The Lucknow Sentinel, 1958-09-10, Page 6ri 1 PAGE FOUR • TUE LUCKNOW. SENTINEL, LCT NOW, ONTARIO . DAY, SEPT. 10th; 10a8'. . tEDARa FOA SAL ---b the cord, CAPErrER, and. Repair Work' or will sell pile for rails. or fence of all types.. ' Call . at Lucl .x.QW stakes. Harvey Ritchie, ; R.. R. 3,.4 Wood, Specialties or contact Bob' Lue`knoW phone Dungan rnon 69-8.C.bell, phoneDungannon IC 68- I :COMING , EVENTS DANCE FRIDAY . Dance in, Wroxeter Community Balk Friday,, September 12th. El- liott Carruthers` orchestra. Three door prizes. Booth in hall. Ad- NOTICE Lucknow' Agricultural Society is offering space in they arena for merchants displays on Fair Day, at 50c. per foot frontage, .10 feet deep. Contact the. president,, Gor- don' Kirkland,, or the secretary,.:. Mrs. Fred Mc@uillin, ;beforehand; mission •75c,. .•.Dancing 10,00 to ?• NOTICE R .LY :DAY. SERVICE. The' regular Child Health, Con-- • The Ra11y„ Dayservice of Alla; ference, will be held in the .new, r-0.. - Lucknow Presbyterian 'Sunday, Legion. Heli, Lucknow, on Tues. 100 ACRE FARM FOR SALE— ° - School will be held, on Sunday day,;September..18th from 10.09 ...:.. Ashfield WANTED • i Se 'September 14th :at: 11 'to ,11 0 aim. ,`Babies and. pre,. Conn i0, W.IY, Lot 1, l morn ng, P good water supply, hydro. Keith Livestock. $hipper wanted: to o'clock.: Pupils are asked' to be school children ;welcome_ Johnston, . R. 7: Luc�know, phone carry on the., business , of the present; • at 10:45. to march; to i n Association. Ap-_ ,Parents NOTICE _ 8-r-11. Ripley_Sh�pPl.., g��.,..�� .;.._ ,.._ ., .. ,Churn .�. audxtorium� ,All, p ,Dungannon 7 h - li ations to be in the.hands:of p cAare urged to attend this service. Finlay Decorators.shop''will be FQR •SALE --8 ,Pigs eight weeks i the resident or secretary by . for holidays from Mon- September 20th,. 1958, Morgan closed old. `Frank Ritchie phone 69-r-12 • . p. I day, September,. 22nd,, to Satur- Dungannon, Johnston, Pres , R.R. 4, Ripley; Sk1PTIC TANK$', :cess pools, etc. October 4th, 'inclusive. pumped and cleaned . with mod- day, . PULLETS': 'FOR SALE --,150 .Sus= Irwin; sec., R.R 1, Rip- p • , Leonard f ley. • I ern 'equipment, All work guar- NOTICE nteed ,, ouis Blake, R 2, 8rus se s; ph`oile°'' .` " • Business Men's Association. will,, ATTENTION FARMERS; be held in . the. `Tow, Hall this e. cx Haps, starting to. 0.7077.4.711—•ai~xe s' now .phone' Dungannon 69-r-16 _ WHY FEEL' • .OLD? ' Feel . years FO SALE McClary. 'coal, of: younger;<Ostrex Tonic Tablets. re-., ; r. ' : - vitalize thousands past '40. ONLY s '- om killing,cutting and `Friday evening, September: 12th wood §range, , with.:�.ahielft� good as.., ,..., •� . . ( Cust �,, 0c. At all druggists., . '. - new. Apply Lloyd Hunters phone .6 tent business. A 64-13,Lucknow r •• /', ° , WANTED rates. Meat Market,' phone 'full 8a ttendance.is requested, FOR SALE—.8 pigs, seven. weeks : Live • poultry, top prices at the'4 - NOTICE farm. l'ione collect ' Brown ' Bro- DEAD STOCK REMOVERS old:: ' 'Charles McDonald, , E.. Rr 2,: - . i E Town re -organization A Teen } ' ' thers, 181-w, Khicardine Highest. cash- prices paid for , • L.ucknow ; ;meetin* will be held in the Leg- old, sick or disabled; horses and ion Hall, }L.udknow, on Fbriday '*--41,6 - ar-old Short- AfTC,TION. SERVICE . ld horses for slaughter, ' .FOR $AI.H ; , 'Calf -at , r cattle: O evening: of this week, ,September hornrcow"! Ith, heifer calf at foot- l n'MacIutyre at . 5c per' pound. For prompt, LorneF rster phone 43-r-12, . tensed Auctioneer sanitary disposal, day:. or night, 12th; . at' 8.00 pm 4 x � L� y Lucknow'. POR SALE—Wingham • • wood • or coal; annex' for electric stove, used only one' year. Bob Farrish,. ucknow, ;phone b.. . `one '85-15 '•Dungan- non. Lucknow Phone 10-r-24 Ripley' phone Leroy Acheson, Atwood . ,.� i 153 collect ' or George Hyslop,., IN MEMORIAM NAYLOR—in `loving memory of WA SOI�SBS W,.�INTED' ' ! xeter, �,2-r-15 collect• .. Wro,—, -husband and ,'father, Mil - Ila.; horses; wanted ,at 3�ac per .---.--. . a ,dear ` • ' dead cattle at value. If dead,; PROPERTIES FOR SALE ton R. Naylor, who ' passed away phoneat once: to Gilbert Bids. ; List your property;. with', the two years agog September .-9th,' • , ch hone collect God- W L Stevenson Real ',Estate, low. Mink Ran P r._ AOR SALE -good ' used : Quaker erich 1483J4 or 148331. j • 11 WANTED: ' M I2;eI?rese'1Itative'Ito act as agent for the purchase of Red Clover, • Alfalfa, and. Timothy. Seed, etc, • in the district on . a commission Farm experience , preferred.: but not . es'sential. • Ap ly f�P� REND BEANS and SEEDS. P.0: -Box 103: thane Ontario Cha . CARD off'.THANKS' Lorne and . Beatrice Farrish wish to sincerely thank.': neigh- bors and, other friends for ' so kindly' . remembering them , prior to their, departure from:. the farm. The social evening and gifts re- ceived were indeed app �eciated. � SEEKS • HISTORY OF SANDY Mount Fores`t." a who loved . you `sadly miss SMITH'S OATMEAL MILL W y oil,•space heater, with blower. at- STORM WINDOWS' tachment „Call D. 1 Y., .MacLean,; - s ' 3 ercent on. fuel Save 15::to 5.p,.,. Lochalsh, phone Ripley, 127F-' ,3.. torm . Windows. _ ;.costs By • Using S w e h.. STRAYED — :from; the farm hof , ( it er' ,wood or aluminum) ' you ian .save u to 35.. percent .on..your. James Baird, ��Ashf;teld.,TowrYship,. P , a red steer, 2';;years, old.=Anyone =present;fuel.;costs. Actually,,'storm t t'� windows can save enough 'fuel to 1 'Several houses with all' con- ycu len es.' inLuucknow. , it dawns another year, v�nie c , .. .. As � .. Also a • number: of fames in the 1 In our lonely hours of thinking, Lucknow district: of you are ever near: g hout ` ands • - throughout er a for sale. t _ 1 :remembered ed ...propertiesg. I'llioughts Loom r b g y Western •'Ontario:; j ly`missed by his Wife and am - John': Hall,, Salesman;' Lucknow, ily: Clearing, Stiction sale of e= ' .. ' real es to We. 'sincerely; thank the mer- says IMP and to e farm' of• Fred G. MSG chants ,arid`��m;nfacturers „and " I am.' very, interested in:: an3 ,,• 7 Bruce --Ca un . �• � wi&h •hie 'or d e elle sh g r a t y wo � miles ngrthry�of I�intaxl an one ho A�donated' either T � .and was - `tlr�.at orr> rues in:liel ins to makexour Y rda � Set`ernber' 13. ._ p Th 110- f rm Labor Day tournament • a success, a few days ago wit w Bowling • Bruce A, 'Krug of Chesley .is devote' aood 'deal of 'time •ta Bruce :County's "• history, • and `ta his.;: sources of information have been. added the Lucknow histori. cal book and the. pre -centennial issue of • The Sentinel, letter from Mr. Krug; h( ANKS iuiowmg of whereabouts: eon ac CTI Mr. Baird or Haivey,;Th Bervie. , stoc• k tment—not an, ex ense., Let us ... ves p a tth e t .,af t rmM win. { .th c t o es or t ir=-� Bows for your h1F0-7, prompt `se i . . o >. , i _e, �;. -ion . vice,. no> :obligations, �By placing-�,. r now ou can be asr 1.30. 'See bills. . a acre a : _ ... your. orde Y, ++ f L k i a for, themselves in 3 xyears' AUCTION SALE ARD' OF TH ompson, l•p y, C _ in= . Cl � `are an Windows do "s ime S torm w n w t CUSTOM TIN AIN Cx . ' more • .A nice new paint, lob ism y 'well spent, •„ single or: t ,. o (,"Ione,. '"• ri< and hot . spray method, � fenfle -< .,, � body ' work,''rusted ,pan•els and 'sured,. of delivery , before cold sections replaced a weather.' N WW;INTERSTEIN ' John W: Headers n Lumber 'Ltd.; uc w NS TUR 'INCOME;; :TAX ' RE 'If you' are a 'farmer and haven't n" Ha 11 o Tow. ) west 150 ''n f e ildi n . (1 ; building' , Pho ��. .sed! _. _-_windmills, .WANTED,... , . ' u Irving ' jacks. I -. • umg • pumps and p P, Keyes Glamis phone Paisley,. SALE.. 49 Hudson sedan, real nice'driving, sound and ec onomical, new rings. N. W. Win-' •L 'kno >i filed tax returns, • my advice to you ' is—do so. If. you have filed I 1 let me check our cap- ital. cost allowance (depreciation) schedule, with forty 'rods :hof lakefront will' be offered subject to reserve bid. Fred MacGregor, prop.;' Einile 'MacLennan, auc... MEAT FOR SALE d • I shall be glad to asses•y 1:`OR Members . uc , no Club. ' t'Lucknow. ,distric ' h- P. S. Mad Dougall. and tried to' obtain •th( histor of; Sandy Smith's` oatmea Y mill L would appreciate 'any' heli CARDOF THANKS which 'you can .give line., on the express- early history ;of Bruce County an( to e Eldon Wraith wishes pt ' ou a his heartfelt appreciation an beef for sale , b the se anytime if I can be of . help.''. Good b y most Sincere thanks to .: all the quarter. Beef killed on premises , who . so kindly and.thoughtfully We might add that 'We tries inspected ., by the' Department. of i remembered. him °in many. ways Health. Choice Hereford year-, while hospitalized. These many hese: Custom butchering` a spec- kindnesses Will long. be remmm- ialty. terstein. S. J. PYMM, P• 0• Box 74 TRACTOR TIRES Public 'Accountant since 1944 We can fill your needs. •in MEMBER! tractorres truck t t' t k and car tires Your feet •are one of your ' a at lowest prices.. MacMillan Bros:,, g .reatest assets, and a breakdown iucknow. in the structure may cause pains 'Font, SALE—several used milk- in. feet, ' knees, ;legs,. ankles or leis machines of various makes: lower back,, See :J., A. ' Vickers; Foo '.' Let us install • 'ont ',/ICorrectionist, at Queen's. e .of . these �� -or y a new Woods 'in your{ barn On Hotel, Wingham,, each Monday afternoon. trial Prices given without ob- ° a ligation. Irving ' Keyes, , Glamis, phone Paisley 114-r-4.. *ED •EXTRA. DOLLARS for your "back to school" budget.. Yeti can earn $2.00, or • more per hour. as ' -a ' representative 'for Avon' cosmetics; Representatives needed . in• rural area 'surrounding Lucknow; Contact, Mrs,. Lour.en • reen,liancver� _� PROPERTIES FOR SALE 100; acres: 'of good pasture land, close, . to Lucknow.. House and barn. ExcePtional good • buy for $4,500, or nearest , 'offer. ;I ow down payment.. 100 acres of choice .'clay loam land.' Extra large barn,' very good home, everything in a` good state' of repair: $9,500; Mortgage can. . be' arranged: JOHN BOSVELD; ,REALTOR Phone. 1108 • Goderich AUCTION SALE • Clearing auction sale of house Bold• rfurniture . and real , estate at the residence ' of Mrs. Rachel Irwin, north of Nit depot, Lucknow; on Saturday, Septem. Seef r' ber•:13t1i at 1.30 Pm: bills 0, Raynard Ackert, Holyrood Phone 24-30, :Ripley NOTICE TO :CREDITORS In the Estate of Elizabeth Gordon Welsh, . late , of . Lucknow, Ont., Spinster. Creditors and others having claims against the above estate are required to Send: full Partic- ulars ofsuch claims' td the under- signed executrix on .or before the '22nd day of September, A.D. 1958, after • which • date the estate's assets'' will' 'be. distributed heaving regard only *to claims' that have. then been received:' Mrs, Marie K. Beatty, Varna, Ont.; Executrix. • list Household furnishings, cash. • The '10 -acre farm with ten -room brick- _house withhydro,--; small barn an :henhouse, will., beoffer-.l d subct to reserve 'bid. 10 per- cent onday of .sale,' balance in 30 days; Mrs. RaChe1 Irwin, prop.; Allan Maclntyre, auc. ' m SALESMEN WANTED ramilex requires `' aggressive ,men with extensive experience in the selling field covering'. Allen- ford, Chesley, Kincardine, . Luck - now, Port Elgin, Mildmay, and -surroundings. Commission, -basis. ...Excellent 'working cenditions. No risk Trial. 'period, Write for free catalogue 'to. M. lie Garnet, Dept,, F, 1600., De1orimier, Maltreat IN'SENYIfi1ATI ON • SERVICE For artificial insemination ser - Vide or more, information, tele- phone the Waterloo Cattle Rreed;- ins Association collect at: ,Cline ton HU :2-3441 or' Kincardine'460. .between 7.30 and, 9.30 a;m. week' days, 6 and 8 p.m. on Saturdays. Do not call for . service on Sim - day: Cows in heat on Sunday can „be inseminated satisfactorily on .Monday: • •. , We supply service to top qual- ity ,bulls of the Holstein, Jersey, Ayrshire, Guernsey, Brown Swiss, Red Toll, Hereford (polled and horned), •. Beef Shorthorn (palled and' horned), and 'Dual Purpose Shorthorns Angus and, Charolais breeds. Ti a CbSt is 1oW. TENDERS tiered. unsuccessfully• to obtain A 'stor, of Sandy Smith's mill, which w had •hoped . to 'carry in..; the Cer, tennial issue. TENDERS; for 'sole 'rights. of the booth.,privjleges at the Lucknow 4 Fall Fair on ' ' Wednesday, Sep teniber`,.'24th, 1958, will be 'receiv- ed by , the undersigned up to September, 15th. Lucknow Agri- cultural Society, Mrs..Fred' Mcy Quillin, ‘ R:R,'.1, Lucknow, secret- ary. Have You Renewed Your 'Su1 scription? i co-op AuTO: •., INSURANCE Can Novi►. Accept, TOWN RESIDENTS ' • & COMERCIAL TRUCKS as well as the farm buisineea. For Information consult; \; CECIL FALCoNER Rhone Wingham 5704-3 3OHly: MCMflRCHY, RIPLEY • Phone 20-r,-23 DO' YOU •RE, UIRE ``LONG: TERM CR'EDI, , ur4 o The Co-op chin provide it at "Bank Rate" interest'. tit: DEAL • WITI4'.NO GIMM'LC S . Coxrne on :'in and find, out snore about. the Co: -op' "Long'; Tenn Credit' Program: one 71