The Lucknow Sentinel, 1957-04-17, Page 9• ',THE 14mi:gNOW $EN"1'INE R fi.UCI{ 1D' p*TABU? w AH'OMORILE'. AND:•LIFE , • To-Protect-Iniiir-Jae1 , Inure V�'ith. Jack\.Today , J. •A. • McDONAGH ". R:R: 3,. Luckn¢w:Out ..... "Phone 61-50 Dungannon • Insure• With 0504 T4 IRE INsVRA $CE 0 •Reasonalle' rates, sound pt'o- teX tion 84 prompt, satisfactory. settlement Fof claims:' : FARISH MOFFAT • Your Local' Agent..- It.[t, Teeswater. eek, er"57"-r1 4; ►E TliAINKS . • F heatre Elliott Purves, would like .to . WI1�T��A�M' • >�'Irst • dhow at 7.15. `:i •,. 4 1y":7--. " 940'. j. 2O - r.„ Jvhn Gregson!; . Peter Fin TIIP DA'i"1'toE OF THE MVER PLATE" he :tremendous sea., story ofe the defeat of • :The Graf Mon:, Tues., W�d.,�, ,A pir.. 2g-23.7211, Theatre i•Os' • . Counter ,leek~ 'Books 'for sale at, The Sentinel offer: WIN T.. A tiVCSTRt OPTOMETRIST GODERICH FOR APPOINTMENT 'Phone ; 1100 For F• A,ppointtnent. o""" r InformationY. WM; A. Schmid, 'Phone' 187-w, Lucknow; - Kenneth .i MacKenzlie, R.O Optometrist LI$T0WEL, ONT.` at .the .former' Wrona Jewelery. store. Ri; le p Y: 10 P. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24th • and: every Second. Wednesday., Eyes examined . - Glasses .fitted. -Per appointment :,'phone ROy Maeiceniie, 96-r-24, .Ripley: L PERSONS having claims:.' 'against the ,'Estate. of Alice: 'obib; late ofthe ,Village of ''Lucknow, RAY N: BEI�ITLEY -in the .County of Bruce, Widow, deceased; 'who died on ar about the 10th day of March1957, are.:..• Publ hereby- notified to send in' '.their claims to:the, undersigned Exe- ctutors on or . before. tTe • 30th d:ay EMORIAL S_h We Have Been . Memorial Craftsix en , for` Thirty -Seven . Years,,Altw„�;ays Using THE BEST GRANITES, l� o'ng t Expert: Designing ,and Workmanship.:. Prices . Most Reasonable Cemetery Lettering a Specialty • R. -'SPOT sincerely thank all those whp_" r anenvbered him in many ,ways while Jr]. W nghan. i Ospita .; incerely_. thank 11e. nuxses- a?d staff af-Wi Ro'spital and y,0ll those 'wiho called' to aee' me, sent 'eards • and letters. Spec- ial thanks ks t'o Dr. M. H, Corrin.' 112rs Wm.' J: Reid: • 1 wish 'te thank' my friends arid neighbors who were so kind to (visit me and „.send' cards' and who helped in ether ways, while: 1 'was `ill, ' All . Was. very ".much' appreciated. Sineerely,, Chaijes.••,Steward. • M • rs} �.•t ; -•- Hewatl `sincerely ' thank . the Kinloss Kinlough ' Anglican. W.A. and . Presbyterian' W,14,S ;. kind relatives , and friends for .' the. lovely cards, letters, fruit, flow- ers, candy and - visits.` Also: - the Rev Large Sack •;-arid- •;-4-as-; Palmer for- their'icomforting g$7 well Prayers. Thank you.' • 1 wish to' •excpesy_:_m�sincere... thanks to 'all those who • sent cards, treats : and flowers;'and whv-ihelpe-d- oixt rn so many ways whale X was; in. Winlgharn Hespi tal SpeeiaF thanks to Dr. M.H. Corrin, 1).r., :,Corrin,: Dr; .Craw :nurses and staff• of Wing- ham ,Hospital. % Mrs Gordon Valad, FIXO Showing 7..30 Second Showing d.30 'Phone. 256;. 56 Wingham,' Ontario 1pandotph Scott it a i�Seen- lVle • also "Amax n _ ',`'ad "' o er, CP.N;;,T'UES & WED, "Apr..22,. 2 ,. z4;.4 rtain ne�nt •..Bacah` and Dorothy Malo Reck Hudson Lauren s usticated•, and enjoyable romantic 'drama,, ,wherein a . busrness � rl'`:and-a.raneher's son::beeome involved ` with a vast, oil empire. ` tWRI'TTEN `ON•. THE WIND' In Technicolor: H ,4 Fitt ,1 SAi. T744-,i'i1-25, 26, .27' Ingrid, Bergman; •Yul•'Brynn. er and Helen' Hayes ' Supported by a: -superb" cdsT`and Anatole Litvak's' direction in . the Academy, Award' Winner that is .winning praise • • wherever it -is. shizwn "ANASTASIA" In' ,Cinemascope and Deluxe Technicolor Coming,=-klum prey '110 -Or un: ; e aider'TLey Fall" • Adult Entertainment • • NOTICE TO' 'CREDITORS `. In The 'Estate of Alice :Robb de-, ONSIG1NMEKT—' aJ I ic ` Accountant • ' McLE`NNAN and MaKc; .E.:.NZIE-•; FUNERAL SERVICE Services concluc d accord., •ing'to yoUr wishes:. at, your •' Home, your Church, , or ` . at our; Menuiriai Chapelat no. additional Charge.. E•. -SER I€E- ' Phone "181, Lucknow, Day., Or Night D CO.LLYER: Registered ' Master .'Electrician;, i; TOS CTR�.QAx C"fl:bTR1�G Specializing to„:, Electrical 'Wiring and .:Repair$ AGENT. FOR 'SP,ARTON 'T'V: 'Alt• Electrical Appliances. Phone 46 -r -25,x': Lucknow Telephone .10112., .Box 478 W.; ANDREW Barrister and ';Solicitor.. LISTOWEI., IN L:UCKNOW' . ,. Every Wednesday and :Saturday Afternoon • • e,tt ithe,Lo. nt':Bla� ::S�.f y Telephone:, dece -Office L35'•4� . � " R e' s.i Optorhetrist - Offke of • Patrick St;, tush oft theMain St. in • 1 1NQ•IIAM. -. ' ARP • harteired Accruntant- West Street GL O DEft:ICH' .-'° ONTARIO: w� �eLeplt�tles 2.�3J �3 H% I rONE1 'Phone '!0 l)ay or 1Night Ambulance Service professional Eye 'Examination Optical. Services Phone 7/0 Wirighain - :date the Estate will be•distribut- 'ed among those entitled' thereto, having regard only to :the claims' of Which ..the.'. Executors ..shall ,of Which "notice: Dated ..at Lucknow, Ontario, :this 8th day of •=April; 1957. • Wesley C.: Robb, 1R:;R: 1,: Rip- ley; Ontario, and Kenneth C. Murdie, .Lucknow, Ontario, Ex ccuto_r_.s,;"' W..: Andrew, their °Soli tor' :herein:. dipleniat is a "fellow who Can .tel tel oti o to held Y b so tactfully . that":; you actually .look'' forward to the :trip.. TT4 t i PA'fRICK GE R•AL NEI ' INSTJR.AN�CE` , ,. C iia{1t< Atrtorncibile . Fine' Ask' ;about. 'our Special. Package ••Deal' p g Lucknow; out. 'Phone • bu'ngannon 7712. I NSU:RANNCE Co -Operative, Life Insurance. o --O neraGti-te=4u#eritob;it Insurance Mercantile Parm Fite Insurance ' Economical and Reliable. USE, OF FUNERAL 7IIOME At No. Extra,. Cost . Moderate Prices Established 1894 • ales Barn at 1.30. sharp Room For 200 • Cattle ROBERT MacINTOSH, Lucknow, 'Phone 62-1 1, Dungannon• •TRANSFER ALLAN• 1.: p. R•UCE• "' I'R.O� ID WALL , , , Mr. Allan.. Kall, • the. popular :assistant:'to 'Agricultural' Repret sentative .' 't�•eorge `' Geat for. th.e: past six years, is being transfer red to North •Simcoe';County.with headquarters .in the toawrii of Bar pie, ;•,here he:has been -promoted s•to Associate ,.Representative :. He will • ass ine,, "his. duties in '"Barrie on. "May lst -:: ` a Wall came - to . Wlkerton ., , . , 1VIr -- `•l' -o : �5l�arrd--sire-bl'raC- irr-tihe .fa • , f time. has become very popular: throughout the county, pa"rticu-: larly among the young . people.' He has been the prime mover in K : 'Chu.Yb••-organze;tiansa-nd---:be- , sides 'his'': other duties in uagri +cultui e, has devoted his time and energies t o''' . that 'work •. anad • also Ju,n:ioz .Farrnei..actr taes..As a -.r -e •suit. truce County can now boast of numerous: flourishing, clubs, a monis; the. 'Young, farmers: He has, 'proven Yimself •a capable agric4l tuuralist; acompetent .'advisor.•to farmers' in all their problems: arid a most active assistant to Mr: 'Oear. His :departure 'f�rorn Briftem-irIfetretted,. noi;oiily..13 1 theagrarians of ; 'the cournty but by'' the citizens of .Walkerton general;, as..he: and Mrs Wall ; have• become highly esteemed by young :and: old in: the,' coimnuni7 ity: Mrs:• Wall And three child-: ren. will leave for :Barrie as soon:- as' .suitable. living: quarters 'can be.;secured • • k- �W al Mr: Win:: A. McBridecdof. .erton,-_'w,ho .has- eeii -specializing in the.instruction of farmman- agernent .in Bruce, ' has' been ap.- :. pointed Nip Wall's successor` as :assistant` to. 'Mr. George- -Peary, . and will assume those duties On ;May 7rh erten. Herald- Tunes:' „ Object To Closing Station' In spite' of the -foot that/there' e-�assen er:' .i ,p ng patronage' 'and, no .freight . traffic N'• for :the : ast'''few years' from the station' at Turners, near: Port E1. '-ri----e-i-ox--is7-'t iced . to the:ro osal. b , ' the C.N.R.., to p p Y. . :close the station. - George . Zuk has been appoint- ed redreatiorial ppointedrecreational • director at •'Walk :• erten at a salary :of .000 and „ alary ' $� his will` continue 'to carry ori. . his irt- surance : business in conjunction With- his recreaori. t.ities:. • CLEARING 1 Y ,I. .. I T� A CAMERON 11'Ci+t14OW • ' 'Phone •'i0 -r -IO, Dungannon• U of arin Stock ane h nplements Hay_i Grain . rnd Will: Be held At The Farm Of THE LATE'. ALEX .WATSON ons.. L:13'. Ccylktproe ." I~3ERIi-E Barrister, Ete► 'iyi4harti and LucknOW IN' I.rt7CINO ;. Each . Ilottc'. and Wecri #a4g ►` ' i,.dca ed .-in-the •14lun*1-O.# lelps�- ;. R tiidri a Wh ghlaw • aiflcb 44*"01• 1 ..' _vitriwTuA • QST INSURANCE ,Investigate Eelai'rc • 7nveetint 4,014 lt.>i 3i1oderleh''. hone 604r4, Dunigantltn 4 Y ” ig .way THURSDP11IL-• • tl Tvo 'T`ractors;' . Threshing 'Line of implements;' 3 Truck and; Tools. 16t KNOW CO .0P ERATIV g INC.' 1 'bene • Lroknow`1 :3o' Pf , ' 1V achine, Forage Harvester,n A tfu11' Cattle; 140'6 bus': :(taro; Cary, '14.1e 'Pont of 135: ages will ''tie'affeted thr 'sale sii7 .. to. Itkserve MI S. EVELVN WAS AdmdiisttrAx. Donald It. Blue, . Oat* M4ic elland A