The Lucknow Sentinel, 1957-11-13, Page 3NgsDAY,' ovum 3tR nth • moo+ 11.,1, f ,,ry�,1 eQ*.O, u flOW: Presbyte r an Chur, ch. 1 :Rev. Wallace McCjean, 1 i t 1VLnser. I. SUNDAY,: N. MRERr i7tli E,•, 1:0,1)0•'4,104.Sunday School:. 1LOo a,rri;; Morning Worship, IA p.mi,, ifu.,ngannon.:.,. , 100 .p.m.: Evening 'Worship;; • ?Ski . TIT_ LUCKNOW SENTINEL,, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO- ,. a......:.�... s 40 ,.1011!.,:,..„41.1:Hrnirl,,., 1 • LUCKNOW . UNITES �HUIiCH Minister: ev.' G. A...Meiklejohn,' SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 10.00 a.m.: Sunday • Sch 11:00" a.m.; Worship; in • a and .Mrs, 'J . ,Burns: all .o f i Toronto, were, week -end visitors. r Mr, and .Mrs..Norman Oalvert at the. home of M'rs. Annie .Stru- and Miss Joyce Calvert Of Paris thers. - were week -end guests 'ofMr. and Mrs, W," J. Douglas,. Mr, and Mrs., Lawrence Cowan of Toronto were week -end visit --- ecen visitors 'w th Mrs: wrn - ors= with' -her ;grandmotl er;#M •s: Bushell ,were, Mrs John Bushell J. D, Anderson, Mrs, Cowan was of Kiirlop 11•, Miss.. Donalda Me- .the ° former Mary Jo Anderson-' Kinnon, ' Mr, 'and ' Mrs. J R. They were Married ' in. July and White and; ••Mr,. and, Mrs, ArdiEl had a wedding' trip to Ireland,: Mason. of Ripley; ` Nir, James Bryce of •Port Elgin, Mrs., D, A,.. McKillop coif Dutton.; Mr. • Ceorge Moore of Bervie arid. Mr. and Mrs.Don ; s - McCosh, Purple Grove: • • W: SMeLeod. returned'home ten., days • ago. ..after being hospit-' ,aliz'ed for "a couple of weeks at Victoria Hospital, London, Upon' 1eaving the hospital he ,visited John A: McKav visited for two I,at the home oif•his; daughter, Hell weeks at the home of his sister, en in London and with his son, Mrs Sandy Purdor,i, before re-' turning to:,his home in 'Wowotta, Sask. Mr. and Mrs., Art Breckles are spending a couple. of weeks with •relatives and friends .•in'•Toronto. • The-Canip.bell girl -s. were-hoi -e- afor the 'birthday: of'' their .mother, Mrs,:;Cyril Campbell, and of'Loree mmie, who 'observed her first rthday. - :RECEIVES AWARDS • Muff Johnson has been af pat- lent in St -•Joseph's: •Hospital,. London for inose than a :.week : where -,he. has unde''rgone• surgery. and : is .beginning • to -feel 'pretty well, again. A:•bright,-sp ot-during=,his 'i11ness .•• was'' the awards he won in the Saugeen Butter Makers?,,,Club: '',Meff 'won ;the .hrigh' • .aggregate • .score in..cream. aridbutter j udg-. • ' : ing • and has the • ;trophy ,:to • keep 'for a year. • For; ° cream ':udr i he von ,a wool blanket and for ,.butter judging he won a hainin- • erect aluminum 'chafing dish.,, Mr. and; 1VJ:rs. Hector Prrd on• d -family and Miss Betty Pur - don, .Sarnia, spent '-the week -end with Mr. and 'Mrs. Sandy, .Pur,; don. 'Mr. and Mrs.. Cyril Campbell, Mrs: Ross Gammie' and..Loree, ac- companied MrS Eileen Campbell' to Tilbury last week to visit with Mr. • Campl el l.'s Sister, Mr -has, Alton.;: • Mervin 'McIrntyre .has been ap pointed' :caretaker of Teesvater''s, rieW,-post- ;office.- Mr. .and: Mr's. Colin Crozier' and sons, .Douglas and Brian cif. Tilbury and Mrs Stewart Nash and Susan: oi'.'London Were week- end •,. uests' at the :' home of Mr and Mrs. •Clifford+Crozier. fo'lin is `• princi'1?a1: of .. TilburyPublic School. Jack, of ' Woodstock before re- turning . to the• Village. Dave and Lloyd .Barkwell of. Downsview, Miss Susie Brauer: who arrived recently .from Bad- en; . Qeranany,; and .Mrs. ,Evelyn Barkwell of Lucknow .visited with Mr, and =Mrs ; I3o<bert li'am= i1•ton; ' Harold Elphick .of R'idgetown Agric•ultural College spent„ -Ah week -end . with his. parents. • ' TIRE,E. f.Adiest and:, Neils, Wear • .= Oash19. Milii.nery. SOUR ,LATEST STYI ES, IN WARM ' "' HAVE JUST ARRiVED! • - wide variety of colors .in ;blues; blacks,, reds, • greens, brawris, etc, . sizes 12!, 'to 24% Misses', Women's. .and • Teenagers'. :prices from �1s.oa to SEE THE FAMOUS BORE COAT bewarm:• in nylafur a.. •was read by,Mrs.:,-Charles And,, erson after which Rev • Kaiser: ,,offered prayer: Mrs.' :Chris. •Cook' from Brakes_ gave a reading .A ii �-� ' trio: fr rn St: Helens"of 'Mrs: 'Ted�r- Mr. and Mrs, Harold Freeman of',. Rochester, N Y:, visited over Rice, Mrs.,Lorne Woods' and Mrs. the ''week -end with • his sister., 'Geor,ge Stuart sang, Mrs; Ew ut' Mrs. J; W. Joynt and' Mr. • Joynt. Taylor, from ; L:ucknow, gave a' • reading and Mrs.. Bert : Alton. Mrs..; A.: E Thompson, who:has from •Hacketts; also favored with spent the past couple. of months a reading'Mrs Ceci•1 Blalke from, With . Mr: and Mr Dungannon', described:her; trio- to Mrs., H S • Lavery, Saskatoon, The • ilest:• speaker, Mrs, R. � T.• Douglas 'and'.'Miss•'C • g p �•,. M g, • ' �-1VI's- - '.th€�nfo ctrl ,o --_ � =-el a i m e.. R.0 St• H r Macl'3o `aid � ' • as= I. n; w taken -to Wirrg� .., . ham Hos. ital• on ;Frida i • in • h.er :appropriate address; ..p ti.wtha heart condition, • Mrs.,,Fred Tay=, "Thanl'sgivng told of •different ehurc• 'es he for .Of Toronto � visited with her • .. h • at :The week -end. ginning their •;'W:M:S, ' • The first •' •• • was the. Pres.b t_erian _ church .'_... Montreal in 18.75 Four things she Zion Entertains Societies • •. f7;av •.:. . :• The Zion W. M.' -S' 'held. D e • to think of are. prayer, ed. thei;i .} Thank o ffe'`•' ,,give, serve and . study. The ann- o ring ,, .meeting . • n'i • •the ,,. c 1, ual circuit meeting: ; is , to •-be • held urch• on, ,1Voirexi<iber� Sth virhen i the Parsonage • on, November about 75 ladies from :Lucknow,-21st• . .t • the: close, the ladies B1akes , Dun •':airinen St, Hel and . Hac:k entertain ' etts were entertained. ed served They•a'' •Tho' :president Mrs Kirkland, we thanked nkedr' by opened with hyann, 577. Scripture each of the ' visiting societies. on 'Can Buy Worlds Fastest IKINLOSS ..NEWS Seeoncii..TOilith. arid Sixth 1V4: and .Mrs.: George `.Gamp'be11 and Mr. and 'Mrs.. 13i11> Campbe.l,l • •and four chi.l'dren, • of f• Ildert'ori.. -were `reee-nt gues-ts. a tire- reri�fie-- of 1VTr, and Mrs: ,Harold At ti'i: . Mfir.. rand, Mrs. Russell '•Beacock and: three children; and Tomir', O`e finl.s'. o;f -W- ar•ton-•visite ,, - d• y. with MT,: and :Mrs;'.Ira Dici:ie� and boys; _., _;.. Miss Margret MacDonald • of. Sarnia and 'Miss Betty Hamilton. of Niagara Tails, spent the • week end. at :their home: ' Mr and Mrs Jack Needham; Suzanne-- Janie', of Coiun:►i3, visited at..the hoipe of thin !atter,, • brother, Mr. .and ,Mrs.Lloyd Mc- Dougall :and . with Mr: ;Rod Dougall, who is..a patient hain Hospital. The Kairfree 'Farm Forum held their first.. meeting:last v. -eek at the home. of .Mrs.. D. Kinnon and` lohn•: °'• Costs-: only fo look: like' a Mill on iii`Tip,' Top's New • "MEDALIS•T" Suit • •iiot just another pit, butthe $reatett :icady to i,ear v'a1ue.•of alt "time! 'nota synthetic; »ot a mixture, but, the highest possible 'qualit ("all wooh fabrics! • not yesterday'slook, but brand new superior styling plus superb new:tailosingpegfectioul. • See the "MEDALIST' today, ORTA,BI TYPEWRITER glt Here In LUCKNOW IDEAL. FOR • THE :'HOLE FAMILY A •SMITH -CORONA . portable a• •tyliewriter. . brings . 'new ease rte.,_ th'e-business• Of- •a -putting- thoughts, on paper. ' • Faster-,; neater,. •more legible �= writing -can be yours for'yeas! y _. --W€f D RFUL for social'" cor respondence, papers,:'. '.mant - ;scripts; .club ''Work and' dozens f. other personal uses, let Lc�i 5 ' are all done 'tluickei bene: : and with abatch , c•nrhon copies •if they are en and mOre firne left for other activities. Surveys shoW: *At , 'students using type - WE HAVE: COMPLETED. ARRANGEMENTS, WITH (the world's' largest, manufacturer of:portable, typewriters) to handle .theinfamous products•::= all the way.from t:heii precision ,built BT n.- TER,. w�erg>Z ng only »ne ,pounds. in • itsv'modet•n leather tarrying Case': to.,t.heir $1,LF;NT-SUPER •, with '.its- wide range of decorator colours = to 'that marvel • `of :today, the new .electric portable, first. in its ,field,: .IL•SS THAN' $5.11,0:;-A MONTH ...:.. It's so ,easy to own. a Sirinith.Corona. Prides.. are,•among the lowest in the 'field 'and cariry. fng costs are ion. pays ,for' your Smith-Coroha:. Sentine Ladies' and ' Men's 'Wear TIP TO.P._TAILORS • :i f t. • le Sure tOnie I'M just going to plate order. for Canada Savings Bonds."