The Lucknow Sentinel, 1958-10-29, Page 7Wed'hesday, October. 290, 19 AM.'HARPER. Chartered Accountgint West Street A .1 GODEBICH, ONTARIO Telephones. 343.J 343 W` )d at-..' bie of morn- ,• g,ser.' edir . ,ersoni y Mrs- y Erl it the ;. s , ren-• deiby . artette • fir, Don Bald.'• ed in-.' as 'tak- win_ter 'ontaic, 'r. Bar - 2,795 2,595 1,995' t,395 2,950 ;1,595 ;1,295 X1,350 ;1,450'• 61,395 61.095., 61,095 6 795 $ •850 6.. 950 81.650 I , 10 "ussels rirriPme • PU'BLI`C• ACCOUNTANT GODERICH, ONTARIO' Telephone- 101Box . 478 .554 'IE, KNOW SENTINEL,, LUC(KNOW, ONTARIO R. T KIL.PATRICK • OrENERAL INSITRt•ZFCE Automobile - Fire - Casualty Ask about our. Special Package Deal R A. 7, Lucknow, Ont. 'Phone Dungaiznon 77-2. ' W I NGHAM MEMORIAL SHOP We Have•'`,: ee Memorial Craftsmen for ' Thirty -Seven Years, Always. Using THE BEST GRANITES ` . 'Along With Expert Designing and. T• Workmanship. esus '" easona.":e Cemetery Lettering a' Specialty. T. ARMSTRONG' j' R.: A• SPOTTON 'Phone 256, Wingham, Ontario. • OPTOMETRIST GODERICH • VOR APPOINTMENT z 'Phone 1100 • INSURANCE FIRE; WIND, CASUALTY ...AUTOMOBILE AND LIFE To Proteict''Your Jacg,, Insure With Jack Today.. J. .A.. McDONAGH, R.B. 3,.Lucknow, ' :Out.• 'Phone 61,-5, .Dungannon HETHERINGTON, t - Q.C. .> Barrister, Etc« Wingham and/Lucknow, IN LUCKNOW .Each . Monday • and Wednesday Located' in' the • Municipal Oflics 'Pbone Wingham Office 48 . Residence 8'f' i�'AK11i. MUTUAL STATE iiTOMQB«F N5URANGE investigate Before. Inve REUBEN ' WILSON' R 3 ' Godesieh • Phone 80-r-8. Dun'Bannof:. OHN.. TONE :S. J S FUNERAL .HOME. • 'Pbone 76 Day or_Night Q$E OF FUNERAL ' HOME b • Madera Pri Established1894 t No Extra Cost Moderate CCS 9 • Insure With The CULROSS MUTUAL FIRE. INSURANCE' :CO. for• Reasonable rates, sound pro- tection &prompt, satisfactory "settlement of .claims,,. PARISH MOFFAT ,Your Local ' Agent R.R..3, Teeswater.. 'Phone . Teeswater 57-r-41. l CARD OF THANKS. My, sincere thanks : qr your cards,, letters, gifts and visits dur- ing my year at Freeport. San. My pecial thanks to those who sup- plied thansportation• for me or my family, particularly at Che tune of 'my operation. • William Stunson, :CARD OF THANKS: We Ravish to •. eXpress. sincere thanks to • all -those; who helped: at. the time -of the fire; . :,.Jean and .Glen Walden. •CARD OF THANKS- -Mrs.- Donald; Hackettwishes to convey her thanks to all who re- membered her and the baby. with cards and gifts: Also sincere thanks to Dr. M. l I.. Corrin• and the nurses of. Wingham Hospital. ALAN WILLI,AMS`. Optometrist Office on Patrick St:, just Off the: Main St.' in . WINGHAM Professional` Eye.Examination Optical; Services,. For appointment; ' • Please Phone' .770, Wingham • R W. ANDREW Barrister and Solicitor' • LISTOWEL, ONTAZIO 3 IN. UCKNOW; Every Wednesday, and Satbrday . •• Afternoon • Office in the ;.Joynt Block Telephone:' - Office'• 135 " Residence. 314 MPERI AL 011. .:: . PR. DUCTS • for prompt: service; and quality ;products; * . contact. a Re CH100tlit 'hone collect Dungoson y"Atlays \ Look To Imperial r. For. The -Best I 1 • LUCKNOW DISTRICT CO-OPERATIVE INC. Phone.Lucknow 71• TED.•COLLYER Registered . Master . Electrician ELECT1 ICAL CONTBAV OR gpecialing in Electrical Wiring and. BePairs 'AWLS/ T 'FOR SPARTON. TV and. AIj Electrical Appliances • Phone ,46-f-25; 'Lucknow. • 1 NSU RAN'CE Hospitalization and _Surgical Plan= rtAutomobile,, Casualty and Farm Liability Sercartile, Residential . • Farm, Fire '4 Wind Insurance T A. CAMERON I,L'CKOW` 'Phone Dufgan$on 704-18 Our MpttoIcaItterice" HO.LYROOD • LADY ' ,� LE A .U.1.1' Heavy Duty Batteries:_,up Generator Exchange, " '.. •. ' $8.95 Fuel Pumps, as tow' as Brake Shoes Exchange, " full: set, 7_47.90 Voltage Regulators, '_ '$3.98: MUFFLERS AT ,LOW •COST • The Fourth Annual. Rally of Bruce County Women's Institute met in Wiarton foran,. all day ssi seon Thursday, October, 16th. Of a, total attendance •of 180 871 attended from the South Bruce District. The: Rally was presided;' 'over by President; Mrs. Arthur Maundrel, :,Southampton. T h e :giiiest'speaker Was outstanding, in the .person .of Mrs. • Elton ' Arm - Strong, Armitage. , An . address was also..given by County Home Eco- nomist, Miss Mary Lou Black; ' and • FURNACE, 'OIL, • STOVE OIL, HEROSENE, GASOLINE . . See or ll caa WM. A. "B ;; UD"HAMILTON • Phone: 220-w Lucknow District . Agent for Cities; Service • . Motorcade 'Dealer - Phone. 3, Lucknow Kenneth: `,J.' MacKenzie, I R.O.' . •Optometrist. LISTOWEL, ONT at the former •Wrona Jewelery.. ,store, Ripley, 10- a.m; to. 9 p.m.: WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 12' and every Second' Wednesday'.. Eyes examined:. -Glasses ,fitted • 'For appointment 'phone: ''Roy MacKenzie, 96-r 2.4, ' Ripley. McLENNAN and .e MacKENZIE FrUNEIRAL: SERVICE Services, conducted' accord • ing to your wishes; at your Home, • your Church or at our Memorial Chapel at o additional, charge. • Phone, 181, Lucknow, Day:or .Night PORTS and:AUTO 'SUPPLY Phone: 65, Lucknow a fila; Was shown on "Rabbies" oy • Dr. T. `J. Cornish, Chesley The Raliy Officers for 1958:59 will be.. ,President; . Mrs Lloyd' Jasper; Mildmay;: Ist Vice. Pres., Mrs. • Byron; Greig,' • Lion's Head; 2nd Vice -Pres., Mrs. Harvey Hou- ston, Ho1yrood; 3rd Vice .Pres.,, I?dirs. 0.C. Gateman; Sotithamp-: ! ton; Sec-Treas., Mrs. Clarence Vance, Chesiey ' : South Bruce District Women's Institute will meet again`' soon, socially, when a gathering of all sixteen B -ranches, will be,' held at .Whitechurch,' November 4th, .for. the District Fit -Fare, at 2. Standard time. All members • of 'Women's,' Institute are urged to YOUTIWI L : DESIG'Naz Doris Ross; daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Russell, toss of R:R. 5, Luck-.' now, had the winning . dress de= sign .for the comic strip chara e ter "Jane 'Arden!' .in 'this .week'a.:. issue of the TorontoStar Weelly Each -week: Jane 'receives an ad-- dition to her wardrobe by. young driers acro Ss Canada. The clothing is printed in such a fashr ion. so that the .young readers may clip, it out and use as:"paper Cut • out?".. attend. It is. expected the 195„9. Rally will be held .in. the. South,&Bruce District, k Feed' Contracts or. Bagged through the season le' apparent 1. •in granary. •r 1• DAIRY, :, EF, HOG and ' POULTRY CONCENTRATES • are completely, balanced to your nems: Our. Prices` '.. Feed free,choice if you will '. nt s ,•Son PHONE 78, LUOW' ri 'r A •