The Lucknow Sentinel, 1957-09-18, Page 14THEA =KNOW SENTINI L, LUGKN( Probably . f e W • LucknQ W i1 S have had •sudh a :colorful ex+cit- Mg and diver•sif reel.. i e 'as DavidGraham, ' soli of the late Mr and Mrs. Cobert Graham of LileknOw• ' Dave is in; lyre --818th year Tut despite the years doesn't lookhis age' An& continues. to,'enjoy com paratively good. ,helth and possessed of a remarkably clear Jm;erinory. He was at the Preston Springs".MaineUntil a short time ago ' ren- -e-moved to aramtfo One' of the hvghlitg{lits .of a tear- plained that: A tropical: fever had. rimed amore lives than; .the numn- • . r-whird-ied-inattic, He -point= ed , to: a Sear On hisforehead which he said he ;`received tib , the battle for San ,Juan Hill in which he had, • participated and remark ed that- that; was the engagexnent in •w}ich Teddy ; Roosevelt's fam ous , Rough Riders, disregarding order's attacked and ,helped 'carp - ture •:the hill: "� Mr. ,,Graham 'was born 'rn, Luck -npw;: arid`--he�r. a=:,b-oy--..0 4 3 -went= to Ahualaco, Mexico, `,,Where .he. • worked as . a • telegraph operator and learned to. peak Spanish ;which. he found very helpful lat=, er Then the xreturned : to San Francisco and, there signed papers to join the crew. of a sailing ves- sel 'ibourid forH '• England: e said -they-.-lad.. a...saitaroiand the 'faun-.. • eer that has taken,him practically around the world, •was his War service in . the United :States, Army, He belonged to •.the farce- • ous Imnnurtes . regiment in :the Sparttiis'h-Anierioan War and out of 1,00. men in the unit only 600 icarne-back-a lye: However, h- e x Irl jf • RT, IN -APPEARANCE Saves one-third third to : one-half %on fuel All. welded ,construction Circulating fan is , thermostatically controlled. or -your, present' heater. PHO fE; 70,; WCI N .. r; rs y using rStorrni Windows`(either-Wood :.or -. saveu.,to35%onyour. Alu>rnlnum) you P .. , r os A•_ • y i' present Feet Coss, ctuall Storer, Windows n._save enough feel to pay .for them•selves=, in Three Year 's. Time STORM W INDO S ARE AN INVESTMENT r ` Not An 'Expense— et Expense c, .ONTARIO ,DAVID GRAHAM ous Cape-- Horn -arid --the voyatg�e.:' to England, required 138. days owing to : adverse winds, He re, - •turned to New York And then supply the requirements , ' of` imports from • cheap labor! coup hit :outfor • Australia working , on. paints .and varnishes therefore 'tries . several vessels: He' Baine back: to' the; manurfaeture of butter sub- Secgndiy soybean farmers are to ro tin : no enefrt ,front t. . ,' . . • not. necessary: • P receivrn b .... . he� America .'laridrvg atNew.Orleans stituteS is a ,,•..•.. production. of roar .arine. • ,. :.Market:: ' •„ _ . , revolu- vide .a• at :the time ' of the .Cuban revolu- • , .•. ,... ream Produ'cr.•rs are tion and enlisted in '.�18'Ja in 'the �Canadlan� farmers 'Produced thirdly Cream: arm • and. served_ for the• only'10 ipercent of the total avail- "being ,butt .by the''. production of • U .,S, ,Y . Served duration ' of 'that uprising:, The able vegetable oils ',suitable 'for mgrgar ne' while pro.vrdmg '"the elderly gent'.said. he 'fought/in the the manufacture..' of . rriaragarine: soybean.• farmers ;with ,the •most war in the• Phillippines and, was 75 percent 'of the total imports profitable outlet , .for their goy- prese.nt When the leader '-of that, of vegetable oils '''aid. oil .seeds bean meal. It is 'up: to Cicarn revolt, Huan�aldo,. was captured, were imported: into: 'Canada duty ...Producers, in particular,, do -: ,'to , •and was placed on •:the• gunboat 'free.. farmers in general to' take sttf Yopkton; and taken to Manila: ' From ';these' facts `I think we ficient . interest in the sale of • - `After—the-lose--of---the e--off-.-the • Philli:_..can arrive...a_t_the cor►cltusion that their present' product .to cnsure. pines conflict,' ' went • `` -Canadian farmers, Lore receiving a.;reasonabe return,if` t•hirr ;la Practically no 'protecticiri against bour ; •• a l 1 .1 1. o WEDNESD, SCHEIL BLOX . — a quality lane, manufactyred t4 rigid standards and under mating controls by Schell Industries Limited, ,pioneer of concrete masonry products,' in Weitern Ontario. ' . • • '.' SCHELL STONE; PRECAST: STEPS CHANNEL SLABS • PARKING CURBS-: SCHELL BRIX • WOODSTOCK ONTARIO China Where he. obtained 'a poli- tion, r i the Customs: service :At that time the Mandarins controll- ed. the'govern'ment and the Chin ese ;people' were ,kept in • subjec- tion,/ ' and heavily • 'taxed; 'barely' getting a living On his •returri to the US• e' to •• ted in Chicago and there train t the Armour In stitute at nights to: Ibecome . an electriical• .{erlugineer working in the daytime at various` plants .of the ',Com nonwealtih ;Edison Co in: that city. Elis last ,job was with. the San . Francisco'' Golden Gate. Ferry ''CO.: where he was employ=' ed as ,an overseer: Wit :the con struction. of ..the Golden . Gate• bridge . the ferry Company WAS put out of business. It was then that Mr.. Graham decided to. retire and ei arne :, back •to Canada and ...to Vancouver.: After''a few years, out '.. there ahe,,canie east; He is a mem- bei of the Spanish American War Veterans � Camps . of Vancouver and Toronto,. • This rerinarkable old timer' could tell':a .story of This, life that would fill a book: He is in full possession of all his faculties and believe it ,or :not, he can still op- erate .a ;typewriter, wwitki accuracy►, and at a speed that is almost un- believable for •a man of his age. MARGAR IS E :0.1,1,;$ CHIEfLY 1MPORTS:� .. .:.. ' - • / ..� • B J. Carl Hemingway) ) gw y . • At a meeting of Huron 'County Cream Producers exeeutiVe, a Motion -was passed- •that. J. Carl `•"l em•ingway 'be=appainted_._sec y treas. for' current year; $45 • to be paid to the Federation for •his services and• $5 affilratien 'fee to be paid to' the• Federation { The committee' is to xeceiVe 7c. per mile to attend meetings: The -. Cream Producers :are' `.to donate •, $5 for . prizes for :dairy class at, the following• , school F` iel.'Pumps,, 'as loW ""s heifer'class and $5 to .beef heifer fairs: Blyth, ".McKillop, Belgrave, 1• also purchase .$10 advt. _,.,.. . ,.Mensa __ . ,. .... ,in Bayfield 'F'air'.Iiook: The Cream Producers are to ttrake, Shoes E,tchatrge, full set -;,. . u,� of.. .air a .:.ri 7. - - .. __x...� �_. ��..�' a ' share xn expe ses: `D y n .Cr POcu a to urUFFLES .AT, LOW C_OST ess• conest.,. F : o the. Owner and . Staff ; of .ucknaw ''on'the Completion.,of'.a.Fine New Building that adds much to the Business Section . of Lucknow. Best Wishes _fpr.; Continued Success .. news Insurance gene Llcltnow. et us "'estimate the cost of Storm Windows for Your .,.Home — Prompt Service O ObY $ation. • r-.. icing lrour•.order now` yotit can •ka assured ....,. V,I +.aw+:. .'tri.y yuly.yy+,'�.,...uw,..wa v.-•.ri. of delivery bef ore co wee`there one 150. Luckne v taloa very wf greet 5 •`hands. large;: r three: Parer the ".Gel summer with •: b leather. with :kr We a live .in • ESSO DEALER. • Leavy': DutyBatter•ies .. enerator .Etchange • .,... •i ..:4.4 4'. 4 Volta e l`tegulatoxs •. . . 4. 4 4 • •. . 4 , ''.. • 4 . r. chase $56 time ori Focus• on: ,the, farm TV prograrrlr I think Cream Producers '�Vitl also bg interested in• s ome•. facts which a received recently from the Xational Dairy Council, and compiled. . front data of the . no- minion i'f3ureau of Statistics; The - Canadian production of Vegetable oils is not sufficient tib° F AiiflflEfl alanctng • ` RH3, ONE Lt' CKNOW • ONT. $7.