Clinton New Era, 1908-03-05, Page 2I , 4-111 --.1. , � .... ; -.1-.1---',
, '1411w4y ii�� i "ie ObAllips.'
- - -- - � - - -- - - -- . - . . - -
' - The, - foyerpm , e � a " t =4 t - he . . 1.
�i . . I �,
oppositto I A.
" Going W, 0 -Oclin ,
I ",§ gli East
ALM a'm .i r% ,
� ..
.11 . -
� An,ott^w. a correspo. n4ent says .-
"Althong1h the five,year term the
, 1�91,p m, 7 00 AZ
Parliament will
, , M.
, � 110 1 auloo p4
I I I v: p W11
present not run Qqt
until Noverater, 19.1 . it is, t
. W , � he general
.1 �
. I � .
163preasloo that the Government will
I ,
I . 00111grorth GoAnglftutb ,.
probab appeal to the country next
Sir Wilfrid Laurier will,
I � . � .
. �, � I : 'It.07 Sim, 7.004.401,
� I
1, , 6.65 P, in 4.23 V110
U1.1i'anUat I
makwo, tourofthe West Auring tho
latter part,of the coming summer. . �
. , ,,, I --- --- - .
,., 0�wp,::
Ur Borden and his 0onservotiVe tot-
. -.,;-;--
. �'. � � ---"-
.,.' �':� . Tho NOW, EM, �
.t .
lowilog bfLye made up their winds that
� dissolutl6n �hls year is practioally,cer.
� * . . I I
. . - . is published eveo Friday .at
,, , .
tain. And as'a result the present see
. ._ ino -
sloin of Prortlafineutfromits very .ep
:11;1, . the 3 T litirig House, .
. ,gpw 3.$UA P I
blow four months ago to -day, instead
. I I . - .. .
. I
J, ,. 10"O STREW - . 0 . 01UNTO$4
of being wed for the, passage of the
ob3c business fox-, whiob it was called,
� - � ,'Terms of subscription $1 per year
been utilized bX theOpposition for
" in �4vanco .. cbarl%ed if
$1.50 way be
the m4niifaot
I ure of material to, help
1 ,
I , not so paid. No pappr diseclatmuec
� . , , .1
them In their Approaching campa'
. W
,until a4l arcears Are gaid, unless at the
I ,
fthiapublis The -date
.and the country is paying the Wit,
. 10 U 0 er, to
. 11
I I -0 de
$WO,OQQ already,atavOry.conservative
idh .
, , every subscriptioulepal4is
estim.ate-for the policy of deliberate
111. 46ted on the label. I
obstruction wbich Mr Borden And his
, , � .
� " ' Advertising rateq. -Transient adver,
,following are pursuing,� I .
�. wements, 10 cents per uQnparel, lind.
, , fCifirst insettion and 3 cents per line
: . - Only One IUM Passed. �
. .
�� . Jo Small
. � 0 each subsequent insertion,
"vertisemonts not to exceed One, mch
All that there is to show for �the ex.
pen xtu,d 6 time an, oney up to
� , *Stich as "Lost" "Strayed," "Stolen "
. - I
date oft& f ur months of session is,
one Sol! thtate� and' a vot%'of
� � to
�' j vto, inserted once for 85. can , or one
I, intended
000ta%6 1he purchase 6f peed,
.1. A � ,,
1� f9r publication must,.as a . guarantee of
. I � ,
faith, be by
. Pal ,11) the, anadian . orth� e t.
. ,
on in t a committees of - e ouse
1, .: good accompabied the
, . s%me of the writer. - . .
� I " ,
'r, I IV- -1,l;..+;-- - 0-na"+
bh%*J3%md-pOliCy of -obstruction, has
' � . '
been resor*l to by the Oppoeltion,apd.
� 77
, I
1 0
11 I March Oth
� 11 I I
11 I 11 . I I I . I . --.-111---.------ . - I � -1 I I 1. 11
fWat, Oemand ' Offo RV011 Her ,011ood Wate � ftrmlor oale. - .
Turned to r. ,- .. PROPIESSIONAL ,
. For We -that farm' if 190 .0, 0, � I - I -
� "a '
8 wlwIx � .1 . . . I I , , 110111 "t Ift Con.v 09derich tQW0 P,k
� P Wliteit OPP; afTernlefous . I Good frAM0 WOO, . fraMe bar . � W. JORY00XV,
I'll 11 I'll xih Cure A PEEWEE I , � I',- .. , I � , I ,
11101144VIVUorelolot 4111thout'"to ,
0081AS. . 1 1.313. 0a I
I . Anaerala ger Life Wits. 'drivoUQU00sigoodolp).ring,oro.o 10'sopewo 13AUMSTFOlt sOL101TOP. XmAxty
The Fierce Man E-000 Crocodile . J�orqhsjrd. sill cleared it a I I-
The records for o0op of Way' Medl- Well by J.0 JgQQ , I k a% , acres 1100 Puft#101''EW00 � I
olno hap, been broken by the, recent de- of Australia. * . I . � ,4 state of Quit votion" . oil rich olAy * (114INT0251 . - .
. loam, Reason& a terms to sajsparohsv� I .11 I I .
ma.0d in 11yomei. TbJ4 IQ bot alone I . .44FIBIVROZONAL I I Apply to Q , 0.1119., OliqtQ , k Olat, J - �
due . to. the peculiar weather conditions . . .. - . or, A
11 I I 4.9
that have incroasoil catarrhal troubles A P,ATIENTP CUNNING BRUTg - Piobsbly.vevy few 046011 ave .on, re, I ,* 1, I �
but 441LOP to,� the way ii.2 which Uyomel , " . . �0 cod.inwhich an absolute Form for Sale or to Rept. I , " ,
is Sold. I . I . I cure has. � . � VONVRTAXO9RS ' .. NOTAUIVO
- I . I been, mado.O.f pernicJQ.asa0Wm1lk- � i , I COMMIsRolgogs.
� With every.dollar otItfit IS, given it But Verrozone did cure � Miss Blaine, The valuAbli fsrm condating ot 100,,
guarantee to refund th6 looney if fly- This '0owqrf41 anct Savage Saurian,— Stanbope-oured her absolutely, and Acres W44 North half lot 03, Colo. 5. East -AIQNBV TO LOAN, -
omel does not, give absolute SM19fAct- ' Sometime* TWenty,so�,en, Fo ,
tt, I n her laicither,Mrs G Stanhope, of Rothe. Wawanosb, theirb. are keltuated On the farm I JOHN AIDON, -, =. - - Im. I%
that Ili claimed , it. t 7, Oat , a gwitbau , k barn 44x , . 0.13 .
ion and do all I , , .. for Length, Will Tailkla Anything From ' 806 -, Say$ the following; - a good, frame house . � W- ,�,
Some people -may ot ;#If only.1 know "My daiightog camplainqd of feeling 60, A. strow abed $94 no 11W " I 11
, 1 '40 with Btabli
,it tly be true� I woull, net hesitate. a. I 84.0hesp to a Half Ton Sulloek, ., .tired� She �raa- very pale and listless 4erneatb, a young Orchard of 2 , I wedit'alo., I .
- . . d �' 'd . 1 . I. . I . � I acredi, !it I
mo�aent." This is the 4"rag.�L In XVI ' The Crocodile of th Nile dit!fors ver� � � aciad kept losing stregh Vill too Weak � �
_ '
ual a tLoVit, 'wbon. reacting Some , ' e, o . good bearing condition, % plentiful suppIV . DR. Oo W. TJ99XV$iDX ' �
, . to attend school. T e ,doctors pre- .of good. hard and sots water, . There Are I .
Striking 0 � or 111ce this. " You can. , little froni that of Australia, ,wblch is, scribed d1frerent bottles of Medicine 90 icreicleAred And A, good okra wood . kbyalokn, fsurgeQP,,.M,to . .
however., easily prove it true .by ask- f generally termed "Alligator,," thoug - In but divine ke,A'getting worse instead ba6h. Possapsion given to CIO 10.11 plow'Ju$'I 008011"e' "" given to dleeisea orlbo, . I
I h , . Elo�'-'MWVT41`04t, and $04s, . .
i I boutt . I reallty'a true cro4od!le. 'The head of . of better, Sbeliad anaemia and we full POiseggi a in &rob. For particulate
rig a ,his guarantee, , 10 a
The reason. that HyOmel cap bb Scold &'true 4gi were afraid for a while that She ailaht Apply to 13ENJAMIN WITMER, - . Office au(t 99slainee,
in this. usual way, is due, to, its wonder. I - gator Is broader 9nd shorter, never rally, We A sini'llar , I .. . , 4uborn P, 0. Tw9 doofs wtas of toe Commercial qot,o '
. read of . I . , .
ful Curative powep, There is rlo'stom- I than - Mat 'Of the crocodlIc. There Is case, that oflWas Descent, of Stirling, I - , - I . "Wou 84; , .
ach drugfng v- . . � , � I—— -
,It4 Ryowel-, It it, a also couslOerabIQ =erou -ed by Feriozone, and ' I r', .
, ,, _ ,- , ca in thi) testli Out,'being cm GUan & Ine I
Medicate , airtreatment. thatkills. all ' and their- disposition In. the JAws. Tht this induced Us to g6t it for Elaine, It . Fgm lor sale., DrA.7 .]Roe. I
I �
catarrbW germs, prevents their grow� teeth,of an alligator are unequal, and - t0Ok.tb1`eo boxes ofV orrozone to make . Dr. W. omm, X. It. 0. P., X. a. 0. s., zdft�
th, soothes and bows any irritation in 1 the larger of t , no enter . t�, A , Any decided -.mprovement, but w I Proprietor offers 'or 0ale )"a farm On the OftLoe-Outorlq Street, 011uton. x119''60148 91%
he lower'earil . hen I
�the mueas metubrane,"vitalizes, the I I Maitland Coni GQderiob, Townehipi Lots f,,r,o V, .r of plbpe or reeldonce, Wzkb .
tissues and makes catarrhal troubles , cavity In the upper Jaw,- wr bile -that of six boxes. were used my daughter was - 77 and 78 , sisigated 1 1-2 miles, trom village rn .. I ... I ,p . rr I I �
beginning to. bo,box. o14 ,. ae �Qo . I �,
. ain. � It , . .
impossible., Ithafloured..many ht , a.crocodile simply fits into a groove on, didn't ta e miich longer to, make a : of Holmeavilie, obtirch and ,school, The % . . . . . I
I .
in this to $bon)(! tVY9 it 'I the Outsido Of the upper:Ja�N�,� 1ea'v'Ifi' '-'-- - t rm contains 2 acres of L Dr. r, T. He"e, IVOVargltr of TorpIt". .
wn, and you I , R complete cure, &nd� I am �oonvinced - 1, M oboioe lani, a " .� I .. . � .
nbw and get -relief And 'cure from the todth clearly . visible when the that - there is no better bloodmaker � good friwio house, and bank barn, 6 acres 0111ce houre at hosphoh.-r-J, 0 3 V�m.,, I to, 9 wom - ,
-. - 'It has made a new . I Of orchard 06. d I 1. . 1. .. .
catarrh. , �() * y . e* mouth of the monster to closed. ,There than F errozone. - , I I I Ii 30. ooreB of good maple .' I
We positively glAarante - 1 btahland, Tb6 farm is traversed by a.ran. OR* 0J. W. GhAvvt ,
Are also differences In the. webbing of girl Of ElAine, She has . gained tenel. .
fpr,shonld You bu*a comflc�te 1 4-1- �-� - - -- ,,, . .- ,nnnnda ivy wpitybf. n.nA IntAra thartinf-v. laing brook.,. This, f5rip will be ool4 in A PHYSICIAN, -OURGEON, ..
� � . --y- -W ft -1..17 !, %� - 'i� - . I"- i- - I—— - -7111. � - -, . I - - ---11 .1. � ., I .
I . . � . " , en3ova tno-oeg -credit .1 --�, - �^&kAA,wAAP!'' `'-
��, poutinearly. . . � � ' , r � thie �Q urs, have occupidd i i I I,ttle or no differenco., I.. 11 .. t Q� spirits. The, I I - I � . . I . -1 I " .. I
.7'"- 1 .. - -- .
,.� I Contract rates - The tollowingtable it) bwo'o . ... yo .I sot, ' b , ru' is+ every* a6lindAville, .
, Lt - of her recovery is entirely, clue'to For. � . ... I.. . ,
� I �' ..lDR. Fq, A. AXON , , � ' . + ' , -
" --- Vt -for Ut , -- I - - � .11 I 11, ; . . '. .
) 'ied periods the'time ata commirtawfoir d� PEI. , SO w. ere. ., .a. ,eratur # 1 . Tt The crocodiles me doubt feed largely ibzone., , ' :. I . I . I I � 1, . ,.,
aho,W�oufl rates for speed . el'y e n , . I ut . -th , I � 1, . I ., . 9. - . 1.�
�� ^ad space. fy has thi agone, Lhat some', 11, oot - 0, . Ort ril�, . , nt� . I , upon, fish, .b. * as . ey - grow oldeiNW Ev,ory, grown girl and --yonng woman I .. . I .1 � : . .
, .11 e e � -� , , r . (Suoae�Bor to Dr. goluloq �, -
� ', ' -the O�positlou membera th I I . __ _ Faini to Safe Pr,49,Rent, � .: ' - - "I"i"'
� , I yr. 6mo. - 3mo. ' Imo - IV I � , , . stronger and require great- quantities of -can mag� herself.stroing and he . . . .:, - -
. ... . . beco ' disk sted fo I . . I I es,lthy I - . .. � Vto ' . � .
I . bavebecome disgusted. for,.t -tell � , , A Mws aper Man Won food they Will When h with Ferr . . . . � I .. * , speelaibtixi Wn and bridge V kq` - . .
�, � A 00lumn $7500 $4000 $2500$1000 truth, there are 4 few Mon on th - P . . . I . . . angry. attack OZOINEli . Lot No, 36, Coo,, 0, Hallett Tp. , kliowd . � 9171 .. � . .1
. ,'anything from a pheop or kangaroo to it ulakes blood, nerve and - tissue,- - 40 the Dodaworth Farv�, is , � Graduate of the Royal QolielgA of Dental 60 � �
� I Colutim 40 00 25 00 15 00 000 19peaket's left who b.avb cownictu sense ., pffeted for, sale geons of Ontario. Or, , �
1� ,&case of sQraq interest, especially.. 'a big makes it to stay,� Apply � to bilbor* of under. , -,�,Honor graduate of Uni er ty of oro , a I
� , I Oolupii ZOO 1500 800 300 enough to See that the Opposition will . � 4 bullock,' Crocodile making ;hort, ' or to rent. . V sl T nto ]) 13 i
.1 . , I to newspaper uien, -was tried iii P.1vis - I , , Complexion soon becomes. perfect,. I I tal. Department. - - . .
6 . COMMA � 18 00 10 00 5.50 200 lose more. than; it gaifis�bytvastlng the , , . work of it bullock, weighing oteir half, a nerves get new strengthAlredness van-, sipnod. ,Wo BRYDONE, Cii4ton. - rV , , , 11 I "
. I , -onto'Juxiction recent- . , GXiduAto of Chicag College of Donfa� ftp% ' *
, .
I . , � t 140�4 ' 000 850 200 100 time Of ParliAtifent. If ati election I . i,n Court at Tot ton. Some of -the' ' . .miss. J, E. Rup,D"Execair 0 . . . . . 11
, 0 1 1 1 , Iii Qliutou. .
I I �
.1 . I I ,T before His Honor Judge Morgan. . se monstOrs measure. ishob --�perfect health is the rewar�d for I . . Oh4'UA1go1sitBayfi01deVQrY., wday. : � ��
. . . I I . I . .1 I . .
I . ROPT, HOLMES - I I qoming on, they Say, the best thing 11 fie publishei of the Richmond Hill as much as tw.'enty-seven feetln.lengtg using Ferrozone, which is sold bv all , �
. . . ��. ,�. . I
" " I . that the prospecti�ecandldates: Qo'llct Liheritl:7.suod W-B,Gr&wj-of-,Wpston, . - I dr !. ' .1 '014.111. I ----�- � I . ,..
PENOW01"Ift -.--- . I . . . . and'possess Immene.e.strength besides, uggists-price 5W per box; don't,f0l I . bor Sale ()heap - - . . I �
, � I . . do is to Anish- tip, the -business of Pirli- for. several ,yea,r-3 sub§cription. T . .1 I . .. . .. . .. . . 11, . ... 10VILER9. , ' - ..' .' - 4
1 MW, EO A . . .h wonderful cunning $nd plifio66 to try'. it. ! - .� ;,�! ': . I I . . . a i . , . . .4
� ament ,anit-,to 1 get,.busy..1n. e. - Ono . 0 . . I I I - I I . , . . I
. ��- I I �. ' . , . , I ...
I,,: CLINTON 1w1:L-1 themselves , individually . Inaking. plaintift claimed'that he had sent the wilf lie in,walt at any watering place, . �: i . I. . I I . . d , : Lots 29 Co3i. 9, and Lot 29 Con., 10 Gods. Mg . .. . .. I . I 1.
I . . . . - . �
I . I . I . . . I rjiohTownobi�,80%orisip each � . , , 0011 � T. .. I . . . . � ,
I . Popular gaper in good faith and that he never frequented by ' animals, hardly. . dis- " I . . . . . .. .
, 11011, 5, 1908 among �tbeir.qonstltbents. , .1 , . tj - - .. . I '%M.. COATS; G .1 I I werOINEILIff,aore.4 .
, � . CLINTON, ONT., MA I . - .. '. ad bee,a-wtiftell to'. discontinue. it. . offee Fudge.. I . . . . . oftioli, . I Offices P, .; .. .. . " . . . . I
11 . . - . , - . - , . *6�'t Get Promise; . ; thigulsbable from a log of wood, so - , -Botl together two cupfuls of grauld. , , . I I . I . . I
- . . . I The pq9twaster At We.ton was Sam- . . - , 6peoial card taken to,niake denial %re%j- ., . , .1 .
� .Itis semi-afficially announced. that I It is common report that if the Gov, moned as a witness to prove that Some 'still and Itiipassive it has become. The lated sugar and one cupkfil of, strgng ., � . " 'mew as painial . is as obadibia; ., 7 - . . . . . I .�
.. eu . I * , �-- ,. I.t . . I
, , � . I . ,
I I the objectionable three-fifths clause .ernvne.nt is -ready to promise..',another member 6f.the defendant's family had lInimal coming down to drink is.'seized , eplTee. Add Other one teaspoonful Cf.. Form to k., 11t ��M i , . .? '
, . . ' _ . f .
. I - . . I I L . L
L, I
session that th" business of the ses-' taken -the pa r from the offi6e. reVu- III Vie qocoitilils huge ;thwg and drawn butter or Ono itablesp�ofitul of rIQII , . Subscriber offers to rent hio farm- i 'Xiscellkneous... , . ,
. -
will be'reduced, and -that here -after, Sion will be rushed thiough'to comple-' larlk. and be rad never been requested I Inflo the water and drowned.- - �, :vr6,am., . . -Boll:,'un 'I /19'5 .
. I I ' ' . , . .� .1 ti.. a. BpoqafuI,.Qr,,,tho being lot 28, con. 5" Hulletg. Gcod a - - ' ` . , . . . . �
I - insWad of bdin'g 60 per cent, it will tion without, a6c,ther day's,* delay.. -return a -copy to the publisher. The ..At other times the tall. Is uj9d to candy stiffens �vhen belitefi, Then titke a"081- � I 92BELL, LON'tfESBORO - I
; , � , to - 1. . . I . . ..
L ' only be 55, This is. s� concession to H3wevor, this ilsa,proeblee ihat fielth- dofendantcl4imed that - lie had � I I comfortable hoase'snZt good oui-iiaildbl& - J ANS CAI LJOfaN8J4 1 " ", , , L L. .
.L . . vor- - . $BUBB OF MARMAGE S" 11 - . .
1-. . . er Mr Borden.n6r any of .his' fieute)q- J)ally.told the publisher sevoyal years -sweep thq agimill. lido deep water,. I from the fire; beat hard with a big orebardsiplenty cf water,, .1 miles from) ... � No witnepeasteo'Ored , .
IL 1, ,, , where, even though'its prey -may be 'a,,, . i4ton. - Pal) plowing all done; 15 Acres - .. � I � I .
. temperance sqntiment,'but it is likely L that be. , 011: . �
z, . . -ants ig likely� to,obtain,. No Minist4r afo t6disoontinub the paper, . spoon.un.01 the candy begins to krow I . �. -? .. I
. I
- : , -tbe government will have- to go the would be justified in ,making. Stich' a 4 mself.-had zoot taken the paper from � hea.�y bullock,, It �ais llttle'or no chaftee I stilt, at Lin of fali wheM. . For` particulars apply on - . , , I . . . I . .
�, .1 ' ' I . quickly., Ole - one cupful . of the'premlses.or4o Cauton P.O.. - - . - NOR 1, I I . .
.' M fit and',costs. for I broken . shollbark or* pecan nut meats . I. . . I I i .:.
�.�. whole way, and, allow Ideal option. is-. pledge, abdho one has the faintest in-' the lj)rfice.- Judg e . L akahist -Its enemy w4leb: Is speclalfy I . . I . . . . Cy I I . I
. . tention of gratifying�' its� opponent7s the - plaintift wei�e given. . I . � . provided' by 16ature with, an arrange- ,4i * -. - .. . Ti. ARCHER. . . L' I I s .1 ... .� ...
� .
.'�.'17. - Sued; to decided -by. -a majority vote------- ovev,ftstidiou"uriosity. ', L, � I . . I I .11 .. . ION . L . . I . I and 1�our out Into a buttered tin. .1 19.� I . .- � I . . . ..-. . Private funds Jo loan'At L f ceiat MCI up- , . 1. �
,.. I - . . I --- L m6nt that prevents the water rushing . L 1. . - � .. I tle .
1. . I I .L ,Is ark extremely toothsome candy an.4. � . Wards . W. VDPZ�Z. � , . .
..... . , .. � � �' , --L , " ." Jff0W'4 ff . . � own Its huge ,threat even though its - not wqlj�kn V * , . . i - : Or..-Sale.LL I *1 L � .. � .. ., .. .� I .
:.,:L _ ' 'The new French treaty is no such I Up to the Opposition. -� .? . : . . . ..hjgJ ' . . d. . " L . 0 n . - . .. . . .1. :. L form f 11 - . ' ' ''I . . � I I I
. . i I .dl�61i(f� , L . ... I
L . Sir W-11frid and his Cabinet and col- I , - . . ...� , . . .fUJIL (I through hold�' ' . . '.. � ; I . - I . I �. I L . . ''. I -�7 .-- :. .;,. - . '. I I . . .. �. . .
1� �L . I . . -- � .Jaws are X. , L . . � - GE096n ELLJIOTT� � . 11 � � 1.
1�1 small matter as the Opposition would leagues have plenty of.b.usiness on the . We offer 013041undr9d DollartiRs- 'Ing Its proy. , Thus after a few' brief 6 - �. . ... . .. . . The.unaersigned offers for sale n6rtb pi- . ' - .eurworv, ox1r.., , . I .
1� -a$300,- ord@r pdper, and tfie balance of the viii,rd'for tiny case of Catarrh that. can. I seconds- the unequal' struggle I lls 9 I ver, test Skirts. - . L . i . . , I I I .1�
; make it appear. It opens to us . . . L The La: of Lot 20, Con. 14, Hallett; JL00 Acres . .
... ; 'L ,118 L .. all - , - L - : -
. �
, � � - �
. ". essf Goverla"Inent b ate�-RIMO4 all- of ot be cured by Hall'sCatArrh Cure. SkIrFis are draped .In various ways.. , cleared--, � good " orchar , Licensed A ti
000,000 market."We grant cone ons I " , . . I da, hard and sot t .' uc tone".,,. ; . . .
:, � .. I.. L .... a" L '"' . them, about ready, Alta. if th,e Opposi ri. 11-� and -the Saurian :taXes'ihe ca:ica�s in L these. W . I .WeS, a L ' . � . �. I
--- - of 12J to 15 percent, an obtain con- t L I I -F.-J-.--10-RFAqEY. &-QQ, Toledo, 0. . I . .From Parls.come Ith their Ut- ; wind, mill; bank barn, -L -good stabling, �Farm Specialty. - .: , ,1 1. - .1 � I ..
. . .
I .
�1, ' - tow to som&-f4vored locality where be . 11 house driving abed, ,bog- pan , hen I L I 11 .
;. . . � tioln is prepared o accept the - respon�L We, the undersl��d, ha;Fe known F . . tie 'plaits below the, *94st acro�s the b r�- 11841! 7 I 0 . I I . . . .
1. - 4Dessious of 25 to 33 per cent., with the , atlilily� of their .cciuduct,, they may j -C6erfey for the last 15 years, and be- can enJoy It at. h1i leisure. , " . I I , boidee.. DAVIDNIC10 L * TERMS RHASONA.BLE. . L .
- I .
�! . furthe - r provision that if Frkmce red. keep the.session going, so Jar as, tbt. ' I center of thetrout, The same type of .. P,� Blyth, . - the NEW BRA ' L ll�j ' . 1. . . . I
_ 11-p�-e-ht"erfectly.-.bonor'able in all- -J&-th0-euarlydliys at.'Port Darwin, � Ordipro left at . .
I, I I Cabinet is conberne'4,,itntil :.the , ' - ,-- ' diapIngAi" seen ,.when. the folds are - L Ao, i. 1. . L .' ' I - to, ,W1 VL �. ... � L . I I
uces duties to any other countr1*9, W -e flips. . - . . snOW bugifieso tritfisactions 'anU' fins'nPially SoUtIf Australia, 44thing -In, the' open., I I . . . - - - - - - promptly attended 9'. � ... I � .
I . L .
. 1. . . . . . . lightly' ruckdd -just over each � hip,, it a e to. Rent. . -, . . I 1. .. � -- -,
. . . ' . * , . . . . � . . . �i_ ,. , . , ' : L 0
1�, . ' . able to carry out.any -oblizati,ins made sea was forbidden owing to -the danger I . . �'. ' ' L , I .
I . . I . _ .
. . . I . . " - . . *,St � - . . .
, educLions. ' . 1. L , �, . � . . pretty fashion Itot -a .sllg4t 00004 . . . I .
. X & - M. . - at libuse onXigh . .
t Of its' POPUlaiitY WALEdN, KINNA. a L itIlf - all the way L . -f`�`NDRY . .
��� , are to get like r ' : Friends of the -Governinent. say -it by his firm - - I . fro crocodiles, there .and ne THOMA'
" . has not lost one wLhi arty' ev Sometinies thes6 racks Tun' , Good 00uveniO . reeti. . 8 - " %au I
� . I MAUVIN, _ - . . - t . i
' in the Maritime 1-1 v i . . . . I I I . 1 ,.4�w F.
The British Columbia Natal Act bas po I erywhere elsO inAii tralla, clJille ng, seven rc.or�s, stable, oto. Apply - Live stoek and general Auctiou. ' . ' . I . .
I nceo : . .. . 0 to..Jo
.. . ,, ,Ne*. '. - . - Wholbsale druggists, Toledoi 0, round the hl&. Skifts are.h1so caught. oRnts'n' I . . . . . . . ..
�: . -utiona Brunswick. under.Dr Plugileyle leader- 0 � i j .. gators, though in reality no true. alli- I . . I HN FOSTERi Albert St.,*Clinton. I , "I J '.) N"f, �. L . . .. .
, , r .
; -peen declarbd uncGustit -1 --and - Hall's OiLtarrh Culie id, tak 11 nte n . ' . I up on * ' * one'. side - �nd 66qaslonally Oil' . .. . I .. I . ..,-:)p ,� . �
. ,
. .RI,
I I FjW,wiI1 probabt"ive-iii�-eiveli hot- ,gly gators. eifit In Australia; ,A g .. .. . . . - -7 ;, . 60 � . I : L . ;
�,�, worthless, - ,t6r account of itself than L it did -, , acting upon the blood -and- muc- I I . L .yqun, ' both..` . . L . 1. 1. . . . . - 1. . . ' I ' 1,%1--sto,--ial-s a spftualy. oie.eis a A%, . . . L I � " I
. as the McBride Goveria in 19". 'D . 7. � . . . ,,.. .. . . I . . �, . House -for Sal .1 I N L JEW ERA. bifflee, '()1inton, prLioptly eatenued . � - .
` 1 119 surfaces: oftbe System.. - Test6ifori, trooper named Davis, A f er, ,. . . . I I I
; � In Quebe� and the West the -Liberals - ine,6wipim :.I- ! 'L. . I -1 1, . . , I I . . e I I . I
�1. raent was well aware'wben it passed L. ri -the . Pacific ials free. ISold,bv. Druglist , pkice 75c disregarde4` il�iti 'go'ne'ral order and ' ! to, Term$ reasonable. Farmers'. sale* nat4s� - t. , ''
I - ve _to. I I � one - . I 4. e the arms WhiteL and smooth A story�-andbilf-ftam,o h�use, - on Wel- - I . � i
l . . .1 4 To ,in k . I .
'. tire still supreme, e 7 Pit 0 fs , . . ' dJacounted .� ;L .. " . I � L . L .
� . Take Hall's F&mil or constipT. . I
,� 'it 'but we are in* no danger because. 'coast iind in Ontario, If the - r6sult of ation . . � I .. . . .. . � . , morning early wol.1t for, a SWIM. - Far . a good* specific Is tha�t (jr, ammonia and lin�ton Street� with. good lot is offerect for - . I . . I . . .. �. I I
111. . . I . . . . . . . , . p . . I
.0 of that, of, a flood of Japave�e 'imml- the.parli dectionqtount- .- ., - .. .� . 'h L '' 1011i In.the harbor''lle noticed what he 'water applied nightly after .,%f!shlhg sale, 'ohea' . ' .Apply to JAMES -SMITH - .,. I . , � .
amentavybyer( . - L . - . I .- , .. I � . .
� . two , Japa - I . , .. 'L .. L 1, . . I . *to '*Itb,,a piece of bath'towellng �.t, . - . . ,I .. .. - . '.. , .,.1 . . G, -TOR 'GO . % I . , . , .. I I
gration. Already the, nese, -for anything, they sh6w the Govern,. I andL others, okJd be aL fqatiuj.log.,� the'skin' � '. 04tarlo at . . WC , ODWIN
;1 . . wpts I . n Tht* March'issue. of -the,, Busy Maials, ManY' of .the northern.' iteas goat and I . , _ __ � - . . . . -:: .� '� ' ' - , ' , . . ,
� . *oVer whose MeDt is stronger to -day than It. . L . - . the - , . -11 I.. I , .. - . TAXW'13RUW� I � . 4 1 I . . . � I . .
�- Magazinewill. befound unus6ally in . dipped -In lakewarm 'lather.. Ii- i .
. � �
eezention the test of the thelut gdneral. election,. .. % , .1 . . � L . . I . � . 'L � . .: I .� , . . . . I
�, .. ." . - . ... I are Vlished -dowil. in tbe'Wet Season to d . : F or Sale. or to W -At � �. "Birde and Animals� Stuffed apd,hiollmte&' . i
� Act was made, have been deport ' AructiV6 tind interesting, attioulaflyto 'itron arms:,4re Inclined to be. re , . p"orlde - I I I L .�
ed . " I � . e 6j. L �y'. * . - . . . . . . -
- . . . I .. those who ea; flydshorttime the *cpe.n.. sea. ' ,Oii.t.� �.jvout th I . L .,'., . I L . .. .. .:j
'.L . ' , . . . � 19 drogen :W111 dd' ' I.. 1: 1. 1.
. . , ! much ,toward. - . , 'tr aliedriabler - � ` I I li
. .
L . L - owti Tablel, : . each day to read in The.'articles-are . bleaching them. A: few drops' should. � . . . . ' '�' - .1 . L �. � -. . I . : I
I '7- -under the Dominion Order - x.*Q .* . tie to 1ife.' . �Terms R*
. : -in Council, Baby's I -.7 . I . , sWimmor, nearer and nea:rer, to- the Comfortable goned on North. fft,i - con-. , ' ... . - . ,. L , .
. I .,
' forbidding any immigrant to enter . . I I , -,u fil to . - taining every oonvenien6e,for small ismily - . . OLINTON.,.ONT . I - . : . I
. I
. .
,v,% :' I . I apd-prcifi,tag,'16,while s6me ofthe SUP00139d 09, P o late he, recog-- ,b addod to" the, water In which the; will be ,01 . . I , - ---- ,
-�, L ,� . - S4T0 A. . Little1ife! � tiM6, . - I . I.: e . . ....... . - .. . -- M --� .. , . ! , : i
. D 1-eamonable termg, L . : I . . . . I .. � �
-host a ort stories- of the month will'bei � nizea his mistake and tha ' va� was -ap- "rl seiL �' �,-.; . �' -L.� - .� ' *pply to. - MRb B TLEB,..North S�j 1. * McTaggaru .: X D. MeTa L'.�- . - . '
-Camada from any ocher country thair .. . I . . . . ... . . d or ro tdd on �
I' . L . �,4 1 1 - is. The 111lustra- A L � I . t b . I arinkliAr6 n I . � U Q., D. .
� , , � ggar
�"` thatofhtsbirth. TheDaminionregu- Mrs T .Osborn, �4�rtiln- mills - V,t, .foupd within its, pa proachluglustead of it'loga hugoand : . . . . . . . �. .. . 1. . . . . I .. .. I .. � 1. . . � . I .: L . : . ' , 1 . .
. I . ' . . I . .1
' , . ------ %--: . . . L . i
1� . tionsiaregciod,, and . righten'llp. the ap�ardfitly'llstless crdcodfie,- . .. . ,. IL ... I . .. . - - . .1 . * '. - I .
lations, as to immigration, are ample 13 . I . ,number won6rfullyi' Acceptable , B � th . .. . . I Cold .water, a .tablespoonful of - aln. �. , - .L ? -! : '.' :1
, . writes: *1 do not thinleeno"gh 06 . b�' . % COW ... ,ut . . I "St" C'L , , - A&Taggart Bf'O'SfA. .� . .
I aid in,ppaite of Baby's Owh' Tablets., , e knowledge, cam6 too late . to 11 .0.1 -We . L .. L I �.
tributions from I-sading writers,,. alre!- � * � . . monla and Soap wilt. remove 'Inachlite -. , ., I . '' . . � .. . �.. . . - L .. - �
for all �urposes. � , � I . . -- . . .".." .4NN]aRS. . ! L . . "' . . I . � ,
. .... I am satistlea-thAt ourbaby would not ..'Row.btisiness Meb'dan -Mai b'e 6f*any service to p6or Da,419 though . .- - I .. .. . ,. . .- . .. . . I �, I
'if Lit: had latliin . P., . grease when ,othcr melIns'would. not - On� Maple St.-ori6 haft: 9. r grouiia,� - ' 'I.''- I .
-. .. have been alive to -day -iiot7 some man called 'Out 'to . . 6 s. 61 , . L . I
. Pr4perify," $25,000 aobs. iliat go B . him from. a' f colors running'. ' good fruit, treeg-andL'other 9!33�0,11 fruit. , ALBERT ST t`-- CLIN TO., . .
��: been for the Tableta,ashe was so Weak � . eg . I answer on account of . I . I I 1. . . . , .
�, I . I 1. . . . ..
Ln o notice of an L y ging," "The Science of 'Sellin oods," . , . . , . . � � . � 1. '. ., . . . * . , ..� ,
A recent British estimate is tha-t$75, - and -sick that he took - . sm4l, craft close by to. "Go back!. Go . . . . house in'good'donditi&l. A' I' t ' ' . I . � , - . I �
"... � . L . PRY. 0 . , . I
0,00, annually spent by cigarette . thing. In this couditiop'l javehiin the 2itled.Wbmen Who are Ili W11i a 11 , ba&l" Mid P, , . .. I. � . . .. . lixenerar.�Babiking ' )ausliipa .
:�-- . ines.9 I Dji�vjs dio'-wake an,attpm' t ' - .1 . . I . . :, , . - L a, I . � .
- � ere" 'to� - . '... L I . . I . . I . '..--1. - , . ; . . W.' - .11 .. tranisacted . . . . .
,.,, amok iw the Vni'ved- -King d'6ru- -for - 4-sbJetS-.-'and .1aye Made hi Inddstrial Oan"� as England sees'it .' ro�.jr ' nd.waS 'swiniming. manful- .� . . . % �-, --.-. � I .. I .. . I . 11 r - ,IMENS. .. I . ... . I I I
� I". 1, . eat� a] ' I . . � I .... . '! .. I .--- , 11 7 - .n L . . . . . I , ,. . , . . . . ..
�, . .tin a ow; I . ' I I . . . I . I . , I 1. . . . - L I . . . I , I. . I . . - . , . ... I . . . .. . L .
, fW-, L , Y' ghwe*ward! , -w en . e- age. brute . . . I 140TES DiS 0 NTED". ' - - - .
eL pr"d4 I � .
the "coffin nails,' $45,000,000 for pipe '.dy6d 1h - 4 -What Germa�py 9anT . hL ' th h . . * . .1 .
bright ---" a, each us;!' I . I . � , � L .
,J,6. tobacco, and $5,000,000 for cigays;it be- - Mohiiy arrids-Fd-isbla-'�"The Ciidulai U,po' kiNAiijZ'S LIM.?AENT Co. LTD - : - House tor:S.a6 � C V . 1, .
aluninj a �j - ,. �� ', Zbjin' L % L . I . . .
* `114sh rl- � &- . . I I 1. L . . . - - 1. � . �, I . , ,
, I . _ I I 1. il:. .:p I
-Vf odr.hom`6.'He is I year old,bas nine 6d-'dow'n j��t :. L t' .' . �L . . � : .:.
. 1. fjoinL&. - - --ain�--- -- , . : I - L � I .1 I .:�
. . L '
. I , op 1 I . ""I ---- -G-ENTL-BIKBx---�-iV-wda,ug-h-t-�etN-=lg-3T . .. I raftexabudd.' IhwrestaILd*ea:1av1' - . . I . .:.
,. -urnals."outting down
lee ad� is now ai;l wel"s anybaby tion of 13,itish,TL e6d 'and, "opening, his'great JaWs-to: --W ra- -bbuse -and --- , � .. 1. . .
I I �- J
, u a riber i grTV i 1MV --and . ------ deposLtq
c, 'h ' a ` Eleatiie Light �'Bills,! etc.. There.. are I oldi Was thrown sleigh and. In- �� o era or as _ -�� I . . .
e, . He tits 'and -.playi nearly all . I . S. :1 z I ��
a U , ,Jr utmoSt e4pacity, came .down with threii-quartor-of-a�ii-aare of,. land- on Mary 1.11, '. ,.. . - � -- - � -
n ticrie lets -me do Toy wo -bright dnd,irn� Pf � L jured her elbow so badly At arernained-i I - . _--L-;.r-- . . . ,:
d t!b, rk wi many other featurba, . 9. . , I . , ^ , I . . I . . � I .1 .. . . . I L . ,� . .� . -i
" th' siv-6,-which *41Lpleaaa-lbus . bL S in,acle that was''heard eve to the stiffand .very rminhil kir t.hree' 4 ' YeA] . i . . . . I 11 . - . .
. M%D!S L . 'L. . .11 . . -.-- I-.-- ra L Fruit tress, 900d.bard And soft: -water I L " I
, ,
I - . 8 She j. an -*f - -bottl . .i - -M�Xililop .Mutuai '. .. , I
8 She
� ' -O"q �V!V-rr �- er;, he March fibbabbr for thwBasy She ." _i%10 stable.; Will be e6ld on reanonabl, Tbi. � I
�L . vi�ou _ �Way'Coalll ILLIQU13
. . - who have glilk babies give them Babys . , hL, ' ' ME I I
. . . d -inside their.�ruel grasl� . is Four I .. L . 1-11-7 ..
- . . Magazine is certainly wolf 'worth per- Trooper Davis'. head'.....Then, the: XT co I tormil ', 6EO.- DAV : .-7pjr� . I
.,�: . . � . Own Tliblets as I'did' Mine, and, you - I . .- -1. .7 - I I . Wit mpletely cured her and She � .,. .". . ..I.S.. I 1. I .. . . re;-,-- I ... I ' I -
. .
- �pnipe LS ding tvqated '' . een. trophlo.d for -two years. .1 . . . , 1. . �.;..� . . , . - ..
. Already W* i h . . . . � �". I . . , - L : , .
. uplog' L: . . .1 .� : I quickness L Com has not! b - ,nsuranci eo.' : �, * .
. , . . , *
I:, to an illustratioti or the workings of will haVe healtby,.happy babies." Xhe - , . L , .. . . .. . . *I : . I . I . - .men 't6 t1le.siorlani 'it .. .. . , . . I . . L. I I . . I "Paim abd.1 � sqtiLt4d To . w - a . rope ., .�- ' � L . I . �
' 'L municipal ownership me -l" ' . -' I " � . �.. . YO J Property for ., . . .. . . :$. : L . ,
. . tabl6fs *111 cure all the minor ail � . . had disapp6ared .. , I I urs L .1 . . ale. ,, , - 4 V ., . . .1 L' . .. .
. .. �
C 1ai just taken over & Bell Co's Sys- of. little ones. and are . . I.. , 'ow and hei .. . . . . , tillill , - -, I '. " " I . . . I , . I . .., erty 0n1yJ.n51Jr:e41., : .. 1. .1 : ` I
The Province .with, its vict in 4
.. absolutely safe' DR HAMILTON FOLLOWS . Crocodiles at. nighttime I - . I B L.VEsQUE. , I % . � . i I I I ... . I I I . . : *, - .
.. Sold by (Ill medicine dealers or hy, mail L NATURR'S�PLAX- ". ,.'- . I 4 , . . � L . I . . :
tem, and has made alluring promises �� . � . -cattle, 'es Jose ug,1900.: , �:. ,- . The undfraigned offers for sale *the - - , .. .. ,. TIQZRS. - , ,.,.. I . . . . . . .. i �, .. ..
- I I lo*'Just like pecially st, ,ph, P'O, 18thA, OF .
. . at25df'k-Vdk---froni'TheLDr Wffliams� No pli'velcian. was. micire successful L PiIjid, - like, 1. . I . I 1. . "' ' .
;of great reductions in rates. On Thurs . ' � . � . . need ina Isoso. J.A Mcteari;Prcsident�Seaforthf Th � . , "
- - _ . . I 00f � . . I . .. . I
'. 1. r I . , and ,I bfive�'Spent some' �ights . . 4 . � . .. : , property,on the oornei of'R ,
daij, dentists, doctors, nurses . ., . L .
W , , . . ' Thb% IL ' ' * '
. etc, in Medicine 1)o,.BrOekvIl.1e, Out.. - � . intreating stomach And liver troubles . .. .. 'L. I 'L 11 . I . ... . 8t,, Clinlop, and known"ai .the Elliott. -Eraser,. Vice-pres., Brucefieldi, �
I _ In . - 1. than Dr Hamilton. Q6 Cavoided harsh' 11 An open 'boat. .,Ili . Cambridge gulf, . - I I " � ,.. . . . I . .is, th L . 4 * ,
- . ,batnipeg were served with': notices . 1. i nbed L ' -. - ' ' - I -- - Bicok." Is 0 WO8tL desirable - -store. Hays,'- Secy. - Tr61S.' t`�-' L - L - -
, .
.� from that date their rates --woul& , northwestern Australia, ,.where . the I . � . . . . . I -in -town, and will be sold on . .. . . , , . . , Soa�or . .1 �. . .11
- ---., HolMe8--G01ng-To.-*JaA)ra .; - - . Iti L property � I .. #I
2 medicines and prod a 'wonderful w 2, 'tires Doilidraft . .. I
� , �.. - . I . ..L . L . I pill of"Wg4at&bIe--6*Cm . 1111nard0s thilment C .1 . � I
; .be increased'25 Per cent. - . position tIfat,--aI- whold�plliee -seemed--to. I& alive I . reasonable terms. JOHN 0;, ELLTO .. DIRECTOR& , . . .
Newspaper I .-. . I � - .. . I .1 .. , TT. I 1. L
. . I L . . . . . I . I � . . . I . I I . . . �.
i ' -
I Special rates are also to be cancelled. .. Uiatil a:.f6w, days I . I ,e , I waya cureS.L Dr Haij'ItOla'S Pills L, are - them,'and what with,theii. ii�lashds slad I I .=, I .1 L - �. ;. . . Jas.... C.onnelly, Holmosville; Johis --�, . .. i . . ,...
i ago a certain toa�w boted1or promptly curing biliousifteas,, - I ' - " . I . - -
. I
-;-and the -- -- a f --- -- -----'t-tJj' t ---- or WE! � *-q -rejAp . � - . . � 7� - Pe-rrfn To F : .. .. . I int6a; M. - I L' .1
I .. ... 1...�qfiargeq nearly doubled That , of_ho _qed far and near as -9jok headaches, constipation and stom- cries, the weirdness Of fhe,�'ftole'scene I afterg ' ' . ee'. . I L. Wat; 'Hkilock; .G. Dale, Cli I � . 1.
!- o argumen L:' _ , ... . , . RoUse for SR'l ,. .
is t e only kin . I . - I-Rbijili- -In-Sotigh. - I _,e " they. a * . . . I I .1 . . , . . Pwians: Bee6b..'. ' . .1 I
the bi - - ' -&-bI-'%%'J- r -k- nie�a bh6rin 1� :i�� - L L 0
e, al? thebig estspan. 6f -alad-Zheir. clos",roxImity as f; � I . . , Cbeiney, Seit�ith; I . I
to ach' on e.. ey we ,! ..�,
peals average .owners ipper, York. by Of Mr�'. 'CU jF , _ _ ... �- ' 2 . . I I � - " , . . deAL"Oji-Mill I .8 I J_._, _NQ�Ln; 1, 0 . " , " , � ,
. ThOf were the,prnoper . -mlldL' . I boa ,.a e.ep w,as impos'-, -6 - -it y-9- --for- . 4&&6160 -.'dridve -winthrop, ,, -1.-' ., ;.
. and he ha,� got to acquire his education . -:�;vbry' -ylet searching and health . 17"" , J7 _e_ � , I I liI Pr arley Mid-,Mto 1-bomiortall1ii .# 7n.. - - - . I ].!- Bq -1k .
. , - n- Tra a or as L . , L � I I -1------
I in that hard school of expe A ' Abe Betdridge of, Utbbicoke.- nerti�., giving.' -No wh4e can a better laxa- e1ble, for,there fire several. eta ces corn and itive *26%,' �We give U91ba Corn new.eig,.16(f1iijo . . . . 'L I I . � . . .. I. . .
rience. . � I I . . . . , L Of, either ]Barley or cont6ining 8 bedrooms, pitting,room, pan- ' - Joist " j&,� , : .
� . . Higbileld. . . . : 11 tive be foutid.than 1n:Dr HamiltvWs On 'record where 'Crocodiles have taken.. -for 100 The , Osta ,, bqw (3011ii, hard - and,'ioft - Each Directoris inspector of 9. 1. . . . .
. . . . , L .
be .d :big own locality. , . * . , , . �
�'.�' ., � . The team haSL been Sold, however, Pills.' Try them and 'be * Convinced, or'bave, attempted t� take men. from , aid,,,, Corn is best feed. Mallotets want w4ter. .. 00e-q"Itter sore lot. .- Will got . I I ... L I . I . .
I � I I- . .
. I �
�.", - L L I and tberobi hangs a tsle. Along with , ?5p at- all,doa,16rs. . . . . . . . . Barley. -now, while the cold, weat'ber lasti. clid., '�R& Offi6e, or , .� . . I . � .
,, ,n other teams, they were put. 1. I I . . . . . I . I . I . .1 I .
I To amazing coincidene through the T(ironto'JUn, L L , . ' . . . - to pd $ 1 HENRY FOLLAND, Clinton. � AGA"X. - . .
I , . There we eleVe � . out of tampsaud. boats. I . Itlooke to be a good time to Bell grain p. Apply at NEW.] 1. I . .
. . -es in I . .. � , . ................... 0- . , - � 1 'Rdbt� - , Ed,J Hinchler . I
I chased . .. . L . . . A poor fellow, namedRedd; the mate. � I .
I I connection with the inquests held on otion ' I .. . .. , . , . I ,. 1, L ' Ardentine boo'bad.a,big crop whicki !vast - 0, . � � . I Smith, H rlock, I
1�1 . . . I � .. .
. two men - at the London Hospital the Stock Yarild for tho Consolidated ' Some ,very interesting fluies' con- Or.'. second, mato 'of the. Guinan, * hold coming o*tne market, Price...- -...J, .". , , I -.. d -1 .. " Seaf6rtb,,, Jamesacummingi � Egmond . 1-
. . .
,other 4ay. Both men were named Gold diedgibig-Oompany of Alaska, periling the, q`relit. Atlantic iniers . ate gone In, his ,icsifdl, tq some river In 01p off... I W. 0 PERRIN, I . , . . .1 I . I � . I . . . . I . .; I I . W... I � . 1; . I : .
, I . . . . . House for Sale , vitro; T...W. Ye . . 11, . I ,
11� 'George Lee, both were vifinclow-cleisw They are now. On their 'Way to the giveii in Engir;iiering. - Twenty -I . . believe the . Roper. .. ...- , . I I � , . 1. � . .. ., . - . O, Holmesvi I 110 ., . 1. . 1. .
. I Years 'Carpentaria gulf � , 11 . J . L I . 11 . . ---T-- , . ..
' . . . . . * . I . . . . � I ... .
��!11., - era, both were fatally injured 'falling fri�idzorio.� ToVaucouvei theyvide. ago, When thefiisCyessels of twentY The.,vogi§61 was tit anchor: ri'ear,Ahib Polled lberdeen, lUlls JOr ,The Urge I .1. �.. , I . . . I L I 'il
; from windows, both were taken tothe On P1111111411 P4140A horse cat's 12 to A knota were introduced on theAtlantie .� . I I . cottagdon Queen' street, be- - . . .. .,� 1. -, .. . .1� .
� , ospitai, both Car, a6'aL cost by eXpreS6'OJ! $900* & ettr, I mouth. of .the river. The mate'L Reed, ' '. I 1. I " , L Stile. I . , , 1. I . I - ..L . .-. - : .... .. .I'.,:- "'. 'i , i - - . - .
I - I .
London if L it is said that the cost for each voyag . . . . � I . I . . lodging to the estate of tiie into E. Holmes, I I ; . � � . .
accidents go- e h I I I .. I .. , .
, . 000 to ;011,6A. ($45,M0 to ad been dispatched In charge of a . . . . � Ja offered � .1 . I . � I � I
-ourred at 8 o'clock on the previous at. At Value' . L . for sale. The lot ia'one-balf . . "'Ift - � . �.. .. I
oilVer they. will take th6 boat was about 49, � . . . bar ' a L I . �, - . . . .
j! terfioon, and bothmen died the nexi forAlaska, a f *' ht d 050 W%) T6nL years ago, when twenty watoring party and wits softie. dis. I ,,, . - , , . � sore, with bearing fruit irees, - d an - icci! , . . I I I I I I I . . I
. When they I Now"T" two and a half to tWenty-three knots tance up the rivoi . or sale, tbree thello-bred, Polled .&bar- 4p Y,fjt� NEW V64,W 0- ) " ' " ' ' ' I I
1', morning at the same hour, to ac ond'o . . soft water. A barg%ini Pi . ; I
� , The case fef t . nere . . � I . Liu R large Oen deen Bulls, end A-yearrold, and 006 six- ERA office. . L I , 911 . I L ... . . I
I . . . I � I � I
.., they have st 11 45D,*, miles to ships were put in service, this waa in, boat "'Witter had, been obtained, and' Months Old. . 0, - �. . :. h � . � . .
of de&th in each case was a fractured go, and - - All registered in the Aweri , . I I . . . . �101 . 1, . 1.
, Skull. The hiclubsts-on .both Won. wete.. that 16 the, reason of their purchase. crossed 6 about;019,000 ($05,000) and . . . . . . I I 1. . I i ., I .11 I - � I ".. .
they Were all ready for it return to the -*an Hard Book, vgIlI be, sold chsap, ,�V .. , I I . . L . I . , . . I . I . . L I
� I% , The Dr6aging Oom now it is calculated that the-- expense eb Lg, . I . : I I L' .. . � I ,- 1. 1. L I I . . . � I
il, � beld the qame afternoon ship. , All' b n 'made snug, I 0,. BUTT, 0diton., . I . .
by the same ov ,an .bas:36 tons of I the tired , . -11 I I � . � . . I , � I . I .
I or % - -, -1 L � Good Houso for sale � �. . , , I I . I .
1. . .. i .
I , .� j.0 freight tcl haul ese 460 miles. of a twent�-four and A, half knotMaur. fello�vs turned In. ' baying .made their : I . I . : : I
, oronor and the same jury. The men I � . , 11
, ! ', L were not related in ariv. way to �each The Alatika hatilige'comps ' 100 want- etaiiia or Lusitaula trip cannot be , . . I ' ' ' . . . . I � , , L I I L . � '. .. .
. Other.; On 't "')ingooma Shor"f iggoj000 ($160,ow ). .6 V, s� , - '. . .The night was a . . . - , I L . .
. e was thirty-fivu, and -so 'he Dred . � Field -Stolle Wauted,
I . .� thd ed fancy prices,,. , . . . . camp In the boaL I I . I f On reasonable terms, the two-bbory. frame I . I I . I
. otheilforty years old. - . . pany -tame down to Yotic County: and -;�;.�, - � - . . I � very fine oi,6" tbe: inoo:*.�Shinlni bright. -- L . I . I . ..
�: , � . ...w"'.A., 1, I . , __ . � h611A0fOrIn8rlyJDOQQfiedJby Mt.Robb, just F, , L I . ..
- Th"' ep- Committed of the Clit : off Albert street. vube le well built and . I
, I .
� 0 .0.0. , ..-,-11 . . bod'ght%horaisfor (he work . . . IY', when towatd �midfilght'the sle Tht�Strebtll ton. , � I -�rr! - �� - .
"I. . . .40AM.64~ Ilbre said'to-be one of -the. -finest'Ahipu . I � L . 1. , . I I . I Ing . cam . p was aroused by some terrific founoll are prepared to buy field atone in good con4ition; &ore of land, goda or. .1 t ill I 1. 9% . I
. - .� . � . I - a
�! L I . Monte of hoises that eveld, left Toronto Imei In sbrl�ks, These., were thd criesi; of.poor from farmers for use on the StkOdN4 to chard; stable, hard and soft water , 1. -'s , � � A*,
I � . I THWET 6 T1 I -bo delivered in OlintOD.: F-Irther illfOr` to GLO7LADI), EEO Apply . �1. . !-..,�,�
; I , They ran inweight froin, 1,000 'to 1,000 I I . . W %i.ff . Reed, who, enveloped In his -bedding' . ., rioaq, efe"011L Roplio&tjoil to. Imeoville, or New Era .=L . .9Lv . I I
, , - PoUnds'each; I � , - � � I .0filoe, Clinton, . . Nov.80-st , , . I .'% -- . .
I I . I � I ,� 0 and miosqWto - curtains. woo motion, P . � .
i� I I . . belug , . W.4. SMITH . . . . L . . ) I I .
. �, I I I I :. "I. . . I I.. ..'A WOMAN' S LIFE. borne oft by a crocodile. . I . . � .. � L I I . . ..
11 , .a . . . I � I . I . . . . L ittee I L . . I .
� , ve One L . 1 I I Chairman St. 00,61ml - �� � I ... I . . I .
. . . .
,,� I I . - It 10. said by those who knew. him I I .
. . Th.e.Chlldren's Aid.Soelety , . WR39 - House fole Sale or to, Iftent . --'
.1 . . . I . I . . Pt , I .. I . I - '.. .
� I 11111 - ,S* L I The UnAL I - ., I I .
I �
lIi I . . Rdeeives nogleet6d' atild homeless � Un Well And acoompanied him �on this and* Good Firdibe House, for Kale. - � -1. I I .
i , 1 , oth6r prevI64s trips - tbatho- had - the . ergigtied offers tot osla'ot to . I 1, . .
, . .
. �
" , , . �. . . , HE"T ' * L I 0 Alent, , , , .., I . ... I I
. .
�r`, ,Doctor , bhildrda. . . . habit Of. Sleeping With. his -'foot on the '. . I or t I , . .. .rblat thas hound Of Maple at. f6rineirly oil, -- , :IZ4- '. . . 11 e I
. . .11 . . -Temporarily - cares tot* chilaren* I L - $0 1 .
, . I L . 11 AN I 91631wale Of the boat. 40d no doubt this 0 , 6tipied by Alre X01ovigh, The boned is & ., . - , . I I
, , I , i � heed. ---D NERVE JULTALLS Subpolliber fish -for ee,le or to rept �id � f-rame and oontot ,en I I / . ";111 .. . I .1.
, , No sense from one I faWl L . . _us 0 rooms I ' . - .
": in running ..-Pla4ea hotaoless Children' in I . afforded the crocodile an �asler opper- large and comfortable trame 110066 'On' hard And soft water &quarter a . - . I ?/;" I I .
'L' I .11 . y =6 ahno6i bA Abidlao otewbitY bawar& ho ,tunity of Belting him., , I Huron Street west; coh�&ining A r of sn' Adri - I *,r, U. -.1 - 1% . 11 . . . �
- L ' .
� , doc4r It'* another. Select the homes, tuture health. I 00004 of Und In lotl.witb fruit trees ther . I .- �'
, I I
� L �; . .14L I . Selects thele homeli odwr careful in. T6 gm � . The crocodile lifts- it remarkabTe eyd with bath joobj, oloo6ts, wooh, rco 0080, IS. I R aL good state eon, 0 a CIO
.�L I -it 'n Hook 4�, -. �
bm one, then' stilikid'by him. 'Vestitation. . - * whea shb is i�A budAoi traft aid. I I in and The h of r6psir.'for I -s - Ow .. .
1 i. . , hod Into the fuh bkom of wobuwh" I It 16ab arrangO thd PuPlI t� -.a vertical pantry, 'Good, ceHar.&Od , also 1 0 L I � L. ,- 11 � . . I I I I..
, 4 Do tiot dolay, but consult Win Ma es many,homes hap , good,stablej J.n.,LTNID AY, Oilmen. farther particulate ap Y t , �
! *' , or'horizontal position at' will to suit' a V 9.9 R olffiton I 4-4--b
,, . %a woond period "4 6onWkt6" a 61106" , . iont , . . .
, .
; I , to tim6 when you are sick. Supervises childi - psits of agent, drain on " oview to during ptatnamy. . - its- requirement by day or nighto, Xt . . - , , - '.. ..... ��.. . '. 1 - . � - Strange are 4 'nuoiker , I '..
'i.. � �-'�� Ask his opinion 6t Ayeeg Redeiveo* back children orlien nbees.;. The third and *5 o" " liable to Wwo big a special fiatoral protection to th4 ' : Wauced � , . 7 1 " �*to say, tb�re ' I .1 .?,
I 81iryt i . . . . . AWN"t, . ' of, ptoplo in the countiy kwho d'b imat - .
. .
; .; �f Mirry Nctoral for cought . Co-opetates with all - other philan. h6utoWw*�etrotiblmiidu641'ahsago4�Wo.k eyej Add through a ddct 6scapea the . 11 . Gl.,Ood Illouse for Saleo b seem to uiiderstaiad. that I' aim on 'lsw - .
. L
1. '! I . In A thtso parloda 3111bura's 11soft md 4ifid . When the monster weeps;' . III Thirty eords of first closo ireeil -body , . .0% a them of,the
�'L "" 'tud colds. Then 666' it. or throplo sdaleties. I '11 hook'so to convincl I . I .,
, '; ls'supp6ptdd 6y ?red will oftbringa. NefV6111ils *01 grov* o(,Won&riW vaiveso " fa�t. he Is a pecullar brute altogether, Maple w.bod twolltv inobet looi,� t6 be de. 6fibsoriber Odors for sale big - large and a0tr' I hav - Above ibeotted tay photbj . I .
, IiVere�f kfiho . �---
� � I - ever the tlbii� Ws. $waw JUag, CON"" - Clinton Pliblio 801100), Oil � comfoet 'M is. three doi)rs'north, of the , L �'11. I .. . � 11
, , got,, just as he allys. 13k timelv Intervention save& claild. with rwtoy Special gifts besides. h1a 08, L Tob. The house has every eovivenience for ord,b, 'a �As � .
, able framo houte 6n Albert Stfdot. y, sno
� I . L I I I 11 ... I I L . .1 I . .I . 1. L - 1. ion to-glood soclety� Ont., *r1jes. , 111'4WAS tr6ul3l6d very M" I" huge Jaws. that help -to 'mal�b of hi ' ' or befook the fIrst do�.cf'May 10' Flo Hotel; wbere tberd I . .
; . wo 9 Ott* rmulas h"d trb)ab1#--fl* astw6 bolas to & gress *11111011114 in 66rb will Vp too Jvrd on or Word Fell. �2 - ooa oellar; bard, and Soft choice a stock :of -Vi�ney 'Worstode I
.�! , T&I L A106 61 Greatly reduces crime and Vagabond. the't6rror he Is.-Sydady Alall. I I ary lamily, G I
I 1, I *4 0 ni dtm t,o " obafteof 116. 11 r hA" . L J. C11NINGRAME, Secretary )re Tweeds, Pantin a, 00r-coatingo 06na
� I age. . be6n taldnX ~ . � I water, on ibe lot; tbreo,qoaxlieta�'of-an-a4
i � 11 I fftft ur Odle is � . , � � � ..
. I I LL r ; oil Is $uppotted by kood people. I 11as&b and Nerveftla for, isomb "e. a" ii*o . ,- I.. . L�, .- 1.11 .1111 I of land; beilpi.og ftalt"tj*b, 6190.800d. black And blue Wonteds, agJ61m$�A*y . ." . I
. - -
I .1 . � '41iollre Property For Sule stable, 4ill bo I I i .
, I - A a t 6 &re you among. the nuwbor� to dottlaub doing so, as I Can truthfully #W 0 , gold on reaboh6bla terrao. place. � . I , I . I
. .: � L - I . . . I . . I -
L .11 ,. - Y..L:, L .1 ot, r L ! What you Pan dot- they are the beat tibinftUr I have over used f4w 14,14 itn I .�,, . --� . . , & WILXEN, I . ;.
. �' AtwAys; kftp a box,of AV60a Pills in-tbe Report neglimted- children, - building up, the systom. You'are at libwy Ad 4 I 0 =SWANT97- lt,,A� The IllultrArn,od offem for sale lifs ct,oleo 101infon'Mob 804h. I . . , Suits'mttdeO.L(Y.nrderloolshorV.�i3otitt � �
I . .
,.Li'lhollial�', Just one pill sit btddma� no* ,04 Al,bav friendless chilil. � Use " 4MA,emeut ,tot the befi6fit of otha - - , , I g.),ret�J) Tyroj)p I L I I � ,
. . , 4 .1 ,rtV of-throo Aor�jff ai$J)9tied J41, . . I ' ....... � Xindly gi �
� � Ielp the daia8c. fin __ _ , ," -ve"Jis'a rafl,-4,rA(1,.,-11?speotJio�
. ancially; 6ufferdrol C467(lft� �SnrveV; Olintoo. 'Thore b a com. I
1. I . p at,t ' I)OUIJ:ry for tV -rours 11 .� . 1,
iaetij *111 vita ON thany An Wick .of I I . JW boxor throe boxeslor* � .a§h paid for Rides, $Idnt foitt .,aleo , ' L . I .
#Aloititteaj i1ofteftloq0 sick hotdachbl-1 I all d� !t I I L Ife b6usA with zt.000 ofilar, on tbfs I . , I ,DO,W L ' L .
. .1 ilbuy years hlis! our doctor kfto If In doubt wbota topotregponli Wit)),, % MMAIM CO.0 UVA44 . .Wd TaIIW. . pl$dJ', Wlih at&blpf bArd and soft wvtr, 611 . I -- , L . I . .
I �y You V addressil, the Gen. Tototto (*L ' . . . .. kinds,of .3 Q. A.'r NS'o : - . ''
� ,
. . ib"Iwo A&tr Ur"', �iij ifil,mit Vill be Safe in WA lAoi and to good" pthfo of Black Miladroses, 8 bons 1, yookk ola, .
ii6A ILAO � . ,, t L , -*�..�. ,.
-9"---, ------11------M L pekintendont, A 0.",,- J- .,.', Ill I 11 "i I'L, J J , J I I 0, . ttilletisi and 1�,604kbt6l for $0. �,Pdc .9----�-;--��
W ---m � V**#*.0.Ar*"j oral S U, I Xe f , t!!� t1-1--"4 . atiltiv6dob; will be sold. with tptfr� mitfit, ' r6M 14-r"� �tmt Tailor, . , Clint , * .
'. ..
H' - 11 I "I
I - �
I - 1,
I i I
'111 ,,_�, I a ,0,M
� �he _ � _�
S�o e,
TI �i
: I -
I 1� i
I 11�
, at)
, 0 .?c, I 11
, ,P sle im I
. 'i to it,
,F ,
b""UsW" PAVIII%MontBuilding,§,'toto.ut,6 111111904's lJoiliktht 1161110" NeaftWAA. , Aftsimmolm's & son", olatmoo'boble tekshm, ,U, JOY,NElt, Cabil0ft'0 Winb0t& GEORG9 BAU01F I � � . \ .04, 1 7
� . � . . � I . I . .
W 1--` - - 0 . . I I I I . I � . I I 1.
. � . . .
. L � i . I . I I . . . \ .
. 11 I . I �. I . i . . I , I , . . �
. I " I I I . . . , I
I � I., �,� . I . . . . . . " 11 . � 1� . I I .
, 1, '. I � , . . . I I I � -
. , I . r
, I I , L 1! . I . .1 to, I I I
1, . . I I
. . I
I .
. . � I � .- I .,. I . . I
, - 1. � _ _L �_&. J - I I . 1. . � . - I -.,L�!' 1-",& " L I .. .L . t , :
L-IMMM � I -- - - � . A - ' ' ' -- * L I - - - �