The Lucknow Sentinel, 1958-12-03, Page 4,,PAGE FOUR: ,z LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LU Now, 014TARIO THE ' COMING EVENTS FROSTY •ROLICS Plan to sped Saturday after - neon,, Decem!b '6th, at the Le goon Hall,, Lucknow with ,Hack tt' W A' Sale - of :baking, doll CARP OF THANKS , .w Ernest Carter. Sr. wishes to ,sin cerely thank his many friends 'Who.so thoughtfully remembered him in ;many ways while a ,pat, Writ in Wingham Hospital, Spe- cial thanks .to Mr. Bristow,.' Plant manager, Donald MacIntyre, Dr: ... �. .. , . clothes' and . Christmas gifts The Corrin; and. 'Finlayson, • Mrs. or,. "baby sleighs• de FOR SALE Y t • 2;30% flea ray and her stafif of the Wingham •APARTMENT FOR RENT, -over, Lucknow Fruit •Market, ApPly to`) Mrs.,. Wm,; Bolt, Lucknow.. PIS FOR; SALE fifty wean- r e 1Vlctncrief R..3:! ling., pigs, . 'George 110.=r-20 ••Coderich,, phone Ripley'_. ,FOR SAS Kiln ;dried. shell 'cora.. Lorne -'Luther,,. R. 3 Lucke nnow ,phone Dungannon 65-r-14._ FOR `SALE _,.Westinghouse elect- ric washing machine, in good_con- , ':al price on quantities for F oh begins a ' le rails. P h o n -e 1454 , I frosty frolic c .._ g Luckb ,will : e served. hospital and • the Hunter -Ambul Lucknow. •'A. b CERT ! ance Service, Lucknow.. ISTMAS CAN - ' CHR.. ... LE --- .:mans winter jac- No. • 3 West Wawanosh, , . FOR SALE f u I S. S. .. _CARD OF THANKS , • � Phone- .Mrs; . John kat, size 38., , , •wll,hold. their ,Christmas Concert: - 4 -J Lucknow.. ., Mr.. and Mrs • Robert. Irvin xreutzw►eser, . 9 , inSt, :Helens. on Wednesday, pe -1 •• . all (bends. and _ t: ish. to.�, thank :friends :.0 sharp. Ad w ai loth at 83. P , sent la_ e •: I'NG�a ,black' • cow .and.�cember �.. . e1 •h'bours who congratu i and. .'ed heifer ,be- !mission :.50c; Children 25c. Ladies u 3'. spotted ,virhate , red .. :. ... 'liens on .the birth of` their ;baby , , nch. Dance after o, i tvtreen 800 •and• 900.�.pounds., Con- please bring l� ;:- :� . �:. daughter: Special `thanks to Drs, Mrs, William "Maclntyre,1 Everyone welcome.. 4 Corrin a: Finlayson. ' tact Corrin , Phone- 208-r-11, Lucknow. SCHOOL CONCERT ., • . , WED►NDSD AY, ' PBC!. 4'rd. 1958 CARD OF 'THANKS; . . Mrs, vlllli :Robb, :and; Jain. wish te..express their •appre,, ciation to the .many friends and• relatives who were so very kind , • and •syn?Pathetie during their • bereavemen°t.. • SEPTIC TANKS, cess, pools, etc. ui iped .and cleaned . with, mod- ern eq . P. ui Ment. All work, guar.- Mod- ern Louis Wake,ke, R, 2, Brus sels, ' phone 42-r-6 Brussels,. . H KILLED CHICKENS' - S S, No. 8. Kinloss will hold CARD. OF. THANKS FRESH s concert •in, the. INSEMINATION SERVICE el' artificial, insemination Ser. F. vice or. more Information, tele- phone the Waterloo Cattle Breed Association, . collect at:.. Clin- ton ,Ass . ,. , ton HU 2-3441. or ,Kincardine .460' . - between 7.30 and, 9.39 'a,m.' week days, 6 and 8 ,p.m. on Saturdays. Do not call for :service on' Sun- day;, Cows in heat on Sun day can ''ly on be inseminated, satisfactorily y (titian, . phone 22 Lucknow. their Christina t 1. • .11 art: Lan- Zi etc:, . oven ready if de- Lang side Hall on ` Fri ay `Dec- sincerely thank all our neighbors .• FOR SALE Pyr P free ng, 5th t 8 30 p m sharp Monday. Ross Er- sired:the 1 vely ready, ea Rs deice,. ready t wean, rington, St, ' Helens, . FOR ' $ALE - 1.1•Iereford `calf; Elmer Vance; R.R,•;1 Holy- ood' phone Ripley.11l-r-17 -• Hely- rood; ,P .st Ackert . andMyself mo Mrs. .Aek ,Killed to.' order only, ember • 5 a and friends for all e o h I, ,� � '11 ,be, served and dance d dwell' ' ' Vie supply service to top: qua1= t , P 'cues 1VI d bulls of the itchell Lucknow, p one1 un resents flowers cars .an to clueHolstein, Jersey, Dungannon 70 -r -X11.: •• : .. ..wishes we rec • - �chestra. � - in Anniiiersar which rias lAYrshire, Guernsey; Brown Swiss; _ 8 chunks, • vq cici ge _ y c • i Red• .Poll, Hereford (polled and Apply PRIGS FAR SALE FREE SKATING' , on Novemiber 25th; ' � Hackett RR,: - R,.: 7 � �� horned) Beef `Shorthorn (polled Apply: Alex t Lucknow, phone 67-r-12, • •D • TtTRKE?�5: FOR .SALE -fresh non. Please, order before D.. ecember 16. I WANTED mall oil burner. f children up' to ten years. , low. ' Twaznley; Turkey'Farm, , phone Must be in. 'first class; condition. follow'..w With Carru tier's or- ' '• on ,our 50th i Y and ,horned), . Dun- The. Lions' Club will. sponsor Wg will :be please o have any ' • and Dual. Purpose free' skating from. 4 to 5.30 •each, of you call'on, us. ckert. Shorthorn, , Angus. and: Charolais 'breeds. The cost is dressed for Christmas delivery g Dungannon 7.7-r-8, • Monday, Wednesday, and 'Friday Mr:. and Mrs. Ernest A or. c Weather permitting the first'ska- CARD OF .THANKS• Mrs., Charles Congram,‘ phone ting will be this';'Friday, Deem,. , FOR: SALE Toulouse goose and •17-M,; Lucknow M2: and ` Mrs. Clarence Irwin bar 5th: are deeply grateful and . wish to • all .:those: �' sincerel •thank T` :most Y ERi• .ander four years old, also co�Fy; _ 'a k ' heifer :with' white REWE .CHRISTMAS CONC . kind, and tial ful g LOST, hl cC were so very k help fu 1 , to Wan. with 11th coal. heater. . Pp Y about 600 lbs... D b • ,the fire ' � and. �. since home. ,face Weighing On Thursday; ecem, er . at the time Of , 11-r-4 G. Humphrey, . phone 2 Public . ',[ brand !AS on right side.; Strayed at, x8::30 p.m.: Adult '35C :then:.. All • 'these kind. acts were. Lucknow. ( from Lot 18, 'Con- .�6,, Kinloss school :children 'free. i between Nev. la deeply appreciated. .. • and .. Tawnsh' P, , -• `• EVERY � MON! : •. whereabouts, CRIBBAGE AY NOTICE TO , CREDITORS -, 26, Anyone: knowing, `• Lucknow preferably c ose; : de eve Monday at ; : N Donnie Gib- contact Era. Stanley, , Holyroo ,. 1 It's aribbag every, n the Estate . of ELIZABET Tre- leaven Mill. Apply Do collect Legion Hall. make it a habit I phone; 18-25 Ripley, ;the g ROSERTA MALLOUGH; de- sonat. the mill •. , ,'. -- 'to attend this weekly stag crib -: H 1SALE--21-'. chunks; 3, . b You'll. enjoy it.: Starts at' ceased. •.. : � • ' RUST < P�tOBLEMS?. :; • i,PTOS FOR , • Anderson, ,, bage, .:,.. . enjoy . •., . ; . � .. Charlie' 3Anderson, _ ;ori• ,.. .;All persons: having, claims ag- .', a stock of: auto re-' months ..old... C 18.30 .P ainst the ` Estate of Elizabeth �'or a panels- 3„. Lucknow, phone Dun -. 1 � R"R'ARENTS ' •Roberta ' Mallough; lata ' - flf • .the. e next. 'immunization • WANTED = boarding • place in ,l to'Tre pair pane s- gannon 69-r-15, after :5 09 m DAVIDSONp i ti clinic Village of Lucknow, in the Co. deceased, who • - 320,' d d, , i _l ce widow, eeu istrict re of Sru .. _ on Serve • _. Co1Le n and d P `yisualiinmg , & , Collisi . ..FOR SALE. . ,Pure . � . p Ps •.l, for. Iyunganno ,and .. :. h 15th day; of ... " No.: 8. Highway, RSR, 6, Z.uc1 Apply. J. de Jong, 1 school children wall be held at died :on or about the e 1 •-United. Church I December •195.7,, are hereby note 20 Goderich Ripley26 r 1D noon Un t Fh 3 I h theg ," now; 'p ' -, , one � un December. � 10th from 1,.articulare •. of on D 0:30 -4 fled • to send' full'P Model •4A Ford,. Heay. duty manure . 1931 • This is the third ,in :a their •claims to the ,undersigned .•F•OR. SALE,-�. Y i FCR SALE --1.931 ... � - .11. 30 a:m. • ` records • �.' • - 'solicitor for ,the executrix of the tactors.: e taco i pro MEAT FOR, SALE, , Good beef ,or' pork in, large, or, small .quaritities. Meat •slaughter ed on, premises inspected :':by the Department of Health.: Custom killing -by appeintmeiit. Cattle killed every. •day and hogs every. Tuesday morning. ; RAYNARD ACKERT, 'Holyrood, Phones 24-30, ' Ripley and 101-r-13, • Lucknow . ATTENTION FARMERS Custom killing, cutting . 'and wrapping ' a very reasonable • rates. Welsh .l,Vleat;Marl(et, phone, -.1 for all,makes of I car radio, • camping stow , current series of clinks with p Wel • , • rotator:th estate, . °on or before the'15th day • . dam,, and TV Antennae and taction. available. against dnph I. Morford: W. MacKay, 1 `le .R::2 Ri Y. one : Lucknow.I . h. tetanus," of December '1958; after which and Machine Shop,. R � P James Rarovn, phone, � .. � era, whooping coag Y ` : , the Estate will .be :distribttt- ,84-9. � Ripley . L 1 and ho date.. hone sinal pox a polio'. -- ed among those entitled thereto, -am. m ' the FIELD , TI rE SERVICE 'shaving regard only to the claims CATTLE •WANTED . , .: , . ' � `' ' ,GIFT • .steers and . WHITE markto buy stockerDealer- . fore 1Vlartin s quality The annual "=Christmas enter -; or which the Executrix. shall then et .., Y. , - ,, . �.,u • . , es: Lorneson hand • �ant: and �w,hite gift service I have:: notice.; fat . -cattle, at - all . ; tem tile., 4 -inch tile alway tamm i phone Ripley delivery on 1000 or.i:. oW Presbyterian' ' DATED at Lucknow, , Ontario, Eadie,. Holyraod; at 6c. Free de v rYof the huakri iscount on winter.'' ill be held 'at, this 22nd°day of November, 195$ 24-r-9; iover.. 'SSpecial d iSchool eliver . Lorne Eadie, :Holyroo , i 7:30 m.,' on Monday, .ace --------r-7-------- _' • . 32. ,per I deliver Y P ' • rn d . Sunday . 'w , D tuber' R. W. Andrew,,'Listowel, Ont LE -cob .co $ _ nrvated. ario •Solicitor for the Eecutr"ix:•' FOR SA hone •Ii ipley 24.9. • 1'5th. You are cordially •i .• ton and kiln dried corn 148. per .P • ouse an miles east of D,ungannbn,'`con. : 41 CONCERT AND DANCE t ton, l ered. Grown at Ridge- h d lot 11/ to attend, town. Blake Alton; Belfast; phone FOR THANK: YO11 NOTES .arid • Hasty Notes available at .25 . cents.'- per. package. of 1.0- cards and matching phone Don. Thompson,. , 33 or, 35. SALE-house 84-14 Dungannon `West Wawanosh Township, $g00.1 Fordyce School Christmas con= t red York ;''or best offer. 1Vlontliy terms can cert and dance will be held in • ., FOR SALE eagle e„ shire 'hos serviceable: age. Gar- ° be 'arranged. Also oil'spaee hhrese Whitechurch Hall on Friday, De- hogs,ter in new condition $35.0 g `' don Patterson, phone .9-r-20; Ri'p- „ `, camber -5th. ` Farriers Orchestra.. size and 65: newly laying pullets � Admission 50c.:Ladies with lunch i ley. • . ` $80.00, Lawrence Smith, phone 25c. . i • Orders TURKEYS FOR.SALE- 1 .Y3 r-1; Dungannon. ` : •_ •i Something to sell? Something taken' for Christmas turkeys; , B'UI�liI)'ING FOR SALE "''' - to' buy? Phone 35 Lucknow. Dressed or oven, ready, , St near station; dy I ' d f Havelock Robert Purves,. R.R. 1 LtLeknow, ; side oho .•1• 11 located suitable .for bum -1 ' CHRISTMAS SPECIALS WANTED - second-hand litter .Hardwood floors throughout, ne. 207-r-4 We ' --• .l: ness; .can ,:be made into dwelling; [ •Dozens of � Christmas -specials i. I rola bout,'[ are available from now until De - 'carrier, car and track.. Apply full basement, furnace, .water, by Jerry Cranston R.R. 2, Z.ucknpw,:.dro, inside dimensions 25' ' x 35' phone Dungannon 70-r-15. `1. Apply to 'Innes: MacSween, Box WANTED a,•Live. , ,,n„ l+riz tn» 1.194, 'LucknOW • . NOTICE prices at .the farm. Brown Bro- thers, phone collect 181-W, K:in- ,cardine. • • ' FOR RENT -tern acre's ill 'Luck- ' Luck' now,; close to school, brick house and • small • ,barn. • Mrs. Rachel Irwin,. 29 Craig St.', Apt. 9,- 1. London phone GE 8-.1195. ceinber 25th onmagazines of all types. ` Look at • just a few bar- I gains Offered:. .1 y.:ear..; of Mac- - Leans and 1 year of Chatelaine, both. far only. $3.49; Coronet, 1. , 1, year ' m $2.50; Family • Hearld, • two • The annual :meeting of the i or more gifts, 'each $1.00, Ladies Lucknow..' Farmers • Co-operative Home• Journal, two or more gifts,• Scales • Co. will be held at' the each $3,00; Liberty, ,one gift $1., Scales Office in Lucknow at 2:00 three gifts, $2.50; Saturday Even-. p.m:, 'Saturday, • •December ' 6th. ing . Post, .two •gifts $5.00 each;. 'Election of directors and general Teen, two gifts $2.50 each: These and every magazine in APARTMENT° TO 'RENT ---at. OLD 'HORSES WANTED . I Thompson, Phone 35 Lucknow, business. ' . a I print available .•t h'r o u g h` Don' ° Holyrood,bathroom- and all in - Old, horses wanted at 31 c per. side conveniences;' Ernest Ackert; lb.; 'dead cattle ,at value. If dead, ^ H,olyrood. :,• • � phone at once , to Gilbert Bros. DEA® STOCK FOR SALE- re=conditioned' tele- visios 17 incl ,and 21 inch, 3 months guarantee; also re -Condit - :loped Washing machines, $35: arid Lep. Mason Radio arid. T.V. pho e 184 Ripley. Mink Ranch, phone collect God , . i h 1483J4 pr .148311:S E RV I C E er`c 'SERVICE .HIG NOTICE PRICES CASH PRICES The annual ,pot luck supper, of ilia Ladies Auxiliary will be held ori Monday, December 8 at 6:30 NEW AND USED PIANOS at ton � with' nomination and •elec-• I the, , ,Mildmay Furniture Store. I tion of officers to follow,. Ex- ', 8i change of .Christmas gifts, Please Company used. pianos Gerhard . Hein zman,, note change :of date, ;, etc:, • Free idelivery, • Easy Terms, Godfrey , Schuett, Mildmay OLD CHESTERFIELDS - trade- in, Show cushion 'from' your old CUSTOM DEMAND . for -Avon suite to salesman at the Mildmay Furniture Store for trade-in eve. Service is at its.highest ,e'nabYing . , us. to' extend a Wonderful earn luation oti one of the'new ches- 8 i . - • , r huett turiity, to coat etic wo terfield and davenport suit Me' opportunity know` and District, Free delivery, O. Ey, Se . , , men f tom Luc For information'ap ply, Mrs. I Mildmay. • 12 months to pay. , Lourien `C ree'n, `Hanover, . t ; Paid'` for. Sick, Down or Disabled Cows & Horses: also a Dead Covfrs and •Horses at Cash Value Old horses .4c per, pound Phone collect .5 3 'Mussels BRUCE MART ATT . " or. GORDON TAYLOR'` • P toile, 44 r- 4, Lueluiow 24=hour aervide PHOTO CARDS : Say Merry. , Christmas with Photo`Cards. Add . a per;oral touch by, having ' a. .Picture of Your . failui'y, your home, your Y pets, etc. on your Christmas cards: .Many designs available in colour or •black. and white. tori Thorripson Phone 35= -Luck now. BLESS::ME 1... IF YOUR''GET CO-OP ANTI-FREEZE,THIS: V1louLON T HAPPEN TOP QUALITY C0 -OP BRAND GlycoI Anti -Freeze Available at all - times' at your Local Co-op GALLON • +' QUARTS,' CASE, OF 4 GALLONS • .:,• uCkIIOW District Co Phone It