The Lucknow Sentinel, 1957-09-11, Page 3✓EWNESSDAY; BES„ TIM Jl�'K Q &PN 'iN i, LITJQ � 'HONOUR. ; �t AX:K N OW ITER CH�1tCf Minister: v¢ O! #�: Meiklejohn,. ' B.A., B.Q. • SUNDAY, SEPT. 15th:. ; .„ 10.00 'a.m,..Sunday School, 11.00 a m.. ."`Toward; Belief". Lucknow Church hr ',Presbyterian C u WallaceMcClean' •~.,...e . .. . ,.. Rev.• Minister SUNDAY; S EPT...15th LOi00' a.nr.: 'Sunday +School. 11.00 a m.; • Morning' Worship. 3.00 p.m.: Dungannon. George Anderson and Murray ;aunt:' left. last week on a.• trip o .the West. .Mr„. 'and: Mrs Bi11 Johnston of ;oderich visited...; recently -with' Or. and 'Mrs. Kober.t. Scott; Ivtrs:; Joe Wasney, :Karen ; acrd fore spent.,''a week recently at :udbury where ' Joe .is • ernpl.oyed a• garage meohanic.. His' friends hope *.for. a speedy. • ecq verYfor' Burt -Roach--who--has peen .quite ' i11 in Wingham; .Hos- oital• with.neumonia and. 'other takento r.om ricati�o 's. `He• was' �; • BR D�- Mr, Mrs, .• M $.rune Bailets of ; .. Detroitwere yTeek-end. ,visitors ' Miss I -Wel Culbert has been. w•Mr. Russ .Middleton,. ' guest of .'honour• at, a, series. of ith P9 ries. and Mrs Te* Leinoine and .pre'n'hptial events' family • of Pen?Ibroke spent • two the Ladies Guild: of St, Paul's weeks. recently with friends andAnglican Church, Ripley, held a relatives i" the comrnunityy. • rrris+ceilaneous M : hame: of Mrs. Joe Scott A .pleas - 14r, Frank . Johnston and his .ant kocial evening was enjoyed'. .Son. John of Beaverton • were' with a short -program. ,week -end visitors with Mr, and • S.OS -Presentation Mrs: Noble Johnston.,Fourier ,free rbers of the .,SOS. tM•r. 'and • Mrs.., Lorne ' Farris,li: Club . held. •a. dinner. party' at the Mr., and' Mrs„ Donald Farrish: Brunswiek Hotel, 1Wingham,. on motored up north' and .: visited Thursday :evening, when ,';a; floor with, .their ;son `FIarold, . who ,is lam was ,•presented;. ;;and a - working at ---a •tgbagco farm. ,cher' utensils k .doll, .-with. an ' ex Allan. Cooper:: ,_of the -pub! e presgive •poem, Misses Gladys o ;MacDonald ,:and Kays Maclntosh, had: •chi ke of the 'presenfatio i.' The, $..O.S, Club,. of which Hazel was' a member, was organ- ized ' during the War -for the ex- press purpose of: "sending over received the "Grace E._1VIacPher- .smokes" to the; , bays :overseas, ;; This Club, since disbanded,. was .son •M.ern orial Award, this .year • ouite active "for the' duration", and attended: • the. Young Peoples, Shower • At Legion •Hall Presbyterian .Camp at Kintail A t' an ` earlier shower in the Among those• attending. the Legion Hall, Miss:, Culbert, was. Jung -Chin wedding in Toronto presented: with•', a coffee table,:; ' er r M and Mrs:. Eldon Miller;,•,two'.,step�•up tables, a table. 1anw;: Mr.: Bruce 1VIacMillan, Mrs 'Ili,. •'a' ,junior' Mix -Master and a •figur- ..Gannet,.t and Clara, F,O Shirley :;en.e. This 'event. was arranged by Robinson, 'Charlie Robinson and Mrs Bo,l MacKenzie and. 'Mrs, George . Chin'oaf' Edmonton. 'Noble Johnston.. ' Guests at Mrs. 'Margaret "Mac Mrs MacKenzie' read' express- • •Pherson's on, Sunday, were' Misses rve "poems and :Joan MacKentie. Maly' Campbell; Joyce •King;:: and Ba�rbara'.tarneron, as.•,brides- Sheila Bryce' of Rami•lt n .Messrs,• maids, -had a : in' the res= y Q r i partp Charles ,.'Tindall of ' Dundas: and ;entations,`. • QNT'ARI .,a u�,•T,^.AI^:;E9:rT`C�:�e il�'kRS.'!. tidies' and' Mean's Wear health: department of : the City ,f ;Owen Sound'Was'-a weekend itor with Mr, and Mrs. Ali Rit= °hie.•. Miss' .Gardiner of oSt, Andrew's Presbyterian Church,Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs:.Thomas Hackett visited . with. 'Mr, sand . • Mrs Keith Hackett .and. •Mass Elleda ;Irvin of Toronto and lar. and Mrs. Col- in Welluin of ,Burlington' Misses Ada and: Hakel Webster returned from a weeks vacation. with their brother and: his ':wife, Mr and Mrs. Gordon Webster,: at their'•cottage at.Healy Lake. Mus- • koka, r� Mr.:. and: Mrs. ` Leo; `Courtney and family visited` in' London on Sunday w-iith..-Mr.-and Mics. Gus Kiitahan . and:, with :Mrs' •••John Austin who is a :patient in St. Joseph's Hospital. • .Flowar'd Salmon and ,Gary. Mor=. During the evening solos Were ton of :Hamilton: sung' by Mrs. 'Ernest.Acke'rt and' The L.ueknow 'Women's .- Insti Miss Margaret: Rae -and a' short t' ` e tin .•will beheld :in . theskit u as:'presented by Mi•.=, 'Chas, to e m. a ing _ . d ., Recreational . ,Centre» on • ;Friday, :Septem.ber` 13th at :2.30 Roll• call "My- Favorite :flabby'': Mrs. Har-. vey' Houston, .• guest speaker, on the subject' of refinishing" fu'rni tUre I,,ecent visitors at the home •of Mr _ and' Mrs, Chas Steward were, Mr. , and Mrs.- Hugh .Cure.= ;ing, ;Gloria .and : i1 y o . n • on; Misses Mildred and Kathy Kon;.. ing `of Chatham; ' nieces, of ' Mrs. Steward,,, Mr , and Mrs Gordon Steward and son Bruce and Mr: and Mrs..• Fred Steward'' Q s Lon- don:• VisitorsWith' r. Man d 1VIrs. J inn Mr. 1.McNaughton `on Sunday were Mr, • sand•. 'Mrs.., Zennari J'arynowski, their. children, : Robert.• and`: Carol, also..Mrs. Ain Robinson and her 'grandson Harold, all `of Toronto. Mrs: Robinson. sails .fromz: Mon=. trealir-.idav-.-to_return--to Scot- land.', ',Visiting from;' London " is McNau,ghton's :•aunt, : Miss Mary Car i bell'. Short: andMrs...J,ack.. Pollock,, Bob I: ewat rni tored •Wet rem ' NOW'S ' THE ;TIME .ToT BE THINKING , OF A' :NEW. MCCLARY MORE ADVANTAGES with MctL,AItYJ .. HEATLNG! Economical! Guarahteett ,Automatic! C ijijpacit!' "Vicar: . ' Attractive!" gaickly. Installed!, • • Efficient! Effective+''.: , :Etijoy greater heating of - ficiency combined ` with compact attractive de- sigt with a 'IVIcC4ary �c Rr U Ili IIMTI� �rx FURNACE TENDING BANISHED` itigaitir es �.in i'ted - ' No Obligation cent1 to join:: ;his parents, Mr and .Mrs.. :Bill' ' Hewat,' who had' previously- tak.eii'Tup residence in V.ancouver. • Mr, and Mr ...Nor'val Rogers of S b Sarasota, Florida, M s Bill Bail- c n;. Mr, and Mrs: W .53;: Rogers of Flint, Mich:,., were'•. visitors the first of; the week with rW: W. Hill, and Mr. and Mars: Cameron Mao.; Donald: • Mr Hill • returned with thein after visiting :at Flint and. Bright's G• rove. WAR I VETE RAN �:.•. D` - 1 EDS U:D�D E•N�LY : MacDONALD •• S uth he d . S ` cath' ,af'� ,Alexander ..T4 erland .1VIacDonaid` occurred still Thursday. • evening de'rily. ':last y • suffered m .a" heart seizure suffattfro the home. of Mr and Mrs. rA. C Agnew ':He was 56,: "Sandy", : as. he was,best est .known was•one•• 'of .a .family of'.. twexwe ..ohil.dren.r of Dan S.: MacDonald: and Mary' Jane Maclve . The MacDonald. home is . north --east .of tile. C.N:R: :depot where Sandy grew to'young, manhood, and, was an early etilistee• in .World War. 1 He was 'One of . four,' brothers to don• :,the .'uniform •. . ;' was , ; a ..mechanic , by, tradero and was ove_d_at var- ious. times at.,Windsor, Stratford and Niagara Falls,, ,before retic- ing=:abou=tear-year,_;ago v lien li and; 'Mrs: MacDonad returned . to 'the. old hbnie town to again' take tip residence rs. ` 1V aCi oiiald: 'wets, the former Maigaret;-'Mac: `t t:1i1rc -af: I1uckne;w;--0-741414-ghtci; of the late Rev and I rs:A Eiwan • MacKenzie. / . . ' _r r . he �fitnoral. ser7viet was held at the 'Johnstone. #uncral Borne,. 'Lao );novv, on • Sat i da ', '•con;dtiet ed by Rev. Ri j crt T,' A.''Marsh all, of 'South ' Kinloss' Presbyter- ian' ' h.urch., . Interment Was in South Kinloss Cemetory, ;the pallbearer's being Morgan 1 -len- dcrson, W.' B: . Anderson, Alex .; a ieay n J Joynt, ' Clair Agnew. 11esides. Iris'•: ti'dcoo •v, Mr, Donald , • . is sur vived toy three sons, 1:e r .-AFle .Macbona]d.. o%,.,$riti.sh:„ 'Grana,. truce. Of Tavistrock, ,Dost- aid r ofti1`oronto, anti. a gr:andd.ati- ghter,, 1eth. .S:'tirviving' also are five sisters' and four 'brothers who are refer red to in the Kinloss else- where: ih this;,i,ssue: He wa;, pre d,Zcea.d by' a brother Torn and a •sister',Mrs: Win Cole' (Alda):• • • !Iari Fashion M ll Wer, arriving .in tweeds, allwoo : mixtures., and• fleecrrs .fQr• iris misses and, Women --8• to 12;'10 to.,0,..1.2%.to 24 /0,, �� Priced fray .,1:9.95' 'to. 29.95' Choose Your Nevi.w4 .. A ;T and DRESS TO IATI- . f roiii large' selection', FOR; MEN AND BOYS .. Trousers, Jaekets; • Caps, •TJnderwear, 'Jeans, Belts,' : Shirts, Pyjamas..' •• •FOR WOMEN, MISSES, GIRLS Cardigans and Pullovers, Skirts and Blouses, .Corsets; Girdles,/Belts; Sfax,' Jeans, Panties;. Brassieres. SPECIALS Handbagi Clearance*"' ' J `_"_ $100 esses $3.00:for$5.00 • NGAGEMENTS The r.engagetnent ,is `,announced of, Miss .Denise M: Clarke,•dau' ghte.r of Mr. and :Mrs, Dennis Clarke, 'Kitcdhener, to .Mr.. Rab= ert J.. • G:ardrner; son: • of` , Mr and Mrs. James . E Gardner, ` . Luck n:ow The Wedding to takerplac• •in :•!Lucke ow United Church :on Saturday,. September 14th at .7°O0 .p.m, Mr: 'and Mrs ' Malcolm:. • Stewart of Kitchenerwish to announce the;' engagement of •'their niece, Margaret •:Wirinifred . Gollan , of Lucknow;, to Mr. 'David '.Carl Mc- C.lenagihan, son of: Mr. • and .Mrs. church,. The `::marriage' to take, place 'the latter part of Septem- ber. The : engagement is announced. of -Catherine Yvonne' lgacMihari; Ia ' r. and au ' of the_late- to M d g r Mrs John MacMillan, of Luck= now, to •Rona'Id Hartford. Keith, sonof: Mrs ;Keith of London• and the. late Mr,:' Crawford' Keith. -The marriage will takeplace at 11 ;a:m,• on' Saturday,; September. 28t1i '.in. St.; • M. ichael's:Church, London r Mr,.';andd: Mrs, Stewart Bradley, Tiverton, wish to announce 'the' engagement of their daughter, Doris ' Edith, to. Mr: Wliiani Ern-' est Young, son of Mr,: ,and Mrs Wm.. Young of :Tiverton. The. • inh bing, Heating, • Wiring, Eavet>t±'ougitin PHONE 50, LtTCKNOW Marriage to take-.p'lacethe,_,eariy. part of October. Mr. Wand .Mrs William Stanley •wish _.to, announce: the •engiage- meet ' of their daughter, Jean Viola, to. :Mr., John Gerhsom Johnston, son of -air, 'and .Mrs,' Gerhsoni 'Johnston :Of :.W'ingham,. • The wedding to take place ' in the• Presbyterian ,Chtiroh, 'Luck -now, ori :Saturday; - ,September 28fth•'•at 2.30 'p m; at M ivERT N o. Saturday, a tember 21' 1GOO' . D, > ' HORSE .RACES $100' stake for - Heavy :Horses Centennial .Flower Show . DANCE • IN'>EVENING. S. J. Pyrnm We nt to' Lon don this week to undergo r o a cheek -4p k uP at Westminster Hospital Miss 'Emma McCluskey was a. visitor' last week . in London':with M Hell M-rs. •Berwick-,Sherriff Mr: and Mgrs. Newton James .of Leamington were. ' 'visitors last week .wtrith, .friends.' in ' the Via,- age. ill age, •' : .of,1VLr and'BobMrs: : Buchanan Ariherstburg; th::Mrs:eir •son; Mahco lin Btichranan, Buchanan and daughter Candy, •.of" Kapuskasing 'were. callers iii town on Monday:, • •.i HURON•CO CROP' ;REPORT After harvest cultivation is., still going' on with . some fall plowing .White.: beans are being .pulled ,and threshed. Recent; tains have, helped the "sugar :beets, ;tures :nip and corn. .A great deal of •: second cut••lay is being. harvest - .ed and, the crop,; is heavy, and of '; ��excellent duality., Redclover is filling quite well:, !O BETTER• DOLLAR VALUE boy%' at. ports and' Auto ,Stzj Mufflers incl •Pipes, fart Batter res,' B`ondedd,,Brake : Shoes,. • Water Pumps, ,F,401., Pumps, Generators, Coils;; Ignition Parts,. Oil', Filter Cartridges,. ran Belts, Took: etc.. 13.:F. r .G001)4ICH TIRES & TUBES CA STIt til i -oil ar EREAS orne in and see and .��: on flys: "forma PORTER -CABLE TOOLS display in our store. get prices A LUCKNOW ' ,0 tl