The Lucknow Sentinel, 1957-04-03, Page 10• 444 . . IFF•ic7 —4** I !PP I F WM likl; k • • _ THE WCKNOW SENVI`la,, LTICICI•TONT'f PNTARIO • ", • • t 1 . • • qd) Choose Conitilete. Wardrobes for MemberCif ;Your .FamilyNow. ^ Just Arrived, ,a new ,shipment of - MEN'S SPRINd COATS , a ' • • Men's, Ladies'.; children's Wear -Piece Goods and Woollens GENTTOR-KINCARDOI-E-CLEANER FTee 'IPick:i1P. and. Delivery. -1*niday and. Thuriday.: 100.01110111100.11416;i11.11.1110;!;0411100111111W.1;41;1111i0.0011110•41W11,1t111446. -For :a general Hai -Pas' ttire Mixture, try :- ... . .. . .; . Foriiinida-for ,greater ,yields.,:ajiii leis expense., .,- ,. , ,,.7_1 l_l_bli4.,...i.:.,•:....,......T:..........*:...• ........................................ '..•...:.',,'......,.„:::.. ' '. ' 4 lbs.. .;.1,....„...,,,,, 4,fradgio . Plover,;.. ' ...I. 2. • :. tbifisS ,-, ,...: ' , . . IHrozne; . '.- -•. 2 : ' - • . MeadoW.Feiciie ". ' ' • 16 libi: ' l''' ••• .. per .acre. 41.3. • • , • our cost is leis than $7.00. per acre' PHONE 91;:i;-petNow ..SEE'.- H 'SENTINEL THAT me. and ston;rieWlywe,di; Were hoilOred folloWing their marriage at dance reception in '4j,1?!•eY, Al Sum Of moneys Ws: presented. Bill ,Ptinlop, • Gerald and Doiia1 oli,ng onlehaltof *community. • , THAT the the; 14Leknow ,Boy SCouts are planning -ta maste paper magazines and books' Collection on: Thursday; afternOon. Here's' your ichanCe to. get rid of the Witter's collection; 'and at, the , Scouts. Tie e• time. help 'the • , . twwwwww{twwww..4. kiew0wwwWw...,941,W!!!!...*10,4*440."11.!kl.qi.q.i'$);!..S.,,,WIlkseq... • 14. ive. tar e • JOHNSON'S HARD GLOSS Pints KELLOGG'S CORN -.FLAKES 16 oz. , , - PrCJ. CATELLI SPAGHETTI C) 16 oz. aa•.,-• —""!!'• 'r-- for'.Z9( 16.A. PASTE WAX .•...:,. .., • : ' ,-..... ' . , • ...,. ' .. 4:.„,....o. a... ••• a, ...A...a .ort,„... -40...., .i.” • TOW...1. j_••(,......1.00 ,,,,,,,..,_,,,r,„____________ _ _ _ 0 lly1::U71 - BLEACH ..: ,...,::..,2 le .' — ...,,. .,.... ,. ........aaa:: ------- ,.........!.—...........i."..!.• . . . . .... • • . . , . ' - '-' ' • . ,.• ' '' " ' ' . • ' ''.. ' - . '. : ' .. ' 'I, ' f.',..; '' ' • . „.. • . ' . • same- . • , prices effective' April 4, 5, , • the bundle Securely, 'Or- pack °Vein Until' 11.001 O'clock Every Saturday, • . -7-, 4h.�--.--, • ' them, in.cartons arid place at _THAT effective: this Saturday ev- ening, ,buiinessplaCes in Luck - now Will be open until 11.00 o'clock Closhig hour during the winter •was, 9.00 p.m. ' • . ' . . -0-- THAT, Jack Henderson, again claims to flie; one ' of the first: on :the land He was scl.iseing on Monday...: .._• - • .., '- - . • • THAT Sunday' School is now be, • ing held at 10.00 O'clOcli in'the • Prbsbyterian ' Church. It fol- lowed the morning service dur- Mg-the *inter months. .1 -0- . , -0, THAT Mr,. and Mra. Kenneth Cameron, Mrs. Arabelle Bush-' •'ell of: Stratford and Mr.., and -"•'-.1V1W.---Biffh---S'f - impson Of-Kintall wei e in C1rnton-on--Satu- attending the 'funeral of o M.rs•.. ' • Annie Taylor, who was a sis- ter of the late lars,(S. J. Cam- .THAT 'we had our•ust.ial spring • letter. . from, George -.Bok ,of Lareburn Sask-., who is well known in ,this community, dat- baek••upvvards.' to twenty • MiitS,---HABICIRK- , , ''.•whiCh'.• he ..i.S. respondingquite • . • . ' ,*-The-,death 'of •,..Mrs.. Wm., liab; Well:, f.. -, .. . .. .. . • . .- -2 . , ../ kirk 2'(the : former :•; Maggie : Gra-. During the early Stages:cif:in-. 7•71i) oCciirred, • on 1114-idray7-at :fancy a'---cloSe ,chealt--.-has--to be Baker's • Vrivate', litospiW, The -kept On the child's bl,Ood., ,and funeral. service ' wi h e held4 on. treatment7rebeived7-When the-: "ThUrsday ;afternoon attwo blood count gets'law,::until,eiTentl• ,.: . - . • ffel-ock-at---the.:-MCLexinanivrac- ually the Condition is corrected ., Kenzie '' Memorial Chapel Con- • 'Otherwise., Jeffrey is .a. riotrrial, • 4, • ..ducted by ,Rev: 'Wallace McClean vtigoreui yoUngSter-. . , with in en:perhr 1. iVilitE'l!.ou; •. Kinloss - Cemetery.• : • • ', '., . ' ...• 4. from the West to play hockey ;here: G.eorge •'says: he 'had: the skates on just once this this ykrip.,,, and-,--fo(rill7cOnfine'llis sport.: now to curling and oheekerS.,:. • , • •• • . THAT Mrs Joe WaSney; recently- cominenced work it •• THAT Joyce Calvert, ' daughter •• Sfhe is survived by two sOns, Of •Mr. and Mrs'. N. S. Calvert . Bill of 'Aylmer and Donald' of of Paris and formerly of Dick- ' -Essex 'anda sister, Mina, of ChB.- • now, is president, of the* Paris. iieothe, phio. , • District 'Hie" School senior • choir which placed first in the mixed nrioice choir under 21 years,. at the K.iWanis Festival in .TOronto. • The. adjudicator • 'Jeffrey Taylor, two -months -old commented' that the choir "put son of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Tay- . , acrass the sorti 'beautifully", , for af • •, Lucknow, is another • youngster suffering froth a blood. •• . • deficiency condition.. They are You're not neceSsarily, a big known as'Rillaabies. Jeffrey has wheel Just beeause you're .always had three trips to,. London for going around .in circles. • • • 'ANOTHER RH BABY , • w gAND--PAINT, AND-AAY-ON7C-140THST--size---;--- 50x50; priced at ... . $1..98. STARTEX T.ABLPALOTHS---Siie "6054, ,fast Colors; $2:98 • - PILLOW eottdo 'embroidered, pair $2.29 iiI0teairt engines. have re- placed the diesel that were in. * operation tor a trial period on the Palmerston to Kincardine -•,:, ' elionnes;;Th.ni:e•-n'tioi.pgeS!iels•b-p7rearteino'nt on . • . , ....this branch .. line to Warrant their lcontiritied uSe at iptesent, ,. but it is e#epted "they'll .be THAT • Mrs. -TI. C; Thompson showed her overseas tour Pic - 4 -4 -tures -at -Lt e•*f$Ercond. COTIOEstSiCifr SehOO1 on Friday ,evening at the request Of the teacher,'Mrs. Lorne Johnston. She was intro- * ' .dueed by : Gloria Cochrane, tlrankedH,by-Carol Stanley alid- OreSentOd with a gift by Don- na . MadIntyre.. During the +90 - ening there *as !'ehoral singing by the Students,' led by Trudy. I Thoinson..-----and---witti-accOnipa -7-11rierirb-Y-INIFS. Scott, Ore - Music ' insthictbr. :Lunch.W 'served. in 'conclusion. ,, ; THAT the' Lucitritkisiv Fire' Coni,, Phone 20 --T-'.1LitcknOw FREE DELIVERY THAT a aneeting'.Of the AgriCU17 ttiral Society was held on Sat- urday. evening, , When ,•.Evan • 'Keith . gave a good report of the Fairs,' •Asiociation. conven- tion in ,Toi-Onto, which: he at- tended' g .from the • lycal • THAT, wrn.' Russell McKibben, • nine-year-old son of br. and • Mrs, 'Walt McKibbon' of- hafm, has.. been serioUslyill with Hodgkin's disease; a blood condition that is. 'very grave. ••Bili haa been. receiving ,treat- rrieht prescribed frOm Boston, • and' his condition is encourage ingly improved. .,He was able to return to his hOrte, last week after. bein•g hospitalized in • London. 'Bill,' who :Will be ten MaY,:.:iS' a ,grandsOn of Mr. and Mr 'Wm RusSell of t ' 4'• Wilt • **' ' • .11-11AT Mr: Wm. Russell is con- valescing /after a three , weeks illness With Pleural. pnetiMOnia, THAT Hall's • •Red. and •Wbite Store has built a new Modern': check-out..egtinter,::, ICAIIWItIEA WOMEN'S INSTITUTE 'ANNUAL , • • OWN tIALIL, LUCKN a e -co an ,assor e •rree :from ,.....,...„.. . ;Ira . . . • 6,14'i 1 di oria • .4i $2498 to :$7,50 „. • 0,13 k • •;Si±'ECIAt 'PRICE 12 tc 18, priced Ub t'd;aailY • • VW4106 ja, 1;11 rt:.! a '1149,64*iL$;45'"'L MEN'S DitESS S11.111-stripeaciilain, colors and White •in broadcloth; sizes 14-17 $2.98 or 2 for $5.75 BOYS' JACKM--spitifig 'weight igal)ardine, warmly lued,' assorted colors, . 8 t6 18 years . . 5; 'SOVER"ALIthiforifel dell-T4.""SneVihre61,../1,;.r 6 ; • • r1 higi-back Style , . • .. • ,pahy-L at , their 'monthly, meet= . donatior to the 'ReCreatiiM, Contrnittee-tohelp , key .e50,erfSes. .-THAT'I'ret-en picture' in the Tore/Ito' Star'shetved Alice who8e friarkeTriatigiiii) train ..an unorthodox Shoitider poSition,in a wheelchair, astoh... .4shed inStruictOrS, at Hainiltim, Handicapped Rifle Club by .--464atinirth-eirtetres7 the:daughter bf aVIr.. and .rs, lorriterly of Luck- ri.1 : , . : . '• • Prizes. of $3.90 and $2.0O will be given for the:. etbest--Cotton-AreSs-inAlie-,following-classes-:-- • --;•--1HReady-made,-25.-4earS and under.-_ 2.L.-•Ready7-made, 29 years and over for Lucknow ,District High School .6irls. Prize rnoneY donated by Hall's Red, and. White Oroary.'. •• • (WinnerS' not .eligible.'for. Class 25....yeara..and Under, • • zs. years an*,Orer. • • ./ .13,12ESS..PARADE 'Shari). . • • . • . • . •,'LunCh:.Ce?inter "Home -Made Pies!MusicbyCARRUTHER'S ORCHESTRA ". Dancing frog"' 9 to 011 5 , . "Come and Enjoy ,the Fashion Show of . the :Year CHILDREN . • 4 ;-• Protect thosegrowing..` feet with a pair, of. • ,4 • • iavait! ShOett made over correct fitting lasts c • . 41, a ' , , , , hoose from our sioci:o are .•! • 11 •- FINE FOQTWEAR POE, ALi. lfiE PASIILY. ''•9 444 a