The Lucknow Sentinel, 1957-09-25, Page 1.•• Extra LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNE+SDAY, 05th, 1957.. ,D .UTC.H,... _ ...: • , •- - N. O _F.I R Sentinel's ......_ • .. ...... , . . . . -. ' • 'Neil' MeCora.. big. will .'12.e., - Aev,.' .... -:„. - - .• . • , . in ' ted: .8.S 'U4 St,Or of the Ripley-.. 34s- dhfieici :. (.41a -fie at .a.. serVieei. to e• -.held in: 1slitivId:r,re01?ytprian '..chtieh en, Thurday.. evening at • • 7 . " ' .. . / .. , , ILK' o'CloOlc,, ":• ,': ••113,ev, Wallace„.„ McClean,- .f,tteknew•,: neW'1,y..•.;000-1,te.d.,. 01.43. ,,, , .... . , .. . 14 iti • (:1.., Ptds, - • en_7,„..a .... --„...,k,i.1..... , 0. ,..,, ,..,, • , ./•,,,,- . A './1:%", , if* , ',,,,;(„r, : 0‘ 7 ' .t,(/ /I ‘....,.. i, ',4 '', „ , , =',' • ,•ef , , - .,•,/,:, if .. ,••:•,4§ ••• , ,,,,•i,'',•>' ,,,, ,,,...?,... // . ,. 4' - • 4..';'.. , , . .. . r/ ,. ',) . . ..._ . . . : . • la Menary,a', 124,ye.ar-Old . . Ashfield Township • act; now .bas .. ,.. . his own piano, and adream 40ine• . - .3. - .-/.... trt.t.e.. For a longirne ..tBarry has:, . , .. . ,. had his , . . heart set on a piano and , • be's been: .saving...for ,it. --.... . . ...Last *eek, , ;Mrs, • Wilh'Ur•.E.rOW...11. . . , or...pupgarlpon, '4civito-04,!..a, oil , f o_f__, GI _an______ _ l*tery,',- 'WI/I'', ')--,?. re:side....,',,11,.ev....,....,..1VI,e4-,,, Clean' 'Served : a;•5:initetirri4h'Oder-• 'ator of the charge fOr:'the 'past . .. . .. • 'slit months that it .bas. beep. va- cant •since • Rev. J. R. MaeDenr' ,ald's departiire to • Michigan. ., .: • R PlVfrCombie. is a native of Midland,' . .. He - v as Otd4iileci. . a4,, ,y-• ae„, ,and has sPent. the pLaSt, ea.'r . cri• 'the'. gisSiou rield:a•I',11:, ..Nevirfoundland. lie is not :.m. i-, . • riPd, • / \ ff• , 4, p . , p,,,, . 4.•' - ,, , • :..:.,.., :, „ ,, " • .,0... ; ...?*,,,,,g6. 4).00 .:/‘.i, „0.1.6 * ''. - • • Pe , 1,.o.:0.1.i,s•P':..,::: ,,x „ „...... " W., .,. ' - ' , w „. fiW .1 '.1.0• • , ,,, ---," •• , ./,, ,,, ./. / ' -•• ' 'A"' , ,•• • ,gf.: ,.• , ,• .• .;5f,,,,... 4,..• .A ..,. -.' ...,-, . .0, , .:,••••.4.••• - ,•:"‘ •-,4 A' •,444.,9 ... V li '' IA' ' w 4-4 A.1: 0 . •••,.$ ..„ • ,,, •• • ,• ef , r 3k,.. ' .„3,1iii,i1. Al , ,.?••••i,... ior*Nt-i+Prro. • - ;i,,,,,,,o,,4,,, ,.....,:. ,. . • •••• — .,,,,f1:,...,,,7„. ,- ..??,. ...„. . 4P ' ''''Vr 0.0"i: „, -4-0k-:-..--al-e.-,----,*4L:bv-Intthe-#;,PaPP-r ,gg.ti• around:A.6:P th,;,ein,-,11,1e; N',1' eriary. .farnily hao•-•'ontaCtecl:. •thein"•,wid. ... • bought .the • Pioni9,,•• BarrY. had ennugli • saved "to pay . the shot";: ' The lad had polio • three . years', .• . • ... .. ago :Which' ' affected ..his throat, - btit. from. s whiefr, be h•as •made . ; , . . . • . . . . ally, l:Atte. .cv, practica c orareoery i‘iToney • he • received ',daring his r .. .., • . ' • ' , 1 I 1 neSS;. increased by% what he ha•s '. ' •,, -ince been able'. to '.saVe, •ijarovicled ''' "aekor. • • . 171 ini With 'his Piano jp .. . ' • • . ., ., . . Barry,7.,.... 3., : 7 .P, . • G4- - •• , ' . ,,, ,, ...i. , MRS; Will.: FtSji•glk.•PA$SES •• . . . : . , • - • • '.*The • de4ath of 1VIrs, •Win.: ..Fisher. oc;Ctirred • at :her home. here op ,..6atir4ay•trierr.i.ing*,.,She had been . • in. failing •health'•fer•', some • time.. 1.,47...,- .,.,,, .es , .., _ , ' 0, ..., . ,.. . . ••• •:.. ...„ vo, •• :••••,, ,-;-, , ,.., . ...,:," : .,. - • , , .:: 4. 41 ' • ':,, , ..'.. is •noW ..pirarP,IP),g,--9.:0.-.14.. S taiti rig ' to 'take 'musk -leSsons,' •;', .• :, -. • ' •.' ,P, • '• ' . • , . , and here's. wishing him. the best,.;; . .. . . . . !With; the'. hope .'Oat he • will per4 • • ,:„ „ . . • . . severe • as • Much" to become an ac- .; :i 44q .,eica:tici lishec 1 . .,:p4ariis:ti: *: he did to. . , . obtain the instrument , . . . .„ . 'At- .: 4 A Private .service• was •conduCted. .• . "Open, RotiSe Fri- •at her late Presidence on Monday afternoon 'by Rev. Wallace 'IVIF4 ',.--, t in South :Clean. withil, int,......,,en ., , , , . • • 0,. ,•, . . / . • Some '.th:ref • hundred • PeQPIP' . • , ' - - Were appreciatively received •lOr • . ' . - ' . • • f ' The -Sentinel staff • on-. Frid.4Y,'-a.,..-: ..on / day evening.: The Sentinel i • : • • - • ' - •• ' photOgrap'her 'snapped • this ..• i., . . . ,.. : ..... : . . group at the - registration • . , • ••• • ••••• •• '. • .., - li." h.' •' received 'quite a' "lift": w'• l'0 we ••• • ' •• • ' • • and we are Sin. cerely",..gra„tefuli ....,. . . -. : ,PaStar'S: praYer .. • • • - • . • .• • • ,. U.S. WEATHER • ' ,. , , ? , . . / . iirSOEN,Otto:.AT ...ST. 'HELENS .. . . .... • , ,. , :Kinloss Cemetery. • ,•ternoon a n.d. i'evehixig,',...w ke n "Open'''House'' desk'. - , : : .' • . • ..- .' • • ' .• - • ' —, . ' 'lett to. .4r0 Alta..' Rai,: .••• G.. ...A....: '.1gellcleicthin ..'' • c.'t . . •• On Monday 'Meriting Ross iviae , 'FORMER. LUCKNOWITES ...,.. AT TEA IN LONDON . . was .hold to 'mark. the ;official ; openink, .cif . the ..oew . .. . -:1:ii'iTit."in:g. :a04:•''1,..ablibitig, ' Pla.nt. • •, •From right „ ,, .. stua,.e.t.• ,con,yer,. .in P. eharge•. :of.. the "tea. rOein".; jini ...Render- . , .. ., . - • ••• . • - .. • • • • ..f•,:?•1). ' jnr''' Henderson; .:, ,J.:,'''k • o' 'united. Church had • a , , ue n, w_..... , , , , ,. fF'ir'-v'`'•••:.ir°• •t°' say :.a5' th•-..re•c6P' tion commenced' and pronounced • ••• -• led -•'• • '- ., *- phe•ri,3,n . plc tip. a .radiosonde. : transmitter • used by the ' United 4 states • eather Bureau, 1 •Akr'llic'''• h., l'. , .. .• Miss liCt.t.00 Armstrong of Lon- entertained some Th.e. tericlaxiCk..and..the inter•-;.• .eSt. • sheiVn • 'in •the ' :„.behind • the • .; - 'Mrs.' ' Mrs L i C Thompson,•the e . :. '4••• r.'•• ' : ': ....t.0.): •••• Alexll.,...1',.rT.t.0'...,..• ceptionist- Mrs . And- " , . p : .• , the following., ..rayer, 0' . . , C 7, tion .• . ,..:•.:•. ' • . " •,_. . , ..w. had descended. on their farn.L. . •IWaS 1Owered'iby., '6,;:••fiVe4Oot .., --401.-"rec-Olt-IY-• '.4-476e ' griends at afternoon tea„.. In the lathering were five . forme.r gathering ''-' • ..;.° ' • • , .- ' • ' ' . ' •LiielineWiteS:.•and.needless..to; say.. • Soeives ''''-7 • oPeratiOn•T'71V-P-012-',1iShing- a,. , DaPet far e3iCeedecf. ol most • - ..,...••.. ':. , • .: .7 • '„ .• ;' :0$11-m4tw• expect.ations• an ••we at The Sentinel Were, in -,- -: - . -,- .• -' . • ..' -.1.- • rey!:. z.id Alex Andre*. ., : • , ... ,_.__ . , , : ,,:_,•,..,_ '..- '0.• •004,. EteiTial rather of all w.d. hiiaS,..: • endowed, ,:.'1,1arislOn with. •speech t at, he .•ipay - ve. 'with • • parachute, to whigh, :was : attach - ed... an :'.: . orange. -colored '.• ha,. .1.106.* n, '1 . . .. •,.,- , that. had. ascended to a height .of •.• , . .6..ibii of rorni.ilfs.eititg • .eritered.' in,; to lite c..,)1,11.0.rs.atipri.:, . :... • — . . . . .. ., ••• • The former 1,ittelyn.owites- in- d a .• pleaSed. . Pe to. h.• aVe-•;this..opportnnitY t .„ to gree.t •'so •• many, an :to ' attempt • . • • . • . . . . 0 • . - •. a a a * ' . , • .- ' .'•', • ' • ' • ' - ......• . . book.: "Back Shop'? operp,'-.• . lions were explained ..br. am and .4..triT-1...'irraSori• ifellcA:VshiP.• .his-fellOWS, and has . given ' Thy Word 411,..'.:14b,e,,I. • . • Scr iptirire.s4:•:.•for ,..the guidance • of Thy ' 'thildreh' • eveirfiere; we about .10. miles „before' ilantstitig..7...„ , . ..,.pw....,.v.og..,., of . ti..ii,.':. r.a'd, io.s.9fici:.e!s.., .,-, , ' .... , • ,Ii• ascent ...into • the '.stratesPhere •--iS ,. • i„, •tonHee• cu.e, T iss er *vie re eaven, Mrs. , .5.. neid,. :xis, wth....qroz, • IVIrs. • 11..,..••A.: Anderson and . th ••rn.,. ' *ha i al...operations . Of ..the .. i iin. "g ...knd publishing buSinesS P•tilhe: -lant; '`ibu?'SiSr-ted7St•th'r and. RoY C011Yer,:•.• • • ' • ' • •". . ••, • •• '' • .f Refreshme.nts, were in charge, Mrspt.;i:i.iSiall ''''PllY.-ev'•'' assig,icfcr,•,.b?y • ' •P : ' • • • : ' • • • ,,..• • give •:'.17.hee • praise. that • in... :the. ':',06iiii 's., •el ' tiMe, ..T.h:s,''''viorii::.110s td-, transmit ra.iturespiess,,,---.. , • • ure, : and Moitttire of the ' air.. t ,P. . - ' ' •' , .• - - i .ier,. the.. liostes.,. .3.1,frs. 'Reid, ..As n.young :girl, . took "music'• lecision8. frath. Misi:•Arm.Streng'S!.rnother. "In' . •. ., , : i• I. type.iit°:t3rP' Pe.• . • where:/..,. galleyne\:y.e.'„fP1'.4 .type was •wseast,:'-'711-7",-.4"''-'-715-Int.:'•11•Ck.'.917:';(5.!..i..'1.Y.7's.'i!s,i'li: °. ' .. '. -.... ; ., .. • shown . in the proofing ,stage and. 'front). -Ia;i1:"7.Y.:. Webster.. :....„-, .. ....: : .. • . -.„ ,.,.. ,. The otfiee ',vim. a of. been. 'Made,:rnOre avail•able by the ti g Machine. ' . : . ' -•'• P.-..i•Aii15.:41ii:f101„i• h4S.: inspired:- iti'Verit ors and • printer•S:. •in.• the Past, do • - • . . Tukk- .•:••, •:, .. • .,•••: .... HERE , BAC i(,''CLocx ' • • , •.: • •,.., • •. •• .• • • .. : • • ,, • . . .; - SATURDAY On there the.. spectators theyed. ..prOfuSion...: ficrvveis;'iecelved 'thirriber ..., .. . . , .. • Th6:4 Pgive,....in': this present .•:•time, ..., . , ..• ., .. . wingtiant...,Bosrd . . • ,.:•Jaitlion"Pettapiece; :,4,,.. R;.• ..5; . . . ... - . • LuCknew; has been appointed as 'a Member- .of tlie•Wingliain'..Dis • • • to•••• the ' forint 'Where • the • news- ... , .. .,.. - .., . . . • , . ...0x.. paper:. pages are :made up,: :. . ... • • . • • . . . • Make-up was ...8.6* 1.161 c't• the• ' ., . .• shown•-•-andlLhow the ftirms, have .iferir•a ,-- . well-wishers, *.•in, addition.: to : t .1 P 'a ' .' • nct' letthrS of cetierat- c egr .ms a ; , . ; ; . . , . , • 1 ti n' which added their best n a 0.,s, , . , ..... , .,. . , ..,.. rr_:.,,,,bS' ,gilidabc.e ••14.1:44 :e4iiaTs' • :And.' wr*Pt.' r •that'the Truth .of events. . ; i •e s, . • • -P . .• . , ,.• ••• • ... : and of offeltritetive ihinking. rilitv • • - • . . .' , • - be faith -fully. shared-. • • ' - •,, .1tneknow will revert to. staitid ' • ' • - -• . : this. . .• , . aro time week -end.- • • Ie..° -.. , . .Th p . .,.f6''' -T1.- . . 1 • • . • • :ficial,... our r time change :is. .. , . --ttiqt-High'srhoOpoopit-r$utectig414•17 ing .the j'aie gm-est...case-1u' ore. • ...:, ' , . . .• . „ , , ... . • ., •, ... •••• • i .•.. ••• ••• • . ' • • • • : • - ,. to ;...be.. filled out for. locking .t.h. . • ,. ..... • . ... .fOrra., for. the newspaper press A.. wishes the greetings . ' • • • • ' • , .• . - • •• .: • Ire:toyed' from so _malny.,. and from ...... .,.. ., . ,. • . , -• - - ,... , ,. , .,..............;.. i.. . ...---2±.-.00;:alm-. ' We pray-. for •Thy 'blessing Up- .. . , , • - - ., ,. • ..: • • .._ .. • on , this --place ',•.freshly., and Sunday- Tin'erni"-n-g-0, . with • .- standard tithe' back "-in, 'effect ,on ... , staidar. :•.:••• ": • l• . - „FAIR'S ,SUCCESg'! HINGES . - •••• NOW' ON WEATHERMAN . . '. ., . .. . . . . . 'Sheet • wag.'run through the press 'kg .. the final fill -4.r stage ...irif,:.. printing,. &It* ,;to the folding and••inalling . . : : • . . PRIZE WINNERS IN • . .‘0PEN HOITSVI. !DRAW. ,built: establiShed,. and '41Pon., those who labor here, that aS...in the ',mast. -----' ,Th‘Pq )14.4 •tc,11#ci •u!' ;for this •en-• : :. . ' :,••Aiways,...i controversial :guest,. .. ' ion"' the:tiine'confuSien Will reign • ' ' supreme for the. next mOnth''as ',-;7.,...t.t • '' operations that .ire•• rectuired.•:be. .,. . . . . . •• a --dekivons° t,00, -froP.17.14Mce•P) • : i. ' • ' , . . . . . , . , , Many ' municipalities are . ' IT • . '.11.1* •:Se°1tiliel 13 off the press before the ,f'air proper " ots underway, -.6,0i there .teeths•Iitt.le dOtiibt:bUt: that it •, will be an •eitceptionally 'fine. . . fore the isreati.':iot" th-e, . •• • • .• .-.• . • '. ••• • • : • • .1S.' frkal • . • . .„. ... The'yeautoinatic:• job press was .the :1Oentre• of • mneh.• intereSt;•. •tis 'A 'prize draw was ••held in. - .•.•.•• • • . • .• ' ^...• : . • . ,.• • . connection .,with the Sentin-; . ..eis • "Open R,OU7se.7 activities .. - • . : . last **ski *4eir.Oree ,.,.rnr1:17, . this- . !PtrPils. • may function :: 0. Thy: Glo.ry . And . to . the ,yvelfs r.e . , . . . ,. , of .all.lhe:..peop:le., ser -ed. We ask this' With dependence Upori7ThY ' . • . . : . ,..„,,..,...,..,A.:. ,,........ ,...„..._, extend- , ., .•,....., 4 , in' g''Daylit. ht..•Sa'vrig, • thne.'.tintif,' , . , 'October 27th. . ' •••• • . ".. .,', :-....-- , .. . . . , .., . , , In ' the iteighbOtirig centres 'at • , . deli, . ,e.,,rieti,. , '...• ,and.....7!. itigh_arn.'.. , . . _ , .."fast.: , , • , • 'show,' that. Will,' tinder- -• *ell. :. as the 'power, .Stitsiher.:. and en. tO., ; of ::,the naPaai?!.1 ..'w.0.7.' ••• • .1rf?12.15:1-17-7u.1577-73.Al.-. . "4"1' . .• • ., • time" :••will• ' continue .. In. 7e. -:. ,,T..-.:-..77,--7-7•7..7.•„ , , :. .. get . way .ivith a 'speetaaular Oar- . de • ' - ." : t' - ' • ' ' .• ,the 'firoe4s.. of casting mats. ,, . : Many'' had ...their A , P ': awarded. • : • • . . .: P,::. • ,:'•:- • .:',A.;. year's subscription to . ,, . ... opt .. Lord, •Amen.., • • • • • • .... • • • .. While. ,,••iii • Kincardine 'I. standard ', ' • ' ... . . . . . . . , . time will be reverted,. to on Stin.4,, • i . ... • •.• • - The Fair 'offers... the attrao,.." youngSters, liatr.ie .:''east .tin. .a.• slug • and •anz,:ini,-.•:, The '. was Wen ,:by . .Sentinel,„, ..,,, . , . , „ • . , , .. . -.time this :year'. that i•should • . . draw -'.. - ..' • 4 . ' •a record., crowd, to 'gave. the .Society : the. • financial ;'' • . . .. , 'boost „fririt taken.. Several'. got onto the ''..simple.'...”' '''process,' -and.. 'I'M proofing ., afraid' Weht -.her*. a.. bit, situagect, . , , . , . • • ..•, Chas:41Iallarrr, #.;11,. .7, , Luck-;-.7AREA now and .Mrs. George !Mo.•-• : '. : ., .. ., , csienaglian• of : Whitechurch.;., • - . .-. .. ' ..- • . SUPERVISOR,.. • , --41-iidanay7idatis to-tehaiio, to • .. • • , . . . . , • ., • '5 ,r standard time 1•Wilfil,e: 'Walkerton. / .centirittei•••• 'on .: D.S,T: • • They . are:7, . . •-•_•_ both in the ,High Scboiii ...they .need:: • - ' . ' • Lei. all in ' the :lap. ,f4., the 'Weatheim • now•_,H••• • • ' ''. ,, With printer's :ink.. The • visitors Were. 'retell:red'. by ivir$ hoinii,gon • ' and signed,. the • ' • ' .- Third prize. a :box of Every- ., . ., , . ; . " day' bards,. • goes to Mrs. Res.," . CUrbriiitit ; of •14-te.k.no:*•••-. ' . . , . . . . . . . ..14,10Yd 4'.Cli..e.rt - has •Abeeh •• named for'th' P te bet- 'ai'qa.silPeltV.189r,•• e ..! l' • same , , , , , .. . , .. f . District . Which is but • one illus., • trati ri". Of the confustori..thatWill .. „. 9, - ,....,,_ • „-,. ,i,„,• , ••' -------'-' - r- ------ . . "•---'-'- ' ----------,:•"-------------•-- •:(Iiigh..•district • of. the . United Co- • , - ,---__ . . . . . fromresultt-this...latk,or , „ Elect 11-e_en:lownLGtficers,_Set. ,es,. art ri . . . . .,. " , . . operatives- of Ontario, • .. •' • ' . • .• . , • . • ., . • : . Lloyd 'hai ' been...in :tharge. • of .........,„,„ nnito,r1p....• : .. , . . ..,... ..„ . , .•. ,: . .,. , ity. ., • ,, , , , ., .. , • . . . , . „ . .. . :Lucknciw • 1VLun•i•ci . r: l_Couned set • , , . . A representative group of teen.. 8,00: 'to • 12,00 . p.rn..,... ever .., other ger• 's:• .• - . . . , Town developments and the Club , . . :., . „ , , • • ,,,,, 00- to With e: ________ :i •P• P, ' — the • ne,rsorinel department of the . Co-op • at Toronto for some time, ,,.. . , .. ... .: .., .„ . ,., • . ... . ---- ' --- - - •.,• . the '. fast ti•rtie •obser,vance r , ill: . the . , . . • • i ' spring • from 'April 28th to .Sep, . . ' • ,, .. * ” . ' .. . ' ' . .. 0 tembe,r---29thi -••mot: with --inembefs-or the.: rfid4st.-•-ievening.;-_,The----agt.--.--ecypp.- :.Liont..heys; and, Girl • Commit-, ig 'frtyiyi. 1,3 o 10 jrititigive..-•. ,: ., ,„,_,, . . _.. , . ,,s... , ...• .*". On Friday nightto. discuss, The' ...Mist itiattY *••‘011. be held; -voted- -;$100 : -a..s.. sist, --tn Tz'n'.0rileftibri+, This. Wi4..Provide'foi a '$5-00 a 'bight rental ',lee; and, -a-ridThi-r recent -promotion --means, that,: he, will ,be . transferred to Peterborough, 'Mr. :and ,ikiir„.• A: tki-, .. . , 4,. and Reeye . eerge-x. • .,, ,, , t • e see no . Joyn :. states. that . y , ,.. , . ... rtaton. to change their 'original' . 1 . . . • PliinS ter. the fO ., ation •of • :Teen this ;Friday .evening in • the ...110, and dates to the uPP,I• .'sOrrie'• games and equip- riient necessary. It ' iS. •expected •ert and three Child:1*OP., 3.°h7,. Atli'. Paul, moving this week. de.c!.ic.i.'!:': .' ‘. o .. ' .. .:; ., .. ... , .;•".•••.•. : , • .4 , •• , :e.• • . .l'ati. to elect of' ficers'• of the crekion Hall. Other n'ov. :iiioti,D; : ' . • . ' P . lend Of ilik; year are October 11th '. 111*Y are a.. followS;;, President, and ' lilt:h.." November '1St:: 15th, , o . , :20.'_t_ihLL.„_,..._1-04..•_1)01eimb_e,r._,I.,Atilir ,...*and . .that , Teen 'To*n. wilt eventually 1.)0orne'self'%I.P.POiling• , . ,... y ...%,,.,tecP,e,i,..„...,._.„,t and tizi't,lieir. neiv., home. . . ' . .' 4Ioy4 is•.a son, of ,,Mr. :and Mrs. ost, ,,,..oly_pod_.3. . , : ... .: ,. . . .1 ,,...•Ont cars and,. roads have . been „ . improved. ."N. ow ' let's ..,.in,ipT-ov•e ,••:: . .. . • our driving -DRIVE SA`'..P1_,Y. ' . ,. ... ... , , . _ ...._.....---. -.,........,....-,,,,_-_,-4, 11.1rties4t_r;„2',PR.Aayile,1•••1•„„.1St.•,.yi"ce.•,Preiideriti, s !ton;„2nd vi.ce pres17, 27th. . ,'.• - dent . , .Joathie. Hunter; '3rd :. vite 1,,, PreSident; 1)OU•g•'' Schmid,. • secret., Set 'Rigid. Rules, .rY) ' Bob ' Andrew; • ti-eaStiret, Initial rules governing:the. •eon- ,Unille.; .41-1..s.,,,ti..„-evv••••, ..dire-ttorsi. ,‘„,•atity duct of Teen: or...owp,,,xotilli,,re..tbat Web§tor,, ,blahl,;e, . ,Ra ., p - • 1 each :Metnihei. sigh: iri 'on .arriVal: lientler$011,L.'04- r" . ' yn r, :au a . •--: 'itiefilb-etlaki/e_$ . before the :it,a,_.T:,pe_te,,:liii,6:ikain••ac:tivtiwn,...Iii . „ .7•FT but a games . room .‘.il..1 he set up 'Iri the .soiith' .wing fer those wile 4;1,o, not : dance, • . or •as: an . in.- te.rinde... • irt.": : t. h'.,.•..!`-14,11ce.• 13,rt•Y.'.• Dancing ,will be in tne.,rnam. to record • PlaYet. music, with . pOS, S4 :_,__.7__inszt:Aol.7er,t, - „ . . .„... ... g r- 'of na. en- ., , , . :1 :,,, . : . . S'' If' Of Lost tg—t . ' • • - .ne : 0 , . -- . '13 - .''' .. T '''' I . • . E ... , • e t - - -----. -- - -.... - . . . , . . . . . .... . t. ;A ' . d • • ' . e:. ."e' , 0 olffing' the . general Meeting. p4rty is '0Vet, they .sign out and all'. 6c'ectitiVe meetinff was '....hid 8thY °Ut- larents. 'Vvil . be, noti-: -4ith""the,-L74'.---------,"' •'•-•:-••-ir"--- ''•••••"— ••'--- • b, -..ieaire 6,i'i.ly',: 'No': ,4 . aft, lorl$ .,Colitrnittee tri• .fiect if meitit ers , . .. • ;1, iltiles and regulations The beverages will, be brought in. -4. _ sieen o is e._.sipee.ia_• nig s •arrange • !y , • , nonagcnar,..n. ..7, , , , T - T ' ' . officers. Alifield,' Township, . who has not the .een• own.. . ... • - . . • .„ H., ,. .., ,,.. :.. ' ‘'' •:-. At the Lions -'4n-&iiitiii,g,... :the had the sight _tit one .e..3,..e. since .OP•b1;iOb:•Aras, ‘,expressed that 'Teen a . lad et' five, ,ha8 ..tiiiicte, 0 $5.00 '-r. arn.y os e • sig o i h, ,, ]eft ,, • .ch. , , , . . , ,,tr .1, : is eye '.hich pene a,ed , . b ' :''t 'Ill • he-was.at'1a' 'P, .,. : . . . Y., :?s iver Ny, 1 , . p r, , as ..a,'.4.4d. . - , r., ,., ..,,,. . . •ZOK---'''''-'-- '''!''' •-''' 'CkIrdan mmittee is eentpriSed 6t Mont - ' chairman. T. goniery,• ., 15' Cleland; V..' A; Mowbray, 'pe. iial.d.rt, tk,i„,hvii ,inci, hob, cainp", bel , .,. , ' !Club- , . .. . „ . membership . was set at, N',00. 711.6 .. ' . - • .,,,4 ,,, .,, re.will :be a 15eiit..00' or v.,„011..' •the6fing Alia. 4i...6ot'. ted '" 'subts, Partv fuetili.' ,?4*,4,iwi.i --.-"---•''' confinedIj-'io''':'5grc'reiWffi',hta-a:'''N-;'grttte.-Zt'-"-b'ffieete-ap':!'.-:d"..tft, .Phi.Okilig ',w1' ' ',.. . , I' l'' d.' i* - g lose on .an ash tray. ir s tin . c . . . ,.. . . *riiii riot,Ipe admitted in jeans or, slacks • . . . Iliins Vote 114"6 - ', .. the .Litms-- --in'oeting, •on MiO. h.- . ,At day, night • the , trietnbin•S.,' ,were htimialle) net th . diate on toen ..' atiolritf"_ the-tiirrefit-'vOpbtt'•---tlft--13aitnby's-fa,thet-ilvedt'-tt5 'able of their Own act, •of the tOriadfah National • litsti',be , .. . . , .... . •• • , . . .,, • .. - . ,... - .. - lvitief, -Akti,t4.;'` supervision the tute for ',the: .141ind.. . ., . . main reaponsibilty . Of the ..spon- •• 1•16, ,t.q. ,•*0 •-1,s .parri.t?yo -1v00,,,w,i,a• s soring .group. . , .:, ' . , • ...',.. al , Ott P April. 25th. Mr,. Barnby It was onvhatited that the spends the, Annan. : ett• on the, bid ' ' &bin 'ft Aihtield and the . win. 'adttlt. ehaperitteA,' assigned rfor . 3. ...• , •. , .‘ ., :,et kh: 'party would have. to tied:. feta in ,Hathiltim at the hOi.rie..Of _.. :i•p : P , : _ . . ., . iiii iiotit Dr. Alex Barnby. P • 'Y .tifree 'au' "Wes, ' .. - , , ,,..,,, well Over the, Centnry.....rnah -to the age of to' years and :•,,,,,_m_ months. . • , • , i , . ,,'. dr, r, Barnby has ..been ..iidor,-,0. . „ .. for maoyi.,,1113! Yeatt, 1.11.§ i...Yiv• totirietly Miss Johnstone of Ash. •••; , ct ,..,....,..,, :868 , . , ,,... : . A liel. Ailed.. in, ,l, 4.,.t.:.6 age. . of . thirty-six yeara,- . v ",.. , •, , . •:. ... 1 ,