The Lucknow Sentinel, 1957-04-10, Page 5?Yto'NEspMX;• 4Oth,.1951, TIiE' LUC Nqw S N7'INFiLr. I LT,CKNOW' ONTARa! E ZVE 1. t or 'e general.��Y'Pa�tuX� ',Mixture, try '\ this : F a r g 1ds=and les expense a s� :.; ormu fo>"emtec� yi 71110.• .!! , .••.,,• ...,. • •,•: Alfalfa 1 1b,. ,;,; •,,,,, ., ::.adipo C1oVer . 4 "lbs. . , •. , Tirnothy ? bbs Biome; 2 lb's.M •, „•.;•> ?VfeadOw Pesoue 1 0 '.lbs '. ,,,�, � ...�,.,, � ,....per sacre ' Your cost is less=than ;7.00 per acre PHONE. 91,. LV.KN.OW: The Ladies ,Aid will . be held at the home of Mrs. ' Wesley Young on, Thursday evening.at 8.30 ,.p.m.' • Mr. and .Mrs. Jahn Crowson and girls were Sunday evening dinner guests. `vi.., , the ' . forrner's sister, Mr. .and Mrs. Wm. Ern ' merton, Kincardine. • Mrs. Russell .Ritchie and . Mrs Fred Tiffin spent Saturday - wit Mr. and Mrs.• Victor Emerson, c Whitechurch.: - Mrs. Ted . Collyer :accompanied her aunt, Mrs, Archie.Mac1nty;r and. Mary, Anna and imps. Ross t London .on Thursday. Congratulationsto Miss. Ruth Steer on winning one . • ofthe prizes attire Calico. Ball in Luck h e O now,' • Mr. and Mrs. 'David "Nichol & family of Niagara• .Falls are ,spending this week ,' preparing the Langside`-store in :eriticipa- tion of opening in .a few weeks.: Friends here of. -little Janette Johnston, daughter • of :Mr. and Mrs, Clark Johnston of Belgrave, were..pleased ' to learn slie was able to return' home. Friday:of- ter: being a• . patient �'- in. Winghaan Hospital following'. 'an . appendix operation; ,-_-____ • . ' ,good ,-crowd.' attended ,the concert and' dance. ,at the • . corn-. munity'• hall On Friay night. As well as a 'varied. irirogram,.` Mr, Dawson of Dungannon . put; -on his magic show.. • Mr.and Mrs. Bert, Moffat, Jim- my ' and' 'Donna, were : callers on Sunday afternoon with .the Wall family. • "HIGH .OFF. -THE HOG"' Whether your family lives on tenderloin. or . kidneys depend on how' well your_estate k,Experieticed. Estate Officers,' like thOse'at Sthrling Trusts, can helP you plan your esta,te properly, so .,that ultitnatelY there Will be a ,minimUM of delay, cOnfusiOn and tax IOSS., soon . ; or *rite for Our, free booklet ' BIO,eprint , Fe, Yogi Famili". ' 'VMS. •WILLIAM HA#K�IRK•- The death of Mrs:. 'yfjen„. HO. kirk; occurred at ,Baker's Priv.; ate,osptal �pn Mond"ay; April .lst, where she had n -a bed; patient for over ,four years due �ad�xon rShe--•i�ard: !been seriously ill at varus ttmesi. !but 1~he end came rarther, •sudden- ly. Iyer son Donald -9f. EI �etc had: visited, with her , just *ie day 'ore •Shewas . in ! ger: • 85th. Mrs: , Ha(bldrk Was 'dearly; lov ed b, the:'.patients at the Baker Hospital where "she 'was`.a "mote- er. ,to these. all" , .Despi'te the fact-. :that she.4 was Bedfast she was. always �lirig(ht „ands; 'cheerfu'l and "was• the life of 'the 'place". She '•was ' the former Margaret Graham,' one of ten children born to Donald Grah_ain_and Ann Smith; pioneer residents of this community, She .was * born . on. the Graham homestead,: ,tWO Miles .east of Lucknow; until `,recently° owned. b ., deo tae Lavis, who sold the farm to Raynsrd,'Ackert.' Date' .of her: Lith was Islay, 28th; 1872.. . Mr. Graham died in 1902 and a • few;' years after .the fatiiiiy moved' to Luoknow and for many years ' occupied 'what is : known as' the Graham . home adjacent . to the &ipertest. Garage. Tin :1914 Miss Graham, known familiarly -gas • 1llaggie' Graham,' wed .Wm. Halbkirk. They resided at Kincardine and Teeswater' and. following his death Mrs-,' Habkirk returned to the ' old home::, town, where she had since . resided The '.:funeral service was at the McLennan -MacKenzie Memorial Chapel: •on Thursday afternoon, conducted by Rev Wallace ;Mc, Clean ..of . Lucknow.,Presbyterian . .Church. Interment was;: in South Kinloss ` Cemetery,- the, pallbear- ers'ibeing'Kelso MirNay,Joe Mac- Millan, Phillip Stewart, 'George: McKague, Douglas Graham and E; V :Baker: .Mrs Habkirk is', survived ,by two 'sons,. William of Aylmer' and Donald of.. Essex and by six, grandchildren Sole survivor of the Graham family ; is her 'sister, Miss', Mina Graham , of Chilicothe, Ohio;. where she. has (been in. ,the mill inery ,:business • for •' many : years. Miss . Graham ' has ; been a' fre • ESSO DEALER 1 . Heayr1► Put generator. attera�es ,.s t • ,. .. a►nSe gel!.. Pumps' as IOW as . loltage ' Regttiatore . • .• °Brake Shoes Eschange, full set; MUFFLERS AT LOW COST.: ••s.f • •,• Y. .• • ..... • • $,7,,95. u� • $2.&S L3.9 7.9' • • •. • ignment an alantin 'PHONE L UCKNOW, Miss Donna •Hedley visited Miss; Nancy—Dore last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs., Frank Dore at-• tended the funeral of the Tatter's aunt, the late Mrs..J. H, Allan Of Toronto, on Tuesday., Quite a . ,number frown there tended the Bervie play'put; on in the 'Anglican Chuirh, at Kinlough last week. ' OBITUARY MRs. 3AM R. MILLER, Word .: was " received . 'Saturda. ;niht`ib g Y• • : Mr. and Mrs:: Frank Miller of the death of their sis- ter -in-law, Mrs. Saar R. 'Miller. Before her marriage she was the former Edith Fitzell, daughter of the ;late Mr: and 1Vlrs. Aaron, Fit ze11, :who, were -filer er=residents at ° Holyrood •whhere' 'Mr. Fitzell was employed by• the late Mr. John^ Ackert tor twenty. , years and where Edith:. attended public school. Mr' •Fitzell s will be re membered by the old-timers as a bagpipe player and drummer.•; Since her Marriage 'to . Sam Miller she had been' a resident of near Fielding; Sask.,, until re 'tiring to ' Maymont . a ' few years. ago.. For the last few years 'she had- been ; in ' failing .health.s and the last few weeks • hads been a bearing the,' name ,,of the qtr` whcli he ' is found. Evidently, no one will be Liam.' ited to any one county as lion as a proper license can be , slwwa at the time; of ,the request _by +a conservation . officer. Each ` is du�a uvidl :license will cost'$1.0.0. This . nvove . is to discourage mass influx of hunters from• a' no -+hunting ' district to, areas where more•'`hunting o• own . iss enjoyed and also to more or' less discourage s,u.m m e r . hunting;' when it is felt game should ::be" given a chance to ' prapogate ' its own species without interference, from man or ' guns.' Junk is' the stuff : you save for • 20 years -and—throw, away just two days before .you need .it. qu n v st or ere,. with her„sis- patient in St. Paul's ^Hospital i Mrs. 1'Ia'b curred on Friday, April 5th ACETYLENE & :ARC WELDING` k • �Ya n ter, dura1}�g her long illness, Saskatoon; *here her death oc kirk was �predeceas- 'ed by five brothers, Duncan,: Dan, She :leaves to mourn, 'a, . fami A , ngus, ` James and Norman in in- of two daughters and ,three so 'Tooled, To. Repair All Makes O!': Tractors, 'Machines & Shop Work _fancy,andahy...three-sisters,-Chris—'Rett-(Mrs: �V'm�i' Big '171a k „ W. BRECKLES Phone. 18-r-20, . Ripley. tie, Mary Ann and. Kate, Tile.lat- (Mrs. Francis Ducharme); Fran ter died the same 'week as her r Walter and Chester,;” all in th Mather, in 1902 Mrs.i• . Graham :Fielding'district, passed away in 1917. : Surviving also `wile two sisters Attend ng� the�f neral—besides d—th eel brothers, Gladys (1V�rs 'Mrs and Mrs. Wm. 1;riabkirk, Mr.' Gordon ..McLeod) Hazel, and -Mrs.,'Donald' Habkirk and est, Peter and Nel'sori.'hitzell;: Mr Miss ' Mina , •Graham, were two 1Vlilier ..pased 'away. October 31, aep) ew's, '._IMr.-_._anal -Mrs:--. ugh 1954 Mrs- .Malco-1-m---11If-;lir es .'o f Y ns, - j 1 -LO /Gfi GARAGE Y; SUMMER- HUNTING '.PURPLE GROVE3 . ', , . REGULATIONS Miss ,Margafet Robertson' is vis- itp* with Mits McLeod of• Luck., (IV Irwin LObsinget) . The W.I. wa.s. held at the'home 04en place this Year regarding of :Mrs.' morford McKay with 'a hunting 'in, the*' stn.niner' ;months'. ' slarge attendance last Wed,nos,daY. ' Previout to ; this 'year a 'resi- Visited 'at the home: Of Mr.''''and Bruce 'arid Grey Until June 15th Mrs, Jahn Nikon Of' J3elgrave last and invIttirdii 'county, until. Feb-. Thursday.' : ' ' ruary 28th' and after those ates o ..._Nindon; Vitited. at the home the 'Migratory Birds. Act or the a Mr.,' Milton . Stanley, for , the: Oarne and Fisheries ACt Could -tor sortie holidays, , ' . which yvaS valid tilt the end ,Or Mr, and. Mit. Harold' Stanley ;Aligusti; when the ,regular teii-, a Eves "last, week atound the ehaSecr again. , . • •% ' •. . II:. -3 Dunlop St., Baerte a ri Swan and Norval , spent Fri. Mr.. and Mrs, ,Frank bore and .Mr: and Mrs, Donald 4VfcCosh Ertte'Sday7 1V11 - cosh aISO Attended, the diub TNE HOME Of IjUALIRSPIViCE' and Genuine JOHN OFEHE PARTS moNUMENTS ELT ,turers,iii this part of Ontario the carload and nrocess !rein, ...tbe , 'rough t9 the finished • ReSident.4 License to hunt likim Write' 'or, phone Walkerton 8, March 1st A4tist 31st. When' • and revert. Charges. 'bi.Oing; this' license, the' appli. ,cant inuSt State Which County. he or she:wishes to hunt itt'AS it IS ,good fOr the 'name of the totifitP• aSked. Girls training' kourse last. Thurs- for, A,'iper '<ion foUnd htritthfc, SKELTON EMORIALS WAIRPRTON Ito