The Lucknow Sentinel, 1958-08-06, Page 13"WF a.�DA `, AVOUST 6,.:1958 FO JAMES, BARGER IS;. HQME FROM GIMILL' MAN. FSO) JameS': Barger of RCAF' sation Manitoba, is. yis- iting 'at the home of his parents, Mr. ' and Mrs. Howard. Barger of Ashfield!.; . :Jinn; arrived before we' had a. chance to. publish the. follow- ing note Which ' he had: sent to .The Sentinel along with; his do- nation: Well ;:T don't think that I''m • .quite :'"an, ."old boy" yet but I ,- hope to fly .down -that way or- the ' week -end', of August 'lst', if the weather permits. However in the •. event ' that • :I; ani thwa by the elements ru. • gladly enclose - a token • of •ray wish for a very 'successful Cen tennial. Horse sense is when a fellow ou knows enNh to 'sta away Pram a+. exer nag ti K I LPATR i CK 'LUCKNOW SEl` TINEL LVO KWQW, ONTARIO. GENERAL . INSURI: NCE: DONATIONS• HAV$. PASSED 52,00.0 MARK ' Automobile - Fire ' Casualt Y ,A,sk about our Special Package Deal R.R. '7,;.Lucknow, Ont, 'Phone 'Dungannon 7712' • INGH4 MEMORIAL •We Have Been Memorial Craftsmen for Thirty -Seven Years, ' Always' Using , .THE BEST .GRANITES Along With' Workmanship. :Prices Most Reasonable Cemetery Lettering a Specialty T ARMSTRONG OPTOMETRIST GODERICH FOR .APPOINTMENT 'Phone 1100' o.} Hsu .ov t N. t4!! !1,ego, tiocwoswueoamil a wo's • Centennial :week r end :did it! Donations during the past week amounted to $225,15 :to, send the total,-toover. the 42,000 inark-$42,011.25to be :exact: ' Donors..not previously ack- nowledged F'red Ember its Lucknow; Robert Rae,, Luc ow, ° Miss Bernice Gardam, De oit;'Mr.. • and: Mrs;George Ma Hamilton; Wro., .Knechtel an Son, • Hanover.; Mrs. Vioie • Mintz, :,R. 2, Lucknow.; . Sid Gardner, ' Lucknow; Mr. Ron Rothwell `(Helen Thorn)',; Nor- wood; Mrs. 'Allan Turner, iof Whitechurch; Mrs, Robert Reid, R. '3, Lucknow; James McGaillum, . St,. Clair Shores, - Mich.; . Stewart Cameron,: of Goderich OW PLAYING --Walt Disney 'presents "PETER ;PAN'P In; Color MON*, WES,, WED'. • & THURS AUGUST 11424344, • Alive on the wide screen All the Characters of the ' Town called . "PEYTON PACE' --- In Technicolor.:. he li es and loves, of the -people in• a small New England town: based on the.. novel of. the same name.- -- - 'ana Turner, ,Lloyd, Nolan, • Terry Moore and Lee Phillips One Showing Only Each Night: at. 8.:00 O'Clock aomITTANee RE 5 T R 1 C T[ D TO PERSONS I YEARS OF AO,. oi0!4 R. A,SPOTTON 'Phone' .25f ,' Wingham, Ontario Insure With The CULROSS MUTUAL ' FIRE INSURANCE CO. ' . for Reasonable rates, sound .pro,. tection'& prompt, satisfactory settlement: of .claim.... '-PARISH ; MMOFFAT Your. 'Local Agent R:R. 3' Teeswater I. 'Phone Teeswater 57-r-41'• INSURANCE : WIND CASUALTY FIRE, �-° .. il TY' • AUTOMOBILE .. . AND 'LIFE ,To Protect Your Jack, Insure With Jack. Today. }. A. McD.ONAGH, R.R. 3;'Lucknow, Out. 'Phone 61-5, 'Dungannon R.. S. HETHERINGTON, Q -C' Barrister, `Etc. Wingham' and Lucknow I,N LUCKNOW Each Monday: and' 'Wednesday Located in the Municipal Offici: .'Phone :Wingham Office 48 Residence ' 97 STATE 'FARM , MUTUAL AUTOMOB 1 LE NSU.RANC'E G. ALAN WI LLIAMS Optometrist Office,' on `Patrick St., just off the, Main St. in WING'HAM Professional- Eye Examination .Optical Services For appointment, Please Phone 170, Wingham R. W. ANDREW ., Barrister and Solicitor' LISTOWEL, ONTARIO IN LUCKNOW -• Every Wednesday. and 'Saturday, Afternoon . Office in, the roynt Block Telephone: "double" vacation , economically & SAT. ,-' Cobert Mitchum,, Curt. Jurgens and Al• . Hedison A• German submarine and a stalking d�estroeraa,har,,,ai 74'o ley,..upposTivautyraiErFerareralTierificiEr' encounter. THE ` ENEMY . BELOW" In Technicolor Granum, .Alberta;. Mrs. 'Bob. Panter (Kay Gardner), Cal- ifoinia; 'Doug Harton, • R. 3,'. !Goderich; Lorna Campbell, Vancouver; Graham McNay, I Ottawa; Mrs. F. A. O'Brien I Comin g—"DESIRE UNDER' ` THE ELMS"—in Color : (Rena Gordon); Detroit; Miss dent' • • . . Adult Entertainment Mabel McClure, Toronto; Leo' Beauchamp,"'.Lucknow; . Gor don Moore,'Acton;. Mrs. Har-' old, Dawson', Toronto; . Steele ' MacKenzie, . K'itchener, Mrs:. Geo." Fisher, Iiathilton;'Lloyd ' Henderson, .Bagotville, .Que. Mrs;; Al Martin' (Jean Thom) • f -Detroit; Mrs. Jean Haigh,:. aniilton Dr.' '.W V. .John- ston, Toronto;' A. F. Mitchell, Kirkland Lake;.,Miss .Amy Yourex, Dund ,lk Mrs. Jas. Brisbin, r shin, :Ajax Jim Stewart,-,. Meaford;' Mrs: Jim: Geddes, Kincardine; Mrs.Wm. Con- nell, Wingham; T. "I .• Alton, Walkerton;'. Mr. and .. Mrs.. .` George Schaaf, Kitchener;. Miss 'Viola Kerry, • Elmira; • Harold, Gardner,' R. '3, Ham- •ilto -i; . Ronald ' ,Mac.Crostie, , of Saskatoon; D: 4.' Andrew: sof Calgary Robert. Ross; Tor- onto; Mrs.' J..Mac1 n .(Jean Mur.,doch), A' incou ...Char;- g y lie Weir, Toronto; Robert, MacCallum, • .Dearborn, Mich. CAN'T' MAKE. IT, WANTS. HISTORICAL BOOK ' regrets that ,1 will ' be unable to old friends attend' the celebra:. tions ' wh I Would ge ac my it pace for ti a ' the Centennial.' g gain. I ' am- Sure there will be many. ipplegiqiiwikkmemti t b k t+o birthplace 1 om enjoy meet My sincere wishes to the Corn,—:. mittee iii" charge and 1 •hope will' be a grand success.. • Sincerely yours Vitra :`(MacDonald) Jamieson.. ROY N. BENTLEY. PUBLIC -ACC OVNTANT . GODERICH, ONTARIO. Telephone 1011 Box 478 '.,Downers''Grove; Ill. Dear Campbell,, Find enclosed` cheque, to bring the." Sentinel subscription .-up', to date. Also a cheque; to. the ,Cen- tennial; fund. • I had hoped 'to' be there but the • 'pending 'strike . makes a CO-OP: AUTO LNSUtANCE ` Can Now ' Accept TOWN 'RESIDENTS .84 ,COMERCIAL TRUCKS as well asthe farm business:: Fore. information consult CECIL FALCONER , Phone Wingham 570-J-3 JOHN .: McML'RCHY; RIPLE Y. Phone 20-r-23 Office .135 Residence 31-J ' unsound.. Investigate Before Investing REUBEN - WILSON R.R. 3,, Goderich Phone 80-r-8 Dungannon • JOH TOME'S FUNERAL HOME 'Phone.•76- • Day : or Night Ambulance •Service USE OF FUNERAL- 11,0112 E 'It No '•Extra :Cost Moderate Prices W Established' 1894 I M P.E.R IA L 01L 'PRODUCTS. for pronipt service,. and quality products, contact: CHISHOLM Phone eollect Dungannon '19�r 2' "Always• Lobk To Imperial For' The Best' LUCKNOW .'DISTRICT , CO-OPERATIVE INC. .Phone Lucknow .71 .TED COLLYER; Registered' Master ' Electrician ELECTRIC:AG- CONTRACTOR -1. W Specializing in Electrical, Wiring and : Repairs AGENT FOR SPARTAN ' TV ti ,and All Electrical. , Appliances. Phone 46-r'25, Lucknow INSURANCE . and Sung Plans Automobile, Casualty and • Farm .Liability. Mercantile, Residential Farm, Fire & Wind Insurance T. A. +CAMERON ,` ., . :