The Lucknow Sentinel, 1957-10-23, Page 11);?.rd, 1•9'57 THE LT.7C1c.1\l'ONV SENTI•NEL,, LIJC7ANQW, %MARIO, • • PAGE' ELEVEN 4 , , ....'•.y •, 1 , 4 , , i .. 4 . P - 1 1' '' ' ' t A ° ^ Ih a ele . . .- ...L _ .,.......... -A.. -* -k — - •• —. • ...-:.•:- e ..„ 4 v 4 .• • a • , ".•-• c.,•-- • . e... - ' .,.. ..,•, , ..,..., .• ., t • '' ' '0 0 ., . ? . , . 41A---.4••'-....,...,..,› :. . v :- . <,.....:,.• . , • 4 • : , ... ,?...,./ Second Fourth and: S: ix.th , MK.-• and Mrs. F.r.,p.nli, MacKen- zie and, family •were guests: .S'.un- day with the latter's parents, Mr, • • .: . . • :••• . • . , • , . , . ;,.. ., . — • . : ..-N . • ::. ,: , . ::,. •,.:,,:•,.• . . , • ., ,.•••• . .• / ^ ^1, , ' . ..,. ..,. t.. .^.' '.;,.44,:k. • . * • 4i:i . .. , . . ,i$ •• . , o,••5•: „,..„:5, •,..,.. •i. its, .. 4' '' . t, ,..iti:- ' - . '' . ' ' / :. '' ' . ' . ' 'g:''' ' 4 <..;::*,', ' ' • • .- • • i ee, ,, , , , ,, . . a r/C1 MI'S Ce .1.N., Rowe of E..)ieter. . . • :V.,is; .Harold 'Stanley ._has been , . . .. . •;?:::.... ,...,. .,. . . , i .4: ' ' ' .. ., . •,..,`• • t, ..., ..,• .::,,,,,,::, ,. .. „ • .4 • .. •• • . .. • •' '••• .•••••:,' ':. ••••*'• ,....*...• '• ./::..'??iiM• '. '• i•s•!:.':: ' ,• • • • • • • t: ”' '4' G;/ •'-'1••", 2;.•••• , . ..." . ,...:' ' ..,;., ' * . ' ' . ' : ' . ' % • i,,,; . . :., , : . 'I r :'' . Ar,‘ : , ••• • , . %I.'" / . ... . 0 •.:.., ..". - " , ., „. ,,,, 4....5.? .( • ' - '. .. , -..„.. - 0. • :. • ... ',,.4 It,. Y ...• . .; ,. . ./„•• • e;• ” . *, • . ii 1: „ • 54> 'Ay' . . . . •• ' 1/ / 5 . e) . , •••'' • . e . . •• ' '4/ .x. .. * -'•.'57.-: • 0)...4, , , •••:',5,,,-:. , ., •• .,..: .. , ..,7. , ... ....?:;. '..:: . , • . . ..., i'''..,.. . • ., ••••§,t4.... ••••pi•i".••:,,',.......i., ,.:: •:.!:,,.:. . •• . /guests:.with'. i . '. ....::i .;;•• . • . • ' ' , ' ' - '''';::, 40••:.• • ,. ,....... :•. •••___,•__,_•.,•::iii • in. altoR.,carArvg, fOr•Rus-, ..;4 ..,Stauley . who. ...114.$ been, ill.'' • :1V4'.• • .D.. 14...'NiaoKinnOn. and. Mtaht,res.• W., 4La-1ll-Ikooylrdet, oaMdne'4. r(1s4.).s6ttr14aTi4nuie1ns.gdaattyceo. nu.4cr.residde. . • Wedrie8dajr.... .. .' •• .' . ..c. - - •••. , • .. .. .. . . , r • di r 'Tile tukkey 'Supper 'the. .Kairorg , .0,,,,• sh.ea • Institute . had planned :for OutobeV 24th 1.1s,.. been postpon.,..•. pti„u.ilfii,Noverni6er ' 14th 'beqatiSe so"inany.farnilies. are. ill. with the 11t4 . - .• ,, ' ' • . ,,, • ; ' , , .„. . • - li•cent: Mrs„.. Geo. G i lch If iSt • , a n cl, Mr,,•and Mrs Fred , Gilchrist • Were • Mr, and Krs.. W, , Q. Clarke of Orangeville, Mr,' :Az\ Mrs. •Elwood•. Keyes' Of • Tees.wat- ., et and Mr and Mrs..., $"rank 'Pow, , . 'ell. of .B1sinore.. , •. . •. Mrs. -Bruce' Thompson • of ,High-' . • _ . .. - . .,........,.. • • . _ _.,. , .. - .Yfiffeliti$,!••• •WINV.41.5,, .., ' .OUTPERPORMS .. ' .. si . . !, • .. . •'' • • • .'.:, . -.,' ,.. : ',+•, - .,'w. • ia-•n,,.-l7t.„ eor„. • tth:•.i•”e•rer .r . • ''' • •'' '-' ''' f:.•'' ,...9P•4r4.1., •••%> '••-'1'•••• A ' „..re, i y _ . ' - 7/•,' "./ -4e.,--,-,. \ *, - z/14410,z.„ --N....„, . .i..c , V ° / r'ill''L, r . /t _ /i*I.)--r - A --J i .! I •• 0 ; sli ,•'., • .s. iai .1101 41 , . _ • 'nil ji 4' .; ..,, kii.,,, ,..e .... .„ ';.•. ) ...„. fij_il 5 ''''.1.?:•:.' -. .. • .., ---•,„4- -,. , ,.•-, ,, • • .. . . .. • , .4, .4.-. '',.. • '•••,, C4, ,,..„ ,..,..;,, , . ,...,: . . ,, i. , -,,,. .: .„. . ,• :... '5..:: t; „' , ' ,.:, ,..i'' . •:1.•;,,4,,''„ ,', ,,4 , : :,C,,Y„..'i''.'., ' ',' : ';,' .,, ,,,,. • .,•• ., • • .. - • • ••,, • , . • -:••= ' s..- i. . ,.;.?•;i • ," ..,.•..E". o'•,''. • - . , . , • . 44, .;.:,7. . '„..... t',1,.',..-.,-,...,,,,,,.„-..„-,..,./.,,,,-..',„,.„,,,,,,,, ..... 4..... . ''. •••• '.''... '';e4:',.:,k...i:•,.... ','•• '.,,,, .,:s'• • 44 14 . .. ., . . I , ' '.. . '''`,4.' ''• ;'' , .'. ' '''H'":''. ' .. . . • %, .-, '‘ •:,,,:' -- 44 ,,n I 0 .:, 440'1' ' ':•''' ,•• . . . • . , .... . 44 • ... .. ...; . , ..,• ,, . . ... • ., ..... ••:/ .. .. .e".A. , „,....,•e . . . I i . . :,',. . '''.. ' ,..::: ......,.. , •,5 .:,,,;,.. :.:: ..1t.,'0%. - :. ,...:i., .''' r•!:„....,..f., : " ':,:':!" - . ..4.'' ''.':',..:',...- . :A0. -:::' ;;;.. . . . ".:-.,:X:' . • . ',4 : - • ' '''.!:, • ,• , ,,, '.!i:.' t":•',A1:.:„,;:',:' ..:', ,., ... ., .." •• •• • . • , . •!. • , : land Park, M.ich.„. visited -S.1,1..1.'71 -day with her •cousixt,-1VIrS..,•JiM Burt, . Mr:$ Iliir:t. and family:. - • ..- ' ' : : . : .. IV.fiSS Irene. ROulsion of •TOrpn7; • . .. . .. . , to . ha.S..ibeen,".visiting .. with her . , '1?are.titsl,,Mr. apd..MrS. Cliff•lio..111„.. . St:C.41: • . ' - - • • - „. • . . . • • . i•- , - ' • -,,11, ,..4 . . , • , • - • - it- • - • ..••• . - •,...'' '4. 2j )! , . ..., , , .C. 4 • r . . . \ ' ,'' S.. • ' , ' - ,,' \:, — I • • ' t'.. ' , . ..' . -,,, , .o • • ' : c. . . , • , . k . 4,,V • ,3 t . , W. , :,';, ..,, '. . ," i':.., ' '• , ., , , . . - . . . . . , .. , , . ,:.,,,.;,.-•-•,•,,,!:„..,...,,_,..,....„.„ , . 9/ , ,„. • `-,..`--q--,->-;',-.--,---,..----:L, .•.. .i.•:- ..,:i.? •..;.!''' , ,:" •::: •., ' , •-•:, ...„9.:: : •4..."4::7 . '.; .".• ' ...• • , , . • '. • • . . • .• ' ; . • , OBITUARY ''..' •• '....'"••••• ••• . • ,, . . . . . . . . . ., . . ....4.i.::.:%:•*:/ ...;st• ' .• „•,. , ..• ,• ..... • ,, . . ....„. k ''''.. , . . ., , . I. ,:, . • . . . , .,....1.„,....„„., , ,.. . .....:-1,i,'„•-1,?:. - ; ''''./.."..:.ZN %... ..,.: ,, ,i••••..; -,:•;:.•••*.• ?.':...':. , :„...:1:::•„, /,, • . ,. . , . • '''' ' . • .. : •, .... •..; . .. .. . . . . . • . MRS‘.... GgORPE. IVIc.4•ELt4.AR . ,..• The :death :occurred ill, , Elt,OSe .,„ .. ..HOsiiital,, -of • Mary :Anne 1VICK.e1-4. . .. . . . jar, wife ; of • ••Qeorge. McKellar, ..I .W011 ' known .. resident' Of tlroSe.• .„•• . . , . . .She.- Was. '70 .and',.had,••••beon. iti..41 .. . . f 0.11 'E XTRA. • . . -.. ; ' : • . . • • , .. , •. . . . • ..., ..... • .. T • ': . . . I . . , . .. ..,.....,.•.. .....,.:. • ..--••:„._. :2,i,•,..Y,:,.,..A, , ,., ... .... ...... . 1, . 17 d4, - „ • „ . • .1: •i... , • ., . 1 ' -, :..; ..: :',4:••;:....• . .,-..,. :.• ,.,•;.• ...i•,,,, - :. -.,•,,. ,. .., .. „, -. • V-,.;•..5.,...::::4„,,• -....'; . .?-- • ... ' Y.- . • . ,: :. . . ... . . .. .. , :, ••. , , - -„:.:. : ..• ,..-. 1. •,•-. - .. . .,,....:,.... -,.„ . . , .. , .• • •• ••• „.... , . ..i•;..., .. • •-• • ;,.••••;!..,.;;v1. :.;•.•••• ''•••••••*.:..",:... ..-,... . ,•• ,,:!'... - '• "•• , *. . .t••.',.;‘,.....'.....4.,.....4„. . .:•.'.f. $ '•*•••). • ••• ' ,,,,J•!•1 -.:...0.:•.•••V:.. ' -F,gliff,,rn 'in• . ..I.A me. k ri o*, daughter of Mr, and Mrs Neil Beaton; .• she...Went:West to Manitoba in 1907,.. and in .1908 was•-•: married •to, .G•eOrge, Kel-. 'tar:--went-Y-'-weirt-tti-.-thel-E1.-roio-diSL •'.• ,..: . '.... Spots and • ' ' . • - PhOn 65 • .• . • :. ........ • Auto "LucklitrW. - . .. . Supply .. ,.. • i . - : . 4 44 .• . • • . . ,,. ' ' ' ..." _ - .. .• .:.•,. ,.•.. ,,.. , . • , ,. , . .. .„ .,,,,...... • .., • ' , , ., ,... , ... • ''.Witi.•••,.AndieNci,'• son of Mr : and prize Wiriii.i4g -1.-1':reford • steer -• Tp Mr$2.:Wrri.1•,:Andrew ',ofIR; .R.....•7;' 'his....fight'.:is••orie p ••'the:Cltib.l_,ead-[:. ifticknow,..anc•.'t a:student. at: i...uek- .ers,...chester• Finnigan The other 'had .. .. • ... .•. . Andre-w,.....Jarnie"sen , giheyl'',..aild 'Sohn ;Andrew:. •••rth-e.:' Dalton; blrp'- ,thers.,.. Terry, Mie ,',and ',.D.anny'; ' Arict •An. .19.16,,,•*0...1.-iave reSicled, there since. that:A:joie...Mrs. :Mc..., Kellar is is,..surNi.ireCI''.bk ••her. „•hUS-. two daughters, '..ati.d.... two • _..... - --........ ' • ,----. AD FGoodrict; '...t POP'. 3••.......i, .....;•••• ••...',-'' ' ' •• '','.. ,.......4;''',•••:. t 444 %..'' • \— — 41 . • •,.. .•• . • •• , ., . . , . . , . .. . . • . . .. 44 •, . . ,.. now,.....District..High .'School, . :1e44..'r, is. John Clark of G.oderiCh,' :the tiest. calf ..in the pungarthon '. Achiev.e.rnent....dai.::..as 'held at 4.411:Calf (,-.7:1111bas... well ::re..,•.• the DrisrigAnnon ":rair,' 'with ..ix 'Were the Other competiters. ., .... 11;..'sbontid.:•;... : .,. Other ',members.; of • : the Cluk:i (Constance) . • Mis,..• • E a t'l . • . .. . .. .. , , . . . • , Wpre..,(1.e'or,g.6.••••Ctillison.,.. •,R•onnii;IBroWn,;. :and (Phy.11.1S) 'Mrs.. 'W.. H.. , ... ‘. , . ... . ,. . .. . , •••-... ,• ., , . ., . •Sherratt; ...•Goderich, '; inviting all • ' ••'''. le. .. . • .. . , • . . . . . . • members, ' to.....the,Dearierv, ,xneet .•,.....:. ' . • ,. ...'and, .of. ceiYeel..1the •ilionoti.r...C.;t, winning :, the nine': iTieinbers• .of... 'the • Club the sho•w,inanshitA. aw.ard... ; ' - ..,..iShOWing. :Their.... calves:: Placing. . 'Bill is shown above - with ..his ' fi•rst, :secOrid. :and' third Were. •B,Ill. . . .. . . , . • . ,M0Yirs and Gerald : Meyers. ,......' ',•• I Roney of'ftegi'ri.a, Hugh of ,Eircise :••••••• ' ' ••••••:- '' • ' ••• . • .' ' •;''.....'•''''..- i•and '. Kenneth of of ••Se.lkirk,'••. Mani- •• ,. ., • ............. . ... . .• • I toba... A brother, jun Beaton, _re,. . ,•.• • . .. ' • in thereare, -irig..t0 , be ,..held...iri• McKaygall,.1 4r Qode,r,.i•ch;• .on • ,Wednesday, Octe.:-e,. .i.',..•• .,.:: '.„. ''4, L:'..1.0. 'ber • Z,Ird. • Mrs. Leo ; Courtney ...*.' ..- - ••• - .• ..4 .',.i.•,1• ,:;',-,•: •o?'' , an. interesting. tepqrt the. - ',..,,,,, • .., .. .. '....' '. ., . . ..• .. • ...... .' - ,, ..'. ..k-n4GSBRIDGE sides ..LuCknolAr and gave on ,, . .„ •.; .. ... • ,••,,,,.. .•.,.. WHITECHURCH' two sites, MiS,0A.Mcelar doce.san ,convention Which•too.. ;' ,.., • 3.•• ..,.:.• ...• , ,.,i .'• .. • 4 W . was de- . • ••••••,••••... t..-•,..'.• *,?i,'', ,..,,,..,,•,,,,,: ''' , :•Elrozis.,-.. and 'Mrs. res..... place in t... Thorrias. . ..' .. . . . 0 ) --..........-, , ...,,. , . -,:ir . .... • ..z... •'.:. -: '...• • • • - .. •,.. .. •••• ' .. . Nil's..., Petkpr..V.ogt,..'hor ,clatightr. ..," ... .s.„.. .D .. .. . ,k • • d t • TT • • . 4 „•,, . ,...iri. pnlinic. an ...• arni ..,pi. Detroit.; .re.• .visitjng .. at th.c ..hcirn(.. .O.,f1......P.rank-.... Sullivan....;:-.. ........:,. ......'• ., , ..,,,•••• '......j°,114edi. .- .,... , .. „. ,, . .. , . , . ., .. . •• •Mr. ...and •Mrs;'.... Albert. •Cbtittes.,. . .... ... .• .• , ..... . -... ,. ' Dianne ..arid, • Jack •a.tten.d.cd• Bel- (ira've•-•:annier,iary: 'en . -c'lLii-i.d:iii . .,.. .,... • . ...- . -'.. , 4 ' ' ''' • ' ...'.. , visited, ,with Mr. •_ai.:10 .,mr$.. ,. ce.i..,41t.s..,.., .., .. _-....:. .•-•.... •.... : . ,... .0,f . . ,George 'ter- of Dunhlane;.i.Sask.". Mrs. •Mc- k If. ...... ..‘ . •• . .' •••..• .. e qr • •.);v4s .., a .„ member , qt. the tnited'.chUreh •and. also .'a /nem.; . , • . • 2 , ... ',' • • . ... - , ,be,,r. • of,.....the. Ladies, •..A,•.ux.,11.1ailr,.....tp."..for.,' the Canadian ,,•.• Legion.....Fu.neral4, :It ,.., „„, Cid-ed-tc's have. a mass -offered for •••• - • :.• . .,.;.,,•,....;.:7.,,..i.s.: ,,.,,. ":1,•;.:•,..-:.......,'" tb . • . .. - t' .. . du.ung ..., .. , • . • , . , .. .. souls in,.,:pprga pry .. ming .. . • '0.ctober. -Plans' were .:eon-inieted • • . • ... . . ... , , . . 11...e..w,...,e breakfastd_ing...... .to. be.... :. ...., ,,..• .,.. , :,..,...• • ....'..f; ••••••,,., ...,,..,......!..:.;.:k• ; , , ., Served.. by the . c.W.L... for.. the •'• :., ••••.... . • •-•!•-•••• ... ,•••• • .. ..• - .•••••.1...,, .:i.,. ' , , • .., , A •,...,10%.,.,,..„...„..„ ,„ . ciagra u atio.ns .0 r. • rs•• . . .... . .. ..Clarerice . Dober.ty,...whOse' A.(!ed'''-i ding, ttoe.„15 place at !it. .,.,To...eph's. 'here ' •Mr. • and .. Mrs, •Bob ••Secorci; . and children. of IianOx••er.'..V.kited:Wfth mi....... anci,,,:,mi...,F,...G. ro.s.k6r..11:1 ..6•n,., gat-. • , .... , • • • - — . :. '. ' erv ice .,w.as .• • e .d . in ... tri6..ifElrose- 'United cli.orell;, 'with l:.1,Ni....,G.,• .t... .7.,id.. affiCialing......, ••• .....,,"."•_...: ••`..... • '. '.f,eattiring' • . - .. - • • .• • "Doli•ffr.I`a•rtin • . Wedding': „. . The .. . „ . . '.. . •,...:' .. : ' ...i..... ••'• ..... • : .. .: .., ..'......•••,,, •• fall .festival 'held' 9P- 0.q01;.'e'r -11 1.'••''-.•••• . ::.• ...• . • .. ,.. I ... ..,:,' ....••;..:::.•;,. ' 44 Slirri'..Botieti,er :and....his....,....,.. ."..,•:•• . •••••• .: ' . ..,':'`.'; • '.!-. .•. , ;Prairie, :C.o.W.boysl 'Was. re- ; • .•••• .• '' • .•.,,...,••••••., '44 'i-.'.'..- • • . •churc.h. an :Saturday .at. 10. .61 . • • . • ... . ., .., . .•GOldpil . .,., , .1' 744. • _i•-•ur.--. .• ''.4. S,',.. •.`s...*:. . 4,... , • ' ••• ••• ... ..in...,'' October ' :19th: ,•• The.:' bride.. . a.411e4f."Drj410.4:.,1_,D,rettam_arliri,• ; •:'• .. - . •• • .• • . • ••• • • - • • • ' ••• ".. .. : •1V1r. and Mrs. Clarke MacGre. • . ' . • . : . - ..,.• - .'.• ... St. „Joseph's', C.W..L:.•,• ..... ....:. -•!••• - • , • . •..,... ... .. . .. • • •St. Jo.sebh.s 'sub -division, CW1_,, ported a••• attccess. '. The . Meeting - .. ., • ...- -.,;.,,••• .,,,•...,0,• ,•,,,...,, - , T i..:1' . ,..,... .clOsed..With..PraYer. ..• '.....:•••.' . '• ; ...,: ' '.' , • ...444 ' • ''' Sele‘cf.Your ' , • ., .: . - - • Ca-rrre-ron of- - • . • - • . : • . • - . • • .. .• .d 'and. - ' • - held •. ... • • . • "..... . .. k .,...,.....'; • '.•?!... 17- -3 • ' .• . , Personal Christmas ,' • Cards and avoid . - a u.g1.1 te'r of :Mr. Mr.S. 13.1aise.. ,.-..... ,• ..... . . • • •.... ..• . ..... .,.. • • • - •..chell: visited on Sunday afternoon 1\43.rtin.. ArtiongT the Iguests at .the . . • , • .. „. . • „ . , ... , with'ioliye',NI...Terriff. ,...,- .• . Yvedding. .from :. a .. 'distdnee• 'were, . .. ... ' . • • ..... • • : • • .• . Mr.s',.' King Sr, -MP., and Mrs.. Dav•C'. , . "Mr. and; Mrs. .Walter • 'ArSeett spent. the. week -end . n . Toronto.. kin. • and Mr and Mrs • Bert King' ' ' - - ••• - * • •• • ' 'and -Mr.s...-•.: .Kingsbridge, .their.monthly , • ... ,,-. ... . , . . ... , ,.. , .• ,,',....', .'7• 44 •• ••• - ' .. .... , '...;•*....... '., •,' -'''-'• '1'. meet' .0 in the c urc . vestry • on ..• • The meek -little. man approach,„ :. . -••- •• • • ,•-' • • . .. - ,' , • • . • . • .. - ... - .• . . , _ ... ... . .4.4 Ti.i.e$day.;;OCtObei"15th....Mrs:.•Ray. es•,I a • poliCernan... On • ..the • street ........1,•• • • , '. .... ' ' ' '.,.• ',, .;,.."`'••'44 :- , 1..r. 4444 Dalton, 'president, was, in • Charge; .corne.r. ' .., .: • ....... ,. . ,.. .. :... '.,, ' ' .....,- •• ...... The meeting opened with pray- ' "Excuse 'ine; • officer"; ' he said • • '•• • .... • ... •••• • • • • •; ....... • - ', • .' .,. - • .. . ' • • . ., that lost minute -,.,• ' .. .----?,,. • ' rush . • ',i; . Ask to see the • • • ••• • - Mt , c.oft."Pattei.Son of Teeawater, Miss • Agnes. King'. ,.. _ - . - :. „ and family . Nisite.„d . 1:iis.,.), father.; Of Ilarnilton;, MrsBert Martin. Mr,' Ken. Patteracin at the and four... sons' •••of ..liatniltOn'," :Mr. ..61.t*':• . 'anCi.:Mrs'.'Michel Martin of Ham- Pnd•••••• . ..- - ..• '' ''.. ' • ••••.•••' . • .• .. • - ..M.r. ' .1_,TI.ria'n.,' -...'ator ' ' 'Caslick : •.‘icd . . • • ...,. ••• . . . ... • ers. Miriutes -of the. last 'meeting but . I've been. waiting ..-here • for . '" -44 .w:ere..approVed.. as read., by Sec-.'. niy:wife ,fOr ..over an lieut.'. WOtild' • .. , . 4s,, .. f..t• ...•I• iretary': Mrs:: .11Obt.,:•..'1-ipwarci, , Jr.. you be. 'kind enrough.3o order•ine......•.,..• ...••• . • 44 A letter was read from Mrs... tlas. to inOve_On?"-. , '• ' • • ' ' ...- - • ' ' • '• . ' ,-.• •,-, ...,,, ., ,.•'...,, :,_ ; ilt•oh"., .:, mi•-ni. • MrS. i•!Earl. and Mr,, • ' NATIONAL LINEMichael• . 'it ' , )3. . •••LaW. Cif' :LOndon. ..MiS.1 Nil's.- Wilfred .'Ca'slick Visited :with . ., • The'I'eSe i'martih.'apd.' ivirA....•paull Kr.... and Mrs. .. g'ot.dori....cotty.. of • 6f ' ktamillon,.. 'Mr.. and:. MI.'S... Xel-. 'Ripley • on Sunday .‘,.......''...,.. . . • .. . . .l.y. o.f..,G0d.erich, -• ., ' ..... •„...,..;..., . :. ':' Mr.' •and.' Mrs,".. Ben. •McCieria; • M.'--iLa---.n.-.4-----M--..r.s••• r1 ... , :. ... . „ . :. • ..• • - -,. . ‘. •. . ,....,%-......- . :,..c:iii.:(1i..!,,,„..,...i,...-....... , .... ; ' , '• • • - .. .,..; , ., .... ...• , ••z;•••••••• ,.... :•:',. . , ' , .• , ,. . •.••• . . . , .. . 44 44 ,. ...... , .., .‘ , . .. . . ' ,,,, • --.--....Mt:7,-aird, -Mra-,--..-4,rerini---HtisSek7-8..--r:gb4D---.8-43-cL. - .Mc- . . .John.• Jr. ".of ' GOdeilch, •Mr,:::.and 1.C1°Paghah ' visited with ,91r,:'..,.r.k.14. ..MI'S. • W'rri, Kinahan ; of :••St.: Aug-. 'M. rs; Fred ..CUlbert on Supday. ••., f.• ' FIT; It 09rd-Q4 15•13-itr- ' ''41.C.L-1,11r-Si.-.-, ..., : 1..••.,..„.• ..,. ',...:. , • ...,.4-A-' ., :••• : . .• . . .•,..,,J-$•...,, • • •,... • • ..•••••• •,:i..s., .4 • 4- 4.. "" ' • . . . • , .. , . • .. • ' . . • ..... • .- ., .. • 44 • - .." .' . 1 ' J , . , • • :1• ' . ' 11 J.", ,„„ • •A .1 rtiVirriT,'-r vv. aicei-•-itX-e-1.1y-.:' 6.1.1-tilVf',it'. • •. :-. -I,.^-7' '.- 7-- .-..-' - -.:•• • • • ' ney. and ''bilys....N1q1ted -With, M1, se, Marie • W, •i , •,, . •., , . . . .• i• • , •• . . • • hit( ' of .. I ondon • • i .. • .. ..' • .,,,,•,, a.nd Mrs, ,Ceell •HarrisOn of . Mit, an .Kelly of•Brigden,, Mrs. Hoo .._ ., . , . .. , ,„. .. '.:'*--,"..-77-77 ..,. -'-, 7' 7."'' 7''''''''''' ,': , ,..'Iti r•"$. • • •"•4 ,.• .. - •.• . • . .. .*4.k....• • . ...:...., ,,......;,..n. , .-.....,. :::,.., - ., :•.:',:,• • tii, • ''''''''''' ' "'..?' _,...4.......10..,-,,,,„ . - ...,- ..1,447-.44^^.^^.^.^.1. .. . , . , ... • ., „ • ' ,I,... ..,, ......-.104,0.144,0,,-. 4,-- .-4.^-^=^^.^.4.4*^^".^.4.^.^... ... 4-, - .'....1.- .^^44...."."^".^^.^^.4^.44.^,•414' • - - .. ' , • • . --- •.• a • . . . ,- .. , • • 4 ' 4' •.:.... ;,... •' • . '4* -14 •'.. • : ..• 'V. . . • \ :..Foley . \ . • gin-8.'---6F-ga' r-lrii.a":', 'lqiss" M. arga.re.I .c.1-re.PTrcla••7"I'' - ' ; '.'''''-•• ••." •• :-. ' -7 • of' Strathrox.,, 'NI.. '&" Mrs. ••• , ,Many., . around . hero .attendedi 'virgi..• t.h..`" .„,...*•-uth-tjag-... 112.-b. : - „_.: •, • • • ,. •• • %? .. ..... 9 . .: .9.: • ,;•... .0 ;.,.. :•:...i -4' :...•:, . 1 . . • . . • .. , ,,,. • ,--. \ , , .. , . • . , . • .• .. . . . • . ,, ..... . . : . ....... , , .. • ., lIartin an..- SI' Ttile' y -...6f . Xi t- :,.•. .• ..„-----tim'----. . .P..a..F4i c.hener,' Mr, •• a. nd iqrs,..Len. W.41-,; Yi...e1,'' ;8,,,t Sl."1. c",,:•,...t1...s1,1,....G8."41. L. . ley and, maiy•Dinlorto . of ,.. ' • - . ' •• on Ross - Jiiii Gaimt itorn In- Ontiti ,Peter Lie,rmari, ..Of' L'oridon; . , . „.."..',%:.,. , , .. - .. , . .. .._.- . , . . . mi.. 01..1d .-mrs,,., 468, •miti.i,o.hv ..01.,..g.vis) 'Nen ,Lfinn„ lio_W 131.:6,,,• .tiu.:, 8, -.. . ,. . . ' ''' .. . d ,..- isito, ,,, Fel ' Purclon • a.nd .Mrs,.....P.tird:o.n., ,stp.p•ttott'Lly...--pri*,...vv,.0.01;, ...eh, ,i,..v._ • -m.,,,m..e..,,,,, . _..ary..a._„...,m.......... ... „... t, '-',1-• • : pc' „, .... .. . . .... -,i,Ar. :....,..i::•• . .." . . . . . . • . . . . . , .. . . . . . . • . .. . . . . . .. , .,.. • . .,... .;.. • .. .,. , . ,, . „ . . .. . - • . e • .. , .,- .• , . ..;t5i,:, . . .. .. „ . . . . , . . . . , . • • . ,...._.......__ ..______ • _ . •.....,._..___...._. , .. •. . . , '-'1. . ' ' ,,,' : . n , .. .1 • . '' : : • : ...„.•, . ''' ''' : ..,.• ., I ,...i.,, .. . . ,...•. ... 'tan I:lee-v:1.0.ff, and trilotft & ..Alev' ' 'Illiq.O....arrie McCann Of• -St, -,AU,• • Couiteg. '''• .' '.: - i gLigtine • Is.. :sperl:ch,rig a . week • it • Mr, .iild Mrs .1.4n Pttrdon..ahd ttle.lterne....Of .M.r,' ...and. Mr. .c).08'9.. 'Jelin of, VV`yOming 't'isited. Siind•ar.,. •,Courtriek, • .. •• : • ' ' • ' '. ' ..' .'.,•:with '..1i/ir. • and Mra, jack.. Pur- .' eh.. 3,3L. es . .• e.a. -• dol.i.°. ' .. ....' ':‘,.. • . . ..'..''' • . 1an •• . : .. . ..- , lit '... • • rito.---t, le ' ' . . *fact; . ' 1,4.. ' - „.. , , . . . . .. . , . . . • . • • . , - . you•can't .afford to:be.withou.t'it; in today and- :let.'.us-::: explain.. ur. hY: th.e..., • ' • ' ' . ''' •• , . : . . '',' ' - QUIZ REST .. 44 . . . • , . ., , :„. . ...: ''' - ...'.8..'; ‘;';':' '4'1' ' • • . '. ',_..4±,z,...1., . . -_- RECOMmEtsin'',' timtitz.,.A etim' i.± • • KtrejlE ' ' —. '4'l iati4.'411.q.A."%il . • ,,',, . •1(4-16 • are snending.. this .. weel:•'•at ' ' ' T. ; ., ',. ' rs',. '• '0:',..,..,!'e , O. na- th )1 ' f' Mr 'hnd M - dif phan, aria., Mr,' ttild,,' Atr's,'. •Iten , r . . . . •''' -13 • ' , . • ‘ : , : . . . , . , ,f. . : ' .. .. ' . : * ' ' . '... ' ' • ••• Buy hCanadian-Made..ProdUcts..• ...H.: .-_, . e • . '' ‚44 ••• • - .- -• . . - -' ' •:••••'•,-•' •:::.'•:- •-• . '•• • . • , .••• *APPl•'cation..• ' . ' .' ' . :-.. , of Ki.tehenteg tete:: yvigion t ' '..' • s awn - fora power ' .1y "illas ' h ' - • ' ;. • ' ; ''' „ . e as been recomm.ended'bk ' 1:1*.CEC' b • • ' ,,,',,.. • , oalti. 'Of governors.. ' ;.... „Re boaict I. _. . ield that the re- "questeCI ti--- - , : • . nioij '.....6...W•'.,1'..11'crea•s!' was 'tech- tenii:atidp,oiss.,.,.1),,,i,e,ritl would, :e- ,. . riltilevy Tv „.-t6ettie: ih.. ". t!retis. .• • ' • , 't • . . . . . .zir-Ii) ton Austin, '. ' . -•:. . • • .. . • -. • . • .. •• ...Mr,'Si. Virg. 'Den. Frayrie„ Mar-. . . , -garot and Peter, Visited .with rel.,' ative' a in ..Kiriltora. 09 'Sunday. - , $Pe'cial . ptepg, rati.,0,T1s ar,0 'being. hie. e th q. w „el. to have. the ati. • ,41 , L . , nItai masquerade 'party tor. out, , school thildrCh fld ..trie.rias 'big. ger an ett.er than ev.o.r„,. ..this'..., 'Pr.i.d.ny estt,mr.to. , r, ,•4 to,,t, • -4.41•'.• .. r• es' . ... • : vit,,I trd 011,-..8nn IIV a • ' .r. 1 .... , ..: , ,... ..,.. .... •,..t.,.... I Irvin Zirirt's Of In•nerkio •• . . . . ' . •:'-' - . /01,.s..... of, • .m..ecteringlimil H.... -6. -fid Mildred' vkited in PlItnerstoii on .s•-"cia• .y.., •Y „, - ...' . . -, .,",, ..... po.,n't'..,, tol.:,gel .t.,.,h,,,e' :foul ,..gupper in, the.. unitco„ Church. :on We'd- .,. , . •••.0.1f. ••••• good s ,....••••,&-• • nesday ni.,,, A , pro.,rain is ' 1)r ev ided - and ' Irtifq •64‘' ...,11...kdst...... ' ; ..,.: , .„.... . . .•. . , , •, • , • • • 1, ' ' • , . -- -.' •-,.. • .... ' • . - ; • . • . . • ' 'de .... , • ` Pliutibinm. '..• , PHONE . • , • ,.... n • • . : Your . Local . ' . . • , . •,, Heating WIrint, 500, LUC , .. ,.* •. . bealer . . . . • . • .• . .. • • ; •'• . , Exvetitiititglittig NOW • • ' ' , • . • .•., • . . ' , • , . , • . • • • • • 4,4 . . . • • . i• • . • .,.. .' , • • - . '''' . . ••• • . • '. , . ' . : • .. .. . . .. . • .. .., . . • .., . .. . . • • . • ;,... , - ., ,, .• . ., ,• , ..,,L,.;,,,, . . , . . ,,, .• . . .. „ , ,„ , • , r , 44 , • , ,, • . ., , • -, ... , .. , ' , , . •••• J - . , ., ,',' .'• ,, ,,,,,,, ...,t ,. , • „. . , ., ...,,,', •••••ic,1111,.. .'..',...it...,.,••• . •,••,• .1 , 44 . • • 4. • . . . . . * . • . . .. * •• . • . . . • i•