The Lucknow Sentinel, 1958-10-08, Page 9WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER • 8, 1658; TR,E, :I IJ IN 4 OW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW,. ONTARIO i1. m'. • As: M, N ...RP,ER I R. T KI LPATRIC ; O'ENERA.L INSURANCE`: Automobile , Fixe Casualty Chattered, Aeeountant; West Stre+t. GODERICH, ONTARIO • Telephones 343J *• 3 COY! BENTLEY PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT GODERICH, ONTARIO • 0! T. ARMSTRON( •OPTOMETRIST GODERICH : FOR APPOINTMENT .Thane •1100 1 INSURANCE FIRE, WIND, C�SU.ALTY AUTOMOBILN • AND LIFE To. Protect Wilt; Jack,:' Unsure With . J'ack Today. J. A. McDONAGH `Lucknow,_ OnL 'Phone 61; 5, Dungannon. ET ERINGTON, Barrister, E,tc. WIngham and`Lucknow IN• LUCKNOW Each Monday :• and Wednesday ` Located in the Municipal. Office 'Phone Wingham Office 48 Residence '97. STATE :FARM MOTUAL AUTOMOBILE NSU RANCE Investigate Before, Investing, REUBEN : W1LSON' R.R: 0 3, Goderic6 'Phone 80- r-8, Dui}gannon::1. JOH•NSTON E .S FUNERAL ' SOME 'Phone 76 Day or : Night. E;_ O' F�L)NERAL� HOME entre Moderate, 'Prices Established 1884 'IMPERIAL OIL OI LM 'PRODUCTS ': for pompt service, and quality.:products,' contact: B. R CHISHOLM • Phone collect Dungannon ,18-t-2 „,h,' "`Always Look 't'd Imperial' For The Best' ' Ask about our Special:, Package Deal ' ' Luc ow' �,-� ,Ont. 'Phone ,Dungannon• 77-2' WINGHAM MEMORIAL SHOP We • Have • Been Memorial• Craftsmen; for ' Thirty -Seven Years, Always Using THE BEST GRANITES, Along With.. "E'ipert Designing and Fri es Most• Rea sonaale • -• 'e r r Lettering a Specialty SPOTTON .. ''Phone 25A, Wingham, Ontari Insure With The CULROSS MUTUAL. FIRE INSURANCE. • CO. 'for Reasonable rates, sound pro- tection & prompt, satisfactory • settlement of claims FARISH . MOFFAT . Your , Local Agent • R.R. '3,•` T'eeswater il.Those Teeswater, 57-r-41 ALAN WILLIAMS Optometrist. • St:, ..Office : on eatr'ick just 'off` the Main • St. in ' G • : WIN �. HAM. Professional Eye Examination Optical 'Services - For appointment, Please 'Phone. • 770, 'Winglam R. W. ANDREW Barrister and Solicitor LISTOWEL,ONTARIO. IN IaVCKNOW Every Wednesday and . Saturday •"Afternoon' , Of ice in the Joynt Block Telephone: Office 135. Residence 31-J LUCINOW:', DISTRICT •CO-OPERATIVE • INCA Phone'. LUckiiow• 71 TED COLLYER Registered Master ilectrlcian CARD OF THANKI To The Friends ;Of , Lucknow and District,; We take this opportunity, thru the ' medium of • your paper, of saying "Au ,Revoir", and to thank you all for the many kindnesses and the personal' hospitalities you. have extended to us, during our stay among- you. Assuring you we take back home with us, very many pleasant, memories, and our thoughts shall often be with you. ',Vours " in Friendship, ':Ernest and Betty. Howe Sunderland, England CARD •OF 'THANKS I; would•. dike- ,to express ?nY` sincere thanks :and appreciation to my many friends who so kind- ly remembered me with cards, flowers and gifts .,while' ''I was hospitalized • and since returning home. - EVA. CU ERT ARD -OF --THANKS The family of the late • Mr. Fred H. ' Thompson • wish • to ex- press ,their, sincere • ;appreciation' for the many acts of . kindness during theirrecent bereavement. Especially do we thank• •' Rev: Gorden . Geiger,..: Dr. Finlayson, Mr. Church and •the many friends` :Who called. Thesethoughtful considerations' will long be trea- sured` . in our memory. • . . •Something -to sell? 'Something to buy?4 Phone 35,• Lucknow. PAGE NIN Now Playing, --, WALT DISNEY'S, "THE LI• •11 1 FOREST", Fess Parker, in technicolour. MVIONDAY,, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER: •13, 14 Jose .Ferner and Gena 'Rowlands: Tf you believe , that life begins at •forty, see this story a. man who has : a tough. time: proving: it.' • "THE HIGH COST 'of LOVING" THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 49,717,18 "PAL JOEY" In Technicolour ,Based on the Rodgers :and Hart' Broadway hit: the story of. a brash ' young singer and his two romances. 37 Coming "TEN. N'OIi,TH FREDERICK"'— Gary. Cooper- an' 5iisy Parker' — Adult. 'entertainment. FURNACE .OIL, • STOVE OIL; KEROSENE, GASOLINE See or call ` W1VI. A, ,"BUD" . HAMILTON Phone • 220-w Lucknow District Agent for Cities Service Kenneth J. MacKenzie,. McLENNAN and, 1VIacKENZI'E FUNERAL:; SERVICE Servicesconducted accord- ingg to your• wishes at your Home;. your Church;, or`. at' our, Memorial ' Chapel at no additional. charge: Phone 1. 1,� ,Luck ow, Day or.Night R.O. Optometrist. • LISTOWEL, ONT., at the former Wrona :Jewelery • store. Ripley, 10 a m, to 9. p.m., " WEDNESDAY, .00TOBER. 15th. and every Second Wednesday <• Eyes examined -. Glasses ,fitted, For appointment • 'phone : Roy MacKenzie; 96-r-24,' Ripley. Heavy •Duty .Batteries__ __ r 7.95 1, up, Generator Exchange __ __$8.9;5 ' Fuel Pumps,..as low as __ $2.85 Brake Shoes'. Exchange, full set _ .$7:90. Voltage :Regulators -__ $3.98 MUFFLERS AT:.LOW COST r eel Alignmente and Balancin Motorcade Dealer : Phone 3, " Lu MISS DOUGLAS ' :STA,RT SERIES OF; ADDRESSES • Miss Dorothy Douglas home on furlough ' from t t •h e Presbyterian Mission field • • in ' Formosa, ' has CARD OF 'THANK Mrs. C:: Weatherhead wishes to ..thank all those who kindly ' re - 'membered her while a patient in London ..Hospital;, .with cards 'and.• flowers and calls,which were very' welcome: ,` • : ` IN MEMORIIAM IRWN-in loving memory; of Mrs James Irwin who. passed `away 1 year ago, , on October 8th, 1957. Oh, how': patient in thy suffering :when no hand coult give thee ease, God, the helper 'of the :'help.- less, saw thy pain •and:: gave •thee peace. 'Ever remembered by Husband.; and Family. commenced a, series, of speaking assignments at W MS. meetings - and' Tharikoffering :services., Miss Douglas: has ,'•,fnve•'distriict appointments `' this week' • which commenced, with an evening, ser– vice in: 'Walkerton :on •;Sunday. On Tuesday she spoke in her home church • in Lucknow. Next week Miss Douglas will be speaking in the Woodstock ds= trict:,• Winner At Bayfield Fair' Mrs. J. H. Johnstone oaf; Goder ich won' •34 prizes in domestic'. scienee, vegetables, fruit, flowers and ladies' work at Bayfield fair:. She received 21,5: firsts, 8' seconds' and;: one special. THANK ;YOU NOTES and Hasty. • Notes• available at 25 ' cents • per .. package of .10° cards and. hatching . envelopes.` Don Thompson, phone; Feed Contracts: or Bagge� Serv`rc • • �R. b. ,r. Specializing in Electrical, Wiring and Repairs •. • AGENT FOR SPARTON;TV • `' • and' A11; Electrical; ; Appliances hone 46-r-25, ,Lucknow. NSU'RANCE T-lespitalization and Surgical: Plans Aut rnobile, Casualty and;`. Farm Liability Mercantile, Residential rare Fire' & Wind Insurance A+ CAMERON LUCiENOVV. . • ph ne Dungannon' 70.r410'• Ou Motto. Is "Service" oncentr • All through • the season check the apparent leak . in e .granary.. DAIRY, BEEF, ` HOG: and:. POULTRY CONCENTRATES. ' • are' completely' balanced oto your • needs • . Feed free choice if you. will Our Prices, Are Right echtei �an PHONE 78,` LUCKNOV`r P , 1 • N �istiloOfttliNOMMIErViMW�J�'�{IIiTi . � rJ .��'i�L7F..a�i�' .-<iYJ