The Lucknow Sentinel, 1957-04-17, Page 1• 1 k ,$2:50 A Year I -n Advance, 7 $1,00 Extra•, To U.; 1, UCKNOW, ONTARIO' VY.EDNESDAY eceives ason•i;� APRIL ' 17,' 1957• , TWELVE PAGES; ., ewe,LOAFS, SHOW` MERE MAN' HOW To:PLAY CRIBBAGE • A Je Wel► • s' •bolic, :o'fifty years ,in Masonry, was• presented to 'Donald J. -McCharles, :,at the ti. '' Of Old: Li h A,' ri1 ' Tine a ng, g . A Lodge,'A;'F & A.M. The pres- entation. ress- entation . was , made'. by District Deputy Grand Master Willa of his Leiper, on the occasion official visit to ::Old Lig',ht.:.In• th, above: picture Donald is•.seen ad- miring `'phis' memento. :Donald joined the Lodge' in 190:7,.' .during A., `'r.' Davison's _term. 1T''.. d !•rS ar• dS 1st. to, is :rt- rte nil as, { basiness in 'which'•:Donald con timed: to be actively engaged until. retiring 'a few years agt ..• • The:' me: ie . -d' cribbage al•expespecrts, willsof havesocallered: laces ,this week. '"nhe reason, two, ladies, Mrs,: Eileeri,,, White and Mrs. -'Grant •,IVIacDir! ,.did, won the Mixed'cribbage • tournament • on. IVlo day night with •a 9 -point .4e641''aiid.:N lost only one : •game. Theaio,n 1�as sponsored Meekly' men; s•criab!bage parties' during the winter, but couldn't disregard the women's c'hall-' tinge and so staged•a •mixed:party on Monday night. to .wino up he... Seaton. There were ten tables playing' with about as many 1adies as men _ 'Five' pairs. •w'ere tied with 7 points each • in the runner-up spot. They were . Mr. and Mrs. George.: Fisher,, Bill. Sproul and Ross MacPherson, Frank Hamil- ton and Mrs. , Donald' Hamilton, Mrs..' John Carruthers and Miss Annie McLeod, •Wm G. Webster and Mrs, .Bertha Lougheed. GEORGE STUART: .RECEIVE.'":..CHAIR Twenty-one years :of, faithful' sgivice:. to •the West Wawanosh 11VV utual' Fire Insurance Company, :was fittingly recognized Qi,; Fri day evening,,: when George, Stuart of St.•, Helens ''`was presented with ,a lovely • chair. Mr. ' Stuart retired, from: the ..Board at� the annual.;meeting in February, and. Was 'succeed'ed •b'' Mr...Brown Brow" Y n. Smith, • Ieningitis Victims; ..±:-4.11.'•:0,00.:rat.:"00. • na,er • Bobby, Button .7 -year' -old, son, of •.Mr•,,:and Mrs " Bill Button. of Lucknow; is. convalescing factorily after: 'undergoing, a rare skull: 'operation on. •Tuesday of last .ziveek,• Th delicate 'surgery vias per . formed -in' •'Victoria' Hospital; Loi - don,. and' the lad`is in Sick;Child-. ren's , War Memorial Hospital, ':where "it. is expected ie :will .be; ,hospitalized for another couple of weeks. • Robby has four : times in, his" young life been a victim •of` spinal Meningitis, „the. cause. of which •,puzzled doctors, for same time, : - The catuse •was. "oun to ,be• an, opening in the skull, with which. Bobby was ,born, that permitted brain tissue to become exposed and infected. The -operation, as nearly''as lay 'folk can understand or explain required ; an incision' in the .top of the •'head by which the opening -was reached in 'the,:up-, per • part of the nasal passage. The brain .tissue which had .,lodged •in, the opening had to. be 'removed .and a',:. skin, graft formed to seal the hole., Bobby was a,• sick boy for' a !few : days, but ' (by :Friday' was. showing ' :considerable • improve men t acid :'on Sunday ;liars' progress, was quite. er1•cotir in . g : ,Bobo is t` Y, sill, u,ndergoing spin - :Donald .is the.' last member of al 'punctures'as•'part of the ' post-. All sriembers .'o' .. - f tl.e,' .Board . a f r. -4-• family; of Seven fiwo ' �rotihers Pe' att,ve: tr a inept. and' two sisters Poa her` Duri=`'.Directors• •and their ladies, . and .', Poacher, m can, Mrs. Sadie'Rivers and :Mrs. Mar aret .MacKenzie � have.. pass-, e' ed on: ` rot , b . A.. her and sister °• • died in infancy -Sentinel P.t Photo' • as Master. •He'was .••then! a young 1 CLASS OF ELEVEN YOUNG anari, resdirig. at • the. parental PEOPLE JOIN..:CHURCH ``laorrie near Lochalsh: -•.His father,, 1 tkie la+e Ilod+�r-:cic�McCh.arl s, v'a� IA _ 1 coi:iimrtrricant�s'--'- c-l.a°ss o:f�`-11 a' carpenter , and auctioneer young eo • g P c in their. early teens. dainily later. Moved` to Lucknow..' _five . gi irl s 'and six boys, were Donald;. as a young „man,, en= received b Profession • •f faith tered the employ of. Wrn. •..Earls .Mr. and Mrs ,.Ernie; Ackert, a• RDIRE• . E- S 800: ;SETTS STAMPS FOR:: ,VISITING;: GUIDES.` ,former director, gathered at•. the Stuart home to .spend a pleasant 'social. evening; and• to honor ° Mr. Stuart: The' re p . septation was. made by -Company , President George Feagan, • who , also • 'pre- sented ;a cdrsage.to Mrs. Stuart. Each ,of t'he, members 'Was -tailed on for a ' few words; and : Mr. Stuart fit in . • . •., ' t ngly; expressed : his:. dee'P aAP reciation. The address 'wasa �s f , ollov Mr. George M. Stuar Dear George , SUNDAY SPEAKER STIRS. BIBLE SOCIETY INTEREST Interest in, and , ,support for , •., • the , tTl Oe was stimulated on:=Sunday- even,. `'• at ._• an-_ interdenomination� t meeting in the• .United . Church•' The special 'speaker was' Rei ,G. P. Parson,- BA., district -sec= - retary, .and in addition to a . forceful address; 'he .shovred a most iripressive film on 'the• Sac- -t work__in_.Kor-ea. The ;plc Lure • shoved . the: ,heroism th,a. kept a manuscript translation of the. Bible into the Korean tang., .uage frqm falling itto the haia:d *of the ,-C:ominunis;ts. A• very generous :offering wa received for...the Bible Soc et ' and the oaffering at : the Good - Friday 'service will also, be' de voted • •to this cause. An 'organized local '. campaign' for . funds fort: the .• Society vwil l 'not:.+be. held ;until ,the. Fall. Y .. p slop o : into ,the:. memlhersh af',. p ited Ghuroli on Sun a ' • The dmembers who. operatecl ' a grocery, store and '.restaurant .business ;Where Henry's Fruit Market. is :now .10- . Y crated.,Donald !boil ht out Mr. g' Earls in 1909 ;:; and three. years later; w t Westto , o into ibusi- tint.., g nvss' in Somans; •Sask: his bro-' •ther, : Poacher;' who • was in the , bakerybusiness; sold out to W. J.. ,S; indler '.hater, that . year, and P ,.. i t - Westto-ruin_ Donrald- Some, fifteen years. or, so later y mouagL a . The class has 44een; .instructed weekly P for the P a`st:.t'wo :months' . by, Rev; G. A. •Meiklejohn, eul- minating• in the Palm Sunday re h: si.'Re v. iCeption • into church. .: nem be r - MeikleJohn Conducted the ceremony :arid ` Ernest Blake, Clerk of 'Session and J. W. Joynt, chairn�ian .of the ,Beard, f ar s, Joined in extending a • wel- ,come on`:beehalf of the.'co ' re� a - ?>g they returned to the Old .Hone 'Town 'to ;„ re-enter.:•the :grOeery T - HOLY�t Soiree 800 Girl Guides 'from other ,countries' will visit Can- ada this ,.suminer when.the :at- tend Y tend the. : World" .,Camp, at Doe Lake 'near S r�u�' - p . ceda�l.e Mrs. A. E. McKim hoes to'.hai ' p e a .so'uvenir .a _ p .cket: of` -Canadian :p o`s;t a e g .. stamps for ,each .visiting- g Guide :and, is busy now• on; the project. p J. •: Those wanted 'are the recently' issued. set` of , the .four, •season's .-- skiing r•fishinig , huntin : ' These•' g are.... • typically CCaiadian: and' the. 'se.t•, of: four will be packa' ed in transparent ran5parent envelopes. for .; each 'girl. • Local ,residents. are are requested_ to wa•tc11i, for these `stamps, •.on their : �mai�l, and to ' .save' • the old; envelopes;'with. :stamps of` P attached course, •and leave: 'them' on the -stairw :tb t .e a�' �h : McKrict .apart- anent;, • Directors and •the Officials o# the hh e 'WestWawariOsh Mutual Fire' In- surance Co have Called 'at yOur home tonight inyourhonor •and in'appreciation of the servic �-YoLL: have rendered to this • Cornpany We - .regret i g the circumstances which have caused, your resigna- tion r o, Stew- tion from our .Board ou�have been: 'valued member"; and the West Wawanosh: Com pany• is tion.., Members of I the' : class 'were - !Leona. Collins '',Eleanot : MacNay,• H t X S G_O.. Carolyn Mothers, 'Shirley Moore; Patricia Thompson, Thom Coll- yer, Franklin Murdie, Gary Rit- _ _ s h.ie, Mu ray._ Jriun:ter-, -Paul Hen derson, :Hugh )Houston. Effective with th+ , o ening • of P vohei •he or she, must for grateful for .' your ;efficient . arid untiring effort on ' its behalf. You have served the 'C'ompany faithfully,' and Well, for twenty- one. .twenty one• years' and it•was,with regret;. asci at your express wish that• your---res'g nation .Was :acre , gted. There.,comes :a time in :one's.life the eFall term ' in September, Stu- • o..s reasons aSpecial ri- u , ',give up some special dents;' of School Section No. 5, WIFE FORMER DUNGANNON activity. This appears to`,�be'the '• inlo (S xth orfcessiori) will- -MIi IS ER PA yeas , , . S�S->fH-.,.A'11VAY�`-•-`, : nd every Ali.,:attend, school . at Holywood, . and , s, . member, on the . Board • has ex ',the � �:., .. ,•. .. . •, ►j . Sixth School' will be ;closed, The death . of Mrs. Sara ressed his. 'regret • Sarah Ann ly , get • and •sorrow ;although this; decision was„ not Kaine occurred ,on April ':1st at that .this sho ` d happen. u1 en. / arrived at,. without opposition. the.: +home ., .Ha .. - and ofher sister, Mrs. F. PPy •• and pleasant • relations . -- r ha. e F Ile.. fo _ >• v be .n c�a d transporting-- the students • to ., 13oly, wherea'n•en rood . rollmen.t Y of around` thirty-five is • expect- ed in: Septen>tber: There will be. aretlnd n. 15, 'Children i' the Holy - rood •Y rood section and ,a probable '17 orrr'-the Sxt installation of additional seats lf'e matte 1eq airement t'o•-ac coni , �odate 'the increase. • ' Mr t;ab MaCi ts'if f `u ley Y p +ha's benengaged to `teach 'at 1-iolyrood next' "term) at' a,.salary of x`3,200 Mrs Martyn S' pi es.- tinily teaching. i:n , the A'shifield c•hool Area 'at•" `` S l, `to15 I -Tern-. S , lock City School: i.., • `",Raklert . tis�"oxne •-1s the teiicher at Holyrood this teirm, ord- Mts.James Mae'rat ^ish is teaching at tho Sixth. E. ,Clyde ]e = of- London. rMrs e; who wad in•hei'8 4n • .year was ,the wife of the late ,Rever.-" end Christopher Charles Laine, 'who, at one _time was, minister of Dungannon Methodist Church: NCrs,' Kaine is survived' by a have_:.exi ted during-:y',our-term e • '• nd You have • een re sponsi�bl.:e in no small: way;` for this agreeable state of . affairs. It is the sincere hope of every Member . that you will have pleasant memories' :of your ';as - L tawa,''and two. Sons;: Bevhiving with its wieinbers B: Kaitno We.:..: reset ° � .T-ororm-i-q-•-and Dr. -•J. P-t•-yciu : t'his•--gift•--as�~a- toke of OW. , i n good. will, of :Or pp .eciation .t� a - , and in the sincere, hope that you and ;your gdod wife' v ill enj v man JQY v pleasant and happy ._ears in your retirement'. Signed on behalf "of 'the Board of Directors and • the officials of the.- s -- .. ; We, t W awanosh~-�ICm'rti Fire Insurance Conpany,- George C. Feagari, Preside'iiit,. Durnin Phillips; • . Secretary V Y Mol+botirne ,Koine'. of Winnipeg T. _.. ~,:_:. , „ s-• e c •,• Thc. lataet .mss -ate etc e4-.. tor who _�r.i,cti:Seri for "a time t 1? r� Lucknow prior to going"to Win- , ltarres.ttewand been ort ',has •b ftrr vera'l dsrys acrd otr:-Satur-.. day 'drove the car again for 'the first' trine since' suffering a para- lytic seizure ,five weeks ago,,' • SAWMILL. TO OPEN FR T S OFMONTH. There.. -.is; • actiwit- -.-•aroundthe-. Lucknow ", 'Sawmill yr these .'days,, • and• the . proprietor,- Mr. 'James Stevenson of Brussels, told The Sentinel ;by phone , on Tuesdaty that•--he-••e�� ts- to ;ave -the -mill: in" operation by ' -the first "of May. Repairs have been' made to:the !building so that the installation• : :: stallation of: motors and the,' h auling of logs are .now• the 'chief tasks in o2 der --to- >get w bhe--mill. inttr o= duction. While no: logs have; been delivered. ' yet to the milla Y rd, Mr. Stevenson has'. a :good deal of timber purchased. He• is chief- 91y interested in hardwood. ,sawmill % business at Brussels for ver . �o. � thirty years -Al- had oz•ig-- )pally planned, to put' the mill in :p xa. is __ o___ t._Q.n_M_eai 1 ___ _ :_ .� 1�. v 1a5 .,._ • . . t wintel but.: chariged his ,plans at' that 'tepee, About ten, men will ' ed. be enipldy- The now :1)1 oprietor :purchased the ,cavi fill. 'from Arnold Glooi"'• to Whom. itreverted, Y . after,tip business weli�t.�...inl.tn '� ��..� w_ etei v.er,i= , in' the 5 ring of 10 • Is' your subsgription-> Pala' • START OVERSEAS TRIP {W ED N ES DAY , Mr 'and Mrs. Wm; MacDonald of ,Kintail and.' S. B. Stothefs ' of. town will be on; the • St. • Law*.'' reice ,mound._ for ' England, by the time' this issue is. off : the press.'•T'he Were sche• uled sail from Quebec about' ',2.00 :p.rn. o Wednesday:; aboard the Arosa n.: They" will deck. 'at mouth The �threeso -ie left here Tu da . es for Guelph.' �' 1? ,: where:, they • .• boarded ,.the train for an over- night ,trip to. the . Quebec met ropoli's. The :trip is`.aconducted,, 't•our 'for :•, postm.asters ' and -their:', friends:•, Nlr:'.Stothers' 'will leave ' ve.,' the. �party.'at Edinborough:and': ' o. to :Stockton on -Tees.•. •in northeast England.:to :visit. his•• daughter;. Mrs.: Agnes Bradbury and B'radbury.'and :family The :MacDo' aids • will � ill be• . o�iri- J -ed--#y:---their--da '•. h • : her 'hu'band , a Steve E11>in t t :Who. will- > accom' an the: P of theirs Y m`. visit in .• Scotland. Mr,: and Mrs. .Elliott.'reside, at N ewbury,. Berks. ,. England- where -he; .is State ' with the ..United States Airforce:. He :has' 'been able' to' arrange• 'his. • ,holidays •. to. :coincide ' with Mr. _and; -Mrs,' MacDona:ld's arrival in theme Old Country Mr, and Mrs. MacDonald will ' also .tour, the `continent. On • the itinerary are Holland, Germany,.: France aiid 'Italy • ' • They will return ,on the''"Arora Sun; arriving 'back' here about June 8th. . • • • • • •>a 14,: • • • A GENERL MANAGE , . _,,.. R OF REAL ESTATE ..BOARD: . Last -week we: ,made reference • ` to -"local boys: who have made good"in Bruce. County os c p tr. This Week ., . • .• • ' • :, :' , ,. ,,e k we might well .refer ,k toonothea: L • ueknowite who ha • Made- _ ,• e field He; Is A, W. Treleaven -'s b Mr..',and, y,. � (on c.i',.. Mrs,. 1-1at• eey Ti c�lrat>ie r of London and fol"riierl • 'of' 'Luck now. Allan. is general. Man- Of oar- of the, Toronto Real P4ato_ oard, a coria any that is gi o�1- ing.as.t'a idlv..i Metropolitan P as i, rt�etropolltra, i• «1itch Is 'expanding , seven's Lure 111i1Cs (w' • e ' ri t � p c�a a . is ,� t, �f • . ettl Estate• t. h� Boat c,. s sold 3.5.55•:I.j'7opertie 'with a totnt sales voltlIne of • Oldse . to •55 lair': lion dollars. in 1056' the: nuns bar of properties...50d „wa. 4.985 with .a ''sales value: of well, 73 iacillion dollar's; •Salt's foxy thi't: rfi'i :st-hr'ee neo"';'' nhr-of_• this yea/..... indicate that: the •1957 volu t will 'touch • a lttiiiclred ri'illict'r.`t' dollars.. . 1.