The Lucknow Sentinel, 1957-10-02, Page 141, rf USA 'Yea...r..-In.•Advance-,-....$1.4).6,•117.4. • LUCKNOW, ONTARIO W.EPli,WAY, OCT 2nd, j957 ,ELVE ACW$ • . ', . , , , 1/41-A0,04.41AN--:#44-. .. . 1.1gAN'ALt4I - V , •y r 6 I . ;,:. crstel Steer,..Was Top Showman . . . , . ... d 'S,',. T. I-1.• Alton was, recently ,. .4:4' 4,74-4.,..Afv.. •.? .. ..5,44: ' 'diactiarged; frOrn. . 'Wa:11i,e„rt0„n"11, 0'4r%.., „. ital aha ,bas• returned to •••Len.don, • ''''' •0 f, '',/ e ., ,,, 4, ' • imiere- she :makes her.'h,oine 'with. . .o., , •• • ,, .4 40 .9" 4/ ,em. ,•••• r '* A ..9 4. $,,,,,,,/ lier ..daughtet•, ' '..Igi* Aliria''' Alf0p4 4' (01, 9 ,.. :, ....z 4.4;7 ' Mrs Alton, Alton;. ra former •14.elf.nipTi. •:, . , ,/..m, 1.esidal.t,' is in 'bet' 93rd.. Year. ::She • 4, • - V .i7 ,/ ', ..:4 • ..... ,. ..- - „••-• hatt .beeri. holida•)4n0 .1.1.-i .11Valicep•••. ., ,-. ',/;•,,40 ' 0 ,,,.• • .'" • 4. ' ' • ,4•4..), ' A ,-, ' ton - with . •her ..,,, sex's,: ' .,!1rr.y: ,...1-0.: . . . , 07, .., , ---,-,---Ik.,'.4.' 7, ,,,,/). :46,i7.1- Alton, • ,, • '' / 5.,.,..Tp,•,,, .,f. ,.,,/••••! ..'....; :,...„....,_. . I-: ..,,-, • - , - ,,,,, 7 . , ' ' 41101tAMO.'443 Calf Club, 14.1401r--• hOW .14P11-,:, 4;7? Qrain. cinb Oalcl 'the' • TrAteknoffit',Dungannen 441 • ,T.ract4:r- Maintenance Cub %Club h„elcl , .their • achievement . ,day: at 1_,U,Clc, • . iiitiW. 'F41.1 Fair ...laSte.Week. ,They.. . . . .. . , , . . . , , . . - were ...interesting 'featurea of . the. fair add: won much :•corkimenda,--,• .. 'tioii.. Arthur Boltdh '''. assistant .A.;k., ,. . . , ''''-' -Wheni,',41:e.110.4,0104- 'and was .11.4s.P i ta140•01. for 'a ,CouPl:e. of weeks, ' • . ' . ' • ' ' . . . , lier condition •waa • sufficiently improved. to"•perrnit bei! to return tO,London,SOIlle ten cia•r .9.gp. , , 74. .. , 4 • - / • 40,- s, . .• .0 '', -,00 , „„ , . . ."., ". ':4''' 4•-• „ • 47, ? .,, ,,4. „ '••,,' )•* .-- .,?...A0,,, .0 . ,o• 4 ,,,, /444 , 0..,..„. >4 '`,,,4,1~:w'''' '''"ti.'".. - -2.iX..%4,4;;;i45.* .,:„.•" :::1 .'•• , -7-:7-• ..„. TT, Rep,, 441191-.4X0P;1, VIA winnera • gl ., , . ." 4, • . a ' grandstan, . 'march past of the , • ' . cal yes, . , , • . • " , . .. " Crawford McNeil of R. R. 2, L,ucknow.; :.ahOwn With his : 'calf, , .. . ;.w. ft*, award In the. shOlionian, . on . ,.. • , USINESS MEN ....• . .. .. . I • • . ' , . LiSET_—WINTERAILO__ ,.... ..: . 4,, v/rolm: ' ..,i; •• ''';'' V ,.„,.,,,,,,,, # ;$11115 '400 steer section. 101tRiaet • .L3Fon$ 0 '11•-• R. .1,,..14ielino*, had . • • th,e. top Senior heifer. Terry Wil- , •• .L . .• . Lubimow; Business, Men's, ,As.- ,sociation ..niet in the' •,Council Chaiilbe;i:_o0b.e.:10,vn.lia41. last - ile/ %. , : • A 1$. .., son •di-li.-li.: 2-,71,7-10.T0W;Itia-d-the ,rohatripibil animal 'in the: Jiaildr . • , . . .. heifer\class. Bob Ifunter.of.1..uok4 . . now :placed .first in:the'tiaify see- : . . , •• . . ."Prid#..evePing to decide on the 'Rinsing • hours :. ;for the •• winter months The meeting -had a, S004: • . ...representation: Of:business...places. • 4n(Iwas .4hot: and, to the i Point. .. 'It, .v.ra'Sy agreed: . that ..:.startino October 1,9th.; ' •• ibusineaa ' • places,. ymald.plose at 0 .00' On: •-.. on Sat ..7.vi .day , nights. Ibis ; Will continue , .#ii70011. the winter months :1.41.til ' '-'•April 12tli... ''. . • , • ' •• ' _., .. , , . .... „.... . ..de,hristrnas, :this • year la • on , a. Wednesday, '. and •,'•the-..; meeting. . Agreed to .S,taY".: Open At nights on ...,•tie 1Vionday and Tuesday . 'before: . ' 'Chrikatta:±.: .to.AnY,:liQur..010Y..Wi0).-: -=e4-.T-irci51140:1434...lbgito.retoUti„f, ' aiat• and ;the Thursday p,ft0, Neil , , , .., ,,.., : 4 ..01.• : 4•••• . A' ••••.4.,,Y, r„: 1.-wSe • .7 , , w , , ..., . ... ;z4 •4 , " •'f.f.or • • • !, 4,....:,;.:A.,, 7, • _,,•: .10.., .. $4, „04. ,..,,,.. • .„... ,,,,,,,, „ . ' ,p,,,, ••, ' *t.,. *' ,,...,..4 •,..,,, • e.. ,.> - . „ -. , - , •.: ..., .. , ..i.' - .0..• 4.- ff ''"‘ ,.;,,,,,„ . .• t. , :... , „,,,...,- , •,•••,.'.-•••• • , .,01,1.?, ,f „.; ,., , .. • •,„ , Alp „,..,„ „ ,,,,, , c., . t; • .4'10,4, • • ' ' • , .v4 .. •,. . , ;,;;,, . , , ,..-., - .,„„, ,.01,,.4,!•A:-.,'!*. • ' . . lion of the club. Leaders OF the . . .. . • .. .. .. , . . • r Calf -Club are Tom Todd, George • . . . . . , . , , : Xer11104y. and ,. 'AndY Gaunt., . , . David . Kirkland , 'WOLP.' ;the ,t•OPii,'. , , .. . 'awatr.4,:in the tractor driving oan.- ,• . Vetition . in...•the • 474 'rtacto:r Club.... The restilts• . df.1::the 'Writte.n •anCt„ . ... . . . ... .. . • . • oral ., tests . will net be • available'. ,,, • for -several' weeki..-estne .1-ra6.4.? . 4 , .ett •and. Murray Ga.,ulit are leaders in this club. '••• • - • •• •••. . . • rt ,, .In ,' the • .• Luc n. ow, 'Lions. 4,41 . . . • .. . ,. . . ..Grain .clik, Ppt.t.Othk- Alton �f li....:' .. • . . ,. R. 1, LtieknOw,..vtion •firSt• for.. the; ,., ibest ,buSliell :di •grain. Bill ••PAncl- „ • ., . • , . • • re*, of R.1t."..1 *on • first ,..fOr the •. ,. best aheaf:•''.Leaderg';of.. the, •cliit: .: 7.67iie7:-..crirri.... 1-Itifite-f,--..tfalie- ;Art -.674.7Y- .. -' --- .,, - • _ _ . .• -,. , .. i al$C1. Jack •••• •• • • .... • •t, , Wars the itdreS. ,are to be Open.' 411 day • . ..;• „ ..•:-...: . . • . :Ackert. .4 .. • , ., , . .• •• . • .• . - • H-§6riti-nel..P4ot0.• ' r It , is hoped '.that .next. Week ..at _,, - 7- •4. , , . . , _ • .., • .. ... . . ., ,_ „ . .. . ., . :. 4 few inernibets.,Of• the AssoCi. .tion,'*ere. in favor of closing at tITTLE. sdlitio P.Asss., .. .. . .._ . . KENNEDY:..• .. „... • .. ... . 'eemplete -Iiintnaty• of all Meip,' ,. A •• 'good.•loOki.beat.S. ..good • •IUCk., berg in the 'ClUbs:will..be 'publish•-: the job. :. driving ed. Space . and time in: this .. 4 ,. 7.00";P.M...Orv.-gatUrdayS' for the. • .. ,.., ... . in of, , save . —t •week's . ' ' . ' ' #.i'*,ttifi6SH-:41°..14'.tTnlTit' ',till*. - . ' . .win • own . 1 .0 • il is 1' ea .1,. „.,.. , _._, ' • .• ' r2. - 1:14etSafe. . . . . . ' • not- meet ;With . the approval or, -.1hosepreielit.It itis iihaiiiiii,o4W.:* ..-,11.k4'03 'Oh.' tfli.e' '9:61:1''' :14:iiri... ClOs1,..' .' ing..,,horii..k:OvIiiitig All.. store's ' 'ice,-'•.• • .,.:0*.afe..: ' , ' • •••' Another ;Meeting la ...te.• rbe 'call- ....Rd:lb.:deo:0 on : aitaii,geliir161t4 . . ... . . .. . ...4 the Santa .-01A,tis .da.'..*' : '. .tOPPeri;. age:. 7., years, occurred a .ther, 'boMe...east. of : 'LneknOtii :. on' ..gatiiiida...... ' ',1iiiiri'..al-. ..eri; ' 'TUeAdAY • • • • ' ' .• ' • •• '• ..• • .:" . morning was at,...Riversdale:: fol . ,. „. . ,... ... . ... ..... . . lowing .reciiiiieln..:,:NnaAs : At.. ',St. Anne's '' POMarl •;g4t44.1.'ll..c...,; Ch#14.Ph , • . .. . at :ftiversdale..''.. - , • ' • - . . ... CongratulatiOns 'and. beat wish- !'!.. 1:?: ' e°,q;ticl,t'cl, :*•t.9, '''*LMrs. '' David. `. ' Kennedy of . • Wihtechuroh, • vv.boi , ,.celebrated her -95th • birthday ,''Ori" .. . . • . . . .. , .. ... ...yitid..4st,.-.0ct9150.,''lat.:•TO ',,t0iit..1.Y '17.11nora•r•ktahs7:. i•19:1147:1;vi6int,:fla,.rtiftrritipYr'sd,.i:Poi , :1_.,1:tekilki.;„ -fhe ' faintly -Intim this coMMUnify ye.4.1•F ..a •' .O.fct ... *Ili, i.4.e .11,OX...t..‘ year one ,ennial . e 'hUndred. -1958 ---and Is. one, :StAUffer'S: land.'•In2,the• x • 0•11 Mill ;Ari'..4,,' right sUrrirrier:Of,.000,,'gi,.. to the i. . ,. . / ;•,..,• , . . ..., • .. , . • . . B. ,..• • , .‘,- . . , . .in: attendance. Others are in...the - there...la '•• a faingtirrihg '.0f' .O.Iiin.,'; .., :. • ,....:. . - • n. • . . ion- .•Aliat_thiaLe " •rit 'Will..L.:haVeszio v... • ...S.OriletyX1;le :made ,the::fir'§t.surek , . 0 ofdets • on the Ic.inloss....side_of the ', • • • : . . ,• .-: . - ' • • ' ' • ' ' • ' ' ' .,i' Mrs, - -Kennedy, ...,,,,tlie;-• ;foritier be obsei7it,ed. as.;:befits the ,OeOas-: . . ' ' • ' • ' " road,Htheplan" .1?eitig ..togitoect • •Septeinfber P . . :,.ar. ., • Bob. Campbell ;Of .town • and Bill ',.... . on his back from the muscular Jane Fisher, was., lborti.:. near..•Sea- iRd. • ' ' .1 'forth, ,Comind•'ai a .yloiing. girl . to .•••Tp. und'Ortalc.:.t.teil. ; a' ie' ele.ibraT this 'district .'Where she has lived tion Will' require :.that . planning , , ., . ever.. since,. , ' •••• ' ' be commenced at.•af.l..earlY. .at • !•ian-, 2.1st,,- •••1$58.,.'Illig. • . . • • . . . .. . ., . . , . .• • plan ...§.hozwed grist null,, which it 7iSpelle,Ved lir': .Soine,i'ville'llacl.... • ••• ., . built 'that year . n a ition-Ltoilh. . . .. .e. • ./: . . 7-Girah, .ain..! cif Ripley. . have pur' 0. has• _ ' ed the ..Shiton. '. Gift • Specialties ..lkocidwarliinis 'plari.. , tan& Will% hay. e ,.. the plant •in. 'operation • at :iii.,,early date, under -the name • of ' took, ,,,to - :digeas e. , lc oc„.wo -as' .. .145,,,asthep. ig. • ai'avis•••• '110':'''as. bedfast for a bang „Periok 'pric' t. icaliY lielplesa• i..ur.I.14. A 'lie*, wonder drug. enaibled ,hini• :get; -out of • bed "and iO resume s , In.., '.• A,. pill 18:04... ',she. .. mann; a e7-11.a.n.T.17-of'-:1C-inl9ttei.--itagtd• ,§rtiluffeto#1.1.,:.*kid14.-wil.,s ,41,14,5-7'.-t".---".--7-:----='-• • . .7 David.. Kennedy', Who. predep,eased a:t:Fireeday celebration this sturk:', shown ,,,hei. in I -.)..c. ep.i. j.zii..,, 103.7. • To ,Ihm tiler:that was' an FI:inq.uallfied pue;:.• - t ._ . . . , . . • :''•rh,qe'• Village lcita were. OffereCt.. . .. for::$11..*.Pri Septe*i*r.,.141,.. 1808; .. . were born 'eleyeri;lchildren,....seven cess in ,every W:43, ---from a .- point. of ',Whdni . are .still,. living. There of ... entertainment, .. , dedication. when the cereifivopy .of ,nainitrit.' . , 1,11g."-*nd• 'but, ' 'attby • now •Wo•Pii;SPecialtiea., , , .... ... . Bob'is the proprietor of Caniii-, • . hell's .!: Auto :mitt •••$potts-. Supply . Store, which ....he:, ,is cir.rying., on: 'to ',. • all: . appearances.; , sotnevinha't. norniai activity. But very life ''dePelicis • On . the -regular and eon stint,;we • of these pins, ;. ; , . ... .are eleven -grandPiildren, . twen7. • , . .12g. • . not 1,1*Tp.. lace was .Cere`br: a, sal-!, .4 . ... tY-tv.o.•• great.: grandchildren : .d least,. financially:, : ; ., • ' •sute pf 21 .c.`gtinS”..tlie. e01331,0$0111.: three:. great -great grandchildren. Apart from .,•Litc.knOW'S.:Partie...7 being... ' guripoWder ..,,,ChargeS ,',ini • • i . , ''• , • •MrS• Kennedy has been •a. Mem, lpaptiOn in the Bruce .County 're- anger tioiee,..ih:,ithigin......tiee.. , .. , -- • ...t , .., •• ' ': • '''. . . --union:A--fewLyears.--Age..-not-sinice • • ' - • --.. - . • • • •• - '•: teln„ Pl. rarOY; b.1.4t ilia fer sale' "Bill "--7'1'• ,t was ,1;•ab-T(' in• ..1938 that -Chris was a garage operator in Ripley, . originated ,the',. serving tx4,,,,...azi. d• having disposed Of the blisineis: later.' anOved".td, Litektiaw , to .. set ...this sprthg. tst.,tii,,, ,i,.• ., ,t .t-i,d up, ..ii iian.t,. here• In additinn:, to. in..wOodtworking. ,. .getv,itig., tr•6)ir; ,.'hie. specialized .in b•e. , . „. , r--of-Win echurehr.-Presibyterian . • - ' • .• , . -The survey, .of Village 'lots on . 1910 has .02.'9_,re,l.he ,e..ii.,.,a;:i..•.,941d_13,,,•eys 'tsi;,:• A's,.lifield.*:-•and. WaWariesh .s..ide:••• Olurcli.,sor .Ove.r., .:1.1..0 .Y.dar.g)* - • k. n. .n . ••,.. , .b,!P9 Of:. 'the. lbothidary.: waa, not • Made • , , . ' She ', has been 41....•:f4iliPg. bean'? ana ‘"*.:11,• 1:‘,..e,14!.4,°.. I for the laS.t.•,VwO.,. yearS,,,,fhaving. 'T. Crs!"1": ' •••• .. . , 'until. the early spring Of .1861.. „ .. 'been. in 1*.d the greater 'part (')f : . • The' 'centennial : anniversary Of , • . , ,. • • • the..• Village•'.derniandi' 'that.. some-- ' ' • de 'to order • wood "noVeltieg:. . . an,; r • ' r. and , . 4- . . . • • • '. Mi ' • a° Mrs Cil“ ahain ' M 1. ' ' ' . ma ' ' ' • ••••grs..:Catni;16011..'artid '.• kr:a : • • - • and' furniture. 4c1 .Mrl., . -•‘•<. ' . • • .- Sheltan were in TOrOlitO on MOri••. ". • •.iii'' Auccesicirs plan ,:to follow .. . • ,. . . linesng-these-p.„..and-eventti.., that tirnei•,. yet .0.ier is mentally alert and interested , in. the :act., l'hing special be .tdmpto.ti.:..... . , . iiVities of • the••'Comanunity • •••• . ': Ihe.settletnent • gees: 3540c' rriet'e' , . • . .. • • • ., .. '• .. - ' .: • h‘ •it .,. .. ...,. .. • - than one un red years, ,but it . butt - .. • •'. ' . .. • CLERIC .. . d''''at•-•.,..the--Oift".'.:81t6.*'',.V.id'fotirict a el a..cteinaiid brandi Out. into , other ;•WOod„ ..-7t-,•..-----•.' , . . v,•;a-s-J'airies''S•osifi'A`e-Ville who -Inade ' •WIELD : ' ' " ., ' . .. . for the. products.' pre-.- -tti' • vinasly_tnan.1440..t.uita by mr ,aild 1:1-.o.ctucts.fpr w ic . there Is a ',, d- - FORMER RESIDENTS VISIT the first survey' eV IT'llati lots,' • , . ROME'. TOWN ON FAIR-, DAY 't lid, who' was. Credited With being .. . .... he • in potion of :,1-„ev. ..Neil. . ' . ,...1 7 Alfr,. r . thi;ifountideit: Of the: Village of.:.,.ti. •,'IvrieCICrde.,•Ritiibi5iiee'vP.ahPaasrgteoreijif • ' ....:y.':',:is.'1,-‘1,.:s.//.. ,Sheitoti, ,..until his .,. lieiith'•. ' fOileed.ithe. iti AO. practically • cc ie ' :, 9',Chris alici C, o,,niii•e':',.w.illi. remain' ' in r4iiekilO*!, .: j• .. .t11:010e pArsehs'7,.. -Ain...cmand';i.;i'. -:1-•. o''''''''''-Li.r.,,../-54, : -y.: in' ' • le, ..irs settlei was • ., . 1 , , . . ,... • - 13;3'1°11 _,opetatibris. ' • ,-90hete ,h•O-.1s400.W.L.cl ea ,.• , • . . ' , Voting ,his; tirne'. as di.S'tliCt sale's.' • ••sigt Mi..ti.darl:d::\I'Misrtih6b:ellitv'n/71.,i611:' 't.ieS::. tn.-an for a' Epp of: Power' tools. PlItgar'l°r1'4cit'liP91e111.:and.;P(Mf'''''''PritO . Lot, .., ian, getti h. g dperatioris.P'UnPder- -,rn0s..vers. • . 4 ' ••. 1: Way and nP1 400 •production.• th.e:-*c;• 1, ,..h onie to \Nth wettr-Mi: kin't1 ,StaUffet-'7.Wilo' • accepted • the igov:-. -all' -:Chtirch.: :::".* • held in.; Mtg. ,TOill"' Mark's:. of. ,Port. 8tari, , • .c.,1...nnienti 6ffei. '6f .200 : at.re .Of .t.slIri.field Church on ., ThUrsday.' , , • 'ley', .:1,•%Ifs's Ade' lia ,Spinctlei.7 of Tor. :land' :oh „, the ictil'10ss,..' w-a.warteh• ..'.eiliiing'• with a large' . a udienee .,..•?.. , ' and Mtg., 'Bob '' W...i1.011.. Of beundary : on the .cOndition. that Presei?-t Jrocrn .. the hyQ. op,o'oga.:, ....,• :Vancouver...; . • . ' . ' . , h .6 ,;.eroet. a : d•rn . fla • savvi.1.411 or( tions „and.. froni, l..ucknoldv. • . , : . 11 ev,„ me:pie_ap„_'_ .6-N.-':41:. `,. .rigillaf0(1:.;Sqiirw Tray :. ,. .. ,. , . . _ • lit' T..U- ItNS' FOR ..riltST'VisiT I Mr; S.heiton *originated • theIN. OVER,FORTY YEAItS . ' i,.8ervini - i'aY . IC b . . ' . ' • .. . , ' r 4 Vkr ic• later was • • • LIStf,ow•k• . a MAI tr'''---4\ ift-Wr.ivei1‘41,..2,-;8- -: 2, S . - - , -W.,1.11 a c e ,„ Trto,d e ly:n .5Dindlo,. The ii. 12:ai,ent,, w,02,--(•, •fof,.• of. Geri*ri ancestity, alli..•0. ator of .1Iut en.-Maitl and .P.res..byL: iqr... • and 'Mrs. Reuben. spindler.. from Watetleo. County. TI16, Mill ter'S".4. Pt eaided. 'and .perfOr,Med , tho • ,. .Pnd the: .mother as \xl id6wed: thoUgh. ficit a fir$,t' 'class one; ger.7. friductiOn.. t et einony. As : inter iiin.,,, ' . . . ...._......... .„ . • .g. wen • the•• title. of . ba2y ,sti8Ati. j ii st a f Ed' ht. . *viii.g. Iray. Mrs:. • Shelton, . or fornrierly. Hazel 'Fitzell, has' 'been ' C*.•?11•1et.41,141. as.- 8Ii."°. , ,,. , . 0 her visiting her'aurit, 1VIrs... :Malcalin. ' :when the, faxhilt W64:- tittife! young. • Mrs., Spindler . iett ..ihere:, .:Soite ' tilitfY4ftine‘. YeOts agb.; iha, '-t.;:ite-$441-. - , - . .... ' iptf: the • heeds. of the ear.iiy, set., .nioderato.r ,of tho.;.0,harge;. (hiring • . .,,,, . the • va.0ancy... ,,be• :narrated ,pli'0:. • . tters. retind. about.: . ' One of the first to Settle near ,'teittis' le.a.ciltig. to itih' y011 'eXtend-•• - - Gaft4laie,''. ‘. — e.,I,". vkv.tiry°,TtiVttla"4...' :fre • •: ' •, d V ac ,nn.es, 0 mg, am.' • e hand painting Ottfiese trayS. ivir• Scott is • daukhter,, of the ....,..1d,',..they had • • • ••,.:. • ,.• • , ..,....• ; ,,. ., - ,..,„.,... .. , .._.„.....A,Imakker----fronr laltr'Atritill-rrtzeit'aa-", teMer''''res' •-•"91t.- • IO' C.04St; : ,a-rit ,:a. ciemah'd. ident '•'..6f.."6.i.,:e orrin,l• tinity, -and , that '1 ti '. .. tt61'..„. • - a-. ,Andrew' ,Ilonie. '.. , . • "ig-e-gr,-,' W.,-,ilise..n,...is,...theLtdisni..., the. -former :ar,,s.,::,a,.,da,t, .,i; , ter of 'Wm: ,Earls Akg110--0Perat:044---.,a',---'grocQTY . . . .. ..... . ., • ,, • ,, ... 001,01.-ggi2td--.6. fll6iipoi-,•4-eel,,o4•_,:f ioild The ..,serrnoli. 'W.4..48 del iv e red • by. . • ti70.- iii...,,M.r„'„...gtot4i,ekr-'• npen,----which-' - ','-';-;-21.,. . 6-1'j•.°4--MLq. ,17•61 -•1 -0t -L• IA, ,•41.1tv • . ' .,he*:•.ibuil.t. a it! •, taveth cqille.d •th;11,.1'''Ch ,:anci,,,,,. .fe. 11,0'‘,Ving: the ', inchte-,., .• . ., • ., . . 1 -louse",', •-‘,...tiOnf'-41,e-Vw -...idnan.ald•-,",1‘Uc.1)on-ald- oft-,,,,- ,--•-,- ,'-•;--4•."' '''''''s;,-theY-001:11tt-iidt---111-1'.' 'N'iniliaTiffiliT67 tiVIstatsr-rtesitterits At. *to,: point th,it. ,otett.ployo' a :. Tho .,r--.14.,,,,,• ,e. 11 farn...tiv. w. ,6h,1 ,w6s.,t, fs'x• pota, lii; ETri, tt.,had T.4ilris 'Made. many y'ears., ami; and it i'.. the ,• ,exPansionand i was . •. .6f the plant, which first.. time Mit SiOff... 'has. .beett..,,ald , , e. farmer , wate,rwork,s,..btkEast tor ..a, 3)i,,iiik jvs.fri, ep le•av,,,.:1.0,ft 011Olige) across the h' h - ' 'big '66re:in 14.14. • ' ' •••'"' • fa, hi 11...i, .1 .. . . e ig waY-' • '• • - - • • • . ' ' • • 0 ,_ ei:ea .),„ m.ii • • .8.,lie,.,doi,t.rgniy. saw .a• change 111 ,,...,I,_. , ven,s• i • •nt. icka 4 , th',,. .. • ., • 4.;. .th., •Oia ,h6ititi towil but she 86.idi tatbo 10 ch - Sheltone..servillg„,;.( • •b . ' • . ... ' . i'L,,' a's he lay ."”. the • est of course. ..• --stOt*',',1341aa'Y'a 'hi' 'NN: 71-fot :is, .11,6%xi itpilty:s. Piii, It Vtarket.. . Mr; ,tavis, sold A° •,Dori.,4".1trievvii:.• ' •,.. . •„ ;_ . ,,,....• ...A/6.01011es the family here. in.:10:09,:. ' .. . .., . 1V11:1' Wilson and, ACI6lik.S041.d.' , • 18 ' e' Ai - ' ' ' 1 -e" ned let .....av .3 ...;t recent y r 4 tur ..i.rong a fottr,,,mbnths totn.,Of.,, the ":0,1f.l•All 1,§le4. ad . thie Contitiont; . .. and 7by which' ,. 7 the,.kl,ettleyneht .tvai, first 4,5tiefiv.. tieriSal.r: actdroAa . the • niinter:. . . . .. • 4 : .' and .concvevitiorist'Itelt•4-mcConvoi- ----------------------------------------.. , , ,.. , - ..,,h- . ,.'4'' ''''"., h '' •• ,ilanreS, -4aincrville :had conic. to, 1,e' :..ClOSC,O. l e .serviee wil•.t, the. ., •w-awaliti,s , iti. 1851 ,,A, ,.1.1j ', ' il.`111:diCtioti - ' .,• ), , '. ,h . , and b it a . ,. ,,- . . • i. '$6Wttfill botwOh'. Belfast '. atd st, . A. .•ryleas•ant s' ,1 • tiitic....'ckqfq ,..... eis, ......• ,w1.,nesse,. ,..., sale, et130Ye - at the • • oconti6t1 N'k' '1 lir, 1. . . "wet ..i ..- #e '1' . el the' ' ' ' . ' 'ci '64.. r - - ' ' • ' 1 'Of' land, by '.8tatIffer tO 1V111111,;•••Alid • .1011CINV Pd,-, RCA% AitPC,Orlibi .0, Wil 1 ,1`0,,,.: tli'“. ..-04ii' .**"'''!* '4"‘.'1' * ''' k ' Otk....hv Itit)Itsy,„. , . •