The Lucknow Sentinel, 1958-10-08, Page 12PAGE TV7IiraVE 1 .. 7 THE MI t t, F BOYS' SUBURBAN. COATS . , Made from good quality:wooland some with rayon and w0Q1, in p1ai1 orpatterned materials, Lined thrOughoutrwith a warm qtAlted interlining. The sizes. are froM 8 to 18 years.,„ The Price, from. . .$10.95 to 414.95 In wool .or rayon' melton dioth, in. patterns and -plain • Materials. Split hood that can be:worn three ways., Food lined with alpaca fur or pile.. Rayon faced quilted • lining. Sizeg 'from 8 to 18. Priced from , $10.95; to $14.95 BOYS' CAMPUS COATS . Sizes 12, to 18' only, ,These are, warm coats, fully winter- • ized. Made from wool freize cloth in black and navy with striper• down the slee\re. A Special at . • • EN'S ;SUBURBAN COATS . ---va- .04;0 an rayon'M'e'iron7c'Tftr"wit.r'''a—tn-ctTelr stripe pattern, fully interlined with a quilted wool. Sizes 36-46. 'Priced. at . . ..........$16.95 MEN'S SUBURBAN 'COATS . . ° • • • • W SEXTIN-. .• WCKN011ir•11 =WO' .4-.444444404-4044 • • • it WEDNESDAY! OCTOBER 8, .105.4: • THAT a' "bouquet" is well •cleser, ' 'ved for Mrs; Fred ' McQuillin, who did an . excellent job in , , ,- ' her new capacity as secretary • of •the Agricultural , Society. And while ;the - Conipliments, are being passed out, Gordon Kirkland, who is ,serving his second, .year as :president,. 'de serves a -pat on.the }Sack,. , . THAT for' the Sunday evening •tmeditationsliUkeEreabiterian iiiiith, eVrWara7CVSlictl is commencing •a new ..series on, "The • Seven Churches of . the Revelations." THAT we have a couple of •nauf-• • -ea submitted for, the Ilorti-. cultural column; Send • yours An. As well as helping to arou- . • te horticultural interest in. the coimminitY, the best. riarne • Will. win a Sentinel subscriP- • titan: • . ' • .. , In good quality wool fabrics in plain, patterned and , tweeds. All havequilted interlining, Sized from 86 to 46. Priced from . . .$17.95 tir$27.95 . THE MOTORIST COAT FOR MEN . With Borg, Deepile liner in c.harccial or beige---maximiUn 'warmth, minimum weight — two fabric choices, ,o�l and. nylon fleece or combed cotton cord L. both half- ' 'lined with 100, percent Orlon)* Borg d,eepline liner — 36 inch lengths in masculine shades — marvellous wear masterful, easy it tailoring. Modestly priced at . ...,... . $29.95 Trademark of Er Dupont de Nemours and Co. Inc. for its , Acrylic Fibre. A SPECIAL ON MEN'S CAMPUS COATS . . . Sizes 38, 40 and 42. Warin interlining :ideal for every • day wear. ' AGENT FOR KINCARDINE. CLEANERS Free l'iek-3p and • Delivery Monday and TIMrsday. • • ,• t• ••••••,..! '4! • .t. I LADIES' MEN'S AND CIIILDREN'S, WEAR Piece Goods and Woollens PHONE 75-W LUCKNOW, OlkIT • For the present' time we:are carrying on • AMEL1LASCE ;SERVICE IN LUCKNOW, and DISTRICT formerly oPerated. by, McLennan and, MacKenzie and, °Johnstone and Son.. , BA SERVICE ' •PHONE 55, NIGHT CALLS 63.r •THAT Donald. Steeves'Kit7 • chener commenced. vrorking • The Sentinel office on Monday 1 THAT Steve Stothers opened 'the Pahnerston fair last Tues - IGA MARGARINE '. for 47c MOTHER PARKER'S TEA BAGS n 10c off!' 60's 1`6Pt) FANCY: cityAm- CORN. . for 29c , • stokelyt ,15 oz. . FANCY PUMPICIN 9f o r •Stokely's 28 c•F 4.4 iOr 00C • day. Rain practically. Washed out the fair. , ..' . • .'`' : TIIA.T 'Mrs'. Harold: • Ritchie has • ,comnienced work at ,the local • .., • • • • I Belt:. Telephone .office as an operator THAT 'Russ. Gaunt di scovered ripe wild raspberries at the week -end , and a prospective .crop • of green ones still: to ripen. But Sunday night's' bl,ist- ering frost would ' put an end • to any hope of a • fall •berry picking season. , Timely •Fall Specials,. • PLAID SHIRTS—Men's and boys', smart new designs, sanforized and made for EXTRA wear. Men's . . . I 4 14 • • $1.95 Bos','8 to 16 . . . . « . . $1.29 •• Boys•', 2 to 6 . • . 98c FALL UNDERWEAR — men's itih knit, ideal weight, a . a a sizes 3 g to 44 _ . . . •6•1••••• 4 • 61•6•od Drawers, $1.59 Tops, $1.09 Set of four — two of each— just . . . . $4.99 GIRLSWARM PYJAMA:5, 8' to 14 .• •$2.29 LADIES' •PYJAMAS, woolette • $2.79 ., 'FLEECE LINED SLEEPERS', for warmth' and conifort. One Piece, .$1,.69 •4 TWO Piece, $1.95• • •‘COmplete Li of Men's, Ladies' Children's' 'Winter UNDERWEA BEST QUALIT'Y — BEST PRICES • • THAT Mrs. -Elmer Reavie and Mrs. BertGammie are ernplitY- • ed at. Hall's Red and White Store. • • ' THAT Anne .Alton,-datighter of Mr. and. Mrs. ' Harry' Alton. of • Walkerton, Won a Walkerton scholarship for the •girl taking • the highest marks in Grade XIIII.„'Subjects. She •is attending •MacDonald Institute at. Guelph. •THAT M r s.° W. V: Johnson of • Toronto• says:"The Centennial issue and ,history, .were 'splendid 'and I have added them to the Collection of Canadiana, which. have 'so , enjoyably collected over •the yetrs." . THAT. Harvey Webster Deputy • District Governor of Region 3, • zone A-9, Paid his .first official •visit last week to the Grand Bend Lions, one of 13 clubs' in t h e region. Harvey officiated for- the induction of . ten new. Members. , • • •THAT Ronald Forster purchased 1 • I THAT, Mrs. Margaret Moran of Ashfield has .come, tO' the .Vil- •lagto spend' the winter at the home of her ,grandaughter, Mrs. • Robert Currie and Mr, Currie. Mrs, Moran is' 83. •. ; ' • • ••••" ' . , FAIR. MORE ,TIIAN .931. ., . . • The Lucknow F a 11 Faii-, held the latter part of *September, was termed the 93rd, annual 'fall' fair, 'butthere is reason to beleive that • the fair is older than that and Ore [long will qualify 'for . the ,!'cen._ tury club" and inetnorial gates • donated, by the department , o• t agriculture, ' ' .•' Information "dug . up" during the Centenial historial research, •indicated that ,the society is more than 93 years old. • • _,,,...,... _ TGA, 48 oz. ____ ...... . ---------- ------------------7------' Prices /effective October ,9, 10 11 . . . . V, I ' - orts '' Market Enter the IGA Coffee Contest win a trip. to Europe via Pan American Airlines • 1 .• , . •• .THANKSGMNG, t 8.30,• p.m. LEGION HALL, LUCKNOW urs ay, cto er WIN YOUR THANKSGIVING POULTRY: OVEN-READY CHICKENS •— TURKEYS 12 GAMES FOR $1.00 ' I Special Games for Turkeys, 25c \ Extra Cards, 25c i SPONSORED by LUCKNOW LEGION, BRANCH 309 ' .• COLWANASH FAIR TO CONIPETR.IN DE,BATE . HUron COunty Junior Farmer Association debate and public 2sarnaSdk!lrilig"rilm°13netiWti°endnitsildl;aby7' held : • TheLColwanash Club Will be .repres nted by Murray Gaunt and/George Ribey who will up- hold the affirmative,on the resol- ution, ' That s mall local fairs should be discontinued in favour of onelarge -County, Fair." 'here will be six teams debat- ing three' different subjects and the top two teams will represent Huron in the inter-count7- int contests. . • Murray and George were on the inter-countytearn last year. Mubrr. ay is ,president' of the, local clu COlwanash will not have a con- testant in the public sPealting cop- • • MRS. SCHEL'LS DEATH OCCURRED 1N TORONTO.' • "The death of Mr. Catherine Jane Schell occurred .in Toronto • on Monday, September 22nd. The .memorial service' .was con. ducted. by 'Rev. J`.. W. McBride . of 'St. JOhils Presbyterian Church . Wednesday September 24th with. interment • following in Park Lawn Cemetery. •- Mrs. Schell had inaliy• friends . in, Lucknow, where she had ire"; quently''visited at the home of. her daughter, Mrs. W. .y. (Mar-. jorie) Johnston. Mrs. Schell wag a -native of 'Toronto. • She had been poorly for a long. period of time and at Centennial .' time her ;condition had been . critical that Mrs. Johnston thd not wish to leaVe her. test, held in conjuction ,with 'the debating. • :STEP • IN'TO SMART STYLE n.. STEP \OUT, IN COMFORT in the NEW . . ‘`f:outchies or Tarantellas'' By Woefle Shoe Co: Quality Crafted in Exclusive Foot Flattering Styles IN STOCK AA B from $9.95 •Also, "GRACIA" SHOE,5' In Pumps Straps and Ties .in a 'wide range cif sizes ,66,6,611,. O. '• ' • , • • • • t • FINE FOOTWEAR • FOR • Taz luaymA\ V • I .