The Lucknow Sentinel, 1957-09-11, Page 1A • .• • $2.5Q. A 'tear Tn' Advance, -3-0 FIoa Fall. . For.�► .,,,,, Lions Club .has , un- huc 1' hum taken to; prrprnote a Ca it dertaken ,pianparade : on F ' appall ,F,air-da ' .in Lucy , riow---Weesday,:, Septem- yber 25th' . ; dn., • •qt Monday night s• meeting' oOfthe Club,• W. •A: Per•te'ous,, who is -tte convE�?in� the�-~:Pioat :••ai.. e , brought the mernbers:p14,-tit-date on what has 'been a{ccomplished and asked •for support 'Of the pro- ject which promises to be a,huge success. • Chas.. .Webster stated. that a canvass cf, ` business . places had been made; and irnany merchants; had' proiflsed an entry.' On Tues-•: day rnoIin;g the list' numbered 29 names, nd ',Lion Charlie * an-. 7 •' .be the .. biggest Quid . b g ti�cipates it ., • rale ever held' erc•'a ' • it , is stressed, that, everyone is, 1 me to•. b:procession et' in the• we Qo -=frown. individuals ' to. • organiza- tions -rural and .urban. At -ieast two merch-ai,its have already made 'arrangements with. W.I. groups to do the. decorating of their floats, ' There are no p{rites offered' It is simply a:. .`ybogst, the fair and. the community effort. .00 extra: L JCKNOW,, , ONTAP.IO' 1957 TWEZ, PrES Para air CATCi(' •C r,:THIs WEEK! .A. late flood of copy. \last "week, far • eXeeeded the space in last \week's 12 -page issue. This• Week"- another 12 -page `paper'.. is' being'' run off' •• to • ea ch tip on tike "backlog" of news•result.ing from 'the..two Weeks suspension of'publica- tion during movingopera- tions.' • '. 'We , hopes- that this issue will take care of :all back capy,'and express our regrets to correspondentsand other contributors: for' having to hold 'over a num ter ofart iclor,: SISTERS:- DIE .WITHIN `A • WE EK OF -EACH OTHER:: Word has ,-been receiryed' here • of, the death of Mrs. George Mc- Kellar of , Elrose,' 'Sask.,, which occurred. on Saturday, September 7th, just jtilti a Week °'.to"tie day after the death: of her sister,. Mrs. `J. M. Greer' of • Lueknow. - • Mrs. McKellar :was buried on, Monday, also :a .:week to the a day` after .Mgrs.. Greer's funeral., . Janes Beaton . of town ii a -bre- thee: • PROPOSE: LOCAL PH014E..RATE, . ;I KE• • Increases. of 25 ;cents per montli• for twon'arty.residence .teleprone UaUAL ,FIRE ° �_. • USP . M:ET:.. HERE O • • Mutual :Aid. Fire Briice�County Association held their September streeting . in the . Lucknow ,Re- creational Centre as•iguests Of the L'ucknow �` Fire Co npany: The. meetings are rotated •monthly around the different towns in Bruce ',...County, . arid; last Thurs day's meeting was:;the first after the :su'rrrner..layoff. -.-._ DI. CU.S trio' � h ,there' wilds a . ora s A ,ug' g. representation f *tout ' thirty'=• • . T,pp IM five. at the.' 'meeting, only : four, Fire Departments were in attend p ante Ripley, :Teeswater, Walker- ton 'and. Lucknow. •This . is , atti b- f tray meeting ' of the ' Fall term . l •on Monday evening. with about uteri'' to . ttie fact that Lucknow is :attendance. •sixty �neim,bers .m the Seuth'er.nmost :town in ,the Watson resided:; -Pre''sideri't Rae , p organization, and, is •not conyen ,eat.•,:,. 1{ini need the .'Clulb on cent to towns• . in the nprtlre,rn• He 1?.. • the turnout;. and pointing the' part of : the county; o t nit for communit ser- .Fire Chief Jim>,. Me yrs 'of °PP r u Y. y. y RECEIVE ATKINSON . 4 :, •Jinn Reed o. f ,Dungannon and Ruth. Treleaven, daughter of Mr. anti Mrs, Harold ; Treleaven of Lucknow.,, ! have each received. $400 bursary frown'' the,`Atk.inson Foundation Fund, ' •to,. assist then-. 'with their university courses. quintette of Grade graduates of •: Luckriow :District High School:: will be off to Lo' on next weekor the Y openrirg of the University if Western 'Ong tario. These first year students will .be Ger'y,and Inge Suter, 'Archie McQuillan, Jim Reed and Ruth Treleaven,. • Ruth ;will 'take 'a general arts course for her B.A. degree. • • CGRANll FATHI+{R PERFORMS ' CIiRISTENING• CEREMONY, IC! raril .Mr.'ss ..TR•edv�er-s_Johnson_ spent Sunda• in Hamilton with Y Ret•;�sr and Mrs, A S. Mitchell arid attended ' the c •istening of their g"randson Stev 'n Clifford • little son :of Mr. and Mrs. Guest ' Mit ehelll ' (Joan Johnson) of Kitcih=• ever. The ; christening took place in grace Anglican Churchwith the baby's...grandfather,. Rev. ,A.:. S. Mitchell', �forim'i ` the.' ;•. cera - many �`HARI AREN L:ucknaw Lions Club .held their S TEEN TOWN IS Firstly, it's only 'two ,weeks BEING ORGANI Z: a- away-T"uesday and Wednesday, .Y, September 25th and 26th. • LuckngW and District teen- agers are, shortly'to have a Teen Town" organization in . • -operation There asbeena •considerable -: me Boys and Girls• ork Corn:. rc.•ision of some• sectionof th•e; mittee of the ,Lions. has been do - prize list ., 1Votea.bly, the --horse '•i some reli ° inar.y • work 'in ,. , ng so... p �.. .. • •c1as.''.•es have .been' reduced;, and•, ; and 'have ,. 1 s °to - � • ...; ., , , . this regard,-.. 'haye •�' drip a :: the Public School children s class- ` •i• t" .wher � it . is' hoped to'have pan, e. P es expandedand .revised theorgan.zatiot. in operation on.,_ =: i =o%the�Carm:. .:'.: "Tc-- , _ • ... ; ve ..-son `C"lia x7xiaYi . Prize . money in' • the,• .uiblic ;mittee 'is. Dr..T 'B Cleland: He s '".: "p withMontg omer spEaking -contest ::nas: been ;5p1t • -, GordonG _... _ g .. . Y, $/,' $3, $2 1 :and the speech 'glen Mowbray 'and' a:: teenage '.~ reduced` to a maximum 'three . threesome,r e c e n t EY. visited. • minutes in length. Southampton to see Teen Town * * in ,operation. • The nucleus of the ::execiativ'e Anal this •year there are: prizes will• he. picked from thestudent . ' • for the 'longest pig to s..and. the.; bb he •' L cknow ' District body/ at . 1r u , hest " pony '.tail. High School; aridthey will' Meetmeet with the Lions Comirnittee to fin - The Eaton,' Bacon Hog Special' aline details. - is rowing -i entries and , POiiU Teen:' Town will: be<:held -in the:. `.. Parity with. hog. troducer.s, These Recreation., Hall . every sec nd- hags , generally. sell for. a rem- _Friday night. It is oPen toall`- rum price. --last year about 2' c ,:teenagers of the community so, • a pound ,over market: price -rand; long . as they conform to Atte re, in addition there:s. $75.00 in prize' : quirements• �of ' tt e''Club. moneY for the'' top five p'• The rules, and regulations igov- • * erning the operation:. • of Teen _: •'; Contestant's planning , to enter :Town:will be strict'and will -have.' the 4-H safe-drivingtractor cam'` to be . rigidly • enforced ;by , • the . '•, u "ch:a .erons" • who. Will be., as petition,. should be brushing`p p •• ,; as - on, their 'driving; This : comes as. signed to • take turns in ' superivns- a.• reminder from ;'President- Cor:, ing, .A good deal of help ,will be don'' Kirkland,. : needed in this respect. ,vice said ,he. has no doubts but T'eeswater was chairman. for `the '.the C1 will •'inarcla ahead. avenin that ub g� and do a good job. It. 1. was :announced that Ste' , The question,' of . a .permanent" are being taken to . organize Huron Cournty into 'a Mutual --lid organization.wouldcorn `his, plete region three. Possibly Tees - water . 'and Lucknow would be, service in Lucknow 'and Of 45 switched to Wingham• as a call cents for 1'party residence lines in an emergency when Huron is arero n osed in Bell: Telephone's' .00mipleted:;'Lucknow's first call p p.. -a ,to, is RiP.ley, location. fpx� icevisesLra-��s�led now in Ottawa with the . Board.;. of George ,Whitby, Lucknow Fire --T-rans or-t-Comm-issioners • f. r: Chief,. introduced `Hen Comfort; e p Cather:. assistant •clioef of •:the .St. C',ath o' 'es do artrrrient w ho .s oke on fries p .. F mutual. aid. as. it .•applies•. in, .his Count- of Lineo n..111 . •Comfort y 1. retires next` year . after thirty three years with the St. Cath erines department. He is• -•a 'bro- I? • th`er-ln-law of Cecil `Blake' 'Of Dungannon. • Others who spoke briefly were p. y. Reev George Jo : nt:, of Luck esy now Cecil Make` of Ashfield and.. Harold• Percy• • Of Kinloss, Chief , Irwin Lobsinger of Walkerton,. Chief . Cee' ". Whalen of : Owen Sound, Fred Anderson 'of the 'On • tario Fire Marshall's Office, and .;:Jo:hn_NfacKinrion e tireci,.ohief-,_of the Calgary Fire. Department. • surface. -in tie . Arena was dis- cussed;. TheiLionsha�v{e; shown. ati interest in.:undertaking. this pro ject and have beer getting some comparative figures on' the .cost 'of cement,, hot roll asphalt and cold mix . blacktop:. . Tie matter.' of`.:und'er•drainage it and the -•t •e of-sur-faceibest-su 3'P• d '•for••' the job .,are, matters • that have •to -be -rrlore-•tully:Tgone into re� aril• authorat;ve`' information , ceived. ,. • A ;cement 'floor might run from "$2,500. to° over $3,000, and there, •be a €eel ` .• ;.at _', seemed�,�-to di'ig the niceting that a ;less expensive surface ,waS .profer.able:. ' ' Canada, .:according; to I3' H• 'P;• Johnston'; the 'coinpariy's .•district manager. • Theproposed' party ,f1at_._rate. $1.00 monthly. ,business : service increase for 1- b. si s 'ce uries�-..e��n._., and .for ..' 2=party it is 80 cent's A comparison of present and proposed, rates for typical' classes. of service in•n :Luck'�oviz• fohows: . Residence lifts. Prop'd Inc' ,1 Party line .::.$3.15 $3.60 $ .45: . ' 2 'Party line _22.65: '..2.90 2"J. • Business--.-_ ., 1 -Part line.. Y , ..$4.80 �$5.80 $1.00 2 -Party line , . 8.85 4.65:. .80 ,7 1, BORN • STANLEY 4 Winghami Hospi al, on. Monday, • September ` 9th;. •� -to-Mr-,nd--Mrs. Russell Stanley, Reaves 1larold Percy and Cecil. B -1 -aka, ,J W. Joynt •and Stuart Robertson were among 'those'.call- ed- on for 'any- information they 'could. offer. , .he Club 'r�eceilvied • its '. first, T transfer merriber. He is Peter Dancing •is the ' most popular•. •In •class .30 under "Children's activity of Teen Town .groups. Work", • social studies maps' 'are Tngs `• tie .Recreation. regular ' workbook size,Hheall will.twowioffer faocilit`es both fur to. be drawn by the individual student :dancing and . for . -g'ames: , .' In :Sections • 15 • and 16, of Class 27; the pastel : scenery •' and: pastel animals or birds '06:- not necess- Y aarilhave to be: iso:' water. coI:oi S. as stated' in 'the .:prize book., " en t .and • .Fair night•entertainment music for the darice4,o followwill be' supplied by SliM:Boucher' and; His :Golden Prairie . Cowboys. SAM DYJRNIN , PASSES The death of ` Samuel Durnin: :: occurred at. the .Carruthers. Nurs=: ing Home,in. Kinloss ,,,on . Monday e g. ev nin' • apt' • e.age,Y of .93 years: The funeral` service will be,•heiid:.; at: the, Johnstone Funeral: Home, •Luckriow, on TJitirsday, Septeim-.• .bar• l2th, at 2:30 with interment: , in Greenhill Cemetery; '., inlough Centennial Profit More no-pf. Street ti At . a' meeting of :Kir, -lough; Ceti - in ..the teiiri�al�xeouti�e held •. the h o e tl 0 sc 1 ret n Knou Y... ,g financial report.- was _given as below.' 'It.. u, as decided that the 'instal ,tions of the Memorial Street.Lights be paid, the bal- ance':.in.vested 'and • the interest the , romp be. used •as a aeci.ui:n° ref. ,. s ..,. g nucleus for the yearly mainten ance, of, the .lights. The. ,Centennial Committeewas *disbanded and -•a new committee set•'� ~known :as theKinlough Ty ,.. 1Vlernoria�l Street Lights,; Commit tee, •comprised': of Harold. Percy, chajrinan; John Emmerson, 'Har- old` Haldei1by, 'Miss May•, :Boyle, Bisone-tt'i,-•docfor•.-aincdMrs.wFxank • M ufden_: e- � veter-ifi'',,Y 'Practice '' A. commnittee of ' ;Don Bushell, who has': opened .a .iri • , • `' eHe was a :former member Don',•Gillespie anti Cecil Sutton. Ripley. _ . , -rthin--L'iarrs :Dr -Alison Wa �fa mad to 1nvestigatP, the �f the. A,,. � • • : • • Possibility of arc asrng • • some etre was introduced ,to the rrieet- P Y p ;The next meeting •is schedule l `ft,'+ land for a ball park. - ing_ and oak , a. bow". Y. ler-ori ctobrer- 3rd; . Receipts, • )1/2 -'letter of sincere appreciation san wi�c •.es served ` of Turkey d..,• ,h • D t ns• .eterlt=y.:1e: h*•au�g�l.t�th ' i y. osg a soh a brcjther for Fa e, to. a clasd c was'read from young"gilt Thr ona -io, meati , t ntr • Club had. presented her.' Harvey Admissions, and The Bakers SellPrivate Hospital.And Purchase Bushell. Residence Here iUlr, and• Mrs E. \1; Baker have • t'disposed the> of r' r private iiosipitaL • which they have operated for: the past silt' years, and during that -iatr former Moorehouse Mitchell home and their adjacent private residence was the ,former Hairy good standing at the end .of Sep- McQuill.in home, • tember would have to be drop- lvirs Bal t havc-pur pro- -.�. artificial'. hand—which •t -he-- otn-- $ 193:00,, 406 42 Houston and . Harvey Webster re- ' Collections , ....., ..,.: ported , on this: matter. Projects A Hallowe'en .night ,was pro- -posed. -by the= EXecutiwe:- - Tt was pointe l "Out that those 'w,ho. had. paid 'six• months dues at at the time .of •organizing were rlow in arrears and any not in• ensive y expan Lts accomodation and :modernized facilities 1'u'rchaser • of the h�os�pital arid. ant: the -.-;ad Austin Bakeres�cleti'�; Ernie Austin • of Uxbridge • Nit and Mrs, ,Austin and their day-- '•biter Marie, of 'high school age, will move; to -Lu ekxiaw next week,• rs, k ,Baer will have . .. charge of the 'hospital :until the first of Oetobe `', . The Baker Hoslijtal -Wits t ' Expenses Booth 'Suppiies ..• . $' 291,09' Stamips ••.. 7,5$ Prizes' .,. ... ..Y 74,00' Printing,advertisin . g •, sand Sentinels. 31.50 15/_Itlsic & entertainlment .117:00 /82.82 98 35': 1480,59 SPE T' -O MARK. C-SUE-ISSJ-E , AR • OPENING: 'or NEW OFFICE • Next: Wednesday, Septem ber 18th,, has'+been set for the date of 'Publishing somewhat of ' a special issue to •niark • the• opening of the new home of • The 'Sentinel Office •• The issue •' : will• tarry , a: number 'of advertisements Of, • a ,congrat'ulatory type. These, .we "expected;: would be chief , ly,frein, those who have'had' • a "part in 'the construction of • the building., ; However, : , to ; date :there --Hag-been, qui 'e an u so rci` q response from merchants,. those • `re'nderin other', .seri vi•ces .and • from •o ne rural. municipality. • Wim' neint` ri' is: fact. so that. others. -, will --know : the- acore' -if _the wish;.-to7-44 ;e -t Y in •onthis.. issue" , • :.Advertising copy Must be ' received by Fri da '' i d Y.• Chased the residence of Mrs.. Nel- Jack ,.Treleaven was :proposed �. 5.00 Fiower Pot"Holders " .. 1.2".00 • , . � a ,c • Nhscellaneous son` -=Bushell on ---Stauffer St.,-•�and....ior_mem,ber_shrp obtain pbsSeSSion on Thursday of ;The ,,,Bag of Bu bssa es cam- eek: Mrs. -I3us-hell is, ercn palgn Is laei g ng .�. , , >a~hr�w in Stratford with the Bell President Rae said'they 'expect- l�oyed I � . ed "to hit it" about'the time Day- Mr., ay elepkiio�ne Company.; Bushell ": tt ht the resi- light Saving .Tizrie end. • Mr. , Bushell bD g , . ur' er and in Jack • Ackert and . $lake Alton dance` from Allan � ; n • . Nelson reported on the Lions sponsored recent years Nelson and Ara,bell that massage and :health elfin- 4-H. Grain Club, :and added that iC in their Minta hieh .they op-, them would' tho a display at the ,r;+h.,' . 1 r r fr'1ir. 5`44.14 :JIJa��ln. •4}W.Y IY',: {• • .if VV •4�• The Kinleugh Centennial Cont m•ittee: wishes to thank all who made donations or assisted in any way to n e, the Kinlough Centennial a big stuiccessful' ven- ture- Harold ei , Ghairmai • HACKETTS AND BLAKES;,TO HOLD`JOINT SERVICES F., { , The congregations ations of lacko•t.t' and •Blake's United Cl"ui-<h have: begun a joint service, with. Sun- dte-arn�awtealry - iinu . -bthcorsieg- two-"churches,: ••cht•cxes.; each Sunday. t Zion congregation coritinuefi . tin -. old=--their=•=oWfn- Indlvrdual vice: • Services in ,Zion ehurehdtn ii g the 'Minister's vacation were very ;inspiringly addressed on two Sundays iby Mr. Stuart. Collyer of ' L'ueknow .;and Mr Cameron McAuley df Ripley, •