The Lucknow Sentinel, 1958-11-05, Page 3• - e. r- • • .y• . W1NESAY' NOY: ;5th: 1958 t •,4 THE' LUQKNOW SWIVEL,, LIJCHNOW, ONTARIO Lucknow Presbyterian Church Minister:; . Rev.. Wallace McClean • SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 9. 00 a,m, Sunday- School, 11;00 San, Morning, Worship 3;00 p.rr>; Dungannon; 1;00 p:m • Evening Worship . LUCKNow UNITED CHURCH. I �. Minister: 1 Rev: Gordon. R: • Geiger, • t • SUNDAY, NOVEMBER ' 9 10;00 can.; Church School, . 1 11:00..a,m.: Divine Worship' Ser>non theme "THE 'FAITH! *OF OUR,, FATHERS" . v ' Tuesday,; • November • 11. ' . Community ��.'Remembrance t. C y. ;Day . ''Service 10:00 a.m. • 'Thought ,For The •Week.. Be is kind as; you can to-. day.; because you. may not be here 'tomorrow " 6.111.4 ice., psi •iii:ii �iiiiiiiiiiiiii i%iiiii. Local & General'. M'rs. Jessie ' Allin is a' patient in Wingham Hospital.. Mrs. N; J. McKenzie, who was quite ill for a, time, is in improv.-' ed .health and was able to . return home ten days .age and is. about again. , r n • Mrs W, B Anderson has been visiting in ,;:Port' Colborne With her' . daughter, :Mrs... Wm,, '. Swan. and family astir.; Swan has been ill. .He was hospitalized for 'a tirrie but is now convalescing at his:.. home.:. • The .Paramount Institute will meet at the : home.• of : Mrs. ' Al. Irwin on Wednesday, . Novernber 12th' at two o'clock; All members; remember to.. bring .their touch and take -parcel. " • Mrs. Charles. Thomson, who'has. been making her home with Mr, and. Mrs; Elmo Pritchard, suffer; - m Was • taken to Wingham Hospital on Sunday, It was just .a year ago that ; Mrs. Thomson suffered a similiar• seizure, • Recent visitors • ;with • Mr. :and Mrs: Alex.l?.urdon were: Mr: and Mrs. Athol Purdon and family of Sarnia; Mr: and Mrs. 'Hector Put - 'don and' family of 'Sarnia, ' Mr.r. and 'Mrs. MacLellan of, « Lan ark, Mr. Robert Purdon, Mr and Mrs.. Ermond Heart of MacDon aids 1� Corners, Miss ;Bertha Mac- Kay, Miss Bettie Scott and Miss Jean' MacWhinney of - London. , COL' LECTED. '1550 • CLOTHES �. HANGERS, AND :540: BASKETS. Brownies Met as usual in the Council, Chambers with eighteen'. Brownies present;•After the open- ing ceremonies, and. the Fairy' ;Gold' was .collected,we had in-. spection for neat, berets' and. shi . y pins., The Fairies come: out best.. New Tweenies; passed their Brownie .r Promise, . and learned the 1VIotto Law, Salute' and. Hand Shake and practisedthese, ready 'for' their test next Week. • Golden Hand :Brownies made , little bpoks to. keep their -bulb records in. Miring' Pow -Wow, Brown Owl read a. letter concerning our fees;..f which this year have been in- creased to $L00,' This'm oney' gees to'. buy insurance to cover injur= ies at +meetings or, camp. Part ; of. it •goes • to our Area, where it trains Guides provides camps .and rallies. Part goes to the Pro- vince, • and is used, .for' training,, the ;mon y ' things that make the Guiding, wheels ego. around. 'Part is sent ` 'to Canadian ,Headquar- ters, to promote Guiding all 'over the country. Finally ,Canadian 1 Headquarters, sends on same' of 1 your money .to the. World Assoei- ation'.to help Guiding around 'the. world. So , lets get ibusy Brownies and earn 'tha ,$1.00. Don't, just •ask mother for it.. Many thanks to everyone who helped the Brownies • with hang- ers and baskets. Fifteen .hundred and fifty; hangers andfive•hund red and forty .;baskets . were: col'= lected and sold. ' • ' Everyone played "Ju,mp -Jim- Crow," and' Packee read a story... Brownies' 'closed with' prayer, and • Chimes ..and • after cleaning up all went ' home ;'through the Fairy Arch. "Lest We Forget" r,. mbrance Service in LUCKNOW. UNITED CHURCH , at 10/00.a.m. U;ES cAy. NOVEMBER Followed 'by the Cenotaph ceremony wreathes at 1 1 00 am Legion ' and Ladies Auxiliary members, veterans and all organizations' parading to the services .are asked:: ,to. assemble at the.. Legion Hall. at ,9:30'`a.'m. LUCKNOW 'BRANCH CANADIAN . LEGION' N.o. 309 and''. placing o • s \ \ \ rim•/�•iiii PAGE TIKREB; Ladies' and Men s 'Wear -: Fashion Millinery ,11�IISSES', TEENS' , Cold -days a + ad' so, •wear, .a warm interlined: , and mill fined coat from a selected stock, psi.= n . Fleece, . Broadcloth in colors, dark and subtle. an st lesvariety. ood ., tones, sizes -•. d y . � , . .,.,. A FREE.SCARF WITH EVERY COAT • : ACCESSORIES DELUXE! SCARVES oblongs, sheers,' headsquares, .'in 'nylon, floral and, plains: . GLOVES —• nylon; , fabric, wool, rayon; HATS colors in velvet, velour, felt, angora tie -ons, - for children. HOSIERY. service, crepe, lisle, nylon; NQi_e.co�ors,: navy_and black. BLOUSES nylon, jersey, •alluracel. 1 BORN ERRINGTON-in Wingham Hos pital• on Wednesday, October. 29th, to Mr. and Mrs: George: Erring- ton. rring ton,. Dungannon, a ' Son, William George. 'UMBRELLAS •' Six only, assorted colors; reg • ular $7.00 value. • To .clear at '$3'.98' each. See our window. ''MOKIM'S "DRUG. STORE :Win. Fisher is not in the best, of health and ,is confined to bed at his hom4,e, • • Miss Mary Porteous of Teron to spent.. the week -end with" her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Por- teous. 'who leave for Florida the first 'of next: we k.. Miss :Marlene. MacLennan, 'daughter of 'Mr. and 'Mrs H. :M.,, IVIacLennan ,` Ife-w ` to Vancouver on ..Friday, to visit • Mr.. and Mrs. J. G. Shelgrove (Ruth Johnston).' . Marlene is, 'an' employee, of the ` Bell Telephone Company at .Lon- !. •y doh.: is :on three weeks' •vacation. rhe.,srorid!s*Most'HoHO�,d'$hO! 52 Best Picture Awards and World -Wide Honors ,stairina DAVID NIVENN CANTINFLAS ROBERT: NEWTON • • SH.I..RLEIf .Ma,cLAINE' 'Featuring 44 "Cameo" Stars ;TECHNIC6LORo sotiedpiay by JAMES POE, JOHN'; FARROW and S. i. PERELMAN • From the Classic by JULES VERNE ••Directed by MICHAEL ANDERSON YCEUM ►.T� WINGHAM v MICHAEL. TODD'S' \'i74t.•••!kk \ '!l -.?N , //el /7%..- ailAto di \ Asr,...._-;, - • she SIX,. DAYS NOVEMBER • 1.0, 11, 12, 13, 14, 1 • One Show. Nightly Starting at ' 8.15 p.m 2.00 p.m. Matinee Saturday, starting at. r•vening 'Adnssiot' . $1.25 .75c 50c jNatiiee Admission .90c .75e 50c iK THEATRE Now Playing—A picture you may remerber , as the. best: r, .you've seen, ever! . "PROUD REBEL —.. Alan Ladd, David Ladd, Olivia DeHavilland. In teahnicolor.; ' Mon., Tues , ''Wed, Nov. 10, 11, 12 Adult Entertainment Anna 1Vlagnani, "Anthony 'Quinn and Anthony Franciosa''�. On an 'Italian sheep ranch -,. a robust tale' of .:lust ,and , violence, of hate and love, and of .. a man's obsession for the it ' ory. of his dead wife. • "WILD IS, THE WIND" 'In Vistavislon Fri.,, Sat, November 13, 14, 15 - Two' Features! Rory . Calhoun and Anne . Francis • ' ' 'Sentenced .to hang 'for. 'murder, •a gal flees Texas ' for Kansas and finds a . more rugged destiny. "HIRED GUN" ' ,Johnny. We▪ ismuller, Maprene O'Sullivan, . C Aubrey ' Smitb/f' An original M.G.M.:all-time ,hit!; The greatest ,thrillerr of them _'all!' `TARZO,1 THE APE MAN" • Coming, Lauren Bacall and Robert Stack In "Gift of Love. .' In color • remembrance Day Hours LUCKNOW BUSINESS 'PLACES . Will Close Tuesday Morning, November 1 1 th IN OBSERVANCE OF REMEMBRANCE DAY Stores Will Re -Open At :..12:30, . o'clock Lucknow Business .Men's Association Bob Finlay, President WHITEEHUREH and - Mrs. Bill Rintoul. 'A . short. program: was presented. by the pupils with Wayne Martin, chair. man. Prize winners for costumes, Brian Purdon arid Linda McGee;; The 'Library Brd sponsored: a concert, and' masciva�d for Hallowe'en, On • Friday. Rev. • Marshall 'made. • a" very . 'genial and Marlene, Martin The' Judges chairman for the occasion, Musi cal numbers by' Mr:, and Mrs. Horton; rummy Hackett' of Luck - now: 5 S.' No: 10 orchestra; Mrs: Elroy. Laidlaw and Mrs. B,Schol-- 1 tz (•as' ghosts) ; John Willis with i the 'violin; • and Doris. Ross', and !Mary Fisher played piano solo$: The; ,Juniors arid, the Seniors of Fordyce school sang choruses on Hallowe'en: Karen �Groskorth„ i ancf Jacqueline Kerr sang' a 'duet. e' Winners for the best costumes. were.: Fancy. ,,Gent -Mrs. Willis;, Fancy Lady --Mrs • E. :Scholtz; Comic Gent --Mrs: Andy Ritohie; ,Comic` Lady --Mrs. Pete 'MacDon- . ald; , Comic 'Bey-Neal._Marshall; , Comic Girl --Janie' Laidlaw; .Fan- cy .Girl --,Doris Ross; Best Hallo- ween ' couple --Shirley 1VIoNeil were:' Mrs., Ira Woaali,. Mrs.. Roy Irwin and' Rev.. Marshall. j.. Lunh` was'served 'and e dancidanceng 1enjoyed,, to music ''by Farriers T, orchestra, ' r' At Fordyce School the ,teacher and•pupils entertained the moth; •set's. Contest *'inners were ' Mrs. ton Martin, Mfrs. Gordon Taylor i• •• and for. jack-o'-lanterns, Billy Robinson, Doris, Sharon and Don- na Rintoul.. Mrs: 'Rintoul's team won a spelling match., ' Lunch :was served: HALLOWE'EN "PRANKS" Hallowe'en has'come and gone; again, and locally there, appears to have 'been a minimum of, wan- ton damage, although there ale always some isolated. instances. "at least of individuals- been eau- • sed expense and inconvenience... At, the Greer Private Hospital; rose' trellises were damaged and broken, • and cabbage. uprooted and destroyed. This was 'not •con fined, to a singe place, or to Hall- owe'en night alope. There was ' the usual waxing'. , and : soaping of windows, with, •ibusiness places bearing the 'brunt and by the height it was'applied it wasn't all the 'work • of young- , stern: . . But a 'good window washing, never goes . amiss` and there was r • do avoiding the fob: on Saturday inbrning. • • f: •