The Lucknow Sentinel, 1958-12-17, Page 231. gp'.lr,lr>! fest wishes of .the season to all our friends. We hope'that .Christmas _", will be for you a time of great spiritual enrichment and heartening joy. 771-LU:CKNOW :SENtii4EL,. LUCKNOW, ONTARIO F PIONEER I»Y PASSES, The deathe last week Of . Rode- rick l+IacDougall, •removed the last men�tber• of a pioneer family of eight, whose parents settled in -Kinloss• ,more than d conttlry PAGE• I iNE; ago, " l>lrt was "'in .1854 that Peter.. Mac, Dougall and. •Mary MacKinnon settled at the Gree: Ox .'ori the north-east,' corner of the inter :section', on the farm: now owned Eby "Allister Hughes; at .,the Baker (Greer) Convales= ped catty and hogs. for the co- uperativ s and he served., on• the Kinloss. ounell. Mr. MacDougall 'was 'a memberof the .'Masonic • order,. which he joined in Chicago, and"•'last year had the. 'hdnour ' of receiving his. fifty year jewel from Old Light Lodge to. which he tranferred\ .in 1912, Members of ' Old Light held a memorial service on Thursday evening whenthe last rites were canferred' by Donald' Blue of Rip- ley, There were some fifty mem bers present. Mr. MacDougall was :a resident. To -.them Mvere born fiveSens cent: dome for the•lerigtliy period, and fi e. daughters, -Roderick Was . and for the past year. arid 'ahall youngest. 1, -ie was' 'predf:cea was a 'patient n Wingham Hos seal by' John, Alex Flora, Lachlan, • i .Katherine,,. Eefie. Christine •Any pital, where his death occurrecl ori Tuesday, December .16th: He t 'a� hee, and Peter. • was within " a . weep of his "86th' A5: a young tnan Rod 'went to birthday, having been horn On the States" aria worked as a fire- December ' 23rd, 1872. man. Be: oecarne. chief engineer • The funeral service was held in a large -Chicago hotel and it at the , MacLennan and MacKen-, .was there he married, and 'their zie Memorial Chapel on .Friday;, two eldest Children • were born Deeemiber.' 19th, conducted ' by, , His wife, • Rose,. died in Septem- Rev "Gordon R. Geiger of Luck- +bey '1951. ' . In 1902 Mr. andMrs. MacDou- gall bought the 'Hudson•.farm;, on the '4th of Kinloss, later moving two miles, 'east, when` the ..Peter. M'acIntoSh ""farm yvas purchased. Mr. MacDougaj, :. was 'a, fine type of citizen, a had a 1.itrong' body a.nd Vigorou's mindland en.= tered into' a• number •of`;coana•n.un: ity -activities ,outside his farm sphere. For:niany years, he ,Ship - `now United Church. Interment: was in South Kinloss Cemetery. The pallbearers were, AllenGra- "harp, George Lockhart,,Wm. F., MacDonald, Fraser, 'Mac.Kinnort,. Allan MacDougall, '.Rod ggel)ou-'. gal. . • ' Mr. MacDougall is survived by four sons and 'a, daughter Russell of ',Wells, 'B.C.; '.Harvey,.Owen.. Sound; ••,Peter' S.; Chesley 1,,loyd, 'OBITUARY (Mrs. Tames Henry• Webster), Sarah. ,Jane " Webster-, beloved, wife of. fhe _ late James' :Henry, • Webster, passed .awaysuddenly i December" 10th., 1958 in Hamilton,:'; in !her eightieth year, follawing a' short illness.. She is. ":survived •by her , only daughter Mabel,, (Mrs, P. E...Fairr, hank) Of 105 Balrnoral .Me Hamilton; and ;her only ' son ven` H. of 18,4 ' Westview',' Blvd,' Toronto, two grandsons,; Clifford: Fairbank • of Hamilton, Kenneth Fabibank,,: and three great . grand Children, Corinne, •Keith and Ken-. .dall of , R.olphton, • Ontario,,, and, her, dear sister; ,Mrs Elizabeth: Cuthb-ertson . of. Toronto, The family residence. was 35 Pearl St. Burlington since mow °ing from the home town of Luck- now 1i1 ,1910; : till the time of her husband's death; February 1955,; , after w'hic'h 'she made her ` home' with her ' daughter. Mrs. 'Webster has, been 'a mein berof the -Trinity Uri'ted .Church 'since , going to. Burlington'. `(then the: "Methodist, church) and has always.• shown great. interest and had taken a."very active part• in the work of ,that church. " The: funeral service was 'held. v Friday, .Decenber.12th :arid was conducted by the .,Rev Chas ':F.: Tilbury of Delta United Church Interment '`rias at ,the White Cha- pel •Memorial Gardens; Hamilton. Kinloss; and' Mrs. John Needham,, (+Blanche),, Corunna, Ontario. 1.,X 0,tic '1t; nio0"rlDgD!"2%t ogii?empoott 'Dolt OotipeOi i►r$D cel Doi#Yoatioi0 o iz 4>v o n i • JOH NSTON'fi RESTAURANT . 4 4: �t a • cheery !ting to wisih you and, yours ' - t' ,a11 the Or. • of this festive season± Hope. you have 'a very BA SERVICE BILL HUNTERemtroiarpoOteitrtiowirViSisAmil. `�. < dawaJH,w,a'!+..rn 4`.<0,4r, s,' ` AT THIS- TIME, OF SPECIAL GREETINGS MAS HIS , PEACE ; BE YOURS "Enter into Hisgates with Thanksgiving,. w S. And'' into H s courts with praise,' f..'e thankful :unto ,Him,, and bless His name: 1 or the ...Lord: is .good; His mercy is" everlasting , generations:" And. His . truth endureth. ,to• all .g Psalm 1'00; 4-5 ' A'nd be ye'kind."' one to another, tenderhearted; mite another; . wen as. od' for Christ'sx sake Pot'' t+rng .. , l-lati fPrgiVeri .you.. €; .• Ephesians 4. 32 "O,ve unto the Lord th I3'ring an offering, and 0, Worship the Lord 'in ,Fear before Fitn�, all the e glory ;due unto s na + + Come into,•His ,Courts the beauty" 'of Holiness, . earth.;' Psalm 96: •8-9 TN •• 1 Umbach 10 • John KreutzweiSer +t?'trrs'niviwrtg3'o g' Our. best; wishes, to you for a holiday sea' son. that •is., an, open • door ;:to',all good : things! MAYFAIR , RESTAURANT Myrtle and Laurence . Compeau:' oiro"wilowfuv't le;?'^icit ly The Season's warmest mishod • �T. May every 'holiday. • joy Come your UPERTESTARACE • CUMM ..ROSS- TNG' a 1