The Lucknow Sentinel, 1957-11-13, Page 7, WEpNESDAY,, NOVEMPER I3th 4 !' , THE LUCKNOW :SE TWA! TA. WP ONTAAIO PAGE SEVEN r:r! ' • H -..94"."9"..":". • • IMPERIALOIL ,. yCeUM ' . . , . . . . .,. . „ .,. V, BE DEL • ...,. ., .. „. ,, . * PARK 0 e nc.h_ . PRODUCTS . . -.,...,.--„ • .. ,.. . • wiNonAM . . , • The Ontario TedeMtion of' A - • • .ww,o' show#, ca01.4 'night • .- . .. . First at 7.15:.', . '' •-.J.T.-..r....•••...**.r" .. ror .IVQPIPt: aervice, '4nd, , gyalit.y products, . • ... ., , .•, - ' '. -.• 1 . •riculture • meeting' last 'week in Toronto, aslted 'for a year'S delay in . the holding' Pt 4 'prOxin,oial . .. • • , . . . a' Now playink400..mccre.o; .4,0d ye4i.cia, }74rr• 1n • ,• ., , . ' . . ..,,, ' • owItic FIRST TEXAS"..4.4,..c.ineniaScope and 'reg.111,00.010.r, 4 . . • ., eQntacf.; 7.".. '7:: 0,;,47.4efet±endwri-*.hi-exi.•::.,...,:. . . ,r T, ho'Fr', SatNov' It... lq„1.0 :St. letit.Al•exander, Knox . in. •'. • "11.1011.•,TID, • AT N9opr, ',. (Adult .".:11 tei,taini.elit:)... 'fR,.c1.1jSrOtW' rilimp. telleCt Pungannop: IA44 , • "'Always LOol.s Po...r.n-iperial .. For The..4e • p.....s.,....,,...,::..'.. ' !, ..we-, iyfirist. , o.d„t.el..low • , . S re,. , Comm' ended'he ;held in. 'the e rly ..sPOng...', • ' • . - • • • • • • . , .. .• The eo.n.tr011ed • Tnarketing„. , ef j.,, .4 .‘ . ,. .. • •hogS. in •1'vme.ario.......is.. already law, .. . .bt in the..face of. OpPos.ition, the , • • . NON:, .TUES,,&. Et,- . ropn4rternes..0 .. . . 'TAMMY AND THE BACHELOR"'.. . • . • ...., • . . '' . . - . 47.,•In•,$cotiel and Color • .. , • - . . • . A .4•11,ie4ihtion winning % romantic Comedy. set. 'in• the :.1#e•40 ' South where.. a plantation. owner is inVoleci Witty.: • . . „.. , . , , . . ,, --. . r. of a ,girl torn ' between 'stoy t..,,,tave ,0 tA,A,,,, Lmep ,41.1.d...:.her, , • , . . INSUR A , .,... -. . . , . AgriOuittire. Minister .has decided • ',an iMpoverished minister's': daughter -'' . .:••+. to ask for a vote Of producers 'to. • . , - 00.b.bfre• Reynolds, Leslie Neilsen an g• .NValter 13r01:014111' .' .reestablish their .wishes ilk ...the'. ' .'.. , • . • ., , „ • ..1 •.:hom,e• ainitiz the -rugged beauty of Noy.,0„;:sco:tia.. .... ._ . Ltfe,,•, H Hospitalization -d ... matter .. ' :' .,' • • '.* 1' •'1 '.' ' . : • • • - , . , , • . •,, - .. ... • ,. fputI4s,,,,, • txt,. itt4. gAir,...._ !.._ IQ-tat:les, . ... : „ . . . .:..i.irg,i,eai.,:l.4lans A utomobile., : CaSualty. and•, • ,VIcInties,.-..preSIdent -,:qt -L...--.- ... .• ... , the. Hog Producers' Asseciation.,.., Charlton . on Heston, Anne. 13a*e,r Gilbert Roland - . " :72.. NoV.e0iber 18, 19; . THEATRE CLOSED • .. • • ', • • • •••17a.0-.nH'Pability •'.- . ',Mercantile, .Residential ,', . Fartn„ Fire gi Wind •Instirance , told ...the ••Federation 'Convention . . , that .the marketing •agency .peed- ed. more ..einie to prove its ..ef...$ec"-•"THREE• to. thoSe. ,alid. 'Whereby a Texan; Civil WO; Veteran, -marries• a claneeliali, ,, , • 'girl and, helps . restive a'. riincloWn ranch, ' " ` VIOLENT .-PEiVP,LE" . - • • T• A CAMERON .i.iy*ts$, :and:. prosecute. • . 'hog .• :. , .. . .. . .. , . _ .,.. . .. , . . • " who we re flouting the mark-: 'iekniations.." -. In •VistavisiOn -7,4, . „77 • • . . • • etink lybi,... mornnes LVOKNOW • , , . . .. charges' the houses . . •and.c3id WINGHAM' . , ,,,...,PhOne ',01.111gannon .7.-0.4-10,::. .: ., . . packing i with,enin'ing,Fied.iitaiie brxhint..g' drovers . to'. deliver • hogs cba,rise . In , "sILK4TOC-- El -NG - . . . , .. . . • • • • Mt MORIALSHOP ... 0m' lYlciite.-•1.•`.'S•e'rvico" .'cli.rec;!•13" • - • • ........„...,...,...................,...,-. tel,• their • plants .ft'Orn • the tatm.‘before a price has been set. •••• • • • •• :, ., . . . . -S." . , • ":"•''r"""'""1"'"'"'"".11.'1"1"'"I''''''"'"'?"....44"'"'''''."'"°•4-)``''",`",040.•Hte, - • .. , _ . :..,,,.. .., : . . ., • YVre. I214:Ve •Beeri.._ . 1' • • ' - ... .. , , In. order .to get• a. majority gi . •. . ' ' thes.e hog:, the open market . . . . TEEN 'TOWN- HAS .' • ' - • ..*•. . ,. .. ...,.. . Ltickno.w. DiStrict, Lions' Club,' __ ,. _Memorial " forThirty-Seven alke M' ...ie. iil- I , ,•, . , . --::7-..P--reS-i-dentasked . ., f .CraftSMO. . •. Year's, Always Using .. t0;431— • for .competttwe bidchng,.....a. direc-' . tonal prOgram,;whih: Originated NINETY . -MEMBERS • ' • ".; '. members to keep this.. fact. ink • ft.. . • e •. -•---7--• ,: : .• • : ' ' qp.M•d•and tO bring in the SUgges- ,, • ' . THE. BEST.GRANITES Along- Exileo.Dsigning . ' Workmanship; . Prices Most CeineterY Lettering . '.':., • ':S With .' .• . and.... Reasonable . ,. .a ptio0,alt .• . . 0...T. T, . • . ........--. ".- . .. . • . ' ' : .. iLteit1VOW.DI$Tgir.Or • CO-OPERATIVE. 'INC', *' . :Thime:..„Luelino* in grey -Bruce i•S being ekpanded ' ' • . • - .ithrotighout the:province. . , . ' . .1tehilid Pro.grain• •. . ;•A. special pleet.hlg of ..the PPt- •atio licig •Prod4Cerss..:AssociatiOn was held ''a,....fely• clays..',:agO. when delegate§ from fourteen pettn.OPs• no* tinder lhe dirktion a l• •prog-.• rani, ' rep' orte 6 .that:' the: big per- -ce-ntaige.:Vvere-tinanirnously.behind.! ' . ' • - . • Teen. Town, .which„ IS 'prernot; ed,:by• ;Members' .of the Boys and Girls' :Work .Cogimittee . Of. : the • • 1-ittl•crlOW• District.. Lions - club; ... . .i now • has .ninetY members' it •was...electric..liiht reported at the Lions ••Ineeting on Monday night. .• The. neivly. organ- iz.' • teentwers'., ;group • .1) as had. , . three • social :evenings and' the. . .• . tion§ '-W.h.enewer 'the Club cOUld.,' be .of. assistance anywhere n .the , district:',.. . ,... Hackett- . 17 . :."TOtn....repOrteci: that. the buLbs 'sale •*as. • ic'k-6'. , ,ing ,410.0., A,Velt.•. The. 'President ..congtatulated '‘George : JO nt" for . the : imprOVed - aPPearance-; of • the.. , Vestibule • and- rest' roOmS ...at. the•• . . • , , ..-„..... ..,, 'Thone 25f; , WinghaM, Ontario • • — - . ' ' .:11....::- --:*-- ,....,,, . ., .. • — . ..,,,_, . .. . ,,,Y•' • •••••••••••••••••*": the', firegrani and., •;charged that -veil' r.e. appears tohe off Ad. a good stai-t. , • ' .' • • ' ' '2's '''• ' • '',. • Recreational ,:Ceiit'res... :. • . r + •jacic.... Reavie '.and • 'utriiiitriey 444,04„......1,,,,.4,44,;,4,0,„0,,..„,''' ..• • .. , . . AN.WI.LLIAMS _ . . , , OPt011ietriot .• , .. , . , '• • Office on:. Patrick St.,' ''..1. 1. -- off. the Vain. St.' iiti. • ...:WINGRAIIII ' ' .. . : . • ,, ..., ••''''''', : .• , ,s...,. :. : ARMSTRONG C(' 'iti' '. . '.(/'. ' '''' ittwo.-. Ertitiglr'i.. :, -- • GODERICH ,... .. FOR APPOINTMENT' , .. ' ' 'Phone 1100 - - For ... .• res.:is-lance:can:le chiefly f rpm, , the; transporters. ..i,•:,' • . .....,.• ' ''' . One 'speaker said that :the pend-. Ting. vote -was fat bigaciti:th#:7the qUeStion.. CO assethbly :PaintS.and diroctign.1,,..,rii4rketii)g'' '.• '"hOg Prod-iicers' will ' t:be •', vo.ting : on . . . whether the hog .indils.' tO:., he farmer -controlled through eo.'„?p,- erative action . or is to •be .turned _,.. •,•ii-,iras.,.'p•ointid ou-t Aba't: 0,, ,p -u' b.,.. lip ,address.'• systerri. :and ar4ph.f.ie- ••ation of record' •initsic is.necessary. to the success of the Teen .Town. parti.eS:..Thete:s, at • present about $200 in 'the, Teen Town tteastitk ..aird*-1•9at:::er ...$204. -Would provide . • the - neees ry, eouipinent. .-. ' . ..;•••••The , fiOnS' Cluh''.40:anced.'. the additional $200, which -• ' rc!:Fe,..' president • 4iia• .i?ast-pr'est-' .. -dent,' respectiVeiy,' :of :the :Wirig.. . . ham '.,Clikb,.. Were, gueita,: •the. .L..... ,,=_, ,,, 'meeting. and, `spOkei:briefly, . ;.•,..-VerriOrk• itunter..reParted on the-. ' tueeess• Of 'the 'drain Chi]; and re- cbilitrien-,ded! : tbet ...it . be ..aitaii.t..., .., sponsored next Y,eat. %. ' ''. ' • ''''' •• , ...The'. :43 -resident expressed ' apri7, • w- .,,,,, .. Professional:. Eye. ExaminaticaL. , . . . ,., ,,.00,tiCal: Services • • Phone '.7.1.4);. Whighain Appointment or information • .See Wm. A.:..Schinid,... , . • 4Plione- 17,15ri loiieknoii , . . . „Teen TOWits 1,,,aek into. the .liand...,,,if ;the p4eic_ will.:-repay'Withoi,it. interest, . e.rs.",'. , J. , •• - A. report was given of the Hall.- .. .. . -Three••,hundred:delegates at ttio . owe'eri liartY..bY..Geraid 'Rathwell' as •.in, •Ifidi.'- :Durriin -expresSed recia ion • o T rs.. ummings • ser- . . , .. • • ...... ,. , . vices as pianist' and to the ,A„ ngli.; : .can ladies ho catered ' ' ''..;: ..., , 'W.. :It., 71:lowiey:' initediteed'' his . • .....4.,.......4.4.4;.. .011,P.,,:•Meeting:tiqod ..and.. Phillips cation.:that did not 'believe tvio.'•guests, AniArnold;•,fotinerli •'. .L...,:,.....,..,44..:0•..:*p.o .. ken-ne. th.,I '1111licite. 10. iie.,. i • . , . - . ',.ItLO.•• . , • . • . ': Optoinetrist ..;;InSure With, the . . • • , ;. . ....,... .• •ULROSS. MUTUAL FIRE 'INSURANCECO ''. ; •,':. , ,taje:3r...• thanks for Ane $1..0 , donation -to :the ' ' propose& Vote -..should.' have :theziingannonWorrien's.Institute. „bee:4'..:10464;t ,at tho..present tnne,, to: assist fn.': their ,••party „tot , the' ''. There Is ..0t6....,,4..r6q14.s.t04.0.1,4'. ,,Ciiiidren . at,. ijiiiigannori: .fie . said nip, sin the voting req, n,irements ..",iiis.,etion• was al:).preCiated' and of ,Likelcni71V and jOh,ri '..IVIeliio of , ticindOn.' w -ho ' are ...1.Vith !the. 'audit:.'.' .1 departinerit - of SilVetWood:' Dait.i ., . l'es;.„' ' . •' ' . ...., ...: . /141SIONviet4.,' ONT.. ' . . • . ...-±„.. '. , • • , . .-01,- . .. , . „ . .:11e4i.s.0146.61 .that call for ,a 60 per cent affirm, - ative-vot with 'a 51 • .er ent ; , •.-...,.• .4, t.demonstrated that, It was ' • - . '. • . • . . ,... .. . . _ ..s . yo:Ur , :g1.14S.Crip.tiOn . lia.141 I .,_ . . .. .. , . , at .the• fortflerT-Vi4eficeiveler-k--- .. • -*Vire'. itiOleY,-.1,6'a'an,',tp.9,••Pir,,. (•••W,ERNEg1)••Air; 'NOV. '' 60! ' • d ',.evety • :86cOnd-..Wednesclay.- Frate-0114-0C. i tection.oz prompt, satisfac•tOry., settleinent of .claiins. y• ..0ARtsit.sio,FA., turnont -at' the:, Ong. . inle:oFA aSks for a' 60',P•er. Cent majority ',et ti.Tos'whoo'• vete.' '';' ':' ....; .- .. . ' ' •' . , ,. . .. . _ ... ,.. , .. • ,****,1.z.:e444:tg#4"••%.4`:440-`*-40 ' ' •' ''' , •• • S . , \ S Waterlooattlie.,.... Breeding., , , :Eyes examined" -.. GlasseSitted ' ---+For.,apPointirienOphone' . -• ,Your ,.Local: Agent, • -.ICR: 3.* •TeeSivater .. • p..e-i-ekates....,argdedHthate- 'are thousands of Mennonites ftrO;- • ...• • . ,•• ' . • • .. . .• . • ,.. . •• • ... ' ... . . •._.____. " . ti --Roi'... . . . . . ' ' MacKenzie, 96-r-24, Ripley:, . . . ''''' . , ...,-..._!,- , -7717, 'phone,: ToeS.water 477r-4.1 ." - ' • . . -diming hogs-m'-OrrtatTo7whose re- .ligibus.:.beliefg,:do•net. allow 'inein . . . . . , to Vote.' Others pointed "Oiit'..thaf. , ..ikl :. • .-. ,. ssoc ta , -0 ti. : .!. ." - •.. ‘.`Where•:Ititter .Bulls., Are. Used" ,. ..• , , . .., „ • . • . , . . . P • "••••••••••••••,44 ,. STATE' FARM. Intrrtlikli "`"*"4"*".#.4‘.........• KILPATRIc • •Under••this • system a .M•ah staying' -at home .on voting day autornat, .„ , . ' 'exaropic-,..o...t, 7.i:41.a.".rit.tif ' tine :O.f. (sir atOr's,' 3r, W. • • • • • : , , AUTOMOBILE. .... InVestigate !. . . ,,, REirmigiSi R.R.•: 'ilt'.:,'3., • • . .••:',. — ...Before- ',wilLsON,. . . Geditich• • ." ... Inviating • •‘ GENERAL INSURANCE . • , ' .. . .. • - r . , Autoinobile ..Fire -Casualty' • ' • ' Ask about our , = . . . . SPeCial PackageDeal, : . . . . . • .:R.It, 7, liAteknow,.• Ofit;. ` - , . -4e01-.,-i---1L..!.Pg-.. ,. :„ , . .. ..___ even though he .may: be 111 that .,clay,',..rid. 'a. supporter of :the •plan.. . , • . . :. :At' the H .4f7E3.,5.0,•was collected to help fin- . tinee...,a • .possible , vote•••••cainPaign:.• and other.'Organitiations have pro- niised., aiaid:,iii..the.'toriner5'..•. fight-. • ri.67.47. c():::CiPe/ratiV,f...n.a. rk•e, .ti•r'g legis- ...,..., .., lation,, • '' •\ . „.. k • .. 4: , . . . 4: 4 .K.A.- ;.. .„,...... .•••• ...:?.:,.. • • Akci; ••iw ., . \. •:, . .. '< ,, . • -. \ PuntannOn 'phone Din. ga,tnOn77-2 $4?14°Pe'60-r.0 .:4 ......40.44444.............0.444444.....4.4,444 . .. *,.$. . ... I, . ' ..., :::. •::.•••.„,. . , • - . . 4JOHNST_ONE1 ' - • 'We:AND:REV '' NsuRANct,„ • F - WI DCAS_L_A .1..Y. itt,g \ §§ ,.::: V. . ••:•:.•:. 1: -%. -- . . . . - , ..,,,,.„; $••••:14'''‘ , ,•• •• '''. SERA!. - . . '. ' ' ' _ . .. . n , • .• • • • • AuTomoEuti.x..:_•......• \ .. . , 'c ..i. - LEdgeleir.--:.Stipc4rd--Princei.s.-. Oh, .,_. ..• .. .HOME. .;.. 0. Barrister.,and ,So eitoi AN't5' LIP' . .. , - .. , . - ' . . ,.. • 'Phone 76 • . ; • 16'4Y or Nighi-:, Ainhulance •Seitilee....' , • tSE. OF FUNERAL HOME • ---A-t-Negiiiiriat• -77------ •• :,114ISTOWEL, ONTARIO '.INCRNOVIT. :;LiT • •' 6 • '' and Saturday Wednesday'... . .,_._....7',.. -----,:- ---.----AfStlYS4.01,'-- -4.- -, . To. Protect :Your Jack; Insure, With ;leek Today,: . 'Every A. McDONAGH • ., Yet -4,0511 Milk 55.rfat-6-.11% ,3 05d. $11V,0-2t7:Ace-d-al; 3 yrs 10606 milk607 lot .• 305d, 8ilver .iviedal. It . „ 4 y s. 10525 milk 625 fat 5. %:305d, Gold and Sily , r .,. ;Med . . .., 5' yts. 1.045t milk ' 602 fat 5.75%. 3.6•5d. .2X. • ., ,.. \. . 0 yrs 12513 'Milk '773 fat-. 6.1%,, 3.•65d:', 2X: . : S . ._ -----.. . , .. . Moderate PliCee • ,. L._ : Offiee in the joynt Block • ,.. , .,, , • :•,.....: • Telephone:. „ .:R. , 3, .LocknOw, • (hit.. ' ' 'Phone 614. Dungannon , . .. . • • . , • • • - . . S ' $ ,IS PROMMLE ..'PRODU011101g.. This. is what. , 'we are ,tilit;g7u$:.;breed, sinto:.th,c.:•;,ni3.k.t • gp,ner,triciti„ of .:.c.at.tj.e.;.:,• ; ' The 'pictured the darn • ..1.1cad JCAiet •it!rince • ::.Eilibliihed .I894. Ciffiee•'125, , . Ileiidence 314' ., cow is of •Don > 13aSil; tx and' AAA; nriw, de:aa but leaving•;nia,r1Y .. P. 9 ,, . #priog• iti• our •Eiers,ey b'ree.det:e...herti$,. .! ., '. • .1,,; . , -.- • • , . . , . . ' is 4-k- '. ' ' '1 ' . RoVIT ktflij • PRODUC; ' \ .; "„,t.ii' ",„togtarn. Is .auned at ..P ..H ,. , • , . • . . - klipfmtp. , ECF-OttirE .,_. ,e . TION with•pleasing. type b'e---f•--•--a'a--------tity Beef -have,. ), , 1 ' , . ' Itegliteeecj.' MaMaster„Eleetrician or cattle' you ,. ,..,reed . • • . CO \ ' 'O. ” ' . Chatteted Attoilitititnt - : . ...,. .. ELECT.RICAL 6011TRAC701t• CITIES SERVICt > Cheek ,these otialiiiies• in Ont' tei.mtiberA •,'hera.s. ..,6t.t \still '"'.' . la" , ' West Street , . - GODERICII, ONTARIO - • . ''. ' ' „..,., , .' 4i, .14,415.1fotleg #431 ,,, • Mg w- . — . „ 515111i 1:4,01.1.....kaftlikih.....P.1.A.4 . . .! A • .Spetialtzing. pi ' Wiring atiiii *oats. . tleetteat Wt ,. , ,..... .. AttENT POlt• 'SPAR:TOM TV ,, , • , ahcl , , ' lea! Applimices... Mr; tiottr -Iihore ,.4,4-.1...54 Lueknow. . . !I!!!!...,..., !!..., ..441,64:044...0.4.,04.M.V.4,41.1.11 , . . . . . ,. ' • FURNACE :OIL; • STOVE OIL, ' • . • ' KERO8tisTriGASOLINE .866. *°r '6'. all ' VV1%. .A', "MOW 'HAMILTON phone 220 or 40,.,Ltie._know, .,, '. District Ak:ent for Cities Service \L „,,J•iitiLthat.i1,4,1s,th.6.6.4,tia,LA,00,itiunit36,411A.prattgot4t.1,ulls, ., ,'Ivill,,' win ,t,11:eii' s'liare. .,cit Itottoi.S .!for • produation;' type and ,.„ ..:., ... ..,,,•... .„ .': : .• . , i . \ :earing qualities,. • \ w • • ' • s • ,. - \ Por serviCe or note lotortiatigh, phone .'eoliett to :-• < . . •• \ 1, .. S . CLINT,04.1.ti Z .-3441 of. KNOAltlitNE' 469 • . 1. \ . , . .7.1::ta,Whed611'161;4!a6.11i4!idSti°11'31;Stha' n'"d'fe•hkitddidaaSrySs, \ ., • - 4. , _ -._ „ „,......,-.4-._ „, ,. . IA •4I • J.