Clinton New Era, 1908-01-24, Page 3Jas. 24111.
lubb,1110 List
7-- Illms-Notev------------
I0401.144 Beni resident* Will petition
the ()averment for a new pier- '
r_la'aisn., nucleon, of Niagara Palls,
thretWh hirnifelf into the whirlpoel
raged. Tuesday.
tad Ill It ' h rred
.19•,..M0.10 • ,
Battle egainst 3tornaoh trouble
in Olintan,
The increates of stoznech troublee in
Olintssn WA led, to elfeetive illeatairee
to combat the diaeiteei raieal agenciee
tite-reeerver-what- Toronto -kir -4
Ii IJfl''"N" to the Provinee of Ontario.
I a Ul 1114 Attempt* are being Mode to Oh
' tianize the Indians, but the whit*
man's religion vs a irksome as Ws
REP MEN ARE HAPPY ALTHOUGH elestbete and MO as poorly. The Mt'
'‘,A PAESI MA PEOPLE, ward symbols, appeal to Indian ever -
*titian, but * inner Meaning is a
Iiihe, iggeli Ora will be mint 101101 :sealed beak, which theY cannOt
21104,,,-u•-• the let or Ian., iam, to wow from the wardenehip ef Peterboro have been established with the leading
. debeoribere, for g1.00nash, attar ten Yeare aereice, ,) druligiete far alacena ateniacti tablete,
'Thli. Nevi Ere and P ere 4-dvo-
• Cate to 4,11, 1, Mg, tpr 5142Vt iannt, eee the remellra it is sold With the die. boi a... le el op. We. their want ef feresight, their
With weak etoMach or n igestion to AnecrtorseeArilAktilesN* jpoirrsta Optooprong- IY"dzvotaret:iagglt.ylieoffopret:' poset•1,11ttuotney pirroeyoutithateek
tinot noderstanding that money will
be refunded,in every eatlewhereit does IMeginable-But Their Prosperity they are enry gown up , children act,
_Theallow Bra and Weeltia' Globes ,
alat Ore.-
Hannah Tinkliam who w end n Order in iildn00 pre0 suffering Still i-ive the Primitive U. of Their TheY Iniere been ',Well named "chil-
badly barbed While igniting afire vti h
coni ail, Is dead in Owenecruncl,
' aeratinyin the ballots case in the
local Option vote in Saltfleet townshi
-haseheerferaetadairtifeliidgea- - -
jan 1900111430,7dOilialialtdVatteea iewiaccialereere. 7,-144-:-.Focho--RankwArirronne.4-1*,:,44-04-imawke§-vrbasmecumforgio,-.
IN20 mow Eta and Family gonad; an absolute strengthener and bander Otentinitattient =Mance nos east a gitunor over me
and Star, SI" tateh eilve.noe.„
The Ottawa' Government have cabled
Toltio, accepting Japan'e assuraneee
regaird toiewitriating inemigretion,
Albert' °router, of P.eteirboro, was
fined *to and aotite for keeping his
horse in swill -coudition that it
.A. *year-old daughter of George
Hubert, linnterls earners, near Galt,
was fatally. eaaldeaby a pail of
hot water ort the stirve,
Indiane by creating. an uneeal type --
up of tbe whole d Restive trsct If you
.. . suffer with headaphes giddinee0 paa We whet ate cOefined by tnwering which it bas termed "the noble Jew -
The renewal Price of the NOW Mali. Pitation, bad taste In the mouth, nee- buildings and mathematically diadem. Ma . Thla mathieal being' td suPPos-
tea 1900, te Canadian. sidesoribers. is died vousness, coated tongue, distrese after ed hareem have little oeneaption of ad tie he the living embodiment and
eating,, and see howcruicla aloe°. „,... f a retialt a the doctrine of the simple
sa,ofeaab, in advance. The renewal, ly these syMpteMe PLL weeleartoniach gr"" exPan"6 Teau "C411 I'lle 14e-• Admirers of this theory shotild
states, Is ee-and no paper will be The remedK strengthens theinuscu- twist like silver threads; Where lakes Amon% the pag=5.Indians. altie• the,
1036 to. fetheetibetal in the weassisappeale hands of nature where rieere break and go to Lake Nepigon or farther • north -
lar walls of t stomach and increases are Ste dull and iienihre aii a Novem- eleeedila • Yer thist th. nobui
swat to tY,S. subsCribera unlega Pala in the flOw.of Petrie jelicee Solltat tioUr- bet day, and where the grim 'tills ei'ae tannage is a gigantic fraud. *hen they
I . An Ohio Man has ofrered to snbati- ishment is extracted from thefood;aeid upward like giant seutinels keeping Fee hint; roasting his 'fieti whole Ma
0 -trance. .
. tute himself for Thaw, and be exeout- the refuse is expelled without the aid vratch--forever-Without sleeping. yet stick before a firewesting the lime
ed if necessary on condition that f$3,s of purgative or laxative medicines. there are such Places and them clothes indefinitely. eatitia hita half -
' li the 'United States,"ei
8.-Iibscribe" 1 000,000 is paid his feraily. altreegthen the, stomach and make dwell a priesing people, - On. Lake Ne. raw foocl with his finger), and living
, ,
It do Its own work by using 'Bli-o no, pigon the • Inclians are living almost in a freezmg„ illetientilated, vide -
'Do not fuss and nurse it along by diges- atter the manner of their anceetors. smelling hut, they Will thank Heaven
tive tablets that do no laeting .good. The Indian elands sadly by his wig- th,at the -white race has rideptea the
Make a complete cure of your stomach Wain watOing the approaoh of °lain- complex life of civilikation rather
troubles and replace weakness with zationi w -Mob most crowd him out of than the simple barbarities of MT -
friends minding papers -to the U,,
must renew before their subscription
• expires, otherwise the paper will be
_ stopped when eubscriptiCnt has run a. .
out. . .
•• • , The mail stage from. Little Current
for Manitoulin Island ppinte went
Sovereign Bank Quits Dusinfiss. through.the roe. The passengers and,
mail were saved but hoiaes and stage
The busineariof the ------ Bank
Ron Wm , Wright . Gillespie of
Guelph, wlao died at Stamford, donna
a few days ago, set up the first tele-
phone in:a, private rehiderice. in Oat -
were. lost.
s -
Windsor smashed all records Ea; a
Gretna *Street in .1907. According to
Aemilius Jervis, following a, ;meeting i statistics prepared by0ity Clerk Lust -
According to this statement, the
bank's branches will be taken over by
the banks named and depositors will.
be allowed to transfer their accounta.
to other banks or allow:theme toremain
as depesito of the bank to whch they
have been assigaed.
"For sone tune past there has .been -
a constant strain upon the bears re -
0 sources,caused chiefly by the unatural
conditions obtainedduring
the past three or four months. which
have created a great strain .upon the
deposits and made it difficult to liqui-
date the loans.
These conditions, which in , many proving to the people - without a,
stringent- -penny's cost -the great Value of this
ways have Leen. far more scientific prelierIption known to drag -
than in the memory of this generation •
• gists,eierywhere as Dr. Shooras Cat -
could now pobsibly have been forseen,1. aarh Remedy. Sold byW.S,R•Holinee•
and they were bringing about a state
and W. A. McConnell .
of affairs which thelmunness, if contin-
ued, would not have been sufficiently
rprominent. When the decision was
reaohed we at once conferred with the
Jeading bankers of the country and ask-
ed them to briefly Make a ;statement,
These bankers he.vethe opinion that
the assets of the Sovereign Bank of
Canada were sufficient to pay all tiehts servant. who had tried to take his
and an agreement hair been reached 'life while Weeding rarer a love affair,
with a numaber of banks by which all on the grand that she ewoeldn't en -
of the branches of the bank will open courage !arch doing in the county."
in the morning as branches of other 3. By the teacher of a Sanctity school
class in Wilke e Barre this question
wee put to a new seholar: "Whet did
Mabee do frit allying while he *al
-with Jethro?" There was a long silen-
ce, dewing. which the other members
of the class; took accasioir to "size up"
the na-weomen The71atter, however
was undismayed. He andwered:
"Please Ma'am, he married one of
Jethro's daughters."
0018 been absorbe by the
other banks of the country, according
to a statement issued by President
of the directors. . , . ed, there were 1,562 • marriage core.
monies performed -by Windsor clergy-
Mrs G Ray arrived at Witihipag,
-Friday, from York Factory, bringing
with her three childrena The long
overland trip of 000 miler/ was by dog
teams by the plucky lady and her half
breed servants.
• •
Namara s Liniment Curet Diphtheria
Trial Catarrh treatments are- being
mailed out free on request, by .Dr.
Shoop, 'Racine, Wis. These tests are
The police magistrate of.. Ottawa
has sentenced a man six menthe in
jail for attempting to conimitsuicide.
Perhaps the magistrate was prompted
by the same feelings as thelady in
Charles Lamb's story. She refused
to take back an otherwise excellent
banks. This arrangement writ detail
no hiss of any kind to the bank's de-
positors or its .arstinners. They can
withdraw their deposits it theyplease
or they can allow them toremain With
the bank to which they have been
-- transferred.
"The Soveieign Bankpass hooks ca
besurrendered and the pass books of
the new books obtained; Borrowing
customers will of course; have to
make other arrangements. As soon as.
testable.- (Signed) Aeintlius amnia;
The following are the banks who
will take over the Sovereign's business
Montreal, Connterce, Nova Scotia,theyllatoon find the source of -their in -
Merchants, Hamilton, Ottawa Toronto health. • The kidneys are closely allied
Imperial, Standard, levet and Emit- with the tamale organs • and if the vi -
ern Townshipa, tality of -the kidpeys interfered with
great sufferingaineurs. Theta bet-
.tertiedicine than Dr Hamilten's PillEP
HMCatarrhal fitcrins . • -- they stimulate and strengthen the
kidneys, asist other organs to do Nat-
- Sufferers Will be Interested in Specie 1 ure's svcrk, cleanse the system and
Offer thereby maittain perfect health,Great
- and-ceetain cure isa&araiiteed"
The unusual offer to refuud. the for all women who use DrEHamilton's
price to any person* Wham Hs °mei Piaea
fails to benefit, should diapered doubt •
.as to its curative properties. _
If you suffer from offensive breath,
raising of mucous, frequent atieezin g,
husky. voice, disekarge from- the nos e,
droppings into the throat. loss of
strength, spasmolic coughing, general'
weaknees and , or any other
catarrhal symptom; begin the use of
Hyomei at -mite. it will destroy' - aIr
disease germs in tag nose.- threat and
lungs,sooth the irritated mucous mem-
brate, and make a thorough and feat-
ing Mire of catarrh.
Hyomei is riot a secret remedy; its
formula is given freely to physicians,
and as a result they have confidence
its-pciwerto-heal; And- prescribe the -
treatment in allaatearhal indications-.
There is no dangerOus stomaoh drug
ging when Hyomei is used. Breathed.
through a neat peeket inhaler that.
comes with every dollar outfit, its
healing balsams destroy all catarrhal
gerins, even in the most remote air
smile, and quick recovery follows.
-- -We- positively_ guarantee Ilyeniei,
for shonld you buy a complete outfit
price $1 , andibe dissatisfied withre- -
sults ynur money will be refunded.
Hyomei is sold by druggists every-
where. Write for literature. R. T,
.Booth Co, Fort Erie, Ont.
strength by !mug 511.-o-na. existenceand wipe hai off the slate agedoria a .
Mi-o-na Is sold by druggists every- ef preSent history. Consumption is. doing its deadly
where foe 500, and We positively guar- porie day as the Indians stood upon work,' annualling thimung out, their
you purchase a box and be dissatisfied the shore they saw' a column of smoke rapidly. diminishing ranks, Snit - oast-"
antee to rebind your money' should
with results. Write -for -free sample of
bitte.. alpirer,enatnlyd, afprpom.mtetwhensbolivisothra 1 jingi thietelivideangdly pallor on the • eheeks,,
addressing RT l3ootla Company, Ltd,
Fort ode, untario. , e. xtraordinariet speed. It seemed to We . can never - understand this
lame , from an. object allaPe .
Th0 record of Oanaclian RailWay ac- cimoe, but many tame§ larger. As it
d like a strange peoPle, but as we see the
*detente for tlie last year shows 587 kiii- ewept in tovniak the shore sparke '
ed and1,698 injered. Thie represepts flew from a pipe, then a ,cleud Of
steam, and a 'hoarse - roar astonished
the ,
c .
"A devil -boat!" cried the squaws,
shrieking and hiding 'their ,hes, 'un- ,
der their' shawls. Such was the
were passengers and.1,128 were em- caption accorded the firet steamer on
pleyes. Last year one peesenger was Lake Nepigon.
killed for every 459,104. carried as com- In the midst of the 'most bemitifal
pared with one killed for ever* 1,749, - couttry' that Heaven ever gave to
361carried in 1900 Ona passenger in man-oine the Indians happy and pros -
every 91,299was injured as- compared permits? • ,
with one in every 121,168 during the Happy? roe.. History has present -
preceding year. . ed an incorrect idea of Indian, tem-
perament by representing Was' stoical,
Professor Paul Miloukov, leader Of 'silent and 'morocie. They are the lona
theConstitutional Democratic party, est people imaginable, laughing wri-
the. third Duma and formerly a leo- timially over jests which white men
hirer at the University Ohicagoair cannot diseover ;. agreeing with every -
rived at New Tore, on Friday on
the Carmania to address the Civic one because it is easy to agree,. and
the Indians are wise. But they are
Forum So in tense is his 'interest In a not prosperous.
1 • •
coestitutional Russia4:veffssia of "No fish -no •broalcfast" is their rule
liberty; and representa ' laws, that
of living. They entirely fail to corn -
he is king.a Journey of nearly -
prebend the neceseity. of Previtling
00e mil s to give one lecture on that
for milli days. Deicing the summer
subject. He wants the American
they fish, smoke and .talk; when the
people t knew the aims�f Its party
and its p sent condition, which is the snow- flies they begin to, think of
wood-cuttinge iwhen the supply of
condition of Russia generally. To ac-
coniplish his purtiose,: he said he was dried fish becomes lose they take down
Willing to travel around the world. their snow -shoes in preparation for
• the hunt
__Prince Retina had a green aartas Th birch.• -
e tree id their friend, supe
Every tree in foliage was green, every
blade of grabs visible. wits greet; :and •aa
plying them with bark for canoes and
pees. . The making a canoes is an
the houses were decorated With ever-
greehs. .The day Will remain green in• interesting but intricate process, and
expert, canoe -makers are scsace. A
the memories of the people, because it skillful workman can finish a canoe
was their -first Xmas in Prince Rupert • rolaided he *oaks steadily, body passed the day to theit own lik- itnhell'•lwarter.k.
All business was suspended, and every impro ble
inf, as farue their surroundings would Jetta. and one which, 11 at-
• last remnants bf a mighty dying raCe•
struggling against. destiny, the speo-
ktole must Move eaten t.he most ease
.ual observer to profound pity. The
iron law of nature by which nation
socceeds nation, tae fittest surviving,
continues to operetta, and soon the
borders of civilization, will have ad-.
yanced to theanorthern climatic limits,
and the places which have known .
the red man se long shall know 'him
tbe greatest numbers of persons, both
killed and tnjured, in the history of
taitadiara railway. Of the total num-
ber killed 70 were passengers • and 219
employees: Of the total injured 352
• I al ow of them doing so. Everybody would excite the derision of hie
. ; had good eatables, and most every then. On oneeccesionieventy orthirty
THE AILMENTS OF WOMEN l body had drinkables. Theended 'Indians were employed' by a trading
. If the girls and Women Who suffer as the day should end among People 'company to -cut weed for a steamer,
with *hat they think • Is "Female who wore born Ohrietians, and who and one had the Misfortune to. cut a
Trouble," -Would look to their kidneys, have practiced Cheietianitssaalt their slight 'gash. in his foot.
lives. --Prince Repert Empire. Immediately the rest stopped Work
• and the whole party escorted the pa-
MAKES A SAINT SWEAR tient to the nearest doctor - forty
mdes away -- and even alter the re-
' To have his favotite corn stepped govery of the injured ;teen not one of
on. Don't ha;ve corns -cure them with
Putnam's Corn Extractor. Takes 24 the party. could be persuaded team -
hours no pain --costs a quarter. Try aurae _owe -Wens, , Acting on the pro-
',Panel:ifs." • verb about the-easeltaafeallairotirand
Applies Also to angliate .
The mixed marriage question has
never aroused such interest in Mont-
real es since the recent edict of Arch -
;bishop -Brut/less prohibiting- there-
• went into effect; and society circles
.are filled with gossip as to the out.
-come of a number of engagements
;01 -it -beau been-- Announced betweenProtestente and Catholics;
Just before the new taw was an-
aiounced it was fairly well-known that.
it was going to go into effect, and
scale marriages that had been_ sr,
ranged for this vlintir were quickly
pe-forme,d although it was only alter
- vAry hot _argumenk_that the arch-
biehop consented ao
One particularly interesting one. is
where quite e deed .relative of the
• late Primate pi all Canada is to be
married to A, voting Irish Cat,tiolie.
Tile marriaat toOlt place just before
the publication of „the edict, and was
-performed by a Catholic priest in the
pi esbytery of one of the largest par-
iahea. The yourig Matt, went himself
-to see the archbishop, and it was not
• until hours had been ripent 0,Ahot.
discussion that permission was finally
secured. When the new rule was put
into force it VMS thought that it was
intended principally for Prerich-Carts.-
diens and that it would not be SO
very • dilliettlt Pandish-speaking
Catholics who Re into society a great
deal tvith Protestants to eeeure die-
isensetion. This, however, has peeeed
te be quite a misapprelieninter, ati
th teibi.op has made it quite clear
that it le we Tole for 011, an that
there *out be at/Me very epeeist tea -
ions to have him make any departure
Item ondeta.. " .
Priest Shoots Priest.
A despatch from Dublin says that
Rev. W. White, diocesan curate of
Catihel, in Couuty Tipperary, was shot
and seriously wounded on Christmas
Day by a brother clergyman, Rea.
Thomas S. Gibbings, who until re-
cently officiated in the polation. now
held by White. Gibbings, who is a
Protestantaaergymain, drove out in a
jaunting car -looking for his victirtie
and found White also in a ear re-
turning from cionducting Christmas
the eastern part of the county. Suse
pecting his preelecessor's purpose" on
seeing the gun, White drove hurried-
ly dpwa, a side road, but was over-
taken by Gibbings, who declared he
wohld shoot within a minute.,"Elpeak
with me, and explain before you do,"
answered White, atterapting to shield
himself behind the car. Gibbings fir-
. seeeral shots, shattering the via
tim's hand and knee, the ear protect-
ing the more vulnerable parts of his
body. Afterwards the wounded man
was carried .to aneighbora-house and
later to Dublin Respite:, where his
condition is regarded as serious. Gib-
, bings. drove hastily away and gave
'hiniself up to the police. The brother -
of the wounded man, also a clergy-
mhn, says he knew of no quarrel be-
At the Turn of the Tide.
It was asserted by Aristotle that nd
animal dies near, eacept at the
ehhitig""ei the tide. ;This idea in norne
form or anther has been•popular for
centuries. Such a.notion, find, still
exists at Gmvesend, old- salt who•
nsed to sit by a dying man in at ale
hause on the shore of the Thames
told me he noticed my patient was
tilwaye worse at the turn of ,the tide
,..end....then.....get.,„A*t.ter niter ..tirle.
bad turned. Readers of Dickens- can-
not forget the aceount iu "David Cop-
perfield" of Mr. Barkis "going out
with the tide." Aecording to Arietotle
mat Peggotty it is at the ebbing
of the tide that death always odours.
But at Gravesend, I ,am told, it does
not matter whether the tide is at the
ebb or flow. It is just et the turn
of the tide that death occurs, "I have
often seen it happen, air," an old
skipper said to me quite reeently,
To check • a cold quickly get from
your druggist Bohai little (Andy Cold
Tablets called Preveetics. Druggists
everywhere are 110W dispensing pre
venties, frir they are not only safe, but
decidedly certain and prompt. JE're-
ventiee containno QUitill100110 la,xatir e,
nothing harsh or sieketang. Taken at
the "sneeze stage" Proventioe will pre.
vent Pneurrionia, Bronchitis, LaGrippe
ete. Hence the name, Preventics.
Geod for %wait& ehildren, 4sPrevery
tics 260. Triai boxes 5e. Sold by W
S, P *1101Mesi and W. A, McConnell.
no play ore.. jack, they. are eareful to
-provide -ova/erste-dull nett iverkiiig
Dinercre nets-FilMste -• • ,
one drat arid resting two. Proeperity
TOO- MUCH FOR HOC is fatal.' A certain Indian on Lake
. Nepigon assisted several prospectors
• to lobate an frog, mine a and -for his
ale Thought the Countreman Had been services' were presented with $300. He
Bilked by a Bunko Steercr. determined to. sow the seeds of aare
"I dunno," a:0d the old man after aristocratic society, • and • to that. end
crossing the street to approach a pa- purchased •a. set or Oak chairs, a high-
trolman who was standing on the curb ly ornamented table. and a silver tea
and svvinging his club it an idle way -
"I dunno but I've been gum gamed.".
"Shouldn't wander a pit,- replied the
officer as he looked him. over and
smiled. "Hew was It?" ,
"1 met a feller ,up at the postoffice."
"Yee, of course. Your sort are al-
ways meeting feSiere,"" .ed
"He „wanted to lenairriffeirafi--a
er ose mtlieTrifirditisr-
?But he didn't have it?"
"Nope. Hadn't a cent".
"Arui he Wanted to bor
ou ?" '
set: As. he was tieing' in a hut at
the time, the new furniture was
slightly out of harniony With its sur-
roundings. The strata of society lile
becarne intolerable, and gradually the
grand oluars and table found their
way into the fire arid their owner re-
turned to the good old cueterns of his
linceetere, who squatted upon, the floor
and -drank theirtea eritntirpail.
their promises. ,Ask an Indian to
apPear on a certain date to begin a
ow it of . definite task and he will reply, at
guess so," or earaaybe," . and the
Chances that he will appear are slight,
•aYep. Said if la Yi entajt to him he'dunless the inducanents offered are ex.
meet me right herein an hour and pay traordinary• Iii simmer. they Hee
It back. The hour. is upa but he Isn't birch -bark tepees, a style of 'thaelling
here.- Do you think he's gum gamed a hiea they prefer .because they are
me?"• • •arculer and the Indian does not like
ta be cornered. Iri building a tepee
four Nies-are tied at the. top and
the bottoms spread into the four
points of e square, around which oth-
ed poles are plaeectleri a circular fash-
ion, the entire structure forming *a
ePone. Over -this birelabark • quilts are
sewn -firmly, overlenpara in order to
shed the rain. , Thesmoke escapes
-through a hole in the. top. Around
_ate deer cede r • twigs_are threartia and_
t tl digits ereuele or fringe
. ,
"Do I think? Way, of course he has.
Say, Old man, , how did your wife hap,
pen to let you cone to town? Of all
the green things ever saw" -
"Bet thefeller looked honest."
allatieet! Ha, ha, ha!""
. "And he talked like a truthful num:"
• ' aTriithfull ' Well, it you ain't hay-
seed right from the barn floor! . Do
• you • ailieetatireveratee-thertelleweea-
bri uri2 Confl
your $ again?ne
den? -Gam gamed/ • Sea, you are
about the easiest mark in tour atates.
What •aou watt -to-do- latoae-
At that moment a young ma
hurrying tip with a greenba
hand and handed it to the old
said:, • •
"Yon must 'excuse me, but VMS hit
by a, street ear and nnaeoldably de
tailed. Here's your money, and a
thousafld you' rmeniaRrerice-la-
The. old man shoved the bill fete a
vest packet and looked at the: officer.
The officer returned his gazelor a mo-
ment and then fell dead. The coroner
raid that Ida heart Was Wilted, by
some sudden jar.-Chicager NeWat
,--Tou are sleepless -no eliergY--bad
digestion -irritable nerves --everything
seems wrong, 'You're gettifig worse.
Stop it to -day, end your terse', by
buildinfr up with Pereozone It's' a
food tonic. -supplies nutriment and
boilding Material give Weak organs
and • exhausted ,nerves the. strength
they requite. With Perrozone you eat
more, digest more, get fatter, Vital-
ity CoUrilea through, your veins, the
feeling of youth predominates, VIM,
strength and boat return for good,
Nothing reitivenates and restores so „the more work there will be In Ontar-
quitkly and permanently atileerrozone. in for the wotkingnien end the mann.
Yott'll try it teelay, 500, at all dealers. fedora*.
no more. . •
, Hoer Shot Is Made.
Small shot hi made of lead* heated
and dropped Waugh a colander in rap-
id mption from. a considerable heigate.
Into rater. The lead falls an small .
globular drops. The holes in the col-
anders vary in size according to the
denomination of the -sitait, No. 0 re-
quiting one -fiftieth oreat inch In diam-
eter, No. 9.onethree-hundredeind-six-
tieth of an inch. The colandera are
iron hemispheres tell inches in distil- .
eter and are coated with the eream or.
epium which is taker) off the, Molten
-ghat. A small' portien of arsenic is
melted with. the lend, and the fusion
In the calanders Is maintained by those
vessels being surrounded by burning
charcoal. The advantage of a long
fall is clearly seen. When erepped
water immediately front the- colander
the bullets are flattened, the lead be-
ing soft, The long fall 'through the
air enables the lead to cool and hardefl.
before taking ite plunge. Theasmailer
sizes require less fall than the larger.
For Instance, 100 feet suffice for elites
4 the •11AfTtelire'clooargil'enig size
rnstilfudted 15th0
on hem the n
disdaining chairs or other conven-
iences inventedbythe absurd white.
-Tile Squawe are adept witti the eileneedle, and coasequettly net -making
is a faitorite occupation in the sure -
met, although the machinemade nets
furillibiel by the traders cost nu more-
-than the material used. Years ago
the 'Iludthon Bey Co. estimated the
value of a gun by standing it upright
And,peinte fare to the Op of the bar-
rel. Lona-heirdir -Soarer Trialare
greased the length of the gun until'
the 'Indians had difficulty in steering
their tremendous weapons Amok* the
treee. Practices like this, perpettutt,
for yoars, in the abseneti of emir,*
petition, have inspired the indiari
with aprofottnd regard for the White •
an's ngenuity, and a corremponding
unwillingness to, he the victim Of it,
The Indians have treaty rights with
the Dominion. Gove\rnment, by -which
they receive annually the magnificent
Snit of $4 and a blanket, to 'keep them
a loyal and contented. market for the
trading companies. Treaty day is the
*welt cif the year, and represente to
The Dominiali Governmenthas over
and. °Vet again stated that it is only
encourages, the immigration to this
country of farmers,farm seimante and
domestic servants As long as We have
the Northwest to fill up these classes
of people are needed:- The more wee
and wornen who go into that eountry
mat January Sale
. $5,000 worth of new, seasonable goods to be
cleared duriug the next two weeks at wholesale
prices, and in some cases less. • These goods are all
new and and at regular pekes,- "iee excep-
tional values. Space will not permit of my quota*'
dons, but if you will read the list below, it will give
jousome idea of how we are sacrificing .
Men's turbiand Oaps,regnlar 750 end 01.00 Sale price 50e See cape
in aouth window.
linsethoote, regular price 112,00, Sale.price $1.258144 0/ 710.
VVomen'ePelt Boots, regular 81.35, Pale price le1.18
mropinvelice'sebiezavy lined Sateen tIncierelcirts, regular price $1,75, Sale
A few of those $1.26"black Sateen Underslcirts left at 950
.00 Grey Wool Blankets, 82.00.; $2.76 Grey Wool Blankets, $1.25.
Mew Pairs only Men's heavy Duck Rubbers at $1,75, .
rden's,,raleck 'Melton Overceata velvet collar, regular price, $8.50,
Sale Wee $8.85 •
no,00 Overcoats, in Meltons aria Tweeds for January Sale
Special prices cn aleaares of Dry Goods, ()lathing, ppots and Shoes
during tbis sale. '
Our expensee are very light, arid we can give you better value for
your money than yon can get, elsewhere, Come and see.
ew Fruits.
P carry the best from best Shippers.
JUSINS-Valences, Sultanas, seeded and table reisins.
CU HafaINTS-Finest cleaned, j'atriae, •Figs, Peels, Nuts,I Dates, Candy.
Oranges, ete. Our prices. lower that offerings of infeeor, qualitie
from other sources -Call and see.
'MRS- Black, Green, Japan and Mixed Extra Value fer 25o. • a
suGAR- Granulated, Yellows and Its,vis we lead in Quality and Quantity'
. per dollar or bags (24 lbs Brown Saga* for $1.00.
'Dinner, Tea and Toilet Sets, FanCy China, -Table and
Library Lai-nps, Largest and Finest assortment ever offered
in Clinton,Chadtier than ever, White Toilet ets Dinl. •
ner Set for $5.00,..97 pieces for $6.75; Chjna Tea Set 40 piece .
, .
$3.00.• • 4 different. patterns in:open stock get what you want.
• EMULSION—Saye100 pet...cent
. .
Why buy patent Emulsions of Cod Liver. Oil, when you can get our own
make at exactly half the price? 'Our own is 25c and 50c. Patent Emulsions
are 50c and 81.00. The Patent Emulsious are not guaranteed. We absolutely'
guarantee ours to contain 50 per cent. pure Norway Oil, combined with the
proper amount of Hypophosphites. It is palatable and easy to take and one
of the bestreniedies for Tuberculosis, Brorichitie, deep-seated Coughs sad
Coldsaor in any condition where a powerful nutrient tonic is required,
OVEY Diepensing
succes.sive sieves to separate the sizes. • ,
, Vhe mist,
The whole are then polished by rotary
motion in small octagonal boxes into
which a little plumbago has been
• thrown. _
Sea Silk.
We are ail getting quite Used -40,0-
"iniolating silk with an industrious wOrm
of most unprepossessing .appearance.
and many of us are even reconciled to
•-a-firra---bellef--in- certain spiders -which
spin a beautiful .gossamer of daintiest
hue and texture which has been woi-
en even by the spiders themselves into
caps .and other useful things. But
what say you to an enterprising shell-
fish which In its watery home among
corals and flowerlike anemones deep
down in the Mediterranean spins a
silk just as fine in texture and bean-
tiful to the eye as any ond could vviab
to see? It would not quite do to call.
this submarine sillials.ker an oyster;
for it la mot exactly that, tbou,s, cer-
tainly is first cousin to the pearl bear-
ers, Neither may we call it a mussel
despite its streug likeness to one.. W
shall have to call it, then, by its ow
name, the one The scientists -greye
Piiiiitib 1. 011I;131011 -
seem to haye christened it at all. 1 Pina
is a big ellen, smile two feet or so in
length at tiniee, and very thin and
brittle withal, like a piece of .delicate
ektosSt. Niceolas.
Railway Tickets of Gold.
All the,principal railway companies
in England issue railway tickets, made
entirely of gold, which entitle 'the
holder to travel free by any class of
car and trairr.oti any lite and by sari
system in the British isles. They aro
the size of a fiorit, bat oval in shape
and engraved with the particular rail;
way oomparty's coat of arms, with the
Wilder's name beneath, and are in-
tended to be. worn on watch chains.
These tiekete cantata beabonglita-but
are presetteel by the cureetere to per-
sons who have earned the railway
cooloanyho aratitude:
wane Publici
'Feeling ourselves greatrYAndebted to the purzha,siiig.'
public, fot-theit-kind Patronage, we take this-Cippor7
tunity of returning thanks, and wish all a prosperous
- and...thoroughly-enjoyable 1908. •
Reduced Prices Still Continue
7 large Upholstered Make . 31 Couches ranging- in price
(front $5,50 to $8.50' ..: fpm • $5.50 to $35.00
4 Morris Chairs $Very epecial line at. • . • $14.00 29 Iron Beds reg $7.00
7.50 to $8.50
' • Our special is, ...... -Salk)
, . _
-. • .-7
Special inti‘atresites for . $6.00
. Regularor. .$.5.. O. 0. . .s.e. 704 00
Music Cable:pets regular price
$5 00 for - ' 134 75
The best value that has ever left 7 60 for a ..
----- - . - : - u -store,...._._ _s_2_.. 0
• ' .
' 15 00 for • ..... ... 13 00
Parlor Cabinets, reg.. $30.00
14 00 for 12 Of
Parlor Cabinets reg$14.00 Dressing Tables:2 only
for $11,00 specialfor ' ' ..$20.00
, .
We will Iet the matter of profit be the last consideration. We •
must redude our stock of Chrismas Furniture, so now is your
chance to'l uy usefull and ornamental goods, at very low prices.
alker Ross
141pni1artiRE and UNDIRRTFLItERS. 'Phone 28
. . •
Area wont° Mr all diseeatit and dia. •
soots nefetsr- from a ren•depti cm*, ,
Doter the haw* Or 14erini IMIP1101. *We
es Palpitation ot the neart,,Ifettetil •
Praire:Von/ Reftineentie, siefoink.
nit* Delete* Dim" BpeIis. Stainlatik
etc., They** _
wanen IceeMes with trren1ar Mew
Prate M °Witt 040 bal,• 00 5 ter 51.15.Tan "
114,/blew tta theetiat. '
• .
Best Wishes
We are too busy to say this to each °tie separately, buit
would like to. We want everyone to'come and see our sup.
ply of Christmas goods and you will be glad, even if you yki
not buy. We have such beautiful and useful articles, and at
such low ptices to suit the
Conte One, come all„both great anti small. •
You will find us *ady to
W e could not tell you about the 'nice things here; there is not
room the VEW:ERA for it, so come and see.
Emporiore ADAMS,
toriciesboro, Dee. 14/07
Aa we are winding up the preemie usiness, it ia nee
that all outetanding accounts be paid 'b the 1st ,of December.
Customere Will oblige thl by giving bhiat matter their- prompt
attention, -
lilt scotle on band to be meld at Barn1n prices..
SUren Ru its bal I itt MoNiath Isuaisos