The Lucknow Sentinel, 1958-08-27, Page 136. EimsDAY, AUGUST 27, 1958 PROMPT iftCTION ,SAVES BARN WITOo THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, ' LUCKNQW, ONTARIO . PAGE THIR E . (KINLQUGH NEW8,>. : Messrs.. Oen and Kenneth fIodgins had a startling experi 'eince while threshing, when 'a fire started, at their barn. "There, was. a supply of water handy, which extinguishedthe flames before. they spread into the barn. • August.11th Master Steven Elliott of De . troit is holidaying With - Leonard and ; Arthur ` Stanley's and Miss Sharon 'Stanley • i; vacationing at Detroit. Mrs., Chester 'Boyles of .Moose Taw S"ask4 visited G w. h--relanves ,here during thea. week.:: 'Messrs. Glen and Kenneth, Hod- gins, • Mr. Nat Vate.rs ., and Miss Ruth, Barnwell are attending t. ; . t• r, 1,. .e d r-, Id Li; •e; p, er. td. ld. t, c- ry ks n- er rs, 1, : v.'s, ;e: er, i.a ro hr%• ad; es on` no, lee' re- erton. . Visitors with Mrs, J. W. 'Col-' wc11 were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Col- well of Bed Deer, Alberta and Mr. :and Mrs.. Sidney Weston Willowdale. • A • Mr., and Mrs. Norman Fry and family, returned to• their' home at Perth after holidaying here. Miss. Evelyn Nicholson visited during the week with •;I:erio+re Ste, Marie last week -end, Slessor at Glamis. On Monday evening, , August, 11, friends of Miss •Jean James,, bride elect, gathered tb honor her ''at a miscellaneous shower held in Holyrood Hall When. She receiv:. ed; many lovely 'gifts.' Mrs, P. Murray: presided; The; bride was -usherecl,to a..4ecorated•-::chair by 'her sister;' Mrs.; Donald. `McKen- zie , (Florence) to the strains of. the " 'wedding march, Mrs, Mc- Kenzie' also . assisted with the Mr. and Mrs,. lyielvyn Johnston gifts while 'Mrs, Frank 'Maulden denby; co#ltest and reading by Mrs, P. A. Murray. Lunch ' was served and a secial time enjoy ,ed. The bride-to-be is a ':daugh- ter of Mr's., thel Janies and the late Edward James of Con. 10 and received her nurses train • ing, at Wingham ,.spital, W Miss . innifted:' ;Percy, enjoyed a, motor trip' to . Sault , A reception was: held in Holy- rood hall in honor • of Mr. :''and; Mrs. 'Bill. Colwell of Red Deer, Alberta, who ,Were visiting with relatives: an, d 'friends here on theirwedding trip. Mrs. Milton: Orton (Kate Mac - Nay) of Thessalon, a former tea-. -Cher l ere, has been visiting- with;' Mrs. John Barr."and other "friends' here, also with Mr. and Mrs., Wes ley Guest at Kincardine. Congratulations to Mr.' &. Mrs. Stanley Johnston • (nee Jean ^Guest) 'of London on :the ' birth of 'a son. •. Mr. and Mrs, . Don Haldenby of: 'Montreal' are vacationing' at the home of , their, parents, Mr. ` and Mrs. N. E Haldenby and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Siddoi at. Tiv- helping with the gifts were Mrs. Arthur Hodgins, and Mrs, Perry Hodgins. 'Following the . shower, Jean made a. fitting : reply .and all joined: 'in .singing "For 'she's a .jolly ;•good , fellow". Those as- sitting with :the program were; a. reading .by Mrs. Dan McInnes,• duet by Norma and Brenda' Hal• - I-Ieavy.., Duty- Batteries-: _ _ $7:941:00.... Generator' Excha>t a $8:.95' Fuel' Pummps, as,low' as $2.85.. Voltage . Regulators _ , . _ _ . $3..98: . Brake!Shoes Exchange;. 'fullset .$7...9;0- MUFFLERS ,AT .LOW COST . .n d n ,a�metheel AnBalancing 'know ..Luc Motorcade ;:Dealer. � .... 3. . eri� SIUeSOS Practical' Instruction in; ail, colnmerc;ial subjects:: Qualified Teachers .—' Modern Equipment . . Examinations set, marked, and Diplomasissued by', the . Business Educators' ' Association of Canada For several years every seat has' been filled. ,Register • now Tuition $20' Telephone 428 with friendsere. Mr. 'Keith,. Maulden returned home after visiting at Fonthill Mrs.: John Barr; :Mrs: Perry iiodginsMrs.. Milton Orton and Miss Winnifred Percy were in Stratford attending the . 'Shakes pereari . Festival. August path, Recent visitors- with relatives :her were' Mr. and' Mrs. . Everett Elliott, and' family of Detroit. Miss Beverley. Stanley. returned. •with them for" a holiday. 'Mr. arid Mrs:' B Moore and family. 'and ' Mrs, Merle Steigler of • Toronto were .,recent visitors with '.Mr.. and `Mrs. ;Ezra' Stanley and 'children. Mrs. '' Steig}°ear'• and the Moore children' remained for a holiday. Master Larry . ,Stanley went • to FChatharia for 'a holiday, • Mrs...Bill' Burt and .children spent a day last .; week. at Lon- • ' :Master Allan Nichloson ., spent `. a few days with 'his •cousin, Mas ter. John D. Coiling at Ripley. . Miss Marie;: ;Schneller returned '°home •after spending the '•past Month' : at. .Londor , Mrs.. Annetta Bushell of Luck- row visited with her •sister, , Mrs. J. W,: •Colwell: . , Mr. Dick Neil,' who has spent the past` six, weeks . with his nieces Misses ,Edna and, May Boyle,re turned -to his.,• .horns at Clande- boye Mr.. Fred Guest visited during the week with. .': Mr ,. and• Mrs .Stanley. Johnston:' and family . at London : .:.. Mr. and Mrs, .Harry Cole .and.. daughter Helen of.''.Exeter visited On Sunday withEdna and May Boyle ' , , • Mr. Percy' Barr, of Hagersvi'lle. spent the' week -end at.. his home here ' The AY.P:A, met on `Sunday evening' at the home •of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Nicholson. 0 Misses Erlma Jean' and. Sandra Percy returned home from Wing- Stam' 'where they were employed for the summer.. : _• MiSs, May •Boyle; is spendinga while at •the' Rest A While 'lodge at Bruce Beach • Miss:Sheila•. Haldenby returned home 'from Toronto where, she visited with relatives. .. Misses: ,l'ielen . 1VIcFarlanand Katherine . Bushell were recent visitors, with Mr.: and. Mrs:•. How and, Orr, Hurbn. ' The Pentecostal Young. People held an outdoer party ori Friday .evening: •' • Mr an lVlMrs Geor� g tralael`hy called ori friends 1,e0during the ,week: Mr, and Mrs. Ralph. Haldenby o"f Toronto are spending their holidays here. Miss Evelyn • Nicholson ' i s spending a few days with' i(en•. neth and Colyne Cuyler at MiI larton:. : • The. Presbyterian' W.M.S: met at the home of Mrs'„ Wm. Mac- Pherson. Tho opening hymn was "Sowing in • the Morning" Eliza- beth Scott led in prayer: .The ' •scripture was read by Mrs. Tom :McDonald and Mrs,..Morley Bush- ell read. about , the missionaries Rev. and, Mrs; Paul iiuniball; Miss 'Margaret rtobertson was in charge of the program. The hymn ' "Lord of Hosts• the'fight :is long" was' sung. Mrs.; John • Emerson favored With. a 'solo "Sunshine and Raiti".. 'Mrs, Dori McCosh Announces., WHIT'ECHURCH, ONT. t. • as. LUCKNOW and :DISTRIC"T AGENT: AUTO, ACCIDENT, SICKNESS, : LIABILITY) Telephone .w inghaml: 5 4i3. Oollect • then' Mother said; `'Let's.' give them- a/ call tonight''!' Lsn't there someone you' like-�o call .;dight now? Telephone tonight* THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY' OF CANADA ong Distance, bargain rates— ni hts after 6 and all day' Sunda) . 0/ gave :'a report. on the ' Junior : Far mers service which was held,„res cently.' Miss Winnie Percy-• read' a • 'news. letter and Mrs. 'Frank .Maulderi .:read Religion.. and'i fe by 'Padre' Young., k chapter: of the study, book was 'read. by Mrs;: Lyman Sutton and Miss ' Erirna Percy. Mrs. Ben, :Scott': and Miss Margaret' Robertson each, 'con ducted.. a Bible; quiz. The ;erteet- ing closed. with the hymn'' "All the' Way': my' Saviour leads me",. the Lord's prayer • and.. grace ler which: refreshments` were ser ved ;'Mr. Arthur Graham of `Sault Ste 'Marie is. visiting with .friends here, during the week,: Members, of the Percy farnil les here 'attended' the' funeral of their.. uncle, the late Neil ,Mac- Kay' of the' Linklater Funeral. home on „Monday. Mr. MacKay had• been in. failing :health for some time. • Mr; and:Mrs. Ardil .Mason of Huron; 'Mr,. and, Mrs. Dori . Mc- Cosh ,of Purple Grove visited .on Sunday: with Mrs. J. W. Colwell. .The Holyrood W.L will.`. meet on' .Thursday, , September: 4th,: when they Will entertain .the Ar- mow' and Kinloss institutes. Hos tesses, 'Mrs.' Jack Ackert and Mrs.' .'Baynard Ackert; 'i oil'call;. •Sing, say, play or pay; debate, ResQly- ed ' 'that' husbands and ' wives should 'have, separate 'vacations ,ifidtto Just ""wish you= hn you- are going to make ends..meet, someone moves the end; contest, Make ;and model an 'original. hat from your 'farm •produce, direct- ors, Mrs. P. A. Murray; Mrs: Jim Smith; lunch, everyone. " Miss Diane Loui of London and. a•''student at the • Ontario School for ' the Deaf at Belleville is vis - wog' wi<th Miss, Margaret Schnel"- ler. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley . Jo'hnston, and family of London spent' the: weekend •With, Mr. and Mrs, Wesley Guest , and Fred. Mr. and.: Mrs,Bert Nicholson. and farriily' Visited. on. Sunday' with Mr,' and Mrs. Allan Coiling and'fai'nily at, Ripley.::- Mr. and Mrs.. Wesley Guest 'Si, ,Fred attended a family gather-. ing• at ,Kincardine recently.. • Those from • here receiving awards ,in the 4411• Club were Donna Haldenby Sharon' • Held.- Norma odNormaHaldenby. THANK YOU NOTES and '.Hasty., Notes ,- available at 25 cents per: package of 10 •cards.ard matching envelopes.' Don Thotnpson, phone., 33 or_.35. :': W 1nuc l • ,have' .you saved In the past 'ten ' years?• The trouble 11 Lith moot savings plans is that: people" deposit money today and Withdraw -it tomorrow. A Sun ife En- dowment- Policy •provides you with s savings plan that cannot' fail, Let the tell you' about it SUN LIFE OF, CANADA m. Kinahan'. R.R. 2, LUCINOW ” hone: Wirigharn 717 t =4 • b •