The Lucknow Sentinel, 1958-10-15, Page 4MenR,M,, V • 13 4.! 1 .41 9'• • .;•,,iV • , PAGE: FOUR 241 • THE' LUCNNO*•, SENTINV,A, 14V.CK.0*,. QMARIO. 'PAfOrERITIgS. i ' "Number,. of farrnSSLE— jn LncknOW COMI NG EVETS • • • N • ••', ,oiArict, 100 acres priced at $6,500; • The Alter Society of St, lgarys: 150. to 200 acres, All well locatedi Church*. will hold a euchre . party some On highway, in the Legion Hall on, Monday, ',Small acreages with 'good buil,: October 20th .at 8:Q9 Lunch dings, 40i:dining l..ticknow, Servedt Admission $.59. Every, Several hOuses . Lucknow with all cOnventences, for 183, 'Llicknow.• 4 • ;$tatirffer ;borne Of MP. HOT. TURRET SiurrEit. your1.?rOpertYl:v4t-b.the W •• - Elliott, 'available November' 1st'. AND PROORAM L. .Steverisork Real Estate, Mount. Fares, t., Salelnan, LucknoW. • • - . in APARTMENT available, heat- HOUSE FOR SALE .011, ed Gammie Apartments phone 6 rooms and bath, situated on one welcome- " • EUCHRE PARTY Other.farins ranging in sizes, from, FOR' SALE OR RENT good house, all Con,veniences, R. P. 4tlan•Pe,'• t4telinOw. ' HONEY FOR SALE—fresh ex- tracted light honey; while it lasts% Bring 'your own containers. T. J. Salkeld, Spruce Lawn, APiarY. FOR SALE---childs three -Piece API:Ply Jolin,Finnigan, Phone 550, In the Lucknow United- Church Wingha.M.: . . . ,,, • : on Tuesday,October 21st . supper CARPENtER'' and 'Repair Work served 5:88 to .8:00; PrOgram cOm ' ' ' NOTICE ' * of. all, types. Call at Lncknow , inenees" at 8:15 DaYlight Tillie. • ' • ' Campbell, Phone Durigannon- 68, MASQUERADE DANCE ' invited . to a party at Exeter on ••Wood Specialties- or contact , Bob i Admission. $1.25 and • , • . - • -- .• • • , - Ladies Auxiliary members are AUCTION SERVICE \ Dane mt,oren:itaeyd, poiecatosi.,begret20itnh,torru,heohs7w nt r-10. • • snow suit, saze 3x. Mrs. Harold ' • ber •29th Carruthers OrChestra Your Presiden Vic -president ' Greer, Pholie 129-r. • !Prizes r fancy dressed • Licensed Auctioneer ' comic dressed gent, best dressed', special dress is ‘ required, • lady' before Saturday, October, 18, as . • • Allan McIntyre - Lucknow—Phone. 10-r-24 Ripley • for • . FOR SALE 22 weanlin. pigs' iflT1:our .i.„-fft:EWPIS'!..L.• . • .. • ' ' • • • .FOR SALE --;200 Co. Rock X Red five • months. • old: Apply • 0 r land Bere,. Phone• 24-r-1.4 punganp,911,, BOX STOVE WANTED7"Must be, :in good'Condition.•Wirr,,'KempYri; Clain Lake, .11:11. 4,Kincardine: PIGS FOR SALE -15 Hallowe en coi.ip same , NOTICE L.p STEERING•Iseell"), VBLES' ipices of Holyrood. W. 'i.. Lunch- The regutar -6Wealigarb - . DAVIDSON , . liCouniter admission 50c and 35c ference will be held in the new ViSualining & Collision Service 1 ' ' Legion Hall, Lucknow, on Tues-, • No. 8 Highway, li . Calint•LngLarE;EitNoeps,ANhocbEpbb" _ day, October 21st, from 10:00 to Phone 820, Goderich • : lins, etc. There will be a grand c1h1:i31d0reanmWBelaeboiniese,a,Iid pre-school IMMUNIZATION CLINICS Freuni. °n of • the "Claris": at the . zaPtiaornenetisin! ;cAs wseif117b'eofspoiinnsilin lurneiciiicgit7. Plan u' Icin:rag meet all Your .. • . ' A '1' Hallowe'en j linstones Restaurant will be ' NOTICE by .the Huron county Healtri.. I friends there on Friday,, October - i closed on Thursday; Friday , and Apply pete . maenottaid,, , hunksR.R., 7.; unit for ung. anion • .. t 31.st•• ', * • , , ;Saturday of this week, October, • Lueknow, phone Duriga' nnon. ,./6._I.Pre-sehool clu. ldren at the Dun-j,.SHOOT PARTIES- , , 116,17,18. Ia- , A 'lf extends t • 10:30.-, 11.30 a.m.f Cliildren three al former Shoot' friends and anyone I. Wilfred 1 wHackett wishes to sin - months of age and 'over may Oa- !interested in a pleasant social • evening,„ to join them at their weekly parties,commencing Nov • ember 7th. • • 41 wEDNEsp pcT. 15t11;. 195E1 I"! •/NOTICE' TO:,CREDITDIts. .14 ,the. Xstate ofMark4ret M4c- FaSale. ALL PgRSONP bavingclaims •against the estate. Of the above mentioned, late Of the Village of Lucknow .the County of Bruce, widow, who died on or about the •.12th day PLAttgiot, 1958, are re- quired to file proof of same with the.undersigned on or before the 18th day' of October, 1958. LAND' WANTED — suitable for growing flax.. Anderson Flax Pro- ' ducts Limited phone 21-W, Luck- .tain immunization, including' poi- now:if • • • • 10,.',•vaccine. gannon. United Church ..starting ies uxi ary iiie Wednediy, 'October 22nd from a.•• hearty invitation to all ,their I CARD'OF 114ANKS. • . • ••••-• FOR SALE—girls 3 -piece: red, Vel-. $oincoong. to, 'Pell?. Something vet Coat set, White fur trimi•siZe buy' Phone 35, Litcknow. , MEAT FOR SALE ' ;Good bee.f or pork in-qarge. or smail qiiantibes. Meat .slaughterr. ed on prerni. inspected 'bk. the 3' X. Mrs*. Cyril Brown, Phone 7.4.; •00It SA .1.4.,Ebaby Carriage and play pen.' ,Mrs.. .Fred• Emberlin, Phone 194,'LuclmOW, . • , FOR:SA,LE--.-1953 Dodge sedan in A-1 condition,' recent motor and • ,brake job, contact Mrs. Elizabeth Itose or MacRae'S. Fina Station. • • • BLACK, CARDBOARD/r etLhas StpcklAblack cardboard; for which there is • gen- erally, a demand as Hallowe'en , WANTED --- :used, pumps and pump: jacks. Irving - Keyes, plamis, •phone; •Paisley 114-r-4. . • FOR $A -'several used milk- „ing machines of various rnas. •.Let uS install one. of these or a new Woods in y,,our .barn on trialPrices given without ob- ligation.., Irving Keyes, Glamis, hone* paisley. 114 r 4 • ' PePartinent of Health.,: Custom killing by appointment.. Cattle bring, lunch. Everyone welcomel uous forms. Agent or a - o killed •every day •arid hogs every •Continuous Four's Ltd., Phone cerely thank the - many friends .who called, sent flowerS, cards and letters' while he was hospita- lized in Wingham hospital. ,Spec - HALLOWE'EN DANCE . , , jai thanks to the neighbours who A Hallowe'en masquerade, dan- .so kindly assisted at 'home., • . ce will be held in the St. Helens, • . • .'.• ' hall on • Friday, ' October 17th.1 ' . _;.,' ” . apprise -red . by S. S. Die. 3, West BUYILOCALLY! The Lucknow WaWanOsh'. Bruce's Orchestra, :Sentinel can ' fill your needs in Costume prizes. Ladies please all types of business and contin- . . • AFTER THAT PATE, the :admin- istration • Will proceed' to distrib- ute the estate having regard only. to the claim's:of which they -shall then have had ,notice. DATED at Brussels -,•,this 27th day of. 'Septernber 1958,.'' • Crawford and Hetherington; 'Solicitors for the Executor NOTICE TO .CREDITORS In• the Estate of JEANIE HELT/‘1 DOUGLAS,- deceased. eangaiDnrouglaeSieslaat'ee. of reiTlilliflage • o Lucknow, in the County. of Bruce, deceased, who died on. or about:the 26th day of May 1958, are hereby .notified to:send in their elkiins• to the. undersigned Solicitor for the Administrator, or on before the •25th 'day of October, 1058, as after the said date the EState will •be " distri- buted amongst those entitled thereto,_ "linVing regard only • to the Claims of which'the Admin- istrator shall then have 'ncirce. Dated at Listowel,. Ontario, this 4th day Of October 1958.. R. W. Aindrew; Solicitor for the Ad- ininistrator. • • . •, • • FAREWELL PAR,TY ' 05, Lucknow. . • ti farewell party will be ,held • ' Tuesday morning. " • RAYNARD. ACKERT, HolyroOd fer. Mr:. and • Mrs. 'George Tiffin, Phones. 24-30, Ripley' and.. in Langside Hall OCt. 101-r-13, Lucknow 17th Ladies 1.,adies please bring lunch. er'LAss; •• • Tiffin's -orchestra. Everyone For every make auto,. flat; or e°1110.• • . • curved. See -- GREY BRUCE SHORTHORN • JDAVIDS014 Walkerton Visualining & Collision Service No. 8 Highway, • " THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23rd. - ;• ' Phone 320 Goderich 12:30. P.M. D.S.T.•• INSEMINATION- SERVICE 14 Bulls and .3 Heifers • (8 bulls performance tested) ' I ...For artificial insemination ser- . and :' I vice or more information, tele- complete' . Disisersal of Herd of ! , phone the Waterloo Cattle Breed- H. F. Miler, ...Teeswater — 67 head ing Association collect at: Clin- ,,,....,...,...;;.....,.,,.....#4,4,•••,...............,..4 I , ton HU 2-3441 or Kincardine 460 0•. itt,EmEMBER! r 1, :Your feet are' one . of your between 7.30 and• 9.30 a.m. week, SCHOOL DAYS mean added ex-' days, 6 and 'ti/ p.m. on Saturdaysgreatest assets, and a breakdown 1 ` • Perise. Let Avon cosmetics turn Do , not call for , service on Sun- in, the. structure may cause pains .your spare, hours into profitable day. Cows in heat on Sunday can in feet, knees, legs, ankles or ones. Representatives ' needed in be inseminated satisfactorily on lower back. , See J.' A. Vickers, • di • g Luckn w•• Monday • - Foot. 'Correctionist, • at Queen's, p...............•••••••••••••••••••• NOTICE. Visit the I.O.D.E. OpPortUpitY Shop, East St. Goderich,' for good used 'clothing. Open, Tuesday, Thursday and- Saturday, 2.00 to . 4.30 P.na.' •(D.S.T.). Big October Clearance. Sale, October 21, 23, 24, 25. CONSIGNMENT ER. SALE Can Handle' Up To 300 .HEAD,„ $2.00 per head LUCKNOW COMMUNITY .SALE BARN. at 1.00 p.rn. Sale' Manager, Robert,McIntosh, phone Ripley 1647r-11 rural area surroun n o Contact Mrs. . 'Lourieri Green, We supplyservice to top qua 7 Hanover. . lity.,bulls of the, Holstein, Jersey, 1AyrShire, Guernsey, Brown Swiss, OLD HORSES 'WANTED Red Poll, Hereford (polled and Oldhorses wanted at 31/2c' per horned), Beef Shorthorn (polled 1.b.; dead cattle at value., If dead,' and horned), •and Dual Purpose phone at once to Gilbert Bros. Shorthorn, Angus and Charolais Mink Ranch, phone 'Collect God- breeds, The cost is low. erich 1483J4 or 1483J1. , • • ,• 'SEPTIC TANKS, cess pools, etc. pumped and cleaned with mod- • ern equipment. All work guar- anteed. Louis Blake, R. 2, Brus- . • sels, phone 42-r-6 Brussels. DEAD STOCK REMOVERS • .Highest cash/ prices paid for old,' sick or disabled .horses and Cattle. Old horses for slaughter at 5c: per pound. For prompt, sanitarydisposal, day or night, -phone;„.-Leroy,„Acheson:,,—Atwood_,Ap • , 153 collect or: George- Hrslop, ,he ,interviewed in our office in - • •••.••-,•••••,,,,,•1•44,•••••-• aotel, Wingham, each. Monday afternoon. • ' RUST PROBUMS? • For a complete stock ofauto re- , pair panels •— • AVIDS ,DON Visualining & Collision Service No. 8 •Highway, Phone 320, • Goderich, HELP WANTED , The Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association. requires a technician to Work in, the Kintardirie area beginning DeceMber lst, 1958; • • . • . . • • . THE LONDON LIFE Wroxeter, 2-r-15 collect.. on • • inc,ardine Friday morning, INSURANCE COMPANY ATTENTIoNT FARiviERs , Custom killing, cutting and • „ . wrapping at very, reasonable • DEAD STOCK rates Welsh Meat Market, phone, BLESS ME. i IF.if0U40 GET CO-OP FF ANTREEZE THIS • WOULDN'T HAPPEN • vacancies for 0.,,FFICE CLERKS preferably ages i7 to 25; with • High Sehool'Graduation diploma 5 -day week • . .•Opportunities for, advancement • —excellent working conditions cafeteria -- recreational facil-, • ities --staff pension and insurance benefits. • • •VVRITE to the Per9onnel Department; or CALL at the Head Office, Dufferin and October 17th, 1958 at 10.00 a.nt'. ' • , STORM WINDOWS Save 15 to 35 percent on fuel costs. •By Wing Storm. windows (either . wood or 'aluminum) youi can Save, tip to 35 percent 'on youryo present fuel. &fasts. Actually, storm windows can. S,ave enough fuel t� pay for therriseiVeS in three years' firne. Storm windows are an in, VeStnierit—not experiSe, Let tis estimate the costof storm Wind - 'ems for 'your home, Prompt ser- vice, no. obligation, BY Placing Your order now you can be' assur- ed of deliverY before told Wea- • Wellington, Lnderi, for • a per- t sOnat.' interVieW. • 1 John, •W. Henderson Limber Ltd. •• PhOne• 150 LucknoW (: • SERVICE• •. 'HIGHEST CASH •PRICES • Paid for Sick, . Down or Disabled Cows & Horses. • also bead ,Cows Horses.at Cash Value Old horses 4c per pound PhOrie "c011ett f35 Brussels • BRUCE MARLATT • dr' •' GORDON•TAYLOli Phone,• 447.r.24, Lucknoiv •24-hour service . opolP•44.40.1*0-4044,4- 4#•41•6•#.4.40.44:#;•••••4•4040. Tot' QUAILIIT • • Lucknow District Co-op ROCK itoirrom PRICE.S if Phone 71 iiimmiiiimmasisumanimmommaimmenaimamommoisommem 44.04.44..;4444.47•4.4444,444.1144.4)• . • . . , •,„•"'„••• •