The Lucknow Sentinel, 1958-10-29, Page 5r. esclagt bOplober, 29th, 1958 Fa• le,• le to )r. ig- .. Lrd• :k- to ied.:. of ied '• the x- 3th:.' ter • be tit- my xe- rio, 3. ors. vials• Dei ` all, bar= liar tine, ,t, , . two, ;dies' sifts, $1:,' Ven- ach; e in ;. D.on. Or rte • • 1VCxNOW SENNL LONNO: ,,i AO ' • ittsuratic� NNOUNC1 D1STIier AGENT 4 � whttec urch Womens' .,Inst, WEDDING 'BELLS ' `ded Gardner B w W I Tuesday ev, _,_ • Place Mrs. ssel Ross presi :.. for o den the ... fleeting. on . PRESENTS GIFT • Mrs. Ira Dickie was. hostess to Ka i lr s; h e a Women's Institute Thursday, October 23rd. 1st. Vice', President,. Mrs. Clif. Roulston. ,was in• the ,chair, Mrs. D. T., Mc- Kinnon: 'took 'the minutes and Mrs.' •Herib Buckton ,was pianist.. . The scripture was read 'by Mrs.. Arihie McIntyre., As this , was the ;Grandmother's meeting,,• lovely corsages were presented, to the eight..grandmothers present. .They had been made by Mrs. George, Lockhart. °'Later •on in the :meet - guts.. meet..gifts.' were presented to the grandmother with the smallest waistline; Mrs. . S a m Chislett: Youngest #,grandchild, Mrs. Gib.: Hamilton; Nearest birthday, Mrs. D: L. ,MacKinnon.. • .. In keeping with the theme, the Roll Call.',was answered. •by 25. Members ; with "Recollection- *of . my Grandmothers." Grandmo-' StSINI bread, seemed •:'to be mentioned ening in Whitechurch Community • A quiet.Wedding. in Seventy-Six.ladieS were pre- St. 'Pants rectory, Winenaill. •on• sent, inchiding guests frOM Wing- SaturdaY morning; October. 11 at Mrs. Harvey gonsten of"Holy- and Mark Lewis Gardner exL, rood:wag guest.speaker and spoke Changed marriage. vows. Rev. C. on' 530stitute , • F. Johnson officiated. MrS TO/11 Metcalfe, :gave. a, re- The bride' wOre a 'brown dress, COurse, "Sew to Save Dollars • • • • • t'o.4 on OP me.eting al??,,Ilt 'the With a whitefleck, with matching' and, Make-sens Will be held dt Mir! L4wrence Alkst,in of PetrOit swiMming P0,01.,,Mrs• Her)) W4eel- .brOwn hit, ,glOves and shOes .:and the 6th School' hoUse Wed'. afr.• aisn'd'slrcisi.ncgyarilf.e.A*tisdtkalt with er. of Belgrave, reekted.• Home" a cOrsage 'of red roses. . ' ternoon October 29th. 2:00 pan. would, start at 8:30 sharp. Those living East Of Gravel; Road will take two dozen tarts,. West Sand7 rood Hal October, 30th. • ..fer the 28th 'of Noveniber. The first ;lesson in the Leadership MODEL 1...MODEL. MODEL I 1 • PAOE TIVE LIMITED TIME , ONLY 161,ELECTRIC DRILL,; i/4 -inch .Regular .$33.50 . •SPECIAL ,161I.1K, HOME' KIT' (I)r171) Regular $42.50,, SPECIAL $3419..., 145,' ORBITAL SANDER (fuiishing) ; •Regular $44.95, .SPECIAL. $39;95: 152', ELECTRIC "HAND :SAW KIT Regular $75.00,.' ;.SPECIAL $65:00 • Authorized Dealer, ' Porter -Cable Electric Tools. RIS'.S • Luckknow, ' Phone 80. , Tonsils removed in Goclerich Al, last week, Mr. Peter Lierman Of 'Western University, LondOn,:, .spent the exandra. Hospital last week.. Congratulations ,to and. Mri: Theo. Van' Diepan upon the birth of a son:last week in, the Kincardine Hospital. ' Mr. ' and Mts, Kevin Kraemer, Rosernary, Colleen and Paul .of .Kitcherier,, And. Mr, Kraemer Sir.: of 'lesson w.ere Sunday Visitors with the Gene Frayne.family.' • ,_ 2.001.:;., . and mrs.;,. Et Iii: Parish :oi Her attendant, Mrs., IVan Gard* mrs...Doriald MaeKinnen •and Nfrs.• -Miss Bett3r r3eeker attended the ' to the :Ladies Aid at 'Walkerton: with. brown hat; glOveS•and,shoes.: $l0.00 ' Was. •veted to the :.Chact. :Wife."' A donation is to ,ibe sent - in ,NOVeniber; ' .. . ' gil3i.)1InsliP7' _. ; • ., I Was. read, Plans 'were Made. for .. A ,riliniber...Qt: 4rirons Were .diS- ' .FollOWing: the .tereMoriy, Mem- the' ',two . prOgram. mimber§ •for Played by' the niernbers and then ' auctioned off ,by "Mrs; Herson, Ir - . 'Mrs Peter:. 1V1UrraY, D.pnald Murray, Mrs.'Kasper and •Mr. Geo 'Hebert. of Detroit Spent the week- . • end with relatiVes here. Mr.' bert ,i4,,ecently returned • to his 'he bert ,recently .retUrned to his .home in Detroit after a two-year . service with the American Air .Mr. Mike Ward of, Lticknow; spent Sunday with Leo Courtney' ited "The F me , ner, daughter-in-law of Mr. •Gard.7 IlarrY ',I:Avis are. the leaders. wedding in'lVIildrnay of ,her' sister • made litivad was the Family Baro- • Is your subscription paid? bets of the family gathered a the home.of Mr. and Mrs. 'Van Gard- ner *where e buffet luncheon was Mr. and Mrs. Gardner left on a wedding trip to London and re, ,turned Wingham on Tuesday. the District Fun -Fare, at White— church Which Will be held NOV- yery fine repott of the Area Con-. to which she was delegate. They will live en Frances Street.' -Messrs. Allen Ma.oDougal and 4.4 040. yety...0thOr:R0001.4n: The .Hotre- Y-Ou are:thinking 4. buying ..a-• DiNETTE Cope 111 and LoOk Over •.Quir. ,Large Stock „LIBERAL AiLowANcg YOUR ' OLD, SUITE duet, which was much enjoyed. Mrs. W..F. MacDonald now re - was present - A poem written cLe,ocl. was read eith and Mrs. Luckn ed with a gift. by Miss DOaA ,by Mrs. Evan Wm. ,MacIntyre. presented the And flitted intO You're yet a citairshea member Your name Still written down. You know' out: happy cuttOm When members change .a; nest .To give a knell remembranCe And Wish. them all the best, • And. beCause' you'll' find Us ring- . Your door -bell some fine' day, • : We're hinting that a cup 'of ,tea . Would cheer us 9n (Air way.' A tray and sugar bowl. ,.(INTow if you think us Scheming And any time that we're areund: We'll .help You with the:dishes. every Five Dollars ($5.00) spent in Our Store we are giving a ticket which gives you a chance on it • BEAUTIFUL KROEHLER ROCKER 100 Percent Nylon Cover„ LUCKY NUMBER To Be DRAWN CHRISTMAS EVE NUMENTS or sOund counsel and.a fair price on a monument correctly designed .from quality Material, SKELTON / MEMORIALS Pat O'Hagan, Prop. Established Over Sixty , Years Phone 638-vr Ontario ' (Intended For Last Week). Mr: and Mrs. BoVin and• family of' Flint, IVIiCh, are. viSit-; ing with Thomas Wallace, 'prior to leaving for •California. ' 'Mr. Frank Wigan 9f' Haniilton visiteci with the Louis Rogan, Pam- . Mr. ' and- Mit; -Wilbur Moran - fid children of London were re-; ni visitors with relatives here. mr. Alvin Collin -seri of the Bricoldec spent a.few days at Ins home here during the past Week. Ilecent Visitors at the Rectory. Were Rev. Isadore Poisson of ,St: .Jeseplv and' Rev. Pierre. Bouth Sympathy is extended tO Abr. ap.d, family tipoti-,the• 'death of big. father Toronto to, 'heme, after 'hiking :111,S 1701:ephone:toi*iglif.t. *Long Di4tance bargain tatesc-t- nights after 6 dnd all day,Soniety; v.