The Lucknow Sentinel, 1958-12-17, Page 18wisrlome wy� •.Walo j.., the w; Cl in word til her sisr,!, zien IMO Dad Fin Fin; :Sm 'Dir �kBel ship PAGE FOUR • THE, • LUCKNI'�W SEN'T'INEL,. LUCKNOW,, ONTARIO- WEDNESDAY, DEG". � 2401., y r,Dn- .baby sitter for Wed- nesday afternoon 12-4 starting m ,January, Apply , Mrs. Alvin Hamilton, phone 68-r-17, Dungan- non. n,.. FOR .SALE—cob corn • and 'kiln driedcorn. Contact Blake. "Alton,. BeI f ast pr phone 44-r-14,, , Dun,- :gannon.. :: WANTED—iirn7mediately, lady. cfor.. dull time Work at Lueknow Fruit .Market, experience preferred, phone 119;. ..Lucknow, FOR SALE -- cedar by the cord, $3.00 delivered, ' James McNair, Amberley; phone Ripley, 110-r-30. • APARTMENT FOR RENT—over l Lucknow Fruit. Market. Apply to Mrs; AWrn. Bolt, Lucknow.: LOSrr--tblack and tan hound, an- swers to name "Sailor". .Blake; Alton, R..2 Lucknow, phone Dun- gannon, 84-r-14. FOR SALE - Kiln' dried shell corn.. Lorne Luther, R. 3 Luck - now, phone Dungannon' 65-r-14. FOR SALE ' Collie ..pups and Coach pups •vaccinated for rab-. les,. 'good .cattle " dogs, also (1000 ,=pound .power Viking cream sep- RUST PROBLEMS? For a complete stockof auto re pair panels-' DAVIDSON • Visualining. &. Collision; Service No. 8 • Highway. Phone 320, Goderich • SEPTYC 'TANKS, cess • pools, 'etc.. ,pumped 'and cleaned with inod- ern ,equipment. All, ' work :guar- anteed: guar -n. eed:, Louis 'Blake, R:` 2,, Brus- sets, phone 42-r-6. Brussels. FIELD' TILE Dealer ' for Martin's quality, tile, 4 -inch tile always , on hand at :,6c. Free delivery on 1000. or over: Special, discount • on winter delivery. Lorne Eadie, 11 lyroodi • 24-9 . • phone Ripley , OLD HORSES WANTED Old horses; .wanted at 31/2c per, lb'.',•' cK *d cattle at> value: If'•dead, phone at •once .to Gilbert:Bros. Mink Ranch,, . phone collect God Ierich, 1483J.4 or • .148331. F. . STEERING TROUBLES?: Se .,..10 ... .� COIF! MO EVENTS RECEPTION AT LANGSIDE RecePtion and presentation will, be held in honour of Mr, ",and, , . Mrs. •Ronald. MacGillivray (new-' ly'weds> in Langside Comin'unity Centre on Monday, December 29.' Tiffins Orchestra,. Ladies please .► .hring lunch:. Everyone welcome, lit AT FOR SALE Good beef or pork in, large or small quantities. Meat slaughter- ed on ;premises` "inspected by the Department of Health. Custom killing by `appointment. Cattle killed every day anti 'hogs every :Tuesday morning. •. is RAYNARD ACK T, o yreo 1:. �erloo .Catt{� B'reed��g' "Where Better Bulls Are Used{; OUR : BEST WISHES' TO AL1. FOR A VERY 'MERRY CHRISTMAS and ati • ' ft :HAPPY and PROSPER01,1S. X958 '. . . lbe sure to use OUT. artifici To start the New Year right; tt BETTER CATTLE : FOR, BETTER. LIVING SSCIt •breeding service to help attain -- SPECIAL NOTICE Due , to:`the rise calls' 'it has 'become vice: When placing f' collect lobi distance phot mori;n � cost o g .'ical`•t' instal 'Zenith:;•se t m • r lce Sl f. s la t ce ll, d.d s. an ca H 1 $� a torr . � _ . ERg Phones 24-30 Ripley and. ' • 1' >� ask 'for• . ° AUCTInN SERV1UI I �► `Ire the'•case where' the, call does not'terminate from, a< Licensed Auctioneer 1 "' CiINT01V' HU' 2-34• 41. or Ktca�r to 101-r.-13, Luc. • G . ZENITH 9 5 1 know 650 for- Clinton ' Office. Allan Maclntyre ..system,' or •for local. calls; use our. old nurriber," • ` d e460 Lu rknow Phone 10-r-24 Ripley „ • �i `Between 7 X30 and 9:30 ,A,M; Week days NOTICE TO. CREDITORS " 67.:0300 00 and 8:04: P,M, on . Saturday .eveznn-gs..: i claims yy Calls 'reeived on , Sauturday .evening .are inseminatdear All persons having i � " 'against the estate of Mary Ellen] Sunday morning. 1 Foran,;late; of, the Township of „ T ': Huron .County Members r W t Wa anosh in the County .Notice o _ . es w , � >II•� of Huron, wid'ow,'. deceased,..who i . A meeting of Huro,. n .County members will be held up§tai of : .ricl;iltural office in Chnton on, Tuesday Decer died on or about the 1Oth day m' the Ag M A.D. 1958, are notified . to: b ber 30th, at 1:3,0.`p:m: The purpose " of'' the meeting . wifl b May, director' to serve on the oar o (ret ox ',before the 27tH day .o f December! ei • 2 ; To hear progress reports : from your •staff, President sr b DA, VIDSONi 1958 'full particulars of -their � � local director. • Visualining & Colltsfon' . S No.; 8 Highway, g Y, Phone 320, Goderich .arator, 'cheap, good as new, James i • E. Culbert, phone 70-r-34. Dun= ganinon. h CARPENTER and Repair Work of types. Call at ;Lucknow Wood Specialties or contact Bob Campbell, phone Dungannon 68- r-10. . - ervice1 in writing., •I�riedately i1� : 3� r Dr, .Parliamentwill. show slides taken last summer "' claims . ' . l „ READERS 'DIGEST •Testatrix' +will ibe 'distributed 41 after the "Said."27th daY- of 'DecA. 1. in the Canadian West as well. as other pictur i ember, the assets of the aid of interest. Christmas, special on Readers Digest, new: or renewal. subscrip- tion, regular price $4.00, ,per year, Christmas season ;price : $3.00 • per year. Don Thompson, - Phone . 35, Lucknow. PLEASE NOTE! 1be,AD.CrawfoWrdn&ghHamet, heOrninartoionS •rts Ilblusitrrated2,6 2_7w'eewkkss2.:S50; Tlie LuckCnhonw tmSeans inGeliftpho1958. Solicitorsforthe Executors. e01167,1haaidltiv'!Ir=atrlo►a;rfrlisraw�=� e i1 Ad representation is amongst the parties entitled •' goo r , e . desirable: thereto, havin:g regard only to . evsa. a,,srialw+isx4s►4,wvGr gd:i,,uYtr.Lr ,i,4,,a,„,,.'wa,,„0,Yrr+i"ma,e claims of which the Executors LAST MINUTE (new subscribers only) DATED • this9thdayof Decem CHRSTMASSHOPPERS we• will sendanma azire anal1 thenhave notice. CATTLE WANTED—am in the A/ Vickers, ,. foot correction- i anarket to buy stocker steers and j ist of Hanover, will not be in fat cattle at all times. Lorne! his office at the Queens 'Hotel at Eadie, Holyrood, phone; Ripley! Wingham on :Monday, December 24-r-9. 129th. .• l _ GLASS! For every make . auto, curved. ,See DAVIDSON visualining & Collision APARTMENT TO RENT at Holyrood, 'bathroom and all in -I Ary side conveniences, Ernest Ackert,1 .Holyrood:, ;' :WANTED Goose and duck feathers, new and' us ed Highest prices.,Call Brown Bros., Kincardine, phone.' 181-W and J. THANK YOU NOTES 'and Hasty Notes available at 25 cents per package of 10 bards atd:'matching ; envelopes: Dori' Thoinpson, phone! 33 .or 35. j 1 Kenneth' J. MacKenzie, R.O. . Optometrist • • LISTOWEL, ONT at the- "former ' Wr.'ona Jewelery store. Ripley, 10 a.rn to. 9. p.rn.. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 24th Wand every Second' Wednesday Eyes .examined - Glasses fitted For ,appointment 'phone ; Roy MacKenzie, "06-r-24, Ripley. McLENNAN and MVlacl ENZIE FUNERAL SERVICE Services cow ucted - accord• ing to your .wishes . at your { 1 AllP ersons having claims! against the Estate :of Henry'Cae-. sar, 'late of the •Township of Kin- loss, in the ;County of Bruce, far NOTICE TO `CREDITORS flat or , mer, deceased . wiho died on or i about the sixth : day Of May, A D 1958, are notifiedto send to the Service undersigned, on or cbefore the'le No. 8 Highway, i tenth sday of January; 1959; full Phone '320; Goderich.i particulars of : their, claims in .' I writing •1. ATTENTION 'FARMERS I,rinnediately' . after . the ' said I Custon7 ' killing; cutting' and' tenth day of' January, the assets' wrapping at very • reasonableof the said Testator wilt be *disc.; .• rates. Welsh.'; Meat Market, phone I tributed amongst the parties en_, 41.« !titled. thereto, (having regard. only' • .' to of which the Adminis-;!CARD. OF' CHANKS elaims trator shall, then have notice. I would like to thank . every 1 Dated this ilth day of Decem- one for 'their . cards, gifts an, d vis-. aber, .A D,; : '1958.. Crawford and. its while I was ,in the 'hospital. A , Hetherington,Wingham Ontario. special. thank-you,'to Dr; D. Fin- Solicitor: for the Ad nz1nistrator: layson, 'Dr. M `Corrin and Mary! Maclntyre and the Wingham .Hos-;l INSEMINATION 'SERVlICE • pital, staff., • . For artificial insemination ser - DO A' er- DONNA` ALTON.1`vice or 'more, information,: -tele Phone the. Waterloo..Ca ttle; Breed.- i,rrg A;s ociation' collect at: 'Clin- ton HLT 2-3441 or Kincardine 460 (,, between '7.30 and 9.30 a.m. Week days,'46 and 8 pm. on Saturdays. Do .net call for service on Sun- day:. Cows in heat on Sunday can be inseminated satisfactorily *on Monday.. supply service to tope qual= ity bulls of the ,Holstein,. Jersey,, Ayrshire, ,Guernsey, Brown Swiss, Red Poll, Hereford (polled and horned), Beef, Shorthorn (polled and horned), and Dual Purpose Shorthorn; 'Angus •and Charolais breeds. The cost, is low. CAR"D 'OF THANKS The family of the late Rode- rick ,MacDougall wish to express their gratitude and sincere thanks, to' : all those who so • kindly re-/ membered their father during .his : confinement, and for the many kind acts and expressions of -'sympathy. extended ' them : in their bereavement. NOTICE •RE MILK DELIVERY ' 'Home your our emorala' Church,. or at • There will: be bio, milk deliv- P, a.zao additional ' charge. . .. Ch ety on Christmas Day, Decerriber Ltic Phone ;181, know, Nig Day or Night. ' CITIES SERVICE 25;' Boxing Day, December 2$ and. .Neil Years Day, January .1st, FAIRVIEW DAIRY ' Alex. Andrew, Prop. TENDERS . MARKED, SEALED' TENDERS will be 'received by*„the under-‘ signed until' January 10, .1959, for c,a r e "takers •for the following schools in • the Ashfield Town- ship School .Area: S.S. 1, 4, 8, 9 and 15 Duties'to commence Feb- ruary 1; 1959. Lowest or any ten- der not necessarily accepted. R. T. Kilpatrick,. Scte..Tress:11.R. 7, Lucknow; Ontario FURNACE OIL, STOVE. OIL; KEROSENE, GASOLINE See or call WM. A. B Phone "2 VD” HAMILTON 20-w LucknoW District Agent °fOr 'Cities', Service INCREASE YOUR MILK t'LOW, buy a: 'radio far your barn. Will buy Old used electric radios, to,i e repairedfor :resale, also have car radicis. F Jin Lyons tadio' Shop phone 84 ..Luekinow. . DEAD STOCK SERVICE HIGHEST . CASH PRICES Paid for Sick, Down or Disabled, Cows & Horses, also Dead Cows and Horses at Cash Value C 1d h rses 4c er pound' Phone collect' 133 Brussels BRUCE MARLADF . or GORDON .TAYLOR Phone 44144, Lucknow. 24 -hot'' service Q}k}{ 66``616, Luist:,a friendly Message to thank you : for your patronage ands wis . you and your loved ones a holiday season .full of friendship. good eheer, good health ,and much happiness! Friar( the Sia anti .Board of Directors Pion 710. 'Luddite* ;woo.,I 44000040, moo?sanosi 4,i'}'+410.+ t 40,01?1,104 .040004,11