The Clinton News-Record, 1908-04-02, Page 88 eaminiemwimpowirin Clinton News-Recorn April 2nd, 1908, TUE Spring Millinery Do not let these cool, dull days make you delay ordering your Spring 1VIillinery, Soon the bright, sun. shiney weather will be here and then everybody mill want their hat in a hurry, Now we cao give you every attention and serve you quickly, We have made greater preparations than ever be- fore for this season's millinery business, Our stock is larger than any former season. It is better, too, Our milliners spent the greater part of thevacation getting in the closest touch with the'latest and best styles ot millinery for spring wear, They came back with the right goods and the right tityles, and you run no risk of getting anything that is not absolutely correct, doing your millinery buying here. It is a fact we never had so magnificent a collec- tion for any season. Come and see it, You Simply Cannot Help Saving Moneg If You do Your Spring Buging Here. We have just one object in view this season, and that is the selling of every dollar's worth that we pos. sibly can—to get the stock down to the lowest point it , can be got to—to clear it to the last dollar's worth if at all within our power to do so. We are willing to work without a profit if we can accomplish this. No need to tell you that the stock is good. You know that— know that what it was in the past, so it is to• day, the best Dry Goods stock in Clinton. Heie are some April specials: Tweed Dress Goods 59c 2 ends only, Tweed Suitings. triediutr; shades in the popalar stripe, suitable for full costumes or separate skirts,one and a half yards wide, very special per yard. .59 Tweed Suitings 48c The new fashionable stripe, 42 inches wide, splendid wear- ing materials, in greys, blues and fancy mixtures, capital thing for separate skirts. Special'at per yard All Wool Venetians 42c All Wool Venetian Cloths, imported by ourselves direct, bright finish in blues, browns, blacks, reds, etc., at per yd. 2 _ Our Standard Cloth at 980 Every wanted shade in this handsome suiting, made from..: pure Australian wools. London shrunk,unspottable, in black and all the season's fashionable colorings. Basra good - quality at per yard .96 Striped Suitings $1.10 Handsome Stripe Suitings, all pure wool, in navies, greens, browns, etc„ either self colors or fancy inixtures, 11 to 11 yards wide. special per yard 1.10 Fancy Ribbons 7%c Just about 200 yards in this lot, Fancy Silk Ribbons, 4b to 5 inches wide, worth double the price we ask, special per yd 07 Ribbon Ends 10c 200 ends Taffeta Silk Ribbon, 2 inches wide, all of li-yard lengths, in blacks, pinks, blues, white, cream and red, spe- cial at per end .10 20c Pearl Buttons 10c 200 dozen Pearl Buttons, plain, 2 hole or 4 hole, all sizes, put up in one -dozen cards. We cannot break the cards. Reg- ulaa 20c, special per card Laces 2 Yards for Sc .10 . Hundreds of yards French Valenciennes Laces and Inser- tions. Many different patterns,. regular 5c per yard, Satur- dao you can buy 2 yards for 05 AP— , Linen Toweling 10c Extra heavy pure Linen Crash Toweling, 18 inches wide, • heavy weight, very special per yard .10 Good quality half bleached Table Damask, guaranteed pure linen, our own importation, will stand no end of hard wear and bleach nicely, special per yard - , 55 Good quality half bleached Table Damask, 56 to 58 inches inches Wide, good-designe, special Per yord-:-... ,, „ .... ..... Prints 10c • • Very fine quality Engligb Prints, soft finish, dark and light colorings, the navies are Indigo dyes, very special at per yd .10 Ginghams 123/c Good quality itnported Ginghams, checks and plain colors, all colors in the lot, guaranteed fast, special at per yard..... .12i' English CottonlOc Good quality English White Cotton, full yard wide, fine finish, special per yard .10 English Cotton 12c. Extrafquality White Cotton, English make, cambrie finish, special per yard Embroideries 5c • Hundreds of yards of Swiss Embroideries and Insertions, new patterns, regular Sc to 10c, special at per yard .... .os New EmbroiderieslOc Hundreds of yards of these, too, all new designs. regular 121e to Mc, special per yatcl .10 Indigo Blue Prints Mc A big shipment of Indigo Blue Prints, imported direct from England, fine soft cloth, neat small designs, beyond doubt the best cloth you can get for the money. If we bought it in the ordinary way it would cost us about what we ask you, special per yard ............... ...... .10 .12e India Lawn 190 Very fine quality real India 'Awn, extra sheer, suitable for waists, children's wear. etc. Regular 25e quality, selling at per yard .... Yddi. India Lawn 12i0 Part of a big shipment bought direct from the man who made it. in England. Very title and sheer, splendid values at per yard 4 Irish Dimity 19c Neat designs in genuine Irish Dimity, white ground with spot, stripes or floral designs. splendid materialto wash and wear, very special at per . . „ =PC! . ens PCPS. pink -6r imposerzna amisiiritilirlawawalwistosiorses, Decorate Your &own. IN A MANNER 13ECOMI1G THE SEASON, THE STYLE, YOUR PURSE,, AND ABOVE ALL.YOUR INDIVID1AL TASTE. WE: CLAIM OUR AS- SORTMENT TO BE EQUAL TO THIS. WE THINK WE HAVE THE LARGEST VARIETY ; WE KNOW WE -HAVE THE POPUL- AR GOODS AND THAT OUR PRICES: ARE RIGHT. OUR STOCK HAS PLEASED MANY PEOPLE AND IT PLEASES US TO KNOW THAT THEY ARE PLEASED. IF YOU WANT WALL PAPER IT WILL -COST YOU NOTHING TO SEE OURS. IT MAY COST YOU SOME- THING NOT TO, W. D. FAIR CO. Often Cheapest —Always Best • Mrs. Robert Cole moved to Waterloo last week, • M. I. Taylor, London, was in town on Monday. . . Mr. Mills Shipley returned h.ene from Belleville last week. Miss Watson, milliner at Newcombe's, has' been very ill the past week Miss Emma Peck of near Hayfield is the guest of Mrs. W. Wheatley. Mr. H. J. Bulley, accountant Royal Bank, was in Toronto onaTuesday. Mr. A. Runstadtler, Berlin, is visiting!, his brother, Mr. EP11. Runstadtler. Mrs'.W. Pinner of Toronto is at preSent Visiting wider the parental roof. Mise Mabel Lee of Londesboro spent Sunday as the. guest of Miss Mabel Clark. • Miss May Dixon of town is ,visiting friends, en the London .Road at ' pre,sent. •• • • Miss Eileen Hoover gave .a Par -51 a nuraber •of he young friends last, . . evening. 'Miss A. J. Keys of Varna is the , guest of her sister, Mrs. S. C. Rathwell. Mr. Harold Wiltse leaves next week by way of Havelock for Fort Will- iam and Winnipeg. Mrs. Hugh Chambers of London was the guest for a few days of Mr. and Mrs.. John Emmerton. " • Mr. James Stevens was the guest of ,his 'daughter, Mrs. Israel Taylor, London, from Thursday .until Mon- day Mrs. Thos. Lawson attended the fun- eral of her a.unt, 14fra,, Samuel Clark at Auburn on Thursday of ' last Mr. H. B. Chant was In London last week attending the services in con- nc•ation with the inauguration of Mocha Temple. Miss E. Fluker has returned frona Lucknow where she has been living for the past two or three' years., and will prepare choice dishes for the Patrons of the Rattenbury House. THE WHITE DYKES. A new Temperance, band, composed of about thirteen members has been organized in Clinton with Mr. Her- bert Cbok as leader. Nearly all the instruments have already arrived a,nd the "White Dykes," as they call them - Selves, have begun: praelisieg. LITTLE LOCALS. . Mr. Dan. Nash rnovedto. Sea.forth yea terday. There is good reading matter on all eight pages of Tice News -Record. The trainway at the salt block was damaged soMewhat during last Friday night's storm, Colclough Bros. have bought .a cash register which tells in a twinkling both weight and price. It is said the G. T. R. may take off the extra train added to their ser- vice on the B. & G. last slimmer. Mr. T. R. Wiggington had the top of one of his fingera nearly taken .oft yesterday while lifting machinery. Owing to washout near Brucefield and Seaforth on Saturday last, C. H. Reid and Ted. Watson shipped cattle from Clinton to Toronto via Wing- harn and Palmerston. Summerhill „Our school has been close.1 thiS week owing to the teacher ha,v•oe, a slight attack of the mumps. Mr. William Mairs had a :ery btle-• eessful wood bee 10.4 weer. Mr, George 'TIM purchased a TOry fine horse from Mr. J Tiplady. The floods of last Friday night -"d considerable damage to the roads In this section. Mr. .1, Maim also had s woodbro last week. The Ladies Guild met at the home of Mrs. Tyncyr on Wednesday. Mr, W. Mairs delivered four fat cattle to Mr. Thos Mason last week. Quite a nutriber from around hero attended Mr. Bert Murphy's sale last Thursday. 11 J.RMAIRiT Nff '"- ' ...- Exceptional Chance. 'D \\ v\. ‚\\.;‚\&. We were very. fortunate in buying a traveller's set of Ladies' Spring Jackets at a bargain. At this season of the year, just when you will want one, this chance will be a rare opportunity We are passing on the big bargain to our patrons Thursday, Friday and Saturday. 25 Jackets in the lot, and the very latest styles and designs, most of them have the new butterfly sleeve and are made of good quality covert ploth in plain stripes and checks, in fawns and blacks. Don't miss this chance. Come iii and look them over. No two alike. Traveller's Samples of Ladies' Spring Jackets $10 Jackets for $7 Lads plain and stripe fawn Jackets, made of good quality covert cloth. butterfly sleeve, self strapping,•newest style, size 36 only. Regu- lar $10. tor....., . .. . . . .. „ . 7.00 $12Jackets for $9 Ladies Black Box Cloth and fawn stripe Covert Jackets, butterfly sleeves. newest styles, self strappings, sizes 36 and 38 only. Regular 0$12 for 9 00 Fancg Tweed Jackets $5 Misses and ladies fancy light grey Tweed Jackets, semi -fitting, velvet collar, metal but- tons, a very natty style, ail sizes.. Our special . coat 5.00 New Spring Millinery Special showing of new Spring Millinery Thursday afternoon, during the stock show, and we invite you to call and see the many NEW SPRING NOVELTIES. Call as often as you like. No trouble to show our styles. MISS C.A.NrIMI.101\1- Sz CO. NEW SPRING DRESS GOODS Now in Stock Never in our history have we had such a showing of New Spring Dress Goods, all bought t import prices in large quantities in order to get the close prices. The Result—Better values than ever. Come in as.often as you please and look through the range of Voiles in plain and ribbon stripes, black, blue and brown Panama Cloth in black, blue, green and brown chiffon finish, Ladies Cloth in fawns, browns, blacks, blues, greens and tans, Cashmere in all shades, Serges, Crispenes, Etc. Prices run from 50c up to $1.50. New English Prints, all colors, 121c. New Ginghams 12k, .,,A4 ,'" „ - .0 • OVIIMIAIONIVNIMMIRWAVEMAII~.(IONINAWMAWARAIONNIIVAVII~~040101~IN Ladies' Ready=to-Wear Garments CL1NTOIST. Dry Goods and ,• Millinery $5 Dag in Our Coat Dept. Saturday will be $5.00 day in our Coat Department. and on that day you can buy your Spring Coat at a saving of from one-quarter to one-third. Here's how we sell them : Ladies' Spring Coats in half a dozen different styles including tight -fitting, semi -fitting and loose back, Ifawn Covert Cloth. Some lined all through, also a number of 50 --inch Tweed Coats with velvet collars. We doubt if you can equal these coats anywhere at $7.50 or $8.50 each, size 32 to 40. Bug them Saturdag at each $5.00. Stylish Millinery • H E R. E More New Hats added this week to our al- ready large showing. Hats that are exact copies of New York styles, only you 4et them here at about one-quarter what you pay in the cities*. You are invited to visit our Millinery Depart- ment as often as you wish. You will see some-, thing new every time you come. Splendid Values in White Waists „ We are showing exceptional values in new White Lawn W.aists, whieh, besides being the prettiest designs, are the best values ever shown here. Prices $1, $1.50, $2 and upwards. Binbrolderg Specials for Saturday 265 yards Embroidery" and.Insertion, two to six inches wide, ten different patterns. Re- gular price 15c, 18c and 20c,4 Saturday '10e rimovvvsoommotosmoosowo‘romovoko#Amwoommomvirkommmoomi. v