The Lucknow Sentinel, 1957-04-17, Page 5„ o ; . . 1 1, • • .• • 1 • . • • • . ' f . . , . , . • • . '', •••• . , * .... , . , • . ' • . , . . , WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1,7? 047' • THE'1,41..c1.01'0W SEI4TINET41, 1,4.1C1*IN,V, 011,7MTP. .'"•"1""-"•••••""''''••••••" • " • . . '• 1 PA6E.‘ . . , • ' • '..• . . • , 0 ' , . ,. • ''.•,••• • .• . . , , , • ' ' •-'- , . , . . ..... ,.....„..„ „ ..... . . . . . . , . _ _ • , , ,.,.. - •.,. .:' ' . ' f ).i: •!'. :- ,, . , . -,;,A1:ct . . „ . . • . .• . GOLDEN NECK , • . 223 . .. .• -• 0 ';--) 4 ',•,. . . . . . , . , • ' .. • , : . . • , , . .. . ,• ,,.i,...i.•..$ .,. „. . . ' . , , • - .. , .: .. . ,,..., g.,. e. or1 ,.., „., new,...... .•; • f . • • , ‘. ,„•- • , •. .. Zion, vv-Ivts,,.. - . , . . ,... . .. To meeting .,.was..1.1.eld 4 the 6 1 1 i 0 • : ,,,,,•,4, ',. 4: ' .7 ..:„:..',-,, . ,. .. „ .,, . .. . , .. .• . ... . . • ,‘ ,:t • , ..„.: .. , r. '''. ‘ . ---------1111-larnt____homeckf_11. ..- - -.- --- - ,.. .......... •, ,. • 5,.• , % • • e. , '!P• : . .• r• • ormance,- 7 April 1,1th with an attendance of 15 ladies and •tWa:•thildre The . . - - - - .prpsidPnt: 'Of . . • . .. . , _. , • A P . • • • .% • "1 '7""'' ''''' ' 1 ...., • . , ..,,?••••• .r, '-'.,;'' - ,, ' ' • ' ' - ' , ' took oharge the meeting, The who attend'," , • , .. . , e ..e- • .,• ,, nil . . i•, 4i.... , - , • ;.' 1 , ... .„ .. , . . . . • :,1.• CHOOSE FROM.'-, ''.. ` • ,, . . _ , • :,. .% . • ,, - ' GOLDEN NgCli... 221', ` ' ', .,.• • , i : *. GOLDEN 'NECK • 223: ; ,.. ..- • . , ' 7 " ,' ' ' ' , , ' . :I' .::::,, .'f !' - SKY "HI : 310 .. ' ' ' '!.• ': SKY..111 312 ' . . - .. , . ' .. ‘ .. •.: ,, , ,SKY,4111 314 . • :„, ',; ,•'..'.1'• '• , :.'4'HOlith'.• .locti,s. act the ., Piesbyteria,.. rheetjhg.- in Clinton 'AliScusaed the , Meeting , a .. Splendid 7' l'epartH: ft - Afr$.• jack .'0rdhpr' , and . 'Mrs,. - Robert 1 -.1e17 -a4 .Thankoffering• en-, . , . . . , ..,v. 010.1-..$ . Were ..h. darKled out and re; . , • • , .. Graydon .,. . . , . .., turn M R t 'Oct; . Mrs, ..`..,•i • &hie , .,, ...,. ..,,...,..,„ ..., - ' , , . • . , , : , , .,.. ••., ,•-<,' . . - . .. ' ' ), ...... • . :i, " le .,.. Ho i.„ ,%, „ - , . . ......:•,„,r.. -:,,,...-.,i--;- -..,;,4.'...P. - ''. }",...:,:: ..................... ,:. ,;'.:.:::41 ,. ' .. .. „ . • , ... , ,. ,4 . i. - „i_.. , .---"- .- A.4 • • 1 Y , . . . . • $ ' A.;!%0,47.e..b./.42-;..„ -:,-.,,...--,-•:....1•V-,:. , • • - . .. „.„ „ • .. .,. . . . .„ ..,......• : /JO', ' ,,,,, • 0,4, --- • , • . . . . . . .. ----••;---. dir.•,..:..4., ,..-*.•,,,,-6. , ....., • ., - .. , • 4 4,117 ,0;‘,.4.-••••.k.....e.,,D. .,/,. ..K,•-• -,„0...,,- .„..,...fr -:-.4',..tt...1- :... : . ' . ',,,i',.. .,r,,,.,•,•,,'',,'..(,;:.:•tk•I ' . .... .. " • , ..,. .,',•,,,,,,,-,". .. • ..., , • ...read clhe'''..clevotionai; 'An .. . i '.1 ii;.0./...141..L.,......,14,41/ t..--,:,, . . ::,-,..' ,,.,',.'. ,t, r,,, • • . :„.,,,,,...144.....;„,,,, ,.• •. ....,. • . . . , . . . . . ,inyita-' tion '1!icnik'rio°ffc.le.ri.t. rot'. attend the .'..71,li0,iitfill,„,17Ll:':4444;71!0'1'-'/-4 . ' ' . • ... ', . , • ),,,fok.,M.12,1111,,,,(14.4.0, ,"•Rig.;,,_..(4"tn, ,.--, si„,...,,,...... %V-- • , . a ., 6 - r:- 'rile 'CiatligN. Ni.P.I.C,-..722' a". is 'bred: fOr bigh;:illeOild ,OerfOrrnante", '' • 'in fat'rn'flocks' _;".,,e-un.cler farm cOiiditionsl Dttal4Purpose. strain for. high.PrOcitiletionp• 'W1041.141 vigor. and', good' 4. dapIability.L_. -p, s--ris. -.T.. ' ett's -.W.:.N.f.., on April '30th. "In . . charge, of the... May prograTn . is' . • ,, •• . -.:47344,,,----, ,c ;,*•;-..''. iiiiitolii,.°1.1.449pIlik.f. ,....._....,4,, .f.:,--- ,• ..-:•• ..!.k * 7.1** -7,711.,i. .i 0- ./,,i73)11,;` •••7„...-_.' 413.• d.,,.. ..;-:'-i''''-'--:1' - .• , ,-,4 • ' °',. ' • ''' ' , . ' ' ' 7 •-•-7.- - SWittr.S Ociijii-44.-N'EPIarid SK. Y-Hi'LaYers ..are picked. for you: . '.' • . by prpfeSsiOnals, Order tpd4y, •• , ,‘ .., •,;,.. • .. • ,. . ... .... . .....,••:"to..•bring . , ,.. ' '. .' ... • . Sky 111 rd.Pc., Iden' le:lecl, arti.trad,orn0.01.(i.'!",. Si4.‘,11.,Canoadlan o.,,ki,,iii. !fed,;',,. .. .. .•.. . •for • • -. • : 27M-----jrs• ...'.ake J-funterr Each •iine'. is. to the May, Meeting •ane Pieced flahnelette, . bloek,i . nine pieces .4 1/4 ' inches': square, ' made. . • • ' ' ' ; . ' ' ' • •••-•, •,' i •,,,r,, '''';'04','•;::-'4'.1.1&';';•:„,,,,:tw'' , .,,':;•.;•::, .4;„,, ' ,All-Tlti-. '.,1 ..- •'::•::.,:".•.:: .. -, ' . , ...,,...:;•••",••••••Z:.:•••...ii:',:::::oi:•.:::••••:,,i; ';‘• . 4/„iii, 6006 ;.......'-',.'''''' '• ; ' '''' ' - ' ' . . . • . -\ li ' rill '-- ,'. .'.,:- • -,,,,..,,,,,..''..i,',..'.,,'...,!...‘'•••....„:,,',#‘'• :' ' v , . . • „.... ,•,;. ,•,, 5,;,,„.,. , chitko-1101471K.this area by . • • •• . ..0••• ELLIOTT ', '' . '• ' ' ' ' : .,'....0...0p1.3i ..:...: .. ... . R.R. .3, lio'lytoo-ct- Ont .. • ..--• , , Phone Ripley 24-r.26 . . • . t .' ..'; - ... . - , - • - - , , . - ,...- ',13-r-747-.1.-27inclf.,. block' to -finish, ' a: , Cluilt,..'',.4ppoihted • •svfliiters:. •••:- • fOr shut-in's ;are Mrs. P'. te 'k • , . . .. , , Coo "arid, iMrs. ' Robert lin,' A,: Word . ;i:: it.. . 1 • ,.., ' '. 1 's ."/,'I 7., ;ir . . . I, • ' ,,k, .1 ...... . 13.613/333.,... ...,, ./,fif ,.. ... .. , lit IMP )1, if.: -..,7-------__------- - •,:---_tiii'l., a -,' . . T - ' . „„, • ., ...... --' , Ikkitiltit A, -41i1111111.141Lifililitililiiiiiifilit!iiiili•-; :ii•'' .:.-1- ... .... , .., , " T- -7-0.-e.r.-SAVilfirkehola-.0N11.11.s ',.-. proved, • - ., • ... • best. in :just: 8 • Weeks: ' '. ',... '': / 0 ... . or-thatilcS Atom, . Mrs, ,wiii,....Rit_ ,. -4 .Chie'',Was received of a recent be- • • ' ' . .•la_ raVerrIlerl. T110,.' study ::.. - ' I, \\-----_,' „ ,., kn.). , \\,c1.1 It ,t , .,,,Tiler, r. --::'-----::::377i,,.,"1 .0. , gE,1 , li ''' '" '41, I I' - -• , . .. ,...., ,i I,' M tl Z. .... . ; I, ! tys.- ,..h,.. .4 AS 1 c . i --.1,,o, •.- • 41, to 4 ..1.47 • ‘' S • / ''' or " de ' or • ' ' • *N. ..+N.R .....5 • / '1. X' .c.P .., \ p . L* W I ft ^ t(11'4 4/4/4/1111\4":.41117* ir .4 ' • „,. \y„,,.., .:.Supply.,-,qtr.tlt 102 YEAR ; 'book vyas•- . 1 read.. by...Mrs: 'Jack, Gardner' • A' , • - . was. . .q.Uritecl, 'he. ,:. president ,.c,iospdwitha h•.Yn,in• ardtrayer il liC. . t,! ., ' .. • , .41'..4•. ' ...' W • I 9 9 sc :11, ' ..A.A 1 ,1 , -.,.' ril .. , ,.• 118•1,..• i1k.-••• ,. :%0A- - * , •4 , • • • ' . . , , . • . • .. . -... . , . :Siiutii::. XirilosS', VMS; •... . .., . .. . , • • •.. . ••• • ...,• .• , ••• . .- knecessit ' on farm ' - • - ' • .• • . •,...The- ; . , : • - .....,..• MALTING „ . .. .: ,j: ... , . .. _ ' .. • . ,. , • • ' ' • • • • • .• Malting ' • ' ..W.e: perw:liaaieeiiii 0.651. .'Barley centraeti, .'...'' ',..4ya4413.1.., tici.::4Fe '..coriarf„ing. for both ..phr. tieicknow' ., • , • . ' ' •• : ' 'r 5•••• •• . • • • • • and °Ripley'. Elevators,.... • : ' .1• - ••:. . .... .1.• P ; • • ••• ' ' .' • • • . . .• 4r . 5 5 • r • .. •• • , • . . 4 . • ' ' .-• April -.Meeting, :and; taster. A a. T hianCtffelHing , '' of South . ...'-itirikiss • NVIaq• ' was 'held '. • at , the . honle • • • ..of...IYIrs'. ..C.i.irrie..._CeilWell With ,24: rhe.mber'S.. :and' '' four' ' Visitors '..pres,.:: . ' 'eh' t'.• ;The' .rheetihg"s et'ehegl.'115.3' ' the. president,. . .Mis,... Win,. '''IViac- ' ..fro,yre,, 'followed ' .15i'' the I minutes :arid ..brisinesS::•dealt ' with '. An ',in, 'vitatiori froth. •"WhiAechureli• 'W.....1t... ' .. • • • .' eir• • • • • .. S to 5 , r 5 ' • • 4 . ' • • • • . almost an . . „ ..',,. • ,i,§,. • ,....,:••"•,, .. . • . • .. sturdy tr.4.ck.saYesy6,ti time, work „.;,. '. .....;.: • . . . ,. ,,, ' ' ' .7'1'''' ''•1'i,''''' . • ..•-. •• .......... ' ' .*:;aOd Money in .ahundred;Ways,.. ' ••:.. ••••• ••• * '. ::::: • , • • .5 • • • P '. • 41••1••5 !I • ., , ..": .., ' ' ....' . , •• : ' • • .' •••';'' ' • • -'• • • ' . r • : , . • •.....if. you're Shorr.of ready'cash for suCh'f' • . l• •• • . . , - • • . . . „....... '','":.: . .7: 4. piofii-1;tiifdihgputchase;:.FIL:iPay be:YOUr:''... , -.. ... . .. . ''',', ''. • •, '. ' ".... :: a' ri...w. ,,er'..' . A: , :11.,......of 'IA. Farm••Irn.., pt.0,...ve.:'.ni.)..e,•.,n-,t, . :.,......„,..'1., °. • his 11e •=:.ii.:t1;‘..t.amx.e,re. ito,,, .: ' '...'........,;,....,...,'77:......p.:•:•,;, , - ' .: . , ..,:, 7-4;41?.catYppc a new Or: used truck ta'worile;:• •• .. , ' F.4ri.n• •••Impro*i.,,,,, • .. , .. ,',:' ,... '. . fOr, you on your 'farm. 'very qui.:ck...li. •..... •,'" 1•!...•'...f.:1:- • Ll.1 t.., Loan' . ill ' ..: ...... -.,...:;•:.... .. .5 4 • 4 • r • i 41 . „....„Why.not.talk it over with the nianigOr-:. help-fix--,up'.-youe .• i! 4 , i''' . f. ' ..1,.• • . • - .. .• • 7 • • - . •-• ' • '• . • ..' • . . '•Please get ,.:.4.h...".to.t,i. Ch, ' :With ..,. US :eariY.....tiii....4ri,:ange.',•-• . your. seed • requiremehts;. -' • • " .' . ' - ' :,.: ' '.. . .• . •'.. .• •• . • , '''7•Arig April. 1;.611v was accep,ted.."The . •I3ibl.e. .,study • •was .': ..tAkrt " froin • Psalm -16 ' Which. IS known as the I"' . • liea.1.11..i6CtiPli' . i •,...•... , .. . • ••,.. .• '.;• : . • , .1. •' ' ' • . '. • ' '''ii. • ' . .: '''''• .. • . '. .: •• •:••.. , 4 '• faith .... ''. he'i,.0. . ..:' •'' .... - ' ' ' ''' . , -...,.... , ...Of .'(•)4F..ie40t..,B.O.f. D"I'oc•II,,tiis N'T.K.e.Pli? ' ... - . tioixtic.;i '' C(.1n*en,' •• ''' . P ' •• 1 ''• ........ .. P.'. :. P 4; o'ur...;rx;*.a• , ;I's: .0'-'1111.4s,y..."0.' u• .. ••••.:...,''• ..1at.' v!,,r9rs.:a,...1411; 011.4.: i I. ' 4. .. • , . '.5 ' 5 . ..'^• ''' ; 4 r • 4 . ..s...1'.t'i‘,0• ,n. ,,'P 1 . .1.7.. • 1 .. ., , • . . . . .5 •• • • :4'. ..: . : • .4 . 'PHONE 9, Lcec*.0*A •„. • • r ''''rl • •••• , . ... . 4 . • . .1 ••• dealt. ..wtth.:.'i.bk. 1,VITS: : LlOyd; Mac 7 ' Doli.g411',.. ..A.: prayer'', frOrn.•:., .The * ,G:lad • Tid. i.ngs::. ws -'.reoa, 1.3T:- lgi".'.. Arehie.,".1VfacIrityi-e....,Y The; .‘g•tiest 4 ' • thiSi, . ,• speaker fo... r meeting WaS \0gr4McKinney Of res - .....; a0t iB.of.$ f.a.fiiiitnr...d-;:d,didt...4..,Loati.. • ., ... .. • 5 le.`"T`''',""-L" , . -• ', fOr any.rype of egiii•pnient ' ',3 :•. ' - ..': ..,:tiouireed on'yOurl.. farai, .. ... ' ' ' • . P ':. ' .1 . : • . . : ' . ' ! ' . . . . . • • . • r ••• . V .• . ..•. '. • • 1" IN 1 lilli of C4101411 , m0. P : 141. ' .. ,....nyt!nng in. mora, .... . , . •: . .. ..ing, yolir farm. a • • • : • • • '; bettei farm'. • •• •' "'' ' 1, . ..•••• '„.... • - ' ., .. . . .. , , .., • . ' ' .: . .: . • • • • • •fr '•• 1 1•' . • • . • . . . ... : .• ••• 'I` , ' ., • , .4 water, •,. :who gaA•P'e • a fine" Easter , ...._ ..B ••••. : ,.. • ... ••• - • • ••• " , . . . ....'•cAtP" ; . • • • • .. '..; 'WHITEC.HURCH ' i : - • • • .. ,‘ : ,: ,, '.,41 ,'Mi.: , . .years, , . .. . • • ' . .. • ..... 5 •••• message. Mrs.; Ted .Collyer . dealt. ' abd. MrSr.' Sid :Payne: ',54 ' with current .,•.:17•0'its: for the .• .- • .. ...:.,,.,.1 ..... • ,i„. • , -• :. ,:d, ' .' : . . „.... - : : • ...2 . . •Miss Marjory (\coni.t.e's , GN •,:,. • ' uelph ... ,. . . . .. , ' ' ' ' • - '' • :month An 'apPropriate.. reading ,Toronto visited ....at. tilP Week -end .,• .. ...... ; .. . , , . • , . ..• , . ' .. h,,•_. m ' .. • , ...-. •: ' .• ' "Easter, ••:. , Message Of • .. •-:... .• P K.-.0 F.' ., . : i :- . . . : . : .. . . ' ' . • ' • ' ... '. .1 ... .. , . , . 7,Ge-tiero_..7_41' 15.0.• iiii, ., 1,.. 51*H' rft ,' _,,,....the_„.., week -end i With .: her Parents, •Mr.'„ .. . . . ., ,. arid Mrs. • Albert,,COultea." ' ' • ... ' ' ', . . . , . ,. . . . . . . . . . : • ' . , : • „ : 'WS, MI '.AileQLjillitx . of itihear-' ' •dine sPent :•. 'Saturday . at her • }ionic . hp.i..e- .. ..., , ,. •• ., ', . . . . .• - • . __.entitled"..- Ny-4-t , --, r;----4r.10.-::,mr .s.-; ,Emer?TO ,,,,'• • ' • '.' by' -", ' ' Mrs - W`tv' the':'llttiO' . i'Olatime•8..4 :ri-iags.ide: Hope":'.. '."•:s' given :j:•,' 1.11-7 '• • - . . • Eadie , ' The ' chapter ' . frOrn " 'the 'Mrs..., VietOr :•EinersOnZ'attended :• . • '..- • ..' ' ' . . . . . - - study. ;book' Was prepared! • and ''' .: •d!'•. -r •C • • 'C'x9P14'1Ye'°' meeting.".P'‘. iiNketi .Thw Mrs. -Douglas. ' ' .G.raharn- Institute in • the. Purple .Q•rove' , - - • - • ' • . ' - • • .• A 'social half -hour 'WaS. ..enjoye•ci : school.' ooL„„,Satarda,Y•_.L;,Mr' Vietor..,_:_i_.. - • • • • . . , :..... .' .. ' . ; .. ' . 7: ' ' ' '' - - 7' -Voied ' . " ,' ''' '.". • '. ' - • • - .4... *4.1.4.:. .' 7 I , , . . .. „ ,, • .. , e. . „ , . .„ 5 • , • .• 5 . . . ..• . . . . • ' . i ( 0. ?,!.. ' • •;''.'t . . , • • • . . . • . , . .. . . . .. . . , •- • • .:,...., - . .. ,. . . ...„.. • . • .. • ' ' ' .. • l . • . : ' . . .1 /11 11 ' , •••• miss;Marylin' Morrison ...return- ed, home .05h Saturday .rffor.n. Mr,'''. . . . ..Dinnie , .Maeponaid':s • in . itipie•sr, :mrhere..she '1Ata,s.„asSistini ‘..vtrith the.: 1)4)4 ''''' ', 4. - .. ' • ' ... . ., . .• . .. ' .. . ' .. .. • • • • . at.,-,tne close of the•..meeting • Ernerson visited? with Sam Emer- - • . • • • •• ' - ' .'°' -• !,' - '•••oil ' 01.1, , ....§,ri-Say,‘,,', .." afternoon :•'. • :. . ... .....Whi.tei,MaelVti.. il'a-n' '.6.:.1.;"tniii.;'. ' '''''.• ... ' ''"1, . ' : Mrs.' Walter Lott .visited . in ., „For . the April ' .meeting of •Wing)".14n1. P3i. .4...'e*•.• •0:4•3!•§,•''. early • .G•teuP' .ITI.:pf ' the W.A. • ,the,, la(1.1 ' thi,,,§..-wOok • - '' .1' .•'• ' . . '.. 'otet-'1at-Mri:-.R.O.bert°,L7=Carrs .1 5 ,, ,,., ' • ;0141460W! Braiich::',-: .MILTON:•RANNgR,'Nfan4gei, : • ',... .. . . ,. ,. . . ,,. , . . . . • . . . . . . - ........•• . , . .. ... . . . . i- .. • ••• • • . . .... ... . • , ., , , . . : .. . . ,. :°• 4: r: :•• *WORKING,. WITH. CANADIANS •11,41-1viiiir . WAtk"..00...L.110'.E 'SINCE 1817, :.....' - . ' ;,. ' .. . , P. 4 • . . rr• . •• 5 .• !. • r• . P• ' . • ie' 5 • . • I 4 • 1 • mr; and Mrs • jak.. Gillespie ,' of •1 Mr, ' : .trvYin' Moore •••..,. returned el l's, home ..'.. With . 26 ;:, men* er s b ... 5 • 5 5, 1..,,..-. • ' • ' - . . , ', : ., '. • :' • . ". ' ; ' : ' , ... ' ; '. ' ' . ' • •• ',. • • ,. • ' ' . ' •• . , • ,,, . , . , . • . .. . ,, Sarnia rePort° a ',woji'deritil :week. home from. Wingharn '. ResPital and, -.six ' ViSitti.r0 '. PreSent, .! Mrs: .. .. , . . . , •rn_ Bermuda :the. .end,, Of March, - last, w -eek -end • h. is, rntreh, 'Whitehad . charge of :the Meet, '. ' " ing,--and,--Opened-;--W.Ith •thetrie.,,:ina•de , . . . , r ,,, , pealed 'in unison: .1ri. the -,btiginess 2Scrifithre,:.dh Peace and. MrS..,: .11., . .. ,... • ' :period ' some • further plans were .1 Webster, : assisted ..:bY 'Mr.S.... Bruce ••,., .• ' , ,. , ., P • -..1-1or'arrMa-C-1<eriiie,•••K'seatt-severat-elidati- ' ' -41-1.1-o,k,rion-es:7-13,aki-7---'--Ls',..4),s .Proved • .a-4-er-•;.ha,V,ing. ,.prieu the., ., ... • ., . , . .. . .. •,. , • •; s'ea4 .of $arhia-,.. . -, ,... ....,.:.,:.,..,. , mon ia. .:. ' : s'.,:: . . ... • ', • ' • • '• • ' ' firii5P . and . .OraSfrer:' . • Mrs...... Ewart . . , „ , . . . . . ... : . . . . . . .. . . . . , , ' .• . ... Taylor ' ' . ''' .:' '' . fel, the tea, MI:Ss' : .' ".. -• :. . . to . .... . , , •-* ff.' Wester kindly. offered . :her '•hOmol atorY.',Sectio.a. and .:prayer. ::Ther4, .• .....-°' ,,:,: . .., • . . a, •4 .and ''coinnlittee -three . .1‘/Irs, • . '.• . .. Era: • Scholtz: returned • .. , ' ..-..• , ... . ,./lieme from London ' :. on Saturday ; United .thiiire4''Miss!Ori Band ".. ' ' (..Mrs•,. Clayton • Schoiti "anti .-Xak.e..n. '*..,The April. meeting of the .Mis7 .° ... comparijed her horne.. ' .., ''''...... .sion Band ,'With" ••the, Call, , , . , . , . . , , .. . • • . .. . We are ,..orry to hear of avliF; 'AO :.wOi's1:1173,. the'. readi.hg, ,.of the. Jim • 8.. Morriig' ori .takjtig. ;sev- :scripture and:::, a. praYer, After . . „ ere,: stroke fdorilig .the ...week •and the 'O'fferin ...was received.. A 'Afr.6rY. • .read •the scripture ° losson. :and Mrs. -,'clifford Crawford :Abe.' .11162ht.a.ti011, ,. , After :the • buSiness ,waS. dealt .with, ,itirrs,, Ken carn- ,erOn •took .,the • chair for the pro- grOirf),..and,. carried out the. Baste?: §er.Vi•te: of 'Av('-.)r0".1!P' that"....waS .pre. -.1 grounds : fer, it, A of .lifi-.s.,Howey, '.•,'Ivii. t.s..,:•:‘13.. obe.i.on:,l'i-iyinn and, Mrs.•,•:AndersOn re to Indice. fu:rther plans.: Peed repOrts were .. , . • ';given •by „all, 'icoinknittees.... There- are two •• Red ..Cross .quilts to 'be: quilted•.in..the ',near ,fi,itUre,.Tweni,: !•the last, . verses • of the ".,..'...': .„•:. • ' .. . . ':. were • Sung. : .M.fs. Bruce •• .'•, • •-••••• ''. 4 ,,,,I,, I MacKenzie had .a read. ing on Eas. -,. . - . ... .,0 I ter, .TwO •ditets:hy Nancy Web-. , :".‘ .7 .:' f. .. • . •. • .. . .. ....„. . ster •and Joan. '',C.,ra*lOrd•': Were •",...' ,.. .......,. ..... . . enjoyed. An . interesting paper; • , ''• • .; „::' . H • ,.. • , '. • 1 •"Orie .,', Of :God's.. Nol?:10rileil!' (,Traek :•• • Ts. in the General 'Hogpitai ..i.ft..ititerestinigt :film- . Was . shown IbY., Brantrard" : II' resided' ' kth his Rev :G--. A. ' IVIeiklejohri.- The - .• .daUgliter, •MrS.* Vioter Casernore Meeting 'dosed with ..the MISSIori .th .131..an.tto. 1,d. fOr. the pa8t., few Band hYthn• "1 ". ' ''.' ' ' .,•,, ,. . ' ; . • " f$51.7e1.7f0-711TeTW.:7A.:; „the. 'theme being 'Christ, 'Legacy of Peace". 1"an .The :hy,nin Pear Lord and....Fa,.[Wohster ther ,.of Mallitirid.' Njtras.' sung, All repeated, Perfect Peace. .ty . ladies .aits.Wered the ,•tell ..CalI 'Easter. • ViS0'.3' MrS. • Ifaritesr took charge •of the pro- grani,.".opening..with.„ati• Easter de- • ".,,'"Chrisil_ie.:_-,_ Miner). Was.: given ., by'. Mrs,' Jras, • ; ° i ',Pi.", •' • •Eoyle, The • inizpah benediction - closed the ineeting.••:Mrs, X Wil, seri ' conducted '''0.,. •contest , :and, . iti'rieli_Was: ' • i''Peace . votiorial Worship, Served • Mrq . H ___tret13-.' ! ' • . „ .. .' .ASSisificg, ; Mi*. ..:,in ' the 'gats?',-,•tb, The ... .vote ' ' ' ' ' ' * , . ... 4 5 • 5.7Watelt. Next. Week•cs. , Paper Fpr. - :: ,. ,: . , ' ' .-Cameron prograttr,....different' 'passage S: ., bt , scripture • W -as :read 'ibx',:Mrs.. Al Irwin; : Mrs,. ' Z)d'Oti ''lienderson, Peace. :first three IvierseS,', of hymn • .286 ...were., sung; .1 , mrs. W.. B..: .A.riclerS'on read , the. ster • Moved' 'a of .thatits litlt .. '• • , '' .Mrs.,.. Meiklefohn... ,aiii-1,ilet.'..econi, *.P ... '''.'• .• , :triiitoe; . ., 2. . : , ••. , , ; ' .;.''' ' - ''. , , . .., , ,, •, ,.. - . . • >4'1 , . .. '' • , : . . : . . , , , • • , . . ' 0 . , '. P . • *, , . . , . .• , . . - •.. •, .... , 1 . . , ,., , , ••,,,... ' ' • ii . . . . ' . Mrs. Elliott, V Bryce, • ::-i-S.': Murray. '..• 'A' .'`• ,. . '. ' ' ' ' ' • • • '''' ' ' ' , , ..- „ . . i: .2;....---, ..--,---.••:-.„,•--'. .• • ., Henrder.dir:-• - reiclitig,,'„. r"rlieT17,--"n'T7 --------- ..--..--''''',....*:,*'-••,.---" , r . , ..„ . . . . it- A. ' ..‘ 'Make 5- y 1,• . ., , ...„ . , . . ''''.,. ' '- „ .. . . Of . .• ....,., - . • . .. ' .° .. gend, of ythe.. Lily", :waS.'giVeri by Nri.s. ti'l .. Tliern:,.. Ail' iti8.trUrtiOital chie,t Was'. played by", Mrs,. japes', -. :Vteibste.e. and Mrs.. fliranl Col-'. ling, Mrs, George BrOoks gave a .readhig.- , ".ta,t.er. ' '.2'04t.e..rd4Y.$' .. :. ' •o ,.eia-torsi H I ... , ''. ANIMAL. COLLISION , . . . .up to $300',00 for your 'rim' ....Or injured arid has ".tct•.15& desircty•d.,: , . „ , . . ..• • . nsuranice . , ingurnee 41',,pa:sr: .: . . .. .. . . • antrnal. If, killed, . While Ott , • ,,,. . , • .. , • •„ . .• .. - . ,.., - , ,. .... :`, ' .,,..`j,....,,,, 5 . • • 5 . , , . : „., . 4,.:. • :..,,, • . j____1 ., . p,„......,,____ . , • • , ,. x. Borrowed' .,...,,, WAS react; iby . . ... MrS, Cameron .followed iby a••isin.' . . ., . • '. •,,W1-1, . .,a , pubirorg- yay.,.. , n a. .i •ion '., e •owner is , rirOteetecl"..frorn resulting: liability/ ' to ' . , • - ' - . , , . _ . , 4 .. . •- ., - „ . •. . , oil-g•41ttfE:agt,dirt011 0 4 . • '7-, . ' • • • .,, • . • . • ',.., ... • , . ..-., .... ., .. , . ,, .. - ., , , .. r ' .mi. , ., . . '. !feed .:)Drennan H..offered . j'jray,or • . ' . ' 'This .ig'brity,.one or the tn-any. ditY0eiatOS . ' ,, , • , ,,• , . . • .. • - ...,,,,,..... ' ,• .. .. • • ., . :, . -i • .. .•;'''-'7.•"i',.'ii,'1',,* ' = . . • , . „ 5 . 3, 'L,. , • ere s, your. °prior unit,r to gc .. c,tno.s ..rn ,. 1 , . , , 1Yorthible ,'sAw, ' wifli • a very, :liberal Pal 1. er.or ti e e - :., ' for your -old ou.tfit,::' : ' ..i. : . , . , , . , .... • ,. , .. , . , . ... , cONIACt;:tg POk, 101114-itsltoitiv,.t4roN , ' , . , ., , • , , . , 11111` .• „.. „. Mrs. Cameron* thanked the host,-- , .. ess and. cothrnittee..and laches for. . . their help.... ' : • ' . •••• .: ' . , Andrew -Webster, Orbit* -1` 'j... . ' 'Ait.ednesdaY0••:'•APril•' lOthi Mrs: w '' '. -- . ''' ..i - ,. . ,, AUTOMOBILE, ACCIDENT :,& .,..SICKNESS, r '1..',1•ABIL:ITY' ANWEIRE, (neth;fartii).,..- • •'' - . I y • .. I ..... . 4 . . , A. cAmtRoNi' Luckriow 'Phe.ln 70,1.1 6 Dunganhoo ' ' ,'..,, CECIL FALCONER, IVVhiteihtlicli: ' ' '. ' ',"; ":, '. '• 'Phone 5,70-1.4 Winghent ,.. ' .'.,' ,'..• ,. .• .- . • ! • .. . . ,y '.•• ••,•• ,,. ', ,.`,,,!.tr ;'% . , ...,., . , . ir 1 . . . .10hotie 80 tucknow,:. , , , 0 , ., 1VIeikle3ohn----was'---hostess- .o.'r - -.:.• ' droup, 1 •r)f.: fhe IV.A. •Mis. Alek Andrew presided' and the iherne . hymn, Int4tO and prayer vitorro ,:te-', --"--. .0) 1.1Klife*Ititteilit;7itiPiey, ' Phaiie .2,0443' , ' .. •.*. c JENA :POWERS, • District Imager- .' ' '''; ,•T' .. , . • . ,,- '. ,. , . • . ... , , e••• •".• • ' • ' •