The Lucknow Sentinel, 1957-10-23, Page 3A OC23rd 1907 IMINESPAY* •, .Lucknow Presbyterian Churc: Itev.. Wallace McClean, Minister SUNDA OC,TOBER;" 27th ,*0,00 a.t1,¢,1 Sunda +• Scht . ol.. 1,00, aa,,m,J 1Vlorni ig Worship. 3:00, P.M.:.»uflgaI on• Worshi....' 7 00 .Eveningp,m,. .. - P 1 LUCKNOW UNITED CHURCH I Minister:'. -Rev., G. A. Meiklejohn, B.A.,' - BD. • . LtI0P'O .XXA 4EKg.5;00Mr., ONTARIO KA I RSH EA, I YES TO THREE CAUSES iMrs, Lawrence MacLeod• was hostess, •to the Kairshea X1',1,, for the COctober', Meeting, 'Mrs, -Cliff •Roulstpri, presided. It wasd'ecid ed. to send $10,00: tai the Child rQns..-.Aid, $,5.00 top,:. the ;Insti-tutc for; the Mind° and. $5,p0•: to Men- tal, Health. ' • 'The Fall Fair project• .. for girls; "Making A.:• Dress', will be. changed 'to any age to 26 years. • �Congratutations are jo'.be sent, to 'a, newly organized` Institute in South 'Bruce Area on 'the 12th, of Huron • called "Lisburn". . Several ladies »interested, • "in rug making will join• Hblyrood Institute . for ':this project in' the hear 'future. Mrs. MacKinnon and Mrs. MacDougall attended. the •train= ing ' school in Walkerton for the 4;H girls.. This project is, "The Club 'Girl, Entertains", ° • Current events combited with the Federated: 'Newer.., .were ; very 'well given •�by ;Mrs.. A.,, Mac!In- tyre; Mrs. ,Leonard. McInnes ',high- `lighted the Meeting ,With 'a .dem- " . o_w_.too.-d.ec.orate^ a, cake", • The lucky' • ticket'' for two. beautiful 'cakes was won by Mrs. H, Buckton:'' Ro11 ;call was well answered ',by; "Old.: things I have seen die out'.'. `Readings were .given •by Mrs. Moffat and• Mrs. • Buckton. Mrs.,, `Laois' : con- ducted a• contest. `'`A Thanksgiv- in.g ;,dinner'.'and: gave the . court= esy remarks which were replied' t:o by Mrs.. L:MacLeod--A social half hour was enjo,yed` iby • 3Sorry 'sb;Many.. members 'were We wish them.a' speedy re covery: 'Remember; St. Andrews on Noyerriber : 22#id. The "^ t Hone" has been' :postponed to a' Water. SUNDAY, OCTOBER.' 2'7th r '10 00 a;m ; ' Sunday Sch ool. 1100 a.m,: ,Worship. 7..00 • p.m•:'. 'Bible Stndy.' Local 4"."6en'j.aI • Gordon Neable has 'returned to 'his .horrie' ,at "Langside from :White.. River... . Mrs.."' . Tunney and' Ricky of ` St, Marys • and Mr. .and`Neable spent' Sun --ga•y at; -Jack .Wright's. Mr.''''and Mrs James. Barnett • of: 'Belleville.' and .'Mr. and ;Mrs. 'I ;oy Fry , of 'Sonar . Law spent _a OBITURY MRS. ,LYDIA.NN UMBAC.it; • . Mrs. Lydiann Urbach leer& to be with her Lord. on Tuesday, October 15th: Her death 'was caused by a severe stroke. Surviving are one. daughter and, five sons in Kitchener, one -son„Jii-Lu�cknow, thirteen -gran -d.. children, five brothers and two: sisters. 'The funeral service was, at 'the Ratz : Bechtee Funeral: Home, T Kitchener, Friday,; October 18th. The minister, was Rev, F, .,Bats;- den. 9T -.King' -St. Baptist Church,, Kitchener,: ' Interient was in. WoodlandCemetery. 'A note of thanks , to. all .those who helped. •to make , her life. more a tolerable while 'She' lived. Th 11 ions' ways shoved` kindness. The joy of knpwing by" faith the' premise, of eternal years is expressed, very . well in ' one of 'her. favorite,'' hymns which she, often sang in her latter days. May. it prove to. be "of comfort and inspiration .to• those in,Jike affliction... '• • ere were's°. many worn .var: There Waits • for, me a glad to- morrow, . • an . Factory clearance a, nd . :odd '; ; m;ents in 'Chrome leaf} er and; plastic bags in ililaek, navy,;red,,• ,green, brown, etc.: Various , styles in, 'clutch; shoulder and satchel'. h .tyfes.:. Regularly, sell $3.95 to, . ' ON SALE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Make Lovely Christmas Gifts • • Where 'gates,.'of pearl swing open. SERVICES .GROWS • wide; • And when. 1've passed this vale. ;of sorrow, I'll dwell upon the other •side, Some day I'll hear the' angels singling, . . Beyond the shadows of the tomb; And, all the bells of heaven ring-. .,. While saints_ are Singing, "Iibme ^ feW,,days at, The 'parsonage With FORMER BIESIDENT, MISS ": ' Ji b. Mckinney has re- turned to the RCAF Station den- . tralia 'after ,sPeniiing,twO 'weeks :vacation at the hoine of 'his par:: ents, Mr. and Mrs. MCKinneY, Alberta, and' t . Mrs'. ErrieSt Carter and: family, Mr and Mrs hl'oble. Johnston end 1VIr and: --Mrs A. E'..--'Le-G-r-and- of Windsor returned the': first of the'; week from: a two • weeks' '.motor trip to GaspeThey .'Went "Thy, way. o .'sue • ee a'n • , e • at_ itimes• and.:returned 'through the ta`tes. ;'It '.was• a' 'delightful trip' enhanced by • the autumn b'eau'ty of ;the countryside: abeth'•IVIeLeari ocetirred in Wing- ,sh,e, had been patient' for • well She 'was •80 years .of age and a daughter of the late John and Elizabeth MeLean of Dungannon MisS. McLean lived in Lucicnow 'sister Abe late 'Miss Franees Services paid. Out $81;000 in claim§ In 'the Past' fiscal year,' in- cluding.' Catastrophe 'clairris; ,dieating the growth 'Of the .Ceirri-i pany is the • fact: that • approxi-. mately ;$2,200 was paid, out dur.7 'ink the first year of .operatiOn, report: presented at • the. :annual Meeting .hola Kinearcline,, and presided oier by President John.: .ectors', report' outlining the PrO,, g,ress of the organization' :over the past ten years, ' ‘, Including bOth :hospital' and surgical contracts; there werel over 370Q Contracts force:With dependents, these cover a total 'of over 7000 •persons. . ,inga..of over $4700,00, which were placed -in General 'Reserve'•• ' Were. Set aside in the fisCal year 'ending August 31. 19.53; Will be paid out in the •ceming.,:year, • te • those persons Who, were . Mein- The, fUneral 'Service ,was held it :.the McLennan MaCKenzie co4dUci6'd by :Rev.: • And all my waridirings'''Will be And all earth's br-- Arid ,sigh more. oken• ties be and weep no. Some, day the dark •eloild* b Ahd ail the night .of gletom' be 'the day .of rest.. shall daVvii Some' day :beyond .the reach. of Seine day.--:-G.Od'•Only kriOws' just The viTheels lite—$4-all meeting vote, to increase the 'Catastrophe ' froth' family $2:00: 'This will OD a fund _tarty__ win' plaice it S do a:much More,Vorthwhile job -for those persons who have been Anifortiinate enough' to' have.lca., tastrOphic ,illnesses., pri. Sunday, ;betoper 6th, 'the' , . occurred in Kincardine. General. os Sarah Nesbit, Was born in Kin- An 'a two -Car, collisidn loss township on APril 18, 1a9 ham at the Week -end William A. and was ..the eldest. of a• 'family Brophey * of St, AnguStine suf- NeObit. and 'Sarah On arid ',chest bruises. jim Cununin June 22,1921, ehe' married Win. of West Wawahosh; suffered a, ..MCCOnnell and ;moved, to, their broken;, left shoulder:,'The driVer farm On .the• Durham Road. The ..of the other cari. Oeter McKin- place cif hosPitelity. injury "and 'fractured' rib:4. so mOCis more in,a for yoor $55, Top Tailoit, has the pure wdoliabric woven by toil -ranking British mills, MOALIST a designed:. by. Canada's top stylists s' Ydit get mare cotilfoTt%, tccause the TIEDI:IST l§ :014 along MUCE.IMORE!-FOR SO, MUCH • -81:75Kfir. ,:church and - .a meniber of the Women's Atix.. lier_kidine and: her. , church 'and 'was -a truly. held at . her. late reSidenc on 'S. .Wednesday, October 9th follow- ed by a public serviee 'in St: \ Palmer with, interInent In Kin- cardine' cernetory. The pallbear- Peter, Gordon Pair; Pialph l-forii, Wilfred McCarily and jadk ,Nes- 'bit Of Palmerston; NepheWs . and Lucknow Presbyterian church ' was the setting 'for ti lovely fall wedding;' when Ruth Frances Johnstone, daughtei of Mi. arid IV! Petet •Mel4ville Johnstone of became the brld6 of .Jarnes Gordon Shelgrove, son Of Mrs. C: M. Snelgrove of London and the lite Dr. Snelgrove. Mr. and Mrs. Znelgrove, inake; their home' hi Yancouve, Mrs. McCOnnell was predeceas-. - She-leavea_ to mourn two dau- ghters, Mrs, Cliff Robb (Mar- jOrie)-of Holyrood. and Mrs. John Dunlon (Alma) (")f Kincardine', teottr grandehildren, 'Lois ROW), Verneri, tette. arid Mary kllen Dunlop; one 'Sister, 1VIrs. Earl brothers, Saw of dreenoCii , and Jack of KiniesS, • and, Oilen. Wear LO RS • • briCk house ',With all Modern conitenienaes including new furnace, and hill basernent and hot and cold' running Water, .1 Large good buildings with loose stabling and many other. features. This fa'rm priced tO' sell. inquiries should be.addressed to . Walter' Steele • usitit 114 adVertisement published. fret • •