The Lucknow Sentinel, 1957-10-23, Page 9, • ,„ • ' • • • ;,•rt" • isTWINTE,DAY, OCT. 23rd, j9570.. 16. • TNE LUPIcNOW SEN114:t14.1k..._CAN,QiiVi;COTARIQ 14 ,44 ..• At ,•••f".4. • ••1" , , .•*4 4 • "`" • 4 VI " • ; • ft'," lyceum Theatr ° WINGIIAM Two shows each •flight. • First, at '7.15 TT 7 • Timm, Fri,Sat, Vet, .4:445-2 : Katharfrie Repil?urn and. • ' Burt Lancaster" • in • 11-1E RAINMAKER"' Set in rural ..cOmmUnity and deals with a. family of men who are anxious to. marry. off their spinster sister, • '.• . . Sold! filled and serviced; also mg' and.:', truck tireS at loweSt DEBATING TEAM , • 1.pr.tet3S- 1M4e311141:44N Inut94 County ,Jttnier Farmer. d batmg speaking DEAD.STOCK ' s' in ton. District "Collegiate Institute --Picked,u-wpromptly in-sanitarr_ trucks, Small' charge made for 70 animals' under 500 lbs.'. total. Phon.e ,collegt, Ripley 40. :William Stone' SonsrLitnited Ingersoll.. Men., Toes., :wed. .Oct,; 28-29730 ;rnE.AiiitE .cLosgb, Something to. sell? Something to buy?. Phone 35, Ludknow; • MEMORIAL SHOP •Akre •Have Been' Memorial Craftsmen 'for. Thirty -Sven Years, Always thing • THE BEST GRANITES NSU RANCE Lifp, Hospitalization :and , Surgical Plans, Atitoinebile, asnalty • and - , • Farm Liabihty ..,Mercantile,'"Residential, Farm, Fire & 'Wind insurance T A CAMERON A '141.JCIECNO,* , I Phone . Dungannon 70rr:-.10 . Our Motto IS "Service" • • . Bill. Strong as -alternative: , • •• Along" With ' Expert Designing.and , • VVorkma,nship. Prices. Mbst Reasonable Cemetery Lettering" a Specialty SPQTT N Thone 251', Wvagkan4•••Olif ar G. ALAN WILLIAMS .1. • • :auditorium -On We`dne-gla - bor .1flth. • The.. Junior • Farmer. grotips taking part were Clinton', C01 wahash, Howick, "JAur.on and Seal'forth. - Miss Shirley Me-, Michael, Wroxeter',. president of Huron. County Junior parmerst Association, .presided. for • the. event. . • Winners •of the debates were George Ribey and Murray Gaunt of. COlwanash. Junior Farm- ers;* Jim •Bowman and Lawrence Nesbitt of the North Huron Jun- ior Farmers; Bill Strong' and. Larry Wheatley of ,the Seaforth Junior Farmers; •Picked for the inter -county • debates were Geo. Ribey, Murray Gaunt, Lawrence Nesbitt and Larry Wheatley with • • o • ,•,.• • `. - • • 4. ow. PlaYing—"The CountrY ParsOn"--stuning ••• John.131•. -••. • . • !".• tt! t • ,• "1", TUes- & Wec!'• Ott' 29, 30 4. Grant Williams, Aptil. Kent and Randy Stewart 'ScareY. science-fictiOn—amazing 'Ph..OfograPhY—as husky six-footer fincis himself decreasing in stature at the rate of an inch .each week, •. "'}IE,INCREDIBLE SHRINKING MA.14''' • .• , • , • . . • , . Thurs., Fri. &Sat.—Pct. 31, Nov. I, 2 Victor - Mature, Janet Leigh and John. Austin .• • Filmed in • Kenya, East Afria, as a white hunter and.. • his lion hunting guests are attacked by the savage Mau Mau: • • •"SAFARI'' — .In Cinemasoorre and Color rs and Dolls"—. Mallon P4andn, JeiM r" ' • Simmons; Frei& Sinatra. ..•••••••••••,•••••••0•,•••••••••••••••••••••••••• Winner of the 'ptiblic speaking , . • • ••cant • • est was Sandra Doig of Sea LUCKNOW 'DISTRICT CO-OPERATIVE INC Phone. incknoW, . • -OPTOME-TRIST • PPtonaetrist ' ICil GODER Office on Patrick St., jUst "." • off "the Main St- • FOR APPOIN'EMENT 'Phone 1100 • • . WINGHAM Optical .Services • •• Phone 770. WIngham' ' 4444 • •41 •' • •• • ;?•, •' • ,, • ° .„,,.. • • ‘.• • " • ' • •• 4";•", r: •• ••.°G. 4„•, ,. 4 4 1. • • ' • ,k," .,,, 4" t.,4.10011.80444.,!0k...94.0,011.0111.104141... forth.. Runner-up .was Catherine' NOTICE TO CREDITORS Welsh of the:Clinton 'Junior In- In the • Estate of Elizabeth',Ann stitute.• • • . • Cunimings, decea.sed. •• Judges for the debates and Al:a, "'PERSONS .having 'claims public sPeaking were .Joe Mont- against the Estate ..of Elizabeth the ' Literary SocietY, 0.A.C.,lage of Lucknow. in the County gomery and: Dave Stager from, Anne CUmmings, tate of the Vill7 Guelph.' . . • of.Britce,,.., Retired..'Seheel TeaCh7' • • The Federation of -Agriculture : er!, deceased, .Who : , died • 'On • Or also, sponsored", a..". Pi -trice and a15out. the '13th day ,of Augusi4. Princess .cOntest. On.•Wednesday 1957, are hereby notified to send ni'ght,colit§tants';-...i,N.r.'r e • a intheir claims to ,the Uridersign lengthyxared solicitor "for.• the Adthinistra- enirkaiien: (90 . ininute tithe .1trint-)T-Hand giat:3 to. 5 -tors ci.i&or before -the 1'5.tir7clat- thriatte .speech. • • . •, Noveinlapri 1957, as' after 'the .• Joan Wilson, Seaforth, ".was said, date the :Estate befdis-• ichgsen ancid Ross Sthith tributed amongst those‘ 'entitled • " • et f B , . INSURANCE , . . FIRE, WIND,' CASUALTY ALITOMOBILI,•• . • " .AND LIFE •• • • To Protect Your Jack, • Insure: With Jack Today. ' • • • • J. A IVIcDONAGH Out 'Ph'one 61-5,, .DUngatuuna ,;• • •.• M russels• as Pr nee. thretO,• ' ha vin g regar only co. ENNAN .sented several pleasant 's'elections •and were led ....by Mrs. Douglas and accOiripanied,. by .Carol Pep - The -Junior Fanner chair pre the-claims,,of-wth hich e-Ailmiri-,L" istrators shall then have notice DATED at Lucknow OntariO , this, 19th day Of October, 1957. Per. • " • • •• , R. W. Andrew, Solicitor'for • • -‚ ithe • Administrators. • . 'Kenneth J. MacKenzie, optometri4 LISTOWEL, ONT. • —ot-the-foriner-Wrona-Jewele store, Ripley, 10 a.m. to. 9. p.m.. vvEONES. PAX, OCTOBER 23rd.. _____and_everSeGand-41Vednsday ; 'Eyes examined - Glasses fitted For appo-hltnitOr- ,',MacKenzie, 96-r-24, Ripley. • 'STATE • FARM.'MUTUAL'. AuTOMOBILE INSURANCE ......1.hiveitigate "Before '.Investing • .•••••.,,'WILSON. ppoin men or norma Sip Win : A. Schmid, • • 'Phone Lucknew • 0 Insure With The CULROSS MUTUAL. FIRE INSURANCE CO. Reasonab1e4iteS,SOund--prb_- tection & proinpt, satigactory .•• • settlement of claiins: , • • • -R.R." 3,• Goderiel, Phone r-8 •Ptingannoa• •• J HNSTCINE'S FUNERAL .HOME. 'Phone 76 ••• bay Or Night Ambulance:Service • USE OF FUNERAL HOME, • ; Altgis-Ektii-Cost • Moderate Prices DESTRUCTION AT Pont' There .seems • to be no explain- ing some acts of Vandalism. The •TeeSwater: Lions Club and cit- .• izens ,gerieraliy 'are up in arms : . over recent wanton damage to their lovelySwimming door was forced, to gaih epoet. A. ntrance. A large electric clock *a S 7'irnashed, taps turned 'on to flood the building ..and small pieces ,of equipment smashed fa leave, the premises in "a shambles. . kreivard hasbeen offered for 'FABIS/I MOFFAT ' • ‘apprehension ,of the " culprits, -•'.'". Your Local Agent . • Itit. 3,; TeeSwiter '`:. • .. ., 'Phone Teeswater •577r...41• . . ONVS OFFER to, . new sub- . . • .:., , , "" , " . • --- SCribers.• The Sentinel until the . . . ,,,r~:,,e4,...•00.0.4.•••••44:444.0.40• ;end of .1P58 for $2..50. anywhere • . •' , in Canada Thisoffer ends on ,Oetober 81st: '.Order no* at:- Th • • , FUNERAL SERVICE • $ervices' conducted • accent- • ing to your wishes •at 'your •• Home,: your Church, or " at our Memorial Chapel at •rie ' , • additional charge. • • •• AMBULANCE SERV,Cit • Phone 181, Lucknow, ' • Day or Night • • " • . • • . • . • , „ • • L CITIES SERVICE FURNACE r. OIL, • STOVE OIL, KEROSENE, GASOLINE • . , . See or call • • •••• WM, A.-4tiiinD" HAMILTON.; • Phone 220. 'or. .40 Lucknow- District. Agent for Cities Service. 4. •• • • • 1 ", •• .11 • ! • ". • • „ . • • .".. ••• . • . . - ... . • "- ' ••!:".•••' ' ..."-„,' .,.,, ' • 1 ' • ' ' • .. ' ' . • . , "'• ' t , . ; : ' " . • , .., , , , • • ‘, •!„ • • • -, ,•;” ! ' . " • • • '4. 4, .; ... 4. ,4' , ... .. • : • • , • " . , . ' ' , 4 ' , ' ••• • ' . , 4, • .• . : • ' • ' - • ' • . - • -• . , 'r'." ,:' .• •..•• . ..., , R. S. HETHERINGTON!, Barrister. Etc. • Win ghani-anil-Lueknow IN. LUCKNOW Each Monday and- Wednesday 1 GENERAL INSURANCE Automobile . Fire - Casualty • • . • • . •,. • k 'about our • SP4Cial Package Deal • • 7, • Established. 1894 • •• • „ .40'44444 ICRKR PE 'Phone Dungannon 77-2. • R. IW.ANDLREW Barrister and, solieitOr,:: LISTOWEL, ONTARIO bveKNOW 'EVery Wednesday and Saturday Aftermion , • Office in' the. Joynt• Block Telephone: bffice.135 Residence 314 Sentinel 'Office. • CLERK'S NOTICE OF.FIRST. POSTING OF 'VOTERS' .LIST. Voters' List 1957, Township of .1 Ashfield,' County of Huron. 'Notiee is hereby given that 1 IhaVe °complied With Section 9 of :The 'Voters'. List Act,' 1951, and! -that-I-have Posted ,-up flee at Kintail on the 21st day of October? 195:7, the 'list' of all Tersons---entitledd*tc-vote-hr;the-'-- s4id. Municipality! at Municipal Elections and that such list • re$ Mains iliere fOr, irspection. • And I hereby call upon all . voters- to taker immediate -pro- ceedings to have any Omissions or errors corrected accordifig t� • law; the last day for appeal -t- ing the 4th day of Novernber, • Dated this 2lst day of Coto, ber, 1057,;. Donald -M. Simpson, c1eH5 the, Township. of Ashfield. '•"4"..ii:N•44,4044•••.0\44,0414.04.040:4!H\04.44 qatteireti.4ciotitaaht, LLYEFC - W§.1#.6iAeit, beattetatt -itterititAt volikAtioa . • "" West Street •-G6DERIC1R, ONTARIO' • *itelephones 1411 343W • Oopip.#‘4,,,,,,,04,44.4.40#44.044,00,00440 • 4. LOcated_in_the Municipal Offic. 'Phone . .Wingham Office 48 .• Residence 97 W. have ,in stock' samples of' • the 1957 seIeti�n -of Chri.stmast, • . cards and 'accessories, ever -via -ix • cards, novel 'gifts and personal- ized cards .and wauldbe pleasedi, to them at your, home fo= you, to inspect.. It's. not :to early. • .'• , to order. Pay when 'cards are: • • . , • delivered. Drop in at The Sen.- ting-or-plrorre,--Don7-Thornpsoti,,, 33 or 35. • 4 • .• • ,44 • 4 • 4. ..• ,4" ,', • '•"" INSURANCE Can NOW Accept TOWN RESIDENTS-- gijeddlitindfi & CoMmiri Au TRUCKS Electrical Wiringand- Repairs AdOrt FOR st,0ips: iv . 'and 41.1 IglectirICat .1;hant 46-25 Luckno'W 0.,4,0444$414.0;o40 Utei1 as the farm itioniss For information tangtilt T. A. CAMERON, LIJCKNOW., Phone Dungannon 70-r-10 JOHN MeMIIRCIIIE, AIPLgY, Phone 20-k-23 • • • S. -..411101111.40110.111"111.eas '41111;ftweimmin:Iiiib orisigiurient•• . . • • Of ° 440 4," it. • ,, . •• , .• . •s,t LUeKNOW SALES BARNA. • .0 • Oil -Yr October." "Nio ftEMY OP" STOCKERS ' .• For further information contact: • 4! AV BOB, MacINTOSFI, Lnat tie* • :1141:One Otutgannon • •",•• ; • • • • !,.41441 • • •