The Lucknow Sentinel, 1958-09-03, Page 8ItiktE EIGUT ;4=0„fflir ?4' , • THE latairisTOW SPAVIINFA., LtIeltNOW. 'ONTAR.10. ' 1.IVEDT\TESPAY, SEPT. 3rd, 1958• • . • ST. HELEWS,131kIDE 11$ liONPURED. • • (8r.HELENS NEWS) :Miss Anne Todd,whose mar- riage to ,Mr., ,Raymond "Laidlaw •of 'Wingham took plice in the United Church. on Saturday?' was hpriored at a large gatheVing ar- ranged by her girl friends in the Corinnunity Hall on Wednes- • day evenini. The bride-to-be en. tered- the. 1ill to the strains, of the wedding marchplayed, by .1•Terma Forster. Marilyn MacTav: ish welccnned: the giiests, and pre- sided for a short, :program which included,:,.piah.c.....45119.AJ4Y_ MA' .Chester TaYlOrand Mrs.. Williain Rutherford; a Vocal sOlo by Mrs. Simon de Boer and readings by Wayne, and Hughie's lament af- ter the'N;vedding" by Mrs. Charlie each thern lc) or cross at corners. • look before crosing . „ • .IND FOR FREE FQI,DER "POINTERS FOR' PARENTS" TO HIGHWAY 4SAFETY BRANCH, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT, PARLIAMENT BUILDINGSt•TORONTO VVHITECHURCH Mr. and 'Mrs. Russel Chapman spent the week,end,..in- Toronto at the home of Mr. and Mts. Ross Smith., Mr. and 1VIrs. H. Buckton, Mar - band" by Mrs. Ross Garranie and a . "Letter to a Bride 'by Mrs. Andrew Gaunt. • / •OBITUARY JAM. s MAcFARLANE mrs'.,,Taines MacFarlane, a be- loved resident of, the , St. Helens community and a Lucknow for several yeari, passed away. in Wingham Hosr,tal on Tuesday, AVOUst Uthf in her. 75th year. Her 'maiden name was Mar- garet Laing and. she was born in Scotland on lune 14th, 1884. She had, Maintained a, deep af- fection for her homeland and things '.traditionally SCOttish. It was a delight tp her to haVe the opportunity a few years °ago of flying, "home" for •a viSit in her illative heath. • Mr. and Mrs. 'MacFarlane first came td Canada in' 1914, -settling ,in 'Glengarry. They .rettirned to Scotland after. World. War I, but in 1923 came. bac,k to Canada and ••• • t,ir of ber MaeFar,_ lane came to. LucknOw where she 1 hadiruide her home for °the, past fourteen 'years; • . She. liadqbeen ill since spring Witphr'clivehdinheart .condition, but. i• return- ed to her ;119/11e. She. 144#0Pat,Q4 the 'cOntenntial, and en19)i ed it, . tTheeelc ill, and.WC111on Fr W e S daY,• °Wialtg: a ks 1-rie to Wingham Hospital. Her con- ,dition. Wag' .40t alarming, ,and: she • appeared to be improving, when • a seizure on Tuesday : brought . the • , end . A :t r,ntv dfauy7Aertg'Suesrt l01 Vie5e74: ht a "friend of the family, old Snell 'of Exeter.. • : • •• Interment was • in dreeolia: 'Cemetery -With her three ,sons, ' 'Walter -Tom and Mun o arid s , Kircrirn son, Murray» MacFarlane • and Joe Raynard acting aspallbearers. Surviving are five children,,1V.IrS. Gordon (Janet) » MacPherson. bf St. Helens; Mrs. SylVester (ChriS- tine) Raynard a Ethel; Waiter -and muugu, MacFarlane Of. Blue-•., vale and Tom. of Ethel. are two Slaters, • four , Ibex's'13 grandchildren .and• 11 • great: grandchildren. • She • was predeceased by her"' husband and four ,children, Hani- ish, . Walter, Margaret' and Mar-. garet Ann. • • farmed for • fifteen yu ears -until moving, to the Brussels district in' 1928. Some time after 'the death Anne' was escorted to the plat- ' * form by Mis; David Elphick and Norma Murray%when ..she was 'seated 'under a canopy of stream- ers, •decorated sprinkling cans b4Se confetti filled balloons. » Marilyn MacTavish, read an address of good wishes. Mrs, Elphick'asSist- ed in opening the. Many gifts and Norma Murray read, the accom- panyingverses ; Others assisting were. Donna Woods, Lois Millet and Norma , Forster. Anne ex- pressed her appreciation and in- vited the ladies to her trousseati tea. ". On Tuesday evening, Anne was guest of honor in ,the council Chainbers,. Wingham, at a :shower by the girls of 'the'office at Lloyds - Factory and» other girl. I friends. , I• Mrs. .T. J. Todd 'entertained on Thursday and Friday evenings in honor of her daughter Anne. The many ,guests were -received by 1VIrs., Todd and Anne. Miss W. D. Rutherford showed the show - Jun and Bill spent Sunday With erAgift, miss Norm4 .iyiqi.a§ the Mr - and Mrs- A. E. Buckton • trousseau and Miss Donna Woods Miss Frances Henry returned the gif,ts. 'Lunch was served by to her . hem* atter '. apericling;the, I Miss Isobel miner and Mrs. Gs summer in•P'iNrerte. • ' • ' S. geintyre from .'a lice covered • . • , Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gaunt spent table centred with i flowers ...and -Sunday in Forest. - - -•-•.- .-- - • lighted, -taPers-with---•Mrs. Robert Laidlaw, mother ' of the groom - elect, pciuring tea.on' ThurSclay, • evening and Mrs., F. G. TOdd and, Mrs. W. L 'Allier, grandmothers of the 'bride -4o -be, on Friday ev- ening• '. Mrs-:. S. t.' .Taylor Of »Victoria, B.C.. ,and ' Mrs: C. V. Miler. 'of .- Vancouver are visitors with the ,foriner's sister, Mrs.- W. A. 'Mil- ler and Mr. Miller. It is 21: years since Mrs. Taylor, the » former Elizabeth Millet,' was home. The, ladies are reminded of the meeting of the Women's Institute this '(Thursday) afternoon when • Rev. R.» T. A.. Marshall of White- church will be the guest speak- er. Roll' call,exchange of slips, • seedi or plants and a shower" of •candy or cookies for, Lucknow Private. Hospital. . ' , • • Miss Anna Stuart was home from Toronto for , the, holiday Fall or, i.twin size 4 _oos!slaite Guaranteed by -;e- GOodlhinsekeeping 4.**9CrAmositi'sts0 "Golden Sleep" mattress, in durable, decorator cover . • Crushproof, pre -built . borders wear like iron • 41 Tru -balance coils for firm support (II Matching box spring-- anly.$38.88 e' •e 1 SAVE NOW Du -woo frdennan 'GOLDEN VALUES SALE acKenzie Home Furnishings - Phone 181 Funeral Directors •. • . • .., week-end. AlndPic .'. Icard' ofRegina Mr.and Mr, Arthur • Pickard of Exeter were recent guests ,ef» Mr. and'. Mrs. George Stuart. • Mr. Charlie Stuart, who has spent the sum- Iner, here, returned to • Regina with Mr. Pickard.. . Mt. and Mrs Lorne Durnin and. MI eyr., l'aenftd i.Me:esn.• tWiyin.on. Cab otliw, trip to the. Western Coast. 1: • • • Mr. and Mrs E Groskorth and Karenspent a 'few daYs • in Tor- onto. I • Mr. and. Mrs. R'. Dick, and fain - 13r• ef Toronto visited with Mr. . and Mrs. JimMcInnis on. Sun- ' , _ , • Mr. and Mr.s. George FighiLlk„ family spent the •• week -end' in Midland at the ''hbnie »of , their. daughter. ' ,..• . ' , - • • • 'Miss Mary. Fisher spent "the week -end at the ' home of :her grandmother. in Lucknow, ' Mr, Raymond Huffman left on. Monday, for Trial; 13.C. ' .. I4ORN—to Mr. and ,Mrs....Don ,Benison (nee' Myrna Stockill), a hoy,•at North Bay., » ' '' 'Mr. and Mrs, Herb Laidlaw 4,, Ivan Spent Sunday with Mr, and I Mts., Jack Kerr, Tillsonburg. I Mr. and Mrs. Mac Inglis of I 'Woodland Park spent the week- end with Mr, 'and Mrs. Thomas ' Inglis., . ' ,' • •,,, Mr, and , Mtg.!' Bob Adams, Mr, and Mrs. Alex Inglis spent Sun- day With Mr. and Mrs. Roddy Inglis of Forest, Mrs. Jack FlaniirEinof Tororito spent the week -end with her par- ent, Mr. 'and. Mrs, T. Inglis, •,. . • . . • . , • . • • - e. • . Conklin's All -Canadian Midway plus Kidclieland s1SPECTARAMA FOUR ETE.-FILLING PRODUCTION NUMBERS • • • And TEN Spectacular New Acts Absolutely the Top Acts from CIRCUS, VAUDEVILLE, TELEVISION . M MOO everY evening in the New Grandstand • Reserved seats $2.00, $1.50, $1.00 Every yea r BIGGER BETTER Western Fair , the Showcase of Western Ontario OVIJILJU!-101111r1r4 . was • , , • , • • .. • _Over 1300 .sq. ft. 2 bedMente d.n Itetnareere •,• dinlini.coria.....,'20car carpal pate. Completely furnished and. equipaed':6. Installed on lot in Oahridgi Acres:. . • • • Every day something difhoronte • LIVESTOCK sticiw : . • AGRICULTURAL EXHIBITS Is POULTRY SHOW • PRUITe HOBBIES • HANDICRAFTS • FINE ARTS • JUNIOR DEPARTMENT Sea Canada's 'finest Owe » horses -In tiellith.• alitteririo; f�it.moving ipectacle that !Flo. whole family Will Imlay. Nightly Tuesday thru . . , Saturday. • Every afternoon something different at the Grandstand: Monday afternoon — Chtldren't Day with Junior Olympics; 'Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoon — Harness Racing, Friday afternoon and Saturday morning — Wild Animal Exhibition with Jungle Racing, Saturday after. noon — Wartior's Day with Armed Forces Displays. • F • TICKETS, ON SALE At THE SENTINEL OFFICE