The Lucknow Sentinel, 1958-10-01, Page 6AWI9 WHITCHHRCH, . Orr. ;�,.,�... ,.. and. DISTRICT AGES IcKN• ACCIDENT; LIABIL Y "el�iu o�n �N ngh n'. 370-J-3, Collect or sound counsel, and a fair price on a monument correctly designed:. fromk quality material, rely on' SKELTON MEMORIALS: Walkerto 1'� Pat .O°Hagan, Established Over . Sixty Years • Phone 6' • it 4 • and Mrs. R. Chapman at Sunday in Toronto , at the of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Smith. Mss Winhnif red Farrier ; of TOr- ento spent , the» week -end at, the &rime of her parents, . Mr. and Mrs. W. R.Farrier. Miss ' Marjorie_ Coultes of - 'Guelph ,;spent the. week -end . ,at the :home•of her parents, •Mr. and Mrs: A.•Coultes. Mr.. and Mrs. Orest Hawker- "click of Toronto spent the week- end at the . hime if Mr. and •Mrs. • Henry: Mr. and Mrs. Gib Hamilton and *amity, of Lucknow' spent Sunday at the home. of Mr and Mrs.A. E. »Buckton.. Dawson Craig was .° •taken ' to :.itingham Hospital on Wednesday •••••,-•-•-• HURON -BRUCE PLEASANT SURPRISE J„TJCKNOW.. °NTA O t;ose A Scotch dancing cO petition held hese recently; drew, close to one :hundred entries-93to. be exact, --and might well be: the forerunner to the revival of an annual' Scottish day in Lucknow, The, all day event got' under- way on Saturday amoriling and it was late' evening before . the various classes had completed their variety of dances and aw- ards and trophy winners' decided., T hes were decided °on the �rr�petitian One Undre Ental, Linda ,A,, Campbell, Ann;, Gall, Galt; Trophy Winne>r,; 12 and under, Margo Coutts, Tcironto;. Highland Fling, 14. and. und, er--Sharron• : l ianguson, Detroit; Colleen Armstrong,: 'Toronto; Mar- garet Laidlaw.' Sword dance, . if and; under --Sharon' Magnuson, Betty Gibson, .Toronto;; Cather in e.MeNeil,.Niagara Falls. Shean -Truibhais, 14 rand under--'-Marg- aret d rop i Laidlaw,, Lucy Jane McRae, basis' . of, the (most` points scored •Glencoe; Joelyn-Tufford, -Ha 7, � Piping, accompaniment was by der Lucy Jane.McRae,"Margaret': • Ma nusonIrish.: in each class. ton•, Sailors Hornpipe, 14 and un Rae MacKay and JiMiny Mac- J gd'14 andheron under--+ heron... Mag Pherson of the 48th Highlanders • % nuson, Colleen Armstrong, Tor- o • Toronto. • . onto;:Joelyn; Tuffoxd, Hamilton. C rnpit n Grey; •Bruce h , inner ..... an:under Sharon Magnuson, =viz. Highland Fling, 10 and under=- Highland. Fling;l6, and under Joan . acKenzie, • Lucknow;' Mary Lucknow; Florence Elizabeth Frew, Dearborn, . Mich,; Finlayson, Sharon' Brown,, Weston; , Mary' McLennan, Lochalsh. Sword ' . S dance, . `10�CookFrankhn, Mich. word and, under—Joan Mac-; dance, 16 • and � � under�•=Diane . B. Kenzie,' Mary Finla son, Florence: McLenfian. Highland Fling, 13. Smith, ; Weston; Mary Cook, Eliza and under -Sandra Brooks,beth Frew.' Sheen Truibhai's, 16 gannon• Velma Scarrow, • Chats- and under—Elizabeth '.Frew, •.Mary w Marilyn'Luck- Cook, Barbara,Keedjr, Wyandott4, worth;;• Marilyn Henderson, k Mich. Sailor's I4ornpipe, 16 and: now. Sword dance,;13 :and ' und- er—Sandra Brooks, Velma Scar- under—Barbara Keedy, Diane . B. row, Marilyn • Henderson. High Smith, Mary Cook. Irish Jig, d6 land : Fling; open Betty Bell, .and under --Doane' B. Snuth,' Mary Greenock; Mary Aliin, : Lucknow; Cook, .Barbara Keedy. . • h Sword Trophy winner,. 16 and under, Leonard Armst_rorig of Grand �..c.oxt;,Cn ra4e!„w�"LIt. was sire a °<pleasant •supris to re . delve the 'souvenir book, "The Story. of Luckno{w" ` and. 1 have spent many hours reading regar- ding the old 'home. town and old timers: Had a nephew of mine, Ralph Potter and his wife from Fond' du :Lac,: Wisconsin; . visiting 14.E ,PA C T ER i, '1958 A .�-ND C : ''0 V MUSEII>it .EXCE D At the .September meeting og the Bruce Cp inty `Historical Mus- emit committee, plans were Made - for enlarging the display area of of the rnuseurn, so 'that: large ex- hibits can be ^ snore. adequately • ;displayed., Earth will » be placed around the McKenzie log house which. was:, from rom Kinloss Township, to. , . the museum this spring; Plantapng of old, fashioned flowers and . shrubs will be started. this fall. Jane Finlayson, Lochals, . , WOr smith, B.Weston.. Diane ; dance, open Mary Allis, Betty D Bell, Jane Finlayson. Trophy winzier—Mary Aliin. Open Competition Highland Fling/ and under= Jacquelyn Shesney, Bronte; Mary Jane Saunders, Scarboro; `Bonnie. Sproul,', Scarboro. ; Sword • dance, 8 and.. under Marianne Bennett, Winona; » Bonnie Sproul, Jacque- lyn. Chesney. Shean .Truibhais,. 8 and under -Jacquelyn, Chesney, Bonnie . Sproul, ...Linda Jean Hay, Agincourt,.., ' Trophy winner, » 8 and „tinder Jacquelyn Chesney. • Highland Fling, . 10 • an, '' und-'` er arah . Mcllroy, ; Allen Park, Mich.; Penny Izatt, , . Clarkson; Linda Darling, .. Toronto; Sword`. dance, 10 • and under Cheryl M 1iravey, Toronto, Linda Darl- ing, Toronto; Patricia MacKen- zie. Scarboro. Shean Truibhais,» 1Q and under—Cheryl Mcllravey, Ralph was born in Lucknow andDarling, Shirley - Dan - we sure .had ;abig .time going over :iel, TorontoSailor's . Hornpipe, 10 and "'under—Marlin-me Pitch - the old town, Yn • er, Toronto,` Sarah Mcllroy, Allen The horse may g a be: "thin of Park; .Nara Jane McKay, Linden, under -- Mich. Irish. Jig, 10 and the past-, but Ontario :Depart -1 Nora Jane McKay,. Cheryl: ,Mc merit of Agricultural statistics re- crave• Patricia MacKenzie, Huron in • 1957. op y , Cheryl: McIlravey, Toronto. ' i Highland Fling; • 12: and und- er -;--Margo Coutts, „Toronto; Ail- een MacLean, Toronto; Bonnie Jean: • McDonald, 'Toronto. Sword dance, 12:and :and under Margo Coutts, Toronto; Linda A. Camp :bell, Scarboro;' Peggy Gray, ; Tor- onto. » Shean Truibhais, 12 and . under—Margo Coutts, • Aileen Mc- Lean, ••Toronto; Laurie' Wagner, Galt.. Sailor's Hornpipe, 12 `, and under —'Margo Coutts, Toronto Linda A. • Campbell,, Scarboro Mollie Gray, Toronto. Irish' Jig, 12 . and under Margo Coutts; veal, there . were. 3.620 horses m y' Tr he winner 10 and under with a heart attack. Mr. and Mrs. Dick and family of •Toronto » spent:. Sunday with Mr:; and`' Mrs. James McInnes. LIBERAL , ASSOCIATION ANNUAL" MEETING ursaa c.toie at £00 p n?• D.S T ,SPEAKERS • flntear Byer M.P.P. Leader of the 'Ontario Libe» Party Mr: Wintermeyer will be .interviewed on CKNX-TV on Thursday, October 2nd between 6.':00 ,and' 7`.00 porno -JAMES SCOTT,. -•Secretary of the 0I0.A BUSINESS NOMVIINA`ION of ».Candidates for our Riding` GENERA BUSINESS.... ELECTION• 'OFF.. FPICERS R. »bunbar, president OOH SA/E: Additional show cases will be • made during the: winter, so that . more of the display material can be placed under glass. Although the, museum closed officially on September ,.30th,it will be ,open '• on. Sundays 'and Thanksgiving , Day, during the „tozmatmonth. • •of. ,414mOctober. S0. far this • over the:8,100 Mark ana. is ex- pected to pass the.record of 1955. when . the museum `opened. • Dr. and :Mrs, Morten ?will rep- resent-the ep resent: 'the museum ,at the work- shop meeting of the Ontario His- torical Society, '.which ' is being held at • Brantford .this week. Although many, heavy expenses have. had to be met'this•.year, .the museum year, : will end with a small •surplus on • the Year's op erations, arid 'the reserve: fund'. which was'. established 'during the first hree'. years has not 'had ' to :be touched. WALTER; BRECKLES KINLOIJGH, ONTARIO phone '18-20 Ripley: Your'John 'Deere Dealer Automotive : and Tractor Repairs. Are and Acetylene : welding . Machine Work¢ .:,,Pioneer Chain :Saws, Lawn and Garden Equipment or 'yourbest" buy. in diesel traetors,'see: the "David Brown" KINLOSS »NEW S ecori4 Fourth 111 Six• i R B: Aitken Of 'Belrnord visited at J. Currie Colwell's ;oil Satur, day'. �L. • 'Miss Gladys Graham, nurse -in- training 'at St. Joseph'•s Hospital,', London, spent the week-endwith her. parents, Mr. and •Mrs. Doug= l.as Graham, • • F Mr: and. 'Mrs., Wm. Stirling and family • of . Bayfield :visited » on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. ,Currie. Colwell, » Bruce and' Betty. Mrs: Allister Hughes ' was a delegate from IIairshea Institute to the Guelph conventiori( last Wednesday and Thursday. ' Mr.; »and Mrs, W. ': MacDonald moved from their fariz to Luck- now on. Saturday,.; Their family, Miss Margaret ;MacDonald of Sarnia, Mr'.' Graham MacDonald, L P. S., of ''Watford and• Mack .• MacDo" tald. of London were all heme. to • assist» tneni » S Y •r If • yOu "need more room in the fa In: house for the children , more accommodation for hired hands, more ' airou td• convenience for everybody in the home, a spare room for visitors.... or if you simply need more space for relaxation, •don't let a shotio _.__. age -:o codreashstop yon, fruan g iung_alread with building plans now. •. If your proposition • is sound, there's money for you at the B of M ... in the form•of a Farm Int- ,, proVement Loan. Talk it over with. the Irian',our nearest B of M branch this week. AN � ager of y .. , FIL the fixer ... his full name is Farts provement Loan: CiVe hun a 1 ' chance. to help fix up your farm .. - ' 1 'he's economical, conveniOnt, versa tile. He can do almost anything in I making. your farm• a .better farm. ,.x .oI Mor rR.060*i*A44,4144: Lucknow Branch , 1VlIf.TON IZA eNER, Managet �l�VORkING W Tl1' CAt�Abl'AN iN EV R4' WALit OF LIFE SINCE 1817`