The Clinton News-Record, 1908-04-23, Page 4Tl(i
has opened.
• Dur spring pnrchaFes
amounted to ,over 10,000
rolls bought from the best
manufacturers in Cana-
Whether it is the
the r
a grades o the bet-
ter grades we can supply
your wants. „. No fancy
prices for BORDER here
as all our'bordere are now
sold by the roll and the
same price as the side
• AU paper: trimmed
ich Savesyou
much time.
'Misses Rose Riley; Eleanor blains
and Etta Lyon ot London were 1iottie
for their East.r holidays.
'Misses'. Reviled 'young, Annie Jack-
son,. wile nye attending Business Col-
lege in Brantford were also home.
Mr. and Mrs. . Richard Carter" visit-
isit-,c i friends in Stratford. over Sunday.
Miss. Lily 111ccool of the teaching
staff of the Wingham Business College
and Miss Maggie McCool of the Clin-
ton Business College were home dur-
ing the Easter vaaatfpn,
Mi'i Chamberlain is up visiting lois
brother this week.
Mx, William Vodden who is engaged
with Mr. Thos. McMillan, was home
for Easter.
Mrs, Warren of Clinton is vtsitieg
M. $. M Cool's.
Mrs., B. Lydiette of London is vs -
icing her brother, Mr. Ierank Woods.
Miss Rose Lyonis' visiting her aunt
in Lucknow,.
Rev. Mrs Brown of Varna rendered
two excellent sermons inthe Mdthod-
ist church on Sunday,..
Mr. John Philips, who has been
laid up ler a few 'weeks .isslowly re,
Covering, •
Mr. Jas. Collinson has ' purchased .as
new driver,
Miss Edna Webb is visiting her.
sisters foe a few days.
Mous, E. Robertson and. Chas.
Asquith of Auburn were in town last
Sunday. ..
A gang • of men is busy getting
things in shape for. the new (3'. T. R.
station which will be erected inthe
near 'future.
London Road..
Miss K. Falconer of London spent
u withbrother will on
a few hours
Mr. Fred. Waldron spent EaSter
with Kingston friends.
Mr. Adams of Constance called on
friends here Sunday.
Miss Phoebe Jennison of London
spent her Easter vacation .under the
parental roof.
Mr. Isaac Weaver has commenced
his season's operations fencing..
Rev. Mr. Wade addressed the E. L
on Tuesday evening. -
Seeding operations have- commenced
Mrs. H. Wiltse of Clinton visited
with Mrs. Raney during: • the past
week. ..
Clinton. I ews.Reoota
April: 23E4,1908
The Citizens of Whitby Were
Sorry to Part with 1VMr. M.J.
Torrance, Mansger of the
Dominion Ih nk.
The Mr. Torrance referred to in
the, following article from the Whitby
Chronicle is the second son • of In-
spector John Torrance of Clinton, and
the numerous ,friends .of the family
throughout the county will be pleased
to read of the banquet• and presentee
nen were tendered ered 1i
. 2h,.
Chronicle says
VIr. M. J. Torrance, late manager
of the Domiliion Bank here, on the
eve of his leaving 'Whitby for 1Vlount-i
Albert to assume the management of
the branch there, was given a comPli-
mentaty banquet at The Windsor on
Monday evening. There Were .only a
score of, Mr. Torrance's friends and
patrons ,pt the Bank present,. but the
dining room could easily have been
filled and more with those who would.
have liked' to do honor to the; young
Manager. •
A splendid dinner was served by Mr.
Milne, and then Col. Farewell, as. chair.)
man, called for a toast to the. King.
In a speech scintilating with . humor
the Col, proposed the health of the
guest of the evening. This was ,eager-
ly, responded to and. "He's a. Jolly,
Good F'e11o•}v' was the opinion of all.
Mr. 7.orrance:• replied, modestly disc
claiming any worthiness of such an
outburst of kindly feeling towards
himself. He regretted. leaving Whitby
and would • carry ,with him most.
filoasant memories' of his sojourn hero,
After 'a song by Mr. W.' J. H. Rich-
ardson,:his honor" Judge McCummon
,in a handsome speech' presented• a silk
umbrella vr
h gold mounted
ted hondl
Mr. •Torrance="To shelter him from
the rains of Mount Albe1t." •
111r, ' Torrance thanked his'-friendt
for this tangible evidence of their
good will. • .
Speeches from Messrs.' Jas, . Rut-
ledge,' Jas. A. Brown, Sheriff Pax-
ton, A. H. Allin, A. E. Christiain and
A. M, Ross followed, .as well as songs
by Mr. Donald McCrimmon and Mr,
Mr. J: B. Dow Mien proposed the
toast .to the new manager, Mr. C.
Gordon, the latter replying.' at some
length in'.words of kindly feeling and
=epos ose.
earnest. t. ur
This brought a' most cheerful auii.
enioyable program to a.• termination.
Mr, Torrance left on Wednesday for
his new .location.
i h Townshi
Gad P .:
Mr, Hill . and sister of 13rucefield
spent' Sunday at Mi' Win, Snielair''s,
15th con.... .
°Miss ,Winnie Thompson' of 131yth
Public school, is spending the holi-
days at her home here• .•
While Mr. and. Mrs. D, Burns were
on their way home from town on
Friday. ]asst. a runaway Horse collided
with their rig throwing, them : out.
i Mrs, Burns escaped with a few slight
bruises but Mr.Burns struck on his:
head` and received a somewhat severe
shock being unconscious for: some
Wehope, .however• that he ilia
time. p , � Y
' frilly recover'ere .long. ' •
Mrs. Edward Bracey and daughter
of Waterloo • visited at her old. horse
here .this :week. .
1 MisS Rose Tebbutt is visiting in
Woodatock and other Placest?
!' Mr. Walter Weston of : neer Porter's
'Hill' met with 'a serious accident ,last.
week. He was 'removing . a • lean-to•
which stood against the :barn. when
t?hebeam, fell and 'struck hint; •injuring
1 his spine ,'•.
. l The many friends pi"Messrs,.. Mac-
donald and- Weston sympathise with
themand hope, that they may • soon
be 'restored to :their normal health.
Now is The Time
• Now is the time to inspect nur, •
• � are
all band and
asyou know,arela
These goods, new,
excellent .values. _ Ask to see them
Prices range from 75c a• pair up.
Japanese Matting` •
At this time of the year when you are. housecleaning, and trying
to make things appear clean and bright,. we would like to interesty'ou
in our new stock of mat.tings These are particularly good for dens, .
bed rooms, sitting rooms, etc., and •we•have themin:pretty colorings
and designs, and the prices are night.. '.•
Art Sateens
We have these in a good range of. colors and ''exclusive: patterns,
suitable for drapery,: cushions, comforters. etc.
Prices from 15c a yard up.
New Scotch Zephyrs
We ]rave jtfatSpened t'ip's neW assortment of pretty Scotch Ging.
hams, so much in demand this season for shirt waists, suits and
and plaids in -all the . dttie t
d n
children's dresses. These are fn'stupe
• from 12%c to 35c per yard.
See these to our windows this week,)
Ralnc ats •
.r'"`''' - oa - that i showerproof, and yet, one that
Now is the time for ,a r t s pro y .
Yeti can wear on any occasion. We have them at all prices and differ.
ent colors. ;
, , • Shirt waist Special
Lavin Shirt Waists. elribroidery tz'imnied,." just a feel left
and•notML sixes,;but to clear them we offer them to you ata smaller '
price than Xt takes to,buy the rmatetiai. •
Our P114e bac each.
the few
.'Wh L Recommend
Dig. Williams* Pink Pills."
The Particulars of a Remarkable Cure Told
bit a 'Presbyterian O1erguma :--`The Suf.,
fearer Brought Back from. Death's Door,
• G
South Huron Liquor Licenses
St. Andrew's Manse, had. ever seen him, for, as 1 said, he
Cardigan, P. E. Jan, 1908. Aheardatailowna hYes hbaecdn aasklei
ndg hisI.
etro dgtect
'Though I have never been sick my- .,him Dr. Williams' Pink pills. They
self, and have not had occasion to soon began to help him. His appetite
use.Dr. Williams' Ffiik Pflls, I thowght > and strength began to improve, and to
you' ought toknow of the remarkable the astonishment of his family .• and
cure they have Wrought in Mr. . all- friendshe rapidly regained his health,
mg's case.
During a visit t:cl my home in Merl-
gomish, N. S., some years ago, I was
grieved, to find bur next door neighbor
and friend, Michael Olding, very low.
"He is, not expected to live," my
mother informed me; "'And you, must
go over and see him as he is liable to
pass away atT any moment." "Not
expected, to li` e; drat was the opin-
ion"not only of the doctor who attend-
ttended him, but of his wife and family as
well. Upon visiting him myself I
found abundant evidence to confirm
their opinion.
Mr. Olding had for years been . af-
flicted with asthma and bronchitis,
but now a complication of diseases
was ravishing his system. He had
been confined. to his bed for months
and was reduced tie a•skelcton.
Thoughevidently glad to see Inc he'
conversed' with the greatest. difficulty,
and seemed to realize that it vas
the, beginning of the end. He ' was
daily growing weaker ;. his feet Were
swollen to twice their natural Wei
and the cold .hand of death; was upon
his brow. • "It's no use,". lie said
feebly, ".the doctor's medicine is not
helping me.and I am, going down rep-
tdIy.' I prayed with him as for a
•nyur-Soonto pass into eternity, and
wi , I took his .band in parting
it was thelast.. tithe I expected to
sec,trim in the flesh.
Three years later while on another
• 'At, a meeting of the license 'commis-
sionesc; 6f South Huron held in Bruce -
field of•Tuesday the fi•llowing licenses
Were. granted :.
Seaforth-Shop•L DOA'eon . tav-.
ern—Grip House;. H. Carnochttne Dick
House, :James • Dick .Royal, D. T.
Pinkney ; Queens', ..Nits. : Christina
Stephens.;• Commercial.; :VTcLcnngu ,.&
Broadfoot.'. •
Exeter -Shop-.. J. Knight; 'Tav'ern
Comniercia], William Barrows,; • Cen-
tral, . W. T. Acheson'; Mansion, T.
B. Cook ; Metropolitan, C. Wendland.
Bayfield—Commercial, A, Robinson ;
Albion, Mrs, E. -Elliott.•
Grand : Bend—William rt itz 1
Slupka-E.' Brenner. •
ICeive-13.. Cunningham.
Mt Carmel -J, Ziler.
Crcditpn II.7. Clarke and A Hill.,
Centralia—W. Moffat: •
Dashwood-ey. Zin bier. • •
lueich—R. R. Johnstone and J. '1'.:
Rau, •
• Blake -Mrs; W. Nicholson..
Bruc;.'fieid—B.' 13osnberry. •
Tucket•sntith Tp: Geo: Strong.
11Trs. R. Drysdale (ne':Miss ,Sarah
Johnston) of Laurel, Mioh., is
ing afevti week; 'visiting ftrends at
her ,obi
home.. -
Miss' Ida Durand was unexpecte. y
Called away to • Stratford last week
to 'attend' her sister,, Mrs. Latiiner,
•wlio is ill.
Seeding is now on i ellen swing and
if tlieweather eoneinues favorable a
most of it In:
few -More days ill See.. os
Bliss ' Celina Durand, teacher of Win-
iltrop, and 1VIiss. Lulu :Snider, 'student
of Seaforth C. i.; are spending yoree.
tion with their parents here . .
Sacker -fishing attracts the • boys
these days. Some. make.n success of
Miss Evelyn Ilorton, our popular
teacher, is spending her vacationwith
her parents at 4'liise1hurst '
A numbetrof wee tots Will make a
dash for school afterthe holidays.
How many of, us calf recall that day
of: days when with book and slate ';tn
one ' hand, a pail of lunch' - in the other.
and our pockets bulging with apples"
we wended our way to that institu-
lion where. many a time we were
made yell, "Oh, it hurts !" 'Those
were the good old days though we did
notthink so at that time especially
when the "rod of .correction" made
its appearance. Many a kick and plunge
some of us bade when we • were made
sit with the girls, We eonsidcred`thait
a terrible ordeal, one which ittadw the
drops of perspiration run. None of us
would mind it. , now. How methods
haVe changed. .n our day it
"Can an ox eat hay ?" etc., no it
is c -a -t --cat, r-a-t—rat,
etc. Such is life.
Now,,. thaugh the burden of well nigh
four 'seore years is upon him, he is
aible to do a fair day's work, and is int.
the enjoyment of good health, even
the asthma has ceased to trouble hint:
as .in former yearn.
Mr. Olding himself,es well as his
neighbors: and the writer of this letter.
confidently believe that his rescue
from the very jaws of death --seeming-
ly so miraculpus---is duo under • the
blessing of God to the timely and CAn✓
tinuous use of Dr, Williams' Pink
Pills, ,
Mr. Olding himself writes:—"I am
glad Rev, Mr. Smithhas written you
about my wonderful cure, for 1 confi
dently believe that if it had not been
for Dr. Williams' Pink Pills I would
have bees dead .long ago. It would be
impossible to exaggerate the desperate
condition .I; was in when • 1 bcaan tp
use the Pills. • No one thought I could
getbetter.Isear el dared hopem
self that, Dr, Williams' Pink Pills
would bring me through, but they did
and I have over . since enjoyed good
Neagh, Tbkeugh I amseventy-nine
r k:,
years old .people are always, romar
i:ng ow how young I loolc. and I .feel
young,, 1 can do a fair day's , work,
and I am better in every 'way than I
had been•fer years. .1 cannot say too
much. in 'praise of Dr.• Williams' Pink..
Pills and T take 'every • opportunity ' I
visit to My Mother's' 1Vfietael Olding can. to recommend ' them. to friends.
was seemingly in better health than I whoare ailing,"
Seedipg is now. well. begun and far -1
mors are hustling along as quickly as
11Ir. and Mrs. R, Scotc nnere and
family, ,visited at. the .homy;• of. Mr. C.
Meyers, on Sunday last. • :
Mr, and Mrs J :'Turner and fathily'.
of H•illsgreen visited at the home of
Mr. Sherritt..
Mrs: 'Marshall, who has been, spend-
ing a few'weeks visiting her parents,
Mr..and'Mrs, Edighoffer, left for her
home in Fullerton on Sunday, acutim
ezamed:by, her husband who drove ,:up
for her.
11T'r. and •Mrs, Sn}itlt speht Easter
vacation. at •the Bonne of 'Mrs; Nichol -
Mrs, Macdonald' and .daughter, An
nabell, are this week visiting in. Hen-
sel], and Zurich. •
The mane teachers of this neighbor-
hood are spending vaeationweek with
'their parents:
11Ir. Allah.Ilotlglas of Brucefieid-call-1.
ed on friends here this week, .
Mr. and .. Mrs. Geo. Douglas and
daughter, Irene, are spending a ,few
days on the farm.
I -louse -cleaning •and gardening are
now occupying, the attention of ;.our
woolen folk.
Mr. Wm, Finlay was celled to • Rine
sardine last week to see his •mother
who is ill.
Mr. H. Boltz, who has had his farrn
leased for 'i tem' of years,"going.
to work it himself now and is fitting
himself out . with the necessary, im-
plements, •
The board of church . managers are
contemplating some, improvements in.
the way of painting; TiThis,will br,igh=
-teneirthe appearance
Our -councillors are kept busy these
days taking in the extent of the-rav-
ages wrought by the recent storm on,
the culverts throughout the township,
Farmers' _on former: years .complained
oftheir taxes being nothing less than
a good rent, but according toreports
ofnecessary work involved they will,
die •doubly high in the neat future:
Master Jos." Brenneman is engaged
With Mr. J. Scotchmcre' for • the 'Mtn -
mer .,and a:•younger brother with :MMlr.,
B. Keyes. Both of these are good
Hallett 'rewnihip '
The following is the report ot S.
S. No. 4, tot the 'term ending April
15th, based on test .• papers, conduct
and regularity : . -
V Claes--Wonotia .Sundrrcoolc'.
Jr, " IV Crass—Margaret A�lanta,
,telka Leitch..
Sr. Ill Class—Robert • airse vice,
Caroline' Rogerson, Carleton Roger-
son, Lillie Adams. -
Sr. II Class -Emerson lteslc, Charlie
Sundercock, Warren Rogerson, John
AdamsLeonard 11,TeNa11.
Jr. Ileo a d
l Clas:—Thomas Morgan, Ruby
? eivittie, -
.Sr. Pt, II Class—Willie McNeil. -,
,wr, Pt. I Class—Frank Biggins. •
Jr. I't, 1 Class•—•Itobert McNeil.
—F. E. Sturdy, Teacher.
H0 lmesville
Mrs,' Leonaed and son' spent Easter.
with her brother at Cainsville.
Mr. Mulholland • visited'his son . at
Hespeler during the Easter holidays.
Mr. and . Mrs. J. W. Yeo visited
their daughter at Locust Hill - the
past week. ••.
Mrs. J: Centelon has been Visiting
with friends- in Blyth, •
Mr. C; W. Tebbutt a Exeter ise
spending the,' holidays • at his old
• home,
The W,' M. S. of the Methodist -church
realized at: the, Easter services the
sum of $25, The service was -' much
'enjoyed by the. .,'large cengregation
present. The ' church. wasbeautifully
decorated for the occasion.
Members of the C. Oe F. enjoyed a
game .of carpet - balls with Clinton.
brothern on Thursday evening last.
They all bad a good time. The ietlarn
gingameof' willthis takeweek': place on Friday even -
1VIr. 'Thos. Ford .:of Berlin was ..
.guest on hood ' Friday of his brother
and sister 'here. •
is er c
boys • and their employers 110
will be pleased with them.
Port Albert. .
Mrs. 'Harry Hayden is visiting re-
latives at the Queen. City at present.
Miss Evelyn ' Hayden of Goderioh
spent a few days at home the past
Mr. jack Quaid and his mother
Sundayed • .with . Mrs.. McLean, her
sister, at Lueknow. - -
Walter N. Iiawkins of London, Hur-
on College, spent a few days - with
his brother and -sister, Mr, and Mrs,
William Carey;;
Mr. John Schoeahals spent Good
Friday at Berlin. -
• Mr. Ben. Richardson of Toronto
spenta.. few days- : with his brother,
'I otn, the past week,
Charlie Crawford and Miss Grace
Crawford spent the past week with
their 'paents here and have returned
again to: ',Toronto.
His Lordship. Bishop Williams, Lon-
don, held confirmation hero last reek.
Rev. Turnbull of, Goderich and Rev.
Saunders of LucknoW were also pres-
ent. •
W. B. Hawkins returned to Landon
again on Monday. -
Mr, Thos..Green one flay last Week
while an his way to work met s1x
snakes. Tom say's he got his hat
lifted but used the stick to good el-
•fect and soon had the six out of
Mt'. Jahn 1.lennett's house Is al10114
e rt Meted. ir, Crawford 'is also put-
an addition to his hotisl and Jack
Quaid is .preparing -to -build a new one
so olio's money goes to carpenters,
cement inert, clay laborrrc'i -oral
likely the preachers before the ,,.eel
has come. .
St. Helens
Mr, John R. Webster` has engaged
to. work •with Mr:': John :Joynt for a
] rk' Miss Lily
tions d Cia also ark
are hoed for , the holidays from the'
Goderieh Collegiate Institute
Misses • Mina.;'.and' Lt•zzie R'uther
ford' also ., Misses Mary • and Maggie.
Clark, 'teachers, .are at 'their respec
tive homes, •
:Mr, Chas, Taylor had a every slice-
c ss ul salelot Vc nes ti
Y Every-
tling sold well. -
• ,Mr., Henry Woods. has engaged •.Wti, -
liani 'Macdonald .of •Winghar for the
summer. .
Mr.- John Durnin. of. home
visiting his mother, Mrs. C. Dunkin.'
- Mr. and Mrs. Dave Macdonald of
Win ham visited friends afew days
around the village.
The Misses: Barbour of.:Brin are .
iting. aa. Mr. John 'Webster's. ..: .
Mr. Fred, Bond and Miss Miner of
Kincardine spent Good Friday. 'at , the
home of Mr: Robt. Woods.•
Mr. ' Hugh Anderson, .whohasbeen
very ill,is, we are glad "to say,, re-
covering. ' . - .
Mr. Walter Bowen ,of Wingham' :spentl
Easter at St. Helens.
Master Ross Rutherford is. 'Spend-
ing hisholidays with friends , arot.nd
St. Helens,
Mr. Thos. Ford and family of East
Watvanosh have moved into 1•Ti s.
Joynt's, house:: '
Mr. and Mrs. C. Decker and baby
spent Good Friday .visiting friends
around St. Helena
Mrs. Joynt moved into QMr... John
Joynt's.stene house last week,' ' • •
Not a drop
Doctors prescribe very little, if
any. alcohol these days. They -
prefer strong tonics and titers-
tives. This is sit in keeping
modern science.
withmedical C sciC e
It explains why Ayer's Sar-
saparilla is now made entirely
free from alcohol. ,Aek your
doctor" pollow his advice.
We rectae
, *s beal.t► etbbtidl
- ,, - 'tqe rlr�i ra Y$
V 6011�u 0' Oil!
Clttlebs there is daiLy action of the bow.
els, poisonous roductO Lire absorbed,
causing he/Wad-et'blliousnesa Aimsee,
dyspepsia. We wish you would ask your
doctor about eorrectitig.your constipation
by taking laxative dosed of Ayers Pills.
.....meat by ttie 0'. (1. Aver 0.., Limn, ilWm... .
7 r ,
a lierttete0 o a► e m r. •e. rct`0m •a+ •ta•0., • ,Ip ,•ei
QUI Great. .
Full iale
�1ii��tt�xT3. • �� 3t!I! 11� 17I1t ngt
tAnd there ie still a large assortment of new and nobby clothing
to. ithooae from in men's and boys' Suits, Overcoats, .Odd Pants and
s s d v th
a Vests a aneky .Ing at clearing prices.
1 A-
• See our new Dress Goods, Muslim, 'Prints, - L,awn and Silk -
a• Waists, Skirts, Etc, Also our "Paris Lady" Corsets in white and
d drab with Hose Supporters attached at 50c and 75e,
It will
ma $$ anin your pock et if buy _uy your clothing here
during this Geea,tOlearing Sale,
See us for Reliable Shoes at Rock
Bottom Prices.
a.•des•v,m .m se.•m•a>•e;ebe
Boots & Shoes forEvorybody
Ours is a most complete Boot and Shoe
Store because it"inclu des everykind wanted
for man. woman and child, iis 'a satisfying
stock because we make.
Assortments varied enough to please .nearly
all classes, and prices reasonable enoughto
niake buying a pleasure.
flen's Fine Boots fromQ1..75 u .
+➢. p
Women's .Kid Lace from $1.50 up.
ru.nks and: Valises -a
Close '
P c ,
Always Reliable.'
0•‘.>41‘44....."1-411.-isorlaris...smAik.lmAim•illmAlik.o.iwisi..:iim/owsmAli. gibe* co
$. . . • ,
:: Better th
an •fiver. .. �_
'Bordering; Wall and Ceiling sold at the same price..
Bor•dering,sold by the roll, not by the yard, '
Showing neat patetrns offloral block and
fancy designs,
esi ns' douil
eor single borders
WALL PAPERS'AT 6c•and 7c,
. 'Beautiful: glinioner•and_gilt papery in a big assortment of. color-
ings ai d:pattern's,;double or single borders. '.
:,. WALL • PAPERS . AT 8e and 9c.
• Lovely -gilt, silverai,d glimmer papers of floral set figures,
stripes., blocks and conventional designs, double orsipgle
w rT: iSAPF
A S -AT lt) -1 �
Heavy embossed gilt papers, also stiveretint ddand heavy plain
and fancy ingrains, popular for libraries, dining;• rooms,: halls, par-.
l ors
o ,etc.<
: WALL PAPERS AT 15c 20cand d 25e:
Tapestry, embossed gilts, orientate,�•varnished, ingrains, silver
papers, the best we have.yet shown,
borders. •'
To see is to buy.
Cash for Butter and. Eggs.
G • ,S
Successors to McKinnon Jr, Co., 13 L Y T H
Yet we have v nor
t cable to
do so with our large and varied stock
of fine and staple shoes,
Ladies fine shoes in. Miss Canada and the Diamond shoe at
$3 00, $3.50 and $4,00.
Mane' fine shoes in Beasford and McPherson in Pat, Bluchers
and Vice Kid at $3,50;;14,00 and $5.00. -
Extravaluei3 in Boys and Girls Box Calf School shoes at $1.25,
$1,50 and $1.75.;
Ladies stylish tan and chocolate Bluchers and Oxfords at $2,00,
$2.25 and $3.00.
One repairing department is getting' busy every day. Try it.
Newcombe Pianos
Sherlock* Manning
always in stock,
Sheet Music
Violin Supplfea
LO U1S 1. -:.,,rv.
PARR � M �
—Adirda..-Ladosa:./04116ka go*,