The Lucknow Sentinel, 1958-08-06, Page 16Tw1LVE, TgEh4UCKNQW .SEN'TINEL, L1UC: ow,. orris WEDNESD,A.Y',; AMAMI ° s, 1055 To all; who. entered in the; Centennial g belied in ,any way . to , pe rade or who • make `it such . a grand- success we‘ wi sh; to . express our : sincere ; thanls. Again,' Thanks A Million. Chas." Webster, Chairman. Parade Committee: : ;Space Donated By IS.EE`BYT1E SENTINE"L THAT among the early stories. appearing in The Sentinel which, "were promoted by the Centennial, was one written by Edward Mangold, of Detroit, • in which .he made, mention of the. building 'Of, the altars in the Catholic Church., Mr.. Mangold. was not here for 'the .Centen.- nial: He is • expectingoro.; then from Florida and . together they will visit Lucknow_ later • prices gftective August .A. PEANUT BUTTER. •M 16 OZ., . - 'Clark's BEANS WITH POR; 15 az� - A - - ----- I.C.A. STRAWBERRY JAM P'eatii added, 24 •oz. KRAFT: CHEEZ WHIZ :. ambing^,= Heating,' Wiring, Eave'trougl PHONE `50; LTICKNOw, THAT Alex. McMurchy of Osh- awa, . and ..a' native; /of Conces- sign . 4, Huron Township, was among' the Centennial Ivsitors • who were also here for the 19],0 • reunion. ne isa brother of, Mrs. Angus Graham `of town. Mr. McMurchy's comment was, °'Lucknow 1 as . always been noted ,for pitting`;things over in a big way". . .rS►, ec Beatty Ladder Factory Ile are ' very glad 'to have made your ome-commg a little more - complete Hundreds.of; you have , shown decided interest and given us your best wishes e -are eeply, grateful for your kindness. NI r ef, TE1 .BRANCHES I N DRUMH`EAD Sunday afternoon, marked the `Legion Drumhead • service • of Zone .0-1, With ten branches and five. bands: joining:: in the 300 strong parade .:from the Public School to the . Caledonian aledonian Park.. TheF� a adepaused :. at' the' Cenotaph for a;°memorial. service; Wreaths.: were placed lay.. ; John Bateson, Zone' commander ' and .Garnet Henderson, president of` :the. Luc now branch:•Pra er and the benediction was: pronounced by •. rtev. ' Wallace. McClean,'.Mel vin' Orr sounded the . Last Post and the' tribute of;, silence was. ;observed. before -Reveille and the,'• • National Anthem The'.'service at 'the,, Park open ed with 0 Canada, : with accom paniment by'the, Lucknow Dis trict High School Band. Sohn. Batesongave remarks of welcome and. Deputy Zone Coin- .3inander . Harvey 'Phaff introduced Provincial •, and Zone officers, in- cluding; Ross '.'Gordon, ' George' 'Inglis; Tapper. Grey,. Frank Doh-: erty, . Herman . Young, .Clarence -.. acflonaid4 alpl Ktngswell.�and evening and in the cool of the evening another large crowd gathered again in the park for a sacred -program ' of • Salvation Army band music, vocal numbers and -a sing song. . n ii i ht dance got • At 12.05 amd g underway : •in , the':,arena;- •with music by Carruthers' orchestra, and was well patronized, as were all four. nights ' . of '. dancing' to good music and ' with orderly . Mrs Ken MacKenzie Mrs Joe HAGGIS, PIPING° AS:, CLAN ;;ME'ETS Royal Gold. CHEESE SL/ICES . I.G.A.7 $. oz•. - -- -- - - -�- ELIVER reciat Again ;'•the; -descendants ofthe late Donald, arid' Roderick Mac- Donald gathered .,for, their 29th annual reunion to • .do- homage to their worthy ' pioneers . of, Ash- field; who'.came from °Rosshire in Scotland in 1848. M As Lucknow' was celebrating. the Centennial the MacDonalds feared .they ':would ' be ruled out, but. Lucknow kindly gave them the spacious Lucknow Public School ' grounds ito : gather. •at on Saturday.," •August. 2nd , :.. It .was a beautif0 summer day and MacDonalds began' to as- semble and• veteran Dan A. Mac- Donald, thoughmore than four Score-andten, saw that no time or Berson' be lost as he :produced, his:, register. .and finally secured. 163 ` naines. There 'were. the MaeKenziesof Myth _and_ Port Albert,_, Isabel Norga rd of -Chic° o, ' the Cowles g from London, Dr. AFordes ,from Ford,wick Finla Y ' MacDonalds . , . Chatham... From, Detroit . and Windsor ' came Louise, Salina; Mabel; Mrs. R. D. and family, crowds. • • The , Executive and all: Committees Of the ,Luck-' now; ` Centennial are: deeply . appreciative of the response -of "Old Boys:and and Girl's" to return home ' to join with us in our Centennial birthday party.., We thank you for your . many kind" and com= plimentary'remarks•• and if our effortshave fulfilled the primary purpose of, making this a happygather of old' friends, we have been.- amply rewarded.- To all who have worked $o hard ', and willingly ao help make ' this event the success that it was, we express our ; gratitude >To, achiev'e.`:this required ` the 'Co-operative enthusiasm and effort'•of `scores of workers, many of whom quietly' performed_ very im- portant and arduous tasks behind the scenes. It. D "BUD" THOMPSON, -Centennial General Chairman. Agnew frorn.1(irkland Lake; Dan from Guelph, Ann ,MacLen- MacLen- nan from Chicago, Mr. , and -Mrs. Dorsch ' from : New Hamburg, .Al lins from. Camlacliie, the Harris Doug. Andrew Legion and F civic welcomes were extended .by • Garnet Hen- derson and George.Joynt. The in vocation prayer was' offered 'by' Rev: '•'Wm:; Henderson. Members of the Ladies Auxiliary received the collection ; 'while selections were played by the school ;band, Clarence Greer, a past presi- dent of the Lucknow branch. 'and' a •seatmate , of the speaker in pub. lie school days, ,,introduced Rev. Douglas MacDonald who -gave the address. He :was ,thanked by John Bateson. 'At the . close of ,the service the parade reformed for the march past.' and salute by Ross Gordon; District Commander.' Kenneth Cameron' Was.' the parade Marshall. ' • Sunday Evening Special Masonic -• and •°range services • ,Were held. On Stitiday, Enjoying..: Feflowshi ece':.ption /NO tis family .•from 'Ripley and Dr. Munn fro Toronto, also Harris, n Ill. Sadie ,and; Maud from; Mitchell, and Hamilton There were races of all' kinds: for -.the children,' yes.and the `lad- ies . kicked , . the slipper pper almost 'reaching the moon: ' Finlay•., Tom MacDonald .and Robert ' Simpson outran the others. 'Bill Harris:. • directed the sports.', ' Miss MacLennan, R.N of Chi`. cago showed a , collection of •mer members of : the; Clan .much to the amusement of • the hers: • , •A splendid meal was enjoyed'. '• by alr, from the ..Haggis 'to' . the 'ice cream. The gathering graced .With the presence'' of Rev. Neil; D. McCombie, thetminister Of Ashfield and. his father: and mother •from" Midland: Bagpipe:, inuSc • was -heard an afternoon supplied by D A, -Mac- Lennan, Sandy:acllonal.d, :Mur '._. ray Madbonal-d and Rev. Nci1.D. '' MacCombie '. • '' Regret ' was expressed at the passixig of Mrs: Robert• MacD ti,.. ald, an ever faithful member , of the Clan. The; officers for next :year, are Finlay to. MacDonald, prt';sitien'is and, Mrs; Finlay': MacDort:alil; sec'. Fh ?r{ . s ice` In the above picture The Sen-' tinel photographer was • looking,` south easterly from the, steps -of the' Presbyterian .Church and caught oni a small portion thOge, 'attending the after,Aiirch reception, . The' 'congregations efi the Pres- ChUrehes. joined. thiS gather= r zz•'fh.ra ,turwanvc in anti the ' ieture seems' to Fisher of Listowel, Allan Miller g p ap ip of .Lan side John Revel ofl l an - have. ca tared the 'fellowshi • of g > v this happy' occasion, sas .City°, Ralph Wilt of Harriston' were, Centennial visitors ;at the `l'tln`te of d'aek Wright. ,, �•-.Sentinel 'Pltott,' rk Mr,, and. Mrs. *.15,010# (Laura Webster)`. of Detroit, vis- iced, with `her aunt; Mrs„ Ja'Ines Webster.- and attended the Con=.:. tennial. Mi.- and, Mrs.- `Wni: Ncablc and.. family •of,Langside, Mr. and Mrs.' Gene:-Tunney and ;.Rickey Of:.Holyrood, Mr:. and Mrs. .Julius • • •