The Lucknow Sentinel, 1957-10-09, Page 10• • ; 1/(1EPNESPAY, Oet 9.03„, 1957, DNV. W11111141•1•11100•4•OMIN ••• rui ' f ucknow District High School Our ,S2h,o91 is„,spOnS0.rihg ih•e•dCurtiS MagAznle Plan this Year te-,raisg,ineneY, tO'buy'rrniCh 'needed. :equip- ment and finance •studeht activities. With the Curtis Plan we can 'aecept new • and renewal”' subscriPtions to More than 100 Pf CANADA'S MOST POPULAR MAGAZINE , . ° • 'Saturday Evening Post . . " Ladies' Home _Journal Holiday Jack and Jill Life . • Lok Time • ' Betterliornes‘and Gardens MaCleart's Chatelaine , Canadian Homes .and Gardens, • .::Sattu'clAY.:.Tigt-ii. .• Canadian . Home journal I.4iberty ••, • tEtc., captain' • TIMBER TIIS The 'Lions; moved ahead_otthe 'pack this 4ieelt as theY.'clowried the Shorthanded 'Cnipfininks 4-0. The Pole Cats ,toOlc.3, points from the Zebras to Move 1..nto':,, a 2nd i place With the. WolVeriries. I who Scored frOm.• the Cubs. ! .the Gophers t split..:2 each with. I the iSquirrels while the Beavers •1 took 3 from 'the °Kangaroo s and the Tigers and shorthanded Coons 'settled:tor .2 each. / I .Top scores . were Dave Ander- son's; 731, record triple and Don- ald iMacKinnon.'s top single of 288. High totals were Freda But- ton's 628, Mike Sanderson's 696; Jack Caesar's 693 and poll, Mac- Kinnon's 680. How Labout all these ;Short,, handed teams? ',Let's give., the better. suPport.• ' eSeirnalce,ideal. birthday and Christmas. Gifts.. Regarclleis, ofthe time your present rSitbscriptioaT expires,, would you. please renew it :during our Cam- paign which runs from Octciber. 11-28 inclusive. Ask A Student For The Complete List. . 1.)11.11V--Sc1ioo1"Needs -and.6eserv.:es irotTport. . , N •LEENEX.. "'ISSUES., Save .:17g, (.4.,:bn,bby,. .5t6ek..-04) 4),(c141 . . . . PO1K and BEANs,•:save. Tip -Top ih toinat,aucc 20 oz • CHAN LIQ10,111.WAX SALE. Pay only f9r a Wt:and C5,ive 41.14ft tol 69c PUMPX114, for Thanksgiving r1l11)2ro tuicy,large'. 28 oz... TULIP MARGARINE .29c. for' ies,s. Bargain tiead(quaitor's For 411 Fresh gUITS 'and VEGETABLES , Cheolt._ilieseLlaargai4_ . Try, WESTON'S.: ; GOLDEN FOWL 'Orte , 'STUFFING 4 . Seasoned ToYour Taste .. titis LOC', MEN tie ional • eral loc' Ehare O lierd Of Wigan' grand P very Ili -.•114ple: - ,also ha :eharePio -ForW'r• Senitec blerli xlas_ses,' prnbler ,Senior..• 1 t d* . - Grapes, Apples,-Qranges,. Celery, Lettuce • ines 6; Gophers 5, • Heavers) 4, , 'Culbs 4, Chipmunks 3, •Squirrel. • Coons 3, Tigers 3; ''Kangarobs- 2, Zebras 2. . pLivET Mrs; AI.4 MaeTavish. is „ink her *daughter :.LOuise in ,Kit- chener. • Mrs. Elmer Osborne is sitinig• in Elmwood ..with Mr.: ,a d•.•Mis. '* Dime. 1V1aecallign; • •Mr. • and Alfred- Stone .of. :St': Marys, visitedi.with Mr. and ..1VIrs ;Warren Wylds and familY. Visitors with. Mr, and Mrs. 01- i fiver MoCharles'. the past week' were Mr. and .Mrs. Allan•Mc- Charles of • Riithiren and Mr.:. and • Mrs. • ScOtt, Mallot of Kingsville. •Mrs:'Elkelyn Bariewell of Lloyd and pave Barkwell Toronto,of called • on Mr.' Oliver • " ..c1/14421-oth.er-tela-tim•Op_Hin_ . the community. ; , • Marion :and Margaret MacTav, of Toronto visited' with their 'parents; . and :Mrs: Jim Mao- Tavish, • . • • 'Thel.V.‘M*.S. of- Olivet are en . the Pine River W.M.S. •'; 1 I. ' 4 KINGSBRIDGE M,r,a.' Nickolas Perry and° clan- , ghter 'ThereSe Perry :9f Detroit visited with 'relatives here cLur- iii -the. past Week. Mr.. Thor* reIr riarrof'Goderichretttrited-ta his . home: here with them after a month's. , visit in Detroit and Calripbell 1u.cknow), ,Windsor,.where. he.attep. e p is visiting' her,. daughter, :Mit. golden ,wedding eeleibrations for Harvey 'Brooks., r' • .his :sister, Mr. and • Airs, Frank Mr. ',Geonge" McIntosh (the ' ,:f9rtrier 'Myra .un.der, ihe. doctor's :care, :having, Drennan of,this.connnunity) Who fallen from the roof while shing- now resides Windsor. • • • • ling' his house.' in KinCardine. MrS. AtistAn .0iiiigileY; of God.4. ' Miss 1VICQiugan of Lon:'..erich,: and7Mrs..: Alvin Mot- 'd.on has anent. 'the aat .copple an' Of: London; spent the •Week- ValuesEffective ct. 10, 1.1, 12 29c 1 • . , • , • , 411.41...4,411041AMMINI.04.4.0041111., 411‘ ..411M;4 .111. . eted#0411111: 41•Mit•a•irlim.41111.41.01•0...;;••••••=1,444111111.1. 011111100411.1.40 0 , g an arrived horne. ,urs a,y) night .from, North:, Hay, A recep,1 ' tion in. their honor is 'being held' on Friday -night- in •t•lier -halt Gordon Mitchell• and Mr.; 1Warren Hall', of 'Toronto visited' :iat ,Wm: Henry's at the week-erid. .1 Elw0Oci _Grroskortli Visited in . Markham. .r4. of 'weeks with Mr. and Mrs. or- en 111 Mr..' and vai Stewart. Mr, Neil Black and Miss mar:- garet .Slaek are 1)111SY-this week moving to their •home•in Ripley w they pu t • from cHazel Culbert Mrs: Herman Anger is holi- daying in Detroit With , her dau- ghterS, Mable, mucked r'and Kay. 'Mit. Howard McGuire' is gway: -nrr-a-trig-with-friends.' , ‘• Master Michael Hamilton of Dundas is visiting with Mr. arid! Mrs. Ray_Hamilto,n._ 1 °Great' sCholata:-hever gradixate ••hurry--'0.44.herodo It in deT. on. Thursday, in the •Church: ' grees. • --;:3'4-•-t****-44-•-••••••-•+.• • • da4. at the. week -end.: 'LUEI"GiRLS TO AKE •WOOL SK urdn County •4•••H•lionlernak: :mg Club girl's soon : 'frig , their • Fall prOject:!'Work, ing With W:Ool."' Each. giri.l.niakes' ,a :061 Skirt or 'Juniper during :the • club . and exhiibts .at • •Achieve- • a Mri. Frank •Moran, Tt9lbert Ross viras viss. ing men a patient in. hospital ' at 'Oda&-... visited cousin, Mrs; Caanp- ter svardroi?e W.hiCh Will' al- IMrS. Margaret Moran: • IS ag• i3O.i Ithe '.3past•••• week in.'..LOntiOn. and a • rieW. gartnent to, add - .With a. tractUred leg result- 6ell • in •Vietoria.l:HOSPitat- . s.:. ways' ' be:.:. suitable for School, . . • last week. • , • • have been ill With the .•learning •liOwtO. Make the skirt grandsonj Rdbert.Ditm.rie.O1' .Mr;: and :MrS. Bob: Hall in Win- 0f woollen :fabriCs;:. the ..carc and,' onito„:,are:weele-enct. guests at the week7end.. Pf.w0011en .garments and ' H Mr:. Archie Seat of Perin** ho* Choose ',styles to suit the • ich J.115 .s, from a fall at her home her •geveral people in. the. village church Or Sports; ,a1 Well as' 1 • .Ntrp. ..Van VYnckt and : .her -Jack •••,,isite&•..vfith she will ieb:ril the different'tYpe;f' 13,ec Dry , . . win Vynclit.,.. • . . lied .7;‘)iiith,\. his cousins, Mr, and Mrs. Dennis Dal • ton and kiss. Mrs: •Aii-eputtes-cluring the -week Mari Finleon Of St. Augustine I and 9tteneled Teeswater •Fair. - spent last weekiend: at •Midlandj The Y.P:S. ..conitented. in the • • -Aar. and ,Mrs: Don Moerbeck ''PreshYierian chttri-t SundaY • lgber- ray Gaunt. t°. Worship, ; The annual ?Fall,: Fesiim-oal .13eated the Lord'.$•prayer. Miw• family Of. GoderiCh were Sun- ening *it'fi Call . 'Ore•si.d0t, beck home. psalin 80 Was stinf-and7-111 re - :sponsored by: the will ,he .'utes MartlYti:Morrison were :herd, in the parish halt thiSread and adopted. Re*. Mardian i.ening . Due ICI the confits, suggested, having,' 13ible • study ion of the 'different time Sehe•-:,tor .eachneetitrItol dule; the program will not !coin.; answered ),b`y-.113 members.. John - 1 ,T0elleg, until 10' 13,.m, . Daylight stoll cor10 Ied in prayer followed tirne.•‘ with a ,solo gre t thou'. and Mrs. Jos: 00.1tireiv: and; Art" -.by Mar - some friends from Toronto • were shall .had ' chargeof the 'Bible week -end visitors here. istudy which was Paul's letter to . Other week -end visitors to this the PhillipineS' taken from Ads „ , , , community were MIS:5 Margaret, 'IFoley of StrathroY; Mr. Peter] !Martin Of 'Pittsburg, miss Lor-, letta Martin of Hamilton, Wniel Van ,ot)sch of ,toronta:. Mr.. andl, Mrs. Jos.., Murphy of . Stratford, ) Mr. Clarence Doherty. of Toronto„., Miss-Gatherine Kenny Of Detroit, John • Doherty of Toronto, Mr, and Mrs. Gera10. .0ilmote and Miss Fiances Gilmore. of Lori- I don, Carl Vassella of IVIalton, . • • 0 Prepare for White'', and save Money by ' •• installing. your own Wax .Paper enclosed Insulation Batts. can tut down heat lOst.bY as..muCh.'as percen , . ere Is A Tremendous' Spying tnstalling10PLQW.i tOtati. o The 'Insulation. to corrOletely, insulate the ,4 Ceilings of an' Average Home costs approximately. $50.00. For the Walls approximately $40,oq. WILL GLADLY GIVE. YOU A FR ESTIMATEFOR NSOLAT I N G_YOUR-110.1% No Obligation • 16. Hymn 506 was sung and the Meeting closed ibye repeating the inizpali:benediction. LOOKINGLI. --r- . • N,Voingii!.Onstitut hrou ihout the County are busy selecting Id- WhO' will,..aa6ntl -the two day Training. Schools in • ton •••On October --22,-.23 and. in. October 24, 2.5.• 'After thorough instruction on new conduct Meeting's and:arniedi.:with • a•knoWledge• of the :techniques:of construction Of the °Wool skiii; they Will :return' tO hOme : naniunitaai. 'AC. Horne, - .,Club girl's _between the ages' of and .26' years:.',The ,club.meetings Which :arc reOuir=--: _ • , to,..eoniplete. the prOjeCI will get underway irninedi^atelV affif..; the Leadere':. Training School:, • BUILDING NEW PUBLIC: SC110..)131: A,_.CAYUGA, The Village of :Cayuga and North' CaYuga'TOWnship, are to gether-'undertakirig tho-btillding a a new ten-rOoin 'public schb.nl. 2:Lt ropupi ti There will '2e1rm irolleen_trte:,:ofit The 'Sentinel and skunks seem to fbe ',synonymous, as a result of the "visitors" ,t4re had an more than one oCcaSion. , 0 One everring-recent1y-a'skunl. :-•-•Ad-Onstruction---Werli--00:141-nenf.e.a .was spotted ambling. uncertainly on the gouth side of thestreet in • WHITECHURCH t'he' °f the new building' and one wag•dropped..in 1.hc nod g -.:wette,4.1" elt- GtielPh General 'Hospital spent here °the. week, -end at 'her borne' hJ". . Susan and:•mm•••1.41. ,••=o;14•104)41M414111111111,41•111.i.11.1NOMON111•611411111•44/4141',111Mii.114111.114111:1141NO:t).111..14/310.•,141•11.1.1/094/041 • • Mr. John Mitchell, a few weeks ago, An .11 1,s pected the building, will he rcadY early in the new. year"; , John D. Bop, forniprly of itcknow • principal at Cayuga, • . • , iChrisSY left on Saturday evert-' ing for: three months holiday with her parents in Edmonton. roil Visited ° on 'ffinidaY with her $ „natents,....Mr.,.8i.Mrs- A. E. Buck-' •,........,..„,, ton. : ` - ' ,. I 1 , , .. and, Mrs, RosS-Srnith .a.ha. __...1 i . Cathy of Toronto 'pent the , .vvek,.en4,vit_h their:p, arentS,--,Mr: - '1 and Mrs. RUsSel Chapman 'midi i Mr. and Mrs. Inc Sinith of Turn.. l' , , i berMr.tY.- TO111 Morrison ,i8. }:i0me !. again from Westminster Hospi- tal, Loncton;•'. alter having 'a i eh -tip. , GREY -BRUCE HEREFORD BREEDERS Phone 150 tucknoiv• 47 • j:CItL&JtLtec.oiesiU1iL.. ,. 0 ' 011 OC 9 at 1.30 MALES and 19 FEMALES • and' are, oligole, 4o,o, it1:146 tales,•have been 'inspected for, the .Cioverri*eftt ;Mid ,CArt MtCtestia.r 4,1 SOK •