The Lucknow Sentinel, 1958-12-03, Page 12LINE'`RAYON_.. _ $15.95 .t.Ta-15 FIRS'Tm • .. 6.70-15 ;FIRST LINE NYLON _� --r --X17.95 No Trade -In Required s Liberal, Allowance `for ..Recappable Tires, ee Alignment an alancing. 3 L Motorcade .Dealer. hon ucknow, r its za ss FORMER KINLO`SS MERCHANT D i ES George E. Bannerman The community of , Kinloss was saddened 'Monday,' Nov' deeply ember 1;7, 1958., :in the passing of ;its,. eldest gentleman, George Er - .nest Bannerman, in •: his eighty- sixth year, at the home' of his daughter Mrs. William: Campbell, Greenock Township. " Although in wiling health for two months passing was' quite unexpected: : late Mr.. Bannerman was. The born in 1873 '. m King •Township, ov 'm to non ear To ► York County near mg to 'Township at the Culross, r• a ,SENTINEL. ' LU C I QW.' ONTARIO . ' OBITUARY DAVID :FRANKLIN JOHN•STON David Frank1j 1 .Johnston, one of Oshawa's best known business; men died at, the family. residence m early Tuesday orning,, Novem- ber 18th, He was in his 83rd year. He was the founder of Johnston', Men's. Wear. He left Lucknow 1901 for Owen. Sound, after hay-, ' ing been employed here' by Tom Agar in the produce 'business;: • A native of Lucknow, Mr. Johnston. started in' the clothing. business. asNt junior clerk in 'Ow- en Sound about . the turn of the centuryand rose from that posit m tion to be Onager of, the Ower' Sound store of • 'the -.Oak Hall clothing Co. After spending: two years as manager of the firm's store in'London, he travelled; for 1 ing W. 'E. Sandford Manufactur ng Company from 1912 to.1917 In the latter" year_he purchased the; clothing business of /the late E. `R. Curtin in. OOshawa. and open-' ed his first store on July 14, 1917. Always interested in the affairs of ,ling • community, Mr. Johnston. served one term as a: member, of / . passing, Was ant elder; In: politics mithe ssionOshaanwda 'Pduriublicng theUtilities four Coyearms- he was a devout' Conservative, he was • .a inei;ber •af the town being , a: cousin . of the ' present council saw the•'town•;become ..,a• .Prime. Minister .Hon. John Die- •city, He was also 'one of the fa - . The finer ce and was activethe Commex.- at Kinloss "United Church � on work of the •YMCA when it�oper-; theft • df the Oshawa .Cearnber of al' service was ' held in tuber 19t with service con Hove h :aced here; • ,,.. G. W. • Sach norar ''s ducted `by the''Rev.• • Mr. 'Johnston was an ho y, and interment to Greenhill ceme- 'rnerrilber the Rotary Club o tery,- 'Lucknow. He: was 'born' to Oshawa :which he` joined in'.1922.' his • 'last resting . place, by six. He Served : as president of the grandsons, Everett . and Lloyd drub '• in " 1930-31: , Whytock,. Ronald ,Stanley, Doug- A 32nd Degree ' mason, 1Vir.; .las Carr,.Douglas and Larry Ban- Johnston was a member of Tem= .iierman. Grandchildren ';were• also pie Lodge, AF and AM: A 'mem the flower. bearers. , •ben of the Scottish Rite, he was Left to mourn are five lough- a member' of. the Toronto Lodge ters and two sons: Ethel, Mrs o •f I,Q eetion, the Toronto 'Chap - Alec Whytock, "Cu lross; ' Hazel," terof ItoSe .Croix and Moore• Con' sistory," of': Hamilton. iVir. ".John- ston had' joined Cold Light,.Lodge. before- leaving' Lucknow. /He leaves his wife,;. the former Mary Clara., Pentland of Dungan- non," a daughter, Mrs. Diir rant (Helen), of Toronh and .a ti Son, Murray P. Johnston, "of"Osh.-` avec. The funeral was held on Thurs- . ay, at. Oshawa. ' Attending from Lucknow were ;his nephew, W. B. Anderson. and Mrs. Anderson • 'ed Mrs. William •Stanley,Kinloss,..: age•'. of six months.. He marry. Daisy Thompson and moved to Greenock. Township" where he, farmed until 1919 when , he . pur- ;chased the grocery store in' Kiri- loss. They retired in 1935 to: a home in the vi village where Mrs. Mrs. Ester Iodgson, . Saskatche- g �, i: . Eva, Mrs. James Carr, Wmgham;. 1Viary, Mrs.:William ' Campbell, Greenock . Township; Irene, Mrs: William Slesser, , Bervie; 'Elmer and Harold, Kinloss one sister Manner/non passed away', n° 1930; wan, :also twenty-three grand- , was in ,his earlier years a children and nine great grand - very active member of Kinloss children: Three brothers and one 'United Church and . at ::time of sister '.predeceased. THE' . ELECTORS. OF HURON TOWNSHIP Ihave been nominated: for the office of Coun- cil for thet' oming year: and would appreciate your support on December 8th. I willdo my best to serve you at all ;:times• elected.. 4Wishing you the Compliments of the Season. Sincerely, NORV. AL' NESB117 N•jr E: ELECTORS OF; HURON TOWNSHIP . As the only former Councillor on the slate for Council,.. "1 feel that, my experience' will be of value hand if elected will continue to serve you faithfully as in the past.. Sincerely, ' WILLIAIVf LOWRY •: 411,444120f,›Aamo4.*;.).;sroasornA.A.Aiiiiit..itspoorkoliAikiiiittAitat E ELECTORS OF .. HURON TOWNSHIP I'' r'es "ectfully submit my name for the office of. Councillor for, the Township of Hilton., endeavo� t r if' elected, .to carry out the, I will _ . With ,of the ,people., Siscerely, HAMILTON MacKINNON W:FU : ESP 3d• • Xa • ELECTORS OFHURON „TOWNS' A VOTE FOR M. 1S A ,VOTE. FOR PROGRESSIVE MUr lCIPAL GOVERNMENT Sincerely, JOHN. MacMURCHY.. KINGSBRIDGE. (Intended For Last Week Mr. and Mrs. Jack Berry Mrs. Jerry O'ConnorY Mrs. :PBobby ` ;to her home here aftertwo weeks Miss Margaret- ,.reamerof H esson were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. ,and Mrs.Gene Fray ne. Mr. Gexald, Garvey visited with relatives' in Toronto last week. •Mit. Jas. M. S3owl'er. of • Toron- to is visiting with relatives here.: n are Kirk - here re of London, Miss Margaret F.o ley :of. Old, ELECTORS thetheTownshipmydoonLet's • • • TA .HE' Ek.gcroRS" OF •, HURON TOWNSHIP our vote will l be . appreciated on Recember 8 m• ed four years on 'Council I have sery l in the • . r �owh n P i and if. elected'.to the,` office„ of `deputy .. .reeve, I, will for the Township both here and , the' best :of myability. at :'County Council,:to• Sincerely,, ' ,ALFRED WA 'O • THE ELECTORS 'NSH'I,I I respectfully solicit your.'vote on December 8th • if elected to the office of Deputy -Reeve I will.- utmost in the better interests of the.Town- shipmy ship at"`all times:: Sincerely, JACK- CAMPBELL - THE. ELECT° HU RON TOWNSHIP Your . vote� on December:8th ,will be appreci- ated, and if elected, I will serve the Township'' to, the best of my ability:' It, is your• duty to get .out . and vote at your municipal: elections: Sjncerely, CHARLES EMMERTON TIDE .ELECTORS OF. HURON TOWNSHIP ' name ,before 'you as candidLLte In placing my for, ,Council, 1, respectfully solicit your support. Yfelected-1 PPromise to do my utmost' to give fair and progressive legislation to all ratepayers. w a ;• SncereIy' AUSTIN MARTIN,