The Lucknow Sentinel, 1957-09-18, Page 9Z ... . . ..... . ...... LUPKNOXY 31 TI EL,, LUPKNOW,, ON, .7 . .......... ..... ........ . . C, n, im ear. %pip. IF, ra e. tinel, dest aunde and 4�oijm rtooj�� t get, out p`pap r, or Ile village e neve:r -r,( w s this g Mr,'X4� 'e' Villa I FY. t eum. it ng, i �e �at, the Bruce IC044*ty mus- twp". Wckenzi T E f 'ic'-e g6, was incorpo 4,04 4W an,4 Up fi�Ve- much in. ieoM" pr e( Th Month ot's.,pr0pr'iqtpr�ship tlit ,-Q f n_ og ort the, year he -The b( P� .-Writer'' Ad Af ter, t of, r p r es 17 iur�ulent ye'rs, jong� Jam B f irst issue inde ' # a _s tpn yearsi. replaced' .9ecrte, ry h Adams f , the business., for Mi, awaited e el.qp,' )htario, 'Hot Producer s, pblis edr4anu-� WO�hi�jtojj� 'Pre eha rge. 6 d'v' ments ave come the C, A s -power t 'qrar*- .,Madkenie -until t4jj�dlllg the tQ point,,. Of .;4,-Qjior ig o0ati6n told, th Tow 1. s Pli e. man; ed 0 1 f or '0M.a, e, delegates "I Og, P dp press. :_utib the. f,"t.he. paper iry 0 nToronto, 4* ownership -o he, Se�,f el': s I ? rod we�essful t hi y ne eng e. le" F 11 Of'' -1404 f. 4 �940li 6. 194, 0 el 01 gr in a 't. t ffie. how` ,o 1,b-li5hed 'in h a 73, the Ontario 6bt in a re, which, rese nf the the t ',P ihg of,' _c e S_ frers a.. osooper Aq-, Ve gO -re i�b she In Jahu&y 1935 -duriqg Mj7s, d hippe: nual meet an �s SPOC ve in t -th gl s..Tac enize! Pw1;:1. in- th eri was im Q9 ;It the of the, new ng, fleran we. one-ry how.: o Under mkhin,� i Aanding, vo,ie" _v t Appiro. p, rgaiiizatiohs- pro gro* to make, ate. that:., seil�.64 until re tho iac .,the:,o' ed. by'� re I'' -ell 1pkte�s�.�vh tfQn o. p ae ich t dikee for - the pist �year,., On C. W. Mdnnis I id' le.trical ip.Qwe.r,. "gave UP t some )resa o 'fidence 'the Ontario 'Hog Prod announc6d the, AA?. -o wo' sc the trength , f this 'con ucers' s, Of service. 'th elir oganiztion, Ontar soeifition lji�st Council -of Mr. MacQrejor sold out' two �tio� of the "T id hAa* sa 'inc oraied munidi- years later to J. L., Na The U ylor, B.A., e is s -i I in operation -are auj� irig,the been., pass�bd OPP, e rs hog Produt an wi. I Y was c of. op' That.,C rg I 're Of, a'spb'Qlar than. a printer and is ve suitable f tab ph ou and h y r..a second -phase heir ' en -:ma- enforppo withbut'if6ar, or favor,.... of:., alc'ol c., and . his journ" oid ea in C publi tion. This re s. -ket_ directional am wbicb, bride. . The 'We Ing progr n -411 iparts of Th' eer was short.'. 21/2 tons :krs 1909 A. 1) e arl6s N[6040,` Al dl�siiii�tiqd to --fhove C d7 de --went .4n.to. e_ffec-t--Qn----Mon 0g-u.14-te- bo e- mpee, Ch g MacKionii thp-1 it mises, an Two irripor,tant order i.Very of ho s by the - trinspo r . . , # govern ormer, p. e, -ind. Walter T 6leay.-r -bou' hf, The ent'6jr. out. of am, the ..6uyih9 Ing. the - direl6tion ..h( cint�ie 9 ne and d' pf -hogs b Y , d.in re-ass6tabled in :the .)gs,,,,to as �eve ,to a, partnership, with- Wm. new. shop. R mPbell iOa's the first, 6 seriibly''pints 'of 1 the Ontario H6 k r.jakk Ibi& g.. pac, er b -iaster-of-this- 0 ned ers Cb -roWfativ, p the. o"g- preaoxxt t tlemen't�, and,. incidetitally, the, The TeesWater at. that, moving opeiration,, which ',was, ive Septe rber '16th,- contin�'.ued "Thii iri�rea� ar- xpertly'ib :a te is ,a' gie'at-gra:ndson. time but. i carried on, Y ater di8posbd of the, nounced at.-las �vqek`s ineetip:& ainiog ower- of; 'the .'e.pen -mar-oe' Culi,o­s's- 'village. printing mackrorn 'Torqn-� in. to, T1 Ia- r '''o per r w4pre, nd -ket' w 10,=d&s' of'. sq. orders are .,under r gu, Al enable hog Prod* the, pApe B6wOrs, an n who, r - tiong'of-th& Ontario., M, ro� e a-�pqw.e d'.,H,' t 19,14 the' Wickeniie-Wraith,: Pa. t Fs& P 'b r and fr6e -in iour f()mi ers -j,.,la�g� retain: rA usixiess hip' was dis's' lved.-, er 'g 'dtial 'from High duc�s Marke#�j -Act and the A -g-' 'n eis's'' ife. corn -Pa 0., Aft hi rable. to to - 1). B,� Schoolt "and a year atk ricultural, Pr -Mairk orgorflzqd,:� 'sbg� iis, sold In 19-Y9 r' 'M k ting. str lie op' "'.highly 6h a inotype, ts Of indus W' J., Little real 'I at 'The Sbr R" rs6n, DA6n,­Thbmp': t men tr ed z�tiriel y. dnd, ia�toue ,e singe One i�der irects th a me ng.. 'at the. greatest -zjdV hit'e in he,, printing, drid' at I! hogs Dr.- J.'EAattir, g a p et'i ner, ormer usiness. 6w Decom,-�. histo.. HUr. -a n. ry .. o t publighithg' b countie�, of 64 th I oe paper. fes�or �i Fc6nom cs t .11abdo icl� support :W�ai�, 4�su�r, '74 ON, -2 to e - &r and the na 4-ecid- On ly., �nd` 1-928 Bruce,, rey, �ing n' ald Colle, �be� - is 1 5,:, me We. -ii" 1"; Anne U. tv N. er, lie rs,:to n alton. are. to V unc 11' ::. ' *Duflferin,' Pee ue', was h I b6�i -this year� .4go d I a'd'H _0 hel 90eaker_'­,,.- ampbOlThpimi .1937,. Roy Collyer OP pson, inco May ut, S. R. H'. b d as�em bled. at Yr. Lattim -of elde, t son Mrs. e trahsportdd.an 1.1) er ih 1950, earT14 Th9n be -,and oper- p eqn,;ass�mnblypoirits an emensive, study a 7e r e staff: die ap y Bloyd's, "�e`�aih' ocei,:urred-, tho. Thorn��6�, thp,-� I le of he el t rio., a a His, entere, the' printing e . Go C ype, 'th C`-' '' ii�id Stry.- In dnj'' 'I ' jj'* lt0P.-unek �:ator. - rid. the -To t4an-' three ye.ar� d peratiy6 u ad-i�. 'onto - Sto "Duri .,; Ydrds -dress he' said ig - e pas -S�,6rds. he- arri(3d: �busxnes�l ixqk6fizi 'And T _�6 e wa� introdul& e e, ed' tb the 'mylAories of ty "I'lik' three.§ome c0ipr.ises :Th,& are' 'at Kitch Lori- fi h ki as beeft a JtL Pri ecliniF M red her, fore:` fie, ene VL !arSL indsor, jam6i�' h ow of U;i htham . Barrie,, yan, W 0' lateY -e oyi4 6himbia ried M. rs'A `and,th� , y C ' ' ... . asion, emands -a L with, a.� icoTtespabding Lr and Arie,16'. when; occ d "of inds Y, ron­ Dien- -Mrs Thom'sain,. Pat- Abca0er,and' Toro*n'- '-',marked.' ris6 j� *ages. It is, ear P -ur xn� r a 0 s �co order ap,nd tactices, ',I reffiAlned. here err P d.. -at, -thq- re thi� Is,"ihat. operat the', .0a:per for. nan I to' I . Xa�i4t�h,- ho1s y .$ewb &-teen ury,''Mr." the 1 .1 .... .. th �ison for Abusiness- n:: -Detroit. ast 'but: n t. lea Mr�,::Thomp-. 6d �6rgan d, y�n,: as', as bel hk "able N -,e ry ong 'sell' vg� I. r, Mrs. K; t. no, e ar, gaining 'by mo .:e 1.4 -says:�tha erled. it4 n- c -li -Y, and:. W�nie.�'Nixonj 'w s n.:s th T:: Th6mi der ;the. ions v iin ho roi j gb a xen ito A faithf Ully, -proo le ;hh 11 in various7capacitiesi Includ- .�g Ing y trahsporteq n Is 11711 ff -and with s hich., have'tot,beeh and T6 14so -fl.:th . at'o . f teeve,. fi el. si� reader c 'bab, sitter.. d And, '96 fat. --our rea erp� .,p d, d ar- t;6, or. -a' ernb�o,.-,at the, for, -LW. war ea ru e. ei ;t re . nd 'd -1 hatz -a ove y r s.. 'ticul-arly t o . §6- a . t,- I a . is ..group. 1'6'Arhed :.-the notype hi distan6e;. I.. I . hi ing. pleeW :.fo" "UPlAirai-di f- ten 'y ku Th ri. 'gp. you 'd were an-h'6unc&d, by towar spepig,izati t -The Se' tin' I -to-ckt" The or er. a Iw October -19M. Mr.. n J. e,,.� 4n, has be6ri b 1ifi6rea8e&jhe need for �o. for' 'several' entipel Family"' who.,are- epjq Fo?dboro a- dir�`­ -operm!:-, employed' Tium,r�dn Albert years at Ia. The ..',§entine ti new an The 'd ctor. 'of th O�'t4r 116j.� Pro;. ti6h foi th6s e e. , e,,engage m sped aine�� t o f istowel B r' �.d h Ul -that Aime .,thf line,. P ken- ..:sp?icwu and. 0 0. f6duction and A Olk In SU'rie of fi, d ' )ciation,. t 400 thbg lines pr ting o, ice, k es 1b e ma e ttefiding same tixn less � such -rod Wath.- oto.'g t- on & �gton" sti ze w..ds,'d�deted 6d� trying* e to., '!the ang -of. P U cit, r eleg,�W$ i Feorge the. Cb-bperative-, meet 9. .s 'ssess The 'Se n-:'4' e 441priner" dev`1 t* and, th l.on., 6f octa. A4L . .... A, .... n e 4Ay 0" wi [,'not be a pre efitiout event �,h H -RecaUse--�Of— . _e Ouse t Wi itive tho'se OP- -home oiww. , . I . I ste4. an. &ifi,tine 0 1 g foit,6 but' i' "ill who'are i in. eW th-'n of The L 'IS W --t6--s-ee-wlkat--goes-on-be&in,&-.t-h"o--'ene-$i---�—L-,--,-.-- Ouse- I Y I , I I decided W ee.K, p.n;. 3.00' to nriolus, Ope Fri*da y# h 9 j-mpse Of 66�ftle e VA ra io s t df 'th oOteniber..,20t -n e eve �n, prodftclnj�,.A, p�per'_An Coloporcia 4(ternooand'. r6m.1.30 to!9,130 ip.. 6 g *0 W VIM 46 .0 so uarte With ihi - f d" ourvew on.wh ch ''hope, ti, the bl 6, is, SPecial I We e i's t bte t6 hlore 6ff ivent'. y, ..s.. ri b -.,the nee& 01 t v t n and h i 'is ti. 0 Congratulatio s PU w rin in t e, p bligh ng - 1: Y. -hold "0 n, Hduz e at, The� Sentinel .0 pu ple Se citlywf �iledld_411 t us ....... .............. T-- IN W, �'E,,, EL L C 9 At d e e,-,. em er P b, ''to t k�:� �3 ............ . ..... . ... .............