The Lucknow Sentinel, 1958-12-03, Page 8•tr „, „ „ ''” ' • • • • /1 E EIGter THE L'OCKNOV/ SENTINEL,LliCICNOW, ONTARIO ., ... 01,1611uPtiiiiiiikioaiimaitia414041040440,00404.antiotaii*PaiwitiortinAPtitiii,400.04.41KIMPLINIMarluOinva~as * ,,\,-,,,‘ • ks...\\•,,,,w.', •'',' ''''' ‘3:\•\ s ,(,1,..\..,,,„.*.z„ •.• ,...N.S. NPAW..N., *WNW., S. ......, 'k\,, \s %., \ ' \' '' . 'Z ' ',:,‘•‘,S. \''%..\ .. .ak.‘V....S4S.•\,'" •%,' V,. t * .N.: l'Z'S \*: NU, ,,,. ••••• ,'.*,' \ :s. N1,1,..,, \ ''', \ Ns\ \\\ -.. . ••••• \ :., " . sss:WN, it. \ s; .•,,.,„ ‘\1\.\\:•:\ -\...,‘ \ \ ' "•:, s' '. k ss,ks.,•\ •• ,,,k.'*'N ' \ \`•‘•A \ ‘ \\ , ....,A,,,,,N,,,,,,,;„; ••,,t;'*„.. .., • • • ...:,,,N,"•.1. \ A..‘ •:\''`C..,: N. •• S.V . ''' N \ss\ Is•.. s. Nt s s \\.\.\\. ,:. , • 'ks \ ••.k.••,..;.. \••;;., \ ,:,\ ,.'• . , • •••-•,...•,••••••, S S I ) Iti ,1,11 ..11 1 1 t a., illigNinatotiotisottepaiyaniact, TIIAT we had a very forceful THAT Burton Stanley, a native complaint aired at The Sentin- of the Paramount community, el Office onTuteSday, regard- lizis been elected rniwor of„ ling a truck which was double t, Clutton by acciamatiofl. He has parked on INtaiiii Street, delay- been reeve of the town for the ing a funeral procession. The past three years.NBurton °per- comPlamant—a rural resident 1 ates an extensive meat rnarket felt that there shotild at business at Clinton and Grand least, be some traffic direction , Bend. when ftmerals are beingheld. , .rigrAT szttxtrd,..i..,,s- storm „,,,4„„,,n_ TFIAT Bill Kennedy, a student - --;-ti the annt';'al ineetingi..'isivi'lte- a.'t„,1„,, Stratf°, rds Teztellers'' C°11ege Lucitnow Scales Co. Until this' flreu-ee teaching', at Dun-. saturday after• noon, Fannon soh tills week. t al ,. 1 is the son of Mr. and Mrs. G. THAT Spence Irwin has "'gone! _ ' 1 into'" the real estate business. ' 1 He has 'purchased a furnished THAT weather peilnitting kiddiess fume in„ Ripley from Frank up to ten years will get their ICaualseh wIttich he has rented Bret whirl of free, 'skating this and will eventually offer for, Friday. The Lion t Club is spoil - sale. Spence • did considerable soring these skating pexicools worlt on the home this past „thrice weekly, Monday, Wed - summer. , nesday and Friday. -r fr.-•'.. fr ',"7 • r.'r ttr r -•.7•;^r. ' "Pr:rr.••'r..•'r fr„,>'fr:t:`-r• i t'l'r.,-r. 'r n y 18 Shopping Days tiII Chr,stmas , Drop in and Look Over Our ;Selection In Men's, Ladies and afuldrees Wear AGENT FOR KINCARDINE CLEANERS Free Plek-rp and Dlivery Monday and Thursdy. LAD 17.5:Prytolt,gpclillyoigg.:1: •FAUN'S TS* , LoCKNirt,, ON ".. 4. CI I 3 T the local 'party of nintrOds bagged three dee' on Manitou lin - Island, where the overall take was reported to be lower than a year ago. A Walkerton party of which Jack Treleaven was. a member, brought back a full quota ot deer and three bears. • , • •NYKPNEsDAY, 1)14c. 3111., 1.90441 HEINZ BABY. FOO 5 • ELMAR MARARINE. it,OBIN 1100D •vRurt CAIC.MIX. n °L; HIVE COR14SItRUP • la . • . • • • • • •• • • • • . • • :...cow: SEM.' SOCKEYE SALMON . vivi .. ... '. • • ,'.. • • • • , . ' 1 Prices effective December 4...5.‘..8' • . l' ...Don't miss the Santa Parade; December 16th.. . . • for 8 c WE DELIVER --- .• • 1 ' • . . • . . , • - • r PtIONE . • " THAT in renewing, hex Sentinel ker. First ' freezing started a- subscription„ Mrs. Annie (Burt) bout Friday midnight and by Norris of Toronto says: "Sorry Ivionda3, there was a pretty we missed the Centennial for ood sheet a i.ce • everYOne reported it tops. We •— *erre in Vancourveir the last day THAT Miss Dorthy Cooke, who . . of their centenary but it wasn't is 'employed at Ashton's store, .. like seeing the \ old'I.:ocknow was taken to Victoria HosPital. THAT three weeks, frtm tonight 'dergO surgery on IdirednesdaY.... friends"... .. , on TharsdaY for observation. ' .. . ' • ' It was eizpected .she would im- (Wednesday)' will be Christ- . . , . . • • mas 'Eve!, and: some ..liucky 'kid .> will get a free tOc'ggan" in 'THAT the Arena Board have .additien to what Santa may. raised the price of season's / have ""in the bae' for he or , tictiets for the coming year ' sheAU ou have to do ct, and the new Mice& can. he . y,is clip TIIT Bali's Red and White store Auto Supply Store advertise- where In the psoar. 1..tn.s is —. the coupon firi'm Allan Reed' found.in an advertisement else- Ais running their dollar days rnent in this issueOfill in' your the first in price of ,seasons sale again ' this we e k - end, name and take it to the store— tickets since the new arena was. l'hursdky to SaturdaY,, because and you don't haveto make a opened some twenty years ago. of the biocIted, roads and storm . purchase- ' ' Regular tidmission will rernain last week -end: The advertise - the ,same. ment listing .the values can be fotMd on Page two of this' issue. THAT first activity in the IOW arena was on Monday night whe.n the Juveniles held hoc- key practice. Skating was held T Mr. and Mrs. Jim Me-* cribbage, are missing a good on Tuesday night. Arena Mana- Naughton have been aPPointc.: nights' fun if they don't attend ger„ Art "freckle.% has a good caretakers of the Presbyterian the weekly Monday night stags sheet of ice and repents ice Church and cornmenced their at -the Legion Hall. Everyone inaking on the new hard floor duties the first of the week. IS Nveircone- considerably easier, and uac- They succeed Grant Gollan /THAT those who are fond of • •• 4' • - . • ' • T r ''r 40 • • FOR EVERY MEMBER OF 41'W IFABour it the • • ' TOY LAND'. . •, The best selection ever! Hundrecls of toys for girls and boys of an ages. ... ' ' , • Life -Litt*, beautiful dressed . $4.95 To $7.95 DoliPrams — To $950 Hardwood Toboggans , and $1.95 Steel; hand sleigh i 1 Roller Bearirg, Wagons 48.75. Kiddie Car ter tots 4 . .$530 1RPC1C.S.TRAIN, fiulaaing Sets electric toYs•- cook iTtg seta dishes i? tool stets. ,..Carrtes - Books Holster Sets. • .• • • these anti many ritiire. • •. Lay Away Platt A small. cleoosit will kola anY iterit'ut thc tore .1):`,C..!**14)'; ,•rfl);:` 4',A; '414.Y•4:‘•4;f14•1 't•is.V,r it.`4•5"4 P.. 4 r •A'a LX:;'. • f 4 ;;; ;1,, 4• • enjoy •the InTlte selecton' and the PiPular pnces Drop in 'ths Week ltoP 'early and aVioid last ,minute• disappointment*. 0;*41. LAYAWAY-PLANI t'sf'ttistWit..;;Dild;ostitoa'aitifirit ass art, FflRHIM4.• Smart Plaid shirts ........ 4. a 4a • •*Fa • • • 4 • • • $2.95 • Dress Shirts in fine Broad cloth . , . $2.95 Warinly lined DeLAnce Parka 312.95 Dress Glovsit . . pair„ .89c To $2.89 tolireiograinitrwrianisrastrraPoosomostorsnarirwriamiteiario FOR HER . • Lace 'intim Gowns 4 • 4 4 • rti • 4: 4 01 'hi it A. ....$1,A6 ns 51 gaue lovely 41atiitts 14.00 Scarves, Headsquares„ Imported Glassware,' LingeriejjamM tura f4andkerchicfs. OA/. V4tfool Nylon .l31,Ultets, Pastel shades 4;'' •A:r. 4A'.4 -44'; „;,. , y • •