllows attended divine service In the Methodist c9Firclk ot# Sunday evening last ;tnd listened to an excellent sermonbyRev. S. An- derso , It was noticeable that near. r alld f y the Q d ellaws were young,rrtetn. Building operations have begun for the season in the village, the brick work of the Beinton 'dwelling. house being well under way. Everything but housecleaning and political meetings is very quiet in e th village atpresent, Mr. Jos. Stothers has had his supply of coal replenished by receiving this week a carload ' through Mr. N. B. Gerry. The school boad meets on Friday v ni 4 C n and Y on C n vi council he village c unci. t3 c g Monday evening nd en n next. .sfi, g n A few of the• villagers intend - to take advantage of the cheap; rates over the C P ..t R to Toronto. Pity, , Courage, Comfort, and Good Cheer," Nine ,more young girls then' came, each with a :candle to be 'light- ed for ight-ed:.for their • special country viz : India, S. America China, Persia, Japan, Bethlehem, Corea, Siam .and TO PREVENT A NERVOUS BREAKDOWN Take Dr. Walli amse .Pink Pills When the First Symptoms Ave Noticed - and Save Yourself Much. Suffering, Are you troubled with pallor, loss of spirits, waves of heat passing over' the body, shortness of breath after slight exertion, a Peculiar skipping of the heart beat; Noor digestion. cold hands or feet, or a feeling of weight and fulness ? Do not make the mistake of thinking that these are diseases. in' themselves. and be satisfied ' with relief for the time in be• g. 'phi.s is the way that the , nerves• give warning that they are freaking down. It means that the blood, has become impure and thin and cannot carry enough nourishment to the nerves tokeeP the i sn►F hy and able to do their work. • There- is only one .nay to prevent ledof nerves the final breakdown the and the more serious diseases which follow, The blood must Le made rich, red and pure, and Dr, Williams' Pink Pills is the only medicine. that can do this promptly and effectively.. Every dose of this medicine helps makenew blood and strengthen - the weak or worn-out nerves. • Mrs. David J; .Tapley, Fredericton,. N. $,, was -cured by Dr. Williams' Fink Pills :after suffering from ner- vousbreakdown, which resulted is partial paralysis of the, face, She - says "Thee trouble came on quite: gradually, and at the' outset I•'• did not Tay Much' attention to it,' Then it grew more serious,, and there was a general brealcdown of - the nerves, which was followed by partial' par- alysis! - of the face, '- . one side being. completely drawn out of .shape. I was muter .adoctor's care for a couple of months, and onetreatment after another was tried without' Ion- e t.. By this time • I 'was confined to Y room, and the .doctor told me he Could . not cure . me. .Almost in des- pair - I was persuaded' to try • Dr. Williams' ` Pink fills. The improve- ment was slow; but the building-. up of a run down nervous system nabur. ally . is slow.-- - Slowly ,but surely this medicine did its work, and after a - time I. was able again to como down stairs. From. that $n: the • im- provement was much more rapid and now I :am as .well as ever ,I was in my life. My, friends look upon my. cure as almost .miraculous,.. Dr: Wil- liams' Pink Pills did for me what the best medical treatment failed to 'do they. breuglit Me• back good health. .It is the blood building, nerve re- . toring power in Dr, Williams' Pink Pills thatenable them . to cure Such troubles as . anaemia., • rheumatism, the after effects., of la :grippe, indi- gestion, - neuralgia, St. Vitus dance,. ivartial' paralysis ands the secret ail- ments. of girlhood' and womanhood. Sold by all medicine dealers •or by Mail . at 50c a boic or six boxes for $2.50' from the Dr. Williams'" - .1)/fedi- eine Co:, Brockville, Ont: • - Miss Kato Barr, formerly; assistant in the postoffiee here but no* holding a. similar position iii the Goderich oflfce,iis"liomc for the present. Blythth waswell represented a4 both the LiberalandConservative convent tions held in Winglram on -Thursday and Friday last, The C. P. R,, delivered its first mail on Monday of . last week from the - 11:47 a, m. train, It also receives and delivers mail at 5:30 p, m, so • that now Byt has sixils• cad•. ly h ma . ,•ea l ay The • Liberal -Conservatives held their annual meeting on Thursday .ev- ening of last week for the election of officers and the appointing of delegat- es to attend a riding convention to be held in• Wingham on Thursday 23rd, when the following officers were' elect ed: ' President; Thomas: Goad . . Vice.Pres., I. H. Brown. Treasurer, R. McCommins. - Secretary, G. Chambers,rs, - Mr, Alex.McCcergtttook advantage t gL of cheap rates and paid his son Alex, a: visit at Dresden during the holiday season. • - ,Mr, E. C. Wilford of , the ,W ei:onto University was home . for'. a few ' days but retarned on Tuesday morning, On Thursday evening -'of last week,, Mr.., John Vincent and , Miss Ada Taman were made one, and took ' the afternoon C. P. It for Toronto and Other points east, Theythavereturneitt and taken up .their residence on the corner.of,Mill• and Drummond street. The village council are doing 'a. very wise act in .having the, main street of the village ggone' over witha' grader removing the top earth and. mud_' and having teams drawing.. the same away. THE NEW FIRM Couch. Now is the Now ig the timeto inspect our Lace Curtain stock, - These goods, as you know, are all brand new, and are excellent values. Ask to see olein ____Prices range from 75c a pair up. Japanese • Matting - At this time of the year when you are house•cleanftig, and trying to make things appear clean and bright, we would like to interest you in our new stock of mattings. These .are particularly ,good ` for dens, bed rooms, sitting rooms, etc:, and we have theca: in pretty colorings and designs, and the prices are right, Art Sateens. We have these in 'aoo range of colors and exclusive patterns, suitable for drapery, cushions comforters, etc. Prices from 15c a yard up. New Scetch Zephhrs upnewof aScotch Ging- hams, We have just opened a assortment pretty. G g hams, so much in demand this season for shirt waists, suits. and children's dresses. These are in stripes and plaids in all the diffent . shades - from 12%c to 35c per yard. n ' (See these in our windowsthis .week .) Raincoats - showerproof. r Now is the time for a coat that it; and yet, one that yout-atrwearatratly occasion. --Are ;-have-them-at-all•-prices-and- liffer•' ent colors. Shirt Waist Special Whi te'ZaWti Shirt Waists, eithroldery trimmed, ,just a few left and naafi sizer, but to clear them We Offer them - to you.. at a smaller ' price than it takes to buy the material. Our Price 60c each.' • Ncr:€st: of the Nei joining in. Miss' Campbell handed the flags to ;thea singers,, Superinten- dent W Pridham, may feel delighted over the success "attending the S; S. concert. Miss Robertson drilled the children for the "Flag Song," and Miss Campbell _distributed_ til_e_. _flags._ Miss ,Harris superint^nded all the oth- er drills and deserves much credit for her successful issue. •. While here last 'week Mr. and M.O. Henri K. Jordan of Brantford were the guests of Mr. and 'Mrs. D. Strait Sugar Advancing..,- ; Itis estimated that as a result of the drought, the Cuban production ole sugar this .Season will' not exceed '900, 000 tons, 'which is a 'deficit .of about 00;00Q `ions .from the previous. crop. Latest figures also ostiinate 'a She -it- -age of 130,000 tons in the beet sugar crop of'.westcrn Europe, The statis- tical position. of .sugar is 'therefore,' a particularly' strong ,one and refiners -are--making-acrIvo-:ptirc the large sugar. producing countries of the world for their future. supplies.` They have already purchased, it ..is estimated, 150,000 .tions of 'i topeani beet sugars, and will probably take 200,600 tons in addition, besides. Mak- ing large purchases of British .; West India sugars, which - usually go to England, and entering tae •'• ave and Philippine markets :more activelyas competitive buyers with China; anti:. India. Pries of. refined diger are al- ready about' le above last. year. Stanley Township . Mr. Andrew ' Stinson of •Ripley was. called, to this vicinity . last • week ow- ing to the illnessof'his brother, Mt'.': Thos.:' Stinson of . the Sauble !Line, Who, We are glad to hejtr, is improv ing.. • . We are gladto sairs that Lizzie Brownette, who has been til for some time, is .recovering : ' '•Mr. and- Mrs. John Beatty of Varna spent • Sunday, at the home of; Mi. Jos. Richardson. ' - • Mr., Wm. Parsons 'of Kansas, ' who has been visiting relatives in ' this vicinity,; left for Ripley on Tuesday. Mr. Joseph Foster, who' ' spent E•asbei.' with friends around here has -returned 1» his lire in London. Mr.: and Mrs.: Charles McKinnon of Lueknow.. spent • Eastp r with Mn and Mrs, Charles Johnston, . Mr, and Mrs:. Merrier of . Dashwood • and Mrs: Reid' Sr. spent East er with Trs James Webster ofLockriow. ' Miss Mabel McKinley has gones to. attend Alma 'Callege in St. Thomas.: Baby's Teething Time Is 'a Troublous Time. When baby is teething the whole household is upset. The tender' ligttle gums are inflamed and swollen, the poor little child suffers' and often 01 1.0 day and night, wearing tine motlyer out and 'keeping the rest of the family on edge. In the ,, ]comes where: • Baby's Qwn 'Tablets are used there is no such worry. The : Tablets allay the inflammation, soothe the •irritation ands bring tine h through painlessly, Mrs. S. illiams; St: Joseph,' Ont., says : "My first baby suffered terribly when cutting her teeth -and the doctor, could do nothing for her. I' got abox of . Baby's Own Tablets a •id they did her so much good that I cannot say r. ottarrgh in-,_ihrt favor. Yau.may.h.. sure that I always keep the Tablets in the house now." Sold by all medi- cine dealers or by mail at. 25 cents per box from The: Dr. Williame' Med- icine C'o., Brockville; .Ont. Live Stock Market. • Toronto April 27th.—There was a slight change, in'; the tone of the cattle market'to-day . ; at the Union Stock `Yards: • Fiord lboing' almosb::a red hot market, as .it was last week, trade was. distinct • 'slow. o -da' : and rices' all round were ':off' probably 25c. and fol rough caws and commonest . mixed cattle' about 30c. There Was a moder- ately fair run of cattle, but not by any means a too Heavy one.:Olnoiee cattle were not plentiful, "and there was, a less eager dcmamd for the poor- er stuff. The feeling Was .vcry general among the ,butchers that prices for, common cattle have got altogether too high,' and the fact that the bxport trade was quitter, owing to shippers waiting for the opening of navigation season,, which: is more than a week off yet,advantage; was probably taken of the situation to knock prices down a little. .• It is .probably quite true that thereis a shortage of cattle th. the country, and for choice stock prices are not likely to comedown much this side. of June, bub forthe common - ill be cattle there w t it of mixed ca t common- er an easier tone on every fairly largo delivery, Lambs are easier, and the market slow. . Hog market is steady and unchang- ed. • The total run for yesterday and to- day was 55 Loads, with 4,107 head of cattle, 51 sheep and. lambs, 31 hogs, and 65 calves. < EXporkr-•Market steady at $5.10 to $5.75 for choice' cattle; medium,. $4.- 90 to to $5$ ; 4. brills, $4 to $4.50 ; cows, $ 3.50 `13utehel -Heiken'-Steady , thoicest picked butcher,, $5 to $5.50 ; good,. $1 05 to $4.90.; common mixed cattle, 25c higher, at $3.91 to $4.25. S'toekers-506 to 700 lbs., steady at $3.25 to $3.75. Feeders• -Good, heavy, at $4.25 . to 5h, Sheep—Market easier ; ewes, $4.75 to $,,r .25 ; yearling lambs, grain -fed fitter, at' $0.50• to $7 ; common, 55 to $0. • Hoes -'-Market steady; selects .at $0.15 at country points, and $0.40 Toronto. THE "SUNSHINE" FURNACE. An interesting Series • Of, ads began last week In The New, -Record on `be- half of the "Sunshine" Furnace, nian•4' ufactured by McClary Mfg. Co., Loa don, Canada. Newspaper advertising is a part of . the bleCl try publicity worksJ hand itt hand nd•a t n pral; �mne a a with an extensive follow -tip system. The series of ads wet° prepared by A. A. Briggs, .Advertising Manager of the Malay Company, and placed by ' McConnell -Ferguson Advertising Agee. cyte London. ' Mr, C. N. Smith was nominated by the Liberals of Sault Ste. Marie. Prise Macintee was struck and killed by ans M.O.11, train at a crossing in Niagara Valls. •'Y •e • Loadesbor-o---- Mr.: Artie: Brundson, who has been working 'at the -Clinton G:T,R, stat ion, has secured a: position in Sarnia; 1 Mr. George Snell left on Monday for. London .where .he has secured, a position. 1VTr. Frank 'Gibbs is. now working with the bridge gang on :theGraind runk. Next: Sunday being. Quarterly meet- ing Sunday ;.the Sacrament of • the Lord's -Supper will. be administeredin the •Methodist, church hero at 10..30 a. re. Therewill be no -service in : the Constance appointment: in the after - 1 MEN'S POPULAR HATS. Battoib s Celebrated Fats i n latest. styles, 1f greyria hazel, brown, silver�rsy,at 1.5 0 1.7 5, 2.00 and 2.25. MEN'S STYLISH BOOTS, Albert Shoes, in latest lasts, in patent; box calf, dongola and matkid, at $4,00 and $4,50. b'aultless3Shoee, especially, priced, at 0.0 0, 1.75, 2.00, 2,25►. 2.50, 3.00 and 3.50, ' Marsh's Shoes, in American styles, nobby, neat and good values at $2.00, 200 and 3,00, 11 0 MENHEAVY HO S li snags, S, . • m z Cl Williams', i a .. Weston s, I3ot+1. Ahern s, all .road reliable. go8o5.1 ds is solid leathers, at $1.85, 1450, L75, ;2.00, 2.25, } 2,60, 2.75 and TFetheway and Kern's Children's Goods. •a These are specially designed, and manufactured for children's, wear, are good Otters and very stylish, at 95c, $11,00, 1-20 and 1,50. Cash for Butter and Eggs. POPLESTONE- L CARBINE!! Successors Successors to McKinnon. & co., B LAYT H' F �7� 47 �1ti'M�'�1 r� rte• �'� �1 a s 1 1• Shoe- ig the Bos. To sell shoes that look well and ;wear well has been our aim. The results justify the, care we have given. If there are youngters to be shod to day think this matter over. All of our shoes are good- looking, they're good wearingtoo and what is equally certain, we can and do give unusual shoe values. Here are a few specials for this.week Boys Grain leather, lace. 1 to 5, reg. value $1.60 for $1.10. Boys strong .farm shoes, 1 to 5, reg. value $1:50 for $1.00. • Boys. Grain leather, lace, 11 to 13, reg. value $150 for •$1.00. Repairs while yOu wait.` Always Reliable ' ACKSO CLINTON The Quarterly Official' board. will meet in the :basement of the church on Monday, afternoon 'at 2 o'clock to gliten )'P the " bustness-•-fol•-•ths- year;: • Miss ' Sadie McCool spent Sunday with her aunt, in Clintoin. ' Mr. Holmes has purchased a fine driver from Mr. -Perrin :of. Clinton,.. . Constance t . 1VTr. Chas. Riley has engaged with with Mr, J.i H. Scott for. a month.,Mrs. James Mann of McKillop spent' a few days the. gaest 61 her .laughter,. Mrs. ,Adams Nicholson. Miss Charlotte Millson and Mr. Ge4:4 Leitch spent .Sunday with friends .in Clinton. .,•. There will 'be no service here ' on Sunday afternoon next on account of Quarterly meeting at %Onclesboro, but there willhe service at 7 o'clock when r rk will . p Mr. :Robert Cla e w 1 speak. Miss Maggie Macdonald returned on Saturday 'from a visit to her cousin, Mrs. J. Wells of Harloek. Alcohol not needed Ayers not a strong drink. As now Mule, there is not s4 drop of alcohol In it. It is s non-sicohollc tonic and alterative. Ask your own doctor about your taking this medicine for thin, impure blood. Follow his advice every time. He knows. W. pit H& our brmtlLf ws U. tati •roohol xrom our medicine /'ere w acro �otl to 7U w oofLntt �oni� .actor Ask your (tector, "Whiit is the first great rule of health?" Nine doctors but of ten will qulcklyreply) "keep the bowels regular,' Then ask hint another ques. tion, "Vdhat do you think of. Ayer'. Pills' for constipation?" 0, -**hall* by Wilt. O. dish 00., LOwNii, hale. - + SLiM PRICES STOUT VALUES 8230M SMALLPROFITS QUICK RETURNS, 8 MUF_iZC9 II:1MPorn-a- en's Strong Shoes; dor : Everyday Wear. • Our Stock of ken's heavy shoes are the best we .could' procure from the •leading manufacturers atprices ranging from 81.25 up to , OUR PE `IAL, This shoe was manafactured expressly for us and is acknow : ledgd by expert shoe men what we claim it to be, the hest working •mans shoe on the' maaket. The uppers are of the' best French kip, whole foxed with crumped Belas tongue running up to the top. The • sole is double right 'through to the heel, making a strong .water- proof shoe that is alwaya soft and flits the foot. People : who wear.' '. > .• this shoe do not suffer with sore feet. PRICE $3.50 Reparing done- promptly and neatly. THE PLACE. WHERE YOUR' DOLLAR DOES ITS DITTY w4AANMM/1A U1arkA1VR1AAAAA sibe•o.mkom•vek.eaire. • m A. .. .... • d' ... ... Ladies Whitewear. a These are the 'sample oods of` one of - the largest Wholesale R • Houses in Oanada and are therefore the pick of their stock. • These goods are all perfect in fit, style and workmanship, but tin some cases slightly soiled. • The lot on sale Saturday at manufacturers .prices, ea • 1 - Caps Caps- wo Snap 0 -Caps ra ren alike. great p • ," , Ode second reat snap is of interest to ,nen; women and child- It consists of hundreds of brand new u -to-date ceps in all • the rA latest makes and is the over production of one of Ontario's largest • factories cleared out to us at such +a remarkable low price that we now pads them on to you at in many cases one-half of what it cot to make them. See caps in window.' -50, 00 and 75c at 38 CEN•rs, . Our great clothing sale still continues: Save money by busying your footwear here. Am ' Watch for next week's id. aibilvib©ibm•sste m 0 igweits4 " •a bikti.w to,cualb.0)'<►fs.44rm r