The Lucknow Sentinel, 1957-10-09, Page 1w„ • • , , .. ' • , . • • ••••••4•• • . 1 2, '• 1 1 • . . , •, , , 1 • , : '. • ''"' .; ' . ••••• : ••i,, •• t ' ' : ,'•• : .• ' ' '• ..• • • , , : f• • 4 : • • • • • ro A year in Advance—$1 00 Extra To U,S;A: • •• LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY; OCT, 9th, 1957 * • TWELVE PAGES • • " . • , • , $2,0 ' ire Loss oIdRc TN§ is Fire .Prevention Week.. LITTLE GIRL DIED' pre A-P:i4ce.T6 starei arid 'Fire. OF BRAIN• TUMOR This year slogan is 'Don't Give 4114_96:wee Whitby ,would like -tO see this slogan carried out lo- Little Marilyn A•gnei7UpPert, cally, by a.."general "houseclean- 7. -Year-old daughter of 11,*,' .4.11d ine of all fire hazards in both Mrs. Jerome Lippert, passed commercial and residential pro- away on Saturday, September 28 .perties. . • at her home on Highway 86, two The aim )of Fire Prevention miles east of I.ucknoW. •• Week is to sell everyone on the Marilyn's untimely death was idea !that fire :prevention • is. a _paused by a brain tumor, of such life .and death Matter; that each a nature that surgery was irn- -owes- t to hiariselt family and his cornmun- nosed in • July, and since' then. ity to:think and act fire -safety Marilyn's days had been number - every minute of the day, the ed, and She gradually weakencl- .71n-the-,--latter -part2of -' her n eas, Excellent Record Here • she lost the Power •to Walk and The Village has.a .cogiipavativv-. ,was con ined to a w eel c a r. »fir&freel record ,that ..eery in-: ),'•..dividual should seek to promote and maintain. In fact, „With...the exCeptiOn•df the..two iea' at the Beirling. 'Green ..10lubhouse, there, hasn't :been a serious conflagra- tion in the. Village in at lea-st the past • three years, aceorchng to: perusal of official ,fire-eall: °xis. •• ' ,• Only:•,TWo . Calls This Yeitz! . • To 'date this year theiiirigade, liashadonly ti.yo fire Calls .with- in•the. Village HMOs,. One was•a chimney fire; the-other''a iwing room fire at :Fred Buekton's, :teased by an overheated' stove, but whieh as "nipped in the The trying of :the baby awaken- ed the, , family at a timely 'moment. ' • • Four ,Calls 110 1956 , • In 1956 the Brigade had cinly A'fire Ott A.A. had * the- potential of a major i •blaze, had it not •been extinguished in too. nick of .time. 'The •'big -one" , •••.• (COntintied oia',Page 12) • • On Friday evening she: lapsed:, into coma •and pissed away •late •the &flowing afternoon. '• 'Marilyn was 'a student at St. Helens Public School and Would have been in• Grade III had she been able 'to comnience the fall teztn. •' She was the third of a family of six •"sisters, , and was born at B tford on February 7th .1950. The surviving sisters are Veron- ica, Patricia, Brenda,. Wanda 'and •MYra.. ••• • ,•'. • • • Marlyn , rested at, the. •Mel.ien± nan • ind. Mickenzie Memorial 'Chapel, until Tuesday 'morning, OCtober st; when' requiem .tligh mass :WAS conducted at St Anne's Church, Riversdale, by Rev. Fr, J. Jordon, ' parish Priest of Rivera' • dale and •Holyrood.,,, Interment was •inSt. Arine'S• Cenietery,. Rit- pallbearers were three Of,Mar-. ilyn's • schoolmates, •Nancy .•Cur7.- ran, Patsy Cranston, 'Sheila MC Quillin and anether • friend, Agnes Moore Rev. Jennings R me Nor' ural Dean, First Dri Thursday, Rey...,11•• L.' Jennings received notice of his ap- pointment as Rural, Dean of Bishopof Huron. ; • Rev. JenningS, wns nomMated • for2the office by the clergy of the Deanery at a• meeting in .• m,eatby. the Bishop' whieli was not Officially receitred' until late last week, 'although there Were Premature reportslottheaPpoint- • inert • This is the third' tune that Rev.. Jennings 'has served as rural • dean.:: He :held the aPpointment • . both. in Kent and Brant Count- -YAM:LACE -1191%1ES TO adjacent village propertie Havelock ,St' have recently Changed hands. The hinne of the late' Flora. MacDdriald has' been bought by, Mr. and" Mrs. • Dan Nicholson, who• Moved to the res-, idence the end' of the week. Tie adjacent Jas. Burns home, has been .purchased by ,Mr. and Airs: Wm Hunter of Zien. They have obtained possession but some improyernen'ts will 'be, Made 'befdre .the Ove M.. , . • DAVID. GRAHAM PASSES Tie death ofDavid Graham Oc- curred • at Brantford on Sunday at the age of 8'7. The luneral ser-• vice •'Was held at the Johnstone Funeral • Horne, Lucluic*, on' Wetnsdaywithnternientnr ' ' Arlderson ocetirre' at. 'HIT BY HORSE The death - M,rs. Thomas :1 suddenlyJ. TEEN -TOWN GOTL-OFF-T0-- 00/3 START OPENING IsaOHT i• • Teen -Towers, will 'meet on Friday evening of this NV.eic• fortheir seeOncl stering since .the group Was Or iXed- • • "the first "d�" Was a• free night with about' 75 teenagers, attend- ing the party, under the. •super-: vision of mernbers of the Lions committee responsible for pro- moting the project: . •••• 'Janet Rayner, president < Of Teen Town, directed . the various dances, Music was supplied ',bY a'• record player and to all ap- pearance the SrounW folk enjoyed' • themselves. • Inere is 'a membership fee to ibelong, to the Club with a small. charge for Meinbers • at each arty:- . , • 'PASSED AWAY SUDDENLY • • l',;"` .... -la 43. , . • 0 .,.. . t. . . . , E R1VE-f.1,,..., .....„,,, . . . . . ON SOUTH SIDE• "" • . 2, • ,,,4, .•• °Work was: comPletd this week . '..'• , •of widening,. Straightening and Ri. '. • cleaning the .-Nine Mile' Ver 4 . from the south side of Main St , • ,- to' a point near the Flax'aill...-,..' • This will:giVe a free flow•qo the'', river and . guard 'againkt. ice blockades and spring' flooding.; The triver now has a course of 29. • feetor better in width.: • • • • • ' The work was discussed at.the • October meeting - Of: Village • •. ,. Council, when road 'expenditures were examined closely in order to., reniain Well witlOn the road budget . ' : - , '' ' • , '' . ' Roads Slated for hard top next . ) Year have • been, gravelled , and. 4 • ' •-.• - • ,, ,, ,, • ,....•. -T-• , +--..,A 1,a , ' '. ;";•.:24.0 • " *" • 15"' • .1 ) • '2', ‘".22,,,,.',71 • „. • : • • : .IS. RECOVERING " "• •her home here, 'Monday Little Of Ashfield had • a IniraculouS escape from being fatally injured when struck down, 'uy a running horse- al'.Dungan- min ..Fair on .Friday: , Jim 'suffered :facial injuries:and a seVereiy lacerated head, but es- caped bodily bodily injury. ,He •was knocked unconscious 'by the blow but had revived before.beirig ad - witted tO..Wingliain Hospital .:At: the firSt of • the week 'fill/ extent of the . facial injury Was not • definitely deterrnined; tut it ii.:e)pected-Jiin will out of the hospital by the Week -end.' • Jim watching' • the cattle .judging Whena horse oirned. by 'Earl Whitthead and -being ,rict- ;den by a...young .lad in the run- ning race; veered'..off .,the track; and :galloped- through the Oattle, judging area, narrowly Missing other spectators . : • The impact: .threw Jim 'about twenty feet andone bystander said that it would appear as.' if the steed had edme plUnging. down .on :the Victini.. But just -what • 'happened, occUrrecli,so quickly that details were vague. The "unconscious and bleeding man—wasgiverr-first.-aiel--treatt-- eters ment pendingthe arrival a a doctor and ambulance. Mornipg, •her .80th year. The funeral service was •held on Wed- nesday afternoon at. the .McLen- nan-lVfaciKengie- Memorial Chapel with interment in Greenhill Cern- 171AD• TOP HOGS IN BACON. CONTEST An increasingly, poptilar event at the Lucknow Fall Fair is the Eaton Bacon Hog Contest, 'which this, year attracted 28. Pens of hogs for a total of 112- animals-. • They were ptirchased arauc- lion by George Elliott, for 84c, which was 4c above the market Price fdr that day. There were many selects in the group which wOn , for the producers the reg- ular -bonus for this type of•hog. Cash prizes of ,.$75 'are' award- ed in this competition, , amounts of $25, $20, $15,$10 and $5. The five winners, .in 'that. order'were, Harvey *Houston, R. 3, Holyrood; D. A. Hackett, R.' 3, Lucknow; Arnold Alton, Lucknow; Gordon 'Kirkland, 3, Lucknow; Alvin Alton, R; Lucknow. Harvey -Houston had the-eharn • pion carcass and p, 4., Hackett the reserve champion. As Rural Dean of Bruce it is , the first finiA we Understand; • qiatthe.-hOnor-has-1been--aecorde& 'a rector of St. Peter's Parish. Rev. :Jennings is • s• erving REVIVE COVERED WAGON DAYS IN F AIR. " • • will, receive a; tf-ce-a-txnent with cal-.. • rn ciu. 225 yards of gravel have , also been stockpiled to be sure of • a supply' for paving 'next ye • Work'on the bridge at Willough- by St • East is also completed,. and the - bridge , open' for traffic, • . • again. . • The matter Of accepting 'hospi- tal' patients as indigents was discussed•, and Reeve Joynt pointed out that 'at a County /. meeting of reeves and clerks they : had been cautioned to proceed • carefully' in this regard as there ••• •1 had been mtare:the: • : • ; ,17. • • •• Council decided to followthe advice.' of the Hydro engineers,• • , • • • to relocate hydro transformers • • , and instal another,, in order to ,• • distribute the :load the north- - end of the Village This actionis regarded as more practical than.. building a new hydro line across• • • North Delhi • St. from Gough to • , • .Ludgard, " • • 7.• • ' • • •• •4;4 ',„' •••• upon The assessment roll whichi 1958. taxes Will be levied ' • • •i. -.. • ...• , , , ,.,,,, 1,,,:,,.,,,,,-:, • ",,, ,..• was- accepted * by ' COuncil, It • shows an increase of total assess= ' • • ,, !' ' • . inent in the amount of about • ' $13,400 was the• third year of the • • ' '. . • . , 1 It was pohit,ed. out ,--that this ; equal- ized assessment and' that accord- ing to the. manual it -seemed to be. about 'as 'good as can be ex- , • peeted, 'even though same fault. • The. November 'Meeting, will be ,cnolnolisFtioersisediooalyIn,fsi.i'eNtow7ymi.ibzorunlst,ty.csoounas. his sixth r s N, • ••: •,• 4. TEACHERS- 0 .MEET--- • ye a • e v•-• ,HERETHURSDAY :to DRILLERS FILL HOLE ON WALDEN FARM • •' • •• 1 • . • 4. • ,' • • , * •,4 I tif .• , • 1 742 • !re, •,'•••- ' ••„.•,` 2%4 42 , , 2,12 removed the first o the „Week from Glen Walden's farm where drilling . OPeratiOns :for gas Or . had een' carried on, for. several. • : weeks :this' sunutter. The casing was pulled and the hole filled in, a _certain Indica- • • • ,tion that it was a.•"dry'.' well. Depth, of . the ;drilling ,Was •never-. • Officially announced but it is 'Seined` that -they -May have gene • • down, as. rnth as $,000 feet •• • • 7'; .,„ ,:'' • • • . four,point parish of Lucknt o D114gahnon; Port Albert -and Rip- ' Brace Deanery takes inall of Bruce ,Cottrity, 'Hanover and -that portion 'Of ReV. Jennings charge . will -eh is in litiro LANGSIDE YOUTH WON .1111‘1101t. ?LOWING TROPHY ,G • ordon Moffat, sori of Mr, and Vbs. Parish Moffat of Langside, tvon. the_p_AtO"' e,* Pnior Class at the Bruce Co. 1510Wing match .at Gordon had the bet 01 wed in this class ler innlets un - 18. Ile is 16. He alsO won 8rd the daSS for tractors, .w421 hydraulic lift.. iS ,Y *inning the trophy, Gordonr eligible to compete Eaton'S.. of Canada junior chaMpioriship class at the International PIOWng MatCh in 1058. • . • • . .ak • :„ One' f• the ',Valt • parade./ novelty was the one pio- tured albide, depicting covered wagon ai1„:04 .Tho,"WestWard•lio"., .Yottrig couple Barbara Cam Ohm iiie••••0 a:S• ,htisband, and w ,., ' . 4 ' ..•,. ,. \ • -.... •-:.. : ..,... "his!" Undaunted 'Wife. Stisan, Cleland, age 8, with their "wagon all fitted out to lit the trail. . Incidentally these braids ••won a prize for Stisaii in the longest ,• "pitails" contest. .. Hitched to the covered wagon, and Well 'behaved in the, parade, is shoWn Barbara's dog Pat a sleek Boxer.' • . • • • —Sentinel Photo, , • The 1957 convention ot the Tea- : diets, Institute ,�f the, Inspectof.-: „• ate of Bruce willbe held in,' the Town Hall, Lucknow, on, Thur - da y, with J'xit'rnii3 '-and-afternoii - sessibnS-, • that will be • 'held on standaid time. . .• 1 ' Tie morning session will.coni-' ercise8 by' Rev.' H; L, Jennings ' .. ' of St. Peter's Church, A welcome wiliLbe.-exte_ride.clee, Joynt and Chas. Webster, chair • - . man of the Public School"Board'i, -4'lliere "will be two addreS. ses '• ' . ..' • ' during the day and a. seriei ol.._ • ,,,..,•,••••• . .:1.....,,rill -'.. "v......„.,),.........-.........,,,,,,,,,......44.......,,,,...,1,=...,•7•5•.,,,..,,••• .••••...)...,m4)..,..-,..- ..,...,.....,...„..,,../..._ . __ -;).., - group • conferences and, alSe.118,. • ' • . ' . • . l'' aaa" t . "1,1 _,..., ' " ' ' ' ,..•-•,..;:a. . a, ' „ -'7 ,,,1 .... '...•..1.. , . , /1';' • . 1 Thence at 9.30 with �pnii1gex- ili• . • , 41.8 • 1 ,pOr of "so t 21' .."___ • 222._ J,• )4: ;2 , • '2 sions, . • • •• • • 'A noon-41oui • turkey -dinner will be served the Lucknow Recreation Centre by the. litiek now Wornen's Irr:41.iuto • It is expected about 200 tetteit.,. ers Will attend the one -day conA Ven t ion. , • • • t 44