The Clinton News-Record, 1908-04-02, Page 4• K
has opened.
Our spring purchases
amounted to over 10,000
rolls bought from •. the best
manufacturers in Carla-
Whether it is the
cheap grades or the bet-
ter grades we can supply
your wants. No fancy
prices for BORDER here
as alt our borders are now
sold by the roll and the
same price as the side
All . paper trimmed
FREE which saves you
much time.
sale.—I still have 1 four year old
driving mare for sale. Well broke,.
go double or single. Terms cash,
oft 3 t4 6 months time as arranged.:
'Also first-class oats, peas and bar-
ley, also timothy seed. Terms cash
or in some cases 3 to 9 months
time if desired.—W. G-. Perrin,Geain
Merchant, Clinton.
Goderich Township.
Mr. John Steep Jr., who was engag-
ed with Mr. C C. Middleton, has hired
with Mr. I+Villianl Wheatley of Clinton,i
who hes nought the Fair farm, and
movedto that place
Flace on Wedneed
Y ,
with his family.
After a quiet rest at her honie Mrs.
(Rev.) Joseph Elliott, looks herself
again. She says that. Bermuda is no
Mrs. Halstead of .Goderich is visit
her daughter,
Mrs. Alf, Jervis.
Misses Logan and Cameron n Of 'Stan -.ley townshi
arethe guests of Mrs.
Will. Pickard for a few days.
Mrs. Leach returned home on Mon:
day .after visiting friends in Milverton•.
and other places: ' •
Miss Jennie Phipps of Toro'tg
the guest of her brother, Mr. George
Our farmersare busy these '. days
uta letug maple syrup. .
Mr. G. Ladd was called to %Watford
on Tuesday .because of his Mother's
Mr. Gunn and family are moving to
their ,new home near the village this
week. ,
Miss Snowden at - the parsonage •
this week entertaining a friend from.
the state of Arkansas..
Clinton News.Rccord
April 2nd, 190$
Porter's Hill.
Mr, Reid Torrance visited hi adder-
ieh over .Sunday.
Misses Serail. and Lily Start are
visiting et their sister's,. Mrs. 0. �Y.
Mr. Jolla Blair had a suocesslul
wood bee last Thursday and. entertain-
ed a few af: their friends in 'the even-
ing. A good time is reported; i
Mr. Thomas Betties treated his
triode to a, hop last• 'week,
The manyfriends of r, John
Elliott are sorry•f
o hear that he
vin rapidly.
not improving raps. y
Whoppingc» gh Is,the order of the
The following isthereport of S.
S. No, 5, „Goderich. township, based
an attendance,.lest papers and general
5th—Ruby. Potter, Lucy Marshall,
Erma Jordan, Elma Betties,
• Sr, 4th :George Lindsay, Charlie
itMacdonald,h lip
Cox, Wim
l. a. C ax
Young, Olive Cox, William, Macdou-
gall, Theron Betties.
Sr. 3rd—Pearl Potter, Gordon Mac-
dougall, Willa Cox, Harold 'Wallis,:
Allen Betties, Mary Sowerby„.Arthur
Sr. 2nd—Ernest Vanderburg, Harvey
Potter, Edith Vanderburg, Eva Cox,
Tommy Sowerby, ' Hazel Macdoiald,
Gladys Macdougall, Fay Tichborne,
Hiram Cox, Gertie Young, Ella
Jr. 2nd—Edna Hastings.
Sr. Pt, 2nd—Cecil Harris:al.
Sr. Pt. 1st—Bruce Macdougall, Wal-
lace Macdougall,;. Nina Tichlhorne, Ella
Jr. Pt. 1st—Lillian -Potter, Chester
Macitonald, Murray, Macdougall, Mag-
gie Hastings. • •
--F.. E, Jamieson, Teacher..
Melvin Alair returned last 'week,
and Dwight Fisher returns WS. week
frauj'the Forest City BusineseiCollege
where they spent three months' adding,
to their knowledge. A, good .pian;
Henry Dayman and his heather,
Humphrey and family returned to
Golden' Plains, Sask., after :spending
the winter with friends here.. . ,
• Last Friday night's .$torn aimed' a•
great' `deal of damage ie washing•, out
litridgesand culverts. Two were Wash-
ed out on sideroad 5 and ;0 betiyteon
concessions fr and 4.- Two `small vaaSh-
outs•took place ,on the be-
tween • Kippen and Brucefleld.
Mrs..Logen's bank barn Was street
about 11.30 .p. m. Alex; Smith 'sew
it first and ran to it and began -letting
the cattle out. Out of sixteen head of'
cattle, eleven were saved, out of four
horses, two were saved and out of
twenty, pigs; eleven of the best ...were
saved; Among: the losses were all the
mixed grain of last year's, crop ex
poipt the wheat, some hay, 'a sleigh
etc. Anlotiier--barn :and stable near at
hand,fortunately didn't catch' fire' en
account 'of the lieayy rain: '.The• in-
surance, .$1,250, will' not cover the
direot loss, besides which is • the in-
direetr ' loss of being leftwithout
feed, stables, recd • etc., etthis seas-
on Of- the, year.: 'All 'Sympathize with
the family iii the loss .sustained
place for any otie with weak lungs. to FOR. SALE. DE LAVAL' CREAM
Separator, as good its new.• May be•
visit. 'They should go to 'a watmer seen at Seeley • ta West's shop:
climate. R. Wiggington, 17-3
The New Drg Goods' :Firm
Spring Co.
This is our third shipment of Spring Criats and
they are selling quickly. This shows that we have the
correct styles and our prices are right.
Ask, to see them, no trouble to show goods.
Special at 95c .
White lawn blouses, fronts trimmed with Embroidery
and Val. lace, insertions, tucked back, 3.4 sleeves, . all siz-
es. This blouse is gond value at $1.25, our price 95c.
Silk V allOs.
Some of our new silk waists are in black and
white in the correct styles for Spring wear. 'Extra
value at $3.90.
English Prints and Scotch
Gingha 11 • •
• Another shipment of these goods just arrived and
we have a full assortment of each ,12%c a yard.
Goderich Township
Councillor Lobb went down to
Westminster township last weep and
bought thirteen dairy Cows, mostly of
the Holstein breed. T.hoso who have
sent them he say they are superior milk -
ors,. just such ° cows as cheese fac (ory
patrons should have. Ib Was for that
reason that our worthy councillor
bought these cows, some of them
'having been purehaecd:for a couple of
his neighbors. All •three are among
lie . i of esv
n H m ill:
Lha. e
factory. -1f still more of thein do as
thew three have done the insttiftion.
ought to have one of ,the most pros-
perous years in its history,
,Last Friday night's storm played
the very mischief with the roads in
several places. At Andy McC-iuire s
on the Telephone Road, for instance;,
There was a washout thirty feet wide
that will cost considerable to repair,
What has been known as. Rathwell's,
bridge on the Stanley-Goderich bowl -
ditty 'sailed down the Bayfield river
last Saturday morning. The bridge.
held for a time agaifist the onrush' of
the raging waters, which there lied
Mil sweep, but soon the whole bridge,
including .the centre abutment, shifted
and moved some distance down the
stream, but soon` came a break in
the centre and the bigger portion sail-
ed along with the torrent and when
thewater subsided it was lett high.
and dry on Middleton's flats. The
bridge was. built •fifteen, years ago, but
the engineer, in his last report to the
county eouneil estimated that it would
last until 1900: It consisted of two
sixty foot spans, It was, of course,.a
county bridge.
Stanley Township,
Mr. Mich. 'Deihl has lived down on
the 4th con. these many; years : and
each spring he has seen High waterin.
the branch of the Bayfield river whiph.
flows through his farm, but the hood
of Saturday morning last .eelipse(i
them all.. The i•iver was .clear; of: ice,
but the water was ,eighteen inches.
higher than,wlien the stream Was
jammed with- is . Mr. Diehl has been
sugar making .on the west side of the
river and had. his • horses• but
'couldn't get over to feed tloem .•:on
'Saturday. Nor was it possible • 'to.
reach them by; way of. the new bridge
'south sof him for it had gone down,.
so• his team had:to fastfor twenty-,
foul hours at the least.
The bridge to' which allusion is here
made as hating :.been' ruinedby the•
torrent le that big .cement arch .. on'
the 4th con::which was 'erected _last.
year at a cost • of ;:$.700 The arch was
eight fret high and • eleven . feet, Wide
and looked strong enough to stand.tine
til, the end of time.
Miss 'Georgina Johnston has return-
etutned fi'oni visiting friends 'u •Goderich.
Miss Mary joinistone,of near Bruce--
ruce-field has .been visiting with Miss Ida
The 'exceedingly heavy rain of last
Friday: night did. much damage among
our bridges: and the roads, too, have.
been badly cut and washed out. •
Mr,• and Mrs: Edward G
have been spending thewetter-
at the
ho me of the latt r s lather, Mr. Rob`
.Elliott's, lei t'on Frrda last for their
home in Saskatoon.
,Mr. George Reid , left 'on 'Wednesday
foe Saskatoon, Sask.
Miss Rmnia ,Peck is visiting in
Clinton, at the home+' of• Mrs.. William
'The township council meets next
One of the greatest floods since the
days of Noah passed over this section
of country on Friday night :of
last a Week- and -in .-
tre Space of
fess .than an hour: creeks had swollen
to enormous' dimensions, carrying off
culverts; r fences., Woodpiles, etc. Even
the roadbed o bed rn manyplaces p a es was ,wash-
ed out to a depth of Over a foot,.
while the gravel is piled up', againsh.
the fences a .couple of feet deep.: ,
Mrs Robert, Talbot is • confined to
her bed, bet, we hope ice soon see her'
around' again. ` . •
Syrup makers are still heard at it.
This is anexceptionally' good year:
Mr. George Pollock purchased a. fine
horse at 11r,.' Nicholson's sale last
Farmers Bank:. to Extend.:
After negotiations extending over a
'period of Limo the I"armers' Bank of
('anada has just concluded' an itnporte
ant financial deal with western:melt.
alists._by which the operationeoe- the
bank will be largely extended in .the
west and on the Pec ifre coast. A num-
ber of prominent western business' men
and financiers,' connected with the
Bank of Winnipeg, and British Colum-
bia finances, have subscribed for ' the
unsubsct•ibed stuck of F'armers' Bank
with a view to making the latter "one
of the big banks of the west. A chat-
ter had been secured, fcir the hank of
Wintiipeg, but bad'•hot yet been exer-
cised. The, taking up of the unsubseri
bed stock of the Farmers' Bank by
those behind the Dank of 'Winnipeg
Will bring the subscribed - capital of
the Farmers' Bank up to one million
It is the intention to .have five dir
ectors elected from Winnipeg and the
west, although the names of these
tlemen have not yet been announced.
A branch of the Farmers' Bank .will
he opened in Winnipeg within tem or
three months,, and it le the intention
to open brenlchee 'in the pri'neipal pia-
cesof the ,west so soon: as business'
and capital Will warrant these extenr
stone. .
It is understood that Col. Jernes
Munro, '1T, P. P. for Nottli Oxford,
will continue as 'president of the
bank, and Mr. \Vf Travers as Gen-
eral 111anager. The Vice-Preskkij.rt will
be a prominent Winnipeg b usin:ess man,
The herd office of the bank is c,ti re-
main in Toronto.
Do Not Dose With Purgatives, A
s 1l People iNeed.
The following report shows the ray
lative standing of pupils of U. S. S.
No 5, Hullett; E, . and W. Wawanosh
for March, based on attendance, test
papers and general proficiency -
5th.—Roy Munro; Milton Pfeffer,,
Ralph Munro; Lottie Jackson,
Sr. 4th,—Erma Pfeffer, •Linnie Car-
ter, . Milton Plunkett, Roy Naegele,
Wesley McClinchey,• Marjory Doyle;
Edna Armstrong. •
Jr, 4th.—Tromilda Pfeffer, Grace
Plunkett; May Denstedt, Mary Raith-
by, Belle Stalker,. ; Laura Jackson;.
Winnie Howson, 'Zella Doyle, Ernest
Jackson,: Clarence Symington.
Si'. 3rd.—'Ruta Jaekson, Russel Kiva.
Blanche Ferguson,•Ivain Armstrong,'
Lloyd Ferguson; Alfred .Letup, ` Frank.
Robinson,. Elora Yungblutt; Willie
Not exnetly sick :but not` feeling
quite well. That's the way most pep-
ple feel in the Spring. Easily tired,
appetite variable, sometimes head-
aches and a feeling of depression. Per-
haps pimples or eruptions• appear, or
rabe wi es [ r e of
there mayt o b. um . is
or neoralgia, Any of oso indicate
that the blood is ant of order ; that
the in -door life of winter has left its
Mark upon you and may easily devel-
op into more serious trouble. Don't
dose yourself as many people foolishly
do with purgatives in the hope thata
Yeti can put your blood right, Purga-
tives gallop through the system and
weaken instead of giving strength,
Whatyou need in spring id a
medicine that will make new, rich
blood, build up the weakened nerves,.
and thus give /oil new health and
strength.. Dr. Williams'. Pink Pills, is
the one :medicine that can do this
speedily, safely and surely. Every
dose of -this eneVoIne makes new, rich
red blood, strengthens' the appetite,
clears: the skin, and makes tired de-
pressed men and women, bright, - . ac-
tive and strong, Mr. Harry Huggins
Oshawa, Ont., says ;. "I• don't think
there is anything equal to Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills as a cure for ner-
vousness, . indigestion and a run down
condition, of the blood. For some time
I was a great sufferer 'from these trou-
bles. I tried several remedies 'but
nothing helped m'e until I. began . - tak-
ing Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Before
taking them I felt like an. old' man,
but by the time I had taken. four boxes
my strength had returned, my appetites
improved, my naves were steady 'and
I` was feeling a renewed' man."
If u need a medicine this spring
—and most people, , do—try . Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills and sea how speedily
they will make you feel like a new
person, •Sold by all the medicine ileal-.
ere or by : mail at 50 cents a box or
six boxes for $2.50 front the •] r. Wil-
liams' .Medicine, Co., Brookville, Ont:'
. Jr, 3rd.—Esther. McOlinehey, .Lave
erne Robinson, Earl Raithby, Jennie
Stalker, ''Terns Symington, .Robert;
Enrolled . ti endance . 3e, average • 31:
Sr. 2nd -e-Goedon ATTC.linchey; Not
roan McBrien, Ilareey McBricn, ,Willie
Carter, ° Edria Robinson, Arthur
Limp, rIcnry.eramen.
2nd . (li)=Ida Stewart, ' Lena.
Plunkett, Ellen Phillips, •Effie Stoltz.
' Jr.. 2nd. (b)-Berdie 1?ergusson;. Ther
cssa' Stewart. • •
Sr.• ' Pt. lst—Ethel Stalker, John
Stewart, Olive Tainen.
Jr, Pt. let—Graeme Symington,
Lewis Put•dy,-. Elwin. Raitlity, 1)at°id.
Youngblut, Victor -Y oungblut.
I' Trolled' b
t attendance 21.
It is earnestly tee a ted that ail
1 es
c' division'. " be
commencing in the 'unio di tston'
g t t
in att-endn.nce on Monday,' the ,13th:
Mr. Ernest Roberson lift •on
Monday=,.'to assume his duties 'a:• the
principal of the `.'I3eemiller school;
McKillop Township.
. John heist has rented 'the • fifty
acre. farm of A. Souter. Mr. Souter
is at 'present ; living in 'Western
Canada. •
John E Irvine left. for Manitoba in.
the early part of last week.
Rev.; .Mr. Currie
at the
service at Bethell leen Sabbath ii. -a
pleasing manner..
Alf. Irvine has gone to Seaforth
where hehas a bicycle repair eh
:that S
We are informedaat n'u a t el
Macpherson has purchasedthe farm
of his on John it the .price agreed
on. It is a : muchbetter bargains.
than • wlrat. John trade. when he nought
Ontario :Liquor. . License Act
Licenne'Drstrict of West Huron
Notice is' heieliy:: given. that the
persons 'Whose names 'appear in the
following: schedule are. applying for
Liquor Licenses'for the Lieensc year
1008-9. anti than the 'same are not
License:, tifidet the act or ionilying for -
premises 'not°now under License, •
Nniue of bind of 1'ranri'es "Municipal.
Applicant' License tty . .
Joseph 7 twerp .. Itattonlrury Clinton
llattenbury Dotal • Clinton
Mlchnel - Shop bnjtons' -
Dalton Liquor Store tioderiefi
There were 35 Pavan Revues' and e.
Atop Licenses issued in the ;lest t i:le
ing' of Huron during :the current lit-
ense year. There, are 26 Tavern Lic-
ensee and 3 Shop 'Licenses applied for
for the License year 1908-9.---•A. As-
quith, License Inspector. Dated at
Auburn, lst day of April 1908.
Ontario Liquor License Act
Lloonse D,strict of West Huron
. , ,
NoIice: is 'hereby givdn Jut ,the
Board of License Contmissloc''e es !or
the •License° District of ;West tlurcitt
will meet at the l'ispector'e office in
tlte•vfllage. of Auburn on the 2Ped play',
of April at 1 p. nt.• for the Pu Pose
of considering applici'ttions fer ].trluo
licenses for the Lioen:o year roo8-•4).
All persons interested wit! i verlt
thetnsolves accordingly. -'-A. Astictith,
License Inspector., Dated a1 auburn,
1st day of .A,pri}1.1008,
l;lake is still hero but the storm.
of :bast Friday ; night 'removed es ety-
thing available inthe way of bridges,.
fences, etc., etc. The neighborhood
ha!d a desolate appearance next 'morn-
ing: In less than an hour the terrific
storm had caused every stream to rise
to river dimensions with • the waters
flowing over ;the. tops of :wire fences:
The roadbed in places is washed out
to a depth of over a foot while : the
gravel lies piled to a' depth of a
couple of feet on, the roadside.' Some
Of the farmers wereheavy'ioser:s of
fences, bridges and even woodpiles,
and these may Have gone: to Uncle
Sam's domains. The raging - waters
played havoc with, the culverts; wash-
ing -them out of place entirely. Even
the. grass on the, edge of the roadbetl
was in places .torn : up and carried
away as if cut out by a s1?ade. , The
water rose so high that the bedding.
under 'tire stcek hi : stables near• the
water's edge: was lifted .away:.' 'Never.
in the lifetime of our oldest, residents
has such a fall of water been wit-
nessed. Some wish it had taken. place
in daylight so that a. better view of
its ravaging work might -have
seen,: but most people saw enough of
that next inor.ning•..
The sales , of last 'weolc 'were laxgely
attended. Good prices'.
but, hay took quite a drop, selling. as
law has eightdollars a ton. This is
good news ;to those who have .te buy.
Mr, R. Allan was unfortunate to
lose bothenecoW and a horse last: week.
Such -heavy losses are felt now -a -days
when stock is So high , •
Syrup making is= now. the general
order of the day and many people are.
busy. .-
it. _ ..
On April let Mr. Wellington Jonn-
ston began a term ..of eight months'
engagement with Mr. William J.
`rough • ,
Farmers are looking for an early
. °Constance
Mr. ` Nelson Taylor of Harloik has
hired with N. Be Stephenson :for the
summer months,
Mr, J. G. Campbell still keeps
pretty poorly. •
Sugar making,. mumps •'and- measles
are, the order of the day: '
The Canadian Order•+. of Foros.ers
initiated four new members on Thurs.:
day night.
Quite a flood in our village .on Sat-
urday after the heavy fain on Friday
MT. Wni. Ilugill is' getting ready
for the spring trade, haying 12 heir
buggies: to get ready.
if you think you need. a tonic,
ask your doctor. If you think
you treed something for your
blood, ask your doctor. If you
think you would like to try
Ayer's non-alcoholic Sarsapa-
rilla, ask your doctor. Con-
sult hint :often. ,Keep In close
.touch with him..
WWI nsbi ti •ur f•rau3N'
w• Y !.r► •r.ebet
e.!Brea ourtafNroiaot
T Ws nr.i you. to
�eoneus. your
Ask your doctor to name some of the
results of constipation. His long list will
begin with sick•headache biliousness,
dyspepsia, thin bloods bad skin. Then
ask hint if he would recommend your
using Ayer's: gills.
wW+yi.d• by the ol.O. Aro d•., 'rfothti, tr•It..w+L+
�,.ve,�•. •wm�wa�•�.e �•4�m�e•e�,a�aa�er•�a•a,de•.a.m^�►•�►t}�r�r
0 Oattle and . i
i Owing to shortage of pasture we have decided to sell at Iliil .�
Stock Farm, London Road, 1 mile south of Clinton, on 4/1
1 Tknrsday,9t
28 head of Thorobred Shorthorn Cattle, all registered in. Dominion:
S. H. 11. B., many from imported sires. 18 females, 10
bulls and bull calves, All cows in calf or with . B,
' calves i
al satsd e.
12 grae cattle, 5 grass steers,2 mi hco a, 3.2 -year-olds, 2 calves'
1 Heavy Draught Mare rising 4, in foal to Lord Huron.
1 Heavy Draught Gelding
1 Driving Horse 4Yeara old, by Baden Powell,.
1 Driving Horse rising 4 years. by Axtel.
1 Driving Filly rising 3 years, by Electric B.
1 Driving Gelding rising 3 years, by Tom. Reed.
1 DrivingGelling rising3 ears by So exas Jac
5' years. Sou k
• 1 Light Mare l years old, in foal to Braeside Goldsmith (Hackney)
110-months•old"Filly, by Texas Mack.
1 Heavy Draught f11y10.monthe old, byReynolds Ho
gSale to Commence at 1 p. m. Sharp. '
0 TERMS SALEA11 sumsunder $10, cash; overt at ainount unt
ce 6 months time on approved joint notes, or discount at the rate, of •
tt 6 per cent. per annum off for &fah. ce, _
qtr THOS. OUNDRY, Austioneer. H. PLUMSTERL, Proprietor 0 -
re eseeesee eteeibee seeemseseeeteeeZ
QQmiiA'bmisAbmmDQIeeeteeeZisle clf►fii4s4a1cf 0..
A'geed, healthy school 'bey Will. wear out any
shoes soon enough. But he wont wear out a :pair.
of our kind as soon': as some other kinds. That's ..
because our shoes are strongly, honestly made of
good wear resisting • leathers—no skimping, no
shoddy worked .in at unseen "places. And then
again they're. so good-looking and comfortable that.
abov win like them' and take better care of them.
Our stock is large and complete and gives you a
great variety to choose"from,
Boys, school shoes: $1,25,' $i.•60, $1.75 and
$2.00 per pair.
''Always 'Reliable '
y l
�Oolltinllod1�1e� Opeuillg
Friday and Saturda
April 3rd and 4th, -19
On account of the..disagreeable weather and rough roads of last
Friday -and Saturday dreventwg a great nuirber of the, citizens of
Blyth and vicinity from attending our rnillinery` display, we : have
decided•toleeaveour.parlor•open•until.theend of ••this week. '. •
Mise Porter has added many new hats to our already large 'dis
play and we invite you to again visit our show rooms.
Wall Paper 'Display.
on Friday and Saturday .on above dates, we. will disc lay a-
• lar a sortment of our Wall Pa ers, Borderings and -Ceilings. .
Ke s P
d t'with
•--We-wish-to-draw your attention to this big . epartme n its
183 designs to select from.: '
' ' Showing of Spring Jackets.
on rrda
jackets before you F
We purpose placingOur Springk
and Saturday, 3ran4th. We epect these goods will be , the
,best yet shown by us: These Jackets range in price from •' $5.00 to
LACE CURTAINS NEW and PRETTY. -Nearly 300 pairs in prices •
. from 25c to $6.00 a pair.
'Cash for. Butter and Eggs. ,
Successors to McKinnon 45; Co., BLYTH
ricowtovviawwwwsawoeWeVetvweoyegeNwes ,e•Ateevvieee44A11
Advance and talo
Prize the Diamond
have securede A �PticY here for a Diamond ghee
We h e the cl h
manufactured by the Weston • Shoe Company, Campbell.
ford, Ont. We would like you to see these goods as they
speak for themselves, we have them in childrens, Misses
and Ladies sizes.
Call in and get a catalogue.. '
Onr spring atm* is complete in alt lines. Conte In and
examine our stock before parchasing for spring.
Itto t;ronb7le to Slot our ,ji ootid.
IU -