The Lucknow Sentinel, 1957-08-07, Page 54 . . . KIN SBRID 1,,, ,, . , • ,,,„„.,.......„.. ,.„., ., , • • , 0 II TA: 'MM. ' . .., I,. . • ,-,.., . , . ‘ cltAYm (iN . KENNETHE . . ,.±.. =..., - . -, , I, I ID ri IRS ,. • T , ........,.., • • • a MODEL - ., '" , .. , ..,..„1, -.....- ,, 00---11"11111141 -----ga•.'2..„.. -....., f • of Toronto ..ani:is MiSs -Anne Mc- IC.i.71_9..n.i, 9,,,f• :7477. .itd. ai tl7Ky: lg.:pie-Pt 141.7.g, .- ----- during -the ,past week . • • ' • Dr. and Mrs,. Peco of Chatharii. .. . were SundaY. viaiters with:lath- er.Van Vynckt At •the Recto - ..., • __ ... -,_ • _ _.= -• ..45. egg'IMAXintY.. 'Wag Saddenes ;,---- , • . , . w94.11e!.....4.1114,.•41/4.?7:4'.111s....1p•rilarinngpcli'''' 4tuhalY:t.'• 34-tX711g.: - A Josephine. Cameron had passed . - -- -....--- .;-.-----.... • ... ' .. - .--- i , away .iii. Wingham General Hos- ...., . . - - 4...• ... .. -... - ' - ' • •. - • ' . . „ . Pital where she had been a vat -•••.,, 1..4.1.,•t:. pe. r.iociically f,,,yr •,,tho„, 1:,,,,,. ast. . . . froin-as- ' -......-As..,,,.,•---------- ,,,,‘....., atif OrillKi .:;0›,f, ' \v gitiftipi ...- at /Pi. I. li, P' 9.1ritilir . • 1956 F. 014 c 44• onoitte?, avologif,...ftilly .111,tippFdi .,,,,,,.*4,10.4 .. . . • x956 NiCteor, lgiagara. Sedan0',• 11•11,17....egisipped ,,,,,,7;,.,.,,;,„;$1,9 - . • • •• Sedan •.- • . . . - -. 0 .. , • , • 10.40 •Gbev, •Standatk•. 0,:,,,.:4,`„,•• ,..",.,.... **' $2 050 . P jr;5 c4ey, Sedak•fully .eilOp.pe" .41,;.r.;',!, . ' „,........',....,. -,,,. .sz.,*00 „ • • - ... .. ,. • . . 1955 . ronti4 . peinicC' • Sedan, '..antOlnatie tranSmissi.pir,, . . ,. , . 1, , . • .,.... . , .•,•.:_,''. 0, . „*•;,,,,,,;.',' k...• „..,. ...fully equiPlittL$1.90 . — _ ...„,„ , _ „r„. and' Mr,s.,:. •11. Miirphy and children and 1\11r, . and ,Mrs., ..JOs. • . . . ..G.., ar. yey. of To.r. onto, are .0holidAY- nig, . at the. Garvey HorneStead here; ..• ..*:, • . . , .. •: i .; • . . 'Dr,' and Mrs, 'Kasper and sons . • • • , Of, Deti-oit..*Ore,' •vacationing at a Pert • 'Albert cottage for tiff° weeks., .. • . •••-' ,:- ' • ' ' : • ivit, ..•,144,1 Lannbn.• and two ..:S from. .LOndos• friend , .. . . n are Week- •.•,.., 7_____,,,.;•.: .,‘. ....1.1e444444 stx.--months- ,suffering i....-.7„-..-,..- ' - • ' .. . • .. 4 '. •.... •••';••• -.' • -,.:-,•,...n•• • • : Aiiise /Mk— ' .. -, " . „ rilrn-4 •4nd• a 4eart• C94-44449-4 Wl•'•. til it 'finally claimed her ife: • . , . . ,,,,,•,,x,• 11. e 1,,,)c.... oy,,,x7-as• t.the..„w4ikpr, „nr.o.c..1.!d ,,T.,,, RoL:p..air. .A.iy4i,e,2,... .-. funeral home, ..Wingham,. until 1,gae.y.',3r.S, Maellines .4?‘ Slit,.!P WPrk. . Z.•C/ p•In;.' PR. 1*,N4e$7•44y, ;Tub' 3°fill? AVgT•T.LatNIP fac ARV...W. Et011.)IN.O. .• , „ • ,.. when a funeral • Se.rvice was cop-, . • .,,,-. .,.. ... .....; • .-:.. • ,.. . . :,.'' ducted :by tb.0 ' Ttev' '4114' Krug, KI•NLOUGH GARAGE-':.-* , , of Belgraye Vnited.,•church. in- • • . . , . • , • I' m' tq.k.Meht• f4awed:', in •Preenbill.. . . ..• 0 .Ripiey • lc errieterYi 1•40;kilOi;: phone 1.94•40, '. . . .,, . . -Pallbearers •WO,r* ntihews: • . , . . ,- 1:04'.0110.Y,•1711•Platt7SedaIN .'ffillY''' el04•PPell• ft.iTi•;;.,,..,....$1,4. • 1955 cher. •Vaa:0110 V'....8.•11400i• ;.•.,,,,;••,,...,:. . . . . . ..,.....,...,„„..,...,.....,.,..;......0,005. • 1551 Chav,..Coacli ,:„. , • , . . . ,.• . , ,...,,,,,,,,,,,,,. ,,:, „: • . .., •„•:. ' ,., . .$1495 " 'Sedan; ',..,..,...,,,......,......,.,,,,,,,,....„,1.„;„•....,.,,..:.,..,,;.,.,„,....4...595 .... , .____)/itiykr._ 1-.1.•o•-- - •••. - • ,• " - • - •• • .,-• .' -,- • '' . ' .........--• '. '''' ' Mr. and Mrs., Seicrist of., St, 'Catharines, spent the week -end. a•t the lionie Of ••Mr and M s' W . . • P', Hogan,. , . , •Ii4rirld Vinci -11f' utray7IVIODow- e,1,. Normal"' *c•D°w11, •• 1-"Psh•e 1 ' ' . - ' ' . • cent,.. TheTna.. T:4ayler ..anct. 1,410yd • Walden. ..Elowerbearets. were : twert., Carneron,,. Lloyd . THE NOME Of OIJALIP1 SERVICE 'f, 4! and Genuine JOIN DEERE PARTS-; ._., ,...........„ - , ,. ,,.•, . I'jr1 ,... f 1.95-9.•kord- , , . Mr*. ,4nci . mrs.. W..m., .tortg,. Qi .. . . McDow,ell; . Harvey McDowell And Albert Walsh 'Cl.),,a• - 1 4950,, Vile v. soul* -.....;....„.S. 595 bettoit. Spent the Week -end here : and illith. , .. - : - 'I . • .. . .1.93'‘.Vhev... Half -Ton Pickup , ,r• ' ' • ' ' • j92...ciley.'. 3/4-Tp,n,..1.',4c.kOP , . . .1951: CheV;•„. #49n Dump 'Truck • -• ..f.• . - - ' • e s . s . , •'. . ...Huron. Coudcril '•FOreprO1 • • • •••• - ... .. .. • • •, .., eish-, Tiaile,'•Ter.Pis -- Ojpel Mei Service Dealer •.. - .• Mr,': andMrs. • : Whitmore• . of ..•.• .21, , • ' WashinglAiri are •vacationing at *a , . Kintan •ccAta.... f*6.r, .a .:04/3,16 of. ' -* ,750 -• 'weeks,......• • ,•••• • • -., •,••,'• . • • r ' • • • • 1 • ,T, ! . , . . . • The Resurrectionist priests.' at • ' $ .500 • HtirOnia College here. will be in . A . , s. 766. .,,chai, ek, 0.•.f. 4.. par: Ls. h.for the.ne3ct • . . . . . few..;',Aroeks;,..v,thile, itev„: ii.. •Van • VYnckt IS On .holidaysi ,. .„,,,,e, visitor, .here are. imr.:••,arid Mri.„ 'Leif Woodie3; all4 '. .Darlene'1,1r..,' and', Ult. • J. s • Used Car Dealer • .McConville of Toronto. 'Mr. and , . ,..... .... ,. ,...,,., , .. . Evenlpgs UptD, •10•••. IVrrS.. A' ..liartinan • and' Shirley :•of:. Phofle 73x, Brussela Kitehe,ner,. Mr., arid' Mrs.. JOSephilVidClintim; ,Reid of Toronto and • Mrs„...T.a.thes. • Of :Flor-• •• The ftinerai • was largely atten4.. tied- attesting to..: the esteem Of : ..ti•w • ,.-dectaSed.-• •aino1g-a-f-,--0-large '. vircte • of-. 'friends.. Her Cheery 'Smile ' ' and friendly i'rdieinsPdossiwtillinlo •W:Cin: •fC't her ...10anY -w.;i11. Miss.:her, Sadly. ,,. : - ,, • - The. •late. • MrS. Cameron ...was born at .1/40:field, cOnCesSion. 0, East,: N.V.‘awaliPallo ,..on• .t-hP' lam Where • her ..brother, • Alva.. 'new. lives: She. was born :,sePtOlbPr• 1.0i-15,. 87•P0 a :4aughter'bf th‘' late John' •McDowell....and Ann. Tarte In'. May' 1902:She:Al.:al.:- Tied' 'KennOn Catneron. who pass- Oct.', away in Octal -40r .: 1945,, :lbse3''' . -... MONUMENTS.. : r . ' ' ' ' . - . ' ' - - - .. • • • , . SKELTON- MEMORIALS • - • e are, the. Only rrianufao--• • • '• . . • • • •- •• • - ' ' • • . . • ..„, turer.Sin of Ontario. 'of,' high, ClaSs.•.•0!9,114inent:4 '.; .wii0•0 import:granite frorri::.the. •old to. untsii- in the rough by • the from. , . • 0,..,4 ,.... ,., ' l . • . , 7...... ,. , • • ., ., • , ' ,•4 k V ' • • . 0,, 0. g • , ,. ,Wallace , ,Goderich;.,Miis . all their married liVeS, on . carload and process , ,., • .......• • A 014110iltr' Presbyterian 'VF.'Alr,.S. •• .". -Some '. thirty • members .of the W4MS.• 'went ,,by..",.00s, .,tii..,.•att the August meeting at tlie..:'Hen- denim' •••••Coltage,.., Bruce • •:. Beath: .heiplyiness..'She,tOld•.,i'fiet'd eniP of -filacmeiltOrtilbe•M4issu'ThiakierdeSetri'Men,:r.,ti:onf the,... Vacation,. Bible School 'held M*.` . 'Loretta.'. Martin, „•4 • • •' „b. '-i recently . in .•'' Headings Martin • and Childreri. •all of ,Hain- • , • , . - Ripley••• : . • • . , ' Ilion.: ‘i,4*. ,Aill.... and ..c,-hkidr. ..ii , of were ..iiVeli by Mr • Re.,40. Mrs..7.__.. •'• • • Toronto at' the.. - Wm.'• • Lannon 'a!:'hr'f'?1;11 .near LueknoW. • After. hei 'hUsbarid's.:. '•death .. she :, continued on there until • 1947, when she • 'MoVed. to.. 13elgr•ye. where . she , a since ...res.1 e ;.: .: . . , . -. • •• .• ..• • . nie• rough ...the • finished, monument. No .:Middleinan,. When choosing. a. monument: monde . and see One . of the • , • .., .. .,, .• .„. ... . , , • largest selections. in ' .fr , 0 ,.....„ e' . 1 k -i5 ' ,. .10 ... 101., A. (7. --Agnew•;. .1-grt pres.:„. d 'oPeriing;• • ' • ''s - ii OaduCte , . .. •„. Oxerei . es .a d ' did* the •.• business ,Period. dis:'• ctissiOris••Centred,•.aPounc1 the Tnat:,.., ler. of, .C.OntributionS tO;•`.`Pe.Urnar-'0 Itiari"'... home in. PariS. 'for .retired. •mmi. 7.14,:at.•rier,-101r0-.' . :Kennedy ,and ..1*.... h ' ' •'' .th• ';: ', , • Little. .The ,eommittee. in ehar.ge, :. - children'. :of 'Kitchener" . •G .-G.,1,• , ,.,Mr. • and .1‘4•S'' ..4;..: C, Agnew, Mrs Nixon, .Mrs., ,,.... 1 more and. Miss Fran- Mrs.,',..cook: •a., rid . mr,S, " H. .•' :An' 'der..., i;w0tin•oftit • ...,04fti# .Ces,,Gihnore of London •Mr: 'and SOn, :serVed.,...a0 mfs 'Ray ...:m..,:uer••p•hy.:.....,0,1....R..0,/,'•0•• ,-0,:• .. .• leaSarit da; -a . • . • . •I • „ Mrs. Jas. 'Sinnett. and Sli..atmop ,i6!:7 avi. nr.sg.tGeoarer.g'oeneL.:'..d,Itu, gh•Dt.er;' trolt; " ib.t4-r.....:,gr..a..nci,eli. ildi...rn.e. n;..'... two brothers; •William and Alva Me,' Dairen ,i.of ./Westfield;• also, two si,Ste. rS,•.' • pla,' .Le.. e: .13.. .nitario, Established over sixty Year's. ':-. , , . , ' - . ' .. '. ' ' .. ' .' .. • - :Write .or phone.V.V.ulk. e#00 . . . . • . • and rever •r ea: .„.. • ".. • z. - , . 4 . ed nii4itinaries. .• Bible.. reading. . . . rine o e ,roi ,. , i7,..• rb,. • wa4s ...q, Sarnia ..3,44..,., Arnold , , ... •Albert : Viricent,;.. Bel,graVe , . .• . , . . study were taken. by - Mrs, Ebner. ,1•04.1.0.toii and •correrit,....eventa .:by • , • .. . - :MarSinan: of London. ' • .' ', ' • -. .81irn Boucher .: and . his, ko.pys •:of .**"' • • . ' : • ' ,ur . ai$t6i'.s. and :two, • ,ebretherS. Four predeceased :her: 'Dr. Albert lVle •SKELTON: .. . • , . 7•IP MrS.....C. Cook Mrs .A.:1,. McAuley 01 Ripley was guest speaker and stressed the Value: 'of • individual . 0C-f(Xx . h•ame :signed' to ' make ' a. '..4611,e,y : liv.eni- .buY ', e.s.Yery: th'rig seriesof : rec. Or.dings for •SPartori. but it's great stuff to use 'for i- ..a. reCords.. ' ' ' ' • • .. . . clown=payinent:•. ' • ' DoWell;,'Iltiefori,:•AriiOna; Joilin:t. •.'me-DoWelt • ',Westfield; .....P.lioetbe,.., Mrs. B. H.1 Taylor. '1Filyth,••• Annie • MEMORIALS . . LKERTON ' • • ,. , . va • 4‘ . ,... ' • ' :avirs.,,. •Toe • .. ., ' • •'C'ULROS' S. r•'C' 'OMER'S' : - • • . -,••• . . . • ., . • ...,•..ltillOitgb,...,.•••,Seaforth;. . . • . , .. . • •, • . • •• Clara, .,:mr.K. Wrn....Waiden, West,. : field; Mabel, 'Mts. -.Gee: :Snell.. • , . .• Mr, •and Mrs... Clarence . Wall of •.-,.:0•-• • ' ..' . ••••: . ' • '• - -• ' ' - ..- .... • - • • • • . • • . • .: • - NV ZATI____ i______MM,AAsuco4OPERATES, _Sme.e.,....itiere_unionLliecame. • . --'.v.,:tere-7,-re-cent. visitOrS ,Wi:W ....: • ••• • • . • • , . .. - , • • - ... . „. aniMal...eVent ..back , . r. 'arid • M.r. Ceeif.Masiall; •'' ', •7'..' , . , - ' ... - • ••• - The., ., MacDonald ..- Clan 'held once has. it rained' in' . Mr,: • 0.'n.d. ,Vits: . 'Don. •RobertsOn ..'' ••• .. • ' • '' • • '' ,-. . • . • '• • . • • .••• - • :of it aMilton•SPent. the s..week_end• their , annual'. reunion O :Satur- Ceeding years, we are all the• sue . •' ' - tOld.,•, That : . that • , •• .With 1Vlit.. an Mrs.„'John: Sehtt-..°aY''• andtheL'•'`)yea'.th.erina° again-:vI4's:'4e4.' Yeal'''' arkl.:. ,....„...„. .,, ., sriiiipd, favorahly.i.on the '. event... *as,. po.' waSliout. •rtiachen. .. ' '.•• ' • •• . . , .... .. at- # .0.; , 0,.., . . . . , . ,.. . • ...----- ..4 . ..'., On Monday: evening Mr: and - _ Ai. a......-.6. , •; .. . .• . . Mrs, . 'Cecil ...ivieNaii visited With .. ., , . 111 . - Mr. :and...Mrs. ,Harry. Swan . and family; TeesWater.... • , ••••:•'• . • • i',,: •. ' • . , . . .. . . .. .... • • . ,We .are .s.,Orry• ,to :report ,that .0 p '. . . . , . ., . • .. ,Nowg.THE ..pmx •TO BE . • • • . - - • ___._ — • .. .TIIINKING Or I.V:.,1%T.Pw'meCIARY • • • .„ . ••..., . •,. , . . . • . . e o , ,.. e , $ ••• . .. . -.• A-777 -7:7 - ,Mis, .!,0.Chae, Sehtirriacher..Of •Tees;7: .• ' .. _ , water and foonerly,cf, this ton1:-. . 'inunity, was ; admitted' lb.' Wing- • ' .hani, Hospital on Saturday ,even•-.• , .. . ,. . . , . . . . . . , : , rng.: .:•..• .. • • • •...,.. . • •• .. . „, RA FITE .gi... F.ra**,...MeNall, and iMr, ' • .# e . : 0 # ; . . „ , .. 0 0 . ' . ••id . . . •. . .. . . , :, ,E,ipley of.' London .yisited daring' , . ,. ,.• , , . 11111 the ' Week .• with .• Mr.....• and 'Mrs.. ••.. - Cecil •MeNail. - • MORE AlATANTAGES..:. • . „ . . . . ,. , . , .. . # • *fth .. 0, .. 0. .. . „ # # • . - ,. . , .. . . , , ,. The, comiritinitY. Was; shocked . .. • '11, .ori.Ti.iday heat 0 • micLAiti• HEATING! # • • • -..• ' ' . e . evening to Of the, A. . . • . - , 'death ..... ' . 0 • 0 ,• . „ „.,...•111 , • of . Mrs. ROSS.: Harriiltori • Of • Wingliatif2 As ,•• she , was heard . on : . both' •radio and "Tv oyer. CICNX",` . . , .... .... . • ECOnonitcalt" ' ••• 4' ' .. . • • • .anaraiiteed! • t 1 . t 0 ,. -I 0 . , • short fenn-4. itiors .. . , :,,,,,,... •,,.. „•••• ' She bad. 'many • unknown' :fans.' .••••Antaniatie ,.. . , 0 # . .,.•• .....,,,, .. . , ' - 'eXieilded--..inlqt.' ' ' Compact' • o. • , . .SyMpatbSi. is 4.10,0y,.470Atifertiik ;Ociytible .11tilf ..yoorly . . . , •Ifantillon other--.--relatiiVie$,- : - • • . ..."Cleaht... ' .•• • , __ . ), L.,..1i1 0 — - .-- • and ... 1,..L.M.r... and,..Mrs_Xharl'es-lcatiglit„ .thicondi' Attractive! •• , :........-_,I; — $ . • Otrirally iguaranieed as. . . . .of : 'Leaside spent 'the, week -end. • pe.indpal a4hd-intireit '' • 1 ' ' •With •• Mr. and„ Mrs. .Tas': ..Wraith', . . Nift• and Mrs Lloyd Corniaii„:..4 . . . . . . . • atithOrized• inVettnient fOr, trust. funds , , v . . . , , faMily, • .Of 11Yenten •thaye been ...., iperidisOme timel:Witk_Mr,:_ q,k1TNitillied,. . .. . . , . . .. Efficient! '. . • • . , 4 , • • . , • ...Etfecti.vel ..Quiett. ' , . . ' -.. • L. Cil): ; e - - 0 . .,.. , 0 v 41'. 0 . . 0 0 0 . .. . ' , '' ; , • !, ' 7V1:1.$. Tom Stewart. • • - '. .. _ . ..... .. , .....,. ,IN 111.111ARS' Several th6,•;e0frilvaiiiitY .. . ... . . 7,E,Ajoy greater hea ng. e ..• • ficithey• ' ' • , t .. ,. .: . .10an Wended theli. way''fo..1<infough $500.00' ACCUMULATIS , TO *640.04' ' ditring the week -end and took it , . .igh. the centennial eel.ebratiori., Miso Ellen McBride. 'of . coinbineil...iitith , cpinii.4e,4. attradtiite . .tte•-• • • • . t Virithk. a •WItetarv- ' ' 0 . . • . .. . • . . - - it • up . _____ • 0 0 0 , • .. # # of . ,. .Erin- - o ..-_dale•1..4.....viaitin..at ittleAttimeLo # .. .....-..,-,-- . t • her uncle *Mit. Frank . Brown. .• ' .. , , ,. , . FURNACE .•TENDING BANISHED • , --:'-~......4..............404.4444.4. 0 0 , , S , .11\10§8r:. Bob -- and Al. Stowart; I .kiriea.rdine . • ,... ... ,. , . ... .. , North ...Line; Towtri- , ' • Atiip.. 4,tit. Stiriday With . ,..,.. ., ,. a,- . • • • noluiries Invited ••;,, NO. Obligation, . ..,• . • e , t o - • . ... .,,‘ . . • Mrs:. TOM. 'Ste:Wait., : ', ,.. ''''•• iiiiiii Officis . itatteli Otticut • .,11/41.i",..'and .Mrs. George Ilodgins V 2,141y. 600 tor.• nio, , • - . . . . of •Utoddatoek 'and Vira. ' Earle . ,•64.•....i.op.0„, •,..... , Hodgtha Spent WedrieSdaY &yen- ing with Mr, .and Mrs i Art 'Hod, . Laity Frageil Owen . r .tSound, W , I igiig:,IIatold,Y ,. e ..,.). ...............................................,.............. • .. . .• • . , . . _ „. . • s e r: at In n. . , , iquiiiiiiiiim. Reathig„ ,• Wiring, taveti.ongliMg • . . • PHONE. 500' illfCRIVOIV. • . ". . . ,• .. .....................„...... ............... e . - ,. 0 0 :„.. . # . 0 .• . 1. . 0 . . . 0 . • ,,, A . .;