The Lucknow Sentinel, 1957-08-14, Page 3T SDAY: ''ASA . %.4V 1957 THE: oca enera ITED C,H.,URCH. N • Minister; Rev ,o A. Meiklejohn, B.A., Wit! ' • A.1)0115.,_.T.18 • CShurch . Schools.. 00 00 a.m: Combined .erviCe• • in. the )presbytartan, • • Church. • Rev. Wallace McCiean,: Minister SUND US.T_ iStb , � .00 a.m..Sunday School: Burt Roae'h was. taken. to• Wing - ham Hospital; the :.'first ,of the week, • Visitors .with 1Vir. • and Mrs. Jack MclJ.endrick and Miss. Made- lyne McMorran were Mr. and Mrs; Harold' Gibb of`port; Credit. , Mr. and Mrs.. Mel' Stewart and daukhters are :holidaying ' 'at Sauble Beach, On Saturday they attended theUnion Picnic of the Ford: Motor Company of Oak- ville held' at Port Dalhousie, Mr. and Mrs: • Albert Levitt of •,Strathroy and Mrs. Bileen• •Tay- lor'of Sarnia. and Mrs. William Jewitt of London' .were ivisitors this wi ►�'ek with k i Chas+ Cook,... . ' ' , • :Mr and ' Mrs.” Charles Nolan and John of Stouffville .were guests last week of Mr. and Mrs, L. C.1 'Thompson.. Mr. Nolan• is publisher ,of The :Stouffiville Tri - b 5ne. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Durnin, Mrs. Danny Hiebert : (Mary Durnin) and son Karl of London and Mrs. Mary• .Dixon of `Owen, Sound were ;callers, in town last tiw .SEN'' INZ±.L, TT PM :R.CrW, MA:RIO MISS.'.CUMMINGS PASSES he .death of Elizabeth 'Anne° urnmingi of Lucnkow occurred. on .Tuesdayat tite 'Carruthers. Nursang Home Hinloss Town- ship,, The funeral service Will be held . at the • McLennan;,MacKenzie Memorial Chapel on Thursday a- ternt?on at g.00 p,m.. , conducted, by' Rev;. G,: A Meikle` oh -, 7. n�n terment; will be in lStingharfi Cemetery. . !Miss•' Cummintgs• was. • in .her 81st year. She was a daughter of Isabel. and, James' P. Cummings; .of Wingham,;: where she was: born 'on November 3rd,, 1876: The. late• Mrs,.:A. P, Stewart of •Lucknow ;was •a sister.: DUNGANN `Mrs. N, F.' Whyard• of ,London is 'visiting her sister-in-law, Miss Ida Whyard. Mrs. Brian Hallairi (nee Lillian: Popp) . has returned from a ,six-' weeks physical culture course at Hamilton McMaster. University...: ;Mrs. A. B. Pentland of,.Toronto is visiting' at' the borne..of' her son, Mr. Wilfred Pentland Mr. and ' Mrs, Benson Pentland . and daughters, , Sandra and . Margot. of London visited for °the : week -end.. Mr. and .•Mrs. Will Stewart on Sunday-,- visited Mr, and Mrs, Marvin;'Durnin: at their ranch' at Port Elgin • Mrs.' A J::• :Goldthorpe of , God erich and her daughter, Mrs. Al- lan Moore of Stratford, Mr. and Mrs, J Robertson of Goderich, h` visited Mrs. iltonOn Su nLucknow resb terafl Churc• .00 am: Morning ,Wo Guest Minister, • Rev. G.A. 'Meiklejohn p, Ir Jose0h ..> e 'h Johnston is nen- ot ng good health . and was. In to .• Winghan} 'Hospital on lay. [r• arfd Mrs, R. H Solomon ...• Stratford are' spending this At . with • Mr. and Mrs. Cyril' ci'bell, : • ,. it .and Mrs, Ernest Harms - of., nth Toronto' were :week end .. tors: 0 with Mr. ''•and. Mrs.; Roy oni Th ladies are sisters.: gar Byran and Dale .Gam- rY spent the week -end on t'on's. yacht' which was • dock - Miss Catherine MacKenzie, Reg, N,=or-Smith 'Falls -and her --:friend, Miss Frances Dalker of Burling- ton, have been guests of the former's. sister, Mrs. John Miller. of Lucknow. • . Mrs: ' B.1 il Treleaven and child,d- a ren ' Don, ,Ann and ;Jimmy ' of Beaver, Pa,, are ',:.visiting 'with, Mr. and Mrs.- •Harold.. Treleaven. Bill will arrive at • the, . end of the week -for his !Vacation. •Mr.' and :Mrs 'Alf ;Armstrong and da.c hter: Mary, of .Port 'borne : visited. with Joe. 'Arm- .stg o ,. 1Vi r n .Mrs... Harriett Wilson.' arid, :Mrs: Jim 'Aitchison over, the week -end in L4cknow.'' : Recent •4visito'rs . with .Mr, and Mrs: "'Cyril .:Campbell were Mrs. atGoderich:.at the conclusioniWilmer,' Ha'rlton and -son' Tommy the' cruise of St: 'Marys. • .On their. return Riss 'Adda.Treleaven of "Tor., .they, were accompanied; by Mary o 'was, a week -end ,guest` of xelen .Harlton who had spent a . and Mrs: Harold ` Treleaven couple. 'of weeks : here.' l visited at the Baker Home Visitors on ,,Sunday with :Mrs h, cher. uncle; Mr. , Will Bolder itr. and Mrs Lloyd 'Ackert, children, John, Ann and ul who is:• just a' month old, mt the week end with the !f ier's”, ,parents, ' iMr.. arid ,Mrs. nest Aekert--at Holyrood: • Sam•Durnin•were :Mr. and ,Mrs: ,•family, visited her relatives .• in Tom.' Magoffin, .;Mr. . and Mrs ' Goderich .;on Sunday. Lance Magoffin and family 'Of' Visitors with Mrs. Abnerr'1Vf or. •London,:'!Mr. and Mrs. Henry Car- ris recently were Mr. and Mrs. eric : �siness o. e Graduates Obtain Positions • • This. Business:,' School can accomodate thirty students'.; e ear he .deska are. r 1l; filled:,- The Fall- Term OPell - andac a �e to ber 3 , and re istratiois are 'being accepted daily. .P, ln. .rd, d � . . . � : N The following students have,. recently begun Work, as secretaries, bookkeepers,. stenographers and typists: C. And erson, Canadian National,Railways,'London; L. Lodge, John I' 1 • Labatt Ltd„' London;,-,M..A.ndrew,; Richards -Wilcox AM. Co:,' London;. B. arder; London Life .Insurance; Co,; -.M,. Martin, ,, , ,..Royal Trust 9o., Landon; D. Harrison; Law'Office of;.Ernest M. Lee, Q!C., Toronto, R. ; Gibbings, Preston Noelting Ltd., Stratford; II; Campbell, . Dept. ,of Agriculture, Walkerton, O. • Wilson, Circle Bar Ktuttin g' Co; Ltd., Kincardine. R.: West-,* •1; .broo_k, .Chartered TAccoun aria ..office, fof--Mf."'"--,-A. M -:harper, ,•C.A., •Goderich; •T.,Goode, W. A.• 'Canada' Sheaffer•Pen ,Co,._of • i Salt Co,; General Lad., Goderich; : R. Cook, WindsorC . E. Bell' Coach Works, He nsallN, •Pentland,. Unemployment Insur- ance Commission; Goderich; N Orr, Bank of Montreal, God- ' .erich; M, .Miller, 1R,CAF School, Clinton;' A. Drennan, Bank• . Clinton, of .Montreal; : Goderich; :R. : Glazier, Clinton. Comm -unity .. Credit Union Ltd.,,; Clinton, ..M, Dales RCAF School, Clinton,, H•: Hicks Massey --Harris Co.,; London; B. Andrews,, Victoria Hospital, London, M. Johnstone,.—Culligan—Sort Water Service: Goderich; C, :Harris', Canada :Packers Ltd., Clinton.., Mr.: ..and Mrs.. La Verne. Pent=: land 'Pamela' and Robert ,of• troit are 0 Visiting at their farm. home, ... 6th .,on. of 'Ashfield. Miss Pearl Caldwell: aridbro ther, .Mr .Ben Caldwell :of„ Wind: :sor. s �:ent :a few da• s at . their: ':borne 'here. ,: • •Mr '.';and Mrs:' Mason McAIas- ter and their • :visitors,, her sister, Mrs.: Wm:. Begley' and Mr. Beg- ley of Leamington spent a few days: visiting • relatives at 'Galt.. It McDonald::. returned' home 'after a visit with her.'"s'is- ter, Mrs Ann Brown of Ripley. Mr . -and Mrs Fred Young and • ter. of Clinton, Mr. ,and;.Mrs: •.El-. don ,Miller and'Donna Sparkes of London: �w.,f•!i,ai►�Lc,ii�,�+i�o�.•• t eau Will Be ;Closed'' 'F•or from r. MONDAY,' AIJGUST 19th. SATURDAY; AUGUST 24th —inclusive-- • I llliz that noi`y-woti TRACTOR MUFFLE • R e stock mufflers for all popular ma ' es o tractor$:.:. AT LOWEST DICES. tato SUpply IUCKNOW • • BELLS ...WEDDING BAILEY—MESSER •A ..wedding tookplace. at the Presbyterian manse, Lucknow on Saturday; August 3rd . at' 4 p.ni. when: Rev. Wallace McClean un ited in marria g.a• Miss: Margaret'. Jane Messer, dau '�ghter of the late: , Archibald and Betsy McAllister Messer, ,and Thomas '. Edward •Barley, `Oak Lake,. Man, son „of Russel. Baile .-Oak. Lake,and: the. Y� late Mrs; Bailey. The bride wore. a'p ink . crystalette street'. length dress with,..pink , accessories` •and a'' rose corsage. She carried a White' brocaded purseMrs: Glen Snell, Wroxeter, the`• bridesmaid, wore a blue. figured ' nylon dress g with blue 'aecessories,•:and• a rose corsage. Glen Snell,,. • • Wroxeter Was nett .man. , Following the' ceremony, a re- ception was held; at the: Tiger - Dunlop -Aunt,. IPn. - —The- -brides - aun. Miss Josephine ,,McAllister, . R. Z Auburn, ''received' ^wearing a • rose 1aee : • dress with white aecessor ies ' : She was; assisted 'by the bridegrooms aunt, : Mrs Richard: ;Finnigan,: Goderich,:; who wore a flowered. nylon. dress with blue hat and white; accessories..Far a wedding. trip, the bride .wo1-Et ` a beige and brown suit :matching accessories and a rose' Corsage. Cori.. their .return,?—they' Will. reside . at Oak Lake. • miscellaneous re -nu pti shower was held for .Mrs: ;Ba`iley at : the home of 'Mr.,and.Mrs-. Richard Finnigan, Goderich:. A • trousseau 'tea was • held .'with the' guests received; fby Miss Mee,: ser and Miss McAllister., 9,' IA Anderson .Mugford of London & •Mr :and, 'Mfg.:. Harold Mugford -ands-amily. of Detr-oit::. `: Mrs:' Harvey :Treleaven Lon don and Mrs. 'Harry Anderson of, :Lucknow .:visited Mrs'_J, J. Ryan.' -7Lyriic. a .' Bake 'Maw , Patnn iEedyi . are visiting a !few . days.: with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Iden derson, .Goderich,. • Visitors with Mr and - •Mrs Cecil Blake at the . week -end SereMargaret argaret Murdock of w St: . Catharines, Mr `and Mrs. B. r �C Fomnfort,• Mrs.S:; Fines 'and Suzanne of D.: ;Toronto. Mrs 'S", J., Kilpatrick visited Mr. and ;Mrs. Palmer• --•Kilpatrick; -Bennii.11er on Sundag.. • Recent visitors - with Mrs. 1 Fran4ces Henry, Were :Miss' Helen Harper of St. Helens and Mr. .and Mrs. Buckinghatn ''of Belfast.•' LMr:. and . Mrs.' Allan. Stewart,b [Margaret, , Mary , . alid Ethel of •` EganVille visited. last Week with. :Mi.' and. Mrs Fred Martin: ' • At the Walkerton Mixed ';'treb les on Tuesday; evening, ` Fred ac&safi,-•-Robert-=Rae,and_1VIar 9garet `Rae won first prize. ,, • Mrs: Sheilla Camp;pbell 'return ed home . last. 'Wednesday from 1 Victoria Hospital where she ha'd';; -Lbeen-,a:• pa'ti_e ince. early iri.Jul.y.. and underwent mayor surgery. Mr. "and., Mrs:, it As1iton:,: par - eats of, Lloyd "Ashton, have been holidaying' at the; Ashton dca tate at Amberley teach, :On, Sunday they had • as 'visitors Mr. and Mrs.. Burn' $ 1VIr--a-n' Robert Dane , and Norman Clegg, alt of•• Gorrie M'r,. and Mrs4 Clarence •Murdie enc l4'licha`el Ottdridori ands =Mist: Flixabeth:lVlurdie of town Mdt toted to :Sault Ste. Marie last :week to visit with `Mr. and Mrs. M. Jr Arnlstroz g .:This -week Clar 4 once i5 asSlsting iriMu'rdie's Hardware, While Mr, 'and Mrs: • Kenneth Murdie and. family aro. visiting at the Boo.: on. HONE [!a :Large Selection • • • TABLE • LAMPS FLOOR, LAMPS SUMMER FURNITURE CHAIRS CHAISE -LOUNGES HAMMOCKS SPACE SAVERS HESTEREIELD� DINING ROOM SUITES BEDROOM SUITES any of "Above Items: t i `- �r-e's, `. � : � ' pp save:.�rnoney �~old.... H' •arut' 'o or-tun><t- to.� modet�n uality furnishings that 'will grace nye .lioine or summer cottage:"' cLENNAN Phone ''181, Lucknow, • • r, • 9