Clinton New Era, 1908-01-03, Page 7'71 WT 'Y' N.
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r Tb - OW . 14
. - Adventure With 0i Game Ile the 'Tw,9 Th0sand . Half-lSavomigns Dhw
+uW ararl4 i QD I _ - Its;I
l-�tn,i pities wttt►..F.+I ination t?dI' r+�
,,x, 10 I .,t : ;1CstFittrseptrTa' tlt>re _ - .. ,.,.. ,- , ..
W110s of Alssks, oppost` In fit?Iln*it. '
jb 1111, b. � ` �wlt� , ':WQ�i �1ti1 �t1t'�.1��«<4110*" 'h• *There �s , bear -hooting on trtie 1?artianTars of a very gnysteriont+
" . „ The IKI day its ears' Aefr, W. e,, g dips 'pearhnoe Af a 'box of gold coin
' : - - ,; .^�••- � Walsh, iC~ .r1., delivpt+ad itirt address li+fatskews, peninsula. l Bot seven rix, - .
'""" "" y tar c00rhal dies one afternaon, aeve•li of tem oil its way from London to Araxil
'Nsttores a, veintidy , . 1 on tba' evor-1. tereating subloct . the �. ' .
ba so at'4 ala . ,
within . a. quarter of a mire and i}tit have just become known, leading 'to : 7!he'or�erp'l�dutatiou ai`giie Qt iii "a 1
The f1llAMt Bt's; will, . tlroublea f0 the alfa geed � 'fPuad ►xch for xtlld, rind he rapa+ie ,: ha a hour' time. The .stnalla : co c cion that a clever sad der- cle ou . xo
laow to .the lot of d Pp' 101, to '�.ew , Disci, l<t is a specific,. riot: st tattle. uentl of. the Yu>rant coils , t►rid- =..over l# n s the n .lu area t uq +►t w attmil. fjriml,Isyq
ti.. y R of the teat of them wgs attires -year-old slid fnB theft took peace at some. Polzlt sssed Qip est cels, +sty9totuers at xlxd t a
airbsariiera, fa. r f�2,QQ •obul ..., ��r p
tell,' ,ft ice. ht vud rniaal ori2. , @ -i,ure . , a trials, success and failures a l' . should say they averaged 2,000 .,of the journey between. , Eastcheap .:lq tweed and Povduro ; ti`nd hilus a bq+t: to
r - +of patarrh, strong and weak men who had Bon pounds, Ittoolt thirteen eartridBes to and Liverpool. tas4ior, and sI'e
'The Now Bra acid 11'ailue:ea:, Advo aha ,141% :uirid wary of during a 410E there in oweh, of fortune. o '. g Value. at �iible
1 1909 for APS cash, I _. cie. tilic,'wo : and ," m " said Mr, Walsh, ltring, the seven cl own. . - _ 0d the. afternoon .of Thursday, Nov, sale at . c, . ,. ,, , . «, ..1, „,. , ,, M , s , , ,,, , , a ,. ,.. *.. 1t'
to to Jan, , , ease, i& telwsya the s ti y Rlbo of the . ,
• ' len lflc ...a of during catwrrh is «,gyp 4ease to remember the surging . G,'rabt Q. Chase, hunter, and pros- 7, #our- small iron -bound boxeaQ See the7Goand l Ua that*el e
Bra and Weekly Globe, the ac w.,, w ' weighing about 20 pounds. :each.,. wer $. its, 1 e . plc ,i ,Vrl A .
The Now B. the simple way, With Hyomei,R` crowds of ht4tnsziitY that blocked the Pector, who fox eleven year$ has spent .
w * . • , tat Jan 1 ._ $1.J0, atesh in advamve. t m diset4se Nue can. be D on a torics of the. most of his time in the Alaskan wilds, dglxvered by lists of shipping aBetite '
po Ole .sik rb fd a ,gap streets of awe .. , the >} r eeentl told a western re vier a iew
cured.ogl b usittahlyonpei, thetxeat- Po acting, it is understood, on behalf
and rail $creed; y t o wonderful dieceveries of gold that ' .'
The Now Bt's a Family lgpsnr<tbat etlahQsand.des,r ys'allca,xset' n d with excitement,, or the bear•stories on. the eve of returning of a bank at the T,,astcheap offices of " .
sod Stir, tg1.60, cash to advautia. t ,'rh grms; ( i titch new adventures in to ilia. favorite haunts. the London and Northwestern. Rail
a. H� neat woket #ops with, w To one whose nning:lore is"limit- '
. #readied through the n. a p e search -of the recious metal were !• p way, consigned to Pura; Brazil, by �Yith only a little avek threA weelcti 1'e!t fn xS(l7
o t e e lx o "er outfit ' sem. ed these accounts of big; same in the wa of Liverpool. Each Of these and Bo 's'Olotbing snore than dquble �vlaat w
The renewal Price f h N IAt lana . inlialet' khat comes reit. �'. y • +. nndertaken, the wild and• uncontroll i l to a .ekes wqn- y 5 ce become known,. UUT I GA S,. rertardlees of 'softie it>nd iii '01. #
radian °oubsorlbere, is .$yoinei s tn4dicatton reaches :leis inosz bie_'o .when success came, the bit- Far North are l Tee Y w hoarse, �t lea, sin dur%n the. remain e 1 P '
for 1906, to (Ja __. _ a .. 7 .31 r . ve bruins .all at once is t ed 5 000 in half-sovereigzis, B, d r of 907: well be the
remote +sir cells of the pose, throat.aud Ae , t gP . it • c.Ql1 t i . $ ., lI
1.00 cash in advance, The renewal ter heart reeking ' ,des px`r., when
•$ - fun s, Qn(t leiter the disease germs o months of unceasin toil nothing _ to excite' incredulity, "Record Their contents, however, it is stated; i
P wens, .net apecal2y described, and 50o pairs Men's Odd Rants,'x;a
g g resent, destrciv►n � thein."!' weeiis r rag to Mr. Chase. It s. a oor daY s
price to subscribers in trio Vatted w'helreve, p , g is and judescri bable 'privation en ed. in �,�,
will be and preventing their grotvt#., '' thus o. an for et4 the. tramp, that does not yield four. or, five the boxes were booked as ofdinary N en'S SUlts frOfTt
• States, is $1.50, and no paper w beth ,failure? Wh c g'parcels, . ,.,,. •,•, *• •„ -• y••+ � !
making catarrhal troublea impoasfble..,� d h s. formed amongst the big. fellows. : ` at company s. ask- $O S t 1 1
, cent to U.S. subscribers unless paid. in I There is n4 da neraua stomach las• #stens .ip . e. • Them, for corroboration, there is the They were accordingly dealt 'With y . U is rijm,,,,:..,, ,,,..,.,, ,.,,,,; .40. i!
who o is used,. It is sol@ly ,most whole-souled men 1XI ;a11 testimony of Mrs. Chage, who for acv- in the usual `va and packed into a
advance. mar n y me broad land, ''or the enemies created M ' s Overcoats from
ad inhatatton• treatment, prepared, , oral, ears has shared her husband's . y ' p •'•.,",`•'";.,"'.141
a} arms. by `the most,despicable of Gods area ?' kept t a fila collecting van, which, went to Euston �'
the United States, or specially. to: kill, the c�tarXh .. g life, and who has p diary where- station, Pickin up parcels front sev- S'ee pits $1Q..lY encs` QVercoatst. tart
IOubacrtbere in Be in its use st on.ce' sell leo how tares, for x . ',this land of; extremes 8 .
to the U. �3„ g r is eve thin "the best and Xhe worst in is faithfully recorded the nunibez oral pity houses • en route. ' fleece,
sending papers quickly it gives relief and lasting cu eM >a „ of bear, caribou, son fitter and .other' The lour 'boxes 'having been booked
osltivel u tratltee . ki oi?ieT,. of :humanity were • gathert d, , 811 S fleece . lined' U n clerWeai',: $fit"
must renew before their subscriptionWe positively . g y fur,:bearers brought down daily,, and at BastcheapI 'there wasp no necgssity
he paper will be for should you •bupy a complete. outfit `,`•This 'land is so big, with' story' careful ••measurements of the biggest . to rebook -them •"through the- Euston G �ai .,
• expires, otherwise t pap price $ , and be dtssatiafisd with re- so filled with conditions which exist . �Q���
1 skins, cels office, consequently there is
s when subscription has run sults :L money will be -refunded. nowhere else in Oanadg, ,o complete- "T "su' ole •I have. killed 500 or 600 p � �� ���� ��
+ori y
Ii omni ii sold by druggisEB ovary- ly iii' a class by itself in hist- 'ice, bears alto ether" -continued, Mr. n° gff}cial record of; how many of file
.eat where Write for liter�i,turn, Booth's surroundings and its.assoeiations that, be s g , number a0ttially, reached the London I IV
__ �,-_ Chase. O eours,e a good deal of .my and Northwestern terminus, whence : '
,. I ,,, . I .
I . , I .
Hyowei Co, Buffalo,�l ,Y. no brief reference to them such Aa I. tante has, ,been given to some, copper
the. were,sent .on' to Liverpool by the '
'I .
:AWord toSubmriber' •-- -'i _. have uxade, can give atm adequate Plums�e�+
idea of it, But beyond a11' ,this thew Properties I am intezested in, or` the 9,20 train for' shipment to South Am- '
CATTLE SHIPPINQ. ntimber might have been mus larg- ,• ,
Many of our subscribers pay prompt is soinethiri'g, abont it that T• cannot g . erica.. I .11I
._.. er• At one time and another have
1 in advance every year, and we •b �� ons describe. to you, neither can I. account hoisted bear pretty much all through when the money reached Liverpool
have nothing but words of commend � Anirn Are for it, that is the grip it gets on a pr.'s y it was found that" one , of this four . •
K But on the other Vesttsis In Hawaii, man, the love of it :and the longing elle Rockies,' but there isn't another boxes was missing, and information.
ation' for them. ( lace to equal the Alaskan peninsula. was immediatel' wired~to the conk' _ �'
hand, we have many subscribers who Atberward' I was takes to Saw�tihae, , for it, that he cannot shake off, the place
? well. 1'11 tell „ ou. Those y ~
allow th6ir subscriptions to Set behind where I tatw cattle loaded In a most l reluctance that one has to leave, the & Y signors and to the railway company. - -- . -
r ver anno to that bears u there are the largest in the '
in a mauve y y gg creel manner. It wgs-.a-lritie atter a. almost-irrew-stible desire .get back . P IIP i0 the present it is an absolute . 1
makes the manner
ver of ttusinesedecided- world, A full . grown male weighs mystery where the box has disappear- .
moment we o'elodc when I litnded. on the beach to it, a feeling which I cannot de- from 2,000 to 2,500 pounds, The skin y
ly unpleasant. At thisscribe an my own words. of"the largest fellow 3 ever killed ed. Euston station, ns at which
and., * -
have several hundred dollars outstand among �a lot of cOwboye and ,half na- " Itis the. land of mgya,tery, and 'won- the intermediate stations at which the
on subscriptions alone, that we Tye cattle were cora'a11ed dez, a land' that is filled to the brim -measured 13 feet 4 inches long and ° train stopped have been searched ('�
mg P ked natives.. 13 -feet 3• inches• spread -:from toenail ` eW,Y�k1IrS. :4If�3�
sould use to good advantage in paving the y and when ottie was . with' �faseinati:or fur the, venturesome' without any result, brit saes liefpre
our debts. souls that, seek to' win from it the: i'� toenail.,.I can lift as much as the , this was„done the suspicion that tits .
A- ro wsa: :average _man, _ but I'm _ telling it loss . ma .have Slo&utied betweenthe�l�% \_ alj-t�@C-) H)Il�tfbpFl . -1S vI' Ata C
If it were not for the advertising. a . resdy._ta be,-3a1reA Aboard....,- .--Pe_l... -golden treasures that -lie bummed tiviih= _ y
country paper could not possibly be tied abort its lioias A cowboy in it's frozen bosom. It, is the land straight when I say thatr with Mrsk Eastcheap offices•of the company ane .f � •. � y � �
ear, because the coat of rode into,. the., -surf, n dna air and un• Chase to help me I couldn't turn•that Euston led, the company to call in of 117aIliCUTC Sets, Brush,,- (Onib; and, 1VTrf±
valued at $1 a y horseltack then of heartbreaking P fellow over an his Back to skin him., paper, etc., has greatly advanced, and dig ffie trlahteaed steer intoe the bounding toy• It.has been the cradle "But you were telling about 'the the services of the Metropolitan, and I . $C,usileS Of all binds, �tli'rOrS, .aid' F' lS
at this price it should invariably be_ . tv, tossed to a tial!' of mangy a�agitfficent fortune and Y City police:
paid to advance. Some of the papers mag seven bears you got all at one time, them is the very. slight Knives, Paper (iUtt6rs,..etG:
are rai4in the subscription prtc
e bei -native who was swimming, and the grave olPmany ; a hope, Who is he was - reminded, Of course,,
ill he in tura carred' It -to the men Walt there that has ever lived' tri it that "Oh, that dap;"' -he said, "I started 'pasxturn upham ngst someoverlook,0k, r�. Perfumes aril Colognes- All of the•be. makes, bq:
cause of the extra cost, but we w has not felt -the spell of it upon hint j May r
for the present keno the,price at $l a Ing in- a small boat. These men Pum Tong after li'e has for thea last titre # four bears, a thing that freclu�ntly oc- ed luggage, but. fears are entertained. ' • • and fancy packages.
k year in advance. No person would the animal, which must now swim or curs u there. It is ,n`o uncommon Leather Gioods-We ,have Glove and tl8ndker6t
` think of writing to a cit aper and steamed up the river or hit the over P that the valuable consignment was +
g y P drown, to the boat and 'fled. him by' land trail for, the outside?'! I sight to find va female with two or watched from Eatcheap :by expert t,'` Travelling' Oompanions,, este.
asking for a year's time .on the sub- the borne to its aide. Atter^eight steers i three cubs bigger, than she is: ' Then thieves, and that they managed. to , i• '
acre tion rice. If they would not do inannei ,the bears of that region are kind of remove the box while the -van attar- �� Smokers' Supplies -Pipes tit'all�,,'ices-G:D. •`:i
so in the cage of a city -paper, wily-- tied n tied up in this Mad -to Draw the Line. dents were. engaged iri pic$mg . makes, Petertion's real bloc er alxattgik
should the do so i a mall country engine ou-tIi�ef�mek-"wets-set-to 'mor$ , sociable and it's usual to find severah up
y r in ad and itis boat Palled alongside by meani3met-Tai ger of $elleville, i together., miscellaneous parcels on the way to % ` Cigarette Holders, Cigaxs ix l of 1Qk
to al.? Our pric ie s Sa a yea [Ont7ZIls the 16 -U --Divi stic�r-_y wk hT_' 1'*j j, f followed these four down Aston station. Shaving Materials-Tlie'now Au ; V
yanceor $i=50 if not so aid. Accord- of a rope. The cattle. were. 6olst s very well known in that town, but t into a gulc�i,�hen geifing�n - - I- - �,_._:�.-_�__ - _p _, to`Strop Sating to this, we are entitled to x;1.50 a ed onboard by the use of a .bellyband.may not be' familiar to readers. else- .i position I .got ,busy with .my. gun. ` ma�iir�ti� 2�Y rI uker'e1 afYd?ltla�i
year from every delinquent. The method of handling these dumb where. A few years ago there used • had no sooner laid them out than I • - � g - _ s
. , Mirrors,' Sh4tvin 13tro s and Brei
We want to put our subscription animals � brutal, and, while the na►ea . t;. be an hotel there which was no- looked up and saw three more comin
list on an abeolutel. .prepaid system, deem to we a8 much care ag possible titriously "tough," so much so that I down the other side of the gulch p 57URT OF THS $EA. ;.� � -r �w �*
y .. +1d
commencing with the New Year, and , Ht�VEYf
ask all who are in arrears to settle lip, in moving them' about. their pibeotit!_ ii' was=not'.suppnseil_to be safe for •,a All.._I_hasl tsLdQ_v✓as' wait _ -The-Man-Who-Braved the Storm and.
and bel us to do this. benowing,caused by feat'. made as pa farmer, in his.. cups: to venture within "The .bear. is naturally, a. coward}yfele Sailor Me Rescued. (�! D1Spens'h �•, CheinisL
P i*,;; Walls., It occasioned little sur- animal. Unless, he is pretty .hungry. '1 .
,�__^, thetlbe a scene its I have ever witness- l
practically ed. Thousands are shipped every year, Prise, therefore; when one. day a vial- or awfully ..mad the : hunter rubs no Off the coast' of Ireland there was a `� �.`•` ` �`
In the old days, when p y tor. from the backlands..of Hastings ,I danger, unless he' tumbles over one terrible storm, aril a crowd gathered .�.I 9tw 14
all our farmers planted wheat as their sail it seems that some 'more humane made the allegation that on the pre in some. entail. The average_. hunter on the shore to see a s,form tossed vas- , �"�:'�
rinieipal crop, and our local millers method of putting them aboard migtilt • vious night he had entered the hotel ` who brings back stories of being ehas- sel - not far away. being pounded on
were grinding this wheat into g for be adopted, , and.- the bartender, whom. we sliall ed• by,a bear I am .Inclined to, think I
Ontario flour, bran and shorts sold The Japanese sallor on these ships Is' 'call-' Bill, had relieved h'im of . $100 is a victim of circumstances ;'and Sturdy 'men launched .a boat • and -
about half what they are a use These
said to be the befit for keeping the ship aad slugged: him into the- bargain: possibly of undue timidity. �JUL�'
feed stuffs were cheap ecce ?it^• ,.i,.Imped away st' the'Dara to rescue the
. . . 0
mills had plenty of .them to sell. When dean. while the native excels in ban- The "'bartender was arraigned before At .the first shot file bear, .if not imperiled cries..
t aeriouslg hurt, is-bound'to get up and
into the boats, especially in. rough he magistrate and secured a remandme_ As the boat raise back the watchers UP
etc �,� .
Manitoba flour pushed its way elms k lace 'the vic- 1 ok around and then start for -
our farmers saw only the water. The Hawaiian is a born swim- When ;the. hearing too P the e t :hunter he mill on the shore cried, "Did you get .
Ontario, tim told his sordid tale, fixing where. If he sees he
"big loaf of bread." They brought �•, and native boys will follow, these he -•-Delis suall If -he' -doe' . - 't -
date. -with exactness --'Much ;to the-�-� t r way u y- thein:? aril=they ans�veree "All butte :Z,,drnitupe=will-be-`vgi�''�PRIR `
Western patent flour, stopped rAtemg vessels for several hundted • yards. as: ' one. tire, had to leave him or risk the
wheat, and made the Manitoba farm= Honolulu, swimming surprise of all, when the defence was n t, ° he is as likely` 'tip start •toward paled your wants, by laying to a larg
they are leaving railed, six bizarre -looking persona him as in any other. direction.
ors rich. Naturally our millers had o lee and df for coins throtva lives of all” And'' w.. ,they were . Canada. On account of the'hard times among1.
to rind. Bran and shorts. a1� wing from Trenton entered the witness -boa - "Twenty feet is the nearest a bear, . landed a stalwart fellow stiepped from • have fico ht thesij goods at greatly reduced prices; an Pit.
little wheatu
e brought from the West, overboa'r'd by the -travelers: The pas- and swore positively that on the night bent on mischief, ever got to me: An the group and- said, "who will join me. _ton era the benefit.of otic opdbuying i'arlor.Suttea, U:o
had tob g
t rates were and are high. And sage oa these boats is always rough, in gnestion Bill was in Trenton, play. .old-temele,-fuhose••cub-I-haci brought --l��resew-ot-th�remainlri one'7"'- -- nc�Rockera,_ Mesio shin@ts, De Mii rp K . ,;
Freigh of poker vritli down, came for me one day and she - Pictures Bessie, etc, 9 ecia res for aye, "'
our stockmen, and dairymen, and far• and an tete Nwalani. as the ship lay at ing a friendly gameThen' an aged woman cried out: `:Oh, Tables, , P.
mors, too, are paying for this folly. anchor out -In the :channel,. the_nip,f-tb them. So' complete vas the alibi was . mad, She was sixty or seventy l
remedy lies with the farmers. h .in filet it apparently convir►oed4he oras~ yarrle distia t a3ideirra bunch of alder, don't`go; do6t go( You. -an ___�- *_ _e -JR _r+ =I EWw - 84
The y were intensely warm.. F'relg tiny i1 LrL/ ww
-They should refuse to buy Western oner :titin as subsequent events when I took my first shot at her.-. all • I have tell» Your fatales' was 1 •
flours at any price. The blended flours this Way 1s necessarily e=pensine, proved: character restored by got .up and, came put into the clear-: drowned at sea, and your brother Wil- FURNiT'URE. slid UNDERT'1. A
milled right here it our own province, moss in authority say that it i8 ing and then she 'saw me and came item sailed away, 'and we never heard •
p_ practical, as no wharf scald the dismissal of the charge, Bill ,re -
of Ontario wheat and a little Manitoba. only' way p _ _ tixrned to the• hotel,. put on his apron . for me in earliest. I worked my gull and now it You are lost I
from him
-wheat, are better -both for bread and withstand the IlAing .of the waves' and resumed. his vocation,. Daring pretty, .rar .. and the, shots took et- will be lei# in sorrow alone"
pastry—than any Western hard pat- caused by .the mad fury of the_ winds iect. She was about aix`'paces away 4 „ 1.: ,�,j
p flour. B raisin more wheat; and the afternoon his friends from Tren- But thei man replied: I tntist gq,,.
ant Y g during the winter. At that season it is ten came in. , and lining . up at "the I when she dropped.1
en fl blended flours made of this mother. pnty. calls , me." Then he 1.
buying often impossible . to make -landings .. bar, suggested to Bill that. he • aught "Mrs• Chase. and I got a' .scare once, � .
same wheat, our great farming popula- and other brave hearts launched the
along the rocky .roast of MolokaL- to do the handsdme thing. __ ._._: though„.in tattier a ludicrous -reg I
tion would not only keep their money "Cert t” said Bill, "have a glass of ha. U1
d, .three camps iri• a ToneTy -region boat and palled for the wreck.r . L .,
n flour mills Leslie's Weekly. . . ,,. for three ears',Mts. Chase rev- . Anxiously the mother wafted in tears p
, IF , ' I ' * '
at home but also keep our mer, where y. N yew
busy grinding wheat. With plenty --- er saw a white woman. I-had..put up and prayers: At. last they saw the . .. .
' °'Say,. -Bill " said' ane, its up to cod
of wheat grind, there •would be plenty pointed Paragraphs. you to open wine. You , know how `liavraias,' or houses, of drift ,w lifeboat coming, nearer .and nearer; Arid .
of bran and aborta for sale. find bigwe swore you out of iti this morn- the .only kind' available: We' were when it was •fn bailing distance they , :FROIZ'S-'We carry the best from best. S'
quantities mean lower prices. ing •, : going from one camp to another when called, "Have you got your man?' RAl$1111S-valences, Sultanas, seeds
Thisdoes not mean. any hardship Tell the truth or some ooe will tell „matt" shouted the horriftied bar- I brought down a, bear; CURRANTS ---:Finest- cleaned atria
on the part of the farmer. As a mat- it for you. • You're 9 And. the answer rang out .clear above
ter of fact,when he buys blended flour y tender, `you mean• to say y We were in no Burry, so We $mP- 'the storm, "Yes, and fell mother it's ' , Oranges„ etc; '^flus -rales low.
Any fool can make friends, but Daily lot of c�ndemned ,perjurers. ,.. Get -•out' ped built, a fire and had some lunch. from other"sources-Call and se
he will be getting a better flour than .baa ,„ After lunch --about an .hour after the,, brother W9111sinl" TEAS -Black, Green, Japan,and Mired Eyct
be has ever bought before. These On- a.wise man can keep them• of this . we dont allow ito sueh'I shooting—we went down into a gulch SUGAR-G'riinulated, Yellows and Rav,a we : e-
blended fionrs contain Ontario If yon rue miseraple you are. exactly characters around ,this hotel!"
where the bear' was lying. lyirs. Chase Nests of the Golden gagle. _per dollar I.or-bags-(241bs Brown Sugttt'fa
at and a small quantity of Mani- what our enemies want,.yoti�st-tie-___ .�.v._. _ .i
who q,._ y - Every pair o`t+ eaglets veTiose habits -i
-- Canadian Wheat was carrying sn nliiminum. teapot: I
toba wheat. -
Ontario' flour while,_...._. ul lie d7ne rtreu svCeeed-Pottnne--__.____._ _.__. __ -.. •,___ T ,
and astor does not TO a lien --he the;bear--hAv`e=hftd n Ppprtunity-of watching - --_.. iilritKl'i 1Ca ant{ 011e _ etsr dal
perfect for cake P y+ has to step knocking at their doors and The Canadian cattle exported' in t gat _
contain strength or gluten, as the • over, and A was about tp remove his over a period of a few years wodid Library Lamps, Lamest and Finest .ass'
g 1907 put over t32,000,0pp into the pock- .hide, when the big fellow suddenly seem to .have Invarlably at least two
chemists call it to make a big loaf of break in. eta of the' cow -merit but the cow -men roma to, life, . . ' in • Clinton, Cheaper than ever, White T
brNad. Now our millers have found A reputation for wisdom is easier have to get out of the way . of the "Yon sliould .have seen' Mrs. Chase alternative sites for their nests,' 'Some•
out just how much gluten Ontario gamed by .keeping your mouth shut wheat'elevators `and whirring binders. have three, and I know of one with ser het for $5.00, .97 pieces for,$G.7S,
flour needs, and they add the gluten man by attempting to talk wisely. A man rides away 'deb"orals•• #.o a go up 'hat' hillside: `lhe, best of it
by adding a tittle Manitoba .,flour was, spite of her haste, .she took tame four sites, . In ,fact, .I 'only know' of 1 3 O0, 4, different p1.atterns in. Open 3.
in luten. So in these It clerks could learn the old, man's round-up,,and coming back ten weeks to* rescue hbr teapot. I believe` i one;pair•out of many which habitually
which is high resort. to but one <plaee and .only one. CASH 'PAID FOR
Ontario blended flours, we get both a wants as easily as they can master his later. rubs his lyes to see a .brand• m about toren feet myself.• Ii EGGS .AND BUT'.iF.,. t ,11
broad flour and a pastry flour, and signature there would be more big, sal- new town with Popcorn stands and hat bear had ' been in shape to do The ri'etson for'.titis is, However, ap- • ,
the hest of each kind, sties, His Majesty's postOffc'd where he had damage;: there might have. been some .parent; for :owing to. its situation, ft
Certainly, when our farmers can get One of the most annoying things pos. left bare ,range, : It is swift work. trouble ---but he wasn't.. As x general •, has never been disturbed. The nest
a better flour, and at the same time One day the wind in the prairie,' the thin there isn't mhch adventdrA.'it's'
stele 1s to be fretluenl:ly thrown with next a surveyor's stake, two weeks geaey „ is in a small cavern bei the Cate of an
create a new market for Ontayrio absolute wall of limestone_rock some
wheat and so restore wheat growls* _-wool who refuses to acknowledge, that later the sharp conversation of•, •the r �
to its former favor among our agricul- he is -a fool. -Atchison Globe. hammer onm,the nail -head, the cliar ',800 feet high, at aUout a00 ,feet from
to it populations there "seems ul __ feted b`ank,' the corner grocery, an- Jap Press Unfriendly, . the'sutrimft: Above the elifi is a talus
reason in the world why every far- The Greed. -For Gold-, other little blotch. of red ori, the map, The London Daily Mail's Tokio � of loose atone at'au'atriI of forty-five
mer in Ontario should not use Ontario "It's a deplorable thing, this greed and a new city' of the plains. For be;- : respondent's • reoegt cable that the degrees or; so, nbove which again^rise
blended flour, for gold;" said the moutnfu! person, tween the parallel of 49 and Arctic anticipation that the -pro o! As- ether precipices. 1'o reacti'the�nearest
"Of course,,, 'answered Mr.iritta~ ice a natidn is deveipping which will 'iatic immigration t0 British Oolambia. p
Archbishop BrnchPai, of Montreal, world be settled by Japans imposing point above this
'nest would be a long
Barker. 'Z! the greed for gold were °bw AlilO to fnrinsh ' tlxe world with
who recently issued an edict forbid- bread as unfailingly as, Its as tai- restrictions •ig not •yet realised. Hon: dr; . work. -T net1.
tle ria y Itpvicty.
ding fnixedmarrta ea between Oatho- Piot so general roti and -1, might ileus ritory for: two centuries has-ftiraiahed_. godolplie Lemeuict altrose in•desPeii
g at the 'roeraetinatlon of the 7spabi"
r ics and Prot3stants in the arch•dio- a chance to get some: It's a terse tit . the world with 'fur. The evolution of P phom 'he leas had wv- "".\
et;se, of Montreal, is •fairly besieged too many people `recognizing a good modern Japan represent. the. progress otfioials, Mintird's XMI111ent CnirCA "lPht herla
With applicants asking for dispensa- thing and trying to get in on it:" of the last half of the nineteenth eon- oral 'abortave conferences • dtelarese. . .
tions or for exempt ens to go into oth• tury; the awakening• -d 'Canada is the •'die are no .farther aheady titan W
er dioceses to have the marriage oars- index of the genius of the tResitietlh. I the day of my• arrival." Baton Hq'!
mony performed. The archbishop,how , ascii .in 'an interview on tale n
ever, is standing byhis edict, and this ; - emphasized the unoiHcial characbr
Is resulting in interesting compliea- Ro1.osters .In the Gallery MT Lemieux's visit _ pointing out that
bort,• �, president C eelmart of the Ontario he was merely at Tokla to inspect la'
-�--=— A?,r%aiiitural College, Guelph,• indulge'` conditions. The 7apaneae press •
CAUSE OF BOILS EXPi,AINED ed in some happy. repartee at the- 1 has been urging the' t,'tov,ernment not '
Even in health there is a large accu• . McMaster 'University Literary Society,) }� give a moment's consideration to a
.mutation of matter in the system, Toronto, the other day, , • proposal to restrict the supply of ten-
The principal of the day.. 'lU u• skilled labor to Canada. The Jijl, the
---^which if notdestroyed, breakethrough , l VO it had been invited to speak be., only, independent' newSPAPer in Tfr
the skin in the form of pimples and , y ,
boils. No remedy so cleansing, so for; t ie students at the annual open- kio, insinuates that the atthevi a :
sure to drive out boils as Dr Hamilton's Ing of the literary. g0ciety, iiia en- been settled already,
�d that the vit>rlt
Pills, The v brace up the aylttem, rid - trance to the platform was. the Signal of Mr. Lemieux is n&My a "blind"
it of humors, restore health, slid abso- • �' toe -the boys to begin a series of cock- appease popular sentalritent, Other'
Intel prevent swellings, pimples W•, a-doodle-dOsa and other, noises redo- �pnmg s are distinetI7 bellsewe, Tlie
blotches and boils, Because mild anti ` lent "of tlxe faun yard. With, any Tokio " i'tick " which Caricatured Be*
certain, anyone can use Dr Hammon -s apparent disturbance the principal rotary Taft 'during his recent visit;'
Pills. Sold by All druggists. '�`uii l a Bad ' B�AOiI i ' 'roosters ped his ila the rea11e a sI rind i t1m a
-_- g aiul'tat fashion ka supply our
Ric% ��� $1� op "Ladies and gentlers by nen, has` treated the Canadian envoy. in ls�t Confectioner
FOR A BAD COLD not` t",o far removed from the farm Naturally. neither pains nor
Nothing cures so quicklyas the heal 1ja t awaledy �ppwtiililYIM S06 • yards of. 'I had exp ,ew „to
ingq Pine essences in Oatarrhozone, It WP11W to bo' upon enterin these hsMiX i e you thiPjs , ur man will i . Miser quAlity' is di
fllls'the breathing organs with a heal ttteaulsiart ', Needy to say, the getrittl bo? . ire•• ring?
li , bA 'h4s a flohti" Oho&40 "a assure out
ing= soothing vapor that relieves irri- , from Simooe cantuied his` tiudiapol 1301 of price,•'
talion at once. Ordinary colds - are - - �-•�-••••��•- triose Value r
yyso �bsuo tsI t - �ot°es, Ticit�r, du rt pa
rTeCdatarrh ad in sthrtbiatl troluble ib • - ; nli fig, � p � Sarna i5id Misery, ..-.�..-•".---- 'ltd' tnetit' i
r `S`pode filer wax a turkey ter tin line of D
N works like a charm. Catarrhozone is ntaitgall, r'estort9 .tl+ir!' eat�i>i trap' In de bontttxy7" iAlti3: LrA1?1(OOs h ve relways a
a permanent cure for bronchitis and ya ,' , 8ttliu �° °•-. �: r from;,._
throat trouble. Not ane perimeut�,- Utrgr, jj6W6ts and 1.14 h6wtiq ' -Wouldn't snake tib t� account; of Cdrtlttl•but; they Delle In A
that's guaranteed. t;}et t5atarz~li otic ttCttt. IF
your •u , d iri 116bgit •i'ollr hours' Sallee,"Qiloe' t
' P " " '' res h" Win n"e I'ainl fi ors 3vd t >~, rntto
not a temporary relief b trey d have wings gh, t0 re
to day. 2ga an .+maize gone leirtet`g t1iMe� titidlct lice tt.o'atlaer bututtlattl, �, ,
u a euro
'A __ W
Owl Vi'.. �' A ,a y
tG� 0itt
l��Ytl%, fal+btc�i' ill
f toot � i'.
fescue Cin b1 A , a#. �
.Alw . '