The Lucknow Sentinel, 1958-10-01, Page 2-P1A,PE, TWO -1"v ° t.TC- ti^.wMMe��swr+aDm.%h•Irie ;LUG OW SENTINEL, LUCKN•OW., ONTARI WEST WAW iNOSH. COUPLE IWALKED GOLDEN WE,U J G WEDNESDAY OCTOBER, X,. 294 Libby's;. Fancy Quality' NEW PACK CREAM STYLE CORN Save 7c, •15 oz. tins .a .4 for 59c YORK BRAND PEANUT BUTTER D. Smith's pure. RASEERRY . JAM inack-bine special, 9 oz. jar, Both for 55c bby's DEEP BROWNED BEANS 471 Y. Libby's Fancy Quality Peas v ,Save 1 4c,- 15 : oz'tin ......--5 for 79c Wagstaffe .:Strawberry Jam, withp . ect'in 24 oz: jar , , « « ,4 2 for '89e NEW CROP HONEY - amber and clover. • CINDERELIA ROLL P1iFMIUM a .$20.00 Extra Value for You: QUAKER MUFFET'S send for : the Outdoor Knife,, ' only $1.00 and two box tops. . . . , .• 2 pkgs. 33c! Libby's COOKED' SPAGHETTI` Save 6c, 15 oz. tins 3 , f qr 41c �F �+.+�i', Y`•�.�tiw c'�i,.,�^ lei �n....� beautiful big Doll with others selling it $30:00 Or more.: You must see it to believe it ,: this, enchanting, unbreakable Cinderella Doll. Yours for only $9.98 during this special goodwill offer.. About 30" tall,, washable saran rooted ;hair, bending arms and legs. Wearing the ' most ex quisite evening gown, ever designed. Extra - A free Royal ' Coach with each doll �•t kr �kf �ta I'. Il { i5 '.y { h{ 119 V,q .�r • 'PHONE .26 1 ED AFTER RARE fEART' SII...RGERY. little girl whose chief desire, was have a ' pink and white t at ,,. ••complexion 'like �.her schoolm tes. lad ;her wish come true -=but, in death. •Little Wilda Maize, Who .was born a "blue baby.", underwent or heart sugrY e at the',Hospi- mai. tal for. Sick Children ,in Toronto September on Thursday,' ..er 18th: P .., • The child came :through., the' 7- hour . operation, 'which was term- ed 'a success, revived to know her parents,:. 'but succumbed ' about. twelve "hours later inthe early hours of Friday g ida . 'morning, Sep- - • .; tember 19th.' .. a Wilda Mae Maize; was in her. 7th year. She was. born on . Nov-, Y ember' 22nd; 1951, :daughter of Mr: and . Mrs. Harold Maize,the former 1Ulaxiene Irwin, of Con.; 4 Ashfield Township.. ' Affected:.from• birth with a •heart ,condition' ithat prevented proper circulation,, Wilda under- went her first 'operation .at four- -teen months 'of age.. She :under- went another operation. on .her eyes at , five, and, a: few month ago underwent. examination and tests`. at Toronto preliminary':• to the last major -operation for which' •there,. was - no alternative • if - she was' to ,survive childhood. E.: DELIV1RY' Wilda was a brave and cheek- WILL MAKE H.OM Eb - operation by which . she '• hoped I N K I TC H EN E R ful- patient 'an d had no fear of the to be Pike her other little •class - mates at S. S. No. 6, Ashfield; SIN SCHBERGER MILLER Where Mrs. Robert ;Irvin teaches: • Before the . altar adorned' with The schoolhouse adjoins. the Maize white . chi ysanthemums,. a lovely farm and Wilda attended as regu- autumn wedding took place. in St. larly as her "condition permitted. Andrew's Presbyterian, ., Church; ' Wilda rested ` at. her , Ashfield, Kitcheier, • on Saturday, Septe -,. flower banked, ber:20th, at 4.30 pm:, when Rev., home in a • 1lttle, and� . casket was actu- .Dr. Finlay Stewart united in, HONOURED ON THEIR . 36th open white.ca , I iii death,and: many;;a: marriage, + Betty . 'Jean, only WEDDING ANNIVERSARt ally lovely .• shed' -by those who visit- daughter Of Mr. and Mrs. Frank • tear was y ,. ed the home to' extend ' their m Mrs: and.: Mrs: Arthur Moore of Con: 12, West Waw anosh, . re- cently centl celebrated their 50th wed- ding anniversary. The groorn of'. fiftyyears, ago s isa ion of`. the late Mr,. and Mrs. o sympathy and grieve , with the loved onesfor a courageous little girl who had undergone so much in her bid for life. The funeral service was con ducted` at the ,McLennan -Mac Kenzie Memorial, Chapel `on' Mon - Y, da September 22nd,`, by Rev, P Roy' Kennedy 'of Dungannon,, United, Chuzh Interment ;was: in Dungannon Cemetery,., the pall-. bearers. being Glen Weaver, Glen; Springer,. Albert Clark and Alex: Stoykoff. School children., ' and cousins : were . flower bearers. Besides her .parents, Wilda is survived' by. two brothers, Greg ory ' 9 and Terry '8 and a .sister, Sandra, '4 years. The•, grandpar- ents ,are' Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Maize of , Dungannon and Mrs. Emerson. Irwin of London Is your subseription • EFOCIENT and .• ECONOMICAL , • Automatic' Air' Feed gives a clean 'flanie and : SAVES FUEL ran Dist;ihutes Heat Evenly • Isaiah Moore, and was born and., raised on ,the grid C,00cession Of- • wnsh. The bride was Kinloss, To i P the fornier Mabel Welwood, . a ,,daughter of the. late 'Mr: and Mrs: Richard Welwood ' of Caledorn Township.. She :was.. born near Mon9 Mills. ceremony The � `nuptial -.car ; Y took place at the bride's. home; ,Follow- ing the marriage the, couple, re - n side and Arthur;cams' was en -:sided: on a• farm on, -,the '2nd of Miller of •Lag , An: evening of ca ' Kitchenerof ` Kutloss mevin three years later Walter Hinschtierger ,of l oyed� recently � at the home , , • g son, of Mrs. Raymond Hinschber-• ,Mr, .and Mrs. Harold ;Campbell, to the farm where the groom had ,... - • . ,. had been. � • and late Mr. Hinsc ber er.1 a . o nour Mr. 'been born, land which ger . the tat r h g, . R.R. 6 1.ucknow, to ho 'and' Mrs. Win.- J. Irwin on, the occasion ' of their thirty-sixth wedding anniversary.. During the 'evening Mrs. Archie MacIntyre;; addressed the couple , and :Mrs. Leonard',Mc'Iniies and Mrs: jliarold Campbell•:; presented, them with a table lamp .on behalf of the of Kitchener. Miss , Vernita Bragg of. Kitchener was maid of honour and Mr. Gordon, Hinschberger "of' Kitchener,. brother: of •-the • groom, was 'best man. Alvar Tovell;; brother-in-law of the groom and. HarveY Miller, brother of the, bride;: were ushers. y. his family 'They homesteaded; by , .. Y there until 'I ,oved t dived they to,. their present home in 1947. •'have a `Mr. •and ,Mrs:';. •Moore family of four sons and three , daughters: Edward° of Lucknow; •' Russell of Preston, Stanley of. Woodstock Chas_ of Whitechurch,. junior choir, singing, .Praise My bothA thanked., everyone- for their Preston, Ruth ,(Mrs. Walter Jam-. of white nylon -over net and satin 1 with round' neel4hle--edged with , I VA :back Panel of the skirt WhiCh watt pleated in ' fOldp,, ended in -a short' train. 'Her ernbroi4ered. linger- I of pearls and sequins,,,She 'carried white and pink chrysanthemtims.1 The maid of honour wap goWn• ed in.- street length- white, nylon 'with 'overskirt embroidered in shades ft -obi ,pirik .tO deep rose, With pink. headdress and carried' Pink chirsantherpuins. Miring the Signihg of the register , the choir For the reception: the briCle:t Mother receiVed 'in rose silk ben- galine. lace with royal •.blue ac- cessories with corsage 9f white a the 'groom's mother, his -aunt, received in blue With nayy ac- cessories and corsage of white Poi a 'Wedding trip nOrth;.the bride donned a navy, suit with White accessoriet and corsage' of white carnations, They will be at h,orne to their friencls at 2.1 Otta: r le . . th.dwaire,-: tuctio* Two 1958 Pontiac Stratochief Sedans, automatic 'transmission, luny equipped ,$20795 1958 Pontiac Stratochief, standard /transmission, • 1951 Pontiac Deluxe Coach, autOmatie transmission, • , j; .4; fFuol rl yd_ 741_, „u.'„Popme di i . , _. ' S e d a n , fully equipped, . $2,3. 5 - 1951 Pontiac Deluxe' Sedan, autoinatic transmission, : 1954 CheY. Deluxe Sedan, automatic transmission,. 1954 Meteor Hardtop, automatic, fully equipped ..,..,,,.$1,39:i the death of. 'John (jack) districtt, occurred at Owen Sound. Septernbet nth in his 78th year. Re had been in pOor health for the, past font y.ears, Mf., Walker survived by his Wife, the former.'tli26 Aelte,ft of Rolyrood, they *ere inaryied • 195.2 (heir. Coach': 195 iiturOn County'smtockeinost..USed Car' Dealers CASH, TRADE, TERIVIS, Open EveningS Until 10.