The Lucknow Sentinel, 1957-11-13, Page 2• TUEL' t6c.NOW •S> N'TINEL,. LUCKN OWE •ONTAliiQ +4111.4.,494.401.0,iCili.!pliiitHil tot „,^....,�rar4rq�llraNiaA!►nwr�,a�.r��4+Y�„►oa1+,t,lirrll�•d!T WEDI ESD X, NOVEN I Bit j; tki. ngawal,}I* ir,t�,>� t,a�o}�rtt�+C1�" �ga!!�n'•!CT?�5� �r„syr. TLAN TO ATT1FND NN1J ... 1N iH1$ TOWN l!ALL. VALUES GALORE. QUAKER CORNFLAKES save 9c,.12 3c off, .12 oz. pkgs., , deal 2 for 43c CROWN'_ CORN SYRUP save 2c, 2.:lb. tin 29c F-ILL-SBAJR.Y-CAKE-SES Wlhilte, chocaliate•,g"p'ic'e 1 6 oz • pkg., save ' 5c 3' 'for 89c ROYAL INSTANT. PUpDINGS • Cara. ihei, l ult�te�r..sciotch.; • Vanilla 2c Off deal;" save 4c — 3 for 31c Aylmer Condensed Tomato Soup save • $c,.10 oz. tin; 3' for 33c,. Dr. Ballard's Champion Dog :'orl Cat rood, • .15 oz ,••,;,•.••.••..• ..,. .., ... 6 tins 65e APpi.ford Food Saver Waxed Paper, save' .4c, 100 ft. roll 29c Del Monte Pineapple & Grapefruit ' Juice, • 4$ oz; "Aylmer: Wax . Beans, 15 oz. Aylmer Vegetable Soup,. 10 oz.• LiptonTea Bags, .10c off pkg. of 60 Christie's Carleton 'Crackers, lb. pkg•. Cheesecloth 3 yard pkg: or tins 37c .tins 25c 69c 41e 29e Colgate Dental Cream, large 33c° giant 59c' Bayer's Aspirins, 100's ” , 7 Waaeo Seedless -Raisins,' R &' W Artificial Vanilla Extract, 8 oz. 18c 59 �, R, & W Tea Bags, pkg. of •65 California' small Breakfast Prunes, 2 `lb: . cello 'BIRDS EYE FROZEN FOODS, 59c ;'"i and Mrs Herb,. Laidlaw Sl 29c Ivan are spendOg a " week "in P•oavasso n visiting relatives, a week in. Londo . featuring: , `' A 'SCOTCH FROGRAM FROM• 9 0*0 /to, 1(01:00*T*�' , ••• 1 ..n..LUNCH COJNTL1t .i DANCING AFTER,.. Homemade; Pies, Sandwiches and Coffee, CAItRUTHERS ORCHESTRA ADMISSION 7:>ct,; Y � ' TECHUR- n with cousins: Mrs. Robert Ross is visiting for grapefruit' Juice, 6 oz. . 2: tins, 33e 40e - Miss Phyllis 'O'Brien. and Barry Mixed; fruit, 15. oz pkg ., .31e spent the week -end in London,, Baby LimaBeans, 12 oz pkg: ..:, i Mr,.' 'and . Mrs. A. Couites were 1 in Chesley on Sunday for Morj:-; i orie ' who was visiting with , her i classmate• Miss. Dorothy, Krug. .! • Marjory' returns'to Guelph Gen: eral on Tuesday Miss- Wlinifred Farrier and iJanet. Gaunt of Toronto .were s `home .for the . week end. •M-rs,. -Lott -left-_ona_turday: ,for: London to visit relatives Miss Olive Terriff spent -'the; week -end with relatives-; and friends in-Wing:ham. RED . &: WHITE•' DOLL PREMIUM,' $2.99 with,. .$5.00 purchase ENS. . 5T..I-IE,L s, W :Bradnaek' of Aaub•iirn'. sident . was the guest speaker at, the, regular- meeting of the Women's” Institute'' •held in the ,.Commriunity Hall 'on • 'Thnrsday. afternoon: Mrs' Brad nock was introdiioed iby `•.the pre.- sident, Mrs. 'A..Gaunt; • and thank ed " and presented .':with a gift by Mrs, • Fred McQu. illin. The meet - n' ` was opened with the Lord . Prayer,..the Mary Stewart Coll ect , and the :Institute Ode. The roll ca, •quo'a ion . an ecce,", {i7 \liras' well . responded to: The sec retary reported that hie proceeds fro tilt e. pot luck supper !had been .:$68 25` with expenses $), 6,:34 and that $.. h t :410.02 was.ori on 'ha d in the treasury. Mr$: Charles' Mae,- 'P:H10NE :2,6 FREE DEI:IyER '` ,.r,deo,trpou...p+u�►i,�„�>-6,.M�o4.i�..�. • Donald; was: ' appointed ;as the; , re presentative ': to the • Federation of Agriculture: The motto, "Lest,We. Forget': was... taken by Mrs. E. Barbour . and Mrs:•' W. A. Miller read' a poem . `:Life" . A..pleasan,. social hour .. was ,enjoyed with Miss. •W.' D.. Rutherford. and Mrs. Frank ; IMeQuillirt as ' ,:hostesses: .Durirr.g the lunch ":hour a Was, by Miss Marlene Johnston .Was en joyed.: • ' Mr.•': and 'Mrs "l.drne `Woods were week -end visitors iri,••Kit chener -11 eme i brance--Servvice' An iiMpressive ,Remembrance Day service :Was held in the Com,' munity Hall, on ;Sunday with a disappointingly siinall'�' attteno ance . ' Thechoir ;of • the United Church • sang • "God. of •Our T.ath a 44, J 1 ii • u fCO:OPd ers" Mr• John. Durnin; reeve of. the township 'spoke :briefly nd, ave'. al' : fine' Mrs. Tobi •Yantzi of Rev. •B.., F. Gxeen., g , , Mr:: and talk a:in 'keeping' with the occas-• : Milverton . visited with • Mr. and Cenota h the wreath Mrs, Georg e ,.Fisher & Mrs. .Jane' ion.. At the . ; P g was p ape • j.v ' rs , . - ennp y. on u • y, on ' a :two -minute :silence was ob Mr. Perc Mac•Lean',and Mr. & y served, "and the. Last : Post ;and` Mrs, Bill. Lediet; of ' Winghan Reveille. was sounded by Mr: Bud • -•sited on Sunda :with' Mr. 'and:. vis Y Orr of .Lucknow. .Mrs. Gibson Gillespie.: • • :. Lt. Brian -Staples .af Camp• . A good crowd: attended the re. 'Borden , spent, t. a week -end as ice tion for Mr. 'arid aura.'Stewart'. est of +1VIr:. annd Mrs.. John: : p the gu Coupland: of Toronto. in. the . Co7i -' 'Cameron and :Don triunity Hall ; Tfifin's. orchestra. to Miss' Marg- sig: for dancin aCoxigratulations sulipled; mu g area :Miller of the Stratford Oen to_ra= ;i. T v• lay- Hos ital staff who was suec-, O , ere Preg- ton Scholtz,, �; on November 8'fah; •in essful in ,p.ass1ng the regent reg ,ton : Hospital' London, ° a istration examinations... p virh'o ;daughter . `Mr. ;Marvin --MacDonald, The '1 P'.S. of ;Chalmers ,met' r teaches ab •Salford, was home fo .I the. :holiday: • week -end: Many friends called. on, 'Mr. & Mrs; W. J. Hunlplirey .;on Satur-. ,day ` on ,tie occasion of their' 65th wedding anniversary. Best wish- es . o is grand ieouple fur con- by the Forster sisters was .-enjoy tinued health and ,happiness •ed. The. "topic' was. dealt :.; with, , You are invited to the tea aild..'Stories of ;Remembrance'• by Mrs; bazaar in the Auxiliary. Rogms,IJohnston Conn, Betty`. McDonald Lueknow, sponsored • by..fjhe Wo- l• and Beverley Gaunt favo men's Assoeiation of the'United: :Church on•: Saturday afternoon's next at 2:30. •Tea will include .a, chicken , salad• 'plate. • . • on, Sunday nightawith:thee presi- dent,. Murray Gaunt,;' in• charge.. 'The.' a Bible•. ''Study was in a alrge. of Rev. Marshall. Albert. Phillips • received • the . offering. • withLorne Forster ',, offering. prayer:: A trio o Your Feeds: because :. Molasses,, increases digestib lify Of hay - P 24% Molasses >increases ' .estibilit of grainsupto 1: . V and .,. stock ' quickly res- ponds' to molasses- . sweetened feeds, in improved condition,;' adde • weig S greater production.: Mr; -Vit- Autherf d is • a visa tor ,With 'Detcctive. & ' Mrs. •Hugh Rutherford at Kirigston. r 'St. Ielen's=Handicrafters . - ' The: first ' meeting was held bn November' 11'th. ' The election of officers vcras as follow,,• Margar- et. Lyons; President Beth oOppr- vice-presid€mt; ,Norrrta' F-oreste' secretary -treasurer; Betty 'Alton, ,press' reporter. The. rest ,of 'the members . are'. a: . Marjorie Altbn,j Mary Bea' Purdon, • Nancy ,Dor- .:;scat, , G1ady_sAIcD9 a_ld_ Nan CY •Cranston. • The 'Club leaders are,' Mrs, ,`Gordon • MacPherson and"" 1Vl ss .Irma Forster. The girls .de. Cided .to .keep the Club name of 4'8t:. Helen's .Happy Handlcraffa ers." The, leaders/gave notes on 3 --de •i tri te4 reaction of wool to heat, •Mrs'.> McPherson showed how to' i'nea.'1 sure for our patterns and dein.; wonstrafed-on,Mary.,•B ur•do-1a The next meeting will ho held • the •horn° sof the local leader, r r.... Mrs: G. iVfacPhersori ori' Nemeth'- . : , her '28th at 8,00 O'clock, int a Iclnet Hyniu 548 was sung • it� ..mrepeating. U - the meeting closed by eating • d: with the Mizpah .;oenediction 4 .04 • ITH' THESE FEATURES R MILKER. CAN„ OFFER_ ,Deep :":.. moisture well in the lid traps bac terra laden moisture lows . • mttk 'fr on ender Beffle' delects in f ng , r jrig vacuum line ' lio ie lit Ltickn w 11016/ - CAMERON, on 'Sattarday, Gcto- :her .26th, 1957, ,,oto Mr,' andMrs, Ste"wart .C'ameron of, Buffalo, , a sozi, Kerineth` Stewart, Notice is 'hereby given to the Municipal ElectoN ni t IJ1' . } TOWNSHIP.. OF HURUN ><n, the COUNTY OF i3RUC infit. in compliance with the Statutes in that beha� rclurr �r`th ,presence •.af the said Electors at the/ TOWNSHIP .HALL in the said;LL . - VILLAGE -OF -2 KhPLE the hour of 1;00 ' o'clock • ,p;rn•y on 1957 for 'the purpose.• 'of. nominating ` fit' and, prop(='. fr frr >i;tt, ,. t'c Township of ,Huron; • of ;Which all' Flectot's are lir rcyll,v.� • e .: and .,.1 e'° ccor ding! ;.atici . q;uire,d • to talo, notice and govern Lhen�sE v, s ,a , , ,1 ht Lf a",. eater <nurnber .of .candidates than' itequried tf� nil t ifor the office of .Reeve, beputyy Reeve, and Count l;'•i°: Inc said, offices 'air° nominated and `,malt° 't ' e reourrrc +' .i .`...s polls'will • e opened"in and said Township of I..lilrnri 4 tions, b on Monday, Deccrnber 2nd,:. 1957.4 and will' be 1i1,01 ;'.'irtr o'clock am; until 5.60' o cloclt and 10 1011T.1%,..iy : It should •rte, noised ,that. whe;rt• a proposrrci ��ut�til,.i• f ote n.p reSerit at the nciminatien .rich*ting, ii; • °ot in4 tie ,' : ,.„ 1 ,wilt not'. be valid unless' re is evidence• pati: l`tic t:,wt t 1. ,� the returning officer that the p'roposcd.candl:dati` ci t ,ri,•r" o. be so ri:ominated, p GiVen 'tinder . my hand this "6'th day of l oVerrhi d EARL 'Tom l���tt�rn►, • tig t)tficr .